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:00:33. > :00:35.Hello and a warm welcome to Perth Hello and a warm welcome to Perth

:00:35. > :00:37.for the Scottish curling for the Scottish curling

:00:37. > :00:39.championships. Last night, even championships. Last night, even

:00:39. > :00:41.championships. Last night, even your head dominated the final

:00:41. > :00:42.your head dominated the final your head dominated the final

:00:42. > :00:44.against Hannah Fleming. Tonight, it against Hannah Fleming. Tonight, it

:00:44. > :00:48.against Hannah Fleming. Tonight, it against Hannah Fleming. Tonight, it

:00:48. > all about the men. As bitter is all about the men. As bitter

:00:49. > all about the men. As bitter is all about the men. As bitter

:00:52. > :00:55.rivals, Tom Brewster is now on the rivals, Tom Brewster is now on the

:00:55. > :00:56.rivals, Tom Brewster is now on the rivals, Tom Brewster is now on the

:00:56. > :00:58.same side. He knows about being oh same side. He knows about being oh

:00:58. > :01:01.same side. He knows about being oh so close on numerous occasions. In

:01:01. > close on numerous occasions. In so close on numerous occasions. In

:01:02. > close on numerous occasions. In 2011 he shared his run up title and

:01:04. > :01:06.2011 he shared his run up title and 2011 he shared his run up title and

:01:06. > his first Scottish championship. got his first Scottish championship.

:01:07. > his first Scottish championship. His sights were focused on

:01:08. > :01:10.His sights were focused on His sights were focused on

:01:10. > :01:12.maintaining his status as champion. maintaining his status as champion.

:01:12. > :01:17.maintaining his status as champion. Keep your friends close and rivals

:01:17. > :01:17.Keep your friends close and rivals Keep your friends close and rivals

:01:17. > :01:20.closer. David Murdoch joins Tom closer. David Murdoch joins Tom

:01:20. > :01:21.closer. David Murdoch joins Tom closer. David Murdoch joins Tom

:01:21. > :01:22.Brewster in a dream team. They are Brewster in a dream team. They are

:01:22. > :01:25.Brewster in a dream team. They are Brewster in a dream team. They are

:01:25. > :01:28.likely to be heading to next year's likely to be heading to next year's

:01:28. > :01:29.likely to be heading to next year's Winter Olympics. When David Murdoch

:01:29. > :01:30.Winter Olympics. When David Murdoch Winter Olympics. When David Murdoch

:01:30. > :01:31.Winter Olympics. When David Murdoch joined they took a while to settle

:01:32. > :01:34.joined they took a while to settle joined they took a while to settle

:01:34. > :01:35.but now they are looking pretty but now they are looking pretty

:01:35. > :01:36.but now they are looking pretty but now they are looking pretty

:01:36. > :01:37.dominant. And by the end of the dominant. And by the end of the

:01:37. > :01:38.dominant. And by the end of the week they were proudly topping the

:01:38. > :01:40.week they were proudly topping the week they were proudly topping the

:01:40. > :01:42.table with eight wins from nine table with eight wins from nine

:01:42. > :01:44.table with eight wins from nine table with eight wins from nine

:01:44. > :01:47.matches. The only team to beat them matches. The only team to beat them

:01:47. > :01:48.matches. The only team to beat them matches. The only team to beat them

:01:48. > :01:49.were team grey. They are the teams were team grey. They are the teams

:01:49. > :01:54.were team grey. They are the teams to make it through, Edwards and

:01:54. > make it through, Edwards and to make it through, Edwards and

:01:55. > :01:56.Smith. Team Rooster took their Smith. Team Rooster took their

:01:56. > :01:57.Smith. Team Rooster took their revenge in the play-off confirming

:01:57. > :01:59.revenge in the play-off confirming revenge in the play-off confirming

:01:59. > :02:01.revenge in the play-off confirming their place in the final with a 5-4

:02:01. > :02:02.their place in the final with a 5-4 their place in the final with a 5-4

:02:02. > :02:04.their place in the final with a 5-4 win. Team great had to wait to play

:02:04. > Team great had to wait to play win. Team great had to wait to play

:02:05. > Edwards who saw off tinsmith team Edwards who saw off tinsmith

:02:08. > Edwards who saw off tinsmith eight-seven in their play-off. In

:02:12. > :02:12.eight-seven in their play-off. In eight-seven in their play-off. In

:02:13. > :02:13.eight-seven in their play-off. In the Senate, Logan Gray won at to

:02:13. > :02:14.the Senate, Logan Gray won at to the Senate, Logan Gray won at to

:02:14. > :02:19.the Senate, Logan Gray won at to take his place in the final for

:02:19. > :02:21.take his place in the final for take his place in the final for

:02:21. > :02:22.another rematch. So, the final another rematch. So, the final

:02:23. > :02:24.another rematch. So, the final line-up, teamed Rooster looking for

:02:24. > :02:32.line-up, teamed Rooster looking for line-up, teamed Rooster looking for

:02:32. > :02:33.line-up, teamed Rooster looking for The Scottish champion at 2011/12,

:02:33. > :02:35.The Scottish champion at 2011/12, The Scottish champion at 2011/12,

:02:35. > :02:36.going for their team. You are going for their team. You are

:02:36. > :02:39.going for their team. You are looking good. Yes, we felt

:02:39. > :02:41.looking good. Yes, we felt looking good. Yes, we felt

:02:41. > :02:44.confident all week. We have come confident all week. We have come

:02:44. > :02:45.confident all week. We have come into the event in good shape

:02:45. > :02:46.into the event in good shape into the event in good shape

:02:46. > :02:48.physically and health wise as well. physically and health wise as well.

:02:48. > :02:49.physically and health wise as well. physically and health wise as well.

:02:49. > :02:50.We have been solid all week. This We have been solid all week. This

:02:50. > :02:51.We have been solid all week. This We have been solid all week. This

:02:51. > your first Scottish final but up is your first Scottish final but up

:02:53. > your first Scottish final but up is your first Scottish final but up

:02:55. > :02:56.against the team who have lots of against the team who have lots of

:02:56. > :02:56.against the team who have lots of experience. Yes, a lot of people

:02:57. > :02:58.experience. Yes, a lot of people experience. Yes, a lot of people

:02:58. > :02:59.experience. Yes, a lot of people did not give us a chance this week.

:02:59. > :03:01.did not give us a chance this week. did not give us a chance this week.

:03:01. > :03:03.did not give us a chance this week. We had an Roadpeace season. We have

:03:03. > :03:03.We had an Roadpeace season. We have We had an Roadpeace season. We have

:03:03. > :03:07.held belief in ourselves and we held belief in ourselves and we

:03:07. > :03:08.held belief in ourselves and we held belief in ourselves and we

:03:08. > :03:08.have had a good week. We tend to have had a good week. We tend to

:03:08. > :03:09.have had a good week. We tend to have had a good week. We tend to

:03:09. > :03:13.form over in the round robin. We form over in the round robin. We

:03:13. > :03:14.form over in the round robin. We form over in the round robin. We

:03:14. > :03:16.will see how it goes. Adding extra will see how it goes. Adding extra

:03:16. > :03:17.will see how it goes. Adding extra spice up towards the Olympics, that

:03:17. > :03:18.spice up towards the Olympics, that spice up towards the Olympics, that

:03:18. > :03:20.spice up towards the Olympics, that is in the back of your mind.

:03:20. > in the back of your mind. is in the back of your mind.

:03:20. > :03:22.Absolutely. But always in the back Absolutely. But always in the back

:03:23. > :03:23.Absolutely. But always in the back Absolutely. But always in the back

:03:23. > :03:25.of your mind. I suppose the age I of your mind. I suppose the age I

:03:25. > :03:26.of your mind. I suppose the age I am getting to as well, I'm

:03:26. > getting to as well, I'm am getting to as well, I'm

:03:28. > :03:29.desperate to get to the Olympics desperate to get to the Olympics

:03:29. > :03:30.desperate to get to the Olympics desperate to get to the Olympics

:03:30. >! To be honest, that is what we now! To be honest, that is what we

:03:34. >! To be honest, that is what we have worked on. We have given

:03:36. > :03:37.have worked on. We have given have worked on. We have given

:03:37. > :03:40.ourselves a good chance. I must ourselves a good chance. I must

:03:40. > :03:41.ourselves a good chance. I must speak to you about your tailor

:03:41. > :03:43.speak to you about your tailor because these are sensational

:03:43. > :03:44.because these are sensational because these are sensational

:03:44. > :03:46.trousers. Are you trying to put trousers. Are you trying to put

:03:46. > :03:47.trousers. Are you trying to put trousers. Are you trying to put

:03:47. > :03:49.these guys of? I am good friends these guys of? I am good friends

:03:49. > :03:50.these guys of? I am good friends these guys of? I am good friends

:03:50. > :03:51.with the guys in a Norwegian team with the guys in a Norwegian team

:03:51. > :03:52.with the guys in a Norwegian team with the guys in a Norwegian team

:03:52. > :03:54.and at the Olympics in 2010 they and at the Olympics in 2010 they

:03:54. > :03:57.and at the Olympics in 2010 they showed up wearing colourful outfits.

:03:57. > :03:58.showed up wearing colourful outfits. showed up wearing colourful outfits.

:03:58. > :03:59.showed up wearing colourful outfits. showed up wearing colourful outfits.

:03:59. > :04:00.It was a bit of a buck to the trend. It was a bit of a buck to the trend.

:04:00. > :04:01.It was a bit of a buck to the trend. Curlers normally wear black or blue

:04:01. > :04:02.Curlers normally wear black or blue Curlers normally wear black or blue

:04:02. > :04:03.Curlers normally wear black or blue Curlers normally wear black or blue

:04:03. > I asked if I could jump on the so I asked if I could jump on the

:04:04. > I asked if I could jump on the bandwagon and I have been wearing

:04:05. > :04:07.bandwagon and I have been wearing bandwagon and I have been wearing

:04:07. > :04:08.bandwagon and I have been wearing them for the last few years. It

:04:08. > :04:10.them for the last few years. It them for the last few years. It

:04:10. > :04:11.reflects the character of our team. reflects the character of our team.

:04:11. > :04:13.reflects the character of our team. We are easy-going and don't take

:04:13. > :04:14.We are easy-going and don't take We are easy-going and don't take

:04:14. > :04:16.ourselves too seriously. Will we ourselves too seriously. Will we

:04:16. > :04:17.ourselves too seriously. Will we ourselves too seriously. Will we

:04:17. > :04:19.see you in trousers like that? see you in trousers like that?

:04:19. > :04:21.see you in trousers like that? see you in trousers like that?

