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:00:00. > :00:00.Welcome to BBC Channel Islands on Thursday 12th January.

:00:00. > :00:09.Millions of pounds wasted - damning criticism of the now

:00:10. > :00:11.suspended Jersey Innovation Fund, which used public money

:00:12. > :00:28.There has been a complete incompetence in administration here.

:00:29. > :00:32.It has simply not been followed. There are no key set performance

:00:33. > :00:33.indicators to it even measure the company.

:00:34. > :00:36.Booming bus use - how incentives have helped turn around public

:00:37. > :00:46.Flying high - the soaring numbers of birds no longer under threat.

:00:47. > :00:52.And not only is it blowing a gale across the islands right now, but

:00:53. > :00:58.colder air is following this area of rain and some of the showers

:00:59. > :00:59.overnight are likely to turn increasingly wintry. More details

:01:00. > :01:04.from me later in the programme. Good evening.

:01:05. > :01:05.I'm Alison Moss. A damning report's been published

:01:06. > :01:08.into a States of Jersey fund that's potentially lost millions of pounds

:01:09. > :01:13.of taxpayers' money. According to the report,

:01:14. > :01:16.the Jersey Innovation Fund, which has now been suspended,

:01:17. > :01:18.may have been linked The Chief Minister says he's shocked

:01:19. > :01:23.and angry at the way We'll be hearing from him live

:01:24. > :01:28.in a moment, but first This is one of the companies

:01:29. > :01:34.that got a loan from But the start-up software firm

:01:35. > :01:38.'logfiller' never paid back It's emerged six of the seven

:01:39. > :01:46.companies given loans totalling ?2 million of taxpayers'

:01:47. > :01:48.money are in arrears. Now the idea of the

:01:49. > :01:51.Jersey Innovation Fund, when it was set up under

:01:52. > :01:53.the Economic Development Department four years ago, was to support

:01:54. > :01:58.new business ideas. But a report has highlighted serious

:01:59. > :02:01.failings in how it was run. One of those running

:02:02. > :02:05.it was chief executive You may remember him

:02:06. > :02:09.from the scandal around business Well, last week, he resigned,

:02:10. > :02:15.with six months' pay - that's ?70,000 - and hasn't

:02:16. > :02:17.responded to our calls Elsewhere in the document,

:02:18. > :02:22.the author also hints at criminal links to the fund,

:02:23. > :02:35.saying: The fund will be investigated

:02:36. > :02:37.by the Public Accounts Committee, In my time as chairman of public

:02:38. > :02:42.accounts and in my time as a politician, this is the worst

:02:43. > :02:44.I've seen. There's been a complete absence

:02:45. > :02:46.of competent administration here, the terms of reference agreed

:02:47. > :02:49.by the States have There are no set key performance

:02:50. > :02:53.indicators to even measure the companies that were lent these

:02:54. > :02:59.sums, so that really really is very disappointing

:03:00. > :03:03.and quite distressing. Joining me in the studio now

:03:04. > :03:17.is the Chief Minister, Chairman of the Public Accounts

:03:18. > :03:22.Committee was calling it disappointing. This report isn't

:03:23. > :03:25.easy reading. The criticism says is not fit for purpose, more should

:03:26. > :03:30.have been done to protect public money. This was ?5 million worth of

:03:31. > :03:37.taxpayers money, the innovation fund. Has it been a disaster? The

:03:38. > :03:42.report is damning. It shows a shocking failure in management, in

:03:43. > :03:47.governance, in administration. So perhaps that is a word that could be

:03:48. > :03:53.used. Only 2 million of the 5 million has been spent, there has

:03:54. > :03:58.been no new loans during 2015. I was angered and shot and find it

:03:59. > :04:03.completely unacceptable when I read the report. Who do you blame? The

:04:04. > :04:08.report is clear. It deals with feelings of administration, but I am

:04:09. > :04:13.not sufficiently happy with that. As the chief executive should also look

:04:14. > :04:21.to see whether their discipline measures taken. He also reviewing

:04:22. > :04:26.the other grant funded organisations to make sure these feelings are not

:04:27. > :04:28.replicated there. On top of that, this is the report of that

:04:29. > :04:34.administration, but I want to make sure the politicians involved have

