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:02:23. > :02:24.They went down to their first They went down to their first

:02:24. > :02:28.They went down to their first They went down to their first

:02:28. > :02:29.defeat of the week to the junior defeat of the week to the junior

:02:29. > :02:31.world champions, Team Fleming. world champions, Team Fleming.

:02:31. > :02:32.world champions, Team Fleming. Muirhead wouldn't slip up again

:02:33. > :02:33.Muirhead wouldn't slip up again Muirhead wouldn't slip up again

:02:33. > :02:35.Muirhead wouldn't slip up again though. They set up a rematch with

:02:35. > :02:36.though. They set up a rematch with though. They set up a rematch with

:02:36. > :02:39.though. They set up a rematch with Hannah Fleming in the final. It was

:02:39. > :02:42.Hannah Fleming in the final. It was Hannah Fleming in the final. It was

:02:42. > :02:43.the Scottish and World Junior the Scottish and World Junior

:02:43. > :02:45.Champions against the reigning Champions against the reigning

:02:45. > :02:47.Champions against the reigning Scottish Champion sheches. They had

:02:47. > :02:48.Scottish Champion sheches. They had Scottish Champion sheches. They had

:02:49. > :02:58.already met twice over the week. already met twice over the week.

:02:59. > :03:04.

:03:04. > :03:05.already met twice over the week. It has been a brilliant year for

:03:05. > :03:07.It has been a brilliant year for It has been a brilliant year for

:03:07. > :03:09.It has been a brilliant year for you cover it has been amazing.

:03:09. > :03:11.you cover it has been amazing. you cover it has been amazing.

:03:11. > :03:11.has been fantastic. We are really has been fantastic. We are really

:03:11. > :03:13.has been fantastic. We are really has been fantastic. We are really

:03:13. > :03:15.happy to be back here in the final, happy to be back here in the final,

:03:15. > :03:17.happy to be back here in the final, happy to be back here in the final,

:03:17. > :03:19.it is our second final. I am sure it is our second final. I am sure

:03:19. > :03:20.it is our second final. I am sure it is our second final. I am sure

:03:20. > :03:23.you will try your best. Can you you will try your best. Can you

:03:24. > :03:24.you will try your best. Can you you will try your best. Can you

:03:24. > :03:28.look ahead to the Olympics? Can you look ahead to the Olympics? Can you

:03:29. > :03:30.look ahead to the Olympics? Can you look ahead to the Olympics? Can you

:03:30. > :03:31.look that far ahead? I do not think look that far ahead? I do not think

:03:32. > :03:33.look that far ahead? I do not think so. All of these events are

:03:33. > :03:34.so. All of these events are so. All of these events are

:03:34. > :03:35.stepping stones to those Olympic stepping stones to those Olympic

:03:35. > :03:36.stepping stones to those Olympic stepping stones to those Olympic

:03:37. > :03:38.Games. We have got a lot to prove, Games. We have got a lot to prove,

:03:38. > :03:40.Games. We have got a lot to prove, Games. We have got a lot to prove,

:03:40. > :03:44.Games. We have got a lot to prove, so this is a big game for us.

:03:44. > :03:45.so this is a big game for us. so this is a big game for us.

:03:45. > :03:47.so this is a big game for us. are both pretty young, and this has

:03:47. > :03:47.are both pretty young, and this has are both pretty young, and this has

:03:47. > :03:49.are both pretty young, and this has got to be good for the future of

:03:49. > :03:51.got to be good for the future of got to be good for the future of

:03:51. > :03:54.Scottish curling. I hope that the Scottish curling. I hope that the

:03:54. > :03:55.Scottish curling. I hope that the Scottish curling. I hope that the

:03:55. > :03:55.younger teams look up to us. younger teams look up to us.

:03:56. > :03:56.younger teams look up to us. younger teams look up to us.

:03:56. > :03:57.have entertained us in the past, I have entertained us in the past, I

:03:57. > :04:07.have entertained us in the past, I have entertained us in the past, I

:04:07. > :04:20.

:04:20. > :04:22.am sure we will have a great game Before we get to the action, a

:04:22. > :04:23.Before we get to the action, a Before we get to the action, a

:04:23. > :04:33.quick reminder of the basics. As quick reminder of the basics. As

:04:33. > :04:49.

:04:49. > :04:50.It began a tight affair, the team's It began a tight affair, the team's

:04:50. > :05:00.It began a tight affair, the team's Trading points for the first four

:05:00. > :05:03.

:05:03. > :05:13.In the commentary box, Jackie In the commentary box, Jackie

:05:13. > :05:22.

:05:22. > :05:32.She has run slightly behind. Hanna She has run slightly behind. Hanna

:05:32. > :05:35.

:05:35. > :05:45.She has run slightly behind. Hanna It has gone a bit south. It makes a

:05:45. > :06:04.

:06:04. > :06:06.Not quite up to it, but not in a Not quite up to it, but not in a

:06:06. > :06:07.Not quite up to it, but not in a bad position. They can always be

:06:07. > :06:07.bad position. They can always be bad position. They can always be

:06:07. > :06:12.bad position. They can always be topped up once they get behind the

:06:12. > :06:22.topped up once they get behind the topped up once they get behind the

:06:22. > :06:27.

:06:27. > :06:29.topped up once they get behind the The key Adams trying to get one

:06:29. > :06:33.The key Adams trying to get one The key Adams trying to get one

:06:33. > :06:34.round behind the red one. -- Vicki round behind the red one. -- Vicki

:06:34. > :06:35.round behind the red one. -- Vicki round behind the red one. -- Vicki

:06:35. > :06:38.Adams. They are trying to get this Adams. They are trying to get this

:06:38. > :06:39.Adams. They are trying to get this Adams. They are trying to get this

:06:39. > :06:43.Adams. They are trying to get this one as far end as possible. It is a

:06:43. > :06:53.one as far end as possible. It is a one as far end as possible. It is a

:06:53. > :07:04.

:07:04. > :07:12.A great sweeping job. Put her under A great sweeping job. Put her under

:07:12. > :07:15.A great sweeping job. Put her under a bit of pressure. Hannah Fleming

:07:15. > :07:16.a bit of pressure. Hannah Fleming a bit of pressure. Hannah Fleming

:07:16. > :07:26.a bit of pressure. Hannah Fleming is forced to a look at the guards

:07:26. > :07:29.

:07:29. > :07:30.is forced to a look at the guards She managed to get rid of one of

:07:30. > :07:40.She managed to get rid of one of She managed to get rid of one of

:07:40. > :07:51.

:07:51. > :07:55.them, but she left the Delo. -- I do not mind making a play on the

:07:55. > :07:55.I do not mind making a play on the I do not mind making a play on the

:07:55. > :07:56.guard. The decision is whether you guard. The decision is whether you

:07:56. > :08:03.guard. The decision is whether you guard. The decision is whether you

:08:03. > :08:04.cart of all were they the top the cart of all were they the top the

:08:04. > :08:09.cart of all were they the top the yellow through. Would you tap the

:08:09. > :08:10.yellow through. Would you tap the yellow through. Would you tap the

:08:10. > :08:11.yellow through. Would you tap the red one through? Yes.She lies two

:08:11. > :08:12.red one through? Yes.She lies two red one through? Yes.She lies two

:08:12. > :08:13.red one through? Yes.She lies two at the moment, but it does not take

:08:13. > :08:16.at the moment, but it does not take at the moment, but it does not take

:08:16. > :08:19.at the moment, but it does not take much to turn things around. This is

:08:19. > :08:19.much to turn things around. This is much to turn things around. This is

:08:19. > :08:20.much to turn things around. This is the safe one. She could like three

:08:20. > :08:21.the safe one. She could like three the safe one. She could like three

:08:21. > :08:31.the safe one. She could like three good shots if she could get this in

:08:31. > :08:33.

:08:33. > :08:42.good shots if she could get this in She just wants to be in the inside

:08:42. > :08:44.She just wants to be in the inside She just wants to be in the inside

:08:44. > :08:51.of this. A bit higher. Not quite of this. A bit higher. Not quite

:08:51. > :08:57.of this. A bit higher. Not quite of this. A bit higher. Not quite

:08:57. > :08:58.what she was after. She still lies what she was after. She still lies

:08:58. > :08:59.what she was after. She still lies what she was after. She still lies

:08:59. > :09:02.two. If the yen note on the outside two. If the yen note on the outside

:09:02. > :09:03.two. If the yen note on the outside could stay, she would have been

:09:03. > :09:05.could stay, she would have been could stay, she would have been

:09:05. > :09:06.could stay, she would have been happier -- the yellow. There is a

:09:06. > :09:07.happier -- the yellow. There is a happier -- the yellow. There is a

:09:07. > :09:08.double on for Hannah Fleming, but double on for Hannah Fleming, but

:09:08. > :09:09.double on for Hannah Fleming, but double on for Hannah Fleming, but

:09:09. > :09:14.it is not easy. It is which way it is not easy. It is which way

:09:14. > :09:14.it is not easy. It is which way it is not easy. It is which way

:09:14. > :09:15.they want to take the double. They they want to take the double. They

:09:16. > :09:17.they want to take the double. They they want to take the double. They

:09:17. > :09:18.do not want to push the back yellow do not want to push the back yellow

:09:18. > :09:18.do not want to push the back yellow do not want to push the back yellow

:09:19. > :09:28.do not want to push the back yellow there on to the red at the back of

:09:29. > :09:42.

:09:42. > :09:43.That was beautiful. That was just That was beautiful. That was just

:09:43. > :09:44.That was beautiful. That was just That was beautiful. That was just

:09:44. > :09:54.the way she asked it to be played, the way she asked it to be played,

:09:54. > :10:05.

:10:05. > :10:11.the way she asked it to be played, She is OK, she would have liked to

:10:11. > :10:12.She is OK, she would have liked to She is OK, she would have liked to

:10:12. > :10:22.She is OK, she would have liked to have gone a bit further. She has to

:10:22. > :10:29.

:10:29. > :10:39.have gone a bit further. She has to It is critical for Lauren Gray to

:10:39. > :10:41.

:10:41. > :10:43.It is critical for Lauren Gray to Has she got enough of it? Yes.It

:10:43. > :10:44.Has she got enough of it? Yes.It Has she got enough of it? Yes.It

:10:44. > :10:54.Has she got enough of it? Yes.It was a good shot. It was a nice

:10:54. > :10:58.

:10:58. > :11:01.Even your head will be looking for Even your head will be looking for

:11:01. > :11:01.Even your head will be looking for Even your head will be looking for

:11:01. > :11:11.a hit and will, into the centre of a hit and will, into the centre of

:11:11. > :11:37.

:11:37. > :11:38.a hit and will, into the centre of She lies a shock. -- shot. It

:11:38. > :11:39.She lies a shock. -- shot. It She lies a shock. -- shot. It

:11:39. > :11:42.leaves Hannah Fleming to the same leaves Hannah Fleming to the same

:11:42. > :11:42.leaves Hannah Fleming to the same leaves Hannah Fleming to the same

:11:42. > :11:44.shock as her third player had. If shock as her third player had. If

:11:44. > :11:48.shock as her third player had. If shock as her third player had. If

:11:49. > :11:49.she hits it on the nose, she relied she hits it on the nose, she relied

:11:49. > :11:50.she hits it on the nose, she relied she hits it on the nose, she relied

:11:50. > :12:00.two. It will be interesting to see two. It will be interesting to see

:12:00. > :12:18.

:12:18. > :12:19.two. It will be interesting to see This one needs to curl. Has it

:12:19. > :12:21.This one needs to curl. Has it This one needs to curl. Has it

:12:21. > :12:22.stayed? Does it beat the yellow? It stayed? Does it beat the yellow? It

:12:22. > :12:29.stayed? Does it beat the yellow? It stayed? Does it beat the yellow? It

:12:29. > :12:29.is a close one. It does not. That is a close one. It does not. That

:12:29. > :12:35.is a close one. It does not. That is unfortunate. Just her weight on

:12:35. > :12:36.is unfortunate. Just her weight on is unfortunate. Just her weight on

:12:36. > :12:37.is unfortunate. Just her weight on the outturn hit. Yes, a bit of a

:12:37. > :12:38.the outturn hit. Yes, a bit of a the outturn hit. Yes, a bit of a

:12:38. > :12:39.the outturn hit. Yes, a bit of a mistake, there was a long way to

:12:40. > :12:41.mistake, there was a long way to mistake, there was a long way to

:12:41. > :12:42.mistake, there was a long way to roll on the inside. That is a bit

:12:42. > :12:43.roll on the inside. That is a bit roll on the inside. That is a bit

:12:43. > :12:49.of an error for Hannah Fleming. of an error for Hannah Fleming.

