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:00:14. > :00:18.Police investigating the murder of four people in south-eastern France

:00:18. > :00:23.say they have found a four-year-old girl alive hiding beneath the

:00:23. > :00:27.bodies of her family. Bill Clinton tells the Democratic

:00:27. > :00:31.National Convention that Barack Obama is a vote for economic

:00:31. > :00:35.recovery. Julius Malema has renewed his call

:00:35. > :00:40.for the South African miners to withdraw their labour until wage

:00:40. > :00:46.demands have been met. Workers must refuse to sell their labour to

:00:46. > :00:52.capital. Enough is enough and less capital is prepared to pay enough

:00:52. > :00:58.living wages. Welcome to BBC World News. Also in this programme: Time

:00:58. > :01:02.to deliver, pressure mounts on the European Central Bank to present a

:01:02. > :01:06.solution to the euro-zone crisis. And the European Commission has

:01:06. > :01:16.launched an anti-dumping probe into Chinese solar panel imports, upping

:01:16. > :01:25.

:01:25. > :01:29.the ante in a major trade dispute. A four-year-old girl has been found

:01:29. > :01:33.alive, hiding under the bodies of three adults thought to be British

:01:33. > :01:38.tourists shot dead in a car in south eastern France. The bodies

:01:38. > :01:42.are believed to be those of the girl's parents and grandmother. The

:01:42. > :01:49.incident occurred near the popular tourist destinations of Lake Annecy.

:01:50. > :01:53.A cyclist was also found dead, and a young girl was found in a

:01:53. > :01:58.critical condition. Late last night an astonishing

:01:58. > :02:03.discovery, a four-year-old girl found alive under dead bodies

:02:03. > :02:08.inside the BMW car, many hours after the murder scene was sealed

:02:08. > :02:13.off. The girl is thought to be uninjured, but was taken to

:02:13. > :02:18.hospital as a precaution. Three of the four murder victims are

:02:18. > :02:23.reported to be British, a man and two women who are possibly related.

:02:24. > :02:28.The other dead man, a cyclist, were found nearby along with a badly

:02:28. > :02:31.injured seven year old girl. Detectives say this is a very

:02:31. > :02:36.unusual investigation, and even more so because of the discovery of

:02:36. > :02:39.the girl. TRANSLATION: Wants the criminal investigation technicians

:02:39. > :02:44.arrived we were able to open the vehicle and it is at that stage

:02:44. > :02:49.that we discovered the small child, aged approximately four years, who

:02:49. > :02:55.nobody had seen because she had not been moving. She was without a

:02:55. > :02:59.doubt terrorise, immobile, in the midst of the bodies. It is thought

:02:59. > :03:03.the cyclist may have been killed because he witnessed the attack on

:03:03. > :03:08.the people inside the car, but the motive for their murder is a

:03:08. > :03:13.mystery. This is a remote woodland area popular with holidaymakers

:03:13. > :03:16.weather are few crimes. British Consular staff are at the scene

:03:16. > :03:20.working with the French authorities and the Foreign Office is expected

:03:20. > :03:25.to make a statement later this morning.

:03:25. > :03:31.Some breaking news, at least 39 people have been killed after a

:03:31. > :03:37.boat carrying migrants sank off Turkey's West Coast according to

:03:37. > :03:43.local officials. Some survivors are reported to have been able to have

:03:43. > :03:48.swum ashore. Fortified escaped, but those who died are said to have

:03:48. > :03:52.been trapped below deck. In a rousing speech popular former

:03:52. > :03:57.President Bill Clinton has formally nominated President Obama as his

:03:57. > :04:01.party's candidate for the White House in November. He delivered a

:04:01. > :04:07.classic partisan attack against Republicans whom he said wanted a

:04:07. > :04:10.winner-take-all Society and it will the Democratic National Convention

:04:10. > :04:14.of Barack Obama had stopped the US economy from sliding into

:04:14. > :04:19.depression at the beginning of his first term in office and would

:04:19. > :04:27.create millions more jobs in the future. Our correspondent reports

:04:27. > :04:32.from the convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.

