BBC Two Day 5: GB Men in Curling Action and Men's Doubles Luge

BBC Two Day 5: GB Men in Curling Action and Men's Doubles Luge

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0:00:20 > 0:00:24Good afternoon and welcome back to coverage of the fifth day of

0:00:24 > 0:00:27competition at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. We are heading

0:00:27 > 0:00:34straight there, because there is live curling, Canada against Great

0:00:34 > 0:00:39Britain, whose rink is an all-new line-up. It is very tight and we are

0:00:39 > 0:00:46getting to the crucial stages of end 7. Ten ends in total. Here is Steve

0:00:46 > 0:00:47Cram.

0:00:47 > 0:00:527. Ten ends in total. Here is Steve Cram. COMMENTATOR: An improving

0:00:52 > 0:00:57performance against Canada. Still very much in this match. Canada with

0:00:57 > 0:01:01the hammer in this end and it has been building one way and the other.

0:01:01 > 0:01:11That is a nice shot. A nice hit and roll across.

0:01:11 > 0:01:18roll across. It will jam against that back red as well. Thomas

0:01:18 > 0:01:22Muirhead, all four now just starting to play nice shots, building their

0:01:22 > 0:01:27confidence.You can hear it in the communication as well, Steve, much

0:01:27 > 0:01:33more upbeat, much more positive. And it is contributing to more shots

0:01:33 > 0:01:37getting made.

0:01:55 > 0:02:01Good crowds in. Korea not performing particularly well in the match with

0:02:01 > 0:02:07Sweden, it is 5-2 to Sweden. It is not surprising, Sweden if you took

0:02:07 > 0:02:14Canada out, they would be second favourites. They're in great form in

0:02:14 > 0:02:18last couple of years. But nonetheless we have had a good

0:02:18 > 0:02:30atmosphere here. Plenty of British support here. Lots of Canadians in.

0:02:35 > 0:02:41Marc Kennedy with this target at the back of the house. Sweeping,

0:02:41 > 0:02:53stopping and then again on. Is that going to go? It might just hang in.

0:02:53 > 0:02:57Well a similar shot to that which Thomas Muirhead played a few minutes

0:02:57 > 0:03:05ago. Kyle Smith the skip looking to remove this Canadian stone and try

0:03:05 > 0:03:11and roll in again. We have those three stones out front. Giving a bit

0:03:11 > 0:03:14of protection.

0:03:19 > 0:03:24He wants to make sure that his running stone that hits this red

0:03:24 > 0:03:31stays in the house. He just wants it to roll across and sit on the back

0:03:31 > 0:03:38four foot.A nice shot.These Canadians are almost talking

0:03:38 > 0:03:43themselves out of a game. They're doing a lot of questioning of every

0:03:43 > 0:03:53stone. Is not going to catch it enough? That is a good shot.Not bad

0:03:53 > 0:04:00at all. Well played. Well watched as well. The line was just about

0:04:00 > 0:04:06perfect there. Another couple of inches over and it would have been

0:04:06 > 0:04:15absolutely ideal. But it is a good shot.

0:04:15 > 0:04:20shot.That is going to force Kevin Koe to play the draw, which isn't

0:04:20 > 0:04:26really what he wanted to do.He hasn't played too many. We keep

0:04:26 > 0:04:31coming back, they can play shots that are less familiar or he is more

0:04:31 > 0:04:35uncomfortable with. It looks straight forward. But they have all

0:04:35 > 0:04:46had trouble with weight, the draw weight. One player after another.

0:04:54 > 0:04:57The Canadian skip, Kevin Koe, in a bit of a scrap now with Great

0:04:57 > 0:05:07Britain. Of course has h hammer here.

0:05:07 > 0:05:11That is curling quite a lot. He has really got to make this go. They're

0:05:11 > 0:05:21having to work hard.

0:05:21 > 0:05:24having to work hard.Have they done enough to get it into position.We

0:05:24 > 0:05:29need an overhead. It is close. He doesn't think so. He is not too

0:05:29 > 0:05:35happy with it. They do just enough. A couple of inches in it.That was

0:05:35 > 0:05:42swept all the way from it left his hand.

0:05:44 > 0:05:54hand.He was tiring by the time he got down there.

0:05:54 > 0:05:58got down there. Can they take both of those stone out? They can, but

0:05:58 > 0:06:04they're going to give up an easy score of 1. They need to decide what

0:06:04 > 0:06:10they want to achieve - to steal or force the one.Two behind, the

0:06:10 > 0:06:17hammer in the 8th and the 10th. There is worse situations.Force a

0:06:17 > 0:06:261, take a 2.I think I would rather be in a tied game though.

0:06:36 > 0:06:41Great Britain have used their time-out. Both teams have used their

0:06:41 > 0:06:47time-out.

0:06:47 > 0:07:00time-out.Risk and reward, that's what every shot's about, isn't it?

0:07:17 > 0:07:24Looks like they are going to go for the double take-out here.Let's see

0:07:24 > 0:07:31how this works out for Kyle Smith. Not far away and he's got it. What a

0:07:31 > 0:07:37nice shot.They were looking at some sort of double raise up the centre

0:07:37 > 0:07:42line, looked a little adventurous for me. Yeah, they went for the

0:07:42 > 0:07:48safer shot and got the job done. The best Canada can do here is pick up

0:07:48 > 0:07:55one.They have got no option to blank the end of course, three

0:07:55 > 0:08:00British stones in the house, so it looks fairly straight forward for

0:08:00 > 0:08:08the Canadian skip to draw in here and take their 1. Again sweeping it

0:08:08 > 0:08:13straightaway. I didn't quite hear what he said.

0:08:21 > 0:08:26Still coming. Where is that going? It is just going to be right. Well

0:08:26 > 0:08:35done. I think that is a partial good result for Great Britain when you

0:08:35 > 0:08:39consider the position they were in 3 ends again and we thought it could

0:08:39 > 0:08:47be all over all early. Now they're two behind. But they will have the

0:08:47 > 0:08:54hammer in the 8th and the 10th end. So still in this match. I think the

0:08:54 > 0:08:57key is Britain are playing much better and they're forcing the issue

0:08:57 > 0:09:02a bit with Canada and taken the momentum, if not completely away

0:09:02 > 0:09:05from them, it is sitting somewhere in the middle now between the two

0:09:05 > 0:09:14teams the. So into the 8th.Those last two ends have been much more

0:09:14 > 0:09:18positive for GB and they're finally managing to put some pressure on

0:09:18 > 0:09:27this Canadian side.Credit to Kevin Koe, he had to draw in there, 4-1.

0:09:27 > 0:09:37Wasn't a super difficult shot, but he still had to make it.What we are

0:09:37 > 0:09:44seeing is a much more confident GB team here. Kyle especially. That was

0:09:44 > 0:09:48a tremendous double takeout. Elsewhere Switzerland have pulled

0:09:48 > 0:09:58one back versus Italy. 4-2 to Italy. Japan leading Norway 5-3. Sweden

0:09:58 > 0:10:01still in control against Korea, although they have reduced the

0:10:01 > 0:10:12deficit. It is 5-2.

0:10:12 > 0:10:14deficit. It is 5-2.Ben Hebert negotiating with the officials about

0:10:14 > 0:10:19the time clocks. I think they feel their time clock continued to run

0:10:19 > 0:10:27when it shouldn't have been and they maybe lost 10 seconds.Or 11.He

0:10:27 > 0:10:33wants 11!When did it keep running, I didn't see that. They obviously

0:10:33 > 0:10:39noticed it. And they have added, have they added any on there?They

0:10:39 > 0:10:45will fix it in a second I guess.

0:10:54 > 0:11:04I wa explaining at din hear the Ben Hebert doesn't do the clock-wise

0:11:04 > 0:11:10rotation. I don't think I have seen him play one this game. They know he

0:11:10 > 0:11:22is strong on that handle and they just keep him throwing all the time.

0:11:33 > 0:11:40They're going to have to work this one hard.Is this the same stone?

0:11:45 > 0:11:54It is going to kill the boys with all that sweeping. You don't want to

0:11:54 > 0:11:59over throw it. Even if you have a rogue stone that is slower. They

0:11:59 > 0:12:08want the corner guard on.

0:12:09 > 0:12:14No pocket. No pocket.They don't want to put them side by side.Which

0:12:14 > 0:12:23I think they may end up just about. Almost.We saw a couple of ends ago

0:12:23 > 0:12:28when you start to create these pockets and you put a stone in

0:12:28 > 0:12:33between, it is impossible to get them out. That could be an

0:12:33 > 0:12:39opportunity for GB later on in the end.Not much to choose in the stats

0:12:39 > 0:12:52of the two leads. Smith trying to come around that guard.

0:12:52 > 0:12:56Almost.

0:12:56 > 0:13:01That is a shame, because it's kind of brought it closer to the four

0:13:01 > 0:13:07foot there.

0:13:07 > 0:13:12foot there. They needed to be around behind their guard. And in the

0:13:12 > 0:13:14house.

0:13:41 > 0:13:51There is a target there for Great Britain.The frustrating thing about

0:13:51 > 0:13:56that previous stone from Smith, they left it in a position that blocked

0:13:56 > 0:14:02the draw around the very average corner guard they had. So it is

0:14:02 > 0:14:05completely useless now where it is and they're forced to play into the

0:14:05 > 0:14:09middle. Which isn't what they would have liked. But at least there is a

0:14:09 > 0:14:18couple of stones kicking about for them to use.A little heavy again.

0:14:18 > 0:14:31Just going to tap that back. Sitting on the other one.

0:14:31 > 0:14:37I'm sure that stone will go through there if they hit it in the right

0:14:37 > 0:14:44spot. Just hit it on the nose.We have to remember with this British

0:14:44 > 0:14:53men's team, this is a all-new experience for them. Well, the same

0:14:53 > 0:14:58can be said, well can't be said, well half of this Canadian team have

0:14:58 > 0:15:03already won Olympic gold.

0:15:03 > 0:15:13Nicely done.

0:15:15 > 0:15:19All the Canadian stones in the top half of the circle, making it

0:15:19 > 0:15:19All the Canadian stones in the top half of the circle, making it a bit

0:15:19 > 0:15:24harder for Great Britain to hide or come in behind any of them, so they

0:15:24 > 0:15:31will have to start setting something up here. They are going to force

0:15:31 > 0:15:39that yellow second shot that Cammy Smith played into the pack. That

0:15:39 > 0:15:44job. Kyle Waddell.

0:15:50 > 0:16:01-- that job falls to Kyle Waddell. Again, not quite.

0:16:03 > 0:16:06Again, not quite.Kyle Smith apologising for that one there. It's

0:16:06 > 0:16:13so difficult to get them absolutely spot on. It was a great shot.We

0:16:13 > 0:16:20heard Kyle 's sake, he threw it well. -- we heard Kyle say, he threw

0:16:20 > 0:16:26it well.They have worked hard to get into a position to take this all

0:16:26 > 0:16:31the way through. Into the eighth end. Really wanted to score two to

0:16:31 > 0:16:40try to even up the match. Marc Kennedy playing third for Canada. He

0:16:40 > 0:16:49has just hit that with his brush.

0:16:51 > 0:16:55One of the great things about curling, it was accidental, so the

0:16:55 > 0:17:01stone is put back to where they all agree it approximately was,

0:17:01 > 0:17:07hopefully within just a few millimetres.

0:17:07 > 0:17:10millimetres.There's still quite a few stones to come in this end. They

0:17:10 > 0:17:15could play quite a defensive shot here and spray at least a couple of

0:17:15 > 0:17:19the reds, to give them a better opportunity to play the draw with

0:17:19 > 0:17:25the next one. Looks like they will go for a hit and roll here and be

0:17:25 > 0:17:35happy to leave a couple of reds around the four foot.

0:17:35 > 0:17:45Good shot.Year air. Rolling in behind the two guards.

0:17:45 > 0:17:55He's a warning to the task, Young Muirhead. -- he's warming to the

0:17:55 > 0:18:03task.

0:18:13 > 0:18:18They are going to use that stone to try to remove the other one, or is

0:18:18 > 0:18:27he just peeling this off?

0:18:35 > 0:18:39It just hairs by the British yellow stone, and rolls into a nice

0:18:39 > 0:18:45position for a corner guard. Maybe Great Britain can try to hit and

0:18:45 > 0:18:55roll behind the cover on the left-hand side now.

0:19:01 > 0:19:08I think we need to play this!I think it's an end turn. What do you

0:19:08 > 0:19:18think?Yeah, I like that. Barrier? Yeah, it won't do a lot.I don't

0:19:18 > 0:19:26think so.

0:19:29 > 0:19:34A big shot here for Thomas Muirhead. Wants to try and hit this. The

0:19:34 > 0:19:40Canadian red. Move across and in behind the other one that's lined

0:19:40 > 0:19:49out there. It's on the wrong side there, though. That's a missed

0:19:49 > 0:19:54chance.

0:19:54 > 0:19:57chance. And at this stage of the match, you have to take every

0:19:57 > 0:20:03opportunity.Very disappointing, that shot. Even if you don't make

0:20:03 > 0:20:08the take out, you need to make sure you keep your stones in play. If you

0:20:08 > 0:20:18don't do that, you make it so easy to defend for the Canadian side.

0:20:18 > 0:20:19to defend for the Canadian side.I got some air. Control right here,

0:20:19 > 0:20:24lots of room.

0:20:27 > 0:20:30lots of room.He said, I haven't thrown any this way! A bit of a

0:20:30 > 0:20:34whinge from the Canadian skip!

0:20:38 > 0:20:44That's control, and then roll onto the button.

0:20:47 > 0:20:56A huge amount of communication with the sweeteners. -- with the

0:20:56 > 0:21:03sweepers.Neither skip shooting the lights out. But Kevin Koe with the

0:21:03 > 0:21:08accuracy. The skips have the most difficult shot to play, under

0:21:08 > 0:21:15pressure as well.It always feels like there is so much control in

0:21:15 > 0:21:23Kevin Koe's shots. He delivers at a nice speed. The sweepers put it

0:21:23 > 0:21:27where they want to. No panic in the communication. Generally the shot is

0:21:27 > 0:21:30met.

0:21:33 > 0:21:39Unfortunately, after that previous miss from Thomas Muirhead, the

0:21:39 > 0:21:43opportunity is really kind of lost here at the moment for a score of

0:21:43 > 0:21:50two. Difficult to see where they can hide one to generate the deuce they

0:21:50 > 0:21:56are looking for.

0:21:56 > 0:21:58Plenty of room!

0:22:02 > 0:22:09Once again, this running stone has to stay in-house. Which it has.

0:22:12 > 0:22:25Would have quite liked that to... Curly little bit more and get inside

0:22:25 > 0:22:31the court behind the front yellow. This is fully visible for Canada,

0:22:31 > 0:22:38and they will just tap this through for two and force Great Britain to

0:22:38 > 0:22:47take one. And they have the hammer, the last stone advantage.A pity

0:22:47 > 0:22:52really, the opportunity was there.

0:22:57 > 0:23:13Kevin Koe. Trying to make sure Great Britain only take one here.

0:23:13 > 0:23:19Britain only take one here. Well done. It's always on the way down

0:23:19 > 0:23:23where there is a bit of panic and shouting and hollering, and then

0:23:23 > 0:23:29everyone says, well done.This is one of those situations we saw

0:23:29 > 0:23:32earlier in the game where Canada didn't manage to get their stone

0:23:32 > 0:23:35position is quite right. This is what they were trying to do around

0:23:35 > 0:23:40the second and third end. Now we have a position where Kyle can't hit

0:23:40 > 0:23:44the front stone and rely on the shop position because of the one at the

0:23:44 > 0:23:49front back. The other problem Kyle has is the positioning of the guards

0:23:49 > 0:23:53making it difficult to draw into the middle. So he has to play his draw

0:23:53 > 0:23:57up the middle and curl it out to the wings a little bit, while still

0:23:57 > 0:24:06staying in eight short position. Not simple.Kyle calling a technical

0:24:06 > 0:24:11time-out. His stone must be loose. You see him crossing his arms. The

0:24:11 > 0:24:19stopcock should stop.The handle is loose!We have had a few loose

0:24:19 > 0:24:25handles this week. The man with a magical Alan T. Oh no, he's coming

0:24:25 > 0:24:33to try to find out what the problem is, and then the magical Alan

0:24:33 > 0:24:36is, and then the magical Alan key man will be coming. Why doesn't the

0:24:36 > 0:24:43man with the key just stay closer? He should. We have seen a lot of

0:24:43 > 0:24:51stones like that this week.You've got one job!

0:24:52 > 0:24:56got one job!If I know the Deputy Chief Executive well enough, he's

0:24:56 > 0:25:13probably by the copy burden -- by the coffee urn.

0:25:16 > 0:25:21the coffee urn.Is he the only man allowed to tighten them up?I think

0:25:21 > 0:25:32any of the other ice technicians can do it.

0:25:33 > 0:25:40do it.I know how to use and Allen key! Textbook use of an Allen key.

0:25:40 > 0:25:47It's not ideal for Kyle. I'm sure he would much rather have got down

0:25:47 > 0:25:51there with his handle fixed and play the shot. Instead he has had to wait

0:25:51 > 0:25:56a little bit. And this is a shot that must be made. Full focus

0:25:56 > 0:26:01required for Kyle Smith.

0:26:08 > 0:26:18Line is good.This will curl across the centre line and they will try to

0:26:18 > 0:26:28catch, coming into the house. You can see the top stone, and that's

0:26:28 > 0:26:33not a bad shot at all. Great Britain picked up only one, but they really

0:26:33 > 0:26:41wanted two to tie this up. It means Canada will still lead this with two

0:26:41 > 0:26:45ends to go. Don't forget, Great Britain will have the hammer unless

0:26:45 > 0:26:54Canada decides to blank an end. Canada have the lead, 5-4. Two ends

0:26:54 > 0:27:00left. All still to play for here. The top-ranked team in the world,

0:27:00 > 0:27:08Canada. Great Britain performing pretty well. The scores elsewhere...

0:27:08 > 0:27:17Sweden 6-2 Korea. Italy maintaining a grip on their match over

0:27:17 > 0:27:21Switzerland, leading 5-2. Japan and Norway, they are getting closer at

0:27:21 > 0:27:345-4. As we move into the late evening in

0:27:34 > 0:27:38evening in the curling venue at the top of the Olympic Park. Takes 15 or

0:27:38 > 0:27:4420 minutes to get up here. And we walk fast, I can tell you.It's been

0:27:44 > 0:27:50very good for my step counter this week to!

0:27:57 > 0:28:06Cammy Smith has struggled a little bit with his first stone at times.

0:28:06 > 0:28:10Thomas Muirhead coming to help.

0:28:13 > 0:28:31Just off the centre line. Ben Hebert, the Canadian lead. Just sits

0:28:31 > 0:28:37up and admires his work.

0:28:37 > 0:28:41up and admires his work.Another anticlockwise rotation. We were

0:28:41 > 0:28:46looking at the stats from the previous game. 85% of his shots were

0:28:46 > 0:28:49on the out-turn.

0:29:05 > 0:29:13Line's good, on you.To be clear with this one, I think we will see

0:29:13 > 0:29:19GB go all out on this end. They are not trying to throw one out onto the

0:29:19 > 0:29:26red stone. They are trying to put it on the red line, the baulk line that

0:29:26 > 0:29:33the stone has just crossed. They are trying to fully maximise the guards

0:29:33 > 0:29:38on rule. There can be another stone outside the house. And at the

0:29:38 > 0:29:47moment, they can't be removed.The reason being, with the hammer they

0:29:47 > 0:29:51would like a nice clear line in all the time. The more stones they have

0:29:51 > 0:29:56to remove, the more they use up.

0:30:06 > 0:30:14Struggled a little bit. Going back to the time left, both teams have

0:30:14 > 0:30:21plenty of time. Both have seven minutes or so, with two ends to go.

0:30:21 > 0:30:26Plenty of thinking time if it is required. No time-outs left. Both

0:30:26 > 0:30:33have used it.They have 14 seconds to get to the line over the past

0:30:33 > 0:30:39week. That one just about 15 seconds. This demonstrating the

0:30:39 > 0:30:47power of the sweepers to carry those extra feet.

0:30:51 > 0:30:54extra feet.Young Thomas still hasn't taken his top off though.

0:30:54 > 0:30:59Staying cool.

0:31:03 > 0:31:08Very warm but cool I think probably.

0:31:12 > 0:31:20This is the all great experience, this youngish team.

0:31:22 > 0:31:26this youngish team. We see the first peel. Getting rid of that long

0:31:26 > 0:31:31guard.

0:31:37 > 0:31:42You like the look of that?Looks like they're going to play a

0:31:42 > 0:31:46take-out here.What is the best result in here, one for Great

0:31:46 > 0:31:51Britain, one shot to Canada, if you steal, Canada take the hammer into

0:31:51 > 0:31:59the final end. You don't want to give up two. You limit them to one

0:31:59 > 0:32:06and then hope you can score 2 in the final end. But the extra end, Canada

0:32:06 > 0:32:12have the hammer. Help me out.A steal 2 would be great.There is

0:32:12 > 0:32:18definitely a couple of options, if they steal a 1 as you say, Steve,

0:32:18 > 0:32:23they go down the last without the hammer. But they have been playing

0:32:23 > 0:32:26well and I think they probably have the confidence they could steal

0:32:26 > 0:32:31against Canada in the last end. Again it wouldn't be bad if they

0:32:31 > 0:32:36forced 1 and they go down the last 2 down with the hammer if they can try

0:32:36 > 0:32:43and pick up a 2. The only thing I would say is we haven't yet scored a

0:32:43 > 0:32:492. The Canadians have scored a 2 when we have the hammer. But we

0:32:49 > 0:32:57haven't.Good shot. Taken two out of the three.We are still in OK shape

0:32:57 > 0:33:05here for a steal. Drive across the face and spill those two yellows

0:33:05 > 0:33:13out. They moved the red stone more up on to the T-line. That is in a

0:33:13 > 0:33:21prime position now.There is the request. Thomas Muirhead, see what

0:33:21 > 0:33:31he can do here. The game on the sweep next to them have finished

0:33:31 > 0:33:39Korea were defeated by Sweden.

0:33:39 > 0:33:46Get back. It did. It curled too much in the end. Good try.Great weight.

0:33:46 > 0:33:51Just the line.It is always the way, when you have had your line and you

0:33:51 > 0:33:55have been making everything for a line and struggling for weight and

0:33:55 > 0:34:02you have finally found your weight and you have lost a line.

0:34:07 > 0:34:14They want to clear this away.

0:34:26 > 0:34:30We have heard the

0:34:34 > 0:34:41We have heard the word juicy used a couple of times by the Canadians.

0:34:41 > 0:34:47That one was pretty juicy.It was. Keep one at the top of the 12 foot,

0:34:47 > 0:34:54the shooting stone.Ben was scared to sweep that. But he didn't want to

0:34:54 > 0:35:00sweep it out.

0:35:08 > 0:35:15Options now?Well they can either draw around it. Or they can hit it.

0:35:15 > 0:35:23And I don't think either of them are great.Hitting it is probably

0:35:23 > 0:35:28playing into the Canadians' hands. Where they can peel and... Clear the

0:35:28 > 0:35:33end they would probably go down the last with the hammer. Having said

0:35:33 > 0:35:38that, even coming around behind it was a difficult shot and you would

0:35:38 > 0:35:48have to bury it quite deep.Here is my scenario, Canada decide to blank

0:35:48 > 0:36:00this end and we steal one... We steal 2.You have been watching too

0:36:00 > 0:36:05much mixed doubles.Blanking this end doesn't change it.No it doesn't

0:36:05 > 0:36:10change anything.Because if they have stolen the 9th end they would

0:36:10 > 0:36:14have to steal in the 10th. Instead they're just delaying it. They get

0:36:14 > 0:36:20an extra end and they can steal one more.So we have got to steal twice?

0:36:20 > 0:36:30Absolutely.

0:36:30 > 0:36:34Absolutely.I know we are using terminology, stealing shot means

0:36:34 > 0:36:38exactly that, you steal a shot when you don't have the hammer, the other

0:36:38 > 0:36:45team have the hammer and you manage to... Win the end and the team who

0:36:45 > 0:36:53had the hammer get the chance to do it all over again sadly.I just

0:36:53 > 0:37:00heard Marc Kennedy saying it's straightened up a lot. I think the

0:37:00 > 0:37:05Canadians specially, because they play on huge swinging ices, ice that

0:37:05 > 0:37:10swings six feet, they may be struggling if this ice doesn't prove

0:37:10 > 0:37:14to have the big swings they're looking for. We have definitely in

0:37:14 > 0:37:17the last three games seen it a lot straighter than it was last week in

0:37:17 > 0:37:32the mixed doubles.Swinging in the mixed doubles!LAUGHTER. Careful.

0:37:32 > 0:37:42That was a really good introduction for the new format. Very popular.

0:37:46 > 0:37:51I think if the conditions do continue to play straight, that may

0:37:51 > 0:37:57play into GB's favour. These guys are well accustomed to playing on

0:37:57 > 0:38:00straight ice conditions in some of the clubs around Scotland. Maybe

0:38:00 > 0:38:06even Sweden as well. You know, a lot of ice rinks in Sweden can have

0:38:06 > 0:38:10quite straight ice conditions.How would that change so much, if you

0:38:10 > 0:38:14said it was swinging when the mixed doubles and we came back the next

0:38:14 > 0:38:18day and started, the next morning in fact. How does the ice change that

0:38:18 > 0:38:26much or can it change that much? Here is my thoughts on that, we

0:38:26 > 0:38:29playing with different stones. The stones for the mixed doubles were

0:38:29 > 0:38:35taken off the ice and we have new stones for the men's and ladies'

0:38:35 > 0:38:39event, it may be the difference of these stones. Other than that I

0:38:39 > 0:38:46can't think of it.

0:38:47 > 0:38:52can't think of it. But it was definitely much swingier. Conditions

0:38:52 > 0:38:56haven't changed out side, apart from the wind, but that won't affect it.

0:38:56 > 0:39:01So for me I think it is stones.I have a couple of theories. One, the

0:39:01 > 0:39:08games are much longer, so the ice tech nickses need to -- technicians

0:39:08 > 0:39:14need to maintain the conditions longer and keep it colder. And you

0:39:14 > 0:39:20have got much more players out there. Which obviously makes the

0:39:20 > 0:39:26atmosphere warmer. It is all very technical.Could be any of them

0:39:26 > 0:39:31actually.OK.

0:39:31 > 0:39:34actually.OK. Theories abound and theories around how Britain get

0:39:34 > 0:39:38themselves ahead here. Well there is only one way that is going to

0:39:38 > 0:39:42happen. After nine ends they're one behind. They will need to steal in

0:39:42 > 0:39:47the final end with Canada having the hammer after blanking that end. So

0:39:47 > 0:39:51the, it is straight forward really - they have to steal at least one.

0:39:51 > 0:39:56That would take us into an extra end. Then again they would have to

0:39:56 > 0:40:01do the same. Because Canada would still retain the hammer into the

0:40:01 > 0:40:07extra end. For me the positive that is Great Britain have taken this

0:40:07 > 0:40:14match all the way to the final end here, when I have to be honest after

0:40:14 > 0:40:19about three-ends, we were concerned as to things would last this long.