:12:49. > :12:50.of an error for Hannah Fleming. of an error for Hannah Fleming.

:12:50. > :12:51.Eight huge chance. -- it was aged Eight huge chance. -- it was aged

:12:51. > :13:01.Eight huge chance. -- it was aged Eight huge chance. -- it was aged

:13:01. > :13:08.

:13:08. > :13:11.huge chance. This red one is wide It must stay in the Rings, though.

:13:11. > :13:12.It must stay in the Rings, though. It must stay in the Rings, though.

:13:12. > :13:18.They just lost that. They tried too They just lost that. They tried too

:13:18. > :13:19.They just lost that. They tried too They just lost that. They tried too

:13:19. > :13:22.hard to get the separation. It is hard to get the separation. It is

:13:22. > :13:24.hard to get the separation. It is hard to get the separation. It is

:13:24. > :13:25.going to be a nose hit. This could going to be a nose hit. This could

:13:25. > :13:26.going to be a nose hit. This could going to be a nose hit. This could

:13:27. > :13:30.be the first two of the match. be the first two of the match.

:13:30. > :13:31.be the first two of the match. be the first two of the match.

:13:31. > :13:32.is a very difficult shot. There are is a very difficult shot. There are

:13:32. > :13:34.is a very difficult shot. There are is a very difficult shot. There are

:13:34. > :13:35.not many rings to roll with it. She not many rings to roll with it. She

:13:35. > :13:37.not many rings to roll with it. She not many rings to roll with it. She

:13:37. > :13:38.has to get this one right on the has to get this one right on the

:13:38. > :13:43.has to get this one right on the nose. She cannot roll to the

:13:43. > :13:44.nose. She cannot roll to the nose. She cannot roll to the

:13:44. > :13:45.nose. She cannot roll to the outside at all. If she was on the

:13:45. > :13:49.outside at all. If she was on the outside at all. If she was on the

:13:49. > :13:52.outside at all. If she was on the high side, she would roll out. This

:13:52. > :13:54.high side, she would roll out. This high side, she would roll out. This

:13:54. > :13:56.high side, she would roll out. This is not that easy. It should be easy

:13:56. > :13:57.is not that easy. It should be easy is not that easy. It should be easy

:13:57. > :14:07.is not that easy. It should be easy to make the hit, but it wants to

:14:07. > :14:07.

:14:07. > :15:11.Apology for the loss of subtitles for 63 seconds

:15:11. > :15:12.To win a gold medal. That is my To win a gold medal. That is my

:15:12. > :15:13.To win a gold medal. That is my curling dream. You have to be

:15:13. > :15:13.curling dream. You have to be curling dream. You have to be

:15:13. > :15:14.curling dream. You have to be playing at your best to have a

:15:14. > :15:15.playing at your best to have a playing at your best to have a

:15:15. > :15:16.playing at your best to have a chance of beating her. She has done

:15:16. > :15:18.chance of beating her. She has done chance of beating her. She has done

:15:18. > :15:19.chance of beating her. She has done it before. She knows what she is

:15:19. > :15:20.it before. She knows what she is it before. She knows what she is

:15:20. > :15:21.it before. She knows what she is doing. For us, we just want to play

:15:21. > :15:24.doing. For us, we just want to play doing. For us, we just want to play

:15:24. > :15:25.doing. For us, we just want to play as well as we can. Juggling curling

:15:25. > :15:25.as well as we can. Juggling curling as well as we can. Juggling curling

:15:26. > :15:26.as well as we can. Juggling curling and my uni work is very difficult

:15:26. > :15:27.and my uni work is very difficult and my uni work is very difficult

:15:27. > :15:28.and my uni work is very difficult because of the amount of time I

:15:28. > :15:28.because of the amount of time I because of the amount of time I

:15:28. > :15:31.because of the amount of time I have to train as well as catching

:15:31. > :15:32.have to train as well as catching have to train as well as catching

:15:32. > :15:34.have to train as well as catching up on my uni work. Especially, when

:15:34. > :15:36.up on my uni work. Especially, when up on my uni work. Especially, when

:15:36. > :15:37.we are playing at the Scottish we are playing at the Scottish

:15:37. > :15:38.we are playing at the Scottish Championships which takes up the

:15:38. > :15:39.Championships which takes up the Championships which takes up the

:15:39. > :15:41.whole week. I'm missing class time. whole week. I'm missing class time.

:15:41. > :15:43.whole week. I'm missing class time. whole week. I'm missing class time.

:15:43. > :15:45.I have to work twice as hard the I have to work twice as hard the

:15:45. > :15:46.I have to work twice as hard the next week when I'm back at

:15:46. > :15:50.next week when I'm back at next week when I'm back at

:15:50. > :15:52.university. So far it has been university. So far it has been

:15:52. > :15:57.university. So far it has been almost managable. The extra worked

:15:57. > :16:00.almost managable. The extra worked almost managable. The extra worked

:16:00. > :16:01.looked to be paying dividends. looked to be paying dividends.

:16:01. > :16:02.looked to be paying dividends. Muirhead has the hammer. Jennifer

:16:02. > :16:12.Muirhead has the hammer. Jennifer Muirhead has the hammer. Jennifer

:16:12. > :16:27.

:16:27. > :16:28.I don't want to roll off it too I don't want to roll off it too

:16:28. > :16:29.I don't want to roll off it too I don't want to roll off it too

:16:29. > :16:39.much. I know.If you move it an much. I know.If you move it an

:16:39. > :16:39.

:16:39. > :16:40.COMMENTATOR: Nice shot from Team COMMENTATOR: Nice shot from Team

:16:40. > :16:42.COMMENTATOR: Nice shot from Team Fleming there. A tricky one for

:16:42. > :16:43.Fleming there. A tricky one for Fleming there. A tricky one for

:16:43. > :16:44.Fleming there. A tricky one for Vicki Adams. She is trying to come

:16:44. > :16:46.Vicki Adams. She is trying to come Vicki Adams. She is trying to come

:16:46. > :16:47.Vicki Adams. She is trying to come down and get a little corner freeze.

:16:47. > :16:53.down and get a little corner freeze. down and get a little corner freeze.

:16:53. > :16:54.That is a little overlap. That is a little overlap.

:16:54. > :17:04.That is a little overlap. really doesn't want to bounce off

:17:04. > :17:20.

:17:20. > :17:21.really doesn't want to bounce off Work to do yet. What Hannah Fleming

:17:21. > :17:21.Work to do yet. What Hannah Fleming Work to do yet. What Hannah Fleming

:17:21. > :17:22.has to watch here is certainly the has to watch here is certainly the

:17:22. > :17:23.has to watch here is certainly the has to watch here is certainly the

:17:23. > :17:25.double and the two reds. That red double and the two reds. That red

:17:25. > :17:26.double and the two reds. That red double and the two reds. That red

:17:26. > :17:27.double and the two reds. That red on the left, as we see it. Hit that

:17:27. > :17:29.on the left, as we see it. Hit that on the left, as we see it. Hit that

:17:29. > :17:30.on the left, as we see it. Hit that on the right hand side and it goes

:17:30. > :17:36.on the right hand side and it goes on the right hand side and it goes

:17:36. > :17:38.over towards the red between the over towards the red between the

:17:38. > :17:40.over towards the red between the two yellows. Eve has been clever

:17:40. > :17:42.two yellows. Eve has been clever two yellows. Eve has been clever

:17:42. > :17:43.here. She is pulling in her here. She is pulling in her

:17:43. > :17:44.Yellowstones, making it difficult Yellowstones, making it difficult

:17:44. > :17:45.Yellowstones, making it difficult Yellowstones, making it difficult

:17:45. > :17:46.Yellowstones, making it difficult for them to hit it out. At the end

:17:46. > :17:47.for them to hit it out. At the end for them to hit it out. At the end

:17:47. > :17:48.for them to hit it out. At the end of this end she really needs to

:17:48. > :17:51.of this end she really needs to of this end she really needs to

:17:51. > :17:52.pull off something to make these pull off something to make these

:17:52. > :17:53.pull off something to make these pull off something to make these

:17:53. > :17:54.yellows come into play. There is a yellows come into play. There is a

:17:54. > :17:55.yellows come into play. There is a skinny double. We saw it indicate

:17:55. > :18:05.skinny double. We saw it indicate skinny double. We saw it indicate

:18:05. > :18:05.

:18:06. > :18:07.skinny double. We saw it indicate These teams are evenly matched at

:18:07. > :18:11.These teams are evenly matched at These teams are evenly matched at

:18:11. > :18:13.the moment, Bob. Hannah Fleming on the moment, Bob. Hannah Fleming on

:18:13. > :18:14.the moment, Bob. Hannah Fleming on 72% for Team average. Eve Muirhead

:18:14. > :18:15.72% for Team average. Eve Muirhead 72% for Team average. Eve Muirhead

:18:15. > :18:21.72% for Team average. Eve Muirhead on 70. All the shots that the

:18:21. > :18:22.on 70. All the shots that the on 70. All the shots that the

:18:22. > :18:24.players play being scored for the players play being scored for the

:18:24. > :18:34.players play being scored for the degree of success. Those are pretty

:18:34. > :18:46.

:18:46. > :18:51.Lauren may be young in age, she has Lauren may be young in age, she has

:18:51. > :18:53.some good experience behind her. some good experience behind her.

:18:53. > :18:55.some good experience behind her. some good experience behind her.

:18:55. > :18:56.This is the double that we were This is the double that we were

:18:56. > :18:58.This is the double that we were This is the double that we were

:18:58. > :19:01.talking about. It needs to be quite talking about. It needs to be quite

:19:01. > :19:02.talking about. It needs to be quite thin. Maybe a little bit less.

:19:02. > :19:02.thin. Maybe a little bit less. thin. Maybe a little bit less.

:19:02. > :19:04.thin. Maybe a little bit less. Muirhead would like to get rid of

:19:04. > :19:05.Muirhead would like to get rid of Muirhead would like to get rid of

:19:05. > :19:06.Muirhead would like to get rid of two of these reds. They are running

:19:06. > :19:08.two of these reds. They are running two of these reds. They are running

:19:08. > :19:08.two of these reds. They are running it quick. It looks like it will be

:19:08. > :19:12.it quick. It looks like it will be it quick. It looks like it will be

:19:12. > :19:15.it quick. It looks like it will be too high. Got it right on the nose.

:19:15. > :19:17.too high. Got it right on the nose. too high. Got it right on the nose.

:19:17. > :19:19.Another yellow in the rings. Red Another yellow in the rings. Red

:19:19. > :19:29.Another yellow in the rings. Red still lies too. Team Fleming still

:19:29. > :19:36.

:19:36. > :19:39.still lies too. Team Fleming still Nervous about having three Muirhead

:19:39. > :19:41.Nervous about having three Muirhead Nervous about having three Muirhead

:19:41. > :19:43.stones in the rings there. In case stones in the rings there. In case

:19:43. > :19:45.stones in the rings there. In case a multiple takout happens and they

:19:45. > :19:47.a multiple takout happens and they a multiple takout happens and they

:19:47. > :19:57.a multiple takout happens and they all come into play and she could

:19:57. > :20:02.

:20:02. > :20:04.all come into play and she could She really wants that protection.

:20:04. > :20:08.She really wants that protection. She really wants that protection.

:20:08. > :20:10.Oh. Well, not quite what she was Oh. Well, not quite what she was

:20:10. > :20:11.Oh. Well, not quite what she was Oh. Well, not quite what she was

:20:11. > :20:12.after. Would have liked to have got after. Would have liked to have got

:20:12. > :20:12.after. Would have liked to have got after. Would have liked to have got

:20:12. > :20:13.a little bit more of the first a little bit more of the first

:20:13. > :20:15.a little bit more of the first object stone. Didn't want to roll

:20:15. > :20:15.object stone. Didn't want to roll object stone. Didn't want to roll

:20:15. > :20:25.object stone. Didn't want to roll quite as much. Maybe a little bit

:20:25. > :20:28.

:20:28. > :20:30.Again, it's right on the tee line. Again, it's right on the tee line.

