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:00:00. > :00:09.Downing Street has rejected a suggestion that the process

:00:10. > :00:13.for the UK to leave the European Union could be

:00:14. > :00:16.triggered by the Prime Minister before the end of this year.

:00:17. > :00:19.The Taoiseach Enda Kenny raised the possibility at the Brexit

:00:20. > :00:22.conference hosted by the Irish Government.

:00:23. > :00:29.Also in his speech, he warned about the tone of negotiations in

:00:30. > :00:47.Load an art museum but formerly a British military hospital.

:00:48. > :00:52.The other side of this argument may well get quite vicious after a

:00:53. > :00:56.while. Because there are those around the European table who took a

:00:57. > :01:05.very poor view of the fact that Britain has decided to leave and

:01:06. > :01:10.that argument will be fought very toughly in a really difficult sense.

:01:11. > :01:15.Voices that were not heard were those of the two main Unionist

:01:16. > :01:18.parties. Their absence noted by other politicians.

:01:19. > :01:23.This is a hugely difficult situation for all of us and I wish they were

:01:24. > :01:27.here. They should be engaged with the Irish government and anyone else

:01:28. > :01:29.that a strike to protect the interests of the people of Northern

:01:30. > :01:40.Ireland. I think we should not alienate

:01:41. > :01:46.unionists who are not here today. That we should proceed towards a

:01:47. > :01:50.dramatic deal for the best for Northern Ireland.

:01:51. > :01:53.Something those attending could agree on, not just for the

:01:54. > :02:05.implications for the Good Friday Agreement but also for those who

:02:06. > :02:08.voted to stay in the EU. Denmark is an EU member yet

:02:09. > :02:16.Greenlanders outside the union and still receives European funding.

:02:17. > :02:24.While some parties in Dublin were unsure what direction things will

:02:25. > :02:27.take, the First Minister was at the Brexit committee. During Prime

:02:28. > :02:33.Minister's Questions, Nigel Dodds asked her if there could be an

:02:34. > :02:37.increase in violence or changed relationships inside the UK between

:02:38. > :02:42.regions and countries. I'm very happy to give him that

:02:43. > :02:47.assurance in terms of movement around date kingdom. There is no

:02:48. > :02:51.change that will take place. But it is right that what we're going to do

:02:52. > :02:55.in Brexit is ensure that it is a good deal for the whole of the

:02:56. > :02:59.United Kingdom and those who wish to encourage violence off the back of

:03:00. > :03:02.that frankly should be ashamed of themselves. I think it is absolutely

:03:03. > :03:07.essential that we all work together to make a success of this and get

:03:08. > :03:14.the best opportunities for the people across the whole of the

:03:15. > :03:17.United Kingdom. The next step in the process is

:03:18. > :03:20.tomorrow. More talks with political leaders in Northern Ireland but not

:03:21. > :03:21.with the DUP. That will be for a later date.

:03:22. > :03:24.The Chief Constable George Hamilton has told a conference to mark

:03:25. > :03:28.15 years of the PSNI that unresolved issues from the past are sapping

:03:29. > :03:34.He told the event in south Belfast that for further improvements

:03:35. > :03:38.in these areas there needed to be political and society solutions

:03:39. > :03:44.like the recent one achieved at Twadell and Ardoyne.

:03:45. > :03:59.Dealing with the past. Parades and protests. Flags, identity, symbols.

:04:00. > :04:02.In the absence of an alternative political societal resolution to

:04:03. > :04:08.these issues, they continue to be left at the door of policing and the

:04:09. > :04:09.Criminal Justice system. They sat community confidence and drain

:04:10. > :04:11.budgets. The chief executive of an east

:04:12. > :04:13.Belfast organisation which was given nearly ?2 million of public

:04:14. > :04:15.money has apologised for making a foul-mouthed

:04:16. > :04:17.attack on the Government. Dee Stitt of Charter NI -

:04:18. > :04:21.who is a leading member of the UDA - made the comments in a televised

:04:22. > :04:23.interview with He described the loyalist band

:04:24. > :04:27.the North Down Defenders as "our homeland security" and said

:04:28. > :04:31.the Government didn't care Since his comments there have been

:04:32. > :04:45.calls for him to resign. He needs to resign and there needs

:04:46. > :04:52.to be an immediate suspension until there is a fool, borough and

:04:53. > :04:59.external investigation two of their arrangements. The First Minister and

:05:00. > :05:01.Deputy First Minister need to make a statement on this.