:04:21. > :04:22.a chance. They were not making any a chance. They were not making any

:04:22. > :04:23.a chance. They were not making any sartorial waves but the five man

:04:23. > :04:23.sartorial waves but the five man sartorial waves but the five man

:04:23. > :04:25.squads which they have been squads which they have been

:04:25. > :04:26.squads which they have been rotating caused a stir. Scott

:04:26. > :04:27.rotating caused a stir. Scott rotating caused a stir. Scott

:04:27. > :04:29.Andrews was the player who missed Andrews was the player who missed

:04:29. > :04:29.Andrews was the player who missed Andrews was the player who missed

:04:29. > :04:31.out on the final leaving these four out on the final leaving these four

:04:31. > :04:34.out on the final leaving these four out on the final leaving these four

:04:34. > fight for the title. Muckle good to fight for the title. Muckle good

:04:35. > fight for the title. Muckle good fellow was bullied and in an

:04:37. > :04:40.fellow was bullied and in an interesting twist, Tom Brewster

:04:40. > :04:41.interesting twist, Tom Brewster interesting twist, Tom Brewster

:04:41. > :04:45.played a third leading David played a third leading David

:04:45. > :04:46.played a third leading David Murdoch to skip. Richard Woods was

:04:46. > :04:48.Murdoch to skip. Richard Woods was Murdoch to skip. Richard Woods was

:04:48. > :04:49.the other lead, Ross Patterson was the other lead, Ross Patterson was

:04:49. > :04:51.the other lead, Ross Patterson was the other lead, Ross Patterson was

:04:51. > :04:53.a third with Logan Gray the skipper. a third with Logan Gray the skipper.

:04:53. > :04:54.a third with Logan Gray the skipper. Before the action, a reminder of

:04:54. > :04:57.Before the action, a reminder of Before the action, a reminder of

:04:57. > :05:07.the basics of the sport. Teams the basics of the sport. Teams

:05:07. > :05:27.

:05:27. > :05:28.It was Tom Brewster who took first It was Tom Brewster who took first

:05:28. > :05:35.It was Tom Brewster who took first It was Tom Brewster who took first

:05:35. > :05:45.blood. We joined the action in the We joined Bob Kelly and jockey

:05:45. > :05:49.

:05:49. > :05:52.We joined Bob Kelly and jockey It is a shame it caught debris on

:05:52. > :05:55.It is a shame it caught debris on It is a shame it caught debris on

:05:55. > :05:57.the ice. It went off line right the ice. It went off line right

:05:57. > :05:59.the ice. It went off line right away. That is horrible work. It

:05:59. > :06:00.away. That is horrible work. It away. That is horrible work. It

:06:00. > :06:01.does not happen often but pretty does not happen often but pretty

:06:02. > :06:03.does not happen often but pretty devastating when it does. A little

:06:03. > :06:04.devastating when it does. A little devastating when it does. A little

:06:04. > :06:04.devastating when it does. A little bit of something on the ice. He

:06:05. > :06:14.bit of something on the ice. He bit of something on the ice. He

:06:14. > :06:15.bit of something on the ice. He tries to get it away. He could feel

:06:15. > :06:17.tries to get it away. He could feel tries to get it away. He could feel

:06:17. > :06:19.that underneath this note -- the that underneath this note -- the

:06:19. > :06:19.that underneath this note -- the that underneath this note -- the

:06:19. > :06:29.stone. He is still smiling. A long stone. He is still smiling. A long

:06:29. > :06:35.

:06:35. > :06:36.A bit of discussion about what to A bit of discussion about what to

:06:36. > :06:37.A bit of discussion about what to do. David Murdoch thinks they will

:06:37. > David Murdoch thinks they will do. David Murdoch thinks they will

:06:47. > :07:05.

:07:05. > :07:06.That was kind of not one thing all That was kind of not one thing all

:07:06. > :07:07.That was kind of not one thing all That was kind of not one thing all

:07:07. > :07:11.the other, it was short or left to the other, it was short or left to

:07:11. > :07:14.the other, it was short or left to the other, it was short or left to

:07:14. > :07:15.or swept earlier to get behind. or swept earlier to get behind.

:07:15. > :07:16.or swept earlier to get behind. was overthrown. They could have got

:07:16. > :07:17.was overthrown. They could have got was overthrown. They could have got

:07:17. > :07:19.was overthrown. They could have got it behind the yellow but it bounced

:07:19. > behind the yellow but it bounced it behind the yellow but it bounced

:07:29. > :07:57.

:07:57. > behind the yellow but it bounced We heard than saying there was a

:07:59. > :08:00.We heard than saying there was a We heard than saying there was a

:08:00. > :08:03.We heard than saying there was a swing in the ice. There is still a

:08:03. > :08:07.swing in the ice. There is still a swing in the ice. There is still a

:08:07. > :08:10.bit of movement. A lot of bit of movement. A lot of

:08:10. > :08:13.bit of movement. A lot of discussion from the team. I guess

:08:13. > :08:15.discussion from the team. I guess discussion from the team. I guess

:08:15. > :08:25.that's because you've got two skips that's because you've got two skips

:08:25. > :08:34.

:08:34. > :08:35.that's because you've got two skips I think we should come to the face

:08:35. > :08:39.I think we should come to the face I think we should come to the face

:08:39. > :08:40.I think we should come to the face of that one. Sit on the centre line.

:08:40. > :08:44.of that one. Sit on the centre line. of that one. Sit on the centre line.

:08:44. > :08:45.of that one. Sit on the centre line. They look like they are happy to

:08:45. > :08:46.They look like they are happy to They look like they are happy to

:08:46. > :08:46.They look like they are happy to listen to the options and go with

:08:46. > :08:50.listen to the options and go with listen to the options and go with

:08:50. > :09:00.listen to the options and go with the flow which is good to hear.

:09:00. > :09:13.

:09:13. > :09:22.the flow which is good to hear. It is quite big weight here. A good

:09:22. > :09:23.It is quite big weight here. A good Logan Gray has to be careful.

:09:23. > :09:26.Logan Gray has to be careful. Logan Gray has to be careful.

:09:26. > :09:27.Getting a little bit congested. Getting a little bit congested.

:09:27. > :09:28.Getting a little bit congested. Three opposition stones in there.

:09:28. > :09:30.Three opposition stones in there. Three opposition stones in there.

:09:30. > :09:32.Three opposition stones in there. He has to get the front clear it.

:09:32. > :09:37.He has to get the front clear it. He has to get the front clear it.

:09:37. > :09:37.He has to get the front clear it. He has to get the front clear it.

:09:37. > :09:38.He has to get the front clear it. He may have 84 ft draw. -- a 4 ft 2

:09:38. > :09:39.He may have 84 ft draw. -- a 4 ft 2 He may have 84 ft draw. -- a 4 ft 2

:09:39. > :09:41.He may have 84 ft draw. -- a 4 ft 2 draw. He's really trying to open up,

:09:41. > :09:42.draw. He's really trying to open up, draw. He's really trying to open up,

:09:42. > :09:43.draw. He's really trying to open up, he seems to be hitting the short

:09:43. > :09:44.he seems to be hitting the short he seems to be hitting the short

:09:44. > :09:48.he seems to be hitting the short one running it back into the reds

:09:48. > running it back into the reds one running it back into the reds

:09:48. > running it back into the reds on the house. A bit of a gamble

:09:52. > :09:53.on the house. A bit of a gamble on the house. A bit of a gamble

:09:53. > Ross Patterson it needs to here. Ross Patterson it needs to

:09:54. > Ross Patterson it needs to here. Ross Patterson it needs to

:10:04. > :10:04.

:10:04. > :10:06.pick up one of the Reds in the Good shot. He was looking for that

:10:06. > :10:07.Good shot. He was looking for that Good shot. He was looking for that

:10:07. > :10:08.Good shot. He was looking for that to pull a little bit more and

:10:08. > pull a little bit more and to pull a little bit more and

:10:08. > pull a little bit more and hopefully get two of the Reds out

:10:09. > :10:11.hopefully get two of the Reds out hopefully get two of the Reds out

:10:11. > :10:15.hopefully get two of the Reds out of the house. One is away. The

:10:15. > :10:16.of the house. One is away. The of the house. One is away. The

:10:16. > :10:26.guards which are alleviating the guards which are alleviating the

:10:26. > :10:26.

:10:26. > :11:10.Apology for the loss of subtitles for 44 seconds

:11:10. > :11:11.It shows you how heavy it was. It shows you how heavy it was.

:11:11. > :11:13.It shows you how heavy it was. It shows you how heavy it was.

:11:13. > :11:16.picked up and it has still gone up picked up and it has still gone up

:11:16. > :11:17.picked up and it has still gone up picked up and it has still gone up

:11:17. > :11:19.through the rings. That was a wild through the rings. That was a wild

:11:19. > :11:20.through the rings. That was a wild through the rings. That was a wild

:11:20. > I don't know what that was one. I don't know what that was

:11:22. > I don't know what that was one. I don't know what that was

:11:22. > :11:23.about! I am sure he was aiming for about! I am sure he was aiming for

:11:23. > :11:31.about! I am sure he was aiming for about! I am sure he was aiming for

:11:31. > :11:35.a guard and it was far too heavy. a guard and it was far too heavy.

:11:35. > :11:37.a guard and it was far too heavy. Without a question, a chance. Logan

:11:37. > :11:38.Without a question, a chance. Logan Without a question, a chance. Logan

:11:38. > :11:39.Without a question, a chance. Logan will be pleased he is only facing a

:11:39. > :11:40.will be pleased he is only facing a will be pleased he is only facing a

:11:40. > :11:40.will be pleased he is only facing a couple of stones in the house. It

:11:41. > :11:50.couple of stones in the house. It couple of stones in the house. It

:11:51. > :12:01.

:12:01. > :12:02.couple of stones in the house. It A little unlucky. It just rolled

:12:02. > :12:04.A little unlucky. It just rolled A little unlucky. It just rolled

:12:04. > :12:04.A little unlucky. It just rolled out of the Rings keeping that one

:12:04. > :12:11.out of the Rings keeping that one out of the Rings keeping that one

:12:11. > :12:12.out of the Rings keeping that one in it that Logan Gray hit. Dave

:12:12. > it that Logan Gray hit. Dave in it that Logan Gray hit. Dave

:12:22. > :12:29.

:12:29. > :12:39.murdered looking for the nose. -- First things first, David Murdoch

:12:39. > :12:48.