:04:32. > :04:37.The man Democrats called a big dog. Bill Clinton is more popular than

:04:37. > :04:47.ever, here now to put forward the name Barack Obama for a free

:04:47. > :04:48.

:04:48. > :04:58.election. I want to nominate a man who is cool on the outside... But

:04:58. > :05:04.he burns for America on the inside. Now, are up we where we want to be

:05:04. > :05:09.today? No. Is the President's satisfied? Of course not. But are

:05:10. > :05:14.we better off than we were when he took office? Theirs is a wary

:05:14. > :05:18.Alliance, but he praised the younger man for hiring his wife,

:05:18. > :05:23.even after the bruising Democratic primaries four years ago and he

:05:23. > :05:29.claimed this election has a stark choice. We will be deciding what

:05:29. > :05:34.kind of country we want to live in. If you want a winner take all, you

:05:34. > :05:38.are on your own society, you should support the Republican ticket. But

:05:38. > :05:43.if you want a country of shared opportunities and shared

:05:43. > :05:49.responsibility, we are all in this together society, you should vote

:05:49. > :05:54.for Barack Obama. When it ended the nominee appeared, embracing the man

:05:54. > :05:58.whose stardust he hopes to catch. Bill Clinton is the only living

:05:58. > :06:03.president who can speak with authority about job creation,

:06:03. > :06:07.economic growth and balanced budgets. For Barack Obama the

:06:07. > :06:12.outlook is as unpredictable as the Carolina summer. It has forced

:06:12. > :06:16.organisers to move his speech tonight from the 70,000 seater

:06:16. > :06:20.football stadium into a smaller conference hall. In some ways

:06:20. > :06:24.moving inside to a more modest venue might benefit a President who

:06:24. > :06:30.is sometimes accused of being too showbiz, too much of the rock star

:06:30. > :06:36.President. What voters are looking for right now is substance, a plan

:06:36. > :06:40.to bring America back. In South Africa only a handful of

:06:41. > :06:44.striking miners had returned to work at the Marikana platinum mine

:06:44. > :06:50.despite a peace accord signed between the mining company Lonmin

:06:50. > :06:55.and some of the unions. The more militant Association of Mineworkers

:06:55. > :06:59.and Construction Union is refusing to sign up to the deal at the mine

:06:59. > :07:05.where 34 strikers were shot dead by police last month. Our

:07:05. > :07:10.correspondent in Marikana told me more. Lonmin signed this deal with

:07:10. > :07:16.the Labor Department and the other unions and the main union, the

:07:16. > :07:21.National Union of Mineworkers, but the more militant union that has

:07:21. > :07:24.been described as Road, the Association of Mineworkers and

:07:25. > :07:29.Construction Union, has not signed the deal after it complained about

:07:29. > :07:34.being sidelined. But it said it is prepared to sign the deal, it is

:07:34. > :07:40.not being hostile, but it wants to report back to its members and let

:07:40. > :07:44.them know what the details of the peace accord entail. Later today

:07:44. > :07:48.Julius Malema is expected to visit the miners in Marikana and has

:07:48. > :07:53.already called on the workers to make the mind ungovernable. But he

:07:53. > :08:01.said that did not mean he is calling for violence. People are

:08:01. > :08:06.being sensational. It is simple. What do you mean by ungovernable? I

:08:06. > :08:12.mean they must put down their tools. I am not calling for violence or

:08:12. > :08:19.killing of any body. Workers must refuse to sell their labour to

:08:19. > :08:25.capital. Enough is enough, and less capital is prepared to pay a living

:08:25. > :08:30.wage. In terms of urging workers to be more vigilant and militant, the

:08:30. > :08:37.fact is they will be destroying the assets of the very country for

:08:37. > :08:44.which you have a vision to transform and rebuild. Let's ask

:08:44. > :08:49.the question of when was this mine opened? What is this mine it doing

:08:49. > :08:53.here in this community? When you are talking about building the

:08:53. > :08:58.country, you are correct, but they are not doing that. Even when we

:08:58. > :09:05.co-operate, we are 20 years into democracy, they are operating a

:09:06. > :09:14.minor, they are making millions, the owners of Lonmin mines, the

:09:14. > :09:18.chairman is in London. They are sitting there comfortably. Those

