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:00:00. > :00:09.This is East Midlands Today with Dominic Heale and me, Anne Davies.

:00:10. > :00:20.Tonight: 600 jobs under threat as a Leicester firm goes into

:00:21. > :00:27.administration. Funding problems have left W R Refrigeration Ltd

:00:28. > :00:32.facing imminent closure. Also the killing of Rachael Slack

:00:33. > :00:47.and Auden. A call for an inquiry into domestic violence. And people

:00:48. > :00:48.see red at Derby's brain bank levy. And a lifeline for food specialists

:00:49. > :01:01.like this. Good evening and welcome to

:01:02. > :01:05.Wednesday's East Midlands Today. First, 600 jobs are under threat as

:01:06. > :01:09.a fridge repair firm goes into administration.

:01:10. > :01:11.W R Refrigeration Ltd based in Leicester has cash`flow problems

:01:12. > :01:18.and, earlier this month, the taxman issued a winding`up order.

:01:19. > :01:25.Administrators say the level of losses is so great that there is a

:01:26. > :01:28.real risk of imminent closure. For the latest, we can go live to the

:01:29. > :01:38.company's head office and Rebecca Sheeran. Rebecca, what does this

:01:39. > :01:43.firm actually do? Behind me is W R Refrigeration Ltd. This is their

:01:44. > :01:49.head office. They have depots all over the UK. Now, they install and

:01:50. > :01:54.service air conditioning and refrigeration unit is to major

:01:55. > :02:02.retail outlets and employ around 600 staff. This news may come as a huge

:02:03. > :02:14.surprise to many because just weeks ago this firm won two awards. What

:02:15. > :02:18.else are they saying? Today, PricewaterhouseCoopers have been

:02:19. > :02:25.brought in. They are the administrators. Despite huge

:02:26. > :02:33.investment, the company was not able to turn itself around. It is

:02:34. > :02:38.PricewaterhouseCoopers's job now to see if there is a way forward for

:02:39. > :02:45.this company. Has the company said anything about the job losses? I

:02:46. > :02:50.have tried to contact them but they have not commented. In a statement,

:02:51. > :02:57.PricewaterhouseCoopers said they would continue to pay wages until

:02:58. > :03:04.further notice but they say the company faces a risk of imminent

:03:05. > :03:10.closure. They say they could lose those jobs if they cannot find a way

:03:11. > :03:13.forward. A man from Nottingham is due to

:03:14. > :03:15.appear before Stafford Crown Court in November charged with two

:03:16. > :03:19.offences of kidnap. 40`year`old Saleem Taheer is alleged to have

:03:20. > :03:22.taken two children from a hotel room in Stoke`on`Trent last Friday. The

:03:23. > :03:26.children were found safe and well in a guest house near Derby on Monday

:03:27. > :03:31.evening. Mr Taheer has been remanded in custody.

:03:32. > :03:35.A woman from Leicester accused of causing the deaths of two toddlers

:03:36. > :03:37.in a car crash has appeared in court. 41`year`old Sharmila Mistry

:03:38. > :03:41.from Bushby was bailed after pleading not guilty to two counts of

:03:42. > :03:43.causing death by dangerous driving. The pushchairs of one`year`old

:03:44. > :03:50.Oliwer Bazak and two`year`old Zofia Tabaka were hit in the accident

:03:51. > :03:53.involving two cars. It happened at the junction of Braunstone Gate and

:03:54. > :04:01.Narborough Road in the city last August. The trial will start in

:04:02. > :04:05.March. Workers at a crisp factory in

:04:06. > :04:09.Leicester had to be moved out in the early hours of this morning because

:04:10. > :04:12.of a fire. It happened at Walkers at Beaumont Leys. It's believed the

:04:13. > :04:16.fire started in a fryer. No`one was injured in the blaze and a nearby

:04:17. > :04:22.road that had to be closed has now reopened.

:04:23. > :04:23.Still to come: Could Derby's new levy on brown bin collections

:04:24. > :04:27.backfire? Some are predicting that people

:04:28. > :04:28.won't pay the ?40 fee, and more garden waste could end up in

:04:29. > :04:41.landfills. Details later. ?NEWLINE The Leicestershire teenager

:04:42. > :04:46.on trial for terrorism offences, has admitted trying to build improvised

:04:47. > :04:50.explosive devices. The Old Bailey's been told that he was preparing a

:04:51. > :04:52.Columbine`style massacre at his old school in Loughborough.