:12:48. > :12:49.First things first, David Murdoch Just played a little bit of heavier

:12:49. > :12:51.Just played a little bit of heavier Just played a little bit of heavier

:12:51. > :12:52.weights and that Stone held weights and that Stone held

:12:52. > :12:54.weights and that Stone held straight. Yes, it's not crucial but

:12:54. > :12:56.straight. Yes, it's not crucial but straight. Yes, it's not crucial but

:12:56. > :12:57.straight. Yes, it's not crucial but it makes his job easier. He doesn't

:12:57. > makes his job easier. He doesn't it makes his job easier. He doesn't

:12:59. > makes his job easier. He doesn't have to beat in much. Just one into

:13:01. > :13:03.have to beat in much. Just one into have to beat in much. Just one into

:13:03. > :13:04.have to beat in much. Just one into the 8 ft. He will score one. If

:13:04. > :13:05.the 8 ft. He will score one. If the 8 ft. He will score one. If

:13:05. > :13:07.the 8 ft. He will score one. If David hit it on the nose it would

:13:07. > :13:07.David hit it on the nose it would David hit it on the nose it would

:13:07. > :13:09.David hit it on the nose it would be biting. It would have been more

:13:09. > biting. It would have been more be biting. It would have been more

:13:13. > biting. It would have been more challenging. A bit of a let off. So,

:13:15. > :13:16.challenging. A bit of a let off. So, challenging. A bit of a let off. So,

:13:16. > :13:19.challenging. A bit of a let off. So, this should be routine. As long as

:13:19. > :13:20.this should be routine. As long as this should be routine. As long as

:13:20. > :13:21.this should be routine. As long as it doesn't pick up. Anywhere in the

:13:21. > doesn't pick up. Anywhere in the it doesn't pick up. Anywhere in the

:13:22. > doesn't pick up. Anywhere in the 8 ft is good enough. These boys

:13:23. > :13:33.8 ft is good enough. These boys 8 ft is good enough. These boys

:13:33. > :13:53.

:13:53. > :13:54.What happened there? I heard Logan What happened there? I heard Logan

:13:54. > :13:57.What happened there? I heard Logan What happened there? I heard Logan

:13:57. > :14:01.Gray saying you can't her to it. It Gray saying you can't her to it. It

:14:01. > :14:11.Gray saying you can't her to it. It Gray saying you can't her to it. It

:14:11. > :14:19.

:14:19. > :14:29.The third end is under way and a The third end is under way and a

:14:29. > :14:29.

:14:29. > :14:39.The third end is under way and a Things going their way so far but a

:14:39. > :14:42.

:14:42. > :14:43.Things going their way so far but a They wanted on the centre line but

:14:43. > :14:45.They wanted on the centre line but They wanted on the centre line but

:14:45. > :14:46.They wanted on the centre line but it was a long way off that. Logan

:14:46. > was a long way off that. Logan it was a long way off that. Logan

:14:50. > :14:52.Gray has to get something going Gray has to get something going

:14:52. > :14:53.Gray has to get something going Gray has to get something going

:14:53. > Logan it needs to get his two here. Logan it needs to get his two

:14:54. > Logan it needs to get his two here. Logan it needs to get his two

:14:54. > :14:57.straight back in this N's to get straight back in this N's to get

:14:57. > :14:58.straight back in this N's to get straight back in this N's to get

:14:58. > :14:59.back in again. I don't know if the back in again. I don't know if the

:14:59. > :15:00.back in again. I don't know if the back in again. I don't know if the

:15:00. > :15:05.boys are getting caught out by the boys are getting caught out by the

:15:05. > :15:06.boys are getting caught out by the ice or the Stones. They were

:15:06. > or the Stones. They were ice or the Stones. They were

:15:09. > :15:19.looking for the centre line. And looking for the centre line. And

:15:19. > :15:37.

:15:37. > :15:42.He doesn't want to go to a gung-ho. He doesn't want to go to a gung-ho.

:15:42. > :15:43.He doesn't want to go to a gung-ho. He doesn't need to panic yet.

:15:43. > :15:45.He doesn't need to panic yet. He doesn't need to panic yet.

:15:45. > :15:46.He doesn't need to panic yet. Whereas this one going to go? The

:15:46. > :15:47.Whereas this one going to go? The Whereas this one going to go? The

:15:47. > :15:51.Whereas this one going to go? The first one seemed to go over. A

:15:51. > :16:00.first one seemed to go over. A first one seemed to go over. A

:16:00. > :16:03.first one seemed to go over. A little short. That is OK. He was

:16:03. > :16:08.little short. That is OK. He was little short. That is OK. He was

:16:08. > :16:18.asking for another high Garda this asking for another high Garda this

:16:18. > :16:31.

:16:31. > :16:32.It has got over the hog line. It has got over the hog line.

:16:32. > :16:33.It has got over the hog line. It has got over the hog line.

:16:33. > not what you are looking for at is not what you are looking for at

:16:38. > not what you are looking for at this level of competition. It can

:16:39. > :16:42.this level of competition. It can this level of competition. It can

:16:42. > :16:44.this level of competition. It can be the smallest of things for some

:16:44. > the smallest of things for some be the smallest of things for some

:16:45. > the smallest of things for some it is not flat on the bottom, the

:16:46. > is not flat on the bottom, the it is not flat on the bottom, the

:16:55. > is not flat on the bottom, the stone, it is like a dish. It is

:16:59. > :17:00.stone, it is like a dish. It is stone, it is like a dish. It is

:17:00. > :17:04.stone, it is like a dish. It is probably only 5-6 mm that is in

:17:04. > :17:06.probably only 5-6 mm that is in probably only 5-6 mm that is in

:17:06. > with the ice. They have contact with the ice. They have

:17:08. > with the ice. They have little pebbles on the bottom, they

:17:09. > :17:10.little pebbles on the bottom, they little pebbles on the bottom, they

:17:10. > :17:13.little pebbles on the bottom, they freeze, and that is what the stone

:17:13. > :17:13.freeze, and that is what the stone freeze, and that is what the stone

:17:13. > :17:18.runs on. Any alien material runs on. Any alien material

:17:18. > :17:20.runs on. Any alien material baguettes between the ice -- that

:17:20. > :17:20.baguettes between the ice -- that baguettes between the ice -- that

:17:20. > :17:21.baguettes between the ice -- that gets between the ice and the stone,

:17:21. > :17:26.gets between the ice and the stone, gets between the ice and the stone,

:17:26. > cannot provide off line. -- it cannot provide off line. --

:17:32. > cannot provide off line. -- it cannot provide off line. --

:17:33. > :17:34.throw it off line. What you hope throw it off line. What you hope

:17:34. > :17:35.throw it off line. What you hope throw it off line. What you hope

:17:35. > :17:36.will happen is that the stone will will happen is that the stone will

:17:36. > :17:40.will happen is that the stone will will happen is that the stone will

:17:40. > :17:42.push anything on the ice out of the push anything on the ice out of the

:17:42. > :17:43.push anything on the ice out of the push anything on the ice out of the

:17:43. > :17:48.way. We have had at least at the way. We have had at least at the

:17:48. > :17:49.way. We have had at least at the Reebok have been affected. -- at

:17:49. > :17:59.Reebok have been affected. -- at Reebok have been affected. -- at

:17:59. > :18:02.

:18:02. > :18:03.least after read that have been I did notice him changing the stone

:18:03. > :18:11.I did notice him changing the stone I did notice him changing the stone

:18:11. > :18:12.I did notice him changing the stone after Logan gave him the draw. At

:18:12. > :18:13.after Logan gave him the draw. At after Logan gave him the draw. At

:18:13. > :18:14.after Logan gave him the draw. At this moment in time, they do not

:18:14. > :18:15.this moment in time, they do not this moment in time, they do not

:18:15. > :18:16.this moment in time, they do not look like they are reading Ben to

:18:16. > :18:20.look like they are reading Ben to look like they are reading Ben to

:18:20. > :18:26.the best of their advantage. -- the best of their advantage. --

:18:26. > :18:27.the best of their advantage. -- the best of their advantage. --

:18:27. > :18:29.reading at them. It is not a flat reading at them. It is not a flat

:18:29. > :18:30.reading at them. It is not a flat reading at them. It is not a flat

:18:30. > :18:33.surface, it is put on it with a surface, it is put on it with a

:18:33. > :18:34.surface, it is put on it with a spray can, it freezes immediately.

:18:34. > :18:37.spray can, it freezes immediately. spray can, it freezes immediately.

:18:37. > :18:38.spray can, it freezes immediately. If the ice was completely flat, not

:18:38. > :18:39.If the ice was completely flat, not If the ice was completely flat, not

:18:40. > :18:40.If the ice was completely flat, not even these players would be able to

:18:40. > :18:41.even these players would be able to even these players would be able to

:18:41. > :18:46.even these players would be able to throw it hard enough to get into

:18:46. > :18:47.throw it hard enough to get into throw it hard enough to get into

:18:47. > :18:55.throw it hard enough to get into one -- to get from one end to

:18:55. > :18:58.They are looking at the temperature They are looking at the temperature

:18:58. > :18:59.They are looking at the temperature They are looking at the temperature

:18:59. > :19:01.of the ice all the time. They have of the ice all the time. They have

:19:01. > :19:04.of the ice all the time. They have of the ice all the time. They have

:19:04. > :19:05.had some very good ice all week. We had some very good ice all week. We

:19:05. > :19:06.had some very good ice all week. We had some very good ice all week. We

:19:06. > :19:14.have had some ends where it has have had some ends where it has

:19:14. > :19:20.have had some ends where it has have had some ends where it has

:19:20. > :19:25.been a bit silly me. -- slingy. been a bit silly me. -- slingy.

:19:25. > :19:32.been a bit silly me. -- slingy. been a bit silly me. -- slingy.

:19:32. > :19:42.That was a beautiful shot from Gray That was a beautiful shot from Gray

:19:42. > :19:43.That was a beautiful shot from Gray Drummond. -- Greg. Logan is having

:19:43. > :19:46.Drummond. -- Greg. Logan is having Drummond. -- Greg. Logan is having

:19:46. > :19:47.Drummond. -- Greg. Logan is having to play negative shots now. He is

:19:47. > play negative shots now. He is to play negative shots now. He is

:19:55. > play negative shots now. He is Still not looking pretty for Logan

:20:01. > :20:02.Still not looking pretty for Logan Still not looking pretty for Logan

:20:02. > :20:04.Still not looking pretty for Logan Gray's team. He does not like that

:20:04. > :20:04.Gray's team. He does not like that Gray's team. He does not like that

:20:04. > :20:10.Gray's team. He does not like that yellow, that can be raised on to be

:20:10. > :20:20.yellow, that can be raised on to be yellow, that can be raised on to be

:20:20. > :20:26.