:04:35. > :04:40.not added to or been involved in the conclusions that the report says and

:04:41. > :04:44.I'm instigating an investigation that will be without fear or favour

:04:45. > :04:50.and if it says action should be taken, action will be taken. Can the

:04:51. > :04:54.public trust this Government with their money? Is said this evening,

:04:55. > :04:59.there are questions that need to be asked and until we have the answers

:05:00. > :05:03.to those questions, I can't be satisfied that the Government and

:05:04. > :05:07.management is in place when it comes to money being given to third

:05:08. > :05:14.parties and it is only this extra piece of work that will tell us

:05:15. > :05:19.whether these feelings are more widespread and will rebuild trust.

:05:20. > :05:24.The idea of an innovation fund is very good for local entrepreneurs.

:05:25. > :05:29.Do you imagine in the future a different type of innovation fund

:05:30. > :05:33.could exist? The report was clear. The innovation fund is a good idea,

:05:34. > :05:39.it's just the management of it that failed. There are ?3 million roughly

:05:40. > :05:43.left in the innovation fund, we will need to think about how we could

:05:44. > :05:46.apply that, perhaps in smaller amounts to different modes of

:05:47. > :05:50.companies, that will be a decision for the States to make in due

:05:51. > :05:55.course. Innovation is important. It's important our economy innovates

:05:56. > :06:00.and diversifies and this fund was supposed to be helping that happen.

:06:01. > :06:01.Chief Minister, thank you for joining us tonight. Thank you.

:06:02. > :06:04.An internal investigation has been launched by Guernsey's bus operator

:06:05. > :06:06.after footage shared on social media appears to show one

:06:07. > :06:08.of its fleet driving in a potentially dangerous way.

:06:09. > :06:11.The bus is seen drifting into the centre of the road

:06:12. > :06:13.and forcing oncoming vehicles to mount the pavement.

:06:14. > :06:15.It comes on the same day that government figures reveal

:06:16. > :06:18.the number of passengers using the service has

:06:19. > :06:26.Love them or loathe them - Guernsey's buses are proving

:06:27. > :06:29.increasingly popular with the travelling public.

:06:30. > :06:33.More than 1.65 million people made use of the bus service last year,

:06:34. > :06:41.the highest recorded figure since records began.

:06:42. > :06:43.Well, it's ?1 to anywhere in the island, which certainly

:06:44. > :06:46.helps, but how have they managed to get so many passengers

:06:47. > :06:50.Well, we're being told that it's because students now

:06:51. > :06:52.have free transport, there's been the introduction

:06:53. > :06:56.of a new bus app, and also a greater use of smart cards which has made it

:06:57. > :07:01.But not everything is running smoothly on the buses.

:07:02. > :07:03.This footage shared on social media has resulted in an internal

:07:04. > :07:08.investigation being launched by CT Plus.

:07:09. > :07:11.We have a contract with CT Plus, and the contract does not deal

:07:12. > :07:14.with terms and conditions or how the drivers happen to drive,

:07:15. > :07:17.but we clearly would show our disapproval or communicate with CT

:07:18. > :07:22.Plus, if we felt that an incident was inappropriate.

:07:23. > :07:25.But the buses are wide, we know that and I think sometimes

:07:26. > :07:28.for the newer drivers to the island who drive in cities,

:07:29. > :07:32.rather than in small, what were once cart tracks,

:07:33. > :07:35.then it takes them some time to acclimatise.

:07:36. > :07:37.CT Plus has declined to comment further while

:07:38. > :07:39.the investigation is ongoing, but elsewhere it's

:07:40. > :07:43.And, these buses, which have caused so much controversy are set

:07:44. > :07:47.to be replaced by these, shorter and narrower ones,

:07:48. > :07:53.with phase one of that plan due to happen by May.

:07:54. > :07:56.Sark Vineyards has announced the closure of its business in Sark.

:07:57. > :07:59.Sark Estate Management, owned by the Barclay Brothers,

:08:00. > :08:01.say they have "invested millions of pounds in the project,

:08:02. > :08:05.but they now fail to see any future in Sark or its economy."