:20:30. > :20:31.Again, it's right on the tee line. They have the opportunity here to

:20:31. > :20:32.They have the opportunity here to They have the opportunity here to

:20:32. > :20:42.They have the opportunity here to hit this red and knock two of them

:20:42. > :20:43.

:20:44. > :20:47.A few different options here, in A few different options here, in

:20:47. > :20:49.A few different options here, in fact. Quite a big weight trying to

:20:49. > :20:50.fact. Quite a big weight trying to fact. Quite a big weight trying to

:20:50. > :20:51.fact. Quite a big weight trying to get action. Quite like to get the

:20:51. > :20:52.get action. Quite like to get the get action. Quite like to get the

:20:52. > :20:53.extreme left hand red to move. extreme left hand red to move.

:20:53. > :20:54.extreme left hand red to move. extreme left hand red to move.

:20:54. > :21:04.Didn't do that, but made the double Didn't do that, but made the double

:21:04. > :21:06.

:21:06. > :21:07.Didn't do that, but made the double Critical now for Hannah to hit this

:21:07. > :21:08.Critical now for Hannah to hit this Critical now for Hannah to hit this

:21:08. > :21:10.yellow and move across to the right yellow and move across to the right

:21:11. > :21:13.yellow and move across to the right hand side of the sheet there,

:21:13. > :21:15.hand side of the sheet there, hand side of the sheet there,

:21:15. > :21:17.separating the reds and preventing separating the reds and preventing

:21:17. > :21:18.separating the reds and preventing separating the reds and preventing

:21:18. > :21:23.Eve from having the double. She has Eve from having the double. She has

:21:23. > :21:23.Eve from having the double. She has Eve from having the double. She has

:21:23. > :21:24.to hit and lie here, yep. to hit and lie here, yep.

:21:24. > :21:25.to hit and lie here, yep. to hit and lie here, yep.

:21:25. > :21:26.yellow at the top of the screen yellow at the top of the screen

:21:26. > :21:27.yellow at the top of the screen yellow at the top of the screen

:21:27. > :21:30.there, you can see a guard there. there, you can see a guard there.

:21:30. > :21:32.there, you can see a guard there. That yellow in the rings there,

:21:32. > :21:33.That yellow in the rings there, That yellow in the rings there,

:21:33. > :21:34.That yellow in the rings there, just at the 10 o'clock position is

:21:35. > :21:35.just at the 10 o'clock position is just at the 10 o'clock position is

:21:35. > :21:36.just at the 10 o'clock position is open. That can be driven on to the

:21:36. > :21:37.open. That can be driven on to the open. That can be driven on to the

:21:37. > :21:38.open. That can be driven on to the red. Fleming will be aware of that.

:21:38. > :21:39.red. Fleming will be aware of that. red. Fleming will be aware of that.

:21:39. > :21:43.red. Fleming will be aware of that. Needs to get another stone in the

:21:43. > :21:52.Needs to get another stone in the Needs to get another stone in the

:21:52. > :21:53.rings. Throwing big weight at this This looks like it could... Well,

:21:53. > :21:54.This looks like it could... Well, This looks like it could... Well,

:21:54. > :21:55.This looks like it could... Well, right on the nose. Wanted to get a

:21:55. > :21:56.right on the nose. Wanted to get a right on the nose. Wanted to get a

:21:56. > :21:57.right on the nose. Wanted to get a roll to the right. As we can see,

:21:57. > :21:59.roll to the right. As we can see, roll to the right. As we can see,

:21:59. > :22:00.roll to the right. As we can see, that is not ideal for her. It does

:22:00. > :22:02.that is not ideal for her. It does that is not ideal for her. It does

:22:02. > :22:03.that is not ideal for her. It does lie the two shots she wanted. This

:22:03. > :22:04.lie the two shots she wanted. This lie the two shots she wanted. This

:22:04. > :22:05.looks like a pretty straight- looks like a pretty straight-

:22:05. > :22:06.looks like a pretty straight- forward half stone double for muerp

:22:06. > :22:07.forward half stone double for muerp forward half stone double for muerp

:22:07. > :22:09.forward half stone double for muerp head. It's got to be made though.

:22:09. > :22:10.head. It's got to be made though. head. It's got to be made though.

:22:10. > :22:13.head. It's got to be made though. If she gets it she could lie three

:22:13. > :22:14.If she gets it she could lie three If she gets it she could lie three

:22:15. > :22:15.If she gets it she could lie three -- Muirhead. This is a game Eve

:22:16. > :22:16.-- Muirhead. This is a game Eve -- Muirhead. This is a game Eve

:22:16. > :22:21.-- Muirhead. This is a game Eve knows and loves. She has to pull

:22:21. > :22:22.knows and loves. She has to pull knows and loves. She has to pull

:22:22. > :22:25.off this double. That seemed to off this double. That seemed to

:22:25. > :22:27.off this double. That seemed to off this double. That seemed to

:22:27. > :22:28.curl a long way. Not taking a huge curl a long way. Not taking a huge

:22:28. > :22:29.curl a long way. Not taking a huge amount of ice, Muirhead here.

:22:29. > :22:30.amount of ice, Muirhead here. amount of ice, Muirhead here.

:22:30. > :22:31.amount of ice, Muirhead here. Doesn't want to get any more than

:22:31. > :22:41.Doesn't want to get any more than Doesn't want to get any more than

:22:41. > :22:51.

:22:51. > :22:52.Sweeper are off it. Well done. Once Sweeper are off it. Well done. Once

:22:52. > :22:54.Sweeper are off it. Well done. Once again, this end has turned round

:22:54. > :22:55.again, this end has turned round again, this end has turned round

:22:55. > :22:57.completely. I have said this so completely. I have said this so

:22:57. > :22:58.completely. I have said this so completely. I have said this so

:22:58. > :23:00.completely. I have said this so much in this match so far. A lot of

:23:00. > :23:01.much in this match so far. A lot of much in this match so far. A lot of

:23:01. > :23:03.attacking play. A lot of stones attacking play. A lot of stones

:23:03. > :23:05.attacking play. A lot of stones around. Momentum ends changing all

:23:05. > :23:06.around. Momentum ends changing all around. Momentum ends changing all

:23:06. > :23:07.around. Momentum ends changing all the time. It wasn't long ago on

:23:07. > :23:10.the time. It wasn't long ago on the time. It wasn't long ago on

:23:10. > :23:12.this end when Fleming was lying this end when Fleming was lying

:23:12. > :23:14.this end when Fleming was lying three. Now, it's Team Muirhead lie

:23:14. > :23:15.three. Now, it's Team Muirhead lie three. Now, it's Team Muirhead lie

:23:15. > :23:17.three. Now, it's Team Muirhead lie three, with just one stone to come

:23:17. > :23:19.three, with just one stone to come three, with just one stone to come

:23:19. > :23:20.from Fleming. Muirhead will want to from Fleming. Muirhead will want to

:23:20. > :23:21.from Fleming. Muirhead will want to from Fleming. Muirhead will want to

:23:21. > :23:23.come after that. Gave up two in the come after that. Gave up two in the

:23:23. > :23:24.come after that. Gave up two in the come after that. Gave up two in the

:23:24. > :23:25.last end. A lot of pressure on last end. A lot of pressure on

:23:25. > :23:28.last end. A lot of pressure on Hannah Fleming here. She is going

:23:28. > :23:30.Hannah Fleming here. She is going Hannah Fleming here. She is going

:23:30. > :23:31.to hit right back. Hannah Fleming to hit right back. Hannah Fleming

:23:31. > :23:32.to hit right back. Hannah Fleming to hit right back. Hannah Fleming

:23:32. > :23:33.has the opportunity here to draw up has the opportunity here to draw up

:23:33. > :23:36.has the opportunity here to draw up has the opportunity here to draw up

:23:36. > :23:37.to this shot and make it very to this shot and make it very

:23:37. > :23:38.to this shot and make it very to this shot and make it very

:23:38. > :23:39.difficult for Eve to store any more. difficult for Eve to store any more.

:23:39. > :23:40.difficult for Eve to store any more. The pressure of having three shots

:23:40. > :23:41.The pressure of having three shots The pressure of having three shots

:23:41. > :23:42.The pressure of having three shots in the house there is making her

:23:42. > :23:43.in the house there is making her in the house there is making her

:23:43. > :23:44.in the house there is making her take the hit. I think she thinks

:23:44. > :23:45.take the hit. I think she thinks take the hit. I think she thinks

:23:45. > :23:47.take the hit. I think she thinks she can rid of two of these and

:23:47. > :23:47.she can rid of two of these and she can rid of two of these and

:23:47. > :23:51.she can rid of two of these and make the double on those two back

:23:51. > :23:52.make the double on those two back make the double on those two back

:23:52. > :23:54.yellows. This could be a turning yellows. This could be a turning

:23:54. > :24:04.yellows. This could be a turning yellows. This could be a turning

:24:04. > :24:07.

:24:07. > :24:09.point for the whole game here. All her fans know it's a shot that

:24:09. > :24:10.All her fans know it's a shot that can make-or-break the game. This

:24:10. > :24:12.can make-or-break the game. This can make-or-break the game. This

:24:12. > :24:15.one is looking high and probably one is looking high and probably

:24:15. > :24:17.one is looking high and probably one is looking high and probably

:24:17. > :24:18.going to jam. Yep. She took on the going to jam. Yep. She took on the

:24:18. > :24:20.going to jam. Yep. She took on the double, thinking she could get rid

:24:20. > :24:21.double, thinking she could get rid double, thinking she could get rid

:24:21. > :24:22.double, thinking she could get rid double, thinking she could get rid

:24:22. > :24:23.of two. Was going to give up two by of two. Was going to give up two by

:24:23. > :24:23.of two. Was going to give up two by of two. Was going to give up two by

:24:23. > :24:25.doing that. Over threw that one a doing that. Over threw that one a

:24:25. > :24:26.doing that. Over threw that one a doing that. Over threw that one a

:24:26. > :24:27.little bit. Knew she had two to get little bit. Knew she had two to get

:24:27. > :24:28.little bit. Knew she had two to get little bit. Knew she had two to get

:24:28. > :24:29.rid of. Threw it very hard and took rid of. Threw it very hard and took

:24:30. > :24:31.rid of. Threw it very hard and took rid of. Threw it very hard and took

:24:31. > :24:32.a curl out and made a jam. Still a curl out and made a jam. Still

:24:32. > :24:33.a curl out and made a jam. Still two Yellowstones. I think it will

:24:33. > :24:35.two Yellowstones. I think it will two Yellowstones. I think it will

:24:35. > :24:37.two Yellowstones. I think it will be joined by a third one very

:24:37. > :24:38.be joined by a third one very be joined by a third one very

:24:38. > :24:39.shortly. Muirhead just has to make shortly. Muirhead just has to make

:24:39. > :24:40.shortly. Muirhead just has to make shortly. Muirhead just has to make

:24:40. > :24:43.this into the paint, as we say. this into the paint, as we say.

:24:43. > :24:53.this into the paint, as we say. Into the circles anywhere. That is

:24:53. > :25:15.

:25:15. > :25:16.Into the circles anywhere. That is Sweeper seems relaxed. No mistake

:25:17. > :25:18.Sweeper seems relaxed. No mistake Sweeper seems relaxed. No mistake

:25:18. > :25:19.at all from Muirhead. Gave up that at all from Muirhead. Gave up that

:25:19. > :25:20.at all from Muirhead. Gave up that at all from Muirhead. Gave up that

:25:20. > :25:22.two, fifth end, back with a three two, fifth end, back with a three

:25:22. > :25:23.two, fifth end, back with a three and six. She means business. Muerp

:25:23. > :25:24.and six. She means business. Muerp and six. She means business. Muerp

:25:24. > :25:25.head machine cranking up the head machine cranking up the

:25:25. > :25:26.head machine cranking up the pressure to wrestle back the

:25:26. > :25:27.pressure to wrestle back the pressure to wrestle back the

:25:27. > :25:28.pressure to wrestle back the advantage in the match. We can take

:25:28. > :25:30.advantage in the match. We can take advantage in the match. We can take

:25:30. > :25:31.advantage in the match. We can take a moment to get up and close and

:25:31. > :25:41.a moment to get up and close and a moment to get up and close and

:25:41. > :25:43.I'm the skip of Team Muirhead. I'm I'm the skip of Team Muirhead. I'm

:25:43. > :25:44.I'm the skip of Team Muirhead. I'm 22. I'm trying to juggle curling

:25:44. > :25:45.22. I'm trying to juggle curling 22. I'm trying to juggle curling

:25:45. > :25:47.22. I'm trying to juggle curling and my social life, it's tough. If

:25:47. > :25:47.and my social life, it's tough. If and my social life, it's tough. If

:25:47. > :25:49.and my social life, it's tough. If you want to be at high level sport

:25:49. > :25:50.you want to be at high level sport you want to be at high level sport

:25:50. > :25:50.you want to be at high level sport you have to make so many sacrifices.

