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:00:00. > :00:11.Good evening. Welcome to BBC Newsline. A three-month-old baby

:00:12. > :00:14.girl who was taken to hospital with injuries earlier this week has died.

:00:15. > :00:18.A postmortem examination will be done in the next few days. This

:00:19. > :00:20.morning, the child's father, 23-year-old Christopher O'Neill from

:00:21. > :00:28.Glasvey Park in Twinbrook, appeared in court charged with grievous

:00:29. > :00:31.bodily harm against her. A charity worker who was at the

:00:32. > :00:35.Odyssey in Belfast last night has described the scenes there as being

:00:36. > :00:38.like a disaster zone. It emerged today that more than a hundred young

:00:39. > :00:42.people attending a DJ Hardwell gig had to be treated for the effects of

:00:43. > :00:52.drugs and alcohol. Helen Jones' report contains strobe lighting.

:00:53. > :00:58.Just over 24 hours later, and a clearer picture of exactly what

:00:59. > :01:04.happened at the Odyssey Arena has emerged. In 9500 strong crowd packed

:01:05. > :01:10.the arena for the gauge. It was billed at an over 16 gig, but many

:01:11. > :01:15.were much younger. It has been said that some were already drunk or high

:01:16. > :01:19.on drugs and were refused entry. A major incident was declared and the

:01:20. > :01:26.news travels fast. This woman was waiting to hear from her son who was

:01:27. > :01:30.at beginning. People were throwing up all over the floor, people passed

:01:31. > :01:36.out, there were fights left, right and centre. I was trying to text him

:01:37. > :01:40.and I was getting a reply, and then I began to think, oh, I was hearing

:01:41. > :01:44.that people were being taken to hospital, and is he one of those

:01:45. > :01:51.people taken to hospital, I cannot get hold of him. It was panic

:01:52. > :01:57.stations. This video gives us a glimpse of what was going on

:01:58. > :02:02.inside. Punches were thrown. In total, 108 people needed medical

:02:03. > :02:07.treatment and 19 of them were in hospital. The Belfast trust again a

:02:08. > :02:12.major incidents to deal with the numbers. We were told we could

:02:13. > :02:18.expect that they would be very ill and they might need intensive care

:02:19. > :02:23.or on a and other kinds of care. Happily, that was not the case. As

:02:24. > :02:27.things turned out, 19 patients attended the matter hospital or the

:02:28. > :02:30.Royal Hospital, and they needed to be admitted. They were sick enough

:02:31. > :02:35.to be admitted. But happily, most of them have there been discharged. The

:02:36. > :02:40.Odyssey Arena said the skill of incidents inside the arena was

:02:41. > :02:45.abnormal levels for a gate of its size. We do not sell alcohol without

:02:46. > :02:57.ID, that has to be a passport or a drivers license. We have security

:02:58. > :03:01.and a supervisor around, and it wasn't a heavily drinking crowd, is

:03:02. > :03:04.we're confident that we believe that properly. There is a certain time

:03:05. > :03:09.length before intoxication can show, so certain people has got inside

:03:10. > :03:12.before that. Weekend after weekend, teenagers are found drunk across the

:03:13. > :03:16.streets of Northern Ireland, and it is often volunteers that big up the

:03:17. > :03:21.pieces, as they did at the Odyssey Arena last night. We found people

:03:22. > :03:25.that had too much to drink, they do not know their limits. They are

:03:26. > :03:30.throwing up, they are sometimes unconscious, we do the best we can,

:03:31. > :03:33.and we speak to medical staff full-forward ever they need. What

:03:34. > :03:41.went on here tonight has had an impact is elsewhere. The gig has

:03:42. > :03:43.been threatened in Scotland as a serious threat to public health and

:03:44. > :03:46.safety. And you can see more on this story

:03:47. > :03:50.on our news website. An explosive device has been taken

:03:51. > :03:54.away for examination after a security alert in Lurgan. Residents

:03:55. > :03:58.had to leave their homes in Crozier Park for a time. The device was

:03:59. > :04:02.found during a planned search of a property by police.

:04:03. > :04:06.Martin McGuinness has told delegates at the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis that the

:04:07. > :04:15.time for an agreement on flags, parades and the past is 'now'. The

:04:16. > :04:18.Deputy First Minister called on those he described as sensible

:04:19. > :04:21.unionists to break free from the nay-sayers. Meanwhile the Sinn Fein

:04:22. > :04:27.chairman told delegates at the conference in Wexford that personal

:04:28. > :04:30.criticism of Gerry Adams should end. Let me say this tonight. The

:04:31. > :04:34.relentless campaign of vilification against the Republican leadership

:04:35. > :04:39.and specifically Gerry Adams in this state is a disgrace, and it should

:04:40. > :04:43.stop immediately. And you can see more from the Ard

:04:44. > :04:46.Fheis at eight o'clock tomorrow night on BBC Two.

:04:47. > :04:49.A man in his thirties has been taken to hospital after a shooting in west

:04:50. > :04:53.Belfast. It's believed two men forced their way into a house in

:04:54. > :04:55.Corrib Avenue and shot him in the knees and ankles. His injuries are

:04:56. > :05:02.not thought to be life threatening. A disability car has been set on

:05:03. > :05:05.fire during an attack on a house in Larne. A number of bricks were

:05:06. > :05:08.thrown through the front window of the property in Knockdhu Park late

:05:09. > :05:13.last night. Police say a hate crime is one line of enquiry. The owner of

:05:14. > :05:25.the car, who has spina-bifida, says the vehicle was his lifeline. My car

:05:26. > :05:32.is my life, it is my reels. -- wheels. I need it to get out and

:05:33. > :05:35.about the place. I would really need to use it.