:09:18. > :09:24.people are a stone's throw away from the mind and there is no water,

:09:24. > :09:29.no electricity, no proper houses. There are no schools. What is the

:09:29. > :09:33.solution? The solution is mine workers must be paid sufficiently

:09:33. > :09:36.so they can do those things themselves. By somebody who has

:09:36. > :09:43.been accused of fraud and corruption you seem to be very

:09:43. > :09:52.relaxed. I have got nothing to be worried about. I am not corrupt, I

:09:52. > :09:56.have never involved myself in any corruption. People who thought I

:09:56. > :10:01.would be begging them up for my survive will never saw me coming to

:10:01. > :10:08.knock on their doors and they ask themselves how does he survive?

:10:08. > :10:14.They thought I was engaged in illegalities, I got money from

:10:14. > :10:19.Zimbabwe, others say I am an imperialist agent and all that, but

:10:19. > :10:23.I'm a legal citizen, I am a law- abiding. I have got bank accounts,

:10:23. > :10:29.my bank accounts are opened for scrutiny by the state agencies. I

:10:29. > :10:32.have got nothing to hide. We will soon find out how the European

:10:32. > :10:37.Central Bank is going to help struggling euro-zone governments

:10:37. > :10:41.keep their borrowing costs down. The expectation is that the bank

:10:41. > :10:49.will return to buying the sovereign bonds of countries like Spain and

:10:49. > :10:57.Italy, but there is resistance in Germany.

:10:57. > :11:03.Everybody is willing chancellor Angela Merkel these days. And she

:11:03. > :11:07.echoes out at this Bavarian beer festival. Opinion polls show her

:11:08. > :11:13.popularity soaring because of her tough stance against more German

:11:13. > :11:16.money, and the euro-zone Government is in trouble. The European Central

:11:16. > :11:23.Bank has signalled it may do more to buy the debt of countries like

:11:23. > :11:27.Spain, Italy and Greece. That is if it gets too expensive for their

:11:27. > :11:32.governments to borrow it. Members of the German parliament fear this

:11:32. > :11:37.would be like printing money. are very much against buying bonds

:11:37. > :11:43.by the ECB. We think it should not do that because buying bonds is

:11:43. > :11:48.nothing else but a sign we are going for inflation. In Germany the

:11:48. > :11:52.central bank, the Bundesbank, echoes those concerns, but it is

:11:52. > :11:59.out voted on the board of the European Central Bank and the ECB

:11:59. > :12:04.does not need the permission of German at law makers. We need our

:12:04. > :12:12.mandate. The ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the

:12:12. > :12:16.euro. And, believe me, it will be enough. Here in the offices of the

:12:16. > :12:20.Bundestag there is great unease about the policy of the European

:12:20. > :12:23.Central Bank, but happily for chancellor Angela Merkel there will

:12:23. > :12:29.not be a vote on the mattered. These people do not have the power

:12:29. > :12:34.to block it. Because of German opposition, the ECB president may

:12:34. > :12:39.have to limit the bank's intervention. I think he will

:12:39. > :12:46.refrain from announcing a clear programme because this is something

:12:46. > :12:52.that is politically much more difficult and it could bear a risk

:12:52. > :12:55.that financial markets attack the EC be even more than they do now.

:12:55. > :13:01.Chancellor Angela Merkel will find it hard to swallow the ECB are

:13:01. > :13:08.letting the money printing presses roll with full speed. Spain is the

:13:08. > :13:18.immediate problem. It may need to ask for more help. Whatever the ECB

:13:18. > :13:19.

:13:19. > :13:25.does, the crisis has not gone away. Ara is here with the business. When

:13:25. > :13:30.do we hear from the ECB? In an hour we hear what the ECB is doing with

:13:30. > :13:34.interest rates. Normally there is no expectation of a cut given that

:13:34. > :13:39.they are at a record low, but there are some financial experts who

:13:39. > :13:44.believe a rate cut could be possible. 45 minutes after that we

:13:44. > :13:48.get the press conference from Mario Draghi. That is the one we all

:13:48. > :13:54.watch and wait for it where, if he is going to announce any particular

:13:54. > :13:58.programme, buying bonds, that is when he will announce that. On that

:13:58. > :14:03.subject, let's get more on all of this because Richard Maguire is

:14:03. > :14:08.from rather bank and one of those waiting and watching very closely.