:25:50. > :25:52.you have to make so many sacrifices. you have to make so many sacrifices.

:25:52. > :25:54.Vancouver was the best experience I Vancouver was the best experience I

:25:54. > :25:56.Vancouver was the best experience I Vancouver was the best experience I

:25:56. > :25:57.Vancouver was the best experience I had in my life. Yes, we did go in

:25:57. > :25:58.had in my life. Yes, we did go in had in my life. Yes, we did go in

:25:58. > :25:59.medal hopefuls. We didn't come away medal hopefuls. We didn't come away

:25:59. > :26:00.medal hopefuls. We didn't come away medal hopefuls. We didn't come away

:26:00. > :26:01.with a medal. I have learnt so much with a medal. I have learnt so much

:26:01. > :26:02.with a medal. I have learnt so much with a medal. I have learnt so much

:26:03. > :26:06.from those games. It was an eye from those games. It was an eye

:26:06. > :26:16.from those games. It was an eye from those games. It was an eye

:26:16. > :26:16.

:26:16. > :28:09.Apology for the loss of subtitles for 63 seconds

:28:09. > :28:10.She has to play a nice controlled Any stone that Hannah Fleming

:28:10. > :28:20.Any stone that Hannah Fleming Any stone that Hannah Fleming

:28:20. > :28:39.

:28:39. > :28:40.leaves, picker not afford to leave There is a bit of cover. This is a

:28:40. > :28:42.There is a bit of cover. This is a good opportunity for Eve Muirhead

:28:42. > :28:43.good opportunity for Eve Muirhead good opportunity for Eve Muirhead

:28:43. > :28:44.good opportunity for Eve Muirhead good opportunity for Eve Muirhead

:28:44. > :28:45.to play a nice shot and get a role to play a nice shot and get a role

:28:46. > :28:46.to play a nice shot and get a role to play a nice shot and get a role

:28:46. > :28:49.in behind the yellow card at the in behind the yellow card at the

:28:49. > :28:55.in behind the yellow card at the in behind the yellow card at the

:28:55. > :29:05.top of the house. It is not easy, top of the house. It is not easy,

:29:05. > :29:08.

:29:08. > :29:12.top of the house. It is not easy, It was nearly perfect. It is so

:29:13. > :29:14.It was nearly perfect. It is so difficult to anticipate that. Once

:29:14. > :29:15.difficult to anticipate that. Once difficult to anticipate that. Once

:29:15. > :29:25.difficult to anticipate that. Once they start to go, it is just about

:29:25. > :29:35.

:29:35. > :29:36.It got a little bit of a tuck. It got a little bit of a tuck.

:29:36. > :29:38.It got a little bit of a tuck. Hannah Fleming will see the same

:29:38. > :29:43.Hannah Fleming will see the same Hannah Fleming will see the same

:29:43. > :29:45.amount as her third player did. amount as her third player did.

:29:45. > :29:49.amount as her third player did. Hopefully, they will learn from the

:29:49. > :29:50.Hopefully, they will learn from the Hopefully, they will learn from the

:29:50. > :29:55.first throat. She is not looking first throat. She is not looking

:29:55. > :30:05.first throat. She is not looking first throat. She is not looking

:30:05. > :30:13.

:30:13. > :30:15.first throat. She is not looking That happens sometimes, not very

:30:15. > :30:17.That happens sometimes, not very That happens sometimes, not very

:30:17. > :30:18.often. Very fortunate not to be often. Very fortunate not to be

:30:18. > :30:19.often. Very fortunate not to be penalised, because it often happens.

:30:19. > :30:20.penalised, because it often happens. penalised, because it often happens.

:30:20. > :30:25.penalised, because it often happens. There is nothing you can do about

:30:25. > :30:26.There is nothing you can do about There is nothing you can do about

:30:26. > :30:27.There is nothing you can do about that. As you say, it was a bad

:30:27. > :30:28.that. As you say, it was a bad that. As you say, it was a bad

:30:28. > :30:38.that. As you say, it was a bad break, but it could have been much

:30:38. > :30:39.

:30:39. > :30:40.If that was the worst that happened, If that was the worst that happened,

:30:40. > :30:42.If that was the worst that happened, if you would not be too worried.

:30:42. > :30:43.if you would not be too worried. if you would not be too worried.

:30:43. > :30:48.if you would not be too worried. Not at all. She did not get the

:30:48. > :30:49.Not at all. She did not get the Not at all. She did not get the

:30:50. > :30:51.shock she wanted, and leave Eve shock she wanted, and leave Eve

:30:51. > :30:54.shock she wanted, and leave Eve Muirhead with a take-out. She has

:30:54. > :30:55.Muirhead with a take-out. She has Muirhead with a take-out. She has

:30:55. > :30:57.Muirhead with a take-out. She has not done that. A chance for either

:30:57. > :31:00.not done that. A chance for either not done that. A chance for either

:31:00. > :31:01.not done that. A chance for either of your head to drop behind. --

:31:01. > :31:11.of your head to drop behind. -- of your head to drop behind. --

:31:11. > :31:18.

:31:18. > :31:22.chance for Eve Muirhead. This looks The line was not too bad, just a

:31:22. > :31:23.The line was not too bad, just a The line was not too bad, just a

:31:23. > :31:25.little heavy. She played it very little heavy. She played it very

:31:25. > :31:26.little heavy. She played it very safe, she does not taking any

:31:26. > :31:30.safe, she does not taking any safe, she does not taking any

:31:30. > :31:31.chances, which you can understand. chances, which you can understand.

:31:31. > :31:34.chances, which you can understand. Hannah Fleming well try to kiss

:31:34. > :31:35.Hannah Fleming well try to kiss Hannah Fleming well try to kiss

:31:35. > :31:39.Hannah Fleming well try to kiss this one out. We've no think in the

:31:39. > :31:40.this one out. We've no think in the this one out. We've no think in the

:31:40. > :31:42.this one out. We've no think in the rings. She wants to make the last

:31:42. > :31:46.rings. She wants to make the last rings. She wants to make the last

:31:47. > :31:48.rings. She wants to make the last one count. She has to be careful.

:31:48. > :31:49.one count. She has to be careful. one count. She has to be careful.

:31:49. > :31:50.one count. She has to be careful. It is well back India brings. There

:31:50. > :31:52.It is well back India brings. There It is well back India brings. There

:31:52. > :31:53.is an opportunity that you could is an opportunity that you could

:31:53. > :31:58.is an opportunity that you could is an opportunity that you could

:31:58. > :31:59.catch the court at the top of the catch the court at the top of the

:31:59. > :32:00.catch the court at the top of the catch the court at the top of the

:32:00. > :32:07.house. She is looking to catch a house. She is looking to catch a

:32:07. > :32:08.house. She is looking to catch a house. She is looking to catch a

:32:08. > :32:11.piece of the yellow stone. This one piece of the yellow stone. This one

:32:11. > :32:12.piece of the yellow stone. This one piece of the yellow stone. This one

:32:12. > :32:14.is not comment. Oh, dear, she tried is not comment. Oh, dear, she tried

:32:14. > :32:15.is not comment. Oh, dear, she tried is not comment. Oh, dear, she tried

:32:15. > :32:17.too hard to make the plant. I have too hard to make the plant. I have

:32:17. > :32:18.too hard to make the plant. I have too hard to make the plant. I have

:32:18. > :32:19.seen that happen a few times. seen that happen a few times.

:32:19. > :32:20.seen that happen a few times. seen that happen a few times.

:32:20. > :32:22.is a bad mistake. She will be is a bad mistake. She will be

:32:23. > :32:23.is a bad mistake. She will be is a bad mistake. She will be

:32:23. > :32:30.disappointed with that. It is a lot disappointed with that. It is a lot

:32:30. > :32:33.disappointed with that. It is a lot better than giving up one. They

:32:33. > :32:34.better than giving up one. They better than giving up one. They

:32:34. > :32:35.have played seven ends, even your have played seven ends, even your

:32:35. > :32:35.have played seven ends, even your have played seven ends, even your

:32:36. > :32:44.head edges ahead a bit more. That head edges ahead a bit more. That

:32:44. > :32:48.What we are going to talk about his What we are going to talk about his

:32:48. > :32:50.tactics, with Bob Kelly. tactics, with Bob Kelly.

:32:50. > :32:51.tactics, with Bob Kelly. tactics, with Bob Kelly.

:32:51. > :32:52.Curling is a tactical game. I would Curling is a tactical game. I would

:32:52. > :32:53.Curling is a tactical game. I would Curling is a tactical game. I would

:32:53. > :32:54.like to give you an insight into like to give you an insight into

:32:54. > :32:56.like to give you an insight into like to give you an insight into

:32:56. > :32:57.how the teams start the game, and how the teams start the game, and

:32:57. > :33:00.how the teams start the game, and the tactics they would employ.

:33:00. > :33:00.the tactics they would employ. the tactics they would employ.

:33:00. > :33:03.There are two weighs 18 What There are two weighs 18 What

:33:03. > :33:04.There are two weighs 18 What approached the start of an end,

:33:04. > :33:05.approached the start of an end, approached the start of an end,

:33:05. > :33:10.depending on whether they have the depending on whether they have the

:33:10. > :33:11.depending on whether they have the depending on whether they have the

:33:11. > :33:12.last stone or not. If the team has last stone or not. If the team has

:33:12. > :33:13.last stone or not. If the team has last stone or not. If the team has

:33:14. > :33:15.the last stone, they would like to the last stone, they would like to

:33:15. > :33:16.the last stone, they would like to the last stone, they would like to

:33:16. > :33:17.get early Stones in and out front, get early Stones in and out front,

:33:17. > :33:19.get early Stones in and out front, get early Stones in and out front,

:33:19. > :33:26.but to the sides of the sheet. They but to the sides of the sheet. They

:33:26. > :33:28.but to the sides of the sheet. They The short ones give them protection

:33:28. > :33:30.The short ones give them protection The short ones give them protection

:33:30. > :33:31.The short ones give them protection from being taken out. If things go

:33:31. > :33:32.from being taken out. If things go from being taken out. If things go

:33:32. > :33:33.from being taken out. If things go badly, the reason they will want to

:33:33. > :33:34.badly, the reason they will want to badly, the reason they will want to

:33:35. > :33:36.badly, the reason they will want to keep them to the sides, the front

:33:36. > :33:37.keep them to the sides, the front keep them to the sides, the front

:33:37. > :33:39.keep them to the sides, the front area is clear, and they can come in

:33:39. > :33:41.area is clear, and they can come in area is clear, and they can come in

:33:41. > :33:44.with the last one, and hopefully with the last one, and hopefully

:33:44. > :33:45.with the last one, and hopefully score one shot. Conversely, in a

:33:45. > :33:46.score one shot. Conversely, in a score one shot. Conversely, in a

:33:46. > :33:47.situation where one team does not situation where one team does not

:33:47. > :33:48.situation where one team does not situation where one team does not

:33:48. > :33:49.have the last one, they will want have the last one, they will want

:33:49. > :33:50.have the last one, they will want have the last one, they will want

:33:50. > :33:52.to keep the played down the middle to keep the played down the middle

:33:52. > :33:53.to keep the played down the middle to keep the played down the middle

:33:53. > :33:57.line. They will want the early ones line. They will want the early ones

:33:57. > :33:58.line. They will want the early ones line. They will want the early ones

:33:58. > :33:59.down the centre. They will try to down the centre. They will try to

:34:00. > :34:03.down the centre. They will try to play them round, into this area

:34:03. > :34:04.play them round, into this area play them round, into this area

:34:04. > :34:05.play them round, into this area here. They will try to force the

:34:05. > :34:06.here. They will try to force the here. They will try to force the

:34:06. > :34:06.here. They will try to force the place so they can steal a point

:34:06. > :34:08.place so they can steal a point place so they can steal a point

:34:08. > :34:10.place so they can steal a point when they do not have the last one.