0:40:19 > 0:40:25You can see it was 4-1. And maybe could have been worse. But they have

0:40:25 > 0:40:31played well in this, probably since the third end, they have played much

0:40:31 > 0:40:37better, stuck to their task well, found their shots. Still had one or

0:40:37 > 0:40:41two opportunities which have gone begging, but the same can be said

0:40:41 > 0:40:46for Canada. That is going to be burnt is it?It is not going to be

0:40:46 > 0:40:51burnt, it is going to be hogged. Sorry, wrong phrase. Same result.

0:40:51 > 0:40:57Absolutely. So the stone needs to be fully over that red hog line for it

0:40:57 > 0:41:03to be in play. Doesn't manage to do so and... Yeah, that is disastrous

0:41:03 > 0:41:12for GB's chances.Instead of having two good guards out there, they're

0:41:12 > 0:41:18only ever going to have one now at the moment.

0:41:19 > 0:41:23the moment.Again I will let you explain why that is put Canada, was

0:41:23 > 0:41:27that deliberate? Sending that through?They don't need any stones

0:41:27 > 0:41:30in the house now. They want to be able to hit everything out of way

0:41:30 > 0:41:36and they don't want anything that Great Britain can use to come around

0:41:36 > 0:41:42behind or sit on top of. Every stone now for Canada is a danger for

0:41:42 > 0:41:49themselves.The other bonus for can darks they don't have -- Canada,

0:41:49 > 0:41:54they don't have to score. They can blank it. No need to leave

0:41:54 > 0:41:58everything around in the wings. They can just skittle everything out of

0:41:58 > 0:42:05play now.A real pity there. Cammy Smith has struggled with one, at

0:42:05 > 0:42:10least one of his stones throughout this match since the second or third

0:42:10 > 0:42:17end. Very quickly, give you an update. It is Switzerland have

0:42:17 > 0:42:23pulled back and they're into the final end also. 5-4 to Italy. Japan

0:42:23 > 0:42:28still leading Norway.

0:42:31 > 0:42:37still leading Norway.There we see a tick shot. Canada weren't allowed to

0:42:37 > 0:42:41remove that stone from play. It was still in the free guard zone. So

0:42:41 > 0:42:45they just tried to tick it to one side of the rings and roll their

0:42:45 > 0:42:57shooter to the other. Opening up the four foot.

0:43:04 > 0:43:13Kyle wah Waddell had a good match.

0:43:18 > 0:43:22You have to OK, the first stone from Cammy Smith, not what the team

0:43:22 > 0:43:27wanted or the needed, you have got to keep throwing your stones and see

0:43:27 > 0:43:39how this develops. Canada are capable of mistakes as well.

0:43:47 > 0:43:52We're going to see Great Britain persevere and keep putting up a

0:43:52 > 0:43:58centre.How long do you keep doing that for? Just keep hoping and hope

0:43:58 > 0:44:05they make a mistake.Yes, as long as it takes really.Even if it's up to

0:44:05 > 0:44:11the second last stone, the first stone of the skip.They know two

0:44:11 > 0:44:19guards that are there are not good enough is the problem. The

0:44:19 > 0:44:24enough is the problem. The reason for that is it is still quite a

0:44:24 > 0:44:30distance from the middle of button. Kevin Koe can just draw one and it

0:44:30 > 0:44:34will be game over. They're pushing for something a little more useable

0:44:34 > 0:44:38at the moment.

0:44:46 > 0:44:50Laing playing the second stones for Canada. Almost seems the quiet man

0:44:50 > 0:44:59of the team this guy.

0:45:02 > 0:45:06It seems unfair but Canada are just going to keep doing that the way

0:45:06 > 0:45:19things are at the moment. Looks like a change of strategy here from Kyle.

0:45:28 > 0:45:31Rather than going for the traditional approach of going for a

0:45:31 > 0:45:36steel around the centre guard, they will go for the red stone around the

0:45:36 > 0:45:40house, and hope for some mistake from Canada and put another one in.

0:45:40 > 0:45:46And then what Canada have to face is two British yellow stones, and they

0:45:46 > 0:45:52have to decide whether to draw or hit with the last one.The first job

0:45:52 > 0:46:02was to get around the guard. Unintentional guard, I guess.

0:46:04 > 0:46:09Unintentional guard, I guess.It looks awfully thin.You could quite

0:46:09 > 0:46:13easily take the yellow and roll yourself, but he knows Kyle will ask

0:46:13 > 0:46:18for the same shot again. You saw him indicate, do you want to try to hit

0:46:18 > 0:46:21the red onto the yellow and try to spin them all so there is nothing in

0:46:21 > 0:46:26the house. But should you do it wrong, Kyle's shot is almost at the

0:46:26 > 0:46:37one foot, and he can draw one in behind.The additional benefit of

0:46:37 > 0:46:40peeling the red into the yellow is that it opens up the sheet for the

0:46:40 > 0:46:45final stone at the end.They have decided just to simply take the

0:46:45 > 0:46:53yellow out. Thomas Muirhead on the drawers has been struggling all

0:46:53 > 0:46:56evening.

0:47:05 > 0:47:18This is beginning to have a bit of a sense of inevitability about it.

0:47:32 > 0:47:42Trying to execute this a little better than the last attempt.

0:47:50 > 0:48:00That's a much better shot from Thomas Muirhead.

0:48:06 > 0:48:13I like this, just tell me where you want to hit it!And no messing with

0:48:13 > 0:48:24this guy, Marc Kennedy hollering down the ice. Let's get rid of it.

0:48:24 > 0:48:36Just complicating matters as far as Kevin Koe can see.

0:48:36 > 0:48:43Possibly the final stone of the match for Marc Kennedy.

0:48:44 > 0:48:58match for Marc Kennedy. Oh!Sorry, fellas.Missed.That's the mistake

0:48:58 > 0:49:05that Thomas and Kyle were trying to force. Still no guarantees of a

0:49:05 > 0:49:10steel here by any means, but it's starting to develop how they would

0:49:10 > 0:49:13have hoped, and at least given themselves a chance to steal in the

0:49:13 > 0:49:23tenth end.Two stone is left for Great Britain and Canada. Canada

0:49:23 > 0:49:26playing the final stone. Great Britain must steel here to take it

0:49:26 > 0:49:35to an extra end. A slight mistake from Canada, Marc Kennedy was trying

0:49:35 > 0:49:39to

0:49:40 > 0:49:52to take out the back stone and missed it.

0:49:52 > 0:49:58missed it. So he just wants to bring that around and tuck in. If he can.

0:49:58 > 0:50:16And live short. They have got to sweep it.

0:50:19 > 0:50:24You may not have seen, the sweepers were a little bit in the way, but it

0:50:24 > 0:50:28caught the guard. Another apology from the skip.I think the

0:50:28 > 0:50:34discussion between the sweepers and the skip indicates the ice

0:50:34 > 0:50:39conditions have slowed down a little bit at this end. Probably the same

0:50:39 > 0:50:43weight as earlier, but they monitor the playing conditions as the game

0:50:43 > 0:50:47goes on and the sweepers relate that to Kyle, but he wasn't able to make

0:50:47 > 0:50:53the necessary adjustment.

0:51:11 > 0:51:17Barring a real mistake from the Canadian skipper here... And we're

0:51:17 > 0:51:25not really going to get it.

0:51:25 > 0:51:28not really going to get it. Just wondering what to do here, try to

0:51:28 > 0:51:33use that stone and maybe rolled and lie short. Still fairly

0:51:33 > 0:51:39straightforward for Kevin Koe. Canada just need one here. Britain

0:51:39 > 0:51:47need the

0:51:47 > 0:51:51need the steal.Didn't spend long considering this. Could have played

0:51:51 > 0:51:58the freeze.I considered that as well. With the freeze, the men can

0:51:58 > 0:52:02have such a heavy weight at it, but with a good freeze it can be a

0:52:02 > 0:52:05really difficult shot. They have decided to do a little flop over to

0:52:05 > 0:52:10the side, but who are leaving the four foot open for Kevin Koe and his

0:52:10 > 0:52:23team to do a simple draw.Maybe the Canadians will have the same issue.

0:52:23 > 0:52:30Are they going to use this?They need to be lying short here? And

0:52:30 > 0:52:36that's the game.Canada have taken the one they need, and the final

0:52:36 > 0:52:41end, Great Britain unable to make the steal. They played pretty well.

0:52:41 > 0:52:46A difficult start to the match. Canada, in the first three or four

0:52:46 > 0:52:51ends, looks like they might coast to victory, but Great Britain pulled it

0:52:51 > 0:52:55back and made them fight hard and work hard and took it all the way to

0:52:55 > 0:52:59the final end. But as expected, perhaps in the script for Canada, to

0:52:59 > 0:53:04win this one. That's exactly what they have done. Canada beating Great

0:53:04 > 0:53:09Britain Zig Zag STUDIO: Rhona Howie in the studio with me. There were

0:53:09 > 0:53:14chances there.

0:53:15 > 0:53:21chances there. -- Canada beating Great Britain 6-4.

0:53:21 > 0:53:23chances there. -- Canada beating Great Britain 6-4.Both teams

0:53:23 > 0:53:26struggling with stones and with the ice slightly changing, a lot of

0:53:26 > 0:53:31communication about it changing, maybe atmospheric conditions. But

0:53:31 > 0:53:35they have to be aware of it and keep on top of it. But we really put the

0:53:35 > 0:53:39pressure on Canada in the second half. Had we got two back in the

0:53:39 > 0:53:43eighth end, it could have been a different result.What happens after

0:53:43 > 0:53:47a game, do they go away to analyse the mistakes made and say, we will

0:53:47 > 0:53:52do it differently next time, or do they practice?They will go away and

0:53:52 > 0:53:56look at the video analysis of the game. The coach will pick out

0:53:56 > 0:54:00certain times in the game where maybe a stone could have been placed

0:54:00 > 0:54:02differently, or a shot was called where they could look at a different

0:54:02 > 0:54:07option. There is no right or wrong, but there are different options to

0:54:07 > 0:54:10play. They could look at that and speak to the team and work out what

0:54:10 > 0:54:16they would have done differently. That Canada team, obviously selected

0:54:16 > 0:54:22after an incredibly long process in Canada among many very strong rinks.

0:54:22 > 0:54:27How good or not do you think they look?They came out in the first few

0:54:27 > 0:54:31ends and looked really good, but they kind of... I don't know, they

0:54:31 > 0:54:38didn't looked as enthusiastic and as keen as normal Canadian teams are.

0:54:38 > 0:54:45They looked quite placid and subdued.Quiet, weren't they lost in

0:54:45 > 0:54:48blue they were, but there is a lot of pressure on Canada because they

0:54:48 > 0:54:53are expected to take home the gold medal. -- quiet, weren't they?They

0:54:53 > 0:55:00were. They are a strong team and steady team. They communicate very

0:55:00 > 0:55:05well and talk through every shot. Overall a decent day for the great

0:55:05 > 0:55:07British men, with victory over Switzerland which could be crucial

0:55:07 > 0:55:12at the end of the round robin matches. And not a bad performance

0:55:12 > 0:55:17against Canada, chances there, but not quite taken. The British women

0:55:17 > 0:55:21were up against the Olympic athletes of Russia earlier today. And this

0:55:21 > 0:55:30was a very impressive victory.It was, they played their shots very

0:55:30 > 0:55:35well. They tactically played a good game. Just really put the pressure

0:55:35 > 0:55:42onto the Russians throughout whole game. Really good, Eve Muirhead will

0:55:42 > 0:55:46be very good with that performance. With the women's competition, Canada

0:55:46 > 0:55:52the favourites again?Yes, you would probably think Canada, but Britain

0:55:52 > 0:55:57are up there as well, they are favourites out there. There is a

0:55:57 > 0:56:01target on their back as well.Norway always fantastic fun to watch

0:56:01 > 0:56:07because the men tends to have an outfit they save for special days.

0:56:07 > 0:56:10They have taken inspiration from Chemmy, wearing trousers that are

0:56:10 > 0:56:19very like your top.If I wore the trousers it would be a one piece.

0:56:19 > 0:56:22Their trousers would go better with your top than with the red tops they

0:56:22 > 0:56:29are wearing.

0:56:32 > 0:56:37They aren't lucky, though, are they? It was a really good game against

0:56:37 > 0:56:43Japan, getting beaten 6-4, Norway. It's always a really good bit of fun

0:56:43 > 0:56:47to see what they wear. Is it the skip that designs their kit?Is

0:56:47 > 0:56:53their second player who has all the ideas for trousers. He makes the

0:56:53 > 0:57:00decisions and the rest follow. Bold decisions. And every game, they will

0:57:00 > 0:57:04make a statement with their trousers. But lovely hearts on the

0:57:04 > 0:57:09trousers for Valentine's Day, but the red tops don't quite go.It's a

0:57:09 > 0:57:15clash, terrible decision.The wardrobe designer needs to make a

0:57:15 > 0:57:18different choice. They have to wear dark or light tops depending on the

0:57:18 > 0:57:24stones they are throwing. They will have trousers to go with those.But

0:57:24 > 0:57:27they could wear different trousers every day if they wanted?They

0:57:27 > 0:57:31could.But they will not wear those once again because it's unlucky.But

0:57:31 > 0:57:38it's Valentine's Day over now.

0:57:38 > 0:57:41it's Valentine's Day over now.It could be superstition.Going back to

0:57:41 > 0:57:44the men's team, it's being thrown into the deep end, your first day at

0:57:44 > 0:57:50the Olympics, two matches, one against a hot Swiss team and against

0:57:50 > 0:57:55Canada. If you were to sum up how they performed across the day, what

0:57:55 > 0:57:59would you say?They have done remarkably well. A win over

0:57:59 > 0:58:04Switzerland, it doesn't matter how you get the win, a win is a win, and

0:58:04 > 0:58:08you just want points on the board. The game against Canada, they are

0:58:08 > 0:58:13the favourites, but they came out there, had a ropey first five ends

0:58:13 > 0:58:17and struggled with the stones at that point. They played well in the

0:58:17 > 0:58:20second five ends and ask questions of Canada. It's a great learning

0:58:20 > 0:58:25curve for the boys to move forward. The next seven round robin games are

0:58:25 > 0:58:30gone.Seven out of ten for the performance?That would be pretty

0:58:30 > 0:58:35good, seven out of ten for the first day of performance.Room for

0:58:35 > 0:58:39improvement. We can hear what they have been thinking about it,

0:58:39 > 0:58:42speaking to Steve Cram.Kyle, a pretty tight affair at the end,

0:58:42 > 0:58:46looked like a tough match in the first three ends, but then you got

0:58:46 > 0:58:51going.It's a shame we had a slow start. That was the real difference

0:58:51 > 0:58:57in the game. We came on to things and in five, six, seven and eight we

0:58:57 > 0:58:59played good curling and ask questions of them. A pity we didn't

0:58:59 > 0:59:05start with that form.All of this is a great experience, Thomas, but

0:59:05 > 0:59:09playing Canada on your first day, is that a good time to play them?You

0:59:09 > 0:59:13know you will face them at any point, it's a team you have to

0:59:13 > 0:59:17expect to go out and play your best and unfortunately we had a bit of a

0:59:17 > 0:59:22slow start, but then we hit form, which is promising, having a good

0:59:22 > 0:59:25second half. If you can carry that on tomorrow, it doesn't matter who

0:59:25 > 0:59:31is in front of us, we just have to play our best against whoever it is.

0:59:31 > 0:59:36Just come back fighting again tomorrow.Cammy Smith, we wondered

0:59:36 > 0:59:40whether there was a problem with one of the stones you were throwing.I

0:59:40 > 0:59:48seemed to struggle a wee bit, so I hope it was the rocks!We were

0:59:48 > 0:59:52remarking that maybe things have changed. We were watching the mixed

0:59:52 > 0:59:55doubles earlier in the week and even overnight it seems things were not

0:59:55 > 1:00:00moving as much and it wasn't curling as much, it might have been slower

1:00:00 > 1:00:05out there.There were probably two different sides of the sheet and one

1:00:05 > 1:00:09was swinging more than the other. But we didn't make enough shots in

1:00:09 > 1:00:12the early half and we played better in the second. They were not at

1:00:12 > 1:00:16their best either, but if we had started like we finished, we would

1:00:16 > 1:00:21have had a better chance.Overall, your first day, what are your

1:00:21 > 1:00:28thoughts?It could have been worse! First to get the first win under the

1:00:28 > 1:00:33belt and we have played two very difficult games. There is a lesson

1:00:33 > 1:00:37to be learned from tonight's game, so we will take what we have learned

1:00:37 > 1:00:44into tomorrow.Well done for today and good luck for tomorrow.

1:00:44 > 1:00:48STUDIO: They were certain they were not going to blame the ice or the

1:00:48 > 1:00:55stones.I know their performance in the first five ends let them down.

1:00:55 > 1:01:02It is learning.They have one game tomorrow against Japan, who beat

1:01:02 > 1:01:09Norway and Japan can sort of be anything?Yes, they have put a lot

1:01:09 > 1:01:14of investment into curling and you never know what Japanese team is

1:01:14 > 1:01:21going to tun up. They have come out firing today against Norway.From 5

1:01:21 > 1:01:29in the morning, your mother in law will be watching.Yes he has coached

1:01:29 > 1:01:36by Lorna. He v sheThe women play US tomorrow and then they play China.

1:01:36 > 1:01:41Also tomorrow we are going to have skeleton action for real. But we can

1:01:41 > 1:01:48show you the training runs of Lizzie Yarnold and Laura Deas. They have

1:01:48 > 1:01:53been going fast in training and training times are crucial. It is

1:01:53 > 1:01:57difficult to hold back. You're trying to learn the track, get your

1:01:57 > 1:02:02best lines, this is the defending champion, Lizzie Yarnold who so far

1:02:02 > 1:02:06is in season has had a mixed time in World Cup races. One third place.

1:02:06 > 1:02:11Came into the games feeling calm and confident, carried the flag at the

1:02:11 > 1:02:16opening ceremony. It is only when she got out on the ice that she is

1:02:16 > 1:02:22in the form that could win a medal and may yet win a gold medal. She

1:02:22 > 1:02:27was fastest in fourth training and she is looking very smooth there.

1:02:27 > 1:02:33Third fastest all over and second fastest were her times. She is

1:02:33 > 1:02:37learning, Chemmy, trying to get her, the smoothness of the turns is

1:02:37 > 1:02:42crucial. When she won gold four years ago she led by such a

1:02:42 > 1:02:47distance.She is so good in this environment. It is a different

1:02:47 > 1:02:54format in the Olympics, they have a different amount of runs. She talks

1:02:54 > 1:02:58of characteristic of the track and you have to embrace it and make

1:02:58 > 1:03:03friends with it. You see the connection they have with the ice.

1:03:03 > 1:03:08She is gained so much confidence from this and she is probably doing

1:03:08 > 1:03:18better than she anticipated. But they have tricks up their sleeve.

1:03:18 > 1:03:24There are the new suits. There is no doubt these suits are helping

1:03:24 > 1:03:29improve their times and Laura Deas has been the big mover. Not a

1:03:29 > 1:03:33surprise to those in the skeleton world who know her results have been

1:03:33 > 1:03:39better than Lizzie's, but to get out here on this track at an Olympics

1:03:39 > 1:03:46and be posting these times is exciting.She had a good start and

1:03:46 > 1:03:51you can see the power. And great for her to be somebody we are talking

1:03:51 > 1:03:57about. It has always been about Lizzie. For the underdog to shine

1:03:57 > 1:04:03and push Lizzie.They get on together well. It is a very happy

1:04:03 > 1:04:07team. Like skiing, it is you against the course. You're not on at the

1:04:07 > 1:04:16same time.It is a dangerous sport and you have respect for each other.

1:04:16 > 1:04:21If somebody beats you, you shake their hand, they can share

1:04:21 > 1:04:26information. That is the power of having someone at the top of the

1:04:26 > 1:04:31gear, they share knowledge, lines and tactics and I always think there

1:04:31 > 1:04:41must be a better way of stopping. Why not give them a nice uphill. It

1:04:41 > 1:04:48is because the luge is still going on.Hardly out of breath. She has

1:04:48 > 1:04:53just got to do it when the stands are full of roaring supporters.You

1:04:53 > 1:05:02see her start. . She is an equestrian originally. She is used

1:05:02 > 1:05:08to going on fast paces. Very good core strength.I would rather have a

1:05:08 > 1:05:16horse with four legs!We have a skeleton for you here, you can have

1:05:16 > 1:05:22a go, Rhona. It is going to be an exciting programme in skeleton and

1:05:22 > 1:05:27it starts tonight. Dom Parsons will go on his first run after midnight

1:05:27 > 1:05:33and then tomorrow early hours to late-night, for the women's it is at

1:05:33 > 1:05:36a different time of day. That is great for us here, because it means

1:05:36 > 1:05:44it will be going and medals will be decided mid morning. So 1am and

1:05:44 > 1:05:52midnight 30 for the men's skeleton.

1:05:55 > 1:06:01Skeleton all the way and that sliding track today has had one of

1:06:01 > 1:06:05strangest things happening on it. Rhona's never seen this before. When

1:06:05 > 1:06:10I said we are showing double luge, you said, what is that? Here is the

1:06:10 > 1:06:18thing... It is two people right on a luge. So feet first head back.Men.

1:06:18 > 1:06:23It doesn't have to be men. It is open. It could be a man and a woman

1:06:23 > 1:06:28or two women. Two men are heaviest and fastest so it has always been

1:06:28 > 1:06:34two men.So we could do this.It is a sport I think when they came up

1:06:34 > 1:06:42with it, they had drunk a

1:06:43 > 1:06:46with it, they had drunk a lot of something.

1:06:55 > 1:07:04Brothers in Latvia. In their first Olympics.

1:07:04 > 1:07:10Olympics. A very effective pair. They had a surprising disappointing

1:07:10 > 1:07:18World Championship. The Sics brothers are under way. They have

1:07:18 > 1:07:26made a promising start.It looked good so far.

1:07:26 > 1:07:29good so far.The reason they look so smooth, they're a quality pairing.

1:07:29 > 1:07:35They just missed that one. That was as close as you want to get to the

1:07:35 > 1:07:40wall, especially with the double sleds. If nay get it wrong, they

1:07:40 > 1:07:50will be in trouble and lose speed. The double sled are top heavy.

1:07:50 > 1:07:57They're quicker than the Russians, the Sics brothers take the lead.

1:07:57 > 1:08:07Three very big pairings to come. The Sics do well. They have five top

1:08:07 > 1:08:11five finishes in World Cup races without winning any.You can see

1:08:11 > 1:08:17where the straps are on the top of the sled, the top person is strapped

1:08:17 > 1:08:26into the sled, unlike the singles where you're just holding on.In the

1:08:26 > 1:08:29women's event yesterday, because they come from the same start house,

1:08:29 > 1:08:36we saw them having issues with that first kink and getting enough speed

1:08:36 > 1:08:45down the ramp.Next the two heroes for Germany from Sochi. They won the

1:08:45 > 1:08:56gold by half a second.

1:08:59 > 1:09:06How difficult are these early curves?Definitely. Like I said

1:09:06 > 1:09:13they're getting settled and there is a couple combinations you have to

1:09:13 > 1:09:17get right.This is the important part of the track. That is another

1:09:17 > 1:09:25perfect line. Because the sleds have more weight than the single sleds,

1:09:25 > 1:09:29they're more stable, but if you're getting things wrong, they're easier

1:09:29 > 1:09:33to crash. That is the big difference.You can see their

1:09:33 > 1:09:40quality. Arlt and Wendl. They put down a big marker. They're half a

1:09:40 > 1:09:46second clear will have.That was a massive run. We're going to have

1:09:46 > 1:09:50some quality pairings, but to be that far ahead of the Latvians, that

1:09:50 > 1:09:56is a massive run.

1:10:03 > 1:10:08Their coach is already ahead of the game.He was thrilled with the win

1:10:08 > 1:10:17yesterday.Yes after the hiccup.You see how close they were to the wall.

1:10:17 > 1:10:26That was perfect. As well as to come up the hill to the final corner.

1:10:27 > 1:10:38Next the favourites are, Eggert and Benecken. In the last 18 months they

1:10:38 > 1:10:42have been unstoppable and an extraordinary year of success,

1:10:42 > 1:10:49winning eight of nine World Cup races across Europe and North

1:10:49 > 1:10:55America. So these are the ones we are expecting to set the standard.

1:10:55 > 1:11:04But they have got to chase down Wendl and Arlt.

1:11:06 > 1:11:09Wendl and Arlt.You can see these guys are quality. The lines are

1:11:09 > 1:11:15perfect. Just as they start building speed into the big Olympic corner,

1:11:15 > 1:11:20but they're losing a bit of ground as they come to the bottom of the

1:11:20 > 1:11:25track. Are they going to stay within it or drop off more.It looks like

1:11:25 > 1:11:31they will struggle. A tenth of a second. That is not insurmountable.

1:11:31 > 1:11:36But interesting that Arlt and Wendl are going to be we think the leaders

1:11:36 > 1:11:43into the second medal run.It is such a big advantage from that first

1:11:43 > 1:11:48run compared to the other competitors. Just that one tenth

1:11:48 > 1:11:55they're behind they could make it up in the second round.The two German

1:11:55 > 1:11:59pairings already four tenths of a second clear of the other two

1:11:59 > 1:12:06pairings that have been too So far. What are you noticing Jacko?You can

1:12:06 > 1:12:09see the difference in the lines between the two leaders that we

1:12:09 > 1:12:15have. There is slight differences of just one's just weaving slightly

1:12:15 > 1:12:18more up and down. That is just the difference of making the small

1:12:18 > 1:12:27adjustments and those differences in the lines are the potential why they

1:12:27 > 1:12:32lost the others.

1:12:32 > 1:12:37lost the others.I wish Peter Penz was called Peter Pan, he is 33. They

1:12:37 > 1:12:42were third after the first run. They had an absolute disaster on the

1:12:42 > 1:12:48second run.Yes definitely. But he has always come out very well and in

1:12:48 > 1:12:53some of the big races.They have been a partnership together for 13

1:12:53 > 1:13:00years now and took silver at the Latvian world Championships three

1:13:00 > 1:13:08years ago. Penz and Fischler.You can see on the sled as they come

1:13:08 > 1:13:12into the first corner, they're doing a lot of work with their legs. What

1:13:12 > 1:13:16is the reason for that?It is interesting, because where the lady

1:13:16 > 1:13:22and doubles position comes into the track, it is a separate one. So

1:13:22 > 1:13:27you're steering harder to make it into where all the track comes down.

1:13:27 > 1:13:31So their hooking the sled.ThatThat bit of touch down with the feet.

1:13:31 > 1:13:37Will that cost them? They looked like they were catching up and maybe

1:13:37 > 1:13:45going to cost them.They were close. Look at that. Despite that touch, 7

1:13:45 > 1:13:56hundredths of a second only off the leaders. Eggert and Benecken have

1:13:56 > 1:14:04dropped to third. Peter Penz has a cracker.Especially considering he

1:14:04 > 1:14:11has his feet down in the 13 to 14 section.As he comes out of the

1:14:11 > 1:14:14bend, how much work he is doing with his left leg. Trying to get that

1:14:14 > 1:14:19control into the first corner. Another great line. As we see coming

1:14:19 > 1:14:28down there the dragon's tail as it has been named.