:08:06. > :08:07.The company says in a statement the authorities in Sark "have

:08:08. > :08:13.obstructed the vineyards' progress throughout".

:08:14. > :08:16.Guernsey's newest politician has been elected unopposed as a member

:08:17. > :08:19.of the Committee for Education, Sport and Culture.

:08:20. > :08:22.Deputy Neil Inder was nominated and seconded

:08:23. > :08:25.by the President and Vice President of the Committee.

:08:26. > :08:28.He replaces Marc Leadbeater, who resigned from the committee last

:08:29. > :08:32.month, when Emilie Yerby wrote to members announcing her intention

:08:33. > :08:39.Unemployment in Jersey fell to its lowest for

:08:40. > :08:43.1,280 people were registered as looking for work -

:08:44. > :08:46.more than 100 fewer than the same time the previous year.

:08:47. > :08:49.The drop is being put down to the success of the States Back

:08:50. > :08:55.to Work scheme and support from local businesses.

:08:56. > :08:58.It's a sight many of us take for granted -

:08:59. > :09:02.watching wild birds like chaffinches and skylarks soar through our skies.

:09:03. > :09:04.But for the past few years, several of these species

:09:05. > :09:08.Now, thanks to a scheme run by researchers,

:09:09. > :09:12.there's been a huge increase in the number of wild farmland

:09:13. > :09:21.birds in the island, as Jessica Banham reports.

:09:22. > :09:28.Ready to take flight. These wild birds have spent the winter growing

:09:29. > :09:31.stronger on seeds. Around 50 fields across the island have been planted

:09:32. > :09:34.with crops to make sure it endangered species have another food

:09:35. > :09:45.to survive the coldest months of the year. The species are declining

:09:46. > :09:48.across Europe and the reason is for changes in farming practices,

:09:49. > :09:55.climate change and destruction of their habitats. What do we had in

:09:56. > :10:01.the field here? In this field, these plans have seeds that the birds will

:10:02. > :10:04.eat straightaway from, like mustard, millet and sunflowers, which you can

:10:05. > :10:08.see they have been perched on top and feeding from here from this

:10:09. > :10:14.position because all the little empty shells are still here. As well

:10:15. > :10:17.as using this field to feed the birds, researchers sometimes catch

:10:18. > :10:21.them. They picked one of these small rings on their legs which has a

:10:22. > :10:27.unique number, then they can track their movements. Last winter, there

:10:28. > :10:32.were almost 14,000 more birds than the year before, an increase of 54%.

:10:33. > :10:38.Since the winter of 2013, there's been an even bigger increase of more

:10:39. > :10:45.than 500%. It costs around ?100 to cover an area the size of a football

:10:46. > :10:48.pitch in seeds. That cost is met by private donations, often from

:10:49. > :10:52.farmers taking part in the scheme. Sign that it's giving something back

:10:53. > :10:58.to the environment and the island because we are not just all about

:10:59. > :11:02.growing potatoes and making money. Therefore, we want to be seen as

:11:03. > :11:06.doing what is right. Researchers haven't finished painting the birds

:11:07. > :11:09.spotted this winter but believe numbers are still growing.

:11:10. > :11:11.Ultimately, they hope to take species like these of the endangered

:11:12. > :11:13.list forever. The weather's getting pretty wild

:11:14. > :11:16.in the Channel Islands. Here's the scene in Jersey

:11:17. > :11:20.a little earlier today. Several roads

:11:21. > :11:23.in Jersey were closed or blocked, including access

:11:24. > :11:25.to Fort Regent Leisure Centre. Condor's cancelled its fast ferries

:11:26. > :11:27.to France and England for the next two days

:11:28. > :11:30.and Jersey Met Department has issued the highest level of storm warning,

:11:31. > :11:34.while honorary police are urging David Braine can tell us

:11:35. > :11:50.exactly what's in store. It's going to be a tricky night for

:11:51. > :11:55.people tonight. It is, yes. Not only have we got these really strong

:11:56. > :11:58.gusts of wind which I is damaging, we've also got some very cold air

:11:59. > :12:02.that is flooding dying from the Arctic. It is a bitter winter for us