:20:26. > :20:31.Give me a touch more. They do not Give me a touch more. They do not

:20:31. > :20:31.Give me a touch more. They do not like that one. They cannot afford

:20:31. > that one. They cannot afford like that one. They cannot afford

:20:40. > that one. They cannot afford to hit it on the high side. That

:20:41. > hit it on the high side. That to hit it on the high side. That

:20:43. > hit it on the high side. That to hit it on the high side. That

:20:44. > was so far off line. I have no one was so far off line. I have no

:20:45. > was so far off line. I have no one was so far off line. I have no

:20:50. > :20:52.idea what is happening out there at idea what is happening out there at

:20:52. > :20:53.idea what is happening out there at the minute. Whether that was a

:20:53. > :20:54.the minute. Whether that was a the minute. Whether that was a

:20:54. > :20:55.the minute. Whether that was a straight one, but it did not to

:20:55. > :21:01.straight one, but it did not to straight one, but it did not to

:21:01. > :21:02.straight one, but it did not to what it was supposed to do. They

:21:02. > :21:06.what it was supposed to do. They what it was supposed to do. They

:21:06. > :21:10.what it was supposed to do. They still have some work to do. The end

:21:10. > :21:11.still have some work to do. The end still have some work to do. The end

:21:11. > :21:15.has turned around amazingly. It is has turned around amazingly. It is

:21:15. > :21:19.has turned around amazingly. It is has turned around amazingly. It is

:21:19. > :21:29.looking a bit better 14 Gray. -- looking a bit better 14 Gray. --

:21:29. > :21:41.

:21:41. > :21:49.It is another one in the house. It is another one in the house.

:21:49. > :21:50.It is another one in the house. Three yellows in rings. Logan Gray

:21:50. > :22:00.Three yellows in rings. Logan Gray Three yellows in rings. Logan Gray

:22:00. > :22:01.

:22:01. > :22:04.Three yellows in rings. Logan Gray They certainly want to get rid of a

:22:04. > :22:06.They certainly want to get rid of a They certainly want to get rid of a

:22:06. > :22:07.They certainly want to get rid of a couple of those. There is only one

:22:07. > :22:14.couple of those. There is only one couple of those. There is only one

:22:14. > :22:16.couple of those. There is only one solitary red shot in there now.

:22:16. > :22:17.solitary red shot in there now. solitary red shot in there now.

:22:17. > :22:20.solitary red shot in there now. think he can get between those two

:22:20. > :22:21.think he can get between those two think he can get between those two

:22:21. > :22:23.think he can get between those two yellows. He thinks he can get rid

:22:23. > :22:23.yellows. He thinks he can get rid yellows. He thinks he can get rid

:22:24. > :22:33.of the double, and leave the of the double, and leave the

:22:34. > :22:40.

:22:40. > :22:50.He made Janet on the other yellow. He made Janet on the other yellow.

:22:50. > :23:10.

:23:10. > :23:16.One red, one yellow. This game has One red, one yellow. This game has

:23:16. > :23:17.One red, one yellow. This game has One red, one yellow. This game has

:23:17. > :23:18.swung from a little while ago. Now swung from a little while ago. Now

:23:19. > :23:28.swung from a little while ago. Now swung from a little while ago. Now

:23:29. > :23:34.

:23:35. > :23:37.He knows he has a good chance to He knows he has a good chance to

:23:37. > :23:38.He knows he has a good chance to He knows he has a good chance to

:23:38. > :23:39.develop this into a two. He wants develop this into a two. He wants

:23:39. > :23:43.develop this into a two. He wants to give himself the best possible

:23:44. > give himself the best possible to give himself the best possible

:23:44. > :23:52.opportunity. I think the hit is opportunity. I think the hit is

:23:52. > :23:53.opportunity. I think the hit is probably the shot. That would be

:23:53. > :23:54.probably the shot. That would be probably the shot. That would be

:23:54. > :23:55.probably the shot. That would be pretty much ideal. He has to watch

:23:55. > :24:00.pretty much ideal. He has to watch pretty much ideal. He has to watch

:24:00. > :24:01.pretty much ideal. He has to watch that he doesn't set up a double.

:24:02. > :24:03.that he doesn't set up a double. that he doesn't set up a double.

:24:03. > :24:03.that he doesn't set up a double. he does make the double, he can

:24:03. > :24:07.he does make the double, he can he does make the double, he can

:24:07. > :24:11.he does make the double, he can just Pollet on top of them. -- pour

:24:11. > :24:16.just Pollet on top of them. -- pour just Pollet on top of them. -- pour

:24:16. > :24:17.just Pollet on top of them. -- pour just Pollet on top of them. -- pour

:24:17. > on top of them. You can see that it on top of them. You can see that

:24:23. > on top of them. You can see that it on top of them. You can see that

:24:28. > :24:32.that was a dead and nose hit -- that was a dead and nose hit --

:24:32. > :24:33.that was a dead and nose hit -- that was a dead and nose hit --

:24:33. > :24:34.dead nose hit. There is a bitter dead nose hit. There is a bitter

:24:34. > :24:40.dead nose hit. There is a bitter separation between them, but it was

:24:40. > :24:45.separation between them, but it was separation between them, but it was

:24:45. > :24:49.separation between them, but it was pretty precise. -- there is a bit

:24:49. > :24:55.pretty precise. -- there is a bit pretty precise. -- there is a bit

:24:55. > :24:58.of separation. There is his mother of separation. There is his mother

:24:58. > :25:01.of separation. There is his mother and father. Dave Murdoch, can he

:25:02. > :25:06.and father. Dave Murdoch, can he and father. Dave Murdoch, can he

:25:06. > :25:12.make this double? That one has make this double? That one has

:25:12. > :25:13.make this double? That one has appeared -- picked as well.

:25:13. > :25:14.appeared -- picked as well. appeared -- picked as well.

:25:14. > :25:15.appeared -- picked as well. only saving grace is that he did

:25:15. > :25:19.only saving grace is that he did only saving grace is that he did

:25:19. > :25:22.only saving grace is that he did not do enough to miss both stones.

:25:22. > :25:23.not do enough to miss both stones. not do enough to miss both stones.

:25:23. > :25:33.not do enough to miss both stones. Still only a one. That was looking

:25:33. > :25:35.

:25:35. > :25:40.A bitter frustration from Dave A bitter frustration from Dave

:25:40. > :25:46.A bitter frustration from Dave A bitter frustration from Dave

:25:46. > :25:47.Murdoch's face. -- a bit of. Varied Murdoch's face. -- a bit of. Varied

:25:47. > :25:51.Murdoch's face. -- a bit of. Varied Murdoch's face. -- a bit of. Varied

:25:51. > :25:53.goes. -- there it goes, over the goes. -- there it goes, over the

:25:53. > :25:54.goes. -- there it goes, over the goes. -- there it goes, over the

:25:54. > :25:56.hog line. We saw it there, the hog line. We saw it there, the

:25:56. > :25:58.hog line. We saw it there, the handle started to turn, and the

:25:58. > :26:00.handle started to turn, and the handle started to turn, and the

:26:00. > :26:01.stone and nosedived. If that had stone and nosedived. If that had

:26:01. > :26:02.stone and nosedived. If that had happened two or three yards earlier,

:26:02. > :26:07.happened two or three yards earlier, happened two or three yards earlier,

:26:07. > would have missed both stones. it would have missed both stones.

:26:08. > would have missed both stones. it would have missed both stones.

:26:13. > :26:19.These pick ups to go both ways. -- These pick ups to go both ways. --

:26:19. > :26:20.These pick ups to go both ways. -- These pick ups to go both ways. --

:26:20. > go both ways. He does not want do go both ways. He does not want

:26:26. > go both ways. He does not want do go both ways. He does not want

:26:34. > lead a double on. -- leave. to lead a double on. -- leave.

:26:35. > lead a double on. -- leave. is fine. The most important thing

:26:37. > fine. The most important thing is fine. The most important thing

:26:37. > fine. The most important thing was not to lead a double. He has

:26:40. > :26:41.was not to lead a double. He has was not to lead a double. He has

:26:41. > :26:42.was not to lead a double. He has done that. Just going to try and

:26:42. > :26:48.done that. Just going to try and done that. Just going to try and

:26:48. > :26:49.done that. Just going to try and take out one of the yellow stones.

:26:49. > :26:50.take out one of the yellow stones. take out one of the yellow stones.

:26:50. > :26:56.Doing a bit of housekeeping! Doing a bit of housekeeping!

:26:56. > :26:57.Doing a bit of housekeeping! Keeping the ice clean! Tom, of

:26:57. > :26:57.Keeping the ice clean! Tom, of Keeping the ice clean! Tom, of

:26:57. > :27:07.Keeping the ice clean! Tom, of course, is an ice rink manager in

:27:07. > :27:24.

:27:24. > :27:25.David just wants to hit and life. - David just wants to hit and life. -

:27:25. > :27:26.David just wants to hit and life. - David just wants to hit and life. -

:27:26. > :27:27.- lie. He wanted to leave it just - lie. He wanted to leave it just

:27:27. > :27:28.- lie. He wanted to leave it just - lie. He wanted to leave it just

:27:28. > front of the yellow, that would in front of the yellow, that would

:27:28. > front of the yellow, that would in front of the yellow, that would

:27:34. > :27:35.have made the job a little harder. have made the job a little harder.

:27:35. > :27:36.have made the job a little harder. He has spotted something there,

:27:36. > :27:40.He has spotted something there, He has spotted something there,

:27:40. > :27:50.everyone is a bit paranoid. They everyone is a bit paranoid. They

:27:50. > :27:51.everyone is a bit paranoid. They are keeping their eyes firmly down.

:27:51. > :27:57.are keeping their eyes firmly down. are keeping their eyes firmly down.

:27:57. > :27:59.He is saying there were footmarks. He is saying there were footmarks.

:27:59. > :28:00.He is saying there were footmarks. It has been known, depending what

:28:00. > :28:04.It has been known, depending what It has been known, depending what

:28:04. > :28:05.It has been known, depending what the soles of your shoes are like.

:28:05. > :28:13.the soles of your shoes are like. the soles of your shoes are like.

:28:13. > :28:13.Sometimes they shed some rubber. Sometimes they shed some rubber.

:28:14. > :28:14.Sometimes they shed some rubber. Sometimes they shed some rubber.

:28:14. > :28:16.They'd to sweep the ice after the They'd to sweep the ice after the

:28:16. > :28:17.They'd to sweep the ice after the They'd to sweep the ice after the

:28:17. > :28:17.break. I wonder if they will ask break. I wonder if they will ask

:28:18. > :28:22.break. I wonder if they will ask break. I wonder if they will ask

:28:22. > :28:23.the umpires to do it now? I think the umpires to do it now? I think

:28:23. > :28:24.the umpires to do it now? I think the umpires to do it now? I think

:28:24. > :28:25.they should. I think that would be they should. I think that would be

:28:25. > :28:30.they should. I think that would be they should. I think that would be

:28:30. > :28:31.a good idea, there have been too a good idea, there have been too

:28:31. > :28:32.a good idea, there have been too many variations. They come up

:28:32. > :28:33.many variations. They come up many variations. They come up

:28:33. > :28:35.through that end, some changing through that end, some changing

:28:35. > :28:42.through that end, some changing through that end, some changing

:28:42. > :28:46.through that end, some changing through that end, some changing

:28:46. > :28:48.fortunes, but they get a two back. fortunes, but they get a two back.