:34:10. > :34:11.when they do not have the last one. when they do not have the last one.

:34:11. > :34:15.when they do not have the last one. You may ask why these are not just

:34:15. > :34:16.You may ask why these are not just You may ask why these are not just

:34:16. > :34:19.You may ask why these are not just removed. We have a rule in place

:34:19. > :34:20.removed. We have a rule in place removed. We have a rule in place

:34:20. > :34:21.which prevents Stones in this which prevents Stones in this

:34:21. > :34:26.which prevents Stones in this position being removed and tilt

:34:26. > :34:29.position being removed and tilt position being removed and tilt

:34:29. > :34:30.four have been played. We have four have been played. We have

:34:30. > :34:31.four have been played. We have swinging ice here, which will be

:34:31. > :34:32.swinging ice here, which will be swinging ice here, which will be

:34:32. > :34:42.conducive to the team's playing conducive to the team's playing

:34:42. > :34:43.

:34:43. > :34:44.Let's see if they follow that Let's see if they follow that

:34:44. > :34:54.Let's see if they follow that advice. Hannah Fleming still has

:34:54. > :34:55.It has been a superb match so far, It has been a superb match so far,

:34:55. > :34:58.It has been a superb match so far, lots of stones in play, lots of

:34:58. > :34:59.lots of stones in play, lots of lots of stones in play, lots of

:34:59. > :35:01.lots of stones in play, lots of great curling. A few misses to keep

:35:01. > :35:02.great curling. A few misses to keep great curling. A few misses to keep

:35:02. > :35:03.things interesting as well. things interesting as well.

:35:03. > :35:05.things interesting as well. teams have been evenly matched so

:35:05. > :35:07.teams have been evenly matched so teams have been evenly matched so

:35:07. > :35:08.teams have been evenly matched so far, but it will be interesting to

:35:08. > :35:09.far, but it will be interesting to far, but it will be interesting to

:35:09. > :35:13.see if it Eve Muirhead's experience see if it Eve Muirhead's experience

:35:13. > :35:14.see if it Eve Muirhead's experience see if it Eve Muirhead's experience

:35:14. > :35:16.will pull through. I agree that the will pull through. I agree that the

:35:16. > :35:17.will pull through. I agree that the teams have been evenly matched, but

:35:17. > :35:18.teams have been evenly matched, but teams have been evenly matched, but

:35:18. > :35:20.teams have been evenly matched, but even your head is in front. There

:35:20. > :35:21.even your head is in front. There even your head is in front. There

:35:21. > :35:26.even your head is in front. There is work to do for Adam Flemming and

:35:26. > :35:32.is work to do for Adam Flemming and is work to do for Adam Flemming and

:35:32. > :35:34.is work to do for Adam Flemming and her team. Still three ends to go,

:35:34. > :35:35.her team. Still three ends to go, her team. Still three ends to go,

:35:35. > :35:36.her team. Still three ends to go, her team. Still three ends to go,

:35:36. > :35:38.so they are not out of this. Do not so they are not out of this. Do not

:35:38. > :35:39.so they are not out of this. Do not so they are not out of this. Do not

:35:39. > :35:41.panic, played the same game as you panic, played the same game as you

:35:41. > :35:42.panic, played the same game as you panic, played the same game as you

:35:42. > :35:52.have been playing, pick a pure two. have been playing, pick a pure two.

:35:52. > :35:56.

:35:56. > :35:56.have been playing, pick a pure two. This one will come in. Prevents

:35:57. > :36:06.This one will come in. Prevents This one will come in. Prevents

:36:07. > :36:15.

:36:15. > :36:22.She wants to keep her opponent away She wants to keep her opponent away

:36:22. > :36:23.She wants to keep her opponent away from this corner cards. This is a

:36:23. > :36:30.from this corner cards. This is a from this corner cards. This is a

:36:30. > :36:40.from this corner cards. This is a standard play, on top of the bottom.

:36:40. > :36:45.

:36:45. > :36:55.Even your head did not want that to Even your head did not want that to

:36:55. > :37:26.

:37:26. > :37:31.No double, but kept a shooter in Trying to protect the lead. Vicki

:37:31. > :37:32.Trying to protect the lead. Vicki Trying to protect the lead. Vicki

:37:32. > :37:42.Adams, the second player. She has Adams, the second player. She has

:37:42. > :37:43.

:37:43. > :37:45.Adams, the second player. She has She has had a very good week, that

:37:45. > :37:46.She has had a very good week, that She has had a very good week, that

:37:46. > :37:47.She has had a very good week, that is a great shot. It did not go far

:37:47. > :37:53.is a great shot. It did not go far is a great shot. It did not go far

:37:53. > :37:54.enough, but it is a brilliant enough, but it is a brilliant

:37:54. > :37:55.enough, but it is a brilliant enough, but it is a brilliant

:37:55. > :37:56.attempt. It blocks the way in for attempt. It blocks the way in for

:37:56. > :38:02.attempt. It blocks the way in for attempt. It blocks the way in for

:38:02. > :38:03.Adam Flemming to make use of the Adam Flemming to make use of the

:38:03. > :38:04.Adam Flemming to make use of the Adam Flemming to make use of the

:38:04. > :38:05.corner card. She wants to move that corner card. She wants to move that

:38:05. > :38:07.corner card. She wants to move that corner card. She wants to move that

:38:07. > :38:11.one, get out of the way. She is one, get out of the way. She is

:38:11. > :38:11.one, get out of the way. She is one, get out of the way. She is

:38:11. > :38:12.going for the short Stonor. I might going for the short Stonor. I might

:38:13. > :38:14.going for the short Stonor. I might going for the short Stonor. I might

:38:14. > :38:15.have been tempted to go for that have been tempted to go for that

:38:15. > :38:25.have been tempted to go for that have been tempted to go for that

:38:25. > :38:56.

:38:56. > :39:06.top PLO, and nipped in behind the Not age huge amount of distance

:39:06. > :39:12.

:39:12. > :39:13.This is Vicki Adams's kind of shot. This is Vicki Adams's kind of shot.

:39:13. > :39:15.This is Vicki Adams's kind of shot. She is playing a controlled weight.

:39:15. > :39:19.She is playing a controlled weight. She is playing a controlled weight.

:39:19. > :39:21.She is playing a controlled weight. Has she got enough? She sure has.

:39:21. > :39:22.Has she got enough? She sure has. Has she got enough? She sure has.

:39:22. > :39:23.That still leaves her lined two That still leaves her lined two

:39:23. > :39:26.That still leaves her lined two shots, keeping the pressure on

:39:26. > :39:28.shots, keeping the pressure on shots, keeping the pressure on

:39:28. > :39:29.Hannah Fleming. That was a good Hannah Fleming. That was a good

:39:29. > :39:32.Hannah Fleming. That was a good Hannah Fleming. That was a good

:39:32. > :39:33.call. I expected her to go full call. I expected her to go full

:39:33. > :39:43.call. I expected her to go full call. I expected her to go full

:39:43. > :39:52.

:39:52. > :39:57.tilt, but she has got two Stones in She might be forced to give up the

:39:57. > :39:58.She might be forced to give up the She might be forced to give up the

:39:58. > :40:04.hammer in exchange for one. Hoping hammer in exchange for one. Hoping

:40:04. > :40:07.hammer in exchange for one. Hoping hammer in exchange for one. Hoping

:40:07. > :40:15.for a hit and roll again. It is for a hit and roll again. It is

:40:15. > :40:17.for a hit and roll again. It is great curling. Lovely. Two very

:40:17. > :40:18.great curling. Lovely. Two very great curling. Lovely. Two very

:40:18. > :40:19.nice shots played by Jennifer Dodds. nice shots played by Jennifer Dodds.

:40:19. > :40:20.nice shots played by Jennifer Dodds. nice shots played by Jennifer Dodds.

:40:21. > :40:24.That is not easy to do the same That is not easy to do the same

:40:24. > :40:34.That is not easy to do the same think twice in curling. To-do two

:40:34. > :40:38.

:40:38. > :40:48.think twice in curling. To-do two I heard her ask Anna Sloan how much

:40:48. > :40:56.

:40:56. > :40:59.She might just hang about. That is She might just hang about. That is

:40:59. > :41:00.She might just hang about. That is She might just hang about. That is

:41:00. > :41:01.what they are keen to do. Even if what they are keen to do. Even if

:41:01. > :41:03.what they are keen to do. Even if what they are keen to do. Even if

:41:03. > :41:04.she gets the red one and rolls out, she gets the red one and rolls out,

:41:04. > :41:14.she gets the red one and rolls out, that leaves the corner guards open

:41:14. > :41:18.

:41:18. > :41:22.that leaves the corner guards open It was a good shot, though. It was

:41:22. > :41:23.It was a good shot, though. It was It was a good shot, though. It was

:41:23. > :41:33.barely on. They have got to play barely on. They have got to play

:41:33. > :42:06.

:42:06. > :42:09.Just the one yellow stone not This looks a little bit heavy.

:42:09. > :42:10.This looks a little bit heavy. This looks a little bit heavy.

:42:10. > :42:11.This looks a little bit heavy. it stay in the rings? You have to

:42:11. > :42:13.it stay in the rings? You have to it stay in the rings? You have to

:42:13. > :42:15.it stay in the rings? You have to put that down to a bad miss. That

:42:15. > :42:16.put that down to a bad miss. That put that down to a bad miss. That

:42:16. > :42:17.put that down to a bad miss. That was a great chance. A couple of

:42:17. > :42:19.was a great chance. A couple of was a great chance. A couple of

:42:19. > :42:20.great hit and Rolls, did not great hit and Rolls, did not

:42:20. > :42:21.great hit and Rolls, did not produce anything very much in the

:42:21. > :42:23.produce anything very much in the produce anything very much in the

:42:23. > :42:24.produce anything very much in the wake of stones in the Rings, but

:42:24. > :42:25.wake of stones in the Rings, but wake of stones in the Rings, but

:42:25. > :42:27.there was an opportunity to come there was an opportunity to come

:42:27. > :42:28.there was an opportunity to come there was an opportunity to come

:42:28. > :42:29.round the corner guard. You do not round the corner guard. You do not

:42:29. > :42:30.round the corner guard. You do not round the corner guard. You do not

:42:30. > :42:32.get too many chances to do that. get too many chances to do that.

:42:32. > :42:33.get too many chances to do that. That was squandered a little bed.

:42:33. > :42:43.That was squandered a little bed. That was squandered a little bed.

:42:43. > :42:49.

:42:49. > :42:50.Not much left now for Hannah Not much left now for Hannah

:42:50. > :42:51.Not much left now for Hannah Fleming to work with. Just looking

:42:51. > :43:01.Fleming to work with. Just looking Fleming to work with. Just looking

:43:01. > :43:04.

:43:04. > :43:07.for the freeze from her third Heavy with her first one. Needs to

:43:07. > :43:10.Heavy with her first one. Needs to Heavy with her first one. Needs to

:43:10. > :43:11.make a bit of an adjustment here. make a bit of an adjustment here.

:43:11. > :43:12.make a bit of an adjustment here. make a bit of an adjustment here.

:43:12. > :43:14.This one needs a lot more precision This one needs a lot more precision

:43:14. > :43:15.This one needs a lot more precision This one needs a lot more precision

:43:15. > :43:16.than the previous one. She wants to than the previous one. She wants to

:43:16. > :43:25.than the previous one. She wants to than the previous one. She wants to

:43:25. > :43:26.get this frozen right up onto the Going to have to work this really

:43:26. > :43:27.Going to have to work this really Going to have to work this really

:43:27. > :43:28.Going to have to work this really hard. It did look as though it was

:43:28. > :43:32.hard. It did look as though it was hard. It did look as though it was

:43:32. > :43:35.hard. It did look as though it was sliding to a halt pretty early on.

:43:35. > :43:36.sliding to a halt pretty early on. sliding to a halt pretty early on.

:43:36. > :43:37.sliding to a halt pretty early on. That is a shame. It's amazing how

:43:37. > :43:39.That is a shame. It's amazing how That is a shame. It's amazing how

:43:39. > :43:42.That is a shame. It's amazing how Lauren has had a fantastic game so

:43:42. > :43:43.Lauren has had a fantastic game so Lauren has had a fantastic game so

:43:43. > :43:45.far. She has been shooting 84%. far. She has been shooting 84%.