:04:53. > :04:56.Our social affairs correspondent Jeremy Ball has been following the

:04:57. > :05:06.case and joins us from the newsroom. What's the latest? This new guilty

:05:07. > :05:08.plea means the 17`year`old's now admitted three separate explosives

:05:09. > :05:11.offences. The jury's already heard that he accepted possessing petrol

:05:12. > :05:14.bombs and pipe bombs. But this latest admission involves component

:05:15. > :05:18.parts for improvised explosive devices. The police found several

:05:19. > :05:22.partially`constructed home`made bombs. The trial heard that some

:05:23. > :05:26.were loaded with ball`bearings and other types of shrapnel. And a

:05:27. > :05:31.forensics expert said they were capable of injuring people and

:05:32. > :05:35.damaging property. And the jury's also heard about notes written by

:05:36. > :05:38.the teenager on trial. One section is headed "Plans. How to make a

:05:39. > :05:41.bomb". Then he describes adding "bolts, nails, screws, pins and

:05:42. > :05:48.metal ball`bearings" to a can of fuel. And he's added "possibly add

:05:49. > :05:51.napalm" at the bottom of the page. Now the teenager denies preparing to

:05:52. > :05:57.use those explosives and other weapons for an act of terrorism. And

:05:58. > :06:00.the jury's been told that he identified several potential targets

:06:01. > :06:02.in Loughborough and that he was motivated by a combination of

:06:03. > :06:17.far`right extremist politics and personal grudges at school.

:06:18. > :06:27.The family of a woman murdered by her ex`partner are demanding an

:06:28. > :06:31.inquiry. The calls have come in the wake of the inquest into the murders

:06:32. > :06:34.of Rachael Slack and her little son by her former partner three years

:06:35. > :06:37.ago in Derbyshire. James Roberson reports.

:06:38. > :06:44.This bench, by Rachael Slack's former partner and placed here only

:06:45. > :06:52.a few yards from where she and her son were tragically killed is not

:06:53. > :06:58.only meant more real to them at a reminder to all others of the

:06:59. > :07:08.domestic violence in the UK. One charity says the statistics are

:07:09. > :07:15.startling. In the year 2011/12 800 thousands `` 800,000 incidents were

:07:16. > :07:23.recorded. There has been a 65% increase in prosecutions. Outside

:07:24. > :07:25.Derby coroner 's court the family were joined by another leading

:07:26. > :07:33.charity which supports victims of domestic violence. Women are being

:07:34. > :07:40.let down by the police and other state agencies. Refuge supports 3000

:07:41. > :07:44.women and children on any given day. That's why we are calling on the

:07:45. > :07:50.government to open a public inquiry into the police and state response

:07:51. > :07:59.to domestic violence. I would welcome a public inquiry. I think

:08:00. > :08:04.the more that is looked at and spoken about domestic violence then

:08:05. > :08:12.it is not hidden away and it can only be a good thing. There are two

:08:13. > :08:17.women per week being killed. It is atrocious that these figures are so

:08:18. > :08:33.high. Today, the Home Office minister Norman Baker said,

:08:34. > :08:36.high. Today, the Home Office Police have released pictures of two

:08:37. > :08:40.men they want to question about a stabbing in Nottingham city centre.

:08:41. > :08:43.A 26`year`old man was knifed in the stomach outside a takeaway in

:08:44. > :08:46.Hockley in the middle of the day on Saturday the 5th of October. He's

:08:47. > :08:50.since left hospital. Detectives also want to find the driver of a white

:08:51. > :08:58.van who was approached by the victim on Lower Parliament Street.

:08:59. > :09:01.The Department for Food and Rural Affairs has decided a pub in

:09:02. > :09:04.Cambridgeshire won't be allowed to make Stilton cheese and compete with

:09:05. > :09:07.East Midlands producers. The Bell Inn in the village of Stilton in

:09:08. > :09:11.Cambridgeshire challenged an EU law on the geographical protection given

:09:12. > :09:13.to the cheese. DEFRA rejected the application. Only producers in

:09:14. > :09:26.Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire are allowed to make

:09:27. > :09:29.it. Next ` an over`hyped white elephant

:09:30. > :09:32.or a huge economic boost to the region? The arguments for and

:09:33. > :09:35.against the controversial ?50 billion high`speed rail project have

:09:36. > :09:40.been hammered out at a conference in Nottingham today.