:12:03. > :12:06.tomorrow. There will be more sunshine than we've seen today, that

:12:07. > :12:09.is good news. There is also likely to be wintry showers around and some

:12:10. > :12:14.of the showers will be with his overnight tonight. Why is it so

:12:15. > :12:18.windy and cold? The air is coming from the Arctic. There are several

:12:19. > :12:22.areas of low pressure coming down to the UK across the Channel and moving

:12:23. > :12:26.into northern France. This one in particular is giving us these really

:12:27. > :12:31.strong gusts of wind. It will eventually move away. Once we lose

:12:32. > :12:35.that area of low pressure, we've still got a gusty and strong

:12:36. > :12:40.north-westerly breeze. We will also find trapped within the flow several

:12:41. > :12:43.lines of showers which will come tonight, some tomorrow. Those

:12:44. > :12:49.showers are increasingly likely to turn to sleet or hail at times, snow

:12:50. > :12:52.possible across the islands, mainly in the showers. That is the setup.

:12:53. > :12:57.Very windy conditions overnight tonight and there is a warning

:12:58. > :13:00.issued by the Jersey Met Office because of the concern about the

:13:01. > :13:06.strength of the wind. It's going to be pretty cold as well. Temperatures

:13:07. > :13:10.to start the day tomorrow between zero and plus two. If you throw in

:13:11. > :13:13.the strength of wind with those kind of temperatures, with the wind

:13:14. > :13:19.chill, it will feel more like -2 minus three. A bitterly cold day,

:13:20. > :13:22.one line of wintry showers leases first thing in the morning then

:13:23. > :13:26.there is a chance of a shower it through the rest of the day and

:13:27. > :13:30.temperatures really struggling. It's going to feel colder than that

:13:31. > :13:34.because it's still very blustery. The winds will ease a little bit in

:13:35. > :13:44.the second half of the day. Here are our times of high water. Big tides

:13:45. > :13:48.as well because we are a full moon and for those heading out to sea,

:13:49. > :13:56.some very, very difficult conditions agency. Big waves. Stormy conditions

:13:57. > :14:04.for the servers. The winds north westerly, wintry showers, the good

:14:05. > :14:11.news is it's less windy and warmer by the weekend.

:14:12. > :14:14.We will try and keep you updated with all the latest travel details

:14:15. > :14:16.on social media. I'll be back with your

:14:17. > :14:42.headlines at eight. Plymouth City Council has suspended

:14:43. > :14:44.work on its road improvement scheme in Plymouth after more white

:14:45. > :14:51.phosphorous grenades were found on the site in Tavistock road. Ten

:14:52. > :14:56.World War II grenade grenades were found and detonated on Tuesday by a

:14:57. > :14:57.bomb disposal team. An extra 14 grenades were found and removed

:14:58. > :14:58.today. A court has ordered a psychiatric

:14:59. > :15:01.assessment on a Devon man charged with possessing an explosive

:15:02. > :15:03.substance for an unlawful purpose. Timothy Holman, who's 41

:15:04. > :15:06.and from Osborne Road in Ilfracombe, was arrested after a major police

:15:07. > :15:09.operation in the town last month. A 31-year-old woman has died

:15:10. > :15:11.after a crash involving a tractor and trailer near Redruth.

:15:12. > :15:13.A one-year-old baby in the car survived,

:15:14. > :15:15.suffering only minor injuries. It happened on the A30 near

:15:16. > :15:17.the Avers roundabout last night. The road was closed

:15:18. > :15:27.for around eight hours. Three men had been charged with

:15:28. > :15:34.murder after a man's body was found in St Austell. 31-year-old Stephen

:15:35. > :15:39.bowl was found with knife wounds in a part in Truro road yesterday

:15:40. > :15:41.morning. Three local men all aged in their 20s will appear at Bodmin

:15:42. > :15:46.Magistrates' Court tomorrow. A couple from North Devon say

:15:47. > :15:49.they've been struggling to keep warm after a new eco-heating system broke

:15:50. > :15:53.down 39 times in the last 21 months. Robert Smith's oil-fired system

:15:54. > :15:55.was removed by social landlords Westward housing group and replaced

:15:56. > :15:57.by one that uses wood pellets. Filling up the wood pellet

:15:58. > :16:00.boiler is something He has also got used to it breaking

:16:01. > :16:06.down time and time and time again. Right from the start,

:16:07. > :16:09.it's just been a disaster and we are now on the 39th breakdown

:16:10. > :16:18.in 21 months. As a tenant, I am

:16:19. > :16:20.relying on the landlord to give me reliable,

:16:21. > :16:23.adequate heating, which is their job.