:43:45. > :43:47.far. She has been shooting 84%. That just shows how, even at

:43:47. > :43:48.That just shows how, even at That just shows how, even at

:43:48. > :43:50.That just shows how, even at playing at that level, a couple of

:43:50. > :43:51.playing at that level, a couple of playing at that level, a couple of

:43:51. > :43:53.shots, whether they be picks or shots, whether they be picks or

:43:53. > :43:54.shots, whether they be picks or shots, whether they be picks or

:43:54. > :43:57.errors of your own can make a big errors of your own can make a big

:43:57. > :43:57.errors of your own can make a big difference. 84%. She is the top

:43:57. > :43:58.difference. 84%. She is the top difference. 84%. She is the top

:43:59. > :44:00.difference. 84%. She is the top shooter in the whole match. That is

:44:00. > :44:02.shooter in the whole match. That is shooter in the whole match. That is

:44:03. > :44:05.between her team and the Muirhead between her team and the Muirhead

:44:05. > :44:07.between her team and the Muirhead between her team and the Muirhead

:44:07. > :44:08.team. Vicki Adams on 80%. It's not team. Vicki Adams on 80%. It's not

:44:08. > :44:09.team. Vicki Adams on 80%. It's not just about making the percentage

:44:09. > :44:10.just about making the percentage just about making the percentage

:44:10. > :44:11.just about making the percentage shots, it is making them when you

:44:11. > :44:14.shots, it is making them when you shots, it is making them when you

:44:14. > :44:15.need them. She really needed that need them. She really needed that

:44:15. > :44:16.need them. She really needed that need them. She really needed that

:44:16. > :44:17.one there. I agree.That was the one there. I agree.That was the

:44:17. > :44:19.one there. I agree.That was the chance they had been building up

:44:19. > :44:20.chance they had been building up chance they had been building up

:44:20. > :44:21.chance they had been building up the whole end for. You don't get

:44:21. > :44:21.the whole end for. You don't get the whole end for. You don't get

:44:22. > :44:24.the whole end for. You don't get too many of them. Only two ends to

:44:24. > :44:25.too many of them. Only two ends to too many of them. Only two ends to

:44:25. > :44:27.too many of them. Only two ends to come after this one. To real chance

:44:27. > :44:33.come after this one. To real chance come after this one. To real chance

:44:33. > :44:35.come after this one. To real chance for Team fleming to make the two --

:44:35. > :44:36.for Team fleming to make the two -- for Team fleming to make the two --

:44:36. > :44:37.for Team fleming to make the two -- Fleming to the two at this end.

:44:37. > :44:42.Fleming to the two at this end. Fleming to the two at this end.

:44:42. > :44:44.Muirhead gets that one right back. Muirhead gets that one right back.

:44:44. > :44:47.Muirhead gets that one right back. Muirhead gets that one right back.

:44:47. > :44:47.Make sure there is no chance of a Make sure there is no chance of a

:44:48. > :44:49.Make sure there is no chance of a Make sure there is no chance of a

:44:50. > :44:59.double. Or even a hit and roll double. Or even a hit and roll

:45:00. > :45:01.

:45:01. > :45:03.double. Or even a hit and roll Taking it back to you, it does give

:45:03. > :45:05.Taking it back to you, it does give Hannah the opportunity of freezing.

:45:05. > :45:06.Hannah the opportunity of freezing. Hannah the opportunity of freezing.

:45:06. > :45:07.Hannah the opportunity of freezing. Shouldn't really be a threat to her

:45:07. > :45:09.Shouldn't really be a threat to her Shouldn't really be a threat to her

:45:09. > :45:10.Shouldn't really be a threat to her when she has lost stone. She could

:45:10. > :45:12.when she has lost stone. She could when she has lost stone. She could

:45:12. > :45:13.when she has lost stone. She could be forced to take a one when she

:45:13. > :45:14.be forced to take a one when she be forced to take a one when she

:45:14. > :45:16.be forced to take a one when she wants a two. A nice freeze would

:45:16. > :45:19.wants a two. A nice freeze would wants a two. A nice freeze would

:45:19. > :45:22.make all the difference. If she make all the difference. If she

:45:22. > :45:32.make all the difference. If she make all the difference. If she

:45:32. > :45:32.

:45:32. > :45:33.could get a freeze or a partial She is going to have to play a draw

:45:33. > :45:35.She is going to have to play a draw She is going to have to play a draw

:45:35. > :45:37.with her last one, even if she with her last one, even if she

:45:37. > :45:39.with her last one, even if she with her last one, even if she

:45:39. > :45:40.plays the hit here. If she gets the plays the hit here. If she gets the

:45:40. > :45:42.plays the hit here. If she gets the freeze perfectly, a mistake from

:45:42. > :45:42.freeze perfectly, a mistake from freeze perfectly, a mistake from

:45:43. > :45:44.freeze perfectly, a mistake from Muirhead she could make it two. A

:45:44. > :45:45.Muirhead she could make it two. A Muirhead she could make it two. A

:45:45. > :45:47.Muirhead she could make it two. A lot of skill required with this one.

:45:47. > :45:48.lot of skill required with this one. lot of skill required with this one.

:45:48. > :45:50.lot of skill required with this one. Line and length has to be perfect.

:45:50. > :45:52.Line and length has to be perfect. Line and length has to be perfect.

:45:52. > :45:53.Sweepers have to judge it. Sit Sweepers have to judge it. Sit

:45:53. > :45:54.Sweepers have to judge it. Sit right on top of the Yellowstone.

:45:54. > :46:01.right on top of the Yellowstone. right on top of the Yellowstone.

:46:01. > :46:03.Doesn't want to top it back. Doesn't want to top it back.

:46:03. > :46:05.Doesn't want to top it back. Reasonable effort, but not a freeze.

:46:05. > :46:06.Reasonable effort, but not a freeze. Reasonable effort, but not a freeze.

:46:06. > :46:07.It does look as though Hannah It does look as though Hannah

:46:07. > :46:09.It does look as though Hannah Fleming will be facing either two

:46:09. > :46:10.Fleming will be facing either two Fleming will be facing either two

:46:10. > :46:12.or three yellows here, probably or three yellows here, probably

:46:12. > :46:15.or three yellows here, probably or three yellows here, probably

:46:15. > :46:17.three and will be forced to make a three and will be forced to make a

:46:17. > :46:18.pressure shot against the pressure shot against the

:46:18. > :46:19.opposition counters. She will opposition counters. She will

:46:19. > :46:29.opposition counters. She will opposition counters. She will

:46:29. > :47:08.

:47:09. > :47:11.More or less on the nose. Nicely More or less on the nose. Nicely

:47:11. > :47:21.executed. It puts the pressure executed. It puts the pressure

:47:21. > :47:22.

:47:22. > :47:25.executed. It puts the pressure right on Hannah Fleming. She has

:47:25. > :47:27.right on Hannah Fleming. She has right on Hannah Fleming. She has

:47:27. > :47:28.right on Hannah Fleming. She has taken on the takout. -- take out.

:47:28. > :47:29.taken on the takout. -- take out. taken on the takout. -- take out.

:47:29. > :47:31.taken on the takout. -- take out. Can't afford to roll too far. If

:47:31. > :47:32.Can't afford to roll too far. If Can't afford to roll too far. If

:47:32. > :47:33.Can't afford to roll too far. If she were to roll right out the

:47:33. > :47:34.she were to roll right out the she were to roll right out the

:47:35. > :47:36.rings it would be disastrous. rings it would be disastrous.

:47:36. > :47:37.rings it would be disastrous. rings it would be disastrous.

:47:37. > :47:38.Looking for the nose hit here for a Looking for the nose hit here for a

:47:39. > :47:40.Looking for the nose hit here for a one. I thought she might have

:47:40. > :47:42.one. I thought she might have one. I thought she might have

:47:42. > :47:43.followed her draw from the last followed her draw from the last

:47:43. > :47:51.followed her draw from the last time down there. She must be

:47:51. > :47:53.time down there. She must be time down there. She must be

:47:53. > :47:54.confident of this. Can't afford to confident of this. Can't afford to

:47:54. > :47:55.confident of this. Can't afford to roll anywhere here. Has it done

:47:55. > :47:59.roll anywhere here. Has it done roll anywhere here. Has it done

:47:59. > :48:03.roll anywhere here. Has it done enough? Has it done enough? Oh, I

:48:03. > :48:04.enough? Has it done enough? Oh, I enough? Has it done enough? Oh, I

:48:04. > :48:06.don't think it has. They're having don't think it has. They're having

:48:06. > :48:07.don't think it has. They're having don't think it has. They're having

:48:07. > :48:09.a look. I think it's yellow. a look. I think it's yellow.

:48:09. > :48:11.a look. I think it's yellow. think it looks like yellow. They

:48:11. > :48:12.think it looks like yellow. They think it looks like yellow. They

:48:12. > :48:13.think it looks like yellow. They have conceded it. Well, that was a

:48:13. > :48:15.have conceded it. Well, that was a have conceded it. Well, that was a

:48:15. > :48:17.pressure shot from Fleming, took on pressure shot from Fleming, took on

:48:17. > :48:19.pressure shot from Fleming, took on pressure shot from Fleming, took on

:48:19. > :48:21.the hit. Didn't quite make it. That the hit. Didn't quite make it. That

:48:21. > :48:23.the hit. Didn't quite make it. That is another steal. This score is

:48:23. > :48:25.is another steal. This score is is another steal. This score is

:48:25. > :48:28.going up for Muirhead, much more going up for Muirhead, much more

:48:28. > :48:29.going up for Muirhead, much more going up for Muirhead, much more

:48:29. > :48:31.than Hannah Fleming will like. than Hannah Fleming will like.

:48:31. > :48:32.than Hannah Fleming will like. Fleming was chasing the game. Team

:48:32. > :48:34.Fleming was chasing the game. Team Fleming was chasing the game. Team

:48:34. > :48:35.Muirhead could just play safe. We Muirhead could just play safe. We

:48:35. > :48:45.Muirhead could just play safe. We rejoin with Anna Sloan playing her

:48:45. > :48:46.

:48:46. > :48:48.COMMENTATOR: Anna Sloan facing two. COMMENTATOR: Anna Sloan facing two.

:48:48. > :48:48.COMMENTATOR: Anna Sloan facing two. Looking for a hit maybe a little

:48:48. > :48:53.Looking for a hit maybe a little Looking for a hit maybe a little

:48:53. > :48:54.roll over to the left. Trying roll over to the left. Trying

:48:54. > :48:55.roll over to the left. Trying another little roll over in front

:48:55. > :48:56.another little roll over in front another little roll over in front

:48:56. > :48:57.another little roll over in front of the other red stone. It's not

:48:57. > :48:59.of the other red stone. It's not of the other red stone. It's not

:48:59. > :49:00.of the other red stone. It's not far away. Will it roll too far? I

:49:00. > :49:02.far away. Will it roll too far? I far away. Will it roll too far? I

:49:02. > :49:05.think it is. That is unfortunate. think it is. That is unfortunate.

:49:05. > :49:06.think it is. That is unfortunate. think it is. That is unfortunate.

:49:06. > :49:07.She wanted to stick around there. She wanted to stick around there.

:49:08. > :49:08.She wanted to stick around there. She wanted to stick around there.

:49:08. > :49:09.wonder if she tried to make that wonder if she tried to make that

:49:09. > :49:17.wonder if she tried to make that wonder if she tried to make that

:49:17. > :49:19.roll. A nose hit there wasn't all roll. A nose hit there wasn't all

:49:19. > :49:20.roll. A nose hit there wasn't all that bad. Anna Fleming with a

:49:20. > :49:21.that bad. Anna Fleming with a that bad. Anna Fleming with a

:49:21. > :49:23.that bad. Anna Fleming with a chance to draw one behind that.

:49:23. > :49:24.chance to draw one behind that. chance to draw one behind that.