:05:02. > :05:04.The First Minister Arlene Foster has apologised to a victim of the IRA

:05:05. > :05:06.bombing at the La Mon Hotel after the DUP sang

:05:07. > :05:12."Arlene's on fire" at its party conference in the venue.

:05:13. > :05:16.Delegates sang their version of the football chat

:05:17. > :05:22.Mrs Foster has apologised to Billy McDowell who was injured

:05:23. > :05:24.in the bombing which killed 12 people in 1978.

:05:25. > :05:28.She said it was a spur of the moment thing and shouldn't have happened.

:05:29. > :05:30.The Independent Commission searching for the remains of the Disappeared

:05:31. > :05:35.has acknowledged that as time goes on expectations of finding the last

:05:36. > :05:40.Today, as a wreath was laid at Stormont in memory of those

:05:41. > :05:43.still missing, it was revealed that the search for one of them,

:05:44. > :05:45.Seamus Ruddy, is to resume in France.

:05:46. > :05:53.They have been coming to Stormont to perform the

:05:54. > :05:56.ceremony for ten years but as families they have waited longer for

:05:57. > :05:59.the return of remains of their loved ones.

:06:00. > :06:02.Relatives and supporters of those known

:06:03. > :06:08.as the Disappeared walked in silence to lay a black wreath.

:06:09. > :06:12.So far, the remains of 13 victims have been recovered.

:06:13. > :06:21.But for people like Maria Lansky the search goes on.

:06:22. > :06:27.We all have families, uncles, sons, brothers.

:06:28. > :06:30.No-one would want to live the way that we live waiting

:06:31. > :06:38.I just hope someone will take pity on me.

:06:39. > :06:42.We've recovered seven sets of remains in the last ten years.

:06:43. > :06:46.There are four outstanding at the present time and we are pursuing

:06:47. > :06:50.lines of enquiry on all four of those.

:06:51. > :06:53.You will probably be aware that Seamus Ruddy was murdered and

:06:54. > :06:57.buried in France and we are hoping to deploy

:06:58. > :07:00.in France at the end of this year

:07:01. > :07:05.or perhaps early next year to start searching again for him.

:07:06. > :07:14.There's bound to be people out there who still have a memory of it.

:07:15. > :07:19.The black wreath has four white lilies on it

:07:20. > :07:24.in recognition of the families who are still waiting to reclaim the

:07:25. > :07:37.The Economy Minister has rejected a call for the Stormont Executive

:07:38. > :07:39.to suspend the work of a Belfast-based company which is

:07:40. > :07:45.NI-CO, which is owned by Invest Northern Ireland, has been

:07:46. > :07:49.working with the police and prison services in the Gulf state.

:07:50. > :07:53.The international human rights group Reprieve says those Bahrain

:07:54. > :07:57.organisations are guilty of torture.

:07:58. > :07:59.The Ballymena firm Wrightbus has secured an order

:08:00. > :08:04.for close to 300 vehicles from Lothian Buses in Scotland.

:08:05. > :08:09.They'll be supplied over a four-year period from 2017.

:08:10. > :08:12.Martin O'Neill today named the Republic of Ireland squad

:08:13. > :08:15.to face Austria on Saturday in Vienna in their World Cup

:08:16. > :08:19.qualifier, including Andy Boyle and Daryl Horgan

:08:20. > :08:25.But O'Neill also responded to comments made by Ronald Koeman.