:14:08. > :14:13.Good to have you with us. The markets are up, or oil prices are

:14:13. > :14:17.up, the cost of borrowing for Spain and Italy is down, I guess we

:14:17. > :14:22.cannot over exaggerate their huge expectation that Mario Draghi is

:14:22. > :14:28.going to announce some type of rescue plan. Absolutely and

:14:28. > :14:31.expectations are rising very high. The market is looking for rather a

:14:32. > :14:37.detailed plans. We saw many elements of the plant leaked

:14:37. > :14:42.yesterday, so the market has got a series of boxes to tick which it

:14:42. > :14:46.will be looking at. They want to see whether Mario Draghi will

:14:46. > :14:55.deliver on those particular expectations. Hopes are riding very

:14:55. > :14:59.high and that leaves some scope for disappointment. Certainly he has

:14:59. > :15:04.promised a lot and he's started that a month ago by saying I will

:15:04. > :15:09.do whatever it takes to save the euro-zone, but there are still some

:15:09. > :15:14.hurdles in the way of the ECB. I am talking about Germany. Only a few

:15:14. > :15:24.days ago the German finance ministers said, hang on, do not

:15:24. > :15:24.

:15:24. > :15:28.expect too much from the European Germany has been opposed to the

:15:28. > :15:33.bond-buying plan, but do bear in mind, Germany was opposed to

:15:33. > :15:36.earlier programmes where the ECB was buying the debt of Spain and

:15:36. > :15:39.other poor European countries and they were unable to block the

:15:40. > :15:45.programmes previously. So it is unlikely they can stand in the way

:15:45. > :15:50.this time around it looks like the bund bank is on its own, it is out

:15:50. > :15:55.on a limb. There is broad support for the bond purchasing plan, so

:15:55. > :16:00.the plan will likely go ahead. Richard, to remind the viewers

:16:00. > :16:06.around the world watching this, hearing us build the anticipation

:16:06. > :16:09.up, that even if Mario Draghi does announce some debt-buying, bond-

:16:09. > :16:19.buying programme today, whether it is limited or unlimited, this is

:16:19. > :16:23.not the fix-all. This is a band-aid, a plaster, right? Can you hear me?

:16:23. > :16:28.Yes. OK, let me ask you again to remind

:16:28. > :16:34.the viewers around the world if Mario Draghi nouns what everyone is

:16:34. > :16:40.hoping that the ECB buys up the European debt, that this is not a

:16:40. > :16:47.fix-all, this is just a plaster? No, two times, he still did not hear.

:16:47. > :16:51.We have to leave it there. Thank you very much Richard. That was Mr

:16:51. > :16:56.McGuire from Rabobank. We lost the communications. I can answer my

:16:56. > :16:59.question. It is not a fix-all, it just gives the eurozone crisis

:16:59. > :17:04.breathing space so that the troubled economies can get their

:17:04. > :17:08.financial house in order. That is what the aim of that is all about.

:17:08. > :17:16.The European Union has launched an investigation in the Chinese solar

:17:16. > :17:22.panel imports. It is a market worth $26.5 billion last year alone. If

:17:22. > :17:29.found guilty, the Chinese manufactures could face anti-

:17:30. > :17:34.dumping duties. Now the protests comes as it was found that they

:17:34. > :17:38.were selling below their value. The Chinese say that they deeply regret

:17:38. > :17:43.the EU decision. John Sudworth from the BBC, told us

:17:43. > :17:48.more about the Chinese reaction. There has been talk of retaliation,

:17:48. > :17:51.oaron, but at this stage, I think - - Aaron, but I think that the

:17:51. > :17:55.response has been muted. This investigation has been a few months

:17:55. > :17:59.in the pipeline. It is not a surprise that we are at this point.

:17:59. > :18:02.The Chinese statement goes on to say that restricting Chinese

:18:02. > :18:07.exports hurts the interests of Chinese and the European industries.