:49:24. > :49:28.is getting the opportunity to draw is getting the opportunity to draw

:49:28. > :49:29.is getting the opportunity to draw is getting the opportunity to draw

:49:29. > :49:31.round that shot that Vicki from Eve round that shot that Vicki from Eve

:49:31. > :49:33.round that shot that Vicki from Eve Muirhead's team nosed earlier. As

:49:33. > :49:35.Muirhead's team nosed earlier. As Muirhead's team nosed earlier. As

:49:35. > :49:36.Muirhead's team nosed earlier. As we said, it's... I don't know if

:49:36. > :49:37.we said, it's... I don't know if we said, it's... I don't know if

:49:37. > :49:38.we said, it's... I don't know if it's biting 12 foot, it is a danger.

:49:38. > :49:41.it's biting 12 foot, it is a danger. it's biting 12 foot, it is a danger.

:49:41. > :49:43.it's biting 12 foot, it is a danger. These girls are going to use it.

:49:43. > :49:47.These girls are going to use it. These girls are going to use it.

:49:47. > :49:49.These girls are going to use it. Got to get it there. Looking good.

:49:50. > :49:50.Got to get it there. Looking good. Got to get it there. Looking good.

:49:50. > :49:59.Got to get it there. Looking good. Has it passed? Oh, it has just

:49:59. > :50:09.Has it passed? Oh, it has just Well, doesn't get behind the corner.

:50:09. > :50:15.

:50:15. > :50:17.Well, doesn't get behind the corner. Muirhead just with the take outh --

:50:17. > :50:18.Muirhead just with the take outh -- Muirhead just with the take outh --

:50:18. > :50:22.take out. Heard her say there she's take out. Heard her say there she's

:50:22. > :50:25.take out. Heard her say there she's take out. Heard her say there she's

:50:25. > :50:25.happy with the nose. She will be happy with the nose. She will be

:50:26. > :50:27.happy with the nose. She will be relieved that Lauren Gray didn't

:50:27. > :50:28.relieved that Lauren Gray didn't relieved that Lauren Gray didn't

:50:28. > :50:29.get that round the corner. She get that round the corner. She

:50:29. > :50:30.get that round the corner. She get that round the corner. She

:50:30. > :50:32.knows as long as she can make an knows as long as she can make an

:50:32. > :50:32.knows as long as she can make an knows as long as she can make an

:50:32. > :50:33.open hit with her two stones here open hit with her two stones here

:50:33. > :50:34.open hit with her two stones here open hit with her two stones here

:50:34. > :50:44.the worst she is going to do is the worst she is going to do is

:50:44. > :50:45.

:50:45. > :50:46.A two at this stage for Eve is not A two at this stage for Eve is not

:50:46. > :50:47.A two at this stage for Eve is not A two at this stage for Eve is not

:50:48. > :50:49.a disaster. She would go in one up a disaster. She would go in one up

:50:49. > :50:51.a disaster. She would go in one up a disaster. She would go in one up

:50:51. > :50:53.with the hammer. She made a nice with the hammer. She made a nice

:50:53. > :50:54.with the hammer. She made a nice with the hammer. She made a nice

:50:55. > :50:55.hit there. I feel that, at this hit there. I feel that, at this

:50:55. > :50:57.hit there. I feel that, at this hit there. I feel that, at this

:50:57. > :50:58.stage, giving up a two to get that stage, giving up a two to get that

:50:58. > :50:59.stage, giving up a two to get that stage, giving up a two to get that

:50:59. > :51:00.last stone back and with a one last stone back and with a one

:51:00. > :51:02.last stone back and with a one stone advantage would be a pretty

:51:02. > :51:03.stone advantage would be a pretty stone advantage would be a pretty

:51:03. > :51:04.good situation for her. Can Hannah good situation for her. Can Hannah

:51:04. > :51:05.good situation for her. Can Hannah Fleming make this into two? Needs

:51:05. > :51:14.Fleming make this into two? Needs Fleming make this into two? Needs

:51:14. > :51:15.Hope that Eve doesn't make the hit Hope that Eve doesn't make the hit

:51:15. > :51:17.Hope that Eve doesn't make the hit and roll in behind the other red

:51:17. > :51:18.and roll in behind the other red and roll in behind the other red

:51:18. > :51:19.and roll in behind the other red stone in the house. The one at the

:51:19. > :51:20.stone in the house. The one at the stone in the house. The one at the

:51:20. > :51:21.stone in the house. The one at the top of the 12 foot there. If she

:51:21. > :51:22.top of the 12 foot there. If she top of the 12 foot there. If she

:51:22. > :51:23.doesn't do that, Hannah will be doesn't do that, Hannah will be

:51:23. > :51:24.doesn't do that, Hannah will be doesn't do that, Hannah will be

:51:24. > :51:25.thinking she will have a couple of thinking she will have a couple of

:51:25. > :51:26.thinking she will have a couple of thinking she will have a couple of

:51:26. > :51:36.nose hits to make a two. Has to nose hits to make a two. Has to

:51:36. > :51:48.

:51:48. > :51:49.It's critical this one looks like It's critical this one looks like

:51:49. > :51:50.It's critical this one looks like it's pulling. Is it going to stay?

:51:50. > :51:52.it's pulling. Is it going to stay? it's pulling. Is it going to stay?

:51:52. > :51:54.Sloan working hard on it. It's Sloan working hard on it. It's

:51:54. > :51:55.Sloan working hard on it. It's Sloan working hard on it. It's

:51:55. > :51:57.going to go. Ah, dear, that is a going to go. Ah, dear, that is a

:51:57. > :51:59.going to go. Ah, dear, that is a huge opportunity missed. Had to

:51:59. > :52:01.huge opportunity missed. Had to huge opportunity missed. Had to

:52:01. > :52:04.keep the rings there. Maybe tried keep the rings there. Maybe tried

:52:04. > :52:07.keep the rings there. Maybe tried keep the rings there. Maybe tried

:52:07. > :52:08.so hard to keep it. Played it a so hard to keep it. Played it a

:52:09. > :52:09.so hard to keep it. Played it a so hard to keep it. Played it a

:52:09. > :52:10.little down weight. I think so. She little down weight. I think so. She

:52:10. > :52:12.little down weight. I think so. She thought she played the right weight.

:52:12. > :52:13.thought she played the right weight. thought she played the right weight.

:52:13. > :52:16.The girls thought shes with a The girls thought shes with a

:52:16. > :52:18.The girls thought shes with a little bit up. This time she

:52:18. > :52:19.little bit up. This time she little bit up. This time she

:52:19. > :52:20.reduced her weight. It pulled. It reduced her weight. It pulled. It

:52:20. > :52:21.reduced her weight. It pulled. It is critical you pull the right

:52:21. > :52:23.is critical you pull the right is critical you pull the right

:52:23. > :52:24.is critical you pull the right weight for the ice you have given.

:52:24. > :52:26.weight for the ice you have given. weight for the ice you have given.

:52:26. > :52:29.That will be disappointing. That That will be disappointing. That

:52:29. > :52:30.That will be disappointing. That was Hannah's chance there for...

:52:30. > :52:39.was Hannah's chance there for... was Hannah's chance there for...

:52:39. > :52:40.All she can hope for now, I would All she can hope for now, I would

:52:40. > :52:41.All she can hope for now, I would think, would be to blank this end

:52:41. > :52:43.think, would be to blank this end think, would be to blank this end

:52:43. > :52:45.think, would be to blank this end and keep the hammer into the last

:52:45. > :52:47.and keep the hammer into the last and keep the hammer into the last

:52:47. > :52:49.and keep the hammer into the last end and hope she will get some mths

:52:50. > :52:52.end and hope she will get some mths end and hope she will get some mths

:52:52. > :52:53.end and hope she will get some mths takes -- mistakes and make it three.

:52:53. > :52:54.takes -- mistakes and make it three. takes -- mistakes and make it three.

:52:54. > :52:56.takes -- mistakes and make it three. A roll behind. It's very good. Oh,

:52:56. > :52:59.A roll behind. It's very good. Oh, A roll behind. It's very good. Oh,

:52:59. > :53:00.A roll behind. It's very good. Oh, what a great shot. Nice shot.Well,

:53:00. > :53:02.what a great shot. Nice shot.Well, what a great shot. Nice shot.Well,

:53:02. > :53:04.Hannah Fleming not even thinking Hannah Fleming not even thinking

:53:04. > :53:07.Hannah Fleming not even thinking Hannah Fleming not even thinking

:53:07. > :53:08.about trying to blank. I think she about trying to blank. I think she

:53:08. > :53:18.about trying to blank. I think she possibly could. Here we go.

:53:18. > :53:27.

:53:27. > :53:28.possibly could. Here we go. So, last stone, ninth end. Hannah

:53:28. > :53:28.So, last stone, ninth end. Hannah So, last stone, ninth end. Hannah

:53:28. > :53:38.Fleming, needs to get eight foot, Fleming, needs to get eight foot,

:53:38. > :53:48.

:53:48. > :53:49.Oh. She hasn't over thrown it, has Oh. She hasn't over thrown it, has

:53:49. > :53:50.Oh. She hasn't over thrown it, has Oh. She hasn't over thrown it, has

:53:50. > :53:52.she? She is. I don't think that is she? She is. I don't think that is

:53:52. > :53:53.she? She is. I don't think that is she? She is. I don't think that is

:53:53. > :53:55.going to stop. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. going to stop. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

:53:55. > :53:56.going to stop. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Well, that is another stealer won.

:53:57. > :54:00.Well, that is another stealer won. Well, that is another stealer won.

:54:00. > :54:01.This game just slipping away from This game just slipping away from

:54:01. > :54:02.Hannah Fleming. Fleming was Hannah Fleming. Fleming was

:54:02. > :54:04.Hannah Fleming. Fleming was determined to battle on, but with

:54:04. > :54:04.determined to battle on, but with determined to battle on, but with

:54:04. > :54:06.Muirhead just keeping the house Muirhead just keeping the house

:54:06. > :54:07.Muirhead just keeping the house clear, the Fleming rink soon found

:54:07. > :54:09.clear, the Fleming rink soon found clear, the Fleming rink soon found

:54:09. > :54:13.clear, the Fleming rink soon found they were running out of stones to

:54:13. > :54:14.they were running out of stones to they were running out of stones to

:54:14. > :54:17.they were running out of stones to make up the four point deficit. It

:54:17. > :54:20.make up the four point deficit. It make up the four point deficit. It

:54:21. > :54:21.was Muirhead who had this double was Muirhead who had this double

:54:21. > :54:26.was Muirhead who had this double was Muirhead who had this double

:54:26. > :54:29.take out. That is it all over. Eve take out. That is it all over. Eve

:54:29. > :54:30.take out. That is it all over. Eve Muirhead, Hannah Sloan and Vicki

:54:30. > :54:34.Muirhead, Hannah Sloan and Vicki Muirhead, Hannah Sloan and Vicki

:54:34. > :54:35.Adams, Claire Hamilton are Scottish Adams, Claire Hamilton are Scottish

:54:35. > :54:36.championships 2013. Another championships 2013. Another

:54:36. > :54:37.championships 2013. Another championships 2013. Another

:54:37. > :54:38.Scottish title for you. We saw the Scottish title for you. We saw the

:54:38. > :54:40.Scottish title for you. We saw the Scottish title for you. We saw the

:54:40. > :54:42.smiles. This means an awful lot to smiles. This means an awful lot to

:54:42. > :54:42.smiles. This means an awful lot to smiles. This means an awful lot to

:54:43. > :54:44.you? It means so much after putting you? It means so much after putting

:54:44. > :54:45.you? It means so much after putting in so much work throughout the

:54:45. > :54:47.in so much work throughout the in so much work throughout the

:54:47. > :54:48.season. To retain the tietsl just season. To retain the tietsl just

:54:48. > :54:49.season. To retain the tietsl just great. Fantastic. Vicki the thing

:54:49. > :54:49.great. Fantastic. Vicki the thing great. Fantastic. Vicki the thing

:54:50. > :54:51.great. Fantastic. Vicki the thing is about the whole week you were

:54:51. > :54:52.is about the whole week you were is about the whole week you were

:54:52. > :54:53.dominating in the Round Robin dominating in the Round Robin

:54:53. > :54:55.dominating in the Round Robin stages, a wobble last night.you

:54:55. > :54:56.stages, a wobble last night.you stages, a wobble last night.you

:54:56. > :54:58.stages, a wobble last night.you have been playing so well all week?

:54:58. > :54:59.have been playing so well all week? have been playing so well all week?

:54:59. > :55:01.We have been playing brilliantly. We have been playing brilliantly.

:55:01. > :55:03.We have been playing brilliantly. We have been playing brilliantly.