1:14:28 > 1:14:35STUDIO: Germany out in front. We know how good they are ahead of

1:14:35 > 1:14:39Austria and another German pair in third. So second and final run here

1:14:39 > 1:14:41it goes again.

1:14:45 > 1:14:50COMMENTATOR: Zero degrees - sounds cold, but it is tropical bearing in

1:14:50 > 1:15:00mind what we have had. We are about to start run 2. We go in reverse

1:15:00 > 1:15:04order from slowest pairings to the fastest. In pole position at the

1:15:04 > 1:15:14moment and going 20th and last Wendl and Arlt.

1:15:18 > 1:15:22These boys are real class acts on their day, ninth in the final medal

1:15:22 > 1:15:27round, but fourth in the world. They have won medals at each of the last

1:15:27 > 1:15:31two Olympic games as well. This is a big disappointment for them, they

1:15:31 > 1:15:34now have to try to overhaul the Koreans, you can barely believe you

1:15:34 > 1:15:40are saying that sentence. Definitely, and you know they will

1:15:40 > 1:15:45try with the team as well. Out of the question for this race but they

1:15:45 > 1:15:51will try tomorrow.Great lines into that corner. They sounded like they

1:15:51 > 1:15:55were sliding about, a lot of noise as they were turning the sled, but

1:15:55 > 1:15:58they have good velocity and I think they will pull away from the Koreans

1:15:58 > 1:16:04and try to put a run in towards the top six or seven.They definitely

1:16:04 > 1:16:15have the Koreans here. That's better from the Sics brothers.

1:16:15 > 1:16:22The Koreans have done their job. The Sics Brothers move into the lead.

1:16:22 > 1:16:26But there are some big guns to fire shortly. I think ultimately this

1:16:26 > 1:16:33will remain a disappointing Olympic games for the Latvian pair.If they

1:16:33 > 1:16:37had done that on the first run, they would have been further up the table

1:16:37 > 1:16:43and been able to push towards that top five or bronze medal position.

1:16:43 > 1:16:49It's all about being consistent in the runs they have. Unfortunately

1:16:49 > 1:16:53for them, whatever happened in the first run, it didn't quite happen

1:16:53 > 1:16:57again. Whether it was the conditions, or whether they just

1:16:57 > 1:17:05wanted a run in the bag, but in a two like competition, you can't do

1:17:05 > 1:17:09that.Toni Eggert and Sascha Benecken have proved almost

1:17:09 > 1:17:15unbeatable over the last 18 months, taking this competition by storm.

1:17:15 > 1:17:27Until now perhaps. If they can go 45.8 low then it will stamp pressure

1:17:27 > 1:17:43on leaders Wendl and Arlt and also Peter Penz and Georg Fischler.If

1:17:43 > 1:17:47they win gold via its potential they will go to their team-mates, because

1:17:47 > 1:17:51the Germans are strong, and they will win a second gold.Will see how

1:17:51 > 1:17:56it unravels, looking clean and professional so far. A slight slide

1:17:56 > 1:18:00there.Became out of nine with a bit of left pressure, kind of skidding

1:18:00 > 1:18:09away. We'll see if they lose anything.I don't think it's the

1:18:09 > 1:18:13people behind them they have to worry about. That slide might be the

1:18:13 > 1:18:17one that cost them the medal they want, as they want to move up

1:18:17 > 1:18:25towards that gold and silver.46.05, they have gone slower than round

1:18:25 > 1:18:31number one. We thought them to be potentially unbeatable beforehand.

1:18:31 > 1:18:41They might be looking at a bronze medal here.It

1:18:41 > 1:18:45medal here.It depends on Georg Fischler and Peter Penz now.They

1:18:45 > 1:18:49embrace, giving the impression they are happy about that, but on the

1:18:49 > 1:18:53form of the last 18 months they would have surely felt big

1:18:53 > 1:18:59favourites. Has that cost them?It has. Not to become closer to fourth

1:18:59 > 1:19:03place, but stop the moving forward to silver and bronze. But this is

1:19:03 > 1:19:09what this track brings, consistency is key, and these big names and big

1:19:09 > 1:19:13teams are potentially just making little mistakes. That mistake was

1:19:13 > 1:19:17from being just one or two inches offline, and it's those small

1:19:17 > 1:19:25margins.Two to go. The excitement is growing all the time. Love the

1:19:25 > 1:19:31way these events reach their climax. We are now waiting for the

1:19:31 > 1:19:35Austrians, Peter Penz and Georg Fischler. Remember at Sochi when

1:19:35 > 1:19:41they were in third place after the first run, and at Sochi they had a

1:19:41 > 1:19:45disastrous second run. I wonder if that is anywhere in their minds

1:19:45 > 1:19:50right now.You know it is playing in the back of their mind. They did not

1:19:50 > 1:19:54want to be beaten four years ago, and we will see if they have had a

1:19:54 > 1:20:00lot of experience and can face up against these competitors here.

1:20:00 > 1:20:05Finishing second to Toni Eggert and Benecken four times this winter.

1:20:05 > 1:20:10They have a chance to beat their rivals to a silver medal and maybe a

1:20:10 > 1:20:14gold.What games it would be for the Austrians are so far if they could

1:20:14 > 1:20:19pull that off, a double sweep in the men's and the doubles. When was the

1:20:19 > 1:20:23last time that happened for the Austrians, for them to win both? It

1:20:23 > 1:20:27has been a long time. They are pulling out a big run here. Is that

1:20:27 > 1:20:30the pressure they are applying to the Germans in the lead at the

1:20:30 > 1:20:40moment?Oh no.I think they did that in the first one as well.It will be

1:20:40 > 1:20:43interesting to see how much time it costs them as they come over the

1:20:43 > 1:20:49line into silver.It is going to be silver. The Austrians are beside

1:20:49 > 1:20:58themselves again. As Peter Penz and Georg Fischler go ahead of Toni

1:20:58 > 1:21:06Eggert and Sascha Benecken. My word! Steady, boys. That's a celebration.

1:21:06 > 1:21:15We are getting to see a lot of Austrians celebrate.I certainly

1:21:15 > 1:21:19think for the last three sleds, certainly for the Germans on the

1:21:19 > 1:21:23bronze, it was almost a victory lap. Fourth place was so far behind that

1:21:23 > 1:21:27you can almost relax into it. You just want to get down in one piece

1:21:27 > 1:21:31and be good. They still made one mistake. They need to do what the

1:21:31 > 1:21:35Austrians have just done to put pressure on them. The Austrians

1:21:35 > 1:21:39might have had a sigh of relief when they saw the mistake happened to the

1:21:39 > 1:21:48Germans, it has given them some breathing space.

1:21:48 > 1:21:50breathing space. The silver medal is ours and we can push towards the

1:21:50 > 1:21:52gold.Guaranteed silver. It's not impossible to get gold via.

1:21:52 > 1:21:57Definitely not from what we have seen so far in this competition.The

1:21:57 > 1:22:01defending Olympic champions. In last place at the moment, obviously, but

1:22:01 > 1:22:05after the first run the lead over the Austrians was tiny. Just

1:22:05 > 1:22:11hundreds of a second. Gold medallists from Sochi, Tobias Arlt

1:22:11 > 1:22:17and Tobias Wendl. On their way. Will it be the Germans, or will be

1:22:17 > 1:22:20Austrians cause another sensation? It was a big run from the Austrians

1:22:20 > 1:22:26to apply pressure to despair. They have the quality, they are Olympic

1:22:26 > 1:22:31champions and seasoned sliders, but it's about having the nerve, as we

1:22:31 > 1:22:35saw with Felix Loch in the men's competition, he threw it away at the

1:22:35 > 1:22:39big corner, where he made his mistake.I think they had it

1:22:39 > 1:22:44perfect.It was beautiful through there. The next time will be very

1:22:44 > 1:22:48important, relative to Peter Penz and Georg Fischler, it looks as

1:22:48 > 1:22:53though they are heading to gold.A little twitch as they come up the

1:22:53 > 1:22:57hill, but I think they will have enough to get over the line, and

1:22:57 > 1:23:02it's another gold for Germany.Wendl and Arlt win again, back-to-back

1:23:02 > 1:23:07gold medals. German celebrations once again stopped Wendl and Arlt

1:23:07 > 1:23:11have won by a tenth of a second of Peter Penz and Georg Fischler of.

1:23:11 > 1:23:19Toni Eggert and Sascha Benecken in third. The standings after the first

1:23:19 > 1:23:23run confirmed the all-important medal run, run number two. The

1:23:23 > 1:23:27tremendous return to winning ways, particularly when you think how they

1:23:27 > 1:23:31must have felt seeing Tony Eckert and Sascha Benecken dominate in the

1:23:31 > 1:23:37last two years, certainly since the last European Championships.When we

1:23:37 > 1:23:42get to the Olympic Games, what you have done in European Championships,

1:23:42 > 1:23:46World Championships, World Cup races, it means absolutely nothing.

1:23:46 > 1:23:50These are the medals people want on their CV, the Olympic medals. It

1:23:50 > 1:23:56only comes round every four years. If you make a mistake, you don't

1:23:56 > 1:23:59think, we will get it at the World Championships next year. It takes

1:23:59 > 1:24:05four years, and your career can end in that time. But that is absolutely

1:24:05 > 1:24:10perfect. That's why they are Olympic champions.Definitely, this run is

1:24:10 > 1:24:15perfect. And they are great competitors. So cool, starting to

1:24:15 > 1:24:19break away, and he's trying to fix it by barely tapping his foot down.

1:24:19 > 1:24:27A tiny dab on the brakes, that was it, a tiny blemish. Both of them, 30

1:24:27 > 1:24:37years old and close friends. Tobias Wendl is godparent to Tobias Arlt's

1:24:37 > 1:24:41daughter, so very close on the track and off. A lovely result for them.

1:24:41 > 1:24:45Three times world champions and now twice Olympic champions as well.

1:24:45 > 1:25:00STUDIO: The two Tobias. Germany hold of Austria, and they take bronze as

1:25:00 > 1:25:05well.

1:25:05 > 1:25:12Rhona Howie, what did you make of your first experience of doubles

1:25:12 > 1:25:13luge.

1:25:13 > 1:25:18your first experience of doubles luge.It was amazing. I have never

1:25:18 > 1:25:24seen it before.You said you went out on your sledges as a child in

1:25:24 > 1:25:27Scotland. You could have done that. We could invent the ladies taking

1:25:27 > 1:25:34part in the pairs as well. We could just have two heavier women if it's

1:25:34 > 1:25:40all about the body weight. I will go on the bottom, you can go on the

1:25:40 > 1:25:48top.Eight double luge pair! Retract!If you want to get involved

1:25:48 > 1:25:54in any of the sliding sports, go to get inspired. Maybe we should, get a

1:25:54 > 1:25:58load of kids doing the luge doubles and we will be there for Beijing.

1:25:58 > 1:26:02Other sports to round up, and there has been an awful lot of ice hockey

1:26:02 > 1:26:06happening today. Sweden against Switzerland in the women's

1:26:06 > 1:26:08preliminary round, both already qualified for the quarterfinals and

1:26:08 > 1:26:12this was a rematch of the bronze medal match from four years ago.

1:26:12 > 1:26:17Here is Seth and Kent.

1:26:17 > 1:26:21COMMENTATOR: Ready to go in the final pool one game between

1:26:21 > 1:26:26Switzerland and Sweden. The first face-off won by the Swiss, wearing

1:26:26 > 1:26:30white jerseys with red flashes around the arms. Muller is close to

1:26:30 > 1:26:38the net. It was an early test. My works the right side. Gets it back

1:26:38 > 1:26:45from Muller.

1:26:45 > 1:26:50from Muller. What a goal! Muller, number six in the tournament for

1:26:50 > 1:26:59her. She absolutely rattled that one home on the power play.Watched the

1:26:59 > 1:27:01fake from Christiaan Meyer, a wonderful job getting the defender

1:27:01 > 1:27:09and goal-tender to bite a little bit. It allows the slightest of

1:27:09 > 1:27:23holes to open up for Muller to put that in. -- Christine Meyer.What a

1:27:23 > 1:27:30finish. Finally it comes.

1:27:30 > 1:27:35finish. Finally it comes.The most dangerous weed in this third period.

1:27:35 > 1:27:42Going to the difficult area in front of the net. The angle of her stick

1:27:42 > 1:27:49blade, absolutely perfect to get it over the

1:27:56 > 1:28:07glove, Borgqvist.Phoebe stands on the power play and Switzerland have

1:28:07 > 1:28:17the lead again.

1:28:17 > 1:28:19the lead again. That is Christine Meier's sixth assist on the

1:28:19 > 1:28:26tournament.Phoebe goes to the front of the net. Stick on the ice, on the

1:28:26 > 1:28:34backhand.Another face-off win for Muller. And that will make such a

1:28:34 > 1:28:38difference, as it comes out in front again. It will go out of the zone

1:28:38 > 1:28:45and Switzerland will win. They will top group one. STUDIO: Big

1:28:45 > 1:28:48celebrations for Switzerland. But the arena was absolutely packed to

1:28:48 > 1:28:54see the final group game of the unified Korea team, so far being

1:28:54 > 1:29:01beaten 8-0 and 8-0. Could they score their first goal in these Olympics,

1:29:01 > 1:29:04hosted in South Korea, but the big story was North Korean players

1:29:04 > 1:29:07integrated into the team as well. And they were up against Japan.

1:29:07 > 1:29:16COMMENTATOR: Japan against Korea under way. The atmosphere in the

1:29:16 > 1:29:23building is absolutely electric. So loud. The question will be, can

1:29:23 > 1:29:27Korea give them something to really cheer about.

1:29:45 > 1:29:52It would be some achievement if Korea could get something out of

1:29:52 > 1:29:56this, but Kubo floats into position and find the back of the net.

1:29:56 > 1:30:04Wonderful vision by Toko behind the net, has her head up, sees Kubo

1:30:04 > 1:30:07coming right down Main Street and through the slot.

1:30:15 > 1:30:21Ono on the doorstep.This is exactly how you draw up a power play goal.

1:30:21 > 1:30:25You move it around up top. You overload down low in front of the

1:30:25 > 1:30:27net.

1:30:34 > 1:30:41Good chance and a goal! Oh, they have done it! Korea have scored

1:30:41 > 1:30:47their first ever goal in an Olympic ice hockey tournament and this arena

1:30:47 > 1:30:55stands - they wave their flags. It is Randy Griffin. What a moment it

1:30:55 > 1:31:03is. Griffin battled and battled and in the end it scraped through. Not a

1:31:03 > 1:31:07thing of beauty, but a moment of history for this combined Korean

1:31:07 > 1:31:15team.

1:31:18 > 1:31:24Japan 20 more seconds with the player advantage. Japan have it. It

1:31:24 > 1:31:30could well now be out of creature of the Cree -- reach of the Koreans.

1:31:30 > 1:31:37Wonderful puck movement from Team Japan.

1:31:39 > 1:31:43Japan.Ukita with an empty net to shoot on. You can stick this one in

1:31:43 > 1:31:48the books then. Japan are going to skate to victory over Korea, but

1:31:48 > 1:31:53this has been a way more difficult game than they could ever have

1:31:53 > 1:31:58imagined.

1:31:58 > 1:32:06imagined.Yu taking too much time to decide where to put that puck. Ukita

1:32:06 > 1:32:11got up quickly and was able to take away her pass.Behind the net it

1:32:11 > 1:32:17goes. Pushed out in front. Can they score one more? Time will run out.

1:32:17 > 1:32:24And it is game over. History-makers. Japan skate to a first Olympic

1:32:24 > 1:32:33victory. Whilst Korea get their first ever goal. It was played in a

1:32:33 > 1:32:38sensational atmosphere. STUDIO: As he said, not a moment of

1:32:38 > 1:32:44beauty, but a moment of history. Congratulations to that team.

1:32:44 > 1:32:47beauty, but a moment of history. Congratulations to that team. They

1:32:47 > 1:32:51have only been playing together for a month.It was a last minute

1:32:51 > 1:32:54decision, you think on the tactics side, they wouldn't have thought

1:32:54 > 1:32:58about play together, because it is a new team. The fact they got that

1:32:58 > 1:33:04goal was amazing.I would have hated them to go through with no goals.

1:33:04 > 1:33:08They're not finished yet. There is still a chance for a win. But it us

1:33:08 > 1:33:15just great to have seen them. Rhona's still digesting doubles

1:33:15 > 1:33:21luge.We will practice.Good, great I would like too see it

1:33:21 > 1:33:29demonstrated. That may be the future. Thank you. Now, men's ice

1:33:29 > 1:33:39hockey, United States against the Slovenia.

1:33:39 > 1:33:44hockey, United States against the Slovenia.

1:33:45 > 1:33:51Slovenia. COMMENTATOR: Butler stands on the first shot again. Now they

1:33:51 > 1:33:56have the lead. O'Neil scores. Puck went loose, back out in front of the

1:33:56 > 1:34:00net and O'Neil was on to it and this time they got the first shot right.

1:34:00 > 1:34:05So often in the period so far we have seen the first shot messed up

1:34:05 > 1:34:15by the U.

1:34:25 > 1:34:36Greenway at the back post steps in and makes it 2-0 to the USA.

1:34:36 > 1:34:44Slovenia just coughed up the puck inside their own zone, gave it away.

1:34:44 > 1:34:52And Greenway was on hand at very close range to tap it in. 2-0.

1:34:52 > 1:35:01Space now in the left circle and Slovenia

1:35:02 > 1:35:14Slovenia are back in it. Gregorc and the Slovenians have found their way

1:35:14 > 1:35:20back into the match. The six foot three inch defenceman jumping

1:35:20 > 1:35:26forward and found himself with space and hammered it past the keeper.

1:35:26 > 1:35:33Empty net for the USA to aim at.

1:35:39 > 1:35:46And it's gone in. The special play pays off for Slovenia. So many

1:35:46 > 1:36:00players in front. And Slovenia have equalised. 2-2 is the score.

1:36:00 > 1:36:03equalised. 2-2 is the score. It is the captain Music. Gave themselves

1:36:03 > 1:36:14the extra skater and it pays off as Music turns and fires home. 2-2.

1:36:26 > 1:36:31Music has finished it back post and it's only taken them 38 seconds of

1:36:31 > 1:36:37overtime for Slovenia to pull off a superb victory. From 2-0 down they

1:36:37 > 1:36:48have come back. Marshalled by Music. They have beaten the United States

1:36:48 > 1:36:523-2 in over time. Music scores in the first minute of overtime to win

1:36:52 > 1:36:58it for Slovenia. A first ever victory for them in international

1:36:58 > 1:37:04hockey against the United States. And they have been superbly

1:37:04 > 1:37:10captained by Jan Music.Cometh the hour cometh the man. We talked if

1:37:10 > 1:37:14Slovenia are going to get success, they need their captain to be the

1:37:14 > 1:37:19reason. He dominated the first 30 seconds of the three on three.

1:37:19 > 1:37:25Doesn't get picked up. The US get sucked into the puck. Comes back off

1:37:25 > 1:37:42the defence man. Great pass. And Mew sack is left alone and buries it.

1:37:42 > 1:37:49The United States coaching staff will see this as one that got away.

1:37:49 > 1:37:56STUDIO: Although the United States don't have their big NHL stars, they

1:37:56 > 1:38:02would expected to dominate. For Slovenia to beat them is a massive

1:38:02 > 1:38:09result for the Slovenians. Really good action and we have one more

1:38:09 > 1:38:17game to show you. After that Hazel is with us and they have a feast of

1:38:17 > 1:38:23figure skating. Now the Olympics of Russia would have been favourites in

1:38:23 > 1:38:30the men's ice hockey here is what happened. COMMENTATOR: Russia in the

1:38:30 > 1:38:39early stages trying to find a back door pass. What a chance this is.

1:38:39 > 1:38:49That was a nice stop.

1:38:49 > 1:38:51That was a nice stop. It's gone through everybody. Conrad was

1:38:51 > 1:39:02screened. As it came back, there

1:39:02 > 1:39:07screened. As it came back, there was enough traffic there. The Olympic

1:39:07 > 1:39:11Athletes from Russia score their first of this tournament. A big tip

1:39:11 > 1:39:23and another goal. Oh, taken out of the air. Slovakia shell-shocked.

1:39:23 > 1:39:30Great hand/eye co-ordination. Conrad beaten for a second time and OAR are

1:39:30 > 1:39:39on fire. They're skating in excess of 25mph F you equate that to the

1:39:39 > 1:39:44fact they're 16 or 17 stone some of the players, some bigger than that.

1:39:44 > 1:39:52In comes a chance and a great goal.

1:40:01 > 1:40:09From nothing, Slovakia cut the deficit in two. A bit of speed here.

1:40:09 > 1:40:17What will they do? Wow! Stunning finish.

1:40:27 > 1:40:35The flag waving from the Slovakians starts. Two down to 2-2. Breaking in

1:40:35 > 1:40:43with speed. Can they do something with this? Back to the blue line.

1:40:43 > 1:40:50They have taken the lead. A power play goal and Slovakia come from two

1:40:50 > 1:40:57down to now take the advantage.

1:40:57 > 1:41:01down to now take the advantage. A bomb of a shot. Having led by two

1:41:01 > 1:41:08they were comfortable. Now they must come back themselves.

1:41:08 > 1:41:16STUDIO: We have got both Slovakia and Slovenia on top of that group

1:41:16 > 1:41:22with the United States and the Olympic Athletes from Russia. I'm

1:41:22 > 1:41:23here for the afternoon.

1:41:23 > 1:41:26Olympic Athletes from Russia. I'm here for the afternoon. We have a

1:41:26 > 1:41:30lot to come between now and 6 o'clock. Shall we show you the good

1:41:30 > 1:41:41bits? In figure skating the start of the pairs competition.

1:41:41 > 1:41:47the pairs competition. Lifts, twists as two become more. It has been a

1:41:47 > 1:41:53baptism of fire for the British on the curling. The Swiss came first.

1:41:53 > 1:42:02Four golds out of four for the Dutch at the moment. Favourites don't come

1:42:02 > 1:42:08bicker than Shaun white, going for a third gold in the halfpipe. But it

1:42:08 > 1:42:17wasn't a done deal. This is the double luge, a kind of human speed

1:42:17 > 1:42:26sandwich. An amazingly bonkers watch.

1:42:27 > 1:42:35watch. Now the Christopher Dean. Is that an event you would ever try.I

1:42:35 > 1:42:40like the sliding events. They look great. Back in 1984 I did have the

1:42:40 > 1:42:46opportunity to go down with a four man bob. We had a brakeman and they

1:42:46 > 1:42:51said, come on have a go. I jumped in and one of the best experiences I

1:42:51 > 1:42:59have had.Really?Yes.Did you get a real buzz from it. He said keep your

1:42:59 > 1:43:04head up and have a look around. There we were and we would come

1:43:04 > 1:43:08around a 180 and your head got dragged to the bottom.Fear factor

1:43:08 > 1:43:14or not.Not when somebody else is driving. Not for me. Maybe if I was

1:43:14 > 1:43:24driving.Not happy Valentine's Day, but this is in fact...

1:43:24 > 1:43:28but this is in fact...Balero day, the day we won our gold medal. We

1:43:28 > 1:43:36all wear purple today.Purple day. 1984 in Sarajevo. I don't see why we

1:43:36 > 1:43:41shouldn't look back on it. We have had so many requests for your

1:43:41 > 1:43:48greatest hits. Here it is. Happy Balero Day.

1:43:56 > 1:44:07COMMENTATOR: So in complete contrast to Karen and Nicky, the dramatic

1:44:07 > 1:44:12Ravel's Balero.

1:48:36 > 1:48:39CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

1:48:39 > 1:48:42CHEERING AND APPLAUSE STUDIO: We will never tire of seeing

1:48:42 > 1:48:48that. Do you, Chris?I have seen it a few times now, but actually I

1:48:48 > 1:48:54don't. When you look back at it and the significance of it, it's time in

1:48:54 > 1:48:59my that changed our lives. Looking back now, it's certainly within

1:48:59 > 1:49:10Diomande.It changed sport, what you did in dance. -- it's with

1:49:10 > 1:49:13endearment. You started on your knees, and that's a very good reason

1:49:13 > 1:49:22for that.At the time we were not using tape recorders and razor

1:49:22 > 1:49:26blades, for the music to edit it. We did not have computers at the time,

1:49:26 > 1:49:31so we worked with an arranger who broke it down into all its parts and

1:49:31 > 1:49:39said, it sounds quite simple but it's really difficult, the

1:49:39 > 1:49:42construction, Ravel was pretty smart. He said the best he could do

1:49:42 > 1:49:49was 4.2 eight. Out of necessity, we said, the stopwatch starts when you

1:49:49 > 1:49:57begin to skate. And Jayne's blades do not hit the ice until 18 seconds

1:49:57 > 1:50:01after the music starts, so that's when the music counts. So that

1:50:01 > 1:50:05iconic move on the beginning on the knees was born out of necessity

1:50:05 > 1:50:10because of the music.Extraordinary, you actually rearrange the music

1:50:10 > 1:50:15itself, and that was pretty cutting edge.In actual fact we went to a

1:50:15 > 1:50:23studio and worked with a chap, I think he was in the Shadows. He had

1:50:23 > 1:50:29a keyboard type instrument, but it had all the latest software that

1:50:29 > 1:50:36would create all the students.

1:50:36 > 1:50:38would create all the students. In the Bolero, the real instruments

1:50:38 > 1:50:43were the timpani and the saxophone and the drums, but the rest of it

1:50:43 > 1:50:50was done by this instrument.I remember you collecting flowers of

1:50:50 > 1:50:54the ice when the scores came up, three sixes in the first technical,

1:50:54 > 1:51:02and then sixes across the board. That famous moment. It was such a

1:51:02 > 1:51:07melee, taking all the flowers up. We've taking it in at that point?

1:51:07 > 1:51:12Not so much as to when we were skating, I felt like we were in a

1:51:12 > 1:51:17bubble. Watching its now, I can't remember how it was, it was like an

1:51:17 > 1:51:22out of body experience now. Because we are so in the zone and focused in

1:51:22 > 1:51:29the moment, when you get to the end it's almost like a movie scene, it's

1:51:29 > 1:51:34all slow motion and then suddenly comes rushing back. We finished, and

1:51:34 > 1:51:37then the applause, it was deadly silent in the routine and then a

1:51:37 > 1:51:41huge amount of applause, and then lots of flowers coming onto the ice

1:51:41 > 1:51:45and we were collecting it. It was only when there was a huge roar that

1:51:45 > 1:51:49we realised something big had happened. We looked up and saw the

1:51:49 > 1:51:54sixes across the board. It was an amazing moment in our lives.I have

1:51:54 > 1:51:58to say, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up just talking about it.