:16:24. > :16:25.Which they have not done. Robert and his partner,

:16:26. > :16:28.Brian Ridgway, rent their house through social landlord,

:16:29. > :16:30.Westward Housing Group. Brian is disabled and

:16:31. > :16:33.has had five strokes. I have to keep warm in whatever room

:16:34. > :16:40.I am in and it is no good me getting cold because I know I am

:16:41. > :16:43.going to end up straight This room already had

:16:44. > :16:46.an electric fire. The couple were also given extra

:16:47. > :16:49.electric radiators and money I'm very disappointed the way this

:16:50. > :16:54.has had to drag on for so long. I contacted Westward initially well

:16:55. > :16:56.before Christmas about this These are two elderly

:16:57. > :17:02.gentlemen, one is disabled It is highly unsatisfactory the way

:17:03. > :17:07.they have been treated. Westward Housing Group has

:17:08. > :17:10.apologised and has promised to reinstall oil fired heating

:17:11. > :17:13.as soon as possible. It says of 75 similar

:17:14. > :17:16.systems that were put in, in other properties,

:17:17. > :17:19.only three have had Manufacturers Warmflow say -

:17:20. > :17:25.we have established that there have been issues with the whole heating

:17:26. > :17:27.system in this house, When our wood pellet boiler

:17:28. > :17:32.is correctly installed, commissioned, properly maintained

:17:33. > :17:34.and operated by the householder, using the correct fuel,

:17:35. > :17:37.these issues do not occur. Installers Anesco

:17:38. > :17:40.declined to comment. But Robert Smith says he has been

:17:41. > :17:43.using the boiler as instructed, so is he confident things

:17:44. > :17:46.will finally be sorted out? Until I see engineers here,

:17:47. > :17:49.putting the new system in, I still have got no confidence

:17:50. > :17:54.it is going to happen. A new lifeboat's been

:17:55. > :17:57.launched in Devon today - we'll meet the woman

:17:58. > :18:01.who paid for it. And after the rain,

:18:02. > :18:04.sleet and some snow, the main problem for us tonight

:18:05. > :18:07.is the risk of ice, especially first thing

:18:08. > :18:09.tomorrow morning. More details from me

:18:10. > :18:16.later in the programme. A book created and funded by parents

:18:17. > :18:20.in Cornwall to prepare children for primary school has been

:18:21. > :18:27.so successful, it's gone global. are being sent to every three-

:18:28. > :18:32.and four-year-old in the county. You may remember we featured

:18:33. > :18:36.the picture book on Spotlight last year - it includes children

:18:37. > :18:38.with Down's Syndrome and it's been so powerful the creators have had

:18:39. > :18:41.enquiries from as far away Emma Thomasson has been to meet Noah

:18:42. > :18:47.- one of the stars of the book. And you need to do some windows.

:18:48. > :18:56.Can you do some windows? Noah sat on Miss Elliott's chair

:18:57. > :19:00.because no one wanted to pretend to be the teacher.

:19:01. > :19:08.It felt a bit giggly. He likes running around

:19:09. > :19:14.and he falls over a lot. And we play on the whiteboard

:19:15. > :19:18.with him and we take turns. Not one of Noah's classmates

:19:19. > :19:21.I spoke to talked about him And that is exactly the point

:19:22. > :19:26.the parents who created the book that he is featured

:19:27. > :19:30.in want to get across. Instantly, I pick out similarities

:19:31. > :19:32.rather than differences. Children will say, oh, I read that

:19:33. > :19:36.book, or we have that at home. Several comments into

:19:37. > :19:38.the conversation, then it might appear, oh,

:19:39. > :19:40.that child, why does he look like that?