:28:48. > :28:49.fortunes, but they get a two back. fortunes, but they get a two back.

:28:49. > :28:50.Seen Gray are very much back in the Seen Gray are very much back in the

:28:50. > :28:50.Seen Gray are very much back in the Seen Gray are very much back in the

:28:50. > :28:55.match, let's find out a bit more match, let's find out a bit more

:28:55. > :28:56.match, let's find out a bit more about their skipper. My name is

:28:56. > :28:57.about their skipper. My name is about their skipper. My name is

:28:57. > :29:02.about their skipper. My name is login, and die and the skipper of

:29:02. > :29:04.login, and die and the skipper of login, and die and the skipper of

:29:04. > :29:05.login, and die and the skipper of team great. -- my name is Logan,

:29:05. > great. -- my name is Logan, team great. -- my name is Logan,

:29:12. > :29:13.and I am the skipper. Sometimes and I am the skipper. Sometimes

:29:13. > :29:14.and I am the skipper. Sometimes and I am the skipper. Sometimes

:29:14. > :29:16.they are brushing their rice as if they are brushing their rice as if

:29:16. > :29:17.they are brushing their rice as if they are sweeping the kitchen floor.

:29:17. > :29:18.they are sweeping the kitchen floor. they are sweeping the kitchen floor.

:29:18. > :29:19.they are sweeping the kitchen floor. they are sweeping the kitchen floor.

:29:19. > :29:21.I get so much out of it. It has I get so much out of it. It has

:29:21. > :29:24.I get so much out of it. It has I get so much out of it. It has

:29:24. > :29:28.taken me all over the world. A taken me all over the world. A

:29:28. > :29:29.taken me all over the world. A taken me all over the world. A

:29:29. > :29:30.fierce ago, at the 2010 Olympics, I fierce ago, at the 2010 Olympics, I

:29:30. > :29:34.fierce ago, at the 2010 Olympics, I was pretty good friends with the

:29:34. > :29:35.was pretty good friends with the was pretty good friends with the

:29:35. > :29:37.Norwegian team, and they were Norwegian team, and they were

:29:37. > :29:38.Norwegian team, and they were wearing these wild trousers, and

:29:38. > :29:42.wearing these wild trousers, and wearing these wild trousers, and

:29:42. > :29:43.wearing these wild trousers, and after that, I took the idea. I had

:29:43. > :29:44.after that, I took the idea. I had after that, I took the idea. I had

:29:44. > :29:45.after that, I took the idea. I had been doing it for four seasons, I

:29:46. > :29:46.been doing it for four seasons, I been doing it for four seasons, I

:29:46. > :29:50.been doing it for four seasons, I think it is good fun, if it

:29:50. > :29:51.think it is good fun, if it represents an our character.

:29:51. > :29:53.represents an our character. represents an our character.

:29:53. > :29:54.Sometimes you forget you are Sometimes you forget you are

:29:54. > :29:57.Sometimes you forget you are wearing them, and go to the

:29:57. > :30:02.wearing them, and go to the wearing them, and go to the

:30:02. > :30:04.supermarket! People think I'm a supermarket! People think I'm a

:30:04. > :30:05.supermarket! People think I'm a part-time clown. We have been doing

:30:05. > :30:06.part-time clown. We have been doing part-time clown. We have been doing

:30:06. > :30:08.part-time clown. We have been doing very well in Scotland over the last

:30:08. > :30:09.very well in Scotland over the last very well in Scotland over the last

:30:09. > :30:10.very well in Scotland over the last couple of years. We want to do the

:30:10. > :30:20.couple of years. We want to do the couple of years. We want to do the

:30:20. > :30:52.

:30:52. > :31:02.A nice shot from Ross Paterson. A nice shot from Ross Paterson.

:31:02. > :31:02.

:31:02. > :31:04.A nice shot from Ross Paterson. The problem is Tom Brewster can

:31:04. > :31:05.The problem is Tom Brewster can The problem is Tom Brewster can

:31:05. > :31:08.The problem is Tom Brewster can nail this. There is a double.

:31:08. > :31:09.nail this. There is a double. nail this. There is a double.

:31:09. > :31:14.nail this. There is a double. looks a little high. He is checking

:31:14. > :31:16.looks a little high. He is checking looks a little high. He is checking

:31:16. > :31:17.looks a little high. He is checking that out. His mum is sitting doing

:31:17. > :31:20.that out. His mum is sitting doing that out. His mum is sitting doing

:31:20. > :31:24.that out. His mum is sitting doing the stats for both teams. This is a

:31:24. > :31:34.the stats for both teams. This is a the stats for both teams. This is a

:31:34. > :31:39.

:31:39. > :31:42.big shot. Tom Brewster can make He has thrown it back. Will it hit

:31:42. > :31:47.He has thrown it back. Will it hit He has thrown it back. Will it hit

:31:47. > :31:47.anything? He cracked it too much. anything? He cracked it too much.

:31:47. > :31:49.anything? He cracked it too much. Lost control. It was eight skinny

:31:49. > :31:51.Lost control. It was eight skinny Lost control. It was eight skinny

:31:51. > :32:00.double. Anywhere high and to give double. Anywhere high and to give

:32:00. > :32:02.double. Anywhere high and to give It could have been an awful lot

:32:02. > :32:11.It could have been an awful lot It could have been an awful lot

:32:11. > :32:12.It could have been an awful lot Logan Gray will play the promotion

:32:12. > :32:13.Logan Gray will play the promotion Logan Gray will play the promotion

:32:13. > :32:14.Logan Gray will play the promotion and try and moved the yellow stone

:32:14. > :32:16.and try and moved the yellow stone and try and moved the yellow stone

:32:16. > :32:26.and try and moved the yellow stone back on to it. This is a precise

:32:26. > :32:55.

:32:55. > :32:56.That was a chance, a chance for That was a chance, a chance for

:32:56. > :32:57.That was a chance, a chance for both sides. Tom Brewster had a

:32:57. > :32:58.both sides. Tom Brewster had a both sides. Tom Brewster had a

:32:58. > :32:59.both sides. Tom Brewster had a great chance and so did Logan Gray.

:32:59. > :33:01.great chance and so did Logan Gray. great chance and so did Logan Gray.

:33:01. > :33:05.great chance and so did Logan Gray. It was a tough shot. Two saved

:33:05. > :33:05.It was a tough shot. Two saved It was a tough shot. Two saved

:33:05. > :33:09.second shots. Three stains to come second shots. Three stains to come

:33:09. > :33:16.second shots. Three stains to come in the end. Team Brewster looking

:33:16. > the end. Team Brewster looking in the end. Team Brewster looking

:33:26. > :33:38.

:33:38. > :33:40.Dave Murdoch has lots of titles Dave Murdoch has lots of titles

:33:40. > :33:47.Dave Murdoch has lots of titles under his belt. Two-times world

:33:47. > :33:57.under his belt. Two-times world champion... And the junior

:33:57. > :34:09.

:34:09. > :34:10.A nice shot from David Murdoch. A nice shot from David Murdoch.

:34:10. > :34:11.A nice shot from David Murdoch. absolute peach. Well judged by the

:34:12. > :34:13.absolute peach. Well judged by the absolute peach. Well judged by the

:34:13. > :34:16.absolute peach. Well judged by the sweepers as well. You can see the

:34:16. > :34:17.sweepers as well. You can see the sweepers as well. You can see the

:34:17. > :34:18.acknowledgement. It is not just the acknowledgement. It is not just the

:34:18. > :34:19.acknowledgement. It is not just the acknowledgement. It is not just the

:34:19. > :34:21.guise of the throw the stones. They guise of the throw the stones. They

:34:21. > :34:31.guise of the throw the stones. They did a good job, absolutely perfect.

:34:31. > :34:40.

:34:40. > :34:50.did a good job, absolutely perfect. He could get some cover here.

:34:50. > :34:52.

:34:52. > :34:54.He could get some cover here. Just trying to come down the left-

:34:54. > :34:55.Just trying to come down the left- Just trying to come down the left-

:34:55. > :35:05.Just trying to come down the left- hand side of the red to get the

:35:05. > :35:07.

:35:07. > :35:09.rollover. Trying to hold this. It's curling.

:35:09. > :35:12.Trying to hold this. It's curling. Trying to hold this. It's curling.

:35:12. > :35:15.Trying to hold this. It's curling. Is going to be close. Overdid it a

:35:16. > :35:19.Is going to be close. Overdid it a Is going to be close. Overdid it a

:35:19. > :35:20.Is going to be close. Overdid it a little. A hard one to judge. Just

:35:20. > :35:22.little. A hard one to judge. Just little. A hard one to judge. Just

:35:22. > :35:25.little. A hard one to judge. Just didn't get it. What a difference it

:35:25. > :35:26.didn't get it. What a difference it didn't get it. What a difference it

:35:26. > :35:28.makes. It leads a relatively makes. It leads a relatively

:35:28. > :35:30.makes. It leads a relatively straightforward nose hit for David

:35:30. > :35:31.straightforward nose hit for David straightforward nose hit for David

:35:31. > :35:32.straightforward nose hit for David Murdoch to get ear two macro back

:35:32. > :35:36.Murdoch to get ear two macro back Murdoch to get ear two macro back

:35:36. > :35:46.Murdoch to get ear two macro back they lost at the last end. -- get

:35:46. > :36:15.

:36:15. > :36:17.Has it got enough? It hasn't. Will Has it got enough? It hasn't. Will

:36:17. > :36:20.Has it got enough? It hasn't. Will Has it got enough? It hasn't. Will

:36:20. > stay? I think it does. I think it stay? I think it does. I think

:36:22. > stay? I think it does. I think it is two, beating those yellows.

:36:24. > is two, beating those yellows. it is two, beating those yellows.

:36:26. > :36:28.That is enough. That was looking That is enough. That was looking

:36:28. > :36:32.That is enough. That was looking pretty dodgy coming down. They

:36:32. > :36:35.pretty dodgy coming down. They pretty dodgy coming down. They

:36:35. > :36:45.played just enough weight. A great played just enough weight. A great

:36:45. > :36:46.

:36:46. > :36:47.Team Brewster, 5, Team Gray, too. Team Brewster, 5, Team Gray, too.

:36:47. > :36:49.Team Brewster striking back Team Brewster striking back

:36:49. > :36:50.immediately to re-establish the immediately to re-establish the

:36:50. > :36:51.immediately to re-establish the three-point lead. Let's find that

:36:51. > :36:54.three-point lead. Let's find that three-point lead. Let's find that

:36:54. > :36:58.three-point lead. Let's find that more about the main men. -- finds

:36:58. > :37:00.more about the main men. -- finds more about the main men. -- finds

:37:00. > :37:02.out. Tom Rooster, Team Priest. out. Tom Rooster, Team Priest.