1:51:58 > 1:52:03You must get thrills and chills.The further you get away from it, the

1:52:03 > 1:52:08more significant it becomes when you look back.It's also significant

1:52:08 > 1:52:15when we see those scores. We will be talking about the pairs competition

1:52:15 > 1:52:19today. That was the last across the board sixes that has been done in

1:52:19 > 1:52:23skating. It was this pairs event that changed the way ice skating and

1:52:23 > 1:52:31figure skating was judged. You may remember in 2002 we had a Russian

1:52:31 > 1:52:37pair. They took gold on the night. Controversially awarded it at the

1:52:37 > 1:52:40expense of the Canadians, but shortly afterwards, a judge in carve

1:52:40 > 1:52:51up was uncovered. Not this villain, but IOC president Jack Rob stepped

1:52:51 > 1:52:56in to award joint gold to both couples a couple of days later.

1:52:56 > 1:52:59Joint champions, a massive story that consumed us all in salt lake

1:52:59 > 1:53:04city, and it was a turning point for skating because the judging system

1:53:04 > 1:53:06was completely overhauled thereafter, hence why we don't get

1:53:06 > 1:53:12any perfect sixes any more. How significant a moment for skating was

1:53:12 > 1:53:20this event 16 years ago?It has changed how it has been marked. It's

1:53:20 > 1:53:26not a judge putting up two marks from zero to 6.0 for technical merit

1:53:26 > 1:53:31and artistic impression. We knew at the time, Alan weeks would be

1:53:31 > 1:53:37talking about it all the time, just two marks. But now with the

1:53:37 > 1:53:41International Judging System, it's broken down into so many parts that

1:53:41 > 1:53:46every element gets a mark, and it's categorised by a technical panel.

1:53:46 > 1:53:51They call it, and then the judges give it a plus or minus three. And

1:53:51 > 1:53:56each element required gets marked. Beyond that, you have the component

1:53:56 > 1:54:01scores, which are skating scores, timing, choreography. They have

1:54:01 > 1:54:11given a mass of numbers now that accumulate.Which is fine, yes...

1:54:11 > 1:54:16However...The audience don't understand it at all.The USB in a

1:54:16 > 1:54:25perfect six was there. As we've lost something as a result.I think the

1:54:25 > 1:54:29audience was more engaged when they knew what the mark was. But is now

1:54:29 > 1:54:32100 and something points come you don't totally know unless you are

1:54:32 > 1:54:36totally tuned into skating. A competitor can look at his marks

1:54:36 > 1:54:40now, advocate all the individual parts and say, we lost marks on

1:54:40 > 1:54:48this, so we can improve this. It can be categorised like that. But still

1:54:48 > 1:54:52the judges' opinion counts for a lot.It is all change. If you have

1:54:52 > 1:54:57questions for Chris, just use the hashtag and we will try to get

1:54:57 > 1:55:01through as many as we can. We have some wonderful sport to share with

1:55:01 > 1:55:05you, it's a short programme in the pairs, and this sport has produced

1:55:05 > 1:55:11some wonderful champions. Interestingly, no Canadians on the

1:55:11 > 1:55:16podium since 2002 and there is a good Canadian pair in this one. And

1:55:16 > 1:55:22also look out for the Chinese, Germans and athletes from Russia.

1:55:22 > 1:55:24COMMENTATOR:

1:55:24 > 1:55:32COMMENTATOR: Representing the Olympic Athletes from Russia... .

1:55:32 > 1:55:38The Russians taking silver in the team event. But these two did not

1:55:38 > 1:55:41feature 14 Russia, so this is our first look at them and their Olympic

1:55:41 > 1:55:48programme. -- did not feature for Team Russia.

1:56:07 > 1:56:20They open their performance. That was very nice, didn't happen for

1:56:20 > 1:56:23them in the warm up, but it's all about what you do in front of the

1:56:23 > 1:56:28judges. The second element, a triple twist.

1:57:02 > 1:57:09Brilliant control from both skaters through the lift.

1:57:17 > 1:57:22Triple flip.

1:58:42 > 1:58:50And that is just the Russian third pair, such depth in their squad.

1:58:50 > 1:58:53They are the number for Russian team because the number two team are not

1:58:53 > 1:59:03here. Because she was put onto a banned list, one of the athletes not

1:59:03 > 1:59:12allowed to come to Pyeongchang. I think that was one of their best

1:59:12 > 1:59:17performances. They had trouble with the side by sides in the warm up,

1:59:17 > 1:59:25but nailed them in performance.

1:59:25 > 1:59:26but nailed them in performance. A good fight and flight on the

1:59:26 > 1:59:37twister. Fully rotated before he catches, down onto the ice.

1:59:37 > 1:59:41Christina has amazing flexibility and a lovely core tension with all

1:59:41 > 1:59:47her lifts and throws. A very strong performer. No question we will be

1:59:47 > 1:59:55looking at new readers. A season's best of 70.4 seven. What do we think

1:59:55 > 2:00:00they will be at today?The quality of the competitors notches up as we

2:00:00 > 2:00:06move through the group 's.They are drawing within their world rankings,

2:00:06 > 2:00:13so the higher up the table you are, the later you will perform.It is a

2:00:13 > 2:00:15season's best.

2:00:20 > 2:00:23For the third pair from Russia in this competition. Kristina Astakhova

2:00:23 > 2:00:24& Alexei

2:00:24 > 2:00:27this competition. Kristina Astakhova & Alexei Rogonov leap up to the top

2:00:27 > 2:00:30of the leaderboard, and that means they have automatically qualified

2:00:30 > 2:00:36for

2:00:36 > 2:00:39for tomorrow's free skate. An historic moment as the pair from

2:00:39 > 2:00:45North Korea skate out onto the ice here in South Korea. There was a

2:00:45 > 2:00:49time when we didn't know if these guys would be here because they miss

2:00:49 > 2:00:53the deadline to send in their entry but the organisers granted

2:00:53 > 2:01:04permission, and they are. -- here they are.

2:01:17 > 2:01:22The first element, the triple twist.

2:01:23 > 2:01:30Easy.

2:01:34 > 2:01:50Side by side triple toe lifts. Yes!

2:01:56 > 2:02:04A triple loop.

2:02:39 > 2:02:45Terrific footwork through the left. Change of direction midway, as well.

2:02:45 > 2:02:48-- through the lift.

2:03:42 > 2:03:46CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Taking their moment of history in

2:03:46 > 2:03:50their stride. Don't forget, this isn't the first time the world has

2:03:50 > 2:03:55seen these skaters. They are global athletes. They travel the world.

2:03:55 > 2:04:04Some of these guys, perhaps, do not. You can say what you like about the

2:04:04 > 2:04:08Korean cheerleaders and what they represent, the fact they are here is

2:04:08 > 2:04:15remarkable in itself.They were so light and airy when they performed,

2:04:15 > 2:04:23and I love to watch them. As I said, they came first onto the scene at

2:04:23 > 2:04:28the 2017 World Championships. You can just tell the quality of their

2:04:28 > 2:04:33basic skating skills has been learned so well. They want to get a

2:04:33 > 2:04:41little more height and flight and the throat. 65.25 a personal best. I

2:04:41 > 2:04:46have a feeling we might see a higher score here. -- a bit more height and

2:04:46 > 2:04:51flight in the throw. There was a question if they would qualify for

2:04:51 > 2:04:56the free. I think this performance has guaranteed that.A massive new

2:04:56 > 2:05:06season's best. 69.40. Appreciation right around this stadium from North

2:05:06 > 2:05:12and South Koreans alike.

2:05:12 > 2:05:20These are the Chinese national champions. A beautiful short

2:05:20 > 2:05:24programme to Swan Lake. It looks like a ballet on ice. I think you

2:05:24 > 2:05:35are going to enjoy this one. Only teamed up last season.

2:05:39 > 2:05:41Zhang Hao At his fifth Olympics.

2:06:04 > 2:06:10Beautiful side by side triple toe loops.

2:06:24 > 2:06:33Some height here and the twist.

2:07:34 > 2:07:46The Chinese are known for their jumps. Beautiful!

2:08:29 > 2:08:33CHEERING AND APPLAUSE They perform it so beautifully,

2:08:33 > 2:08:37don't they? Physically they are such a mismatch but it all comes together

2:08:37 > 2:08:44on the ice.Incredible experience, Zhang Hao, silver Olympic medallist

2:08:44 > 2:08:50in 2006.

2:08:50 > 2:08:58Great flight and the twist, easy quarter in the air. The Chinese are

2:08:58 > 2:09:06known for their throw jumps on their speed across the ice. It was that

2:09:06 > 2:09:13smoothness of that speed which sets them apart. Two whole points of

2:09:13 > 2:09:17execution. Don't think there's a question we are going to see new

2:09:17 > 2:09:22leaders, but how much.Pretty handy from the Chinese, they take the

2:09:22 > 2:09:29lead. A new season's best, as well. They are through to skate in the

2:09:29 > 2:09:35free programme tomorrow. So Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres

2:09:38 > 2:09:42get things going for us in this penultimate group of skaters, in

2:09:42 > 2:09:46which we will see some of the finest talent of the world. European bronze

2:09:46 > 2:09:51medallists, these two. We have already seen them compete in the

2:09:51 > 2:10:00team event but this is just them out on their own.

2:10:25 > 2:10:33Vanessa and Morgan opening with the triple twist.

2:10:33 > 2:10:37That is probably one of the best ones I have seen them do lately.

2:10:52 > 2:11:03Beautiful side by side triple sarcos.

2:11:27 > 2:11:39And solid, triple flip.

2:12:47 > 2:12:52CHEERING AND APPLAUSE We didn't get to see them skate the

2:12:52 > 2:12:57free skate in the team event but that will surely be enough for

2:12:57 > 2:13:02Vanessa James Morgan Cipres to qualify for tomorrow's competition.

2:13:02 > 2:13:06It will be very, very tight between these two and the current leaders

2:13:06 > 2:13:14from China. Fantastic side by side triples.

2:13:16 > 2:13:25triples. Huge throw, triple lift.So not enough to remove the Chinese

2:13:25 > 2:13:30from the top spot. Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres the European bronze

2:13:30 > 2:13:39medallist from France through, safely. They have the vital green Q.

2:13:39 > 2:13:46Looking to join them are

2:13:52 > 2:14:01Italy's Nicole Della Monica & Matteo Guarise. Iraola skating medallist.

2:14:01 > 2:14:03-- a roller skating medallist.

2:14:24 > 2:14:34Side by side.

2:14:41 > 2:14:47And the triple twist. She rotates so fast in the air.

2:14:52 > 2:15:01It is what caused the problem in the team event, but that was a much

2:15:01 > 2:15:04stronger throw triple loop.

2:16:47 > 2:16:51Team Italy finished just outside the medals in the team competition, but

2:16:51 > 2:16:54they are looking to get two pairs of skaters through to skate for the

2:16:54 > 2:17:07medals tomorrow.In for the twist. She rotates so fast. Level three for

2:17:07 > 2:17:17the twist. Fours for the combinations, the sequence and the

2:17:17 > 2:17:28lift. A season's best of 70.60 five. -- 70 .65. They may have eclipsed

2:17:28 > 2:17:32that. We shall see.Yes, a new season's best, just under four

2:17:32 > 2:17:37points above their last stop they are up into third place. The Chinese

2:17:37 > 2:17:42lead the way, the French in second, and the Italians currently

2:17:42 > 2:17:46qualifying in third place. All that could be about to change, because

2:17:46 > 2:17:51this is our first look at the reigning world champions. We haven't

2:17:51 > 2:17:59seen them yet on the Olympic ice in Pyeongchang. The Chinese perhaps

2:17:59 > 2:18:05choosing to keep their powder dry. What a comeback to win the last

2:18:05 > 2:18:10World Championships in 2017. Terrible injury meant she had double

2:18:10 > 2:18:19surgery on both feet and had to learn to walk again.

2:18:36 > 2:18:49Triple toe loop to open.

2:18:55 > 2:19:05Watch the size of this triple flip. Absolutely glorious.

2:19:11 > 2:19:19The triple twist...

2:20:50 > 2:20:57CHEERING And that is why they are the world

2:20:57 > 2:21:03champions. She is ice cool. She is known among her fans as the Empress.

2:21:03 > 2:21:18That the row is absolutely exquisite. She is -- that the

2:21:18 > 2:21:20exquisite. She is -- that the row -- throw. Level format for every single

2:21:20 > 2:21:27element that they have got there. Looking at 12 points or above over

2:21:27 > 2:21:36and above what their base score would be. 32.80 was the base.No

2:21:36 > 2:21:42question that we will have new leaders.This is the gauntlet being

2:21:42 > 2:21:55thrown down.80.14 is their season's best. It is another season's best -

2:21:55 > 2:22:0082.39 for Sui Wenjing and Han Cong. The world champions leaked to the

2:22:00 > 2:22:11top of the board. -- leap to the top of the board.

2:22:18 > 2:22:24This is the first look at the short programme from Marchei and Hotarek.

2:22:51 > 2:22:54Side by side triples to open.

2:23:16 > 2:23:26Triple twist.

2:23:26 > 2:23:36Got it!

2:25:23 > 2:25:28Well, that got the crowd going. And where these two go, there is always

2:25:28 > 2:25:31better.They will be very happy, absolutely having delivered that

2:25:31 > 2:25:36free programme the other which was the skate of their lives, admittedly

2:25:36 > 2:25:44a very short life as pair skaters. They both have great experience.

2:25:44 > 2:25:51Didn't quite have the flight. There is the touch on the arm that brings

2:25:51 > 2:26:01it down from level three to level two on the twist. Easy there on the

2:26:01 > 2:26:06throw. They have no pair skating experience four years ago when they

2:26:06 > 2:26:12had their first try out. They have come so far so quickly.A new

2:26:12 > 2:26:22season's best. It has taken Valentina rather by surprise.

2:26:22 > 2:26:27Valentina rather by surprise. 74.50, then, for the Italians, and they

2:26:27 > 2:26:32jump above their countrymen, who are in fifth.Eric Radford and Megan

2:26:32 > 2:26:40DuHamel have already

2:26:40 > 2:26:44DuHamel have already won a medal, in the team competition. Megan took to

2:26:44 > 2:26:48twitter about an hour ago to say she had dropped her phone into a

2:26:48 > 2:26:52non-flush toilet. Let's hope for her that that wasn't an omen for today's

2:26:52 > 2:26:59performance.

2:27:19 > 2:27:28Triple twist to open. Their jump of choice,

2:27:29 > 2:27:34choice, the hardest jump in the pairs event. This is their second

2:27:34 > 2:27:37element.

2:27:42 > 2:27:47They made them happen. They weren't the most pretty or clean, but they

2:27:47 > 2:27:50were there.

2:28:00 > 2:28:17The touchdown from Megan do -- from Megan...

2:29:43 > 2:29:47The stakes are so high for these two at these games. Since the last

2:29:47 > 2:29:52Olympics, they have won two world titles, and they are gunning for

2:29:52 > 2:29:55their first medal here in South Korea. You could see the tension

2:29:55 > 2:29:59creeping into the performance, couldn't you, Robin? Bite my guess,

2:29:59 > 2:30:02in comparison to the performance they did in the short programme at

2:30:02 > 2:30:06the team event, this was not as clean, but they have so much going

2:30:06 > 2:30:13for them. So much stronger emotionally. --yes,... Here is the

2:30:13 > 2:30:24twist. It doesn't have the flight. No connection between her arms and

2:30:24 > 2:30:34his body. The jumps are way off in terms of Eric touching down with

2:30:34 > 2:30:42that free foot on the landing as well. Here is the throw. The foot

2:30:42 > 2:30:48down on the landing there as well.

2:30:54 > 2:31:0076.82, a good school. The pair from China lead the way, an exquisite

2:31:00 > 2:31:04performance from them. The first of two pairs from the Olympic Athletes

2:31:04 > 2:31:11from Russia in this final group, Natalia Zabiiako & Alexander Enbert.

2:31:11 > 2:31:16They go away from this game is that they silver in the team event. The

2:31:16 > 2:31:20Olympic Athletes from Russia having to settle for silver behind the

2:31:20 > 2:31:27Canadians.

2:31:44 > 2:31:56Great height on the triple twist, not a lot but speed coming into it.

2:31:56 > 2:32:04-- not a lot of speed coming into it.

2:32:07 > 2:32:14Side by side triple toe loops.

2:32:25 > 2:32:32That is the throw, the triple loop.

2:34:11 > 2:34:18Precision skating from the Olympic Athletes from Russia. Green boxes

2:34:18 > 2:34:23across the board, no technical mistakes spotted so far.One of

2:34:23 > 2:34:28their better performances, I think. Clean, precise, together.Nothing

2:34:28 > 2:34:33too exciting. I was going to say that, I didn't want to sound too

2:34:33 > 2:34:39unfair. It didn't excite me the way we have seen the Chinese or

2:34:39 > 2:34:46Canadians go out there.They don't have oomph. They have classes for

2:34:46 > 2:34:55all be based scored. They would want to be into the 9s with their

2:34:55 > 2:35:06component scores but they are made 8s. Level fours for the lifts. I

2:35:06 > 2:35:11think they're going to beat their personal best.Yes, and it is the

2:35:11 > 2:35:19new season's best.

2:35:19 > 2:35:22new season's best. 74 .35 is a marked improvement on their previous

2:35:22 > 2:35:28personal best. In sixth position for now but if you think perhaps the

2:35:28 > 2:35:31Olympic Athletes from Russia lacked attack, like Robin did, there will

2:35:31 > 2:35:38be no lack of it from this next pair.

2:35:38 > 2:35:42pair. Aliona and Bruno, two time world medallists. Aliona has won

2:35:42 > 2:35:47bronze at the last two Olympics. She has paired up with Bruno Massot for

2:35:47 > 2:35:53this Olympics, who only got his passport in time to compete. This is

2:35:53 > 2:35:56a really fun routine.

2:36:28 > 2:36:38Watch for the height and the twist. That is massive!

2:36:45 > 2:36:55Oooh, Bruno. Just a double Salchow.

2:37:11 > 2:37:17But she's got the throw on one foot. Aliona has a habit of either

2:37:17 > 2:37:20touching down or landing and two feet.

2:38:49 > 2:38:55CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Personality and pizzazz from the

2:38:55 > 2:38:58Germans. You can see the disappointment and

2:38:58 > 2:39:02Bruno's face instantly. The smile fades, just missed that jump.Such a

2:39:02 > 2:39:08costly error, as well.But no question they will qualify, but the

2:39:08 > 2:39:11position in which they qualify will matter.They will want to be on a

2:39:11 > 2:39:17medal position already now. They are going to get just one point, plus

2:39:17 > 2:39:23changed about double Salchow, as opposed to 5-6 points they could

2:39:23 > 2:39:32have gone had they done the triples, so it will be costly. So, each of

2:39:32 > 2:39:36the judges will decide once the elements have been cleaned up,

2:39:36 > 2:39:40whether they thought it was a plus or minus, whether it was really good

2:39:40 > 2:39:45they can give up to plus three, plus one or plus two grades of execution

2:39:45 > 2:39:52and if not so great, they can go -1, -2, minus three. Points will either

2:39:52 > 2:39:58be added... She did really well not to put that foot down. Added two

2:39:58 > 2:40:05were taken away from the base score for each element.76.59 is way down

2:40:05 > 2:40:10on their season's best. They are in third place, though. Bronze medal

2:40:10 > 2:40:17position going through to the free skate tomorrow but there is another

2:40:17 > 2:40:23couple yet to come. Evgenia Tarasova & Vladimir Morozov Were ahead of the

2:40:23 > 2:40:26rest of the field in the short programme in the team event a couple

2:40:26 > 2:40:30of days ago. Olympic athletes of Russia took only silver in that

2:40:30 > 2:40:35competition. These two really catapulted them up into the mix with

2:40:35 > 2:40:39this regime. The newly crowned European champions and world bronze

2:40:39 > 2:40:41medallist.

2:41:09 > 2:41:17Exquisite triple twist. Light, great flight across the ice and beautiful

2:41:17 > 2:41:26controlled. Can they do the same and the side by side triple toe loops?

2:41:26 > 2:41:34Yes, they can.

2:41:45 > 2:41:50Triple loop. Beautiful again.

2:43:33 > 2:43:36CHEERING AND APPLAUSE The European champions faultless

2:43:36 > 2:43:41once again.That was quite the performance. For me, this was even

2:43:41 > 2:43:45better than the short programme they did in the team competition. Just

2:43:45 > 2:43:49looked so calm and relaxed and yet you know there has to be tension in

2:43:49 > 2:43:57order for these elements to work properly. Their season's

2:43:57 > 2:44:04properly. Their season's best 80.9 two. I think it will be very close.

2:44:04 > 2:44:10As we would want it to be. Again, look at the timing here, absolute

2:44:10 > 2:44:13perfection.

2:44:18 > 2:44:23Love to see the continuation of the movement in the take off from her,

2:44:23 > 2:44:29into the landing which continues, it doesn't crack onto the ice. This

2:44:29 > 2:44:32team and the Chinese team, phenomenal.Right then, where do

2:44:32 > 2:44:37they end up?

2:44:37 > 2:44:41they end up? 81.68 for the Olympic Athletes from Russia. European

2:44:41 > 2:44:46champions. Not quite done enough to knock the Chinese world champions

2:44:46 > 2:44:51from their perch.

2:44:51 > 2:44:58Let's have a look at those standings going in tomorrow's free skate.

2:44:59 > 2:45:00going in tomorrow's free skate. The Chinese looking to add the world

2:45:00 > 2:45:08title to their crown. And then in the second, Evgenia Tarasova &

2:45:08 > 2:45:17Vladimir Morozov. In fourth place, Aliona Savchenko and Bruno Massot,

2:45:17 > 2:45:19they will need excellent to keep their chances alive but they are not

2:45:19 > 2:45:26far behind those Canadians.

2:45:26 > 2:45:32STUDIO: There is zero margin for error here, very exciting.In all

2:45:32 > 2:45:36the events, across the board, and certainly in the pairs, just the

2:45:36 > 2:45:42slightest mistake can mean the difference between gold, silver and

2:45:42 > 2:45:46bronze, it is that type. It is a great competition. I loved the

2:45:46 > 2:45:50difference in styles, but it is that close.It is, indeed. Let's talk

2:45:50 > 2:45:55about the couple in pole position, the Chinese. We were talking

2:45:55 > 2:46:00watching it, physically, there is not that much between them. We went

2:46:00 > 2:46:05through a period, the Soviet period, and China coming into it, the

2:46:05 > 2:46:10so-called gorilla and the flea. This is not the case?They are evenly

2:46:10 > 2:46:15matched, and I think that is what makes them look so beautiful. When

2:46:15 > 2:46:21they are out there, they really are a team. The passion she puts into

2:46:21 > 2:46:26it, you live through every moment with her. And as a partner, he just

2:46:26 > 2:46:29complements what she's doing, supporting, doing exactly what he

2:46:29 > 2:46:34needs to, but she is the front person on this. You can see with the

2:46:34 > 2:46:37emotion she puts into it, it is beautiful skating. I think they will

2:46:37 > 2:46:42be tough to beat. Like I say, it doesn't take much on the night. You

2:46:42 > 2:46:48can catch an edged out there, something can be a little off, and

2:46:48 > 2:46:52is it. It is the difference between silver and gold.Teams from Russia

2:46:52 > 2:46:58have dominated the pairs. I think they won 12 titles between 1964 and

2:46:58 > 2:47:051998. The Chinese knit their title in 2010, but they were back on the

2:47:05 > 2:47:11podium in 2014. Into Russell and Morosov, you have such a strong

2:47:11 > 2:47:16pair, and that wonderful choice of Rachmaninov complemented their

2:47:16 > 2:47:20routine beautifully.I have to say, I love her skating. When she takes a

2:47:20 > 2:47:27line, she is like a dart. Her legs straight and clean beautiful. In the

2:47:27 > 2:47:35air as well, obviously very talented jumpers. I like the skating in

2:47:35 > 2:47:42between all the elements, and it is just beautiful skating, clean lines.

2:47:42 > 2:47:48And the aesthetics of the two of them is beautiful. I'm not such a

2:47:48 > 2:47:51big proponent of their long programme, if I'm honest. I think

2:47:51 > 2:47:56the Chinese are stronger.We shall see, the long programme comes

2:47:56 > 2:48:02tomorrow. You have an interest in the current third-place bronze

2:48:02 > 2:48:10medallist.Five Olympics over 16 years. I worked on them with a long

2:48:10 > 2:48:14programme. She is such a competitor. We would work for four or five hours

2:48:14 > 2:48:18and she would be happy to stay for another four or five hours on that

2:48:18 > 2:48:26date. She is just born to be a competitive skater.So charismatic.

2:48:26 > 2:48:33Bruno is like an ox, so strong. I don't know whether he has that same

2:48:33 > 2:48:36determination she has.One tiny mistake and that will potentially

2:48:36 > 2:48:42put them out of a better finish.The Salchow, he doubled and she tripled.

2:48:42 > 2:48:48That can be the difference. I think they are down in fourth place.Third

2:48:48 > 2:48:56at the moment.Well...The Canadians are in third.I think they can get

2:48:56 > 2:49:01on the podium, for sure, but maybe the gold is just a step too far.OK,

2:49:01 > 2:49:05there was also a huge ovation for the North Korean pair. Of all of the

2:49:05 > 2:49:10athletes from North Korea, this was the pair who had qualified by right

2:49:10 > 2:49:15to be here. And they put on quite a show.I was really surprised by

2:49:15 > 2:49:19their abilities. I saw them earlier in the year in a junior competition,

2:49:19 > 2:49:25which was a qualifying competition, and when a country that hasn't

2:49:25 > 2:49:28really been involved with figure skating, like the Chinese were some

2:49:28 > 2:49:3315 years ago, they come, but there is determination. You can tell they

2:49:33 > 2:49:37are not ready yet, but they came out of the box looking really good. I

2:49:37 > 2:49:43think they've had some training in Canada, but this pair, I think,

2:49:43 > 2:49:49something to watch for the future. Good to see, and they got a huge

2:49:49 > 2:49:56ovation. Lots of questions have been asked. Why purple for Bolero? And

2:49:56 > 2:50:02Aimee Fuller says, do you still have your 1984 costume?You know, they

2:50:02 > 2:50:06are in a museum somewhere, almost like we are! The costumes are in a

2:50:06 > 2:50:12museum. The reason is, I love the iris, the flower for the BBC the

2:50:12 > 2:50:16purple shading, and the gold in the middle of the flower, that's where

2:50:16 > 2:50:21it came from.Thank you. Matt and big Al say, under the new scoring

2:50:21 > 2:50:27system, what would Bolero have scored, do you think?I don't think

2:50:27 > 2:50:31it would register. Simply because the elements, the requirements now,

2:50:31 > 2:50:38are completely different from what you are required to do. Our

2:50:38 > 2:50:41requirements was a four-minute programme, give or take ten seconds,

2:50:41 > 2:50:48and you could only do five lifts, and that was it. Now, there is a

2:50:48 > 2:50:54volume this thick of rules and regulations that require what you

2:50:54 > 2:51:01have to do and how it is scored. That brings me to a question raised

2:51:01 > 2:51:05by Michelle colon they move from one component to the next, far removed

2:51:05 > 2:51:11from the seamless fluidity you achieved with Jane.It is just that

2:51:11 > 2:51:17there are so many elements required. You have three required lifts. A

2:51:17 > 2:51:20choreographed lip, a travelling choreographed spin, two footwork

2:51:20 > 2:51:20choreographed lip, a travelling choreographed spin, two footwork

2:51:20 > 2:51:27sequences you have to get in. And all of these just eat up the time.