:08:26. > :08:30.The Everton boss had claimed recently that midfielder

:08:31. > :08:33.James McCarthy had been "massively overloaded" by the Republic in last

:08:34. > :08:56.After five or six weeks out of football, after his surgery, I know

:08:57. > :09:06.he played the fool game after three group sessions. He played the second

:09:07. > :09:13.game and he is massively overloaded. I totally refute that. To get an

:09:14. > :09:19.opportunity to respond, James declared himself fit. People at the

:09:20. > :09:23.first game. He didn't come off the injury, he came through tiredness.

:09:24. > :09:25.Remarkably, he trained at Everton are very day the manager was

:09:26. > :09:29.bleating about. James McCarthy is included

:09:30. > :09:32.in O'Neill's Republic squad. Boxing and amateur stars

:09:33. > :09:34.Paddy Barnes and Steven Ward will make their professional debuts

:09:35. > :09:36.at the Titanic Exhibition Centre But top of the bill will be

:09:37. > :09:40.Jamie Conlan, the brother The super-flyweight has already

:09:41. > :09:44.lined up a world title eliminator early next year and has

:09:45. > :09:48.been leaving nothing to chance in his pre-fight training camp,

:09:49. > :09:53.as Thomas Kane reports. Both inside and outside

:09:54. > :10:06.the ring, Jamie Conlan If I train to my limit every day,

:10:07. > :10:21.nothing can stop me. Performance is all

:10:22. > :10:23.I've got in my name. In training camp, I put myself

:10:24. > :10:26.through hell so I know when we get into the fight, anything

:10:27. > :10:28.that is thrown at me, Conlan is based in Spain and has had

:10:29. > :10:34.to be patient to fight You prepare your body

:10:35. > :10:49.for the endurance in the fight. I haven't fought in Belfast in two

:10:50. > :10:53.and a half years, maybe. Last time was in an outdoor,

:10:54. > :11:06.18,000 seater venue. I won the WBO Intercontinental,

:11:07. > :11:08.beating a tough Mexican. I still have the scar

:11:09. > :11:12.where I had 10 or 11 stitches. When you train every day,

:11:13. > :11:20.you put your life This is one of the rewards

:11:21. > :11:24.that I'm reaping, coming home, topping

:11:25. > :11:28.the bill in your own stadium. Jamie Conlan wants to

:11:29. > :11:30.become a world champion. He is within touching distance

:11:31. > :11:54.of making that a reality. We are going to see a few changes in

:11:55. > :11:59.the weather over the next few days but the begin with tonight it is

:12:00. > :12:03.still fairly quiet. A few clear spells to begin with. Temperatures

:12:04. > :12:07.will drop back to four or 5 degrees and rural areas but they will be

:12:08. > :12:14.rising overnight as cloud increases and the breeze comes in from the

:12:15. > :12:17.south west. Try for a good part of the night but some showers later.

:12:18. > :12:22.This is associated with a weather front that continues to edges with

:12:23. > :12:27.used words tomorrow. The isobars get a closer together, indicating a

:12:28. > :12:30.freshening breeze. We also have spells of rain and they will be

:12:31. > :12:38.spreading eastwards tomorrow morning. Some will be persistent.

:12:39. > :12:40.The rain will go into much of Scotland, north-west England, North

:12:41. > :12:47.West Wales and across the Republic of Ireland. Most bursts will be

:12:48. > :12:50.heavier in the North of Scotland. In the south-east, Atherley chilly

:12:51. > :12:54.start it is looking fine and dry with some sunshine although cooler

:12:55. > :12:59.than as of late. When the rain moves away in the afternoon it should be a

:13:00. > :13:03.brighter end to the afternoon but even then feeling cool in the

:13:04. > :13:08.breeze. Highs of nine or 10 degrees and showers coming behind that

:13:09. > :13:12.banned as well. On Friday and into the weekend there will be some

:13:13. > :13:18.sunshine but there will be showers as well. Some could be prolonged and

:13:19. > :13:20.mixed with hail stones. We have a chilly northerly wind picking up as

:13:21. > :13:23.well. Our next BBC Newsline is at 6:25am

:13:24. > :13:26.during Breakfast here on BBC One. You can also keep updated

:13:27. > :13:29.with News Online.