:37:02. > :37:03.out. Tom Rooster, Team Priest. David Murdoch for Team Brewster.

:37:03. > :37:05.David Murdoch for Team Brewster. David Murdoch for Team Brewster.

:37:05. > :37:08.David Murdoch for Team Brewster. We've been friends for a long time.

:37:08. > :37:11.We've been friends for a long time. We've been friends for a long time.

:37:11. > :37:12.20 years. Minimum. We grew up 20 years. Minimum. We grew up

:37:12. > :37:14.curling together regionally to curling together regionally to

:37:14. > :37:15.curling together regionally to juniors and went our separate ways.

:37:15. > :37:18.juniors and went our separate ways. juniors and went our separate ways.

:37:18. > :37:19.juniors and went our separate ways. We are back together again. We had

:37:19. > :37:23.We are back together again. We had We are back together again. We had

:37:23. > :37:25.We are back together again. We had a good rivalry for a long time

:37:25. > :37:25.a good rivalry for a long time a good rivalry for a long time

:37:25. > :37:26.a good rivalry for a long time between 202010 when I was Skipp and

:37:26. > :37:31.between 202010 when I was Skipp and between 202010 when I was Skipp and

:37:31. > :37:32.between 202010 when I was Skipp and he was Skip of his own team. We

:37:32. > :37:33.he was Skip of his own team. We he was Skip of his own team. We

:37:33. > :37:34.were knocking each other out most were knocking each other out most

:37:34. > :37:36.were knocking each other out most were knocking each other out most

:37:36. > :37:38.of the time. It's a lot of fun. of the time. It's a lot of fun.

:37:38. > :37:40.of the time. It's a lot of fun. It's funny how it turns around.

:37:40. > :37:42.It's funny how it turns around. It's funny how it turns around.

:37:42. > :37:42.Sometimes your rivals can be your Sometimes your rivals can be your

:37:42. > :37:45.Sometimes your rivals can be your team-mates. It's amazing how it

:37:45. > It's amazing how it team-mates. It's amazing how it

:37:47. > :37:49.turns around. In 2010 in Vancouver turns around. In 2010 in Vancouver

:37:49. > :37:50.turns around. In 2010 in Vancouver turns around. In 2010 in Vancouver

:37:50. > :37:51.or at the Olympic Games we were the or at the Olympic Games we were the

:37:51. > :37:54.or at the Olympic Games we were the favourites, will champions and it

:37:54. > :37:55.favourites, will champions and it favourites, will champions and it

:37:55. > :37:56.was a disappointment. We did not was a disappointment. We did not

:37:56. > :37:58.was a disappointment. We did not was a disappointment. We did not

:37:58. > :37:59.get a result we were looking for. get a result we were looking for.

:37:59. > :38:00.get a result we were looking for. get a result we were looking for.

:38:00. > :38:03.But is something I still find quite But is something I still find quite

:38:03. > :38:04.But is something I still find quite But is something I still find quite

:38:04. > :38:05.tough. Yes, it inspired me. To get tough. Yes, it inspired me. To get

:38:05. > :38:06.tough. Yes, it inspired me. To get tough. Yes, it inspired me. To get

:38:06. > :38:09.the Olympics, I was involved at the the Olympics, I was involved at the

:38:09. > :38:10.the Olympics, I was involved at the the Olympics, I was involved at the

:38:10. > :38:11.start in the play-offs when it was start in the play-offs when it was

:38:11. > :38:12.start in the play-offs when it was start in the play-offs when it was

:38:12. > :38:15.just a medal sport. It's a big just a medal sport. It's a big

:38:15. > :38:16.just a medal sport. It's a big just a medal sport. It's a big

:38:16. > :38:17.dream to even get there. We want to dream to even get there. We want to

:38:17. > :38:19.dream to even get there. We want to aspire to more than that. We're

:38:19. > :38:20.aspire to more than that. We're aspire to more than that. We're

:38:20. > :38:23.aspire to more than that. We're working hard to qualify to go there

:38:23. > :38:24.working hard to qualify to go there working hard to qualify to go there

:38:24. > :38:26.and hopefully with David on board and hopefully with David on board

:38:26. > :38:29.and hopefully with David on board and more experienced, the five-man

:38:29. > :38:31.and more experienced, the five-man and more experienced, the five-man

:38:31. > :38:33.system we have everybody gets games, system we have everybody gets games,

:38:33. > :38:37.system we have everybody gets games, everybody plays and nobody is

:38:37. > :38:38.everybody plays and nobody is everybody plays and nobody is

:38:38. > :38:41.excluded. We are trying to produce excluded. We are trying to produce

:38:41. > :38:43.excluded. We are trying to produce the best game, football teams have

:38:43. > :38:43.the best game, football teams have the best game, football teams have

:38:43. > :38:44.the best game, football teams have a squad, they rotate and to bring

:38:44. > :38:48.a squad, they rotate and to bring a squad, they rotate and to bring

:38:48. > :38:49.a squad, they rotate and to bring in fresh sweepers. Why not? Some of

:38:49. > fresh sweepers. Why not? Some of in fresh sweepers. Why not? Some of

:38:50. > fresh sweepers. Why not? Some of us knows -- know what positions we

:38:51. > knows -- know what positions we us knows -- know what positions we

:38:53. > knows -- know what positions we will not play. I am not leading!

:38:56. > :38:59.will not play. I am not leading! will not play. I am not leading!

:38:59. > :39:09.will not play. I am not leading! Back to the match. We rejoin in end

:39:09. > :39:09.

:39:09. > :39:11.Ross Paterson looking to come in Ross Paterson looking to come in

:39:11. > :39:12.Ross Paterson looking to come in Ross Paterson looking to come in

:39:12. > :39:22.behind what is a high yellow guard. behind what is a high yellow guard.

:39:22. > :39:25.

:39:25. > :39:26.behind what is a high yellow guard. Did too much. Far too much.It

:39:26. > :39:27.Did too much. Far too much.It Did too much. Far too much.It

:39:27. > :39:34.Did too much. Far too much.It would have come out the side of the

:39:34. > :39:36.would have come out the side of the would have come out the side of the

:39:36. > :39:39.other one. Wide open. Team Gray other one. Wide open. Team Gray

:39:39. > :39:40.other one. Wide open. Team Gray trying to find a fractured, trying

:39:41. > :39:42.trying to find a fractured, trying trying to find a fractured, trying

:39:43. > :39:46.trying to find a fractured, trying to get a two back in again.

:39:46. > get a two back in again. to get a two back in again.

:39:48. > :39:49.THEY CONFER David Murdoch will THEY CONFER David Murdoch will

:39:49. > :39:50.THEY CONFER David Murdoch will THEY CONFER David Murdoch will

:39:50. > :39:52.think if he hits that one, the think if he hits that one, the

:39:52. > :40:02.think if he hits that one, the corner guards is available for Team

:40:02. > :40:08.

:40:08. > :40:09.corner guards is available for Team THEY CONFER because the red stains

:40:09. > :40:10.THEY CONFER because the red stains THEY CONFER because the red stains

:40:10. > :40:11.THEY CONFER because the red stains are at the back and biting the 12

:40:11. > :40:17.are at the back and biting the 12 are at the back and biting the 12

:40:17. > :40:18.ft, Logan still has the opportunity ft, Logan still has the opportunity

:40:18. > :40:28.ft, Logan still has the opportunity ft, Logan still has the opportunity

:40:28. > :40:34.

:40:34. > come in behind the yellow high He could hit and roll and take of

:40:35. > :40:36.He could hit and roll and take of He could hit and roll and take of

:40:36. > :40:37.He could hit and roll and take of the draw behind the guard that he

:40:37. > :40:40.the draw behind the guard that he the draw behind the guard that he

:40:40. > :40:42.the draw behind the guard that he might catch one of the back roads.

:40:42. > :40:43.might catch one of the back roads. might catch one of the back roads.

:40:43. > :40:45.If the Leeds the shooter there, If the Leeds the shooter there,

:40:45. > :40:46.If the Leeds the shooter there, there's the possibility Logan Gray

:40:46. > :40:47.there's the possibility Logan Gray there's the possibility Logan Gray

:40:47. > :40:51.there's the possibility Logan Gray there's the possibility Logan Gray

:40:52. > :40:53.could do it, loads of room to do it. could do it, loads of room to do it.

:40:53. > :41:03.could do it, loads of room to do it. could do it, loads of room to do it.

:41:03. > :41:22.

:41:22. > :41:27.Not easy to see what Tom Brewster I think Logan has to come in behind

:41:27. > :41:28.I think Logan has to come in behind I think Logan has to come in behind

:41:28. > :41:29.I think Logan has to come in behind yellow corner. That one is in on

:41:29. > :41:30.yellow corner. That one is in on yellow corner. That one is in on

:41:30. > :41:31.yellow corner. That one is in on the right hand side but the two at

:41:31. > :41:32.the right hand side but the two at the right hand side but the two at

:41:32. > :41:33.the right hand side but the two at the back are in. Logan Gray is

:41:33. > :41:34.the back are in. Logan Gray is the back are in. Logan Gray is

:41:34. > :41:37.the back are in. Logan Gray is ignoring them to make use of the

:41:37. > :41:37.ignoring them to make use of the ignoring them to make use of the

:41:38. > :41:41.ignoring them to make use of the corner guard. That is what he needs

:41:41. > :41:42.corner guard. That is what he needs to provide protection.

:41:42. > provide protection. to provide protection.

:41:43. > provide protection. opportunity for him to play a great

:41:45. > :41:49.opportunity for him to play a great opportunity for him to play a great

:41:49. > :41:59.opportunity for him to play a great shot. Try to pick up two possible.

:41:59. > :42:03.

:42:03. > :42:05.Ross caught the guards the first Ross caught the guards the first

:42:05. > :42:12.Ross caught the guards the first time. He has given himself every

:42:12. > :42:22.time. He has given himself every time. He has given himself every

:42:22. > :42:23.

:42:23. > :42:24.Quite a long guard. A long distance Quite a long guard. A long distance

:42:24. > :42:28.Quite a long guard. A long distance Quite a long guard. A long distance

:42:28. > :42:38.between the Garda and the stone in between the Garda and the stone in

:42:38. > :42:40.

:42:40. > :42:42.It would have been better to be a It would have been better to be a

:42:42. > :42:44.It would have been better to be a It would have been better to be a

:42:44. > :42:46.tea high. This has given date an tea high. This has given date an

:42:46. > :42:47.tea high. This has given date an opportunity to come down, past the

:42:47. > :42:49.opportunity to come down, past the opportunity to come down, past the

:42:49. > :42:50.guard and enter and still managed guard and enter and still managed

:42:50. > :42:53.guard and enter and still managed guard and enter and still managed

:42:53. > tap the yellow through the back. to tap the yellow through the back.