2:51:27 > 2:51:30Basically, it is how you transition from element to element which is

2:51:30 > 2:51:38what the choreography is now.OK, I get it. Another viewer says: Do you

2:51:38 > 2:51:43prefer the traditional instrumentation?A good question. If

2:51:43 > 2:51:47they are appropriate and they feel that they complement it, I am all

2:51:47 > 2:51:54for vocals. When people hear a vocal that is talking more singing about

2:51:54 > 2:51:57something, you can e-mail it to that, so the audience can quickly

2:51:57 > 2:52:02tune into what that is, sometimes. But then I think there are pop songs

2:52:02 > 2:52:06that some people come out and use and I don't think it's quite

2:52:06 > 2:52:10appropriate for the sporting arena that we're in.Careful what you wish

2:52:10 > 2:52:15for in that regard.Yes.Thank you very much, there are loads of them.

2:52:15 > 2:52:20EV asks, can you still do the splits?I'm not sure it's still in

2:52:20 > 2:52:26my repertoire!Beverage your answer. Vanessa says, everyone remembers

2:52:26 > 2:52:34Bolero, but I love barn, can we see it again? Maybe. Still on the eyes,

2:52:34 > 2:52:38but curling this time, and I know that many of us went crazy,

2:52:38 > 2:52:43including Chris, a few years ago, because in Sochi, it was the first

2:52:43 > 2:52:47time that the men's and women's teams came back with medals.

2:52:47 > 2:52:50time that the men's and women's teams came back with medals. Eve

2:52:50 > 2:52:58Muirhead got underway overnight. A very good straightforward ten stones

2:52:58 > 2:53:03to three victory over the Russians, and she would have had half an eye

2:53:03 > 2:53:06on her little brother, because he was part of Kyle Smith's Great

2:53:06 > 2:53:11Britain team as they set out onto the ice for their first match. They

2:53:11 > 2:53:16are a new, young team, but they have been together for a long time,

2:53:16 > 2:53:19winning the world Juniors, so much expectation. Tough opening day, two

2:53:19 > 2:53:24matches. This one was against the Swiss. What a match it was. We will

2:53:24 > 2:53:31join it in the last of ten schedule ends. Great Britain 5-4 in front,

2:53:31 > 2:53:38watched by Logan Gray and Steve Cram. COMMENTATOR: They would like

2:53:38 > 2:53:42to rumble the stones in the house around a little bit, just put them

2:53:42 > 2:53:52in slightly usable positions. Has he got it at all?It is skinny.

2:53:52 > 2:54:00LAUGHTER He knows he got away with one there.

2:54:00 > 2:54:10Not the ideal result, but at least it took the stone away, just.

2:54:10 > 2:54:14it took the stone away, just. A bit of humour never goes amiss, does it?

2:54:14 > 2:54:21That keeps everybody relaxed. Thomas Muirhead, the next for Great

2:54:21 > 2:54:29Britain. The Swiss skipper here, Peter de Cruz.

2:54:29 > 2:54:32Peter de Cruz.I bet Kyle's heart might have skipped a beat when he

2:54:32 > 2:54:42let that one go! He literally just papered it out the side door.

2:54:44 > 2:54:50Switzerland have actually given up on the guard game now. They will try

2:54:50 > 2:54:55and do something in the house by drawing around the Great Britain

2:54:55 > 2:55:02stones and hiding one on the back line.

2:55:02 > 2:55:06line. That one will still be seen, so it should be a straightforward

2:55:06 > 2:55:13takeout for Thomas Muirhead.

2:55:13 > 2:55:21takeout for Thomas Muirhead.A straight peel. Good call.

2:55:27 > 2:55:34Even if they make, good, we can still run outside one.

2:55:36 > 2:55:39still run outside one.Some smart verbals going on there around Thomas

2:55:39 > 2:55:44Muirhead's hate, as it were. Just trying to say, either way, it will

2:55:44 > 2:55:56be a good shot. A straightforward peel is a good shot.

2:55:56 > 2:56:05peel is a good shot. A good enough result.

2:56:05 > 2:56:11result.Thomas Muirhead has had a much more assured second-half.It

2:56:11 > 2:56:15has all come back together. He should be pretty proud of himself,

2:56:15 > 2:56:22actually, for managing to do that after admittedly two shots which he

2:56:22 > 2:56:29won't want to see again, I'm sure. A measure of the man that he has

2:56:29 > 2:56:44produced some good shots since. Claudio Patz, not going quite so

2:56:44 > 2:56:56well for him after a few good ends.

2:56:56 > 2:57:00He will do better than his skipper did.They have a better line this

2:57:00 > 2:57:07time. They have managed to tap it right over there behind a stone in

2:57:07 > 2:57:18second shot position.

2:57:20 > 2:57:29He will try to use the second yellow. Maybe asking if he can try

2:57:29 > 2:57:40to run that back onto the Swiss red. Again, the talk was, if I catch the

2:57:40 > 2:57:44first yellow, it's still not bad. Just trying to take the negativity

2:57:44 > 2:57:53out of it. This could be good, actually.

2:57:55 > 2:58:01actually.To good -- too good! A slight grimace on his face, just

2:58:01 > 2:58:14because they have left that yellow stone at the back of the four foot.

2:58:20 > 2:58:23Nonetheless, with the three British stones in there, they still have a

2:58:23 > 2:58:30couple at the top of the house, use them. Three more stones for

2:58:30 > 2:58:34Switzerland. They need to score two to win this. One would tie it up

2:58:34 > 2:58:42into an extra end. If they can work this one...

2:58:43 > 2:58:47this one... It's amazing, isn't it? He was so solid earlier on, playing

2:58:47 > 2:58:53so well. Just the last couple of ends, Claudio Patz, we saw him smack

2:58:53 > 2:58:58his broom onto the floor, the head fell off, and now he might be losing

2:58:58 > 2:59:07his own head a little bit.Thai, I think, here.An opportunity here.

2:59:07 > 2:59:11Again, just keep forcing the opposition to make the shots. Don't

2:59:11 > 2:59:15give them anything easy. The last three ends, Britain doing a good

2:59:15 > 2:59:19job.

2:59:26 > 2:59:31We only have two matches still out there. Sweden have finished 9-5

2:59:31 > 2:59:36against Denmark.

2:59:37 > 2:59:39against Denmark. Similarly, USA against Korea, 11-7. A good battle

2:59:39 > 2:59:46against the USA, but the Americans have won out. And it is still pretty

2:59:46 > 2:59:50tight going into the final end of Canada against Italy. Canada have

2:59:50 > 2:59:56the hammer and lead by one, 4-3. Italy have given Canada a close

2:59:56 > 3:00:04match as well.

3:00:04 > 3:00:08match as well.Do we tap it on that angle? We probably have to tap it

3:00:08 > 3:00:15that way, don't we? We still play the shot, and I am still probably

3:00:15 > 3:00:21running, if he makes it.If we tap this to here and check into there,

3:00:21 > 3:00:29we will have three of our own stones to use.The worst thing would be to

3:00:29 > 3:00:38leave some sort of standarder.If you peel it...

3:00:39 > 3:00:50you peel it... -- some sort of stander.They are just going to try

3:00:50 > 3:00:56and tap that stone, the middle one, back a little. He still wants the

3:00:56 > 3:01:01option to be able to run one of those other yellows. He needs

3:01:01 > 3:01:09another one at the top to have two sitting at the top that he can use.

3:01:09 > 3:01:12Absolutely spot on. And can you switch things up a little bit? They

3:01:12 > 3:01:21played the whole end this is -- for Switzerland just as all one but they

3:01:21 > 3:01:24are in such a strong position now they smell blood and they are going

3:01:24 > 3:01:32to try and steal the game here in this ten end.

3:01:32 > 3:01:39Not the easiest side any of them have managed to cope with, that is

3:01:39 > 3:01:46the only thing here. Draw

3:01:48 > 3:01:53the only thing here. Draw weight for Cammy Smith. He wants to move that

3:01:53 > 3:02:00yellow back.Looking pretty good, actually.

3:02:05 > 3:02:13Another few inches would have been perfect, but a great effort.It's

3:02:13 > 3:02:20still good. A little more would have been ideal.

3:02:20 > 3:02:26But you are right, it's just making life very difficult for Switzerland

3:02:26 > 3:02:29here.

3:02:36 > 3:02:40And Todd Princess and is in the house right now. Don't know if you

3:02:40 > 3:02:52can see that on the TV. -- I'm told Princess

3:02:53 > 3:03:00Here.

3:03:01 > 3:03:03Here.

3:03:03 > 3:03:08I'll just stop this

3:03:09 > 3:03:15what are the options here for Switzerland, as they try and tap

3:03:15 > 3:03:22their own in?I think they are going to dry, it looks like they will play

3:03:22 > 3:03:28a take out on it. If they stick it they might have a chance to score

3:03:28 > 3:03:32two but they want to make sure they have a chance to score one. A little

3:03:32 > 3:03:37bit surprised to see them throwing a take out weight at this, thought

3:03:37 > 3:03:41maybe they would play a tap up to give themselves a greater chance of

3:03:41 > 3:03:46putting themselves in a strong position to score a two.But he has

3:03:46 > 3:03:54been struggling with his weight.You would think if they went to the next

3:03:54 > 3:03:57round without the last and they only realistically have a 20% chance of

3:03:57 > 3:04:05winning. Just really straight down that side.Great shot. Yes, well

3:04:05 > 3:04:16done. That was the call, to tap that back. And now Switzerland lie a

3:04:16 > 3:04:23shot... So do they block the route in, run that back?

3:04:27 > 3:04:37We good either throw the guard... Not sure if we can place it.

3:04:39 > 3:04:48The other option Switzerland could have... He just played a shot, don't

3:04:48 > 3:04:52allow Switzerland to tap it back again, you can play almost the same

3:04:52 > 3:04:57shot and knocked that stone in 42-macro. Surely they have to do

3:04:57 > 3:05:06something and that side. Not an easy one to get rid of, that stone.It

3:05:06 > 3:05:10looks like they are potentially guarding playing the same shot again

3:05:10 > 3:05:14and hopefully just accepting they will go to the next round. In their

3:05:14 > 3:05:20time-out they talked about not kind of blocking those promotional take

3:05:20 > 3:05:23outs and actually that's exactly what they did, they snookered

3:05:23 > 3:05:27themselves a little on the left-hand side. They can't promote either of

3:05:27 > 3:05:36these yellows onto the red. The last thing they want to do here

3:05:36 > 3:05:40is throw some sort of a Hail Mary to get the red out of there and make

3:05:40 > 3:05:44things much easier for Switzerland to get another one in there to score

3:05:44 > 3:05:51two.

3:05:51 > 3:05:54Still 6.5 minutes on the clock here. They are giving this one their full

3:05:54 > 3:06:02attention.

3:06:16 > 3:06:28This is the final stone for Kyle Smith and for Great Britain in the

3:06:33 > 3:06:37temperament. Kyle Smith has found his form in the latter stages, will

3:06:37 > 3:06:41try and protect his position, happy to give up the one, don't want to

3:06:41 > 3:06:45give Switzerland the opportunity to pick up two. They will have to sweep

3:06:45 > 3:06:49this really hard, really hard. Almost not giving it enough. Really

3:06:49 > 3:06:58have do sweep it.Great sweep to get it in play, but it's not going to do

3:06:58 > 3:07:05anything. It is far too long. Having said that, I was really

3:07:05 > 3:07:10surprised by how little ice the Swiss took for that previous stone.

3:07:10 > 3:07:16It must be quite straight down that side of the sheet. Maybe it does

3:07:16 > 3:07:23drop.

3:07:24 > 3:07:30There is no real room to come round that one. Doesn't look as though

3:07:30 > 3:07:34there is. There is a British stone at the back, behind the one that's

3:07:34 > 3:07:41counting. Anything too wide is probably not going to get second

3:07:41 > 3:07:46shot. The option, the preferred one might have been to tap that red, the

3:07:46 > 3:07:51shot they just play before, to the position where that counting stone

3:07:51 > 3:08:02is. Still looking at it.

3:08:04 > 3:08:09So sorry, time-out has been called. The Swiss coach is there, helping

3:08:09 > 3:08:12with the discussion. Looks as though they made their mind up pretty

3:08:12 > 3:08:16quickly. He is off.

3:08:16 > 3:08:23I think I heard the Swiss players say they didn't think the draw

3:08:23 > 3:08:27around the outside was possible because it is quite straight there.

3:08:27 > 3:08:31They are looking to try and play the same shot again, three quarters

3:08:31 > 3:08:41contact and that red and put it into the middle for two.

3:08:43 > 3:08:46Is weight important? When you are tapping the stone up onto the other

3:08:46 > 3:08:51one... I don't think there's enough room to push it by. That yellow

3:08:51 > 3:09:01there is to close behind. Anyway, here we go, the final stone for

3:09:01 > 3:09:05Switzerland. They need the one here. Two would give them victory over

3:09:05 > 3:09:11Great Britain. A cruise shot here. Schwartz played a good shot last

3:09:11 > 3:09:16Imhoff that he is past the guard, just got a nudge to push it out.

3:09:16 > 3:09:20That much is enough to make sure that that stone is not going to come

3:09:20 > 3:09:27into where he wanted it. It is one for Switzerland, a tied match after

3:09:27 > 3:09:30ten end Son Buster Great Britain did a great job, one point even looking

3:09:30 > 3:09:36like they could get this deal but limited Switzerland to one end. Pied

3:09:36 > 3:09:46Piper and Great Britain will take the hammer into the extra end. --

3:09:46 > 3:09:55tied up at 5-5. We knew it was tight, they said it was tight. Just

3:09:55 > 3:09:59a whisker catches that guard. When Kyle Smith put it out there and the

3:09:59 > 3:10:04guys swept it, you go back to how hard they swept to get it that extra

3:10:04 > 3:10:08inch, because it was heading for a nice little tap back and they would

3:10:08 > 3:10:16have got the two and they would have got the win. A bright smile from

3:10:16 > 3:10:20Benoit Schwarz.Always looked a little inside. Does bring moment I

3:10:20 > 3:10:23wondered if that little flick off the top guard could have corrected

3:10:23 > 3:10:26the line a little bit and it was going to make it anyway... But good

3:10:26 > 3:10:35for us it didn't!Here is the chance, then. Extra end. Great

3:10:35 > 3:10:38Britain with the hammer.

3:10:41 > 3:10:47I will very quickly update you with the match that is still out there.

3:10:47 > 3:10:50Canada leading 4-3, it is in the final end. Italy have got a

3:10:50 > 3:10:59time-out.

3:11:03 > 3:11:14Guard being put in place. Just comes across the centre line. So, I think

3:11:14 > 3:11:19if you are Great Britain, you kind of thing, yes, we managed those last

3:11:19 > 3:11:243-4 ends well. At one point you could have said the memorandum was

3:11:24 > 3:11:28just slightly with Switzerland. The last two or three ends it shifted

3:11:28 > 3:11:33back and even during that last end, it was beginning to look as though

3:11:33 > 3:11:39just that one shot, didn't tap their own stone back far enough.

3:11:42 > 3:11:51Nice shot from Cammy Smith. It is all about inches and if and only and

3:11:51 > 3:11:56all the rest of it, but at least they limited Switzerland to the one

3:11:56 > 3:11:59there and now are in a good position. In a position you would

3:11:59 > 3:12:06want to be in, with the extra end and with a hammer. Only needs one

3:12:06 > 3:12:08now, of course.Definitely. That shot might have looked a little

3:12:08 > 3:12:14strange. We have seen that type of shot for the first time. Basically

3:12:14 > 3:12:18what you're trying to do is move your opposition's stone to the side

3:12:18 > 3:12:22because you can't remove it from play because of something called

3:12:22 > 3:12:25Freegard zone rule which prevents you from removing the opposition's

3:12:25 > 3:12:35stones from that area, from the front of the house. So basically,

3:12:35 > 3:12:39what GB are going to try and do here is keep that centre wide open, so

3:12:39 > 3:12:45that Kyle can lay one on the bottom to win the game.

3:12:47 > 3:12:52So, another one of them please, Cammy!

3:13:01 > 3:13:11Come on, you've got a! They are sweeping this had. -- had.

3:13:11 > 3:13:22Don't want to hit it too skinny. All done. Just maybe thought for a

3:13:22 > 3:13:28moment it was closer than that. There's a lot of smiles now and a

3:13:28 > 3:13:34bit of a swagger. Not getting too confident or anything but like I

3:13:34 > 3:13:40said, the last 3-4 ends helped pull it back together.It's those shots

3:13:40 > 3:13:47that Cammy made that gives them a good buzz and feeling. Just by

3:13:47 > 3:13:53making, because they play a lot more mundane shots, the draws on the

3:13:53 > 3:13:56guards, but in this situation, this is the one where they can make a

3:13:56 > 3:14:01massive difference to the outcome of the game. And how straightforward

3:14:01 > 3:14:04the final stone is for the skip.

3:14:14 > 3:14:24What are you thinking? You got anything? Just under half customer

3:14:24 > 3:14:31interesting to see a bit of that stone.

3:14:31 > 3:14:40Peel I think was the call.Are you saying Peel?Yeah.Ideally they

3:14:40 > 3:14:45would go after the one in the house here, but they don't want to risk

3:14:45 > 3:14:50feathering it like Benoit Schwarz did in the last end. Going the safer

3:14:50 > 3:14:56route here and peeling the guard. Not going to hit it... Sorry, did! I

3:14:56 > 3:14:59am sitting on the wrong side looking at it. Keep watching the TV screen,

3:14:59 > 3:15:05much easier. Well, as he said, keeping things

3:15:05 > 3:15:13nice and clear. -- as you said. I was half watching the end of Canada

3:15:13 > 3:15:17and Italy. Canada just kept giving themselves plenty of room, they had

3:15:17 > 3:15:24the last stone and they have run out victors by 5-3. Picked up one in the

3:15:24 > 3:15:29final end. It was a tight affair all the way through that one. Italy

3:15:29 > 3:15:31giving Canada plenty to think about.

3:15:36 > 3:15:42Great Britain will face Canada in this evening's session. Would love

3:15:42 > 3:15:49to go there with a victory under their belt.

3:15:49 > 3:15:58their belt. The same again, another appeal for Kyle Waddell -- another

3:15:58 > 3:16:07peel.

3:16:13 > 3:16:21So far, so good.Absolutely, another three of them would be quite fine,

3:16:21 > 3:16:24and you would expect that Kyle wouldn't have too hard a shot to win

3:16:24 > 3:16:38the game. Switzerland do have one in near to the forefoot at the moment.

3:16:38 > 3:16:48Any skipper

3:16:50 > 3:16:59would take that, wouldn't you? Absolutely.

3:16:59 > 3:17:07Absolutely.Are Switzerland just hoping that they get there and say,

3:17:07 > 3:17:14there you go, then? Not much else they can do.

3:17:17 > 3:17:23they can do. Thomas Muirhead, doing a good job. What you don't want to

3:17:23 > 3:17:30do is stick it. You don't want to hit it on the nose and leave your

3:17:30 > 3:17:34own stone sitting there. The element that is the difference between a

3:17:34 > 3:17:38takeout and what they are calling a peel, which is when you peel your

3:17:38 > 3:17:45own stone away from the playing area, as well as the stone that is

3:17:45 > 3:17:56in place already. -- in play.

3:17:56 > 3:18:02in place already. -- in play. Here we go again.

3:18:03 > 3:18:07we go again. The centre play is lovely and open, exactly as you

3:18:07 > 3:18:15would want. That is largely down to that horrific two shots by Cammy

3:18:15 > 3:18:27Smith, to start the end. Those shots really opening things right up.

3:18:27 > 3:18:32really opening things right up. Good going. Another nice shot from Thomas

3:18:32 > 3:18:44Muirhead. His last three ends have been very good.

3:18:47 > 3:18:53Now Benoit Schwarz and Peter de Cruz working out where they want to put

3:18:53 > 3:18:56their last stone of the end, rather than this one. They will throw a

3:18:56 > 3:19:03guard here and probably put one in somewhere around the centre line,

3:19:03 > 3:19:10about the same distance from the bottom is the one at the back. Just

3:19:10 > 3:19:16about protecting that back red at the moment.

3:19:21 > 3:19:26the moment.We can see where he would like it to finish up. The

3:19:26 > 3:19:35blowers have come back on again.

3:19:39 > 3:19:43I think Great Britain's cause has been helped slightly by a bit of a

3:19:43 > 3:19:54sticky patch that Benoit Schwarz went through. The last stone in the

3:19:54 > 3:20:01tenth end was catching the guard on the way through as well.

3:20:01 > 3:20:12the way through as well. Get this across...

3:20:13 > 3:20:18They just want to move that out the way, keep this nice and clear. The

3:20:18 > 3:20:21skipper from Great Britain will have a shot at the end, we are resuming,

3:20:21 > 3:20:32here, to win the match. -- we are assuming.

3:20:33 > 3:20:42assuming. It has gone quiet in here... The British

3:20:42 > 3:20:46here... The British contingent, including British dignitaries and a

3:20:46 > 3:20:54British team watching this.

3:21:00 > 3:21:04That was not what they were looking for, but I guess they get kind of

3:21:04 > 3:21:09second prize there. All of a sudden, the difficulty for Kyle Smith's

3:21:09 > 3:21:16final shot of the end has probably gone up.He wants to draw behind

3:21:16 > 3:21:23that and be close in.

3:21:23 > 3:21:26that and be close in. Kyle Smith will have to work around. It depends

3:21:26 > 3:21:28how good he goes here, of course. They are working out exactly where

3:21:28 > 3:21:34they would like to be.

3:21:40 > 3:21:47It is never over, is it? You just think this was going nicely Great

3:21:47 > 3:21:50Britain's way, keep the ice nice and clear, a draw into the forefoot to

3:21:50 > 3:21:57win the match, and he is still going to have a chance to win it, it will

3:21:57 > 3:22:01just have to be a very, very good shot. Let's see what Benoit Schwarz

3:22:01 > 3:22:09can do here. He struggled with his weight, but good players come good

3:22:09 > 3:22:15when it matters.

3:22:15 > 3:22:19Somewhere just touching the edge of the button on the side is what

3:22:19 > 3:22:25Benoit is looking for. Trying to close down that scoring area for

3:22:25 > 3:22:36Kyle Smith's last one.

3:22:36 > 3:22:41The line looks pretty good, but they are having to work this to get it as

3:22:41 > 3:22:45far as it can. It captures the guard again. It is not even in the house.

3:22:45 > 3:22:50That is a real mistake from Benoit Schwarz. He has made a few, and that

3:22:50 > 3:22:55is a cardinal error there. It was a tight line, but sure as well. They

3:22:55 > 3:23:01were trying to sweep it in, get it passed that guard. At least into the

3:23:01 > 3:23:04house would have given Kyle Smith something to think about. The most

3:23:04 > 3:23:10straightforward of shops now for him just to draw this into anywhere in

3:23:10 > 3:23:13the house, and Great Britain will win their first match. Thomas

3:23:13 > 3:23:17Muirhead certainly played his part after a couple of indifferent shots

3:23:17 > 3:23:21in the middle of the match, he has come good towards the end. Kyle

3:23:21 > 3:23:24Smith has struggled with one or two of his shots, but this is pretty

3:23:24 > 3:23:32straightforward. The British skip with the chance to draw in. This

3:23:32 > 3:23:37extra end, the last stone...

3:23:43 > 3:23:47I'm holding my breath as well. I don't know why. It is such a

3:23:47 > 3:23:53straightforward shot.It looks fine. Well, the handshake comes in the

3:23:53 > 3:23:57end. What a win for Great Britain. An incredibly tight match all the

3:23:57 > 3:24:04way through, and nobody got more than one shot ahead of the other.

3:24:04 > 3:24:08Great Britain, in the final end, holding Switzerland to one, meaning

3:24:08 > 3:24:13we went into the extra end. Great Britain with a hammer, and they

3:24:13 > 3:24:16played it brilliantly. One or two mistakes from both teams, then a bit

3:24:16 > 3:24:23of a nailbiter that one, but what a way for Britain's men to start. They

3:24:23 > 3:24:27have won their first match against Switzerland. In the end, 6-5 to

3:24:27 > 3:24:35Great Britain. STUDIO: A great start, and full of confidence and

3:24:35 > 3:24:39adrenaline from that extra end win. Kyle Smith's lads were back out on

3:24:39 > 3:24:44the ice a few hours later to face defending champions Canada. It is

3:24:44 > 3:24:54not the same team as from Sochi, but led by a double world champion. The

3:24:54 > 3:25:00British guys went down 6-4, Canada taking a 1 in the final end. Britain

3:25:00 > 3:25:05had been 4-1 down by the fifth, so they did well to come back at them,

3:25:05 > 3:25:09but a mixed day of results, then, in the opening day in the men's

3:25:09 > 3:25:13competition. This is how it looks in the round-robin stages. Remember,

3:25:13 > 3:25:18nine matches to play between today and next Wednesday. Canada and

3:25:18 > 3:25:24Sweden have both played two and won two. Great Britain, with one win and

3:25:24 > 3:25:28one defeat, are down in fifth place. A long way to go, though, and Great

3:25:28 > 3:25:34Britain play Japan tomorrow.

3:25:35 > 3:25:38Britain play Japan tomorrow. The Dutch have won 75% of the medals at

3:25:38 > 3:25:44the speed skating in the Oval so far, including four golds out of

3:25:44 > 3:25:50four. Can anyone, someone, stop the stranglehold there? Today was the

3:25:50 > 3:25:58women's 1000 metres. Eileen. The Netherlands greatest of all time,

3:25:58 > 3:26:04was also in this one. It was hoped that Japan's out and out sprinters

3:26:04 > 3:26:08might have the advantage of. We will find out once we have had a quick

3:26:08 > 3:26:14refresher.In speed skating, the aim is simple: Race a defined distance

3:26:14 > 3:26:18as fast as possible. It is the ultimate test of speed and

3:26:18 > 3:26:23technique. The event takes place on a 400 metres Oval track for almost

3:26:23 > 3:26:26four times larger than the short course. In most individual events,

3:26:26 > 3:26:32skaters race in pairs, on separate tracks, known as the inner and outer

3:26:32 > 3:26:37lanes. They switch lanes every lap in order to skate an equal distance.

3:26:37 > 3:26:42Event distances range from 500 metres to 10,000 metres for men, and

3:26:42 > 3:26:48500 metres to 5000 metres for women. In the team pursuit race, two teams

3:26:48 > 3:26:51of three compete against each other, starting from opposite sides. The

3:26:51 > 3:26:57mass start is a new discipline, which lasts 16 laps and is the only

3:26:57 > 3:27:01individual event in which long track speed skaters compete directly

3:27:01 > 3:27:06against each other.