:18:07. > :18:11.There is no doubt about it. However cheap the products are, the Chinese

:18:11. > :18:15.solar panel manufactures are suffering at the moment. This is

:18:15. > :18:20.partly because of the speed with which the industry has ramped up

:18:20. > :18:25.over the last few years. As well as the falling demand in Europe

:18:25. > :18:30.because of the financial crisis, of course. The companies in China are

:18:30. > :18:34.haemorrhaging red ink like in Europe. It is unlikely, I think,

:18:34. > :18:38.that the Chinese government will want to see anything to damage the

:18:38. > :18:42.prospects of the producers further. That is why there is this talk of

:18:42. > :18:46.retaliation, although no confirmation of what the Chinese'

:18:46. > :18:50.next steps will be. It has been in the pipeline for

:18:50. > :18:54.some time, but the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, was in

:18:54. > :18:59.Beijing, the second visit in six months. She seemed to soften the

:18:59. > :19:04.choice of words. Correct me if I am wrong, I thought she was going

:19:04. > :19:08.along the lines of wanting the issue resolved by talks not an

:19:08. > :19:14.investigation? That is right, by compromise and dialogue. That does

:19:14. > :19:21.appear to be a slight change of the position. It is a German solar

:19:21. > :19:26.panel company leading the complaint, leading this to the European

:19:26. > :19:32.Commission. Some say that this inherits the weakness in the

:19:32. > :19:35.European position, that China can do deals with different capitals by

:19:35. > :19:40.offering trade incentives to draw the leaders off. That Europe find

:19:40. > :19:44.it then difficult it talk with a united voice. There are those in

:19:44. > :19:48.Europe who support China's decision, who say that cheap Chinese solar

:19:48. > :19:53.panels are a good thing from the consumers' point of view and

:19:53. > :19:59.looking at the bigger picture, that every country is meant to be

:19:59. > :20:03.getting down carbon emissions, perhaps some would argue that more

:20:03. > :20:09.cheep Chinese solar panels would be welcome.

:20:09. > :20:13.That is it for the business news. This is BBC World News. Still to

:20:13. > :20:23.come: Vladimir Putin reaches new heights, but why has he taken to

:20:23. > :20:27.the skys in a motorised hang glider? Bullfighting has been shown

:20:27. > :20:31.live on Spanish public television for the first time in six years.

:20:31. > :20:34.Such broadcasts were stopped under Spain's previous socialist

:20:34. > :20:39.government, saying that the sport was too violent for children to

:20:40. > :20:44.watch, but the ban has been lifted by the Spanish Prime Minister,

:20:44. > :20:50.Mariano Rajoy. We have this report.

:20:50. > :20:58.The supporters say it celebrates Spain's cultural heritage.

:20:58. > :21:04.But critics insists it is -- insist it is outdated and cruel. Six years

:21:04. > :21:10.ago bullfighting wag banned from RT vefplt, a decision made by the

:21:10. > :21:14.previous socialist government, but in a mood, welcomed by enthusiasts,

:21:14. > :21:20.bullfighting is back on state TV on a prime time slot.

:21:20. > :21:24.TRANSLATION: I like it very much. Lately the Spanish customs are

:21:24. > :21:28.forgotten. It is important for young people to once again see the

:21:28. > :21:33.bulls. This is what we want. TRANSLATION: It seems good to me.

:21:33. > :21:40.Very good indeed. It was about time that the T vefplt decided to

:21:40. > :21:43.broadcast the main national fiesta. The decision was made by the prov

:21:43. > :21:48.bullfighting Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy. He is hoping to make

:21:48. > :21:53.the sport a staip of Spanish TV once again, but the move has

:21:53. > :21:57.angered animal rights campaigners. TRANSLATION: We see this as a

:21:57. > :22:02.backward step. Not just from a social and ethical buev, but for

:22:02. > :22:07.what it means for us to torture an animal, then to broadcast it too.

:22:07. > :22:11.For now, this is a victory for those who follow the sport inside

:22:11. > :22:16.the arena and on the television, but it seems unlikely that the

:22:16. > :22:20.opponents will let this go unchallenged.