:55:03. > :55:05.We train day in day out for this. We train day in day out for this.

:55:05. > :55:06.We train day in day out for this. You are always weight waiting for

:55:06. > :55:07.You are always weight waiting for You are always weight waiting for

:55:07. > :55:08.You are always weight waiting for your first defeat, bet tore get rid

:55:08. > :55:09.your first defeat, bet tore get rid your first defeat, bet tore get rid

:55:09. > :55:10.your first defeat, bet tore get rid of it yesterday than today. Lots of

:55:10. > :55:11.of it yesterday than today. Lots of of it yesterday than today. Lots of

:55:11. > :55:13.of it yesterday than today. Lots of pressure when you go into a final

:55:13. > :55:14.pressure when you go into a final pressure when you go into a final

:55:14. > :55:15.pressure when you go into a final up against a player who knows how

:55:15. > :55:16.up against a player who knows how up against a player who knows how

:55:16. > :55:17.up against a player who knows how to win titles. It was about keeping

:55:17. > :55:18.to win titles. It was about keeping to win titles. It was about keeping

:55:18. > :55:20.your nerve and winning the title. your nerve and winning the title.

:55:20. > :55:21.your nerve and winning the title. your nerve and winning the title.

:55:21. > :55:21.You have done it so many times You have done it so many times

:55:21. > :55:22.You have done it so many times You have done it so many times

:55:22. > :55:24.before? We knew it wouldn't be easy. before? We knew it wouldn't be easy.

:55:24. > :55:26.before? We knew it wouldn't be easy. before? We knew it wouldn't be easy.

:55:26. > :55:27.We had to play well. We go out We had to play well. We go out

:55:27. > :55:28.We had to play well. We go out We had to play well. We go out

:55:28. > :55:29.there and play our own game. If we there and play our own game. If we

:55:29. > :55:30.there and play our own game. If we there and play our own game. If we

:55:30. > :55:32.make the shots we are lucky enough make the shots we are lucky enough

:55:32. > :55:33.make the shots we are lucky enough make the shots we are lucky enough

:55:33. > :55:35.to come out with the win. The World to come out with the win. The World

:55:35. > :55:37.to come out with the win. The World Championship next for the four of

:55:37. > :55:39.Championship next for the four of Championship next for the four of

:55:39. > :55:42.Championship next for the four of you. You have won -- you have all

:55:42. > :55:44.you. You have won -- you have all you. You have won -- you have all

:55:44. > :55:44.won union -- junior World won union -- junior World

:55:44. > :55:45.Championships, full of confidence? Championships, full of confidence?

:55:45. > :55:48.Championships, full of confidence? Championships, full of confidence?

:55:48. > :55:49.I think so. We have trained so is I think so. We have trained so is

:55:49. > :55:50.I think so. We have trained so is I think so. We have trained so is

:55:50. > :55:51.hard. For us we have one big goal. hard. For us we have one big goal.

:55:52. > :55:52.hard. For us we have one big goal. This is lots of stepping stones

:55:53. > :55:55.This is lots of stepping stones This is lots of stepping stones

:55:55. > :55:57.towards that. We are pretty close towards that. We are pretty close

:55:57. > :55:58.towards that. We are pretty close towards that. We are pretty close

:55:58. > :55:59.to that now. It was I think Jackie to that now. It was I think Jackie

:55:59. > :56:01.to that now. It was I think Jackie to that now. It was I think Jackie

:56:01. > :56:03.Lockhart who said it was a game of Lockhart who said it was a game of

:56:03. > :56:04.Lockhart who said it was a game of Lockhart who said it was a game of

:56:04. > :56:06.two halves. It aneared way? It was. two halves. It aneared way? It was.

:56:06. > :56:08.two halves. It aneared way? It was. two halves. It aneared way? It was.

:56:08. > :56:08.After the first half we were pretty After the first half we were pretty

:56:08. > :56:09.After the first half we were pretty confident and pulling well. The

:56:09. > :56:11.confident and pulling well. The confident and pulling well. The

:56:11. > :56:12.second-half the ice changed a lot. second-half the ice changed a lot.

:56:12. > :56:13.second-half the ice changed a lot. second-half the ice changed a lot.

:56:13. > :56:14.It caught us out. Didn't read it It caught us out. Didn't read it

:56:14. > :56:15.It caught us out. Didn't read it It caught us out. Didn't read it

:56:15. > :56:16.right. I didn't play the last shot right. I didn't play the last shot

:56:16. > :56:17.right. I didn't play the last shot right. I didn't play the last shot

:56:17. > :56:18.to close out the end. It is playing to close out the end. It is playing

:56:18. > :56:19.to close out the end. It is playing to close out the end. It is playing

:56:19. > :56:20.the big shots when they come. You the big shots when they come. You

:56:20. > :56:20.the big shots when they come. You had a couple of opportunities. It

:56:21. > :56:22.had a couple of opportunities. It had a couple of opportunities. It

:56:22. > :56:24.had a couple of opportunities. It must be heard to read the ice when

:56:24. > :56:25.must be heard to read the ice when must be heard to read the ice when

:56:25. > :56:26.must be heard to read the ice when it changes? Yeah, it is pretty hard.

:56:26. > :56:28.it changes? Yeah, it is pretty hard. it changes? Yeah, it is pretty hard.

:56:28. > :56:32.it changes? Yeah, it is pretty hard. Again, Eve did it, we just weren't

:56:32. > :56:33.Again, Eve did it, we just weren't quite good enough.

:56:33. > :56:35.APPLAUSE APPLAUSE

:56:35. > :56:37.APPLAUSE APPLAUSE

:56:37. > :56:38.I'm sure that won't be the last we I'm sure that won't be the last we

:56:38. > :56:40.I'm sure that won't be the last we I'm sure that won't be the last we

:56:40. > :56:41.hear of Hannah Fleming. On the day hear of Hannah Fleming. On the day

:56:41. > :56:42.hear of Hannah Fleming. On the day hear of Hannah Fleming. On the day

:56:42. > :56:45.Eve Muirhead and her team were too Eve Muirhead and her team were too

:56:45. > :56:46.strong, claiming their fourth strong, claiming their fourth

:56:46. > :56:47.national title. Comprehensive national title. Comprehensive

:56:47. > :56:48.national title. Comprehensive victory for Eve Muirhead's rink.

:56:48. > :56:50.victory for Eve Muirhead's rink. victory for Eve Muirhead's rink.

:56:50. > :56:50.They played the best curling all They played the best curling all

:56:51. > :56:51.They played the best curling all They played the best curling all

:56:51. > :56:53.week. What were the key moments in week. What were the key moments in

:56:53. > :56:56.week. What were the key moments in the final. Back to the commentary

:56:56. > :56:57.the final. Back to the commentary the final. Back to the commentary

:56:57. > :57:01.team, Bob and Jackie. team, Bob and Jackie.

:57:01. > :57:04.team, Bob and Jackie. team, Bob and Jackie.

:57:04. > :57:05.COMMENTATOR: She was two shots up, COMMENTATOR: She was two shots up,

:57:05. > :57:06.COMMENTATOR: She was two shots up, COMMENTATOR: She was two shots up,

:57:06. > :57:08.COMMENTATOR: She was two shots up, trying for damage limitation trying

:57:08. > :57:09.trying for damage limitation trying trying for damage limitation trying

:57:09. > :57:09.to come down, drive this to come down, drive this

:57:09. > :57:10.to come down, drive this Yellowstone on to the other one,

:57:10. > :57:12.Yellowstone on to the other one, Yellowstone on to the other one,

:57:12. > :57:13.Yellowstone on to the other one, out there. The other one out that

:57:13. > :57:14.out there. The other one out that out there. The other one out that

:57:14. > :57:15.way. That way leaving Eve Muirhead way. That way leaving Eve Muirhead

:57:15. > :57:16.way. That way leaving Eve Muirhead way. That way leaving Eve Muirhead

:57:16. > :57:22.way. That way leaving Eve Muirhead maybe a take out for two or even a

:57:22. > :57:24.maybe a take out for two or even a maybe a take out for two or even a

:57:24. > :57:25.draw for two. Unfortunately, she draw for two. Unfortunately, she

:57:25. > :57:26.draw for two. Unfortunately, she overthrew this a little bit. It

:57:26. > :57:28.overthrew this a little bit. It overthrew this a little bit. It

:57:28. > :57:30.overthrew this a little bit. It didn't curl as much as she'd hoped.

:57:30. > :57:32.didn't curl as much as she'd hoped. didn't curl as much as she'd hoped.

:57:32. > :57:34.Stays high. Sweepers not having any Stays high. Sweepers not having any

:57:34. > :57:36.Stays high. Sweepers not having any in put into it. Big weight,

:57:36. > :57:36.in put into it. Big weight, in put into it. Big weight,

:57:36. > :57:37.in put into it. Big weight, straight out. Needed to get more of

:57:37. > :57:38.straight out. Needed to get more of straight out. Needed to get more of

:57:38. > :57:40.straight out. Needed to get more of that first one to split it off the

:57:40. > :57:41.that first one to split it off the that first one to split it off the

:57:41. > :57:43.back one. Two Yellowstones left back one. Two Yellowstones left

:57:43. > :57:44.back one. Two Yellowstones left there. She drew for three. Hannah

:57:44. > :57:45.there. She drew for three. Hannah there. She drew for three. Hannah

:57:45. > :57:46.there. She drew for three. Hannah had to split this yellow out of the

:57:46. > :57:48.had to split this yellow out of the had to split this yellow out of the

:57:48. > :57:49.had to split this yellow out of the back of the house. Leave no stones

:57:49. > :57:50.back of the house. Leave no stones back of the house. Leave no stones

:57:50. > :57:51.back of the house. Leave no stones in play. I think weight control, at

:57:51. > :57:52.in play. I think weight control, at in play. I think weight control, at

:57:52. > :57:53.in play. I think weight control, at the end of the day, was catching up

:57:53. > :57:54.the end of the day, was catching up the end of the day, was catching up

:57:54. > :57:55.the end of the day, was catching up with her. She threw this one a

:57:55. > :57:56.with her. She threw this one a with her. She threw this one a

:57:56. > :57:58.with her. She threw this one a little bit heavy. You have to hit

:57:58. > :57:58.little bit heavy. You have to hit little bit heavy. You have to hit

:57:59. > :58:00.little bit heavy. You have to hit the stone. This was a real big

:58:00. > :58:01.the stone. This was a real big the stone. This was a real big

:58:01. > :58:01.disappointment for her. You can disappointment for her. You can

:58:02. > :58:03.disappointment for her. You can disappointment for her. You can

:58:03. > :58:06.probably tell in her face at the probably tell in her face at the

:58:06. > :58:07.probably tell in her face at the probably tell in her face at the

:58:07. > :58:08.end of it. She overthrew that rock. end of it. She overthrew that rock.

:58:08. > :58:09.end of it. She overthrew that rock. end of it. She overthrew that rock.

:58:09. > :58:12.Giving up an easy one. 3-1 to Eve. Giving up an easy one. 3-1 to Eve.

:58:12. > :58:13.Giving up an easy one. 3-1 to Eve. Giving up an easy one. 3-1 to Eve.

:58:13. > :58:16.It was a game of two halves. Hannah It was a game of two halves. Hannah

:58:16. > :58:17.It was a game of two halves. Hannah It was a game of two halves. Hannah

:58:17. > :58:20.Fleming's in the first half and Eve Fleming's in the first half and Eve

:58:20. > :58:21.Muirhead's in the second-half. Muirhead's in the second-half.

:58:21. > :58:24.Experience showed through. Team Experience showed through. Team

:58:24. > :58:25.Experience showed through. Team Experience showed through. Team

:58:25. > :58:27.Muirhead head to the Worlds. We Muirhead head to the Worlds. We

:58:27. > :58:32.Muirhead head to the Worlds. We will be back tomorrow night with

:58:32. > :58:33.will be back tomorrow night with will be back tomorrow night with

:58:33. > :58:34.will be back tomorrow night with the Men's Final. Join us for that,

:58:34. > :58:35.the Men's Final. Join us for that, the Men's Final. Join us for that,

:58:35. > :58:36.the Men's Final. Join us for that, the Men's Final. Join us for that,

:58:36. > :58:38.if you can. From all of us here at if you can. From all of us here at

:58:38. > :58:39.if you can. From all of us here at the Dewars Centre in Perth, thank