3:27:14 > 3:27:20Irene Wust, the greatest Dutch Olympian of all time. Perhaps not

3:27:20 > 3:27:27her best event?Certainly not her best distance. She prefers the 3000

3:27:27 > 3:27:35metres. I think everybody in the stadium will be rooting for Ireen

3:27:35 > 3:27:39Wust to add another gold medal, but I think you will be lucky to get on

3:27:39 > 3:27:45the podium.Incredible, ten Olympic gold medals for Ireen Wust. She has

3:27:45 > 3:27:49only ever been the world champion at this distance once before, and that

3:27:49 > 3:27:56was back in 2007. Her most successful speed -- the most

3:27:56 > 3:28:01successful speed skater in the history of the Olympic Games. And it

3:28:01 > 3:28:08is a false start.The skaters are only allowed one., so if someone

3:28:08 > 3:28:13were to false start a second time, they would have to leave the ice.

3:28:13 > 3:28:19The white flag indicates the skater wearing the white armband was the

3:28:19 > 3:28:27skater with that., and that as the is in fact Ireen Wust.Wow, all that

3:28:27 > 3:28:32experience and it still happens to her. It shows how keen she is, and

3:28:32 > 3:28:36how important she knows it is to make a fast start here, to get up to

3:28:36 > 3:28:41speed as quickly as possible. This will be potentially a split-second

3:28:41 > 3:28:48thing in terms of where the medals go. She missed out by 0.08 of a

3:28:48 > 3:28:56second the other day in the 3000 metres.

3:28:56 > 3:29:03She can't afford to make a mistake now. I they go at the second time of

3:29:03 > 3:29:07asking. You see this mad dash to get up to speed as quickly as possible

3:29:07 > 3:29:14for this 2.5 lap race.

3:29:14 > 3:29:16for this 2.5 lap race. Wust on the inside for the first lap. She's

3:29:16 > 3:29:20trying to keep as close as possible to the Italian skater, and doing

3:29:20 > 3:29:28very well indeed coming through the first 200 metres. A superb start for

3:29:28 > 3:29:35Wust, 18.31. At the first aid, both of inside the previous fastest time.

3:29:35 > 3:29:40We have 16 pairs, and this is only the fourth pair out on the ice. One

3:29:40 > 3:29:45of the biggest names clearly in Wust from the Netherlands. She will take

3:29:45 > 3:29:50the Bell over the line this time. She is almost half a second in

3:29:50 > 3:30:05front. It is all about Wust skating as fast as possible.

3:30:05 > 3:30:08as fast as possible.Wust going down the back straight. It is a big, long

3:30:08 > 3:30:12sprint for the line here. Will it be enough for her to claim another gold

3:30:12 > 3:30:16medal? She will have a long time to find out, but I think she will set a

3:30:16 > 3:30:25new fastest time. And she has - 1:15.32. By over one second, a new

3:30:25 > 3:30:30early leader, and it is

3:30:31 > 3:30:33early leader, and it is the great Ireen Wust.I don't think it will be

3:30:33 > 3:30:36quick enough to win the gold. They were having test races just over a

3:30:36 > 3:30:48week ago, and the time in a test race was 1:14.32. Summit is lower

3:30:48 > 3:30:52than that. The ice conditions are so bad today, so we would expect a

3:30:52 > 3:30:56faster time than this time Ireen Wust at the moment.It is back

3:30:56 > 3:31:00loaded in terms of the pairings, because you have most of the

3:31:00 > 3:31:04favourites going later.

3:31:04 > 3:31:08Yes. This is an Ireen Wust's favourite distance and she hasn't

3:31:08 > 3:31:15skated in many World Cups in the past so she will skate fairly early

3:31:15 > 3:31:28on.And now the nights pairing. Training with the short track

3:31:28 > 3:31:35skaters ahead of this season to try and improve her technique. And the

3:31:35 > 3:31:44defending Olympic champion Hong Zhang, from China. The first-ever

3:31:44 > 3:31:50Olympic speed skating medallist from China.

3:32:06 > 3:32:10Three shots to make sure everybody knew it was a false start.That is

3:32:10 > 3:32:19right. Again indicating, the white flag indicating the false start. It

3:32:19 > 3:32:27was Czerwonka from the inside.Had a top ten finish in the 1500 metres.

3:32:27 > 3:32:31You feel the start has been holding them for quite a long time customer

3:32:31 > 3:32:37yes, absolutely.Now both skaters have to wait which at the end... We

3:32:37 > 3:32:45saw in the 5000 metres, 2000th of a second.Every fraction of the second

3:32:45 > 3:32:54count in the distance such as this. Setting the skates on the ice.

3:32:55 > 3:33:00The defending champion and away in the predominantly black skin suit on

3:33:00 > 3:33:05the left-hand side of your screen.

3:33:05 > 3:33:12And they're very canny style, the Chinese gate on the outside. The

3:33:12 > 3:33:15upper body, if she could retain and keep it a little more still, she

3:33:15 > 3:33:27would be getting so much more power into the ice. Hong Zhang slightly

3:33:27 > 3:33:35ahead of Ireen Wust's time. They switch over lanes. It is important

3:33:35 > 3:33:39to stay as tight and that turn, and she did it very well indeed. That is

3:33:39 > 3:33:45the time to beat, 46.1 nine. The green indicating almost half a

3:33:45 > 3:33:49second inside the time of Ireen Wust. And Ireen Wust's bleeding time

3:33:49 > 3:33:53is under threat here from Hong Zhang, the defending Olympic

3:33:53 > 3:33:59champion here in the 1000 metres. Down the back straight, and she

3:33:59 > 3:34:01stumbled there and almost face planted on the ice but she manages

3:34:01 > 3:34:07to keep it going. That will have cost her sometime. She just lost a

3:34:07 > 3:34:11bit of the river mud. I think that may have ruined her chances. She

3:34:11 > 3:34:16comes over the line... Yes, it did. Hong Zhang sees her Olympic crown

3:34:16 > 3:34:24disappear. Czerwonka did well, as well, bringing herself up into

3:34:24 > 3:34:29fourth place for the moment. But what happened here? Hazard you can

3:34:29 > 3:34:33see, she's just becoming very, very tired, leaning the too far forward

3:34:33 > 3:34:40and then the point of this gatejust ground into the ice. You could see

3:34:40 > 3:34:43coming down the finishing straight, it looks like she could barely lift

3:34:43 > 3:34:51one leg in front of the other. Basically it is an elongated sprint,

3:34:51 > 3:34:55this 1000 metres.Ireen Wust is hanging in there at the top of the

3:34:55 > 3:35:03leaderboard. The Norwegians still in second place. Hong Zhang currently

3:35:03 > 3:35:06third but that will come under real pressure very shortly. We are

3:35:06 > 3:35:10getting to the business end of this competition. This women's 1000

3:35:10 > 3:35:17metres here at the very impressive overall. We have not seen a 400

3:35:17 > 3:35:27metre track, long track. It is an impressive sight.

3:35:27 > 3:35:30impressive sight. Here is Jorien Ter Mors from the Netherlands, a short

3:35:30 > 3:35:35track and long track racer. But in the long track, double Olympic

3:35:35 > 3:35:41champion

3:35:41 > 3:35:44champion in 2000 2014.

3:35:44 > 3:35:53Jorien Ter Mors The 2016 world champion.

3:35:53 > 3:35:57champion. This is a real heavyweight clash, in terms of their skating

3:35:57 > 3:36:04ability at this distance.

3:36:04 > 3:36:08This is going to be absolutely fascinating to see who has got the

3:36:08 > 3:36:12speed and staying power here between these two. Both of them former world

3:36:12 > 3:36:17champions at this distance. Jorien Ter Mors double Olympic champion in

3:36:17 > 3:36:22Sochi four years ago. Remember, first time check coming up shortly

3:36:22 > 3:36:25as they crossed the finishing line here. Brittany Bowe on the outside

3:36:25 > 3:36:29for America in the blue and white, she is storming away, almost half a

3:36:29 > 3:36:37second already. The former 1500 metre Olympic champion. It will be

3:36:37 > 3:36:43all about that last lap. That is where Ireen Wust did the damage to

3:36:43 > 3:36:52the rest of the group. Quite a big advantage now over the

3:36:52 > 3:36:55time of Ireen Wust. Ireen Wust's time under real pressure here.

3:36:55 > 3:37:00Brittany Bowe just has to keep it going. And we will see whether

3:37:00 > 3:37:03Jorien Ter Mors has the strength to close in and put some pressure on

3:37:03 > 3:37:10her here. Pair number 12 of 16. It looks like the lead is going to go.

3:37:10 > 3:37:17It does, the short track experience coming down to the line.Jorien Ter

3:37:17 > 3:37:24Mors is going to set a new fastest time. The Olympic record has gone.

3:37:24 > 3:37:29What a skate! A superb last lap from Jorien Ter Mors, two time gold

3:37:29 > 3:37:34medallist from Sochi four years ago. She was all business there. Brittany

3:37:34 > 3:37:40Bowe took the fight to her all the way, but in the end, Jorien Ter Mors

3:37:40 > 3:37:46had that staying power and that long sprint and the form in her legs.

3:37:46 > 3:37:52This was sensational skating from the Dutch woman.A superb piece of

3:37:52 > 3:37:56skating from Jorien Ter Mors. The Dutch have been dominating this

3:37:56 > 3:38:02event, the long track speed skating. So, Ireen

3:38:05 > 3:38:13Jorien Ter Mors so, setting a new Olympic record.

3:38:13 > 3:38:19Olympic record. Miho Takagi Was this over 3000 metres. This is her last

3:38:19 > 3:38:26event of the game, the overall World Cup champion.

3:38:26 > 3:38:31Cup champion. And the former six time junior champion, Karolina

3:38:31 > 3:38:37Erbanova. Karolina Erbanova from the Czech Republic, bases herself in the

3:38:37 > 3:38:46Netherlands. So, Miho Takagi sixth in the World

3:38:46 > 3:38:50Championship. Karolina Erbanova, fifth. That is a sort of standard we

3:38:50 > 3:38:52are looking at here. Can they notched their way towards the

3:38:52 > 3:38:58podium?Miho Takagi from Japan on the inner lane has a personal best

3:38:58 > 3:39:03of more than a second quicker than Karolina Erbanova.Both of them

3:39:03 > 3:39:08started really well here. But we have seen that before. They really

3:39:08 > 3:39:11need to start hard, to get the speed done to cruise this first complete

3:39:11 > 3:39:14lap.

3:39:19 > 3:39:24Erbanova with the red skin suit on. Takagi of Japan in the black and

3:39:24 > 3:39:28white, as they come round to take the bowl. Have they given themselves

3:39:28 > 3:39:34a shot at this? Well, it is very, very close. Erbanova is skating

3:39:34 > 3:39:36superbly, bang on the money at the moment. She has given herself a

3:39:36 > 3:39:42chance. I think Takagi is finding it a little tough at the moment.

3:39:42 > 3:39:49Erbanova needs to stay technically good if she wants to take that time.

3:39:49 > 3:39:53Takagi coming on strong once more, she found her second wind as they

3:39:53 > 3:39:58come down the finishing straight towards the line? The clock ticks

3:39:58 > 3:40:04away. Second fastest time for Takagi.

3:40:08 > 3:40:13Takagi. 1:13.98. The Olympic record time, the leading time Jorien Ter

3:40:13 > 3:40:16Mors of came under pressure from Takagi. A superb skateboarding her

3:40:16 > 3:40:27in second place. Brittany Bos stays third.

3:40:27 > 3:40:32third.Wust down to fit. We have skaters who are more than capable

3:40:32 > 3:40:38still of winning this Olympic title to come. Here we go. The Vanessa

3:40:38 > 3:40:46Herzog Austrian, the European 500 metre champion, newly crowned. She

3:40:46 > 3:40:54was third in the winter at this distance. And from Nao Kodaira

3:40:54 > 3:40:59Japan, her third Olympic Games. Second in the World Cup rankings

3:40:59 > 3:41:05this winter. Number one at 500 metres, and she, as I just

3:41:05 > 3:41:09mentioned, the 1000 metre world record-holder. That set in December

3:41:09 > 3:41:122017 at Salt Lake City.

3:41:25 > 3:41:35Beautifully timed from Kodaira. Lovely smooth flowing style as she

3:41:35 > 3:41:40gets up to speed. She makes it look very easy indeed.This is the medal

3:41:40 > 3:41:48the Japanese are looking for.Also a strong start from Herzog, who has

3:41:48 > 3:41:52had an excellent season. Literally neck and neck, the pair of them. A

3:41:52 > 3:41:57full second ahead of the fastest time.I think both skaters have

3:41:57 > 3:42:02opened very, very fast indeed and it might even be a little bit too much.

3:42:02 > 3:42:08Kodaira at the moment is going faster and faster. It reached seven

3:42:08 > 3:42:13tenths of a second, just coming back slightly now, as you can see. Half a

3:42:13 > 3:42:17second the advantage with one lap to go here for Kodaira. It is just a

3:42:17 > 3:42:22case of whether she has the staying power here now. It is coming down,

3:42:22 > 3:42:27the advantage, bit by bit, as you can see at the bottom right of the

3:42:27 > 3:42:33screen. She has almost levelled out. It may be slipping away. Now Kodaira

3:42:33 > 3:42:36has to dig really, really deep into the finishing straight. This is

3:42:36 > 3:42:43where it hurts. Up towards the line... It is good enough for second

3:42:43 > 3:42:47place. Kodaira couldn't quite bring it home. She did originally give

3:42:47 > 3:42:52herself the blackboard for victory. There is a very relieved smile on

3:42:52 > 3:42:57the face of Jorien Ter Mors from the Netherlands. One pair to go. Jorien

3:42:57 > 3:43:02Ter Mors in gold. Kodaira, the Japanese skater now in second place.

3:43:02 > 3:43:16And Takagi in third. Brittany boat nudged off the podium. --

3:43:16 > 3:43:18nudged off the podium. -- Brittany Bowe. Jorien Ter Mors, her anxious

3:43:18 > 3:43:22wait will take a couple more minutes and then she will know, we will all

3:43:22 > 3:43:27know who the Olympic champion is. It might be one of her own team-mates

3:43:27 > 3:43:31who makes life a little uncomfortable for her. Marrit

3:43:31 > 3:43:34Leenstra, the 20 year eight-year-old, won the gold in the

3:43:34 > 3:43:40team pursuit the year ago and has a bronze already in the 1500 here. And

3:43:40 > 3:43:49the current world champion at 1000 and 1500 metres, and the 1500 metre

3:43:49 > 3:43:52world record-holder, Heather Bergsma of the United States. She has

3:43:52 > 3:43:55finished seventh and ninth in the Olympics in this event in the last

3:43:55 > 3:44:02two Olympic Games.

3:44:02 > 3:44:08The only two athletes who can possibly deny Jorien Ter Mors.

3:44:08 > 3:44:19Interesting, unique start from Heather Bergsma, in terms of style.

3:44:21 > 3:44:26Bergsma starting crouched down like a sprint athlete on the track.She

3:44:26 > 3:44:29comes from in-line skating and that is how they start. Both skaters know

3:44:29 > 3:44:35exactly what time they need to beat. What a couple of laps we have before

3:44:35 > 3:44:39us. First time check coming up. First time over the line and both

3:44:39 > 3:44:44are inside the fastest time.That is good for Bergsma, just two

3:44:44 > 3:44:48hundredths of a second quicker than Jorien Ter Mors. She will be saving

3:44:48 > 3:44:50a little bit in the tank for that last lap.

3:44:54 > 3:44:59Bergsma getting the opportunity to slipstream. They come to the

3:44:59 > 3:45:03finishing straight. As you can see, it is bang on and it will be very,

3:45:03 > 3:45:08very close. There is nothing in it. Maybe Jorien Ter Mors's time ahead

3:45:08 > 3:45:14of Bergsma at the moment.Bergsma having the last outer lane which

3:45:14 > 3:45:19will make it a lot tougher for her. The coaches urging them on. The

3:45:19 > 3:45:22skater on the left-hand side of the screen. I think Jorien Ter Mors will

3:45:22 > 3:45:26be getting Olympic gold at the 1000 metres.Round the bend for the final

3:45:26 > 3:45:30time into the finishing straight. The crowd up on their feet here.

3:45:30 > 3:45:34Have they got the legs to bring it home, as they go up towards the

3:45:34 > 3:45:41line? No. Jorien Ter Mors from the Netherlands is the Olympic champion.

3:45:41 > 3:45:45Leenstra and Bergsma gave themselves a chance with that fast start, but

3:45:45 > 3:45:49like everyone else they couldn't keep it going quickly enough and

3:45:49 > 3:45:53that final lap. Jorien Ter Mors with two gold medals in Sochi, now has

3:45:53 > 3:46:00one here as well in Pyeongchang.

3:46:00 > 3:46:03That was a superb skate from the Dutch woman, setting a new Olympic

3:46:03 > 3:46:10time as well. The winner of the ladies 1000 metres is from the

3:46:10 > 3:46:14Netherlands - Jorien Ter Mors. STUDIO: Did we ever doubted? She did

3:46:14 > 3:46:19not even qualify to defend her 1500 metres title because of injury, so

3:46:19 > 3:46:23she bounces back at the shorter distance. That is remarkably the

3:46:23 > 3:46:26fifth gold medal for the Netherlands. It is the first time

3:46:26 > 3:46:31that any country has won the first five speed skating event seen any

3:46:31 > 3:46:38games, and if you go back this put-mac to Sochi... Is anyone

3:46:38 > 3:46:43working in the Netherlands just now, Robbie sitting in front of the telly

3:46:43 > 3:46:50and celebrating just now? Why would you not? -- or are they sitting in

3:46:50 > 3:46:54front of the television... There was a unified Korean team between the

3:46:54 > 3:46:58North Koreans and a South Koreans in the women's ice hockey. They got

3:46:58 > 3:47:03walloped in their first game, 8-0, and they lost against the Swedes.

3:47:03 > 3:47:10But in the last of the group A matches, against Japan, there was

3:47:10 > 3:47:16great rivalry.

3:47:16 > 3:47:20great rivalry. There was the group of North Korean cheerleaders, and

3:47:20 > 3:47:25the atmosphere was absolutely free trial. Enjoy this. COMMENTATOR: Here

3:47:25 > 3:47:34we go, Japan against Korea. The atmosphere that is building is

3:47:34 > 3:47:39absolutely electric, so loud. The question will be, can Korea give

3:47:39 > 3:47:45them something to really cheer about?

3:47:46 > 3:47:55about? Poked deep into the zone then.

3:47:55 > 3:48:02then. With speed, uses her strength on the outside. It would be some

3:48:02 > 3:48:09achievement if Korea were to get something out of this. Floats into

3:48:09 > 3:48:14position and finds the back of the net.Wonderful vision by her record

3:48:14 > 3:48:28toco behind the net. Has her head up. Right through the slot.

3:48:28 > 3:48:32up. Right through the slot.They are swinging around. A rebound, goal! Oh

3:48:32 > 3:48:41no! On the doorstep.This is how you draw up a power-play goal. You move

3:48:41 > 3:48:49it around up top, overload down low in front of the net.

3:48:53 > 3:48:58in front of the net.Good chance, and a goal! Korea have scored their

3:48:58 > 3:49:05first ever goal in an Olympic ice hockey tournament. As the arena

3:49:05 > 3:49:12stands, they wave their flags. It is Randy Griffin. What a moment it is!

3:49:12 > 3:49:20Griffin that and battled. In the end, it went through. Not a thing of

3:49:20 > 3:49:29beauty but a moment of history for this combined Korean team.

3:49:36 > 3:49:4220 more seconds with the player advantage. Japan had it. It could

3:49:42 > 3:49:51now be out of reach of the Koreas. Wonderful Park movement from Team

3:49:51 > 3:49:55Japan.

3:49:57 > 3:50:06Japan. -- puck. Japan are going to skate to victory over Korea, but

3:50:06 > 3:50:10this has been a way more difficult game then they could ever have

3:50:10 > 3:50:17imagined.Leeching you just taking a little bit too much time deciding

3:50:17 > 3:50:28where to put that puck.

3:50:30 > 3:50:34-- second night. Pushed out in front, can they score one more? Time

3:50:34 > 3:50:44will run out. And it is game over. D is, Japan skate to a first Olympic

3:50:44 > 3:50:49victory, whilst Korea get their first ever goal. It was played in a

3:50:49 > 3:50:56sensational atmosphere.

3:50:56 > 3:51:00sensational atmosphere. STUDIO: Commiserations to the Korean team,

3:51:00 > 3:51:03but Randy Griffin, remember the name, because that is the history

3:51:03 > 3:51:11maker. They will have to play in a classification match, so it might

3:51:11 > 3:51:14not be all we see of the Korean team.

3:51:14 > 3:51:16not be all we see of the Korean team. We are nine hours behind Korea

3:51:16 > 3:51:20right now, so all is presumably quiet there, apart from perhaps in

3:51:20 > 3:51:24the Dutch victory house, but elsewhere, we are all digesting the

3:51:24 > 3:51:27news and the headlines from day five. Here they are.

3:51:31 > 3:51:35The British men off the mark in curling, winning their opening match

3:51:35 > 3:51:40against the Swiss. They couldn't make it two out of two, losing to

3:51:40 > 3:51:47Canada. Women's curling after a good start, a confident display against

3:51:47 > 3:51:50the Russians. 10-3 in their only game of the day. As you know, the

3:51:50 > 3:51:56Dutch have made it five out of five in speed skating, Jorien Ter Mors

3:51:56 > 3:51:59claiming gold in the 1000 metres. And the Germans are having a

3:51:59 > 3:52:05barnstorming games, yet

3:52:05 > 3:52:13barnstorming games, yet another medal in the bag from Eric Frenzel.

3:52:13 > 3:52:17And the women's slalom, against the strong winds, we are playing a

3:52:17 > 3:52:24waiting game. Could it be that Shaun White, snowboarding's most iconic

3:52:24 > 3:52:28rider, might not have had it all his own way in the snowboarding half

3:52:28 > 3:52:32pipe final? As you know, he was going for an historic third gold

3:52:32 > 3:52:36medal and was expected to be pushed very hard. If you've not seen this,

3:52:36 > 3:52:40strap yourselves in. This was one of the greatest finals we have ever

3:52:40 > 3:52:47seen. Enjoy. COMMENTATOR: It is the men's are pipe final, ostensibly an

3:52:47 > 3:52:53arms race between the three big players. On her runner, Scotty James

3:52:53 > 3:53:04and Shaun White. Owner Murano is the best competitor on paper.He had

3:53:04 > 3:53:09back-to-back 1440s. He followed it up with back-to-back 1260s,

3:53:09 > 3:53:12absolutely massive, and he will have to bring that run here today to pull

3:53:12 > 3:53:20it off.What about the fiery Australian, Scotty James?He he had

3:53:20 > 3:53:25a very technical run, leading with a switchback side 1260. He has those

3:53:25 > 3:53:30littered throughout the rest of his run, but has he got the mental game

3:53:30 > 3:53:34to win?He has that incredibly difficult trick, but it's not that

3:53:34 > 3:53:38level of technicality through the whole run. The one man who we have

3:53:38 > 3:53:44seen consistently land a huge run top to bottom is Shaun White.Yes,

3:53:44 > 3:53:47and he comes to South Korea with this unrivalled belief that he is

3:53:47 > 3:53:51not going to be beaten. He already has one hand on the gold medal, and

3:53:51 > 3:53:56couple that with his amplitude, the Trixie is doing, and as he said in a

3:53:56 > 3:54:03press conference, we haven't seen his best run yet. I am getting very

3:54:03 > 3:54:07excited about this. -- the tricks he is doing.A chance to claim that

3:54:07 > 3:54:11third gold medal. We have dubbed this the Valentine's Day massacre on

3:54:11 > 3:54:18the half pipe. Get ready for the men's finals. Patrick Burgener, from

3:54:18 > 3:54:30Montana, looking relaxed.He is loving it.A silver medallist from

3:54:30 > 3:54:37to

3:54:37 > 3:54:44to rent -- Turin.A switchback nine into a run.First man to do a

3:54:44 > 3:54:49switchback ten.Kicking things off nice and solid. The amplitude is

3:54:49 > 3:54:56there. Back-to-back 1080s.

3:54:56 > 3:55:00there. Back-to-back 1080s. Now, backside 360. It is a set up trick.

3:55:00 > 3:55:05He needs to increase the difficulty there. A switchback side ten, then

3:55:05 > 3:55:12into the big heave Ho, the hands go up.

3:55:16 > 3:55:20up.One of the biggest runs I have seen from Pat Bergen. Great

3:55:20 > 3:55:28amplitude on those first two. Technically, very very good.84 will

3:55:28 > 3:55:36stop the first big run that we have seen landed. Next up, Chase Josey.

3:55:36 > 3:55:41We call him the man in the mirror. His run is a reflection of itself,

3:55:41 > 3:55:46forwards and backwards. His switch riding is incredible. The frontside

3:55:46 > 3:55:501080. He is going backwards. Pay close attention. Switch double

3:55:50 > 3:55:59crippler. Switch double Michael Chuck.Love that.Switch frontside

3:55:59 > 3:56:121080. A frontside 900. And the double Michael. The only thing

3:56:12 > 3:56:18missing was to make it the frontside 900.Devils advocate, the rotations

3:56:18 > 3:56:27on these hits, we will see it from the boys later on.

3:56:27 > 3:56:33the boys later on. 87.75. I have to say, the judges are putting

3:56:33 > 3:56:37themselves in a difficult position already. We are pushing the high

3:56:37 > 3:56:5380s.22 years old. He has been setting the pace in 2014.

3:56:53 > 3:56:56setting the pace in 2014. Love 1260 and 1440. Will we see them in this

3:56:56 > 3:57:01run?

3:57:02 > 3:57:11run?Shoving his back to that transition. Huge back side air.

3:57:11 > 3:57:16transition. Huge back side air.1440 second hit. Double 1080. Come on,

3:57:16 > 3:57:23camera, keep up! Frontside 900. Backside 12. I can hear the

3:57:23 > 3:57:29commentators in each booth.

3:57:29 > 3:57:32commentators in each booth. Whoa! Into the frontside 12. What a run!

3:57:32 > 3:57:42That is how you turn the heat up.He is the cat among the pigeons.

3:57:43 > 3:57:48is the cat among the pigeons. 85.75. Sit tight, ladies and gentlemen. It

3:57:48 > 3:58:04is I YoMo who ran all -- are you move there are no...

3:58:04 > 3:58:07move there are no... Ayumu Hiano. You can hear the crowd as he goes

3:58:07 > 3:58:17stratospheric. Oh no! That wall. There I say it, it looks a little

3:58:17 > 3:58:21kink in the run-up to that wall.We talked about it in practice. There

3:58:21 > 3:58:26is a tiny bubble on that on the way in.If you see that in slow motion,

3:58:26 > 3:58:35it will look like he is trying to come across the flat bottom like...

3:58:35 > 3:58:38It is like there is a little speed bump at the bottom of the

3:58:38 > 3:58:43transition.