:09:41. > :09:42.Transport experts had plenty to say, with one supporter claiming the

:09:43. > :09:50.region needs a Michael Heseltine`type figure to lead the

:09:51. > :09:59.campaign for HS2. Mike O'Sullivan can tell us more. Yes, no`one put

:10:00. > :10:02.themselves forward for that job, but it's an idea from the conference

:10:03. > :10:05.that Patrick McLoughlin, the Secretary of State for transport and

:10:06. > :10:08.West Derbyshire MP could perhaps have a think about. The conference

:10:09. > :10:12.also talked about the economic ups and downs. In a recent report for

:10:13. > :10:15.the government it was said that: Nottingham would benefit by ?430

:10:16. > :10:20.million a year. Derby, ?97 million. Leicester, ?90 million. But Rutland

:10:21. > :10:23.could lose more than ?5 million. Now those figures were described as a

:10:24. > :10:27.joke by one businessman at the conference, who claimed they were

:10:28. > :10:34.overstated. But a former transport adviser to the Government said the

:10:35. > :10:41.figures were spot`on. HS2 is 20 years away but there is a lot of

:10:42. > :10:49.talking to come. HS2 plan was announced in January

:10:50. > :10:54.and arguments have raged ever since. Today at the Nottingham business

:10:55. > :10:59.school, a chance to thrash out the pros and cons of the ?50 billion

:11:00. > :11:04.project and its station between Derby and Nottingham. One delegate

:11:05. > :11:09.told me it could become a magnet for development, competing with Derby,

:11:10. > :11:15.Nottingham and Leicester. He questioned the origins of HS2. It

:11:16. > :11:21.has been oversold and overhyped. There has been a lot of publicity

:11:22. > :11:25.and lobbying to raise the profile to get the short attention spans of

:11:26. > :11:35.politicians to raise the whole thing up there and then `` up the agenda.

:11:36. > :11:44.It was said that leadership was needed. I worry that there is more

:11:45. > :11:54.fragmentation in the East Midlands. Unless there is a figurehead, the

:11:55. > :11:58.benefits will not be maximised. 1300 businesses were invited to the

:11:59. > :12:07.conference but only a handful turned up. The business community is not

:12:08. > :12:10.engaging with HS2. 20 years is a long time in the future for them

:12:11. > :12:17.what they need to be talking about what they want from it. No answers

:12:18. > :12:26.today. But one thing is for sure down the line, more controversy.

:12:27. > :12:29.Residents are being reminded that their free garden waste collections

:12:30. > :12:32.are being binned from the end of this month. Derby City Council says

:12:33. > :12:36.it's had to introduce a charge for the service due to budget cuts.

:12:37. > :12:39.Many other councils have already introduced a charge. But some argue

:12:40. > :12:46.it could backfire ` costing much more in other ways. Simon Hare

:12:47. > :12:53.reports. One of the last rounds of free brown

:12:54. > :13:01.bin collections underway in Derby this morning. When they return in

:13:02. > :13:04.April, people will have to pay. Derby City Council says it has had

:13:05. > :13:11.to rethink garden waste recycling because of government budget cuts.

:13:12. > :13:18.If you want to have it collected from next year, it will cost ?40. It

:13:19. > :13:24.is estimated this should save around ?1 million per year. This man has a

:13:25. > :13:29.big garden and says he is left with no choice but to pay the new charge.

:13:30. > :13:36.He thinks it may prove to be short`sighted. I try to persuade my

:13:37. > :13:43.friends and family to recycle and now people are just saying they are

:13:44. > :13:55.going to dump things in the black bean and not pay the cost. This will

:13:56. > :14:06.just increase landfill. Campaigners have accused the council of wanting

:14:07. > :14:17.more waste so that they can justify a gasification terminal.

:14:18. > :14:21.Now, if you're one of the many fans of The Great British Bake Off you

:14:22. > :14:25.won't need me to tell you that the winner was crowned last night ` and

:14:26. > :14:29.it's our very own Frances Quinn from Market Harborough in Leicestershire.

:14:30. > :14:32.Frances impressed the judges with a rainbow`style savoury picnic pie and

:14:33. > :14:38.her show`stopping three`tier wedding cake, inspired by Shakespeare's A

:14:39. > :14:51.Midsummer Night's Dream. The result was announced on BBC Two last night.

:14:52. > :15:03.And the winner of the 2013 The Great British Bake Off is France's. I

:15:04. > :15:10.think I just wanted to combine my love of designing and baking. I just

:15:11. > :15:14.want to go in and collaborate then, bringing the style and substance

:15:15. > :15:18.together. I don't know what the future holds but I have so many

:15:19. > :15:26.ideas and aspirations so watch this space.

:15:27. > :15:30.Frances is going to be with us on tomorrow night's programme to give

:15:31. > :15:33.us the inside story on all that is The Great British Bake Off.

:15:34. > :15:37.And, keeping with our sweet theme, it's the first in a new series on

:15:38. > :15:39.fine foods. Foods that are made and sold locally.