:05:36. > :05:39.The Giro d'Italia organisers say the cycle race will generate two and a

:05:40. > :05:42.half million pounds for the local economy in May. It's predicted that

:05:43. > :05:49.more than 40 thousand visitors will come here for the three days of

:05:50. > :05:59.racing. Mark Simpson reports. Stand by for some thrills. And some

:06:00. > :06:02.spills! And plenty of colour. Including one in particular, pink,

:06:03. > :06:08.the traditional colour of the Giro d'Italia. People dressed their

:06:09. > :06:11.houses, businesses gardens, I know the government, they will have pink

:06:12. > :06:15.flowers, pink dressing around the root of the race, think of the

:06:16. > :06:20.colour of the leaders jersey, so it is great importance for the Giro

:06:21. > :06:25.d'Italia and everyone should embrace it in the month of May. Day one of

:06:26. > :06:32.this race is the team time trial from the Titanic Quarter to Stormont

:06:33. > :06:38.and back. Then there is a chip to the Causeway Coast. D3 is from

:06:39. > :06:41.County Armagh to Co Dublin. Local cycling fans can hardly believe

:06:42. > :06:45.their luck, 200 of the best cyclists in the world in three months time

:06:46. > :06:50.here on their doorstep, and to watch this race, that would be free. Even

:06:51. > :06:55.those in charge of crowd control are looking forward to it. I cannot wait

:06:56. > :06:59.for it to get here, but I'm sure there are people across the province

:07:00. > :07:05.only waking up to what a party this would be in Belfast and for the

:07:06. > :07:07.wider province in that weekend in May. Everyone is being encouraged to

:07:08. > :07:14.go pink, does that include the police? Planning is in the early

:07:15. > :07:18.stages, but watch this space! It looks like it will be a colourful

:07:19. > :07:21.occasion. Rugby and Ulster have beaten the

:07:22. > :07:25.Ospreys 10-7 at tonight's Pro12 clash at Ravenhill to move up to

:07:26. > :07:28.second place in the table. The Ospreys started the scoring with a

:07:29. > :07:31.try from Sam Lewis after ten minutes. Ruan Pienaar got the first

:07:32. > :07:35.points for the home side with this penalty after 23 minutes. Ulster's

:07:36. > :07:42.only try in the match came early in the second half from Darren Cave and

:07:43. > :07:45.was converted by Pienaar. In Gaelic football tonight there was

:07:46. > :07:49.a narrow victory for Down in their national league game against Armagh

:07:50. > :07:52.at the Athletic Grounds - the final score, Armagh two goals and five

:07:53. > :07:57.points, Down two goals and seven points.

:07:58. > :08:01.In ice hockey, the Belfast Giants have beaten the Hull Stingrays by

:08:02. > :08:05.three goals to nil at the Odyssey arena. The win means they extend

:08:06. > :08:10.their lead at the top of the Elite league to 21 points.

:08:11. > :08:11.That was the news, now onto the weekend weather forecast and with

:08:12. > :08:22.the details here's Cecilia Daly. Good evening, we get two fine days

:08:23. > :08:26.and then the rain returns. Once again, another warning for heavy

:08:27. > :08:31.rain which is valid for the next couple of hours to the other side of

:08:32. > :08:38.midnight. Still heavy for a while with gusty winds do the east coast.

:08:39. > :08:40.Dry during the early hours and temperatures might become a bit

:08:41. > :08:43.chilly in 12 spots on the countryside. Weekend, it would be

:08:44. > :08:48.quite unsettled, particularly tomorrow with heavy showers and

:08:49. > :08:51.gusty winds. It will start dry, but it will not be long before the

:08:52. > :08:56.showers arrive and some of them will be heavy and prolonged. Overall,

:08:57. > :09:02.we're looking at a very unsettled stay across Britain and Ireland. The

:09:03. > :09:04.area of low pressure is to the north with lots of showers coming across

:09:05. > :09:08.the Republic of Ireland and western areas of Britain and particularly

:09:09. > :09:11.heavy in Wales and southern counties of England with very gusty winds

:09:12. > :09:15.over the south-west of Britain and possibly damaging gusts. Much better

:09:16. > :09:19.weather for north-east Scotland and Eastern counties of England which

:09:20. > :09:22.could get some shelter and more in the way of sunshine. For Northern

:09:23. > :09:27.Ireland, quite cool compare to the last few days, very unpleasant

:09:28. > :09:33.compared to the sunshine we had today. Sunday, sunshine and a bit

:09:34. > :09:38.more in the way of gaps between the showers. Still some wet weather also

:09:39. > :09:46.and wintry showers over high ground. Monday starts off with icy

:09:47. > :09:50.weather and a lull in the weather for a while before the next low

:09:51. > :09:53.pressure comes in on shoes day. More wet and windy weather for next week.

:09:54. > :09:55.That is it for now, you can keep up-to-date online and follow this

:09:56. > :09:57.programme on Facebook and on Twitter.

:09:58. > :09:59.From everyone here, good night, and have a