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:00:00. > :00:12.Good evening. It's been dry so far this January but as it draws to a

:00:13. > :00:16.close it looks like we will see some rain at last. It's been an

:00:17. > :00:20.interesting today a bitterly cold in Norfolk, way we kept the grey cloud

:00:21. > :00:26.all day and the grey cloud gave a dusting of snow in places. This is a

:00:27. > :00:29.lovely picture sent in from Sutton Coldfield. Rob Wales and much of

:00:30. > :00:33.Scotland it's been a beautiful day, lots of sunshine and temperatures,

:00:34. > :00:38.13 degrees compared with -2 under the cloud in East Anglia. Those

:00:39. > :00:41.temperatures are already down to -3 or minus four. It's bitter out

:00:42. > :00:46.there, when you add on the wind-chill, quite a severe frost in

:00:47. > :00:49.places. Eluding the frost in the south and west because we have more

:00:50. > :00:52.cloud and wind here. But for many others, another frosty night,

:00:53. > :00:55.another hard frost particularly in the countryside and with the

:00:56. > :01:00.potential especially in eastern areas for some rain to fall onto the

:01:01. > :01:03.frozen services, it could be quite treacherous first thing Friday

:01:04. > :01:07.morning in some areas. If that weren't enough, there will be Sam

:01:08. > :01:12.Hill fog around, freezing fog, which will enhance the ice risk as well.

:01:13. > :01:17.Not a great start of the morning. There could be rain on the frozen

:01:18. > :01:22.surfaces, even some snow initially. Further north, patchy hill fog and

:01:23. > :01:25.blue skies to enjoy across Scotland but the subtle differences through

:01:26. > :01:30.Friday, we are losing the bitterly cold south-easterly, picking up more

:01:31. > :01:33.from the Bay of Biscay, a southerly wind, so things will start to change

:01:34. > :01:36.through the course of Friday. The cloud will come and go. We'll see

:01:37. > :01:41.some showers coming in from the south and west as the day goes on, a

:01:42. > :01:45.two pronged attack. Here's where we are likely to see the thicker cloud,

:01:46. > :01:49.some winteriness over the hills, and some rain, and it stays cold in the

:01:50. > :01:54.east. Temperatures are recovering, not as cold as today. The showery

:01:55. > :02:00.band starts to clear away on Saturday morning, quite an icy start

:02:01. > :02:03.in Western Isles -- western areas, Northern Ireland for example.

:02:04. > :02:07.Temperatures are better, still cold enough for winteriness on the hills.

:02:08. > :02:11.The big question this weekend as the weather system here. Yesterday, it

:02:12. > :02:15.was much further south. The computer models are taking it further north

:02:16. > :02:19.now. Clearly there is some uncertainty, the jury is out, but

:02:20. > :02:22.we'll firm up the details all the time. It looks set to come across

:02:23. > :02:25.parts of England, Wales and parts of Northern Ireland, so the drier

:02:26. > :02:26.weather is further north. We will