3:58:45 > 3:58:48transition.He did not have the amplitude to get it ran.We debated

3:58:48 > 3:58:54it long and hard. Does Shaun White beat him and Scotty James mentally

3:58:54 > 3:59:00before he even drops in? Does that unshakeable belief that he will win

3:59:00 > 3:59:06affect the other riders?When he qualifies in first place, yes,

3:59:06 > 3:59:13probably.Ayumu Hiano is a veteran, riding at the highest level for

3:59:13 > 3:59:18eight years. He turned up at the US Open at just 11 and poached the half

3:59:18 > 3:59:25pipe there. Next in, Scotty James. So much has been said about this

3:59:25 > 3:59:30man. He certainly looks relaxed, a smile on his face. Look captain,

3:59:30 > 3:59:34enjoying every minute of this.He has just seen one of his biggest

3:59:34 > 3:59:42rivals crashing.The classic run is 12 to 12. Frontside 1260. Oh my

3:59:42 > 3:59:48goodness! Verities.

3:59:49 > 3:59:53goodness! Verities. Backside 1260. Back-to-back 12s, done. -- there it

3:59:53 > 4:00:04is. A huge crippler. Switch, backside, 1260. There it is! He has

4:00:04 > 4:00:13done!What a run to lay down. That is ridiculous.

4:00:14 > 4:00:1892!

4:00:18 > 4:00:21Scotty James moves into first place, and Shaun White knows

4:00:21 > 4:00:26the heat is on already, and it's only the first runs.

4:00:26 > 4:00:32Shaun White has had a little nudge from Scotty James.

4:00:32 > 4:00:35He has his eyes closed, taking a few deep breaths.

4:00:35 > 4:00:41A quick slap and clap with JJ Thomas, his coach at the top.

4:00:41 > 4:00:45This is where Shaun White comes into his own.

4:00:45 > 4:00:49He is brilliant under pressure.

4:00:49 > 4:00:531440 to start.

4:00:53 > 4:00:59And that was massive, into the switch 1080.

4:00:59 > 4:01:05The skyhook, maybe lost a tiny bit of speed in the flat bottom.

4:01:05 > 4:01:10How did he hold onto that?!

4:01:10 > 4:01:13Frontside 12.

4:01:13 > 4:01:17He has to tuck in his head,

4:01:17 > 4:01:20it was like he was landing in the barrel of a wave.

4:01:20 > 4:01:22He has just tossed his helmet into the crowd.

4:01:22 > 4:01:24He looks like he has been electrocuted.

4:01:24 > 4:01:28They are behaving like it's the third run!

4:01:28 > 4:01:31I need that back, he said!

4:01:31 > 4:01:38Yes, you do, it's not over yet.

4:01:38 > 4:01:40The card 1080 double cork.

4:01:40 > 4:01:43We already know where this run will improve, and it's there.

4:01:43 > 4:01:45If he gets pushed, that will be 1440.

4:01:45 > 4:01:4894.25!

4:01:48 > 4:01:54Shaun White is claiming it, but this is not the third and final runs.

4:01:54 > 4:02:02We are just finishing up the first run.

4:02:04 > 4:02:13Let's take a look at the scores. Chase Josey, with that beautiful

4:02:13 > 4:02:22switch run, 87.75. Raibu Katayama was the only other rider with a 14

4:02:22 > 4:02:27in there.

4:02:37 > 4:02:43Kent Callister opens up the runs, number two.That signature method

4:02:43 > 4:02:52from him. A big frontside double 1080, switched 1080.They are

4:02:52 > 4:02:59absolutely huge, these are the Leviathan airs, but in the context

4:02:59 > 4:03:02of what we have just seen, they don't look that big, and they even

4:03:02 > 4:03:11look a bit rushed.Peas pumped with that, the double 12.Kent Callister

4:03:11 > 4:03:21definitely wins method of the day, every time he drops in.

4:03:26 > 4:03:31Cousin Andy, Alex, how are you?! Jake Pates, currently in seventh.

4:03:31 > 4:03:39Fell on the last double cork 1260, so if he can put that down, we

4:03:39 > 4:03:46should definitely see a high in his score.Stretching out his

4:03:46 > 4:03:54hamstrings, a little Ollie popped just before he drops in. Double

4:03:54 > 4:04:00Michalchuk.Really nice, that, so high up the transition.No-one

4:04:00 > 4:04:09Wealth rotates like him, do they? Really nice! The front nine,

4:04:09 > 4:04:14backside double 1260, there it is. Beautiful.Eager and lands that

4:04:14 > 4:04:23perfectly. -- he did land that perfectly.I like that, really nice

4:04:23 > 4:04:29run, really flowed solid.For me, amplitude might be the issue.Yeah.

4:04:29 > 4:04:37When you look at the biggest spins, are they busy? 82.25, Jake Pates

4:04:37 > 4:04:48moves into sixth place, just behind Patrick Burgener. Next in, you and

4:04:48 > 4:04:52-- Jan Scherrer.He crashed on the backside 1260 at the end in his

4:04:52 > 4:05:02first run. And it was a step up from the backside nine. So all these

4:05:02 > 4:05:07riders sprinkling a little bit more magic on their runs.Jan Scherrer

4:05:07 > 4:05:17was 18th in Sochi, so by far his best performance to date at the

4:05:17 > 4:05:25Olympics.That was really nice, almost a flat switched 1080,

4:05:25 > 4:05:35frontside 900backside 1260.There it is.Yes! Oh! Very, very nice run

4:05:35 > 4:05:39from Jan Scherrer, and he stepped it up from qualifying yesterday, really

4:05:39 > 4:05:46only needed one of the 12 is to make the final.

4:05:46 > 4:05:53the final. 4.7 metres, the highest trick there, but the average is what

4:05:53 > 4:06:03could see his score drop a tiny bit. 80.5, yeah, did you see the lip,

4:06:03 > 4:06:13there? I think he feels a little bit unloved by the judges there.

4:06:13 > 4:06:17unloved by the judges there. Ben Ferguson has a beautiful run when he

4:06:17 > 4:06:20does a backside 180 into the pipe, but he is sticking with the more

4:06:20 > 4:06:28traditional entry, a little indie onto the backside wall. He lets go

4:06:28 > 4:06:32early.So hard to do big, that trick, and keep the composure.

4:06:32 > 4:06:38Switch double ten. Huge double crippler, that was absolutely

4:06:38 > 4:06:44massive! Backside 360, just caught the lip. A beautiful switch McTwist,

4:06:44 > 4:06:50the best he has done all week. Switch double at the end. Very nice!

4:06:50 > 4:06:57Technically perfect. He was landing at the very top of the transition on

4:06:57 > 4:07:04every hit there.The backside 360. Look at the body was Asian there.

4:07:04 > 4:07:10Tucked up, watching that lip.

4:07:10 > 4:07:15Tucked up, watching that lip. 83.50, he nods his head in acceptance. Next

4:07:15 > 4:07:20rider in, I Ayumu Hirano, we are into our three final riders, and

4:07:20 > 4:07:27these are the men vying for gold.

4:07:30 > 4:07:37Stratospheric backside air from him.

4:07:37 > 4:07:38Frontside 14.

4:07:38 > 4:07:40Does he have the speed for the switch 14?

4:07:40 > 4:07:42Yes, he has.

4:07:42 > 4:07:46Back-to-back 1440s, and it's a backside 1260!

4:07:46 > 4:07:53You knew he would land it from the moment he took off.

4:07:53 > 4:07:59The heat is on - it's on the street!

4:07:59 > 4:08:05Shaun White, look at the Japanese coaches.

4:08:05 > 4:08:08They deserve that, they needed some good news, and Ayumu Hirano has

4:08:08 > 4:08:15landed the biggest run in half pipe snowboarding just now.

4:08:15 > 4:08:21Enormous backside air.

4:08:21 > 4:08:27Look at this!

4:08:27 > 4:08:30Five and a half metres and into the front side 1440.

4:08:30 > 4:08:32The grabs are held forever, it helps him keep tight

4:08:32 > 4:08:34and spin as fast as he is.

4:08:34 > 4:08:39Shaun White is in the biggest fight of his Olympic career.

4:08:39 > 4:08:42He has never been put under this pressure.

4:08:42 > 4:08:44Back-to-back 1440s.

4:08:44 > 4:08:47He follows that up with what looked like 900

4:08:47 > 4:08:50and then back-to-back 1260s.

4:08:50 > 4:08:54He is going so big, the spins aren't rushed.

4:08:54 > 4:09:02The final 1260 still has it.

4:09:03 > 4:09:11That is a run that would give the scientists at CERN a headache.

4:09:12 > 4:09:14To land that run, not loses head...

4:09:14 > 4:09:1695.25.

4:09:16 > 4:09:19We have talked long and hard about where the judging had to go.

4:09:19 > 4:09:23Hirano moves into first place.

4:09:23 > 4:09:25I'm just going to rip this script up.

4:09:25 > 4:09:29That's gone!

4:09:29 > 4:09:30We knew it would happen.

4:09:30 > 4:09:33We knew it would be close.

4:09:33 > 4:09:37Shaun White has dominated halfpipe riding for the last 12 years

4:09:37 > 4:09:44since he won his first gold in Turin.

4:09:44 > 4:09:46Two men pushing him hard.

4:09:46 > 4:09:48We have seen one drop.

4:09:48 > 4:09:50This is the second, Scotty James, the Australian,

4:09:50 > 4:09:54who won so many of the big contests in 2017.

4:09:54 > 4:10:00He was furious when he lost to Shaun White three weeks ago.

4:10:00 > 4:10:03He landed the best run of his life,

4:10:03 > 4:10:09and Shaun White scored a perfect 100 to steal his glory.

4:10:09 > 4:10:10Frontside 1260.

4:10:10 > 4:10:13It was massive.

4:10:13 > 4:10:17That is the best one he has ever done of those.

4:10:17 > 4:10:22Look, enormous frontside 1080.

4:10:22 > 4:10:24Wow!

4:10:26 > 4:10:29Switch backside 1260.

4:10:29 > 4:10:34He tried to claim it at the end.

4:10:34 > 4:10:35Switch backside 1260.

4:10:35 > 4:10:37Massive.

4:10:37 > 4:10:38The biggest trick in snowboarding now.

4:10:38 > 4:10:40That is why, it is hard, it is difficult.

4:10:40 > 4:10:44Tries to claim it, but the hand drag was there.

4:10:44 > 4:10:47I would love to see that score broken down trick by trick.

4:10:47 > 4:10:55I think he was on target there.

4:11:03 > 4:11:07Well, he is still in the third-place.Ayumu Hirano tops the

4:11:07 > 4:11:12leaderboard. Shaun White is in second place, not a number we are

4:11:12 > 4:11:16used to seeing next to his name at the Olympics. This is a man used to

4:11:16 > 4:11:24be giving the luxury of a victory lap. Now he is in for the fight of

4:11:24 > 4:11:28his life for his third Olympic gold medal.

4:11:28 > 4:11:34Front side 1440.

4:11:34 > 4:11:43He has lost all of his momentum, into the 540. The Tomahawk is there.

4:11:43 > 4:11:50It is not there!Is he cracking under the pressure?! The first run

4:11:50 > 4:11:54helmet Row appeals a very long way away for Shaun White right now. --

4:11:54 > 4:12:05throw. Shaun White in very uncharted territory.

4:12:05 > 4:12:06Shaun White in very uncharted territory.

4:12:06 > 4:12:08All change at the top.

4:12:08 > 4:12:0995.25 for Hirano.

4:12:09 > 4:12:10Shaun White in silver.

4:12:10 > 4:12:11Scotty James in bronze.

4:12:11 > 4:12:20Chase Josey just outside. Raibu Katayama in fifth.

4:12:20 > 4:12:25Katayama in fifth. I would love to see pat pagan land this run. --

4:12:25 > 4:12:32Patrick Burgener.The too, a man enjoying his snowboarding. Notice he

4:12:32 > 4:12:37has ditched his jacket, going for more aerodynamic.Cranking those

4:12:37 > 4:12:45bindings down. Halfpipe riding is about aerial ability, but it is all

4:12:45 > 4:12:48based, the foundation is inboard control and edge control at the

4:12:48 > 4:12:51bottom of the pipe, that is what gives you the power to launch tricks

4:12:51 > 4:12:56like that.

4:12:57 > 4:13:03like that. Cab double cork 1080, back-to-back tens, frontside 1260,

4:13:03 > 4:13:11that was very tidy, huge backside 360.Looking really good, this run.

4:13:11 > 4:13:16Oh, my goodness!Switch backside 1262 Switch double Michalchuk, that

4:13:16 > 4:13:28is a massive run!Huge run for Patrick Burgener!That is the second

4:13:28 > 4:13:32helmet toss we have seen, and just as justifiable! Look at the height

4:13:32 > 4:13:37on that!Landed right at the top of the transition, enabling him to look

4:13:37 > 4:13:43over four metres, pretty much the same height. Really good consistency

4:13:43 > 4:13:47of height in this run. The frontside 12 here was beautiful as well,

4:13:47 > 4:13:52grabbed for the whole way round. Scotty James is in bronze medal

4:13:52 > 4:14:00position. Patrick Burgener, fourth-place. He needed a 92 to beat

4:14:00 > 4:14:09Scotty James. Magnanimous in that fourth-place.Good showing.Next up,

4:14:09 > 4:14:19Chase Josey. Currently knocked down to fifth position by Patrick

4:14:19 > 4:14:26Burgener's last run. Can he up the tricks, can he up the amplitude?

4:14:30 > 4:14:38Huge double cork 1080 to enormous Switch double crippler.That is the

4:14:38 > 4:14:44biggest one of those we have seen. Oh, it is perfect!Chase Josey is

4:14:44 > 4:14:52aiming for bigger is better right now.

4:14:52 > 4:14:58now. Oh!Slight hand drive.He was serving in-flight meals on the

4:14:58 > 4:15:07double Michalchuk, this one is stratospheric.

4:15:07 > 4:15:12stratospheric. 88, the hype was rewarded. If the 1260 had been

4:15:12 > 4:15:17clean, that would have been... Well, would it have been a bronze medal

4:15:17 > 4:15:24run? I think the judges have put a 90 threshold.Yeah, for a medal.

4:15:24 > 4:15:34Excellent. Definitely, 92 on Scotty James at the moment.

4:16:15 > 4:16:18Six riders left to drop up to the third and final runs here at the

4:16:18 > 4:16:21men's snowboard halfpipe final. I chatted to Jan Scherrer on Friday

4:16:21 > 4:16:21morning, he said the

4:16:21 > 4:16:22chatted to Jan Scherrer on Friday morning, he said the pipe was great,

4:16:22 > 4:16:25he was enjoying riding it and just having a good time. It is like my

4:16:25 > 4:16:32mum says, I, it is taking part counts. Into the Switch ten. The

4:16:32 > 4:16:35frontside 900. Just killing a bit of speed. In the flat bottom. But he

4:16:35 > 4:16:39made it round to the back 12. The front 12 to the Europcar, which is

4:16:39 > 4:16:45when you put in a turn, and the tail grab air, turns himself into a lawn

4:16:45 > 4:16:50dart to get the rotation rout.The slides out, nose into the snow and

4:16:50 > 4:16:58stands back up again.Magic. Yann Scherer, the 80.5 from run two will

4:16:58 > 4:17:07stand. It's good enough the top ten. -- Jan Scherrer.

4:17:09 > 4:17:13-- Jan Scherrer. So, Raibu Katayama is sat in sixth place.He needs to

4:17:13 > 4:17:18unleash hell.

4:17:24 > 4:17:30He blasts into his first hit. Huge backside air to start things off,

4:17:30 > 4:17:37into the frontside 1440.Just tagged the landing a little bit. He still

4:17:37 > 4:17:43got the cab 1080 round. The frontside nine into the backside

4:17:43 > 4:17:501260, land is flat. Keep your speed up, come on, huge, massive front 12

4:17:50 > 4:17:54on the last hit. The amplitude dipped a little in the middle and

4:17:54 > 4:18:05maybe the technicality with the 900, but he got six hits.

4:18:05 > 4:18:10but he got six hits. Ayumu and Shaun only have five hits. The Lola

4:18:10 > 4:18:15amplitude giving Raibu Katayama more hits in the pipe, but that is key,

4:18:15 > 4:18:18and that is one of the most important things to understand in

4:18:18 > 4:18:23halfpipe riding, which is why amplitude is given so much weight,

4:18:23 > 4:18:26because if you didn't give the hike so much weight, riders would do

4:18:26 > 4:18:32tricks smaller and get more hits, so, the bigger you go, it is like a

4:18:32 > 4:18:39multiplier on your score rather than a flat score. 87, as we thought. So

4:18:39 > 4:18:44sixth place.

4:18:48 > 4:18:51sixth place. Ben Ferguson. His halfpipe run is unlike anyone

4:18:51 > 4:18:58else's. It's not about the numbers. It's not about the big spins, is

4:18:58 > 4:19:07about linking creative and insanely difficult tricks like that backside

4:19:07 > 4:19:13grab, big, clean air to fakie to kick-off, the best he has done, into

4:19:13 > 4:19:19the front crippler, he lands that at the top of the transition. Come on,

4:19:19 > 4:19:26Ben Ferguson. Huge backside 360. The biggest switch McTwist we have seen.

4:19:26 > 4:19:32And the

4:19:32 > 4:19:37And the smoothest double... That was beautiful. The best version of that

4:19:37 > 4:19:40run I've ever seen from him. This is so good. Everyone is giving us their

4:19:40 > 4:19:48best runs. He doesn't have the big skinny flair tricks we see from the

4:19:48 > 4:19:52other riders but what it does have is the amplitude, creativity,

4:19:52 > 4:20:00variety. 90.7 five. A very well-deserved fourth-place. Should

4:20:00 > 4:20:06it have pushed a little bit higher? The Japanese rider Ayumu Hirano,

4:20:06 > 4:20:13currently in Gold medal position. He's just landed the biggest run in

4:20:13 > 4:20:19halfpipe snowboarding. Can need better it?Those T-shirts those guys

4:20:19 > 4:20:31are wearing, they say a phrase which means "Do your best" in Japanese.

4:20:31 > 4:20:37Keep up, cameraman. Enormous backside air. 14. He's landed flat

4:20:37 > 4:20:44and it has killed all of his speed. He's had to go for the ten. It is

4:20:44 > 4:20:51not to be. And he's gone on the front 12. It doesn't matter. We have

4:20:51 > 4:20:56seen it before. Is there anywhere left to go? E has laid down the

4:20:56 > 4:21:02biggest run in halfpipe snowboarding with enormous backside air, 14, 14,

4:21:02 > 4:21:1012, 12, and they were very close to perfect. Two men left to go. It is a

4:21:10 > 4:21:17huge weight for him, with Shaun White and Scotty James still to

4:21:17 > 4:21:23drop.He's taking home a medal, but which colour is it going to be?Only

4:21:23 > 4:21:30two men left to decide that.

4:21:30 > 4:21:31two men left to decide that. The famously competitive Australian,

4:21:31 > 4:21:43Scotty James. He was distraught. He lost to Shaun White in Snowmass. He

4:21:43 > 4:21:51has got to lay down the run of his life. Look at him, he looks relaxed.

4:21:51 > 4:21:59He has a wry smile in the corner of his mouth. Take a deep breath.I

4:21:59 > 4:22:03think I said it yesterday, he doesn't wear boxing gloves by

4:22:03 > 4:22:09coincidence. Easier to do battle and he needs the run of his life here.

4:22:09 > 4:22:17-- he is here to do battle. Big frontside 1260, backside 1260,

4:22:17 > 4:22:23camera, join us, there it is. Oh, no! Scotty James will be the bronze

4:22:23 > 4:22:30medal list today. And for the first time in a long time it is by his own

4:22:30 > 4:22:38hand.Scotty James had the potential, I think, for his biggest

4:22:38 > 4:22:42run, potentially today to take that. He waves to the crowd. No shortage

4:22:42 > 4:22:48of love. I think he can walk away and say that he gave his best. The

4:22:48 > 4:22:53fact he hasn't gone home with the gold, that may have started in

4:22:53 > 4:22:57Snowmass three weeks ago when he lost to Shaun White after landing

4:22:57 > 4:23:05his best run and Sean swore that perfect 100. Scotty James is now a

4:23:05 > 4:23:11passenger with a bronze medal watching the fight for gold. Shaun

4:23:11 > 4:23:14White, the most successful halfpipe snowboarder of all time, is about to

4:23:14 > 4:23:22drop in. And he's in unfamiliar territory. Every time he has taken

4:23:22 > 4:23:27the gold he has been with the luxury of a victory and now he is under

4:23:27 > 4:23:36pressure, Heaney 's 95.25, and the run of his life. Frontside 1440.

4:23:36 > 4:23:44Switch, 1440. The skyhook. The fixture of every winning Shaun White

4:23:44 > 4:23:52run. Plenty of time for that. Shaun White, can he? He has landed it! My

4:23:52 > 4:23:56goodness. It is no longer about the snowboarding, but about the judges.

4:23:56 > 4:24:01Look at him. The first time he has landed that running competition.

4:24:01 > 4:24:06Scotty James looks down, he cannot believe that Shaun White has found

4:24:06 > 4:24:13another gear, and I don't think Ayumu Hirano can.Shaun White might

4:24:13 > 4:24:18have done it. Let's weight and see what the scores are saying.It was

4:24:18 > 4:24:22the backside air, the difference is the backside air, and the frontside

4:24:22 > 4:24:27540, this could be it, this could be history. Judges, put the world out

4:24:27 > 4:24:38of its misery! We are getting the replays first. Well, look at the

4:24:38 > 4:24:43direction. His head is looking almost out of the rotation.He is

4:24:43 > 4:24:48using every ounce of his fibre to get these tricks around. The toe

4:24:48 > 4:24:52grab, frowned upon in snowboarding. It is testament to the amplitude

4:24:52 > 4:24:58he's got that he is not requiring the body grabbed to get that round.

4:24:58 > 4:25:05The skyhook, the grab on that!And here, his trademark signature

4:25:05 > 4:25:11manoeuvre that he unveiled in Vancouver, the double McTwist. Two

4:25:11 > 4:25:24inverted 540s. And here is the other 1260.I've just realised that Ayumu

4:25:24 > 4:25:31use the backside air, 14, 14, 12, 12, Shaun White went 14, 14.That is

4:25:31 > 4:25:36more risk, higher up the pipe, and more risk equals more points.Shaun

4:25:36 > 4:25:39White polarises opinion in snowboarding. He has been the most

4:25:39 > 4:25:44dedicated competitor.

4:25:48 > 4:25:53dedicated competitor. 97.95. Shaun White is the gold medallist here in

4:25:53 > 4:25:572018. Say or think what you want about him, Shaun White has won it

4:25:57 > 4:26:01today. An incredible display of halfpipe snowboarding, and no one

4:26:01 > 4:26:08can take that phrase away from him. He has played it cool. It's a second

4:26:08 > 4:26:11silver medal for Ayumu Hirano, but I don't think he can have any

4:26:11 > 4:26:18complaints. It was not a difficult decision for the judges. And after a

4:26:18 > 4:26:23heated season, a magnanimous handshake from Scotty James to

4:26:23 > 4:26:30congratulate the gold medallist today. He was brilliant. Simply

4:26:30 > 4:26:37brilliant. Shaun White, truly tested, for the first time in 12

4:26:37 > 4:26:45years. And he has delivered in some style.My goodness me. That was

4:26:45 > 4:26:54absolutely breathtaking.He has put on a masterclass here at Phoenix

4:26:54 > 4:27:00Park to take the gold medal. A

4:27:00 > 4:27:01on a masterclass here at Phoenix Park to take the gold medal. A clean

4:27:01 > 4:27:03sweep for freestyle snowboarding here, congratulations.How hard was

4:27:03 > 4:27:09that final? It was tough. My first run was great. I did the biggest 14

4:27:09 > 4:27:14of my life, that I will ever do, and that really set the tone for the

4:27:14 > 4:27:22rest of the competition. I was hoping that I had skated to the

4:27:22 > 4:27:26first, but I knew I had to step it up. Second run was awash, came

4:27:26 > 4:27:30through the last run and that this kind of my sport, last run,

4:27:30 > 4:27:36pressure's on and I put it down straight.A word on the standard of

4:27:36 > 4:27:39riding in that final.It was incredible. Those guys are super

4:27:39 > 4:27:47talented. There has been this sort of attention.Battling it out. Not

4:27:47 > 4:27:51the nicest smiles at the top, we're all fighting for the same thing. I'm

4:27:51 > 4:27:56glad to come out on top today and I want to thank those guys because

4:27:56 > 4:28:00they pushed me to get to this point. Scotty, congratulations, bronze

4:28:00 > 4:28:06medal, was that the lock -- Bihar this final ever?That was exactly

4:28:06 > 4:28:10the way I expected it to be, that one, I was going to come out

4:28:10 > 4:28:15swinging. All year, there has been amazing competition in the halfpipe.

4:28:15 > 4:28:21Today showed that as well. So that was cool.Two ones with back-to-back

4:28:21 > 4:28:2514s, that was ridiculous. What was the pressure like being a rider in

4:28:25 > 4:28:30that final?There was a lot of pressure, for sure, but we all do

4:28:30 > 4:28:36this. This is our job. This is what we love doing. Those guys just came

4:28:36 > 4:28:40out doing what they knew how to do, all three of ours did, so we just

4:28:40 > 4:28:45rode the way that we wanted to ride, we just did that and that was the

4:28:45 > 4:28:51way that it turned out, so...Bronze medal for the Aussies, and the 100th

4:28:51 > 4:28:55window gold medal for the US. How appropriate it should go to one of

4:28:55 > 4:29:01their most iconic winter stars. Triple gold medallist, the first

4:29:01 > 4:29:05snowboard to earn three gold medals. And Ben Kilner, your written against

4:29:05 > 4:29:09these guys in the last two games. It was a superb spectacle. How proud

4:29:09 > 4:29:16are you of your sported a?It was just the battle that halfpipe

4:29:16 > 4:29:19snowboarding needed. We have three big competitors battling out between

4:29:19 > 4:29:23each other and they have not really gone head-to-head that often. Having

4:29:23 > 4:29:28them all here at the Olympics has just been brilliant.It was much

4:29:28 > 4:29:32closer than many people thought. You did call this when we talk about

4:29:32 > 4:29:37this. And thanks to Scotty James on the first run, it put down a marker

4:29:37 > 4:29:42that set the standard for the all final.He is quite a tall the

4:29:42 > 4:29:48boarder. When I first met him, he was so small. And then he went

4:29:48 > 4:29:51through a growth spurt, but he has managed to put down these massive

4:29:51 > 4:29:57tricks, during his run. This is his first one here, which he stomped,

4:29:57 > 4:30:02clean. Just to describe how difficult this last trick is, switch

4:30:02 > 4:30:07backside is the hardest rotation, and he gets a clean, right there.

4:30:07 > 4:30:12Even compare to the 1440, the switch backside rotation is always the

4:30:12 > 4:30:21hardest.The standards set by Scotty James, then came Hirano Japan, only

4:30:21 > 4:30:2419, and this was absolutely incredible. What was there to for

4:30:24 > 4:30:29you?