:42:54. > tap the yellow through the back. Difficult shot but these other

:42:55. > :42:56.Difficult shot but these other Difficult shot but these other

:42:57. > :42:57.Difficult shot but these other shots these guys have to make when

:42:57. > :43:07.shots these guys have to make when shots these guys have to make when

:43:07. > :43:40.

:43:40. > :43:42.The perfect line to finish it off The perfect line to finish it off

:43:42. > :43:43.The perfect line to finish it off The perfect line to finish it off

:43:44. > the end. Logan has to ignore all at the end. Logan has to ignore all

:43:44. > the end. Logan has to ignore all at the end. Logan has to ignore all

:43:54. > :43:59.

:43:59. > :44:09.Logan needs to gamble a bit. He Logan needs to gamble a bit. He

:44:09. > :44:26.

:44:26. > :44:32.Logan needs to gamble a bit. He Will it stop? It must stop a! Oh,

:44:32. > :44:32.Will it stop? It must stop a! Oh, Will it stop? It must stop a! Oh,

:44:32. > :44:33.dear. Well, big mistake from Logan dear. Well, big mistake from Logan

:44:33. > :44:34.dear. Well, big mistake from Logan dear. Well, big mistake from Logan

:44:34. > :44:38.dear. Well, big mistake from Logan Gray if he is to get back into the

:44:38. > :44:39.Gray if he is to get back into the Gray if he is to get back into the

:44:39. > :44:41.Gray if he is to get back into the game. That was loose. The boys did

:44:41. > That was loose. The boys did game. That was loose. The boys did

:44:42. > That was loose. The boys did not look like it was a heavy stone.

:44:43. > :44:46.not look like it was a heavy stone. not look like it was a heavy stone.

:44:46. > :44:47.not look like it was a heavy stone. They were sweeping it to start with.

:44:47. > :44:52.They were sweeping it to start with. They were sweeping it to start with.

:44:52. > :44:58.They were sweeping it to start with. They were sweeping it to start with.

:44:58. > :45:02.This is in by an inch! It's not a This is in by an inch! It's not a

:45:02. > :45:02.This is in by an inch! It's not a disaster. Dave Murdoch with one

:45:02. > :45:03.disaster. Dave Murdoch with one disaster. Dave Murdoch with one

:45:03. > :45:08.disaster. Dave Murdoch with one disaster. Dave Murdoch with one

:45:08. > a need for the top of the fall here a need for the top of the fall

:45:18. > :45:44.

:45:44. > :45:47.Or it is deeper than he wanted. Or it is deeper than he wanted.

:45:47. > :45:51.Or it is deeper than he wanted. Or it is deeper than he wanted.

:45:51. > :45:52.That has made Logan Gray's job even That has made Logan Gray's job even

:45:52. > :45:56.That has made Logan Gray's job even more difficult. They will take a

:45:56. > :45:57.more difficult. They will take a more difficult. They will take a

:45:57. > :46:04.more difficult. They will take a one. They did not want to take that,

:46:04. > They did not want to take that, one. They did not want to take that,

:46:05. > They did not want to take that, that is a force. That is not what

:46:06. > :46:07.that is a force. That is not what that is a force. That is not what

:46:07. > :46:14.that is a force. That is not what you need when you are three down,

:46:14. > need when you are three down, you need when you are three down,

:46:15. > :46:16.playing the seventh end. If he playing the seventh end. If he

:46:16. > :46:17.playing the seventh end. If he playing the seventh end. If he

:46:17. > :46:21.wants to keep himself in this game, wants to keep himself in this game,

:46:21. > :46:22.wants to keep himself in this game, wants to keep himself in this game,

:46:22. > :46:28.he has to make this shot. Otherwise, he has to make this shot. Otherwise,

:46:28. > :46:29.he has to make this shot. Otherwise, he has to make this shot. Otherwise,

:46:29. > :46:30.these guys will be clear. They will these guys will be clear. They will

:46:30. > :46:34.these guys will be clear. They will these guys will be clear. They will

:46:34. > going to Victoria, for the World be going to Victoria, for the World

:46:35. > going to Victoria, for the World Championships. This looks like a

:46:39. > :46:43.Championships. This looks like a Championships. This looks like a

:46:43. > :46:45.tighter line. They are working hard. tighter line. They are working hard.

:46:45. > :46:49.tighter line. They are working hard. tighter line. They are working hard.

:46:49. > :46:51.This is going to curl, they have to This is going to curl, they have to

:46:51. > :46:51.This is going to curl, they have to This is going to curl, they have to

:46:51. > :47:01.hold it. It has curled up to much, hold it. It has curled up to much,

:47:01. > :47:03.

:47:03. > :47:06.hold it. It has curled up to much, hold it. It has curled up to much,

:47:06. > is going to miss. -- cured too it is going to miss. -- cured too

:47:10. > :47:11.much. much.

:47:11. > :47:12.much. much.

:47:12. > :47:16.A costly mess, his team are now A costly mess, his team are now

:47:16. > :47:17.A costly mess, his team are now needed to do something spectacular

:47:17. > :47:17.needed to do something spectacular needed to do something spectacular

:47:17. > :47:23.needed to do something spectacular -- his team needed to do something

:47:23. > :47:24.-- his team needed to do something spectacular.

:47:24. > :47:26.spectacular. spectacular.

:47:26. > :47:32.spectacular. What could they do with those two

:47:32. > :47:33.What could they do with those two What could they do with those two

:47:33. > :47:41.reds. Trying to get some backing reds. Trying to get some backing

:47:41. > :47:46.reds. Trying to get some backing for the Yellowstone. -- yellow

:47:46. > :47:51.for the Yellowstone. -- yellow for the Yellowstone. -- yellow

:47:51. > :47:59.for the Yellowstone. -- yellow stone. He can always hope for a

:47:59. > :48:03.stone. He can always hope for a stone. He can always hope for a

:48:03. > :48:04.nose hit from the opposition. Him nose hit from the opposition. Him

:48:04. > :48:05.nose hit from the opposition. Him nose hit from the opposition. Him

:48:05. > feel like a million miles away us feel like a million miles away

:48:09. > feel like a million miles away us feel like a million miles away

:48:11. > :48:13.for these guys. -- it must feel for these guys. -- it must feel

:48:13. > :48:14.for these guys. -- it must feel like. They are not playing badly,

:48:14. > They are not playing badly, like. They are not playing badly,

:48:19. > :48:22.but they're just haven't got the but they're just haven't got the

:48:22. > :48:22.but they're just haven't got the but they're just haven't got the

:48:22. > :48:31.right weight. This was the 8th to right weight. This was the 8th to

:48:31. > :48:35.right weight. This was the 8th to right weight. This was the 8th to

:48:35. > :48:41.draw of nine. There was a one, two draw of nine. There was a one, two

:48:41. > :48:51.draw of nine. There was a one, two draw of nine. There was a one, two

:48:51. > :49:05.

:49:05. > :49:11.again. -- game. They won 5-4 in the Sometimes it all goes a bit from

:49:11. > :49:11.Sometimes it all goes a bit from Sometimes it all goes a bit from

:49:11. > :49:21.Sometimes it all goes a bit from playing the shot. -- a bid to

:49:21. > :49:27.

:49:27. > :49:29.playing the shot. -- a bid to Not a bad shot, but not good enough.

:49:29. > :49:30.Not a bad shot, but not good enough. Not a bad shot, but not good enough.

:49:30. > :49:39.Not a bad shot, but not good enough. He will probably want to appeal at

:49:39. > :49:49.He will probably want to appeal at He will probably want to appeal at

:49:49. > :49:55.

:49:55. > :50:04.The family, Matt and Marion, the The family, Matt and Marion, the

:50:04. > :50:06.The family, Matt and Marion, the family of David. Plenty of weight

:50:06. > of David. Plenty of weight family of David. Plenty of weight

:50:08. > of David. Plenty of weight behind this one. He will be quite

:50:14. > :50:16.behind this one. He will be quite behind this one. He will be quite

:50:17. > :50:17.behind this one. He will be quite behind this one. He will be quite

:50:18. > :50:19.happy. He got a bit much on it.He happy. He got a bit much on it.He

:50:19. > :50:20.happy. He got a bit much on it.He happy. He got a bit much on it.He

:50:20. > :50:21.did not want to leave anything for did not want to leave anything for

:50:21. > :50:31.did not want to leave anything for did not want to leave anything for

:50:31. > :50:32.

:50:32. > :50:35.Logon to come down to. He has. -- Logon to come down to. He has. --

:50:35. > :50:36.Logon to come down to. He has. -- Logan. A tough shot. He needs

:50:36. > :50:46.Logan. A tough shot. He needs Logan. A tough shot. He needs

:50:46. > :51:19.

:51:19. > :51:23.That should be relatively easy shot. That should be relatively easy shot.

:51:23. > :51:27.That should be relatively easy shot. Just not quite enough from team

:51:27. > :51:29.Just not quite enough from team Just not quite enough from team

:51:29. > :51:30.Just not quite enough from team Gray. I think we will see Dave

:51:30. > :51:34.Gray. I think we will see Dave Gray. I think we will see Dave

:51:34. > :51:44.Gray. I think we will see Dave Murdoch picked this one up. -- pick

:51:44. > :52:01.

:52:01. > :52:02.Murdoch picked this one up. -- pick He has clear the whole house.

:52:02. > :52:04.He has clear the whole house. He has clear the whole house.

:52:04. > :52:05.they Grayshott! When things are they Grayshott! When things are

:52:05. > :52:06.they Grayshott! When things are they Grayshott! When things are

:52:06. > :52:07.going for you, you are full of going for you, you are full of

:52:07. > :52:12.going for you, you are full of confidence. He hammered about one

:52:12. > :52:18.confidence. He hammered about one confidence. He hammered about one

:52:18. > :52:18.confidence. He hammered about one home. -- that one home. Just one

:52:19. > :52:27.home. -- that one home. Just one home. -- that one home. Just one

:52:27. > :52:28.stone left for Logan Gray. Normally stone left for Logan Gray. Normally

:52:28. > :52:29.stone left for Logan Gray. Normally in this situation he would blanket

:52:30. > this situation he would blanket in this situation he would blanket

:52:30. > this situation he would blanket the end. I think he will take the

:52:39. > :52:44.the end. I think he will take the the end. I think he will take the

:52:44. > :52:44.the end. I think he will take the one. -- blank the end. I think he

:52:44. > -- blank the end. I think he one. -- blank the end. I think he

:52:51. > -- blank the end. I think he one. -- blank the end. I think he

:52:52. > :52:53.has over to Rome this one. -- over has over to Rome this one. -- over

:52:53. > :52:58.has over to Rome this one. -- over has over to Rome this one. -- over

:52:58. > Rome this one. That is said. to Rome this one. That is said.

:52:59. > Rome this one. That is said. to Rome this one. That is said.