:22:20. > :22:25.Thousands of mourners have been arriving at a South Korean resort

:22:25. > :22:28.to pay respects to the Reverend Sun Myung Moon who died earlier in the

:22:28. > :22:32.week. Reverend Sun Myung Moon founded the Unification Church

:22:32. > :22:37.which claims millions of followers worldwide, they are known as

:22:37. > :22:41.Moonies. He was criticised for making personal gains from his

:22:41. > :22:45.business empire and for brainwashing young converts, but up

:22:45. > :22:48.to 150,000 people are expected during the nine days of mourning

:22:48. > :22:58.before the funeral next week. A special alter has been built for

:22:58. > :23:03.

:23:03. > :23:09.the wake and the formal ceremony You are watching BBC World News.

:23:09. > :23:15.The main story: A four -year-old British girl has been found alive

:23:15. > :23:17.underneath the bodies of her family. Hourss after a gunman fired on the

:23:17. > :23:27.bodies in the car in south-east France.

:23:27. > :23:28.

:23:28. > :23:33.Now, the Paralympics and the men's T44 is to feature a re-match

:23:33. > :23:36.between Oscar Pistorius and the man who beat him in the 200m final,

:23:36. > :23:42.Alan Oliviera. Oscar Pistorius is considered the

:23:42. > :23:47.genuine superstar of the Games, but when we he tasted defeat in the

:23:47. > :23:56.Stadium the other night, it was a real shock, not least it seems to

:23:56. > :24:00.Pistiorius himself. The man that they call the Blade Runner cried

:24:00. > :24:06.foul about the length of Alan Oliviera's running blades. The

:24:06. > :24:10.complaint was that he increased the length of his prosthetic lick legs,

:24:10. > :24:14.making him taller, giving him a longer stride.

:24:14. > :24:18.The length of the leg is a key factor to determine to get your

:24:18. > :24:23.stride length and how long it will be. Therefore if you increase your

:24:23. > :24:29.height if you are using prosthetic, you increase the stride length.

:24:29. > :24:33.But an analysis has resealed that Alan Oliviera's stride was shorter

:24:33. > :24:36.than that of Pistiorius'. Some say that increasing the length is not

:24:36. > :24:42.necessarily to the athlete's advantage.

:24:42. > :24:46.If you look at this length of the limbs here, and then you move the

:24:46. > :24:50.central gravity from this position to that position, then the person

:24:50. > :24:55.has to compensate for the extra forces created by the imbalance and

:24:55. > :24:59.the unnatural position of the centre of gravity. Hence, it

:24:59. > :25:03.requires a lot more compensation and then a lot more effort.

:25:03. > :25:07.As the 100m approaches, there is a real sense of anticipation in the

:25:07. > :25:11.Olympic Park. So what do people here make of the controversy?

:25:11. > :25:15.was awkward. He sounded like a little child having a tantrum about

:25:15. > :25:20.it, but he does have a point, but I think he went the wrong way about

:25:20. > :25:26.it. It can't be that much of a difference. I think he must have

:25:26. > :25:32.wanted it that little bit more, Alan Oliviera. I think that the

:25:32. > :25:37.International Baccalaureate needs to look at the -- the Olympics

:25:37. > :25:42.Committee has to look at the sizing of the -- of the blades. Vladimir

:25:42. > :25:48.Putin, now he is taking to the skies. Vladimir Putin with his new

:25:48. > :25:55.best friends, the seerbian crane. Preparing to go where no President

:25:55. > :26:03.has gone before. For his latest action man stunt he

:26:03. > :26:07.had stopped off at the remote Yamal peninsula on his way to the north.

:26:07. > :26:14.The leader of the nation of 140 million people, he was trying to

:26:14. > :26:20.persuade five rather reluctant cranes to fly south for the winter.

:26:20. > :26:26.The Siberian crane is close to extinction, this group 47 born in

:26:26. > :26:31.captivity, but the President did not fly the microlight aircraft

:26:31. > :26:37.himself, an expert pilot sat behind him at all times during the flight.

:26:37. > :26:41.The Russian public have seen Vladimir Putin boxing, swimming in

:26:41. > :26:47.a Siberian river, and riding bear- chested on a horse. Despite the

:26:47. > :26:49.waning opinion polls and the fact he is 60 next month, he clearly