:15:40. > :15:42.Tonight I've been to a Nottinghamshire patisserie. Baking

:15:43. > :15:44.has been in their blood for generations, but without local

:15:45. > :15:58.farmers markets they wouldn't be here today.

:15:59. > :16:09.How long have you been baking? 27 years. Edward has been baking longer

:16:10. > :16:20.but, here, 27 years. He does everything by hand. He is making

:16:21. > :16:28.bread now. Baking is in Edward's blood. It is a skill he learned

:16:29. > :16:34.working with his father. A family business going back to the 1860s.

:16:35. > :16:41.Not so long ago, the High Street almost destroyed their livelihood.

:16:42. > :16:52.We could not have survived in a city centre because the rent was so high.

:16:53. > :16:57.But thank God for farmers markets. Farmers markets are becoming more

:16:58. > :17:13.popular not only with customers but also with fine foods specialists.

:17:14. > :17:24.The keyword is provenance. They like to know they can speak to you

:17:25. > :17:33.direct. It is the best way of promoting your food to the consumer.

:17:34. > :17:40.Farmers markets, people really want to buy the food. Do you think the

:17:41. > :17:48.quality of products sold here is better than the High Street? Yes. It

:17:49. > :17:55.is what each individual stallholder specialises in and everything is

:17:56. > :18:00.made with love. So, farmers markets have turned out to be the real icing

:18:01. > :18:13.on the cake. Business should be flourishing for a long time to come.

:18:14. > :18:16.I'm starving. The sport's coming up, plus the

:18:17. > :18:25.weather. Kaye's got a special offer on sunshine for one day only. And

:18:26. > :18:27.are you happy or sad? I'll be finding out what a survey said about

:18:28. > :18:44.people in the East Midlands. Carol is always happy. Now, the

:18:45. > :18:47.weather. First football, and Nigel Clough

:18:48. > :18:51.says he was disappointed and a little angry at the way he left

:18:52. > :18:56.Derby County. Clough was speaking this afternoon as he became the new

:18:57. > :19:05.manager at Sheffield United. Nigel was sacked last month after four and

:19:06. > :19:08.a half years with the Rams. He brought many up`and`coming, young,

:19:09. > :19:11.talented players into the first team and had to drastically cut the wage

:19:12. > :19:15.bill. Today, as he became the new boss at Bramall Lane, he admitted he

:19:16. > :19:22.did feel let down when he was sacked at Derby. I am disappointed and

:19:23. > :19:29.there was an element of anger in there as well. Now, I have to put

:19:30. > :19:33.that behind us. I had a great four and a half years in there. I have

:19:34. > :19:41.left them in a great position. I'll try to do this same thing here.

:19:42. > :19:44.Staying with football, and the misery continues for Notts County.

:19:45. > :19:47.They're second from bottom of League One after yet another defeat last

:19:48. > :19:51.night. It means Notts have only picked up seven points out of a

:19:52. > :19:55.possible 36 so far this season. Manager Chris Kiwomya said they only

:19:56. > :19:58.had themselves to blame for the 2`1 defeat at Gillingham. They gave away

:19:59. > :20:02.two sloppy goals in the first half an hour. One positive for Notts has

:20:03. > :20:04.been the form of on`loan midfielder Callum McGregor. His second`half

:20:05. > :20:08.goal a mere consolation though. In League Two, Mansfield had to settle

:20:09. > :20:12.for a goaless draw at Berry. The Stags were down to ten men for the

:20:13. > :20:16.last 35 minutes after Captain John Dempster was sent off for a tackle.

:20:17. > :20:20.They held on for a point though to move them up to seventh in the

:20:21. > :20:22.table. Cricket and the Nottinghamshire

:20:23. > :20:27.all`rounder Stuart Broad has signed an extension to his contract at

:20:28. > :20:31.Trent Bridge. He will be with Notts until the end of the 2016 season. He

:20:32. > :20:35.played just three times for the county this summer, but took 15

:20:36. > :20:39.wickets and was part of the team that won the YB40 Trophy at Lord's.

:20:40. > :20:48.Broad remains centrally contracted with England and flies out to

:20:49. > :20:50.Australia today for the Ashes tour. And in women's cricket,

:20:51. > :20:54.Nottinghamshire's Jenny Gunn took five wickets for England's today as

:20:55. > :20:58.they beat New Zealand by 19 runs in a Twenty20 game in Barbados.