:53:01. > :53:02.Game over. -- batter is eight. They Game over. -- batter is eight. They

:53:02. > :53:11.Game over. -- batter is eight. They have come to these championships

:53:11. > :53:17.have come to these championships have come to these championships

:53:17. > :53:19.and dominated. Team of Brewster are and dominated. Team of Brewster are

:53:19. > :53:25.pretty ecstatic. Scottish men's pretty ecstatic. Scottish men's

:53:25. > :53:26.champions for 2013. champions for 2013.

:53:26. > :53:27.champions for 2013. Congratulates oceans, you did not

:53:27. > :53:28.Congratulates oceans, you did not Congratulates oceans, you did not

:53:28. > :53:33.Congratulates oceans, you did not play the final, but it is a team

:53:33. > the final, but it is a team play the final, but it is a team

:53:35. > the final, but it is a team game? The boys played pretty well,

:53:36. > The boys played pretty well, game? The boys played pretty well,

:53:41. > The boys played pretty well, we decided to keep the same line-up.

:53:42. > :53:43.we decided to keep the same line-up. we decided to keep the same line-up.

:53:43. > :53:45.we decided to keep the same line-up. They did well, they set off pretty

:53:45. > :53:49.They did well, they set off pretty They did well, they set off pretty

:53:49. > :53:51.easy. We're looking forward to easy. We're looking forward to

:53:51. > :53:52.easy. We're looking forward to easy. We're looking forward to

:53:52. > :54:01.Victoria. It is important as a team, Victoria. It is important as a team,

:54:01. > :54:09.Victoria. It is important as a team, Victoria. It is important as a team,

:54:09. > one command you won well. one - you one command you won well. one -

:54:14. > one command you won well. one - you one command you won well. one -

:54:15. > :54:16.- you won, and won well. We knew - you won, and won well. We knew

:54:16. > :54:20.- you won, and won well. We knew - you won, and won well. We knew

:54:20. > :54:25.that if we play shots, we would that if we play shots, we would

:54:25. > :54:27.that if we play shots, we would that if we play shots, we would

:54:28. > :54:29.pick up points. It was maybe our pick up points. It was maybe our

:54:29. > :54:30.experience. You why Scottish experience. You why Scottish

:54:30. > :54:32.experience. You why Scottish experience. You why Scottish

:54:32. > :54:34.champion, third time in a row, had champion, third time in a row, had

:54:34. > :54:35.champion, third time in a row, had you feel? Absolutely fantastic, to

:54:35. > feel? Absolutely fantastic, to you feel? Absolutely fantastic, to

:54:38. > feel? Absolutely fantastic, to win at three in a row is fantastic.

:54:40. > at three in a row is fantastic. win at three in a row is fantastic.

:54:43. > at three in a row is fantastic. You have David in the team, have

:54:44. > :54:45.You have David in the team, have You have David in the team, have

:54:45. > :54:52.You have David in the team, have you worked out for the perfect set

:54:52. > worked out for the perfect set you worked out for the perfect set

:55:02. > :55:02.

:55:02. > :55:03.up his? Obviously, this one now! up his? Obviously, this one now!

:55:03. > :55:04.up his? Obviously, this one now! up his? Obviously, this one now!

:55:04. > :55:06.You are going over there in the end You are going over there in the end

:55:07. > :55:09.You are going over there in the end of March, to play for Scotland?

:55:09. > :55:12.of March, to play for Scotland? of March, to play for Scotland?

:55:12. > :55:13.That is right. We have trained That is right. We have trained

:55:14. > :55:14.That is right. We have trained extremely hard. We may have some

:55:14. > :55:18.extremely hard. We may have some extremely hard. We may have some

:55:18. > :55:19.home support, that would be grand. home support, that would be grand.

:55:19. > :55:20.home support, that would be grand. home support, that would be grand.

:55:21. > :55:24.We are playing well, we have a lot We are playing well, we have a lot

:55:24. > :55:25.We are playing well, we have a lot of confidence. It is your first

:55:25. > :55:26.of confidence. It is your first of confidence. It is your first

:55:26. >, the first for everyone in final, the first for everyone in

:55:27. >, the first for everyone in final, the first for everyone in

:55:28. > :55:30.your team, you were up against a your team, you were up against a

:55:30. > :55:33.your team, you were up against a team that were full of confidence?

:55:33. > that were full of confidence? team that were full of confidence?

:55:33. > :55:35.Absolutely. It was their experience Absolutely. It was their experience

:55:35. > :55:38.Absolutely. It was their experience Absolutely. It was their experience

:55:38. > :55:39.that won the day. We struggled on that won the day. We struggled on

:55:39. > :55:40.that won the day. We struggled on that won the day. We struggled on

:55:40. > :55:42.the ice. We could not get it into the ice. We could not get it into

:55:42. > :55:43.the ice. We could not get it into the right spots. It appeared that

:55:43. > :55:46.the right spots. It appeared that the right spots. It appeared that

:55:46. > :55:48.the right spots. It appeared that it was changing all the time?

:55:48. > was changing all the time? it was changing all the time?

:55:49. > :55:51.was a little different. We knew was a little different. We knew

:55:51. > :55:52.was a little different. We knew that it was a little different.

:55:52. > :55:53.that it was a little different. that it was a little different.

:55:53. > :55:54.that it was a little different. Even still, I could not get on top

:55:54. > :55:59.Even still, I could not get on top Even still, I could not get on top

:55:59. > :56:00.Even still, I could not get on top of it. What next for you guys?

:56:00. > :56:02.of it. What next for you guys? of it. What next for you guys?

:56:02. > :56:02.Absolutely, we have a taste for Absolutely, we have a taste for

:56:02. > :56:05.Absolutely, we have a taste for Absolutely, we have a taste for

:56:05. > :56:07.rate, we want some more of that rate, we want some more of that

:56:07. > :56:07.rate, we want some more of that rate, we want some more of that

:56:07. > :56:08.action. We will enjoy this, it was action. We will enjoy this, it was

:56:09. > :56:09.action. We will enjoy this, it was action. We will enjoy this, it was

:56:09. > :56:10.action. We will enjoy this, it was a good week. We will go back to the

:56:10. > :56:11.a good week. We will go back to the a good week. We will go back to the

:56:11. > :56:11.a good week. We will go back to the drawing board, and see what we can

:56:12. > :56:14.drawing board, and see what we can drawing board, and see what we can

:56:14. > for the next season. do for the next season.

:56:15. > for the next season. Commiserations to Logan Gray, but

:56:18. > :56:25.Commiserations to Logan Gray, but Commiserations to Logan Gray, but

:56:25. > :56:32.this year at the champions were this year at the champions were

:56:32. > and Team Brewster. team and Team Brewster.

:56:34. > and Team Brewster. It was really important for Logan

:56:34. > :56:39.It was really important for Logan It was really important for Logan

:56:39. > :56:41.It was really important for Logan It was really important for Logan

:56:41. > :56:42.Gray to get off to a good start. He Gray to get off to a good start. He

:56:42. > :56:43.Gray to get off to a good start. He Gray to get off to a good start. He

:56:43. > :56:44.was facing two red counters and the was facing two red counters and the

:56:44. > :56:51.was facing two red counters and the was facing two red counters and the

:56:51. > :56:53.second. He had to get one into the second. He had to get one into the

:56:53. > :56:53.second. He had to get one into the circle. It should have been

:56:53. > It should have been circle. It should have been

:57:00. > :57:07.straightforward, and a deferred to straightforward, and a deferred to

:57:07. > :57:08.straightforward, and a deferred to straightforward, and a deferred to

:57:08. > :57:10.-- and 8 foot draw. The sweepers -- and 8 foot draw. The sweepers

:57:10. > :57:10.-- and 8 foot draw. The sweepers were working hard, trying to move

:57:10. > :57:14.were working hard, trying to move were working hard, trying to move

:57:14. > :57:15.were working hard, trying to move it further down the ice. They need

:57:15. > further down the ice. They need it further down the ice. They need

:57:17. > further down the ice. They need to get it into the ring tos. It

:57:21. > get it into the ring tos. It to get it into the ring tos. It

:57:30. > get it into the ring tos. It comes up short. -- rings. Very

:57:33. > :57:33.comes up short. -- rings. Very disappointing. Another end where

:57:33. > :57:35.disappointing. Another end where disappointing. Another end where

:57:35. > :57:40.disappointing. Another end where things did not go to plan was the

:57:40. > :57:41.things did not go to plan was the things did not go to plan was the

:57:41. > :57:43.things did not go to plan was the 7th. Logan had to score, he should

:57:43. > :57:44.7th. Logan had to score, he should 7th. Logan had to score, he should

:57:44. > :57:46.not be worried about the five not be worried about the five

:57:46. > :57:46.not be worried about the five not be worried about the five

:57:46. > :57:48.stones in the house. He just has to stones in the house. He just has to

:57:48. > :57:49.stones in the house. He just has to stones in the house. He just has to

:57:49. > :57:50.get it into the centre. He just get it into the centre. He just

:57:50. > :57:52.get it into the centre. He just wasn't getting to grips today with

:57:52. > :57:54.wasn't getting to grips today with wasn't getting to grips today with

:57:54. > :57:54.wasn't getting to grips today with the ice, the line or the weight. He

:57:55. > :57:59.the ice, the line or the weight. He the ice, the line or the weight. He

:57:59. > :58:00.the ice, the line or the weight. He plays it a little bit tight. It

:58:00. > :58:04.plays it a little bit tight. It plays it a little bit tight. It

:58:04. > :58:05.plays it a little bit tight. It just curls off the shot. He gives

:58:05. > :58:08.just curls off the shot. He gives just curls off the shot. He gives

:58:08. > :58:13.up another two, leaving the score up another two, leaving the score

:58:13. > :58:15.up another two, leaving the score up another two, leaving the score

:58:15. > 8-3, giving the game away. at 8-3, giving the game away.

:58:16. > 8-3, giving the game away. favourites have won the Scottish

:58:19. > :58:20.favourites have won the Scottish favourites have won the Scottish

:58:20. > :58:21.title. They will go off and title. They will go off and

:58:21. > :58:22.title. They will go off and represent Scotland at the World

:58:22. > :58:23.represent Scotland at the World represent Scotland at the World

:58:23. > :58:28.Championships, and they have thrown Championships, and they have thrown

:58:28. > :58:29.Championships, and they have thrown their hats into the rain to

:58:29. > :58:30.their hats into the rain to their hats into the rain to

:58:30. > :58:35.their hats into the rain to represent a Team GB at the next

:58:36. > :58:36.represent a Team GB at the next represent a Team GB at the next

:58:36. > :58:37.Olympics. -- thrown their hats into Olympics. -- thrown their hats into

:58:37. > :58:38.Olympics. -- thrown their hats into Olympics. -- thrown their hats into