:19:41. > :19:43.Why has he got those in his ears? And that is really refreshing for us

:19:44. > :19:47.and encouraging because we know that children of that age,

:19:48. > :19:49.they haven't really formed any hard Today, she is working

:19:50. > :19:55.with Vicky who is another of the volunteers who have produced

:19:56. > :19:57.and financed the book. It is being sent every

:19:58. > :20:00.to childminder, nursery and preschool in Cornwall over

:20:01. > :20:04.the next four years. And news about the book

:20:05. > :20:06.is spreading around the world, thanks to celebrities turning

:20:07. > :20:09.to social media. They include the Poldark cast,

:20:10. > :20:12.Miranda Hart and a whole host And that kind of support

:20:13. > :20:17.is something they could only have dreamt of when they started

:20:18. > :20:19.producing the second in the series of books

:20:20. > :20:22.from their kitchen table office. They are now being distributed

:20:23. > :20:24.around the world with one of the biggest orders

:20:25. > :20:27.in North Carolina in the US, where they are being included

:20:28. > :20:30.in welcome bags to parents They are like any other child

:20:31. > :20:37.and they should be given the same thing that you when I had

:20:38. > :20:40.when we were little babies. So, how do you feel about Noah

:20:41. > :20:44.being in the book and it being seen potentially all around the world?

:20:45. > :20:46.It's amazing. It speaks a thousand words,

:20:47. > :20:54.the pictures, just details, children going about everyday school life.

:20:55. > :20:57.And it's very, very... Noah, can you show me

:20:58. > :21:03.where you are again, in the book? Where you are in the book?

:21:04. > :21:05.There! I'm not sure if Noah feels quite

:21:06. > :21:14.the same awe as Mum... He has the more pressing issue

:21:15. > :21:18.of getting back to play No has got far better things to do!

:21:19. > :21:30.-- Noah. Lifeboats are a familiar sight

:21:31. > :21:32.around our coast and today Exmouth took delivery

:21:33. > :21:34.of a new inshore lifeboat. The current D-class vessel has

:21:35. > :21:37.reached the end of its busy It's been called out more

:21:38. > :21:41.than 600 times and rescued Spoligtht's Rebecca Wills

:21:42. > :21:46.was there to see the end of one era It was out with the old at

:21:47. > :21:51.Exmouth Lifeboat Station today... The inshore lifeboat,

:21:52. > :21:54.the George Bearman, taking to the water for the final time

:21:55. > :21:57.as it was retired after ten years' It's been a decade in which the

:21:58. > :22:04.D-class vessel has been called out 614 times,

:22:05. > :22:07.rescued 466 people, 28 Also a D-class vessel

:22:08. > :22:15.and also bearing George And getting a prime seat

:22:16. > :22:22.to watch the new inshore lifeboat enter service was George's

:22:23. > :22:25.granddaughter, Pauline. It was her donation

:22:26. > :22:27.which provided by the old As they both came in towards

:22:28. > :22:32.the shore, I was so proud, Sad also, seeing the first

:22:33. > :22:38.one on its last trip. But hopefully, this one

:22:39. > :22:40.will give just as good George Bearman was a

:22:41. > :22:45.coastguard in Norfolk. He was just 38 when he

:22:46. > :22:48.lost his life at sea in It is that family tragedy

:22:49. > :22:53.which prompted Pauline to support My father never knew his father

:22:54. > :22:59.because he was only I just wish that he had

:23:00. > :23:04.lived to see what I've done with the money

:23:05. > :23:06.that A fantastic legacy.

:23:07. > :23:14.Yes, absolutely. The D-class boat is considered

:23:15. > :23:17.the workhorse of the RNLI, so the The old boat has given ten years

:23:18. > :23:22.of really good service, hard service here.

:23:23. > :23:24.It is quite a busy station. So the new boat should

:23:25. > :23:27.seamlessly take over as it has this morning

:23:28. > :23:30.and give equally as good service

:23:31. > :23:32.over the next ten years. It will be officially

:23:33. > :23:35.named in May when hopefully, champagne, rather

:23:36. > :23:44.than rain, will cover the bow. Plenty of rain in Exmouth earlier

:23:45. > :23:49.today, as we have seen on the programme tonight, some of the rain

:23:50. > :23:55.has turned to snow in places so let's get the latest from David.