4:30:31 > 4:30:37Egos so big out of the halfpipe.He has introduced the back-to-back 1260

4:30:37 > 4:30:41as well, so he has really put pressure on Shaun White.So White

4:30:41 > 4:30:46really under pressure after that performance by the Japanese rider,

4:30:46 > 4:30:50genuinely, how much pressure do you think he felt at the top? You know

4:30:50 > 4:30:56what he is like.He is one of those guys, he is so serious at the top,

4:30:56 > 4:31:02before any run, and it just shows, the more pressure that you give

4:31:02 > 4:31:05Shaun White, the better his snowboarding becomes. He is

4:31:05 > 4:31:09completely attacking this run with everything he has got, putting in

4:31:09 > 4:31:17the back double 12 right here, finishing and off with the frontside

4:31:17 > 4:31:22double 12.The right result in the end?I think so, I think the judges

4:31:22 > 4:31:26have got it perfect, one, two and three certainly.So what next for

4:31:26 > 4:31:32Shaun White? Does he'd snowboarding? He is 31 years of age, but there is

4:31:32 > 4:31:34talk of him going into the summer Olympics.

4:31:37 > 4:31:47Is also a very good skateboarder, he has won numerous medals at the by

4:31:47 > 4:31:53Games in halfpipe, I would be very excited to see him going to Tokyo.A

4:31:53 > 4:31:58post script came to that, he was asked about a past sexual harassment

4:31:58 > 4:32:04allegation, which he referred to as gossip. He had progressively Dominic

4:32:04 > 4:32:09Grieve is the admitted sending messages and a case was settled for

4:32:09 > 4:32:14an undisclosed sum. The 31-year-old has apologised, referring to the

4:32:14 > 4:32:16allegations against him as gossip.

4:32:16 > 4:32:19Time for one of the real character events in any

4:32:19 > 4:32:22Winter Olympics, the double luge.

4:32:22 > 4:32:25Now technically speaking it is open to men and women since 1992,

4:32:25 > 4:32:28but so far only the boys have dared to double up at 80 mph

4:32:28 > 4:32:33in a kind of speed sandwich.

4:32:33 > 4:32:40How do they do it?

4:32:40 > 4:32:43Standby for one of the great Olympic oddities our time.

4:32:48 > 4:32:52We have the Sics Brothers from Latvia, their

4:32:52 > 4:32:53We have the Sics Brothers from Latvia, their fourth Olympics, they

4:32:53 > 4:33:02were bronze medallists in Sochi and in Vancouver. A very effective pair,

4:33:02 > 4:33:05is reprising the disappointing World Championship in Austria last year

4:33:05 > 4:33:11when they finished only 13.

4:33:11 > 4:33:13when they finished only 13. So the Sics Brothers are under way,

4:33:13 > 4:33:23promising start?Good lines so far. The reason they look so smooth, they

4:33:23 > 4:33:27are a quality pairing, just missed that war, that was as close as you

4:33:27 > 4:33:32want to get to that wall, especially with these double sleds. If they get

4:33:32 > 4:33:36any inclination of getting it wrong, they will be in trouble going into

4:33:36 > 4:33:4112, losing a lot of speed at the bottom.Definitely double sleds are

4:33:41 > 4:33:45a lot more top-heavy, it is easy to flip them.Quicker than the

4:33:45 > 4:33:52Russians, the Sics Brothers, taking the lead, three very big pairings to

4:33:52 > 4:33:58come in the next three runs as well, but the Sics pair doing very well

4:33:58 > 4:34:02indeed there. They had five top five finishes in World Cup races this

4:34:02 > 4:34:07year without winning any.

4:34:17 > 4:34:21In the women's events that we saw yesterday, because they come out of

4:34:21 > 4:34:24the same start house, we saw some of the female sliders having issues

4:34:24 > 4:34:29with that first little kink, actually getting enough speeds down

4:34:29 > 4:34:35the ramp and onto the sled.Next up, for Germany, the two heroes from

4:34:35 > 4:34:41Sochi, the gold medallist there, Tobias Arlt and Tobias Wendl. They

4:34:41 > 4:34:47won the gold by half a second. Both are in their 30s now but maintaining

4:34:47 > 4:34:51their form, they are called the Bayern express, these men, let's see

4:34:51 > 4:34:57how they get on. How difficult are these early curves?Definitely, like

4:34:57 > 4:35:02I said before, they are just getting settled in, quite a few combinations

4:35:02 > 4:35:05that you have to get right. It is actually quite difficult to settle

4:35:05 > 4:35:12in.This is the important part of the track to come down again, and

4:35:12 > 4:35:16other perfect line, maybe because these sleds have got more weight on

4:35:16 > 4:35:21them than the single sleds, a little bit more stable, easier to control.

4:35:21 > 4:35:25But if you get anything wrong, they are easier to crash as well, that is

4:35:25 > 4:35:31the big difference between the two types of sleds.You can see their

4:35:31 > 4:35:34quality, Wendl and Arlt, they go straight into the lead, putting down

4:35:34 > 4:35:39a big marker. That was a massive run, we are going to have some

4:35:39 > 4:35:44quality pairing is coming up next, but to be that far ahead of the

4:35:44 > 4:35:50Latvians, who have just gone down in front of them, that is massive.

4:35:50 > 4:35:55Especially, because their technical coach is a five-time Olympian,

4:35:55 > 4:36:02medalled numerous times, he is always on top of the technology.He

4:36:02 > 4:36:10was thrilled with the win yesterday. Especially, good that he came back.

4:36:10 > 4:36:14You can see how close they were to the wall there, that was perfect,

4:36:14 > 4:36:21and coming up the hill to the final corner.Next up, the favourites to

4:36:21 > 4:36:26win gold here, again from Germany, Toni Eggert and Sascha Benecken,

4:36:26 > 4:36:30eight in Sochi, which sounds relatively underwhelming, but in the

4:36:30 > 4:36:35last 18 months they have been absolutely unstoppable. An

4:36:35 > 4:36:37extraordinary year of success, winning eight of nine World Cup

4:36:37 > 4:36:44races across Europe and North America. And the one they lost was

4:36:44 > 4:36:49to Wendl and Arlt by a tenth of a second. So these are the ones we are

4:36:49 > 4:36:53expecting to set the standard. But they have got to chase down Wendl

4:36:53 > 4:37:01and Arlt.They are slightly behind, perhaps due to their setup.And you

4:37:01 > 4:37:08can see that these guys are quality, airlines are perfect, just as they

4:37:08 > 4:37:11start building speed into the big Olympic corner, but losing ground on

4:37:11 > 4:37:15their German team-mates as they come to the bottom of the track. Are they

4:37:15 > 4:37:20going to stay within one tens or drop off more?It looks like they

4:37:20 > 4:37:25will struggle, a tenth of a second, they look pretty happy, that is not

4:37:25 > 4:37:30insurmountable, but interesting that Wendl and Arlt are going to be, we

4:37:30 > 4:37:39think, the leaders into the second medal run.

4:37:39 > 4:37:41medal run.Definitely, such a big advantage from the first run

4:37:41 > 4:37:48compared to the other competitors, five tenths, huge.

4:37:48 > 4:37:52five tenths, huge.The two German pairings, then, already, four tenths

4:37:52 > 4:37:56of a second clear of the other pairings that have been so far.

4:37:56 > 4:38:03Watching closely, what are you noticing, Jacko?You can see the

4:38:03 > 4:38:08difference in the lines between the two leaders, just slight differences

4:38:08 > 4:38:12and variations, one is weaving slightly more up and down, and that

4:38:12 > 4:38:15is the difference of making small adjustments, and those differences

4:38:15 > 4:38:20in the lines are potentially why they lost the extra three or four

4:38:20 > 4:38:31hundreds down the bottom of the track.A timeless competitor, I

4:38:31 > 4:38:35think of him as Peter Pan, but bearing in mind they were third

4:38:35 > 4:38:39after the first run, an absolute disaster on their second run,

4:38:39 > 4:38:44effectively coming off.Definitely did, but they have come through well

4:38:44 > 4:38:48in the bigger races, it will be interesting to see.They have been a

4:38:48 > 4:38:53racing partnership together for 13 years now, they took silver at the

4:38:53 > 4:38:58Latvian World Championships three years ago. A strong combination,

4:38:58 > 4:39:04Penz and Fischler, Georg Fischler, his partner.You can see, as they

4:39:04 > 4:39:07come into the first corner, doing quite a lot of work with their legs.

4:39:07 > 4:39:13What is the reason for that, AJ?It is interesting, because where the

4:39:13 > 4:39:16ladies and doubles starting position comes into the track, it is a

4:39:16 > 4:39:19separate first curve, so you are steering harder to make it into

4:39:19 > 4:39:25whether rest of the track comes down, so they are putting the sled.

4:39:25 > 4:39:28That little bit of touching with the feet, will that cost them? They

4:39:28 > 4:39:33looked like they were catching up, that might cost them, but they will

4:39:33 > 4:39:38be close, second place?Close all the way down, and despite that

4:39:38 > 4:39:42little touch, seven hundredths of a second only off the leaders, Wendl

4:39:42 > 4:39:49and Arlt. So Eggert and Benecken, the hot favourites, have just trot

4:39:49 > 4:39:55back to third on this first run. Peter Penz has a cracker, really.

4:39:55 > 4:40:00Especially considering he had his feet down in that section.Yeah,

4:40:00 > 4:40:04they will definitely catching up all the way down the track, you can see

4:40:04 > 4:40:09how much work is doing with his left leg as you look the screen. That is

4:40:09 > 4:40:12just tried to get the control into the first corner, but another great

4:40:12 > 4:40:16line, as we see them coming down the dragon's tale, as it has now been

4:40:16 > 4:40:21named.

4:40:22 > 4:40:25named.0 degrees sounds cold, but it is tropical, bearing in mind what we

4:40:25 > 4:40:32have had so far. We are looking at the medal run now about to start,

4:40:32 > 4:40:36run two, to decide this Olympic title, and we go in reverse order

4:40:36 > 4:40:41from slowest pairings to the fastest, and in pole position at the

4:40:41 > 4:40:51moment, 20th and last, Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt.

4:40:52 > 4:40:57and Tobias Arlt. I am sure you act up the chance of Korea there, and

4:40:57 > 4:41:01Park and Cho now go, setting off in tenth place, after run number one.

4:41:01 > 4:41:07Just to put that into context, they were 27 coming into the games in the

4:41:07 > 4:41:11world, and they have never broken into the top 20. Their best World

4:41:11 > 4:41:20Cup finish is 18th. They have done so, so well.Definitely, and is goes

4:41:20 > 4:41:24back to the whole thing about getting extra time on the track, you

4:41:24 > 4:41:28feel comfortable, you know all the secrets of how to drive.This is to

4:41:28 > 4:41:34try and hold on to tenth place, they have got to keep that light green

4:41:34 > 4:41:40and next to their name, relative to the Olympic Athletes from Russia.It

4:41:40 > 4:41:44is close.This is where the crowd will go mental at the bottom of the

4:41:44 > 4:41:49track, regardless as to whether they come down in first or second. Great

4:41:49 > 4:41:53lines there, and these are the benefits of knowing the track inside

4:41:53 > 4:41:57out, as they come down, just creeping away, the time will stay

4:41:57 > 4:42:01green and as they make any big mistake coming off the last part.

4:42:01 > 4:42:06That looks good, this should keep them in the lead.They have got a

4:42:06 > 4:42:12chance of tenth place, they have done it, top-ten finish guaranteed

4:42:12 > 4:42:18for the Koreans.That is absolutely amazing.Excellent, you can see the

4:42:18 > 4:42:22reaction of oil cells. Do you know what is nice about this whole event?

4:42:22 > 4:42:28Everybody is pleased for them, all the nations there cheering.They are

4:42:28 > 4:42:32actually really nice people as well, so for them to get a guaranteed top

4:42:32 > 4:42:39ten, absolutely amazing for them. Fantastic!And now, as we get into

4:42:39 > 4:42:42these top-ten sliders, what you may find with a lot of the funding

4:42:42 > 4:42:47bodies, like for example with the British we have UK Sport, once you

4:42:47 > 4:42:51start getting in towards the top ten, you have targets, and this is

4:42:51 > 4:42:58why they might be accepted tonight excited, they may have hit back away

4:42:58 > 4:43:02funding marker. They will have had a lot of funding coming into their

4:43:02 > 4:43:05home games, but this result could be the start of the next cycle.Who

4:43:05 > 4:43:12would have thought that Park and Cho might beat the Sics Brothers? These

4:43:12 > 4:43:17are a class act on their days, ninth into this final medal round, number

4:43:17 > 4:43:21four in the world, and of course they have won medals at each of the

4:43:21 > 4:43:25last two Olympic Games as well. So this is a big disappointment for

4:43:25 > 4:43:29them, they have to try and overhaul the Koreans, you can barely believe

4:43:29 > 4:43:34you are saying that sentence. Definitely, you know they're going

4:43:34 > 4:43:38to try as well, it is out of the question for this race, but they

4:43:38 > 4:43:42will try for tomorrow.Those are great lines into that corner, they

4:43:42 > 4:43:46sounded at the top as if they were sliding about, a lot of noise from

4:43:46 > 4:43:51them as they were turning the sled, but I think this is going to be them

4:43:51 > 4:43:56pulling away from the Koreans and trying to put a run in towards maybe

4:43:56 > 4:44:00the top six, top seven position. They have got the Koreans,

4:44:00 > 4:44:10definitely, that is better from the Sics. 46.1 is their time, they went

4:44:10 > 4:44:1446.3 first round. The Koreans have done their job, the Sics Brothers

4:44:14 > 4:44:21move to the lead, but there are big guns to fire shortly. I think,

4:44:21 > 4:44:23ultimately, this will remain a disappointing Olympic Games for the

4:44:23 > 4:44:30Latvian pair.If they had done that on the first run, puts that running,

4:44:30 > 4:44:34they would have been a lot further up the table, may be able to push

4:44:34 > 4:44:39towards that top five, maybe bronze medal position, but it is all about

4:44:39 > 4:44:43being consistent over the runs that you have. They have got to be

4:44:43 > 4:44:47consistent over two, and whatever happened on the first run, it didn't

4:44:47 > 4:44:49work for them, whether it was more the conditions or they just wanted

4:44:49 > 4:44:56to get a run in the bag to make sure they get one down. In a two run

4:44:56 > 4:45:02competition, you can't do that.

4:45:05 > 4:45:05competition, you can't do that.Here now, Steu and Koller, fifth place

4:45:05 > 4:45:10for them at the moment, for Austria. Austria have two pairings in the top

4:45:10 > 4:45:15five as we head towards the medals, getting exciting here in the sliding

4:45:15 > 4:45:20in Pyeongchang.

4:45:23 > 4:45:26You can hear them cutting through the corners in the ice. They are

4:45:26 > 4:45:34quite noisy. You can see the time there just reducing. They are doing

4:45:34 > 4:45:37too much work in these bigger corners. They might have enough left

4:45:37 > 4:45:49in the bag to stay in front.I think they might have it. It is going to

4:45:49 > 4:45:54be close.It is going to be close, but they have done enough, Steu and

4:45:54 > 4:45:59Koller, guaranteeing themselves a top five place. We say goodbye to

4:45:59 > 4:46:05the Sics brothers. Steu and Koller, Austria with this fabulous record in

4:46:05 > 4:46:11this doubles event.

4:46:14 > 4:46:21this doubles event. Great performance.You can see the great

4:46:21 > 4:46:25shots of them just been relaxed on the sled, and letting the sled do

4:46:25 > 4:46:31the work rather than trying to fight the sled and the ice. If you just

4:46:31 > 4:46:34see everything warbling and shaking around, shows that they are really

4:46:34 > 4:46:39relax.You see them breathing out, and that is what you really want to

4:46:39 > 4:46:45do, just relax and try to make each turn as smooth as possible.I think

4:46:45 > 4:46:48most people would get on one of these and they wouldn't breed for

4:46:48 > 4:46:52the whole 60 seconds, it would just be hold your breath all the way

4:46:52 > 4:46:59down!In fourth place for Canada, Justin Smith and Tristan Walker.

4:46:59 > 4:47:06Both 26. Strong Canadian support. Fuelled by a strong performance from

4:47:06 > 4:47:11them in the bronze medal single event yesterday. Walker and Smith

4:47:11 > 4:47:17giving you. They have to do better than the time of Steu and Koller.

4:47:17 > 4:47:21And you will see a direct comparison all the way through this one. If

4:47:21 > 4:47:28Walker and Smith stay green, they will be fought.There is no way that

4:47:28 > 4:47:32these can move forward to the medal positions unless there is a big

4:47:32 > 4:47:37mistake by one of the top three sliders that are left to come. Their

4:47:37 > 4:47:45run so far looks pretty good.It looks pretty good. Good exit. You

4:47:45 > 4:47:48can see that he's trying to push it and get every little tenth out of

4:47:48 > 4:47:56this.It is tight. Look at that, one 100th of a second between these two

4:47:56 > 4:48:03and Steu and Koller. Round into the final by and.They just drifted

4:48:03 > 4:48:15away.So close. They are fit, and Steu and Koller I going to be full.

4:48:15 > 4:48:18Unless there was a disaster for one of the top three teams remaining in

4:48:18 > 4:48:25the competition.The top part of the run was good. Just as they came down

4:48:25 > 4:48:29the straight, they possibly went into the entrance of 12, just a

4:48:29 > 4:48:33little bit more to the left than they want to do. What you have to do

4:48:33 > 4:48:37when that happens, you have to work harder to turn the sled, and that

4:48:37 > 4:48:42just scrubs of speed, and that's what we saw there, in the bigger

4:48:42 > 4:48:46corners, any over driving, you might as well just put the handbrake on.

4:48:46 > 4:48:50You don't see the timing difference until further down, because it just

4:48:50 > 4:48:58slows you down. Toni Eggert and Sascha Benecken have taken the

4:48:58 > 4:49:02doubles world by storm over the last 18 months.They have proved to be

4:49:02 > 4:49:07almost unbeatable until now, perhaps. They are 11 hundredths of a

4:49:07 > 4:49:17second off the gold medal at the moment. So if they can go 45.8, low,

4:49:17 > 4:49:26that will stack pressure on the leaders. Yellow Maccabees are going

4:49:26 > 4:49:32to put in a big run. They are in a race with their team-mates, and this

4:49:32 > 4:49:36is what it is all about.If they win gold here there is potential that

4:49:36 > 4:49:39they will go into the team race because the Germans are so strong,

4:49:39 > 4:49:45and win a second gold.Lets see how it all unravels. Looking very clean

4:49:45 > 4:49:52and professional, so far.You can see that they came out of nine with

4:49:52 > 4:49:56a bit of pressure, so they kind of just skidded away, so we will see of

4:49:56 > 4:50:04that impacts their time. Let's see if they Ashley lose anything. --

4:50:04 > 4:50:09actually lose anything.That slide may be the one that cost them the

4:50:09 > 4:50:16medal as they want to move up towards that gold or silver. It is

4:50:16 > 4:50:22at 46.05, they have gone slower than round number one. We thought they

4:50:22 > 4:50:26could be potentially unbeatable beforehand. They might be looking at

4:50:26 > 4:50:31the bronze medal, here.It depends on them, for sure, right now, if

4:50:31 > 4:50:37they can have a better run than they have just had done.Well, they

4:50:37 > 4:50:40embrace. Certainly giving the impression that they are happy with

4:50:40 > 4:50:44that. But on the form of the last 18 months they would have felt they

4:50:44 > 4:50:51were big favourites. Is that what has cost them?Not to come them

4:50:51 > 4:50:54closer to fourth place but to stop them moving forwards towards the

4:50:54 > 4:51:00silver and the bronze. This is what this track brings. Consistency is

4:51:00 > 4:51:03key. And big names and big teams are potentially just making little

4:51:03 > 4:51:09mistakes. That mistake was from one or two entries off-line, and that,

4:51:09 > 4:51:15those are the small margins.

4:51:15 > 4:51:16those are the small margins.Two to go, the excitement growing all the

4:51:16 > 4:51:23time. I love the way that these events reach their climax. We are

4:51:23 > 4:51:27now waiting for the Austrians, Peter Penz and George Fischler. Remember

4:51:27 > 4:51:32in Sochi they were in third place after run number one, and that Sochi

4:51:32 > 4:51:37they had a disastrous second run. I wonder if that is in their minds

4:51:37 > 4:51:42right now?It is definitely playing in the back of their minds. They do

4:51:42 > 4:51:47not want to repeat four years ago. They've had a lot of experience.

4:51:47 > 4:51:50They are some of the oldest competitors. They could definitely

4:51:50 > 4:51:57pull it out. They finished second to Eggert and Benecken four times this

4:51:57 > 4:52:01winter. They have a golden chance of beating their old rivals to a silver

4:52:01 > 4:52:06medal and potentially gold, as well. What the games that would be for the

4:52:06 > 4:52:10Austrians, if they could pull that off, a double sweep in the men's and

4:52:10 > 4:52:14doubles events. When was the last time that happened for the

4:52:14 > 4:52:18Austrians, for them to win both? It has been a long time they are

4:52:18 > 4:52:22pulling out a big run. This is the pressure that they are applying to

4:52:22 > 4:52:29the Germans in the lead at the moment.Oh, no.I think they did

4:52:29 > 4:52:36that in the first one, as well. Interesting to see how much time it

4:52:36 > 4:52:42costs them as they come over the line. Is it going to be silver?Yes,

4:52:42 > 4:52:53it is. The Austrians are beside themselves

4:52:57 > 4:53:02again as Penz and Fischler go of Eggert and Benecken. That is a

4:53:02 > 4:53:08celebration, isn't it? Well, well, well.

4:53:08 > 4:53:12well.I think these last few sleds, certainly for the Germans on the

4:53:12 > 4:53:15bronze, that was almost like a victory lap, because the fourth

4:53:15 > 4:53:18place was so far behind that they could almost relax into it, they

4:53:18 > 4:53:22just needed to get down in one piece and they still made that little

4:53:22 > 4:53:27mistake. They needed to do what the Austrians have done to try and apply

4:53:27 > 4:53:31pressure on them. The Austrians might have had a sigh of relief when

4:53:31 > 4:53:35they saw the mistake. And the Germans have thought that gives us

4:53:35 > 4:53:39some breathing space, Silver Medal is Alice, we are now looking to push

4:53:39 > 4:53:46towards the gold.It is not impossible that they can get the

4:53:46 > 4:53:50gold. Definitely not. All down to the defending Olympic champions.

4:53:50 > 4:53:53They are obviously in first place at the moment, but after the first run

4:53:53 > 4:53:58their lead over the Austrians was tiny. We are talking hundredths of a

4:53:58 > 4:54:07second. Gold medallists from Sochi. Tobias Wendl and Tobias Arlt, will

4:54:07 > 4:54:12be the Germans, although the Austrians cause another sensation?

4:54:12 > 4:54:16It was a big run from the Austrians to apply pressure to this pair. They

4:54:16 > 4:54:21obviously have quality. They are Olympic champions, seasoned sliders,

4:54:21 > 4:54:25but this is about having the nerve, as you saw with Felix Loch in the

4:54:25 > 4:54:29men's competition, he threw it away on the big corner, exactly where he

4:54:29 > 4:54:39made a mistake.Beautiful. The next time will be very important,

4:54:39 > 4:54:42relative to Penz and Fischler. They are 13 hundredths of a second up on

4:54:42 > 4:54:46them. Looks like they are heading for the gold.Little twitch coming

4:54:46 > 4:54:50up the hill but enough to come over the line, and that is another gold

4:54:50 > 4:54:57for Germany.Wendel and Arlt win again, back-to-back gold medals,

4:54:57 > 4:55:02German celebrations once again. Wendel and Arlt winning by the

4:55:02 > 4:55:06content of a second over Penz and Fischler of Austria. Eggert and

4:55:06 > 4:55:11Benecken in third place. The standings after run one confirmed in

4:55:11 > 4:55:16the all-important medal run, run number two. And that's a tremendous

4:55:16 > 4:55:19return to winning ways, particularly when you think how they must have

4:55:19 > 4:55:24felt seeing Eggert and Benecken dominate the last two years,

4:55:24 > 4:55:31certainly since the last European Championships.When we get to the

4:55:31 > 4:55:36Olympic Games, what you have done in European Championships, World

4:55:36 > 4:55:38Championships, World Cup races, means absolutely nothing. These are

4:55:38 > 4:55:44the medals that people want on their CV, Olympic medals. It only comes

4:55:44 > 4:55:48round every four years. So if you make a mistake it is not like you

4:55:48 > 4:55:53think you will get it at the next World Championships, it takes four

4:55:53 > 4:55:57years, and some people's careers end in that four years, but that is

4:55:57 > 4:56:04absolutely perfect, and that is why they are Olympic champions.They are

4:56:04 > 4:56:07always great competitors. Just look at that poise, it is Martin to break

4:56:07 > 4:56:14away and he's fixing it by just barely tapping foot down.Just a

4:56:14 > 4:56:19tiny dab on the brakes, that was all that was, the only blemish. Two of

4:56:19 > 4:56:28them, both 30, both close friends, so clearly they are extremely close

4:56:28 > 4:56:36on the track and off it. And it's a lovely result for them. Three times

4:56:36 > 4:56:43world champions, now, twice Olympic champions, as well.

4:56:45 > 4:56:48champions, as well. Confirmation, then. Gold to Germany, Wendel and

4:56:48 > 4:56:52Arlt beat the Austrians Penz and Fischler who pick up the Silver

4:56:52 > 4:56:57Medal. Eggert and Benecken paste a rare defeat. Bronze for

4:56:57 > 4:56:58Medal. Eggert and Benecken paste a rare defeat. Bronze for them in the

4:56:58 > 4:57:04loose doubles. Two out of the three events in the luge successfully

4:57:04 > 4:57:10defended by Germany, and they are the masters of sliding. You got to

4:57:10 > 4:57:17say, it is an extraordinary event. And would double luge tempt you to

4:57:17 > 4:57:21return to the Olympic fold?I don't know, it's as if you gone down to

4:57:21 > 4:57:25the local Snow Park with your best mate and both decided to jump on the

4:57:25 > 4:57:30sleds together.It reminds me of going to the golf course, getting

4:57:30 > 4:57:35your pal's Sledge and having a go, then you see a tree coming towards

4:57:35 > 4:57:41you. Yes, those days are great! If you want to give the double luge

4:57:41 > 4:57:50ago, go to our Get Inspired page. I'm not sure if it has a page

4:57:50 > 4:57:53dedicated to the double luge, but you tell me. Germany are the ones to

4:57:53 > 4:57:58beat in the medals table winning two of the four on offer today and one

4:57:58 > 4:58:02shy of their total of eight. That they got in Sochi. It is only day

4:58:02 > 4:58:11five. If you want a pint sized resume of it all, we have more on

4:58:11 > 4:58:19Olympics extra on BBC. And then a five-day weight for the runs in the

4:58:19 > 4:58:22Alpine event, we hope that will be well worth it. Curling, also. It is

4:58:22 > 4:58:30Valentine's Day today but you should love what is on offer tomorrow, two

4:58:30 > 4:58:35Alpine events for the price of one. What is not to love about that? From

4:58:35 > 4:58:43Ben and me and the rest of the team, goodbye and thanks for your company.

4:58:46 > 4:58:56# Lovers in the air. # Lovers in the air.

4:58:56 > 4:59:02# Love is in the air. #