:20:59. > :21:00.Finally from me, the Derbyshire`based rider who became

:21:01. > :21:05.the youngest ever winner of British Superbikes at the weekend. Alex

:21:06. > :21:11.Lowes is just 23 and lives and trains in Derby. Today he was back

:21:12. > :21:17.at the garage and celebrating with his team mates, as Kirsty Edwards

:21:18. > :21:26.reports. A hero returns. Alex Lowes and his

:21:27. > :21:31.team are still coming to terms with his amazing achievement at the

:21:32. > :21:38.weekend. It is a great feeling to work so hard and for it to finally

:21:39. > :21:45.happen, there are lots of different emotions. Everything about this year

:21:46. > :21:52.was great. I will remember it for the rest of my life. He picked up

:21:53. > :21:58.the British superbikes title in a gym attic style on the final day of

:21:59. > :22:03.the season. The celebrations were made sweeter as earlier this month,

:22:04. > :22:13.his twin brother became the world super champion. I felt bad for him.

:22:14. > :22:21.He won his championship and I didn't want to get involved in celebrating.

:22:22. > :22:24.But now we can chill out together. They both live and train in Derby

:22:25. > :22:35.and have been racing since they were six. Today, they watched old BBC

:22:36. > :22:42.footage when they were teenagers. We are still as competitive. I still

:22:43. > :22:48.want to beat him as much as he wants to beat me and I think that helps us

:22:49. > :22:54.get the best out of each other. It is so nice to achieve what we have

:22:55. > :23:00.achieved. Looking back, the same arguments are still there over who

:23:01. > :23:07.is faster. I bet they are a nightmare at home.

:23:08. > :23:10.Now, can you guess which part of the East Midlands is the happiest? The

:23:11. > :23:14.Office for National Statistics has for the first time released data on

:23:15. > :23:17.life satisfaction in each of the local authorities across our region.

:23:18. > :23:20.We sent the ever`cheerful Carol Hinds to the areas that had the

:23:21. > :23:35.highest and levels of happiness and anxiety.

:23:36. > :23:40.Congratulations. This District Council, according to the Office of

:23:41. > :23:45.National Statistics, has the happiest people in the East

:23:46. > :23:54.Midlands. So, what makes people here happy?

:23:55. > :24:12.Food and sleeping. Sunshine. I'm happy because I'm retired. Grantham

:24:13. > :24:23.football club. I'm the leader of the District Council and I'm very

:24:24. > :24:27.pleased we are so happy. According to that survey, the

:24:28. > :24:34.unhappiest people in the East Midlands live in Ashfield.

:24:35. > :24:45.I'm not one of them. I couldn't be happier. I've got my kids and my

:24:46. > :24:50.husband. People are very happy around here. I'm happy. It's my

:24:51. > :25:02.birthday today. It is a dump. And this is what makes me happy. A

:25:03. > :25:19.slice of cake. And some of you've contacted us to

:25:20. > :25:22.tell us what makes you happy: Pam Wells from Fleckney says: That's

:25:23. > :25:24.easy ` my extended family and wonderful grandchildren.

:25:25. > :25:29.Kia Kozoi from Mansfield Woodhouse called us to say that the sun and

:25:30. > :25:33.holidays in Norfolk make him happy. A tweet from Proud Emmerdalian says:

:25:34. > :25:36.When other people are happy, I'm happy.

:25:37. > :25:40.And finally ` we didn't make this up, I promise ` Richard from Derby

:25:41. > :25:53.says: Watching Dom and Anne on EMT makes me happy!

:25:54. > :26:02.It has been the lovely today. We have had some sunshine and there is

:26:03. > :26:06.more on offer tomorrow. It took a while to get the sunshine. We had

:26:07. > :26:11.showers this morning but eventually it did come out. We have some

:26:12. > :26:17.high`pressure which will keep us fairly quiet for the next 24 hours.

:26:18. > :26:24.It will stay dry tomorrow with lots of sunshine and the winds are

:26:25. > :26:31.getting lighter. He was the satellite picture. The showers have

:26:32. > :26:39.cleared away with the clouds. We will have a dry and clear night. The

:26:40. > :26:57.wind is easing. Some mist and followed will form `` mist and fog.

:26:58. > :27:04.Tomorrow morning, no blue on the chart. Lots of sunshine. A little

:27:05. > :27:10.bit of cloud in the afternoon but we will stay dry and bright all the way

:27:11. > :27:19.through the day. A light southerly breeze. Make the most of that,

:27:20. > :27:24.though, we have another area of low pressure coming in on Thursday

:27:25. > :27:30.night. The clouds and wind and rain will be with us by Friday morning.

:27:31. > :27:35.Heavy rain on Friday morning. It should clear out of the way but it

:27:36. > :27:37.will stay quite unsettled at the weekend.