:23:56. > :24:03.Some snow falling, mainly above 300 metres, about 1000 feet. But even at

:24:04. > :24:13.lower levels, some of the showers and it could feel quite wintry. A

:24:14. > :24:15.bit of a problem with a risk of ice developing, the temperatures have

:24:16. > :24:21.fallen and they will continue to fall overnight. You will really need

:24:22. > :24:26.to wrap up warmly. Probably the coldest feeling day we have had so

:24:27. > :24:31.far this winter. Some wintry showers dotted around as well. Some quite

:24:32. > :24:35.heavy. Overnight tonight, all of the rain we have seen on some of the

:24:36. > :24:39.sleet and snow on higher ground, we have a risk of ice which continues

:24:40. > :24:45.through the night and for a good part of tomorrow morning. Stay tuned

:24:46. > :24:50.across BBC local radio for updates. It isn't just the cold. The snow on

:24:51. > :24:54.the ice and the wintry showers. It is also very windy at the moment and

:24:55. > :24:59.the strength of wind is also of some concern because we have some pretty

:25:00. > :25:04.high tides tonight. Some coastal flood alerts in force across the

:25:05. > :25:07.North Cornwall and Devon coast. Winds straight from the Arctic and

:25:08. > :25:12.trapped within it, several lines showers which could affect this

:25:13. > :25:17.during the day tomorrow. Saturday, a little bit less windy. A little

:25:18. > :25:20.quieter. Still a bit fraught because a weather front is trapped in

:25:21. > :25:26.amongst all that which could produce some sleet or even some snow over

:25:27. > :25:30.higher ground. A definite change on Sunday to less cold air. Even the

:25:31. > :25:35.possibility of some light rain or drizzle. Temperatures will start to

:25:36. > :25:40.come back up. The wings are bitterly cold. Particularly lively at the

:25:41. > :25:44.moment, across the more western parts and some really strong gusts.

:25:45. > :25:48.They stick with us through the day tomorrow and in that flow from the

:25:49. > :25:52.north-west, leaving Ireland this evening and overnight tonight, some

:25:53. > :25:56.more wintry showers. Don't expect everything to be clear and cold and

:25:57. > :26:02.windy overnight, there is a risk of some wintry showers turning up

:26:03. > :26:06.during the night. Dartmoor, Princetown, there is some snow that

:26:07. > :26:10.fell earlier today. Not a huge amount but it has left a covering of

:26:11. > :26:16.snow on the houses and grass and on the mauls and the vehicles. Traffic

:26:17. > :26:20.moving quite nicely still at the moment but of course it will freeze

:26:21. > :26:24.overnight tonight so a risk of some ice on untreated roads and

:26:25. > :26:30.pavements. The main area of rain now moving into south east England is

:26:31. > :26:34.now giving snow. Even right down to quite low levels. If you are

:26:35. > :26:39.travelling out of the region, be prepared to run into some snow later

:26:40. > :26:45.on tonight. A scattering of showers possible through the night. Sleet or

:26:46. > :26:53.snow mainly over high ground. A bitterly cold north-westerly wind.

:26:54. > :26:56.The risk of ice existing first thing tomorrow morning. Plenty of winter

:26:57. > :27:00.sunshine so not all bad news but the risk of a few passing showers

:27:01. > :27:10.through the day and of us, not very warm. With the wind chill, it will

:27:11. > :27:21.feel a lot colder. A particularly windy day on the Isles of Scilly.

:27:22. > :27:24.The times of high water. For our surfers, some pretty lively

:27:25. > :27:31.condition out at sea. Dangerous along the north coast.

:27:32. > :27:38.Bulletins at 10:30pm and on your radio station from 6:30am in the

:27:39. > :28:14.morning when it could be quite tricky. Goodnight.

:28:15. > :28:14...and keep telling yourself over and over, "This will end."

:28:15. > :28:15.Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and groom.

:28:16. > :28:18.So what if I forgot our poxy anniversary?

:28:19. > :28:23.Er, I think this year was copper. 14th is poxy.