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:00:00. > :00:18.That's all from the BBC News at One, so it's goodbye from me,

:00:19. > :00:20.And now the news for the East Midlands.

:00:21. > :00:22.I'm Dominic Heale. Good afternoon.

:00:23. > :00:24.First this lunchtime, a Derbyshire couple,

:00:25. > :00:26.who claim their two young sons should never have been

:00:27. > :00:28.taken away from them and adopted eight years ago,

:00:29. > :00:31.say they are seeking a unique court review of their case.

:00:32. > :00:33.Their lawyer says they may have suffered the most appalling

:00:34. > :00:36.injustice and there could be other families in a similar situation.

:00:37. > :00:44.Back in 2008, the couple, who we have chosen not to name,

:00:45. > :00:46.to protect the children, took their nine-month-old

:00:47. > :00:51.They say he had a swelling on his head and,

:00:52. > :00:55.after some confusion, were told he had a skull fracture.

:00:56. > :00:58.We were in absolute shock. Disbelief.

:00:59. > :01:00.They asked me, "Do you know what happened?"

:01:01. > :01:03.They asked me a couple of times and, each time,

:01:04. > :01:09.After a private family court hearing, their baby and their

:01:10. > :01:10.three-year-old son were taken into care and adopted.

:01:11. > :01:14.The police said there was no criminal case to answer.

:01:15. > :01:17.The mother used her legal rights to obtain the medical records.

:01:18. > :01:20.One said there was no skull fracture.

:01:21. > :01:25.Another one said it was more likely a fissure.

:01:26. > :01:27.I could not believe what I was actually reading.

:01:28. > :01:31.This had not been disclosed to us, the fissure,

:01:32. > :01:33.being a natural variant, more like a deep groove,

:01:34. > :01:38.Their new solicitor represented Angela Cannings,

:01:39. > :01:40.whose convictions for murdering two of her babies

:01:41. > :01:42.were overturned in a high-profile miscarriage of justice.

:01:43. > :01:50.He finds this case just as concerning.

:01:51. > :01:53.It may be that there was never any fractures in the first place.

:01:54. > :02:00.The parents may well have suffered the most appalling injustice.

:02:01. > :02:02.Derbyshire County Council are not commenting, but provided us with

:02:03. > :02:04.the details of the private court hearing.

:02:05. > :02:08.Due to legal restrictions, we are not allowed to report them.

:02:09. > :02:10.Meanwhile, the mother has now been diagnosed

:02:11. > :02:11.with a genetic condition affecting her joints.

:02:12. > :02:20.The children could have inherited Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

:02:21. > :02:22.Their lawyer knows of other families in a similar situation,

:02:23. > :02:28.I believe there is a lot of cases where this connection

:02:29. > :02:30.may be very important, indeed, to the resolution

:02:31. > :02:36.of what has actually happened to these children.

:02:37. > :02:39.He believes nothing can be done about the adoption in the short

:02:40. > :02:42.term, but it may be possible to review the facts of the previous

:02:43. > :02:52.And you can see more on that in tonight's

:02:53. > :02:57.Inside Out at 7.30pm, here on BBC One.

:02:58. > :02:59.Next this lunchtime, companies across our region have

:03:00. > :03:01.been reacting to Theresa May's latest industrial strategy.

:03:02. > :03:03.Aimed at boosting the post-Brexit economy, the Prime Minister's

:03:04. > :03:05.ten-point plan focuses on investing in innovation, developing skills

:03:06. > :03:15.Her approach is being broadly welcomed by East Midlands

:03:16. > :03:17.business leaders, among them the Chamber of Commerce.

:03:18. > :03:19.Quentin Rayner's been speaking to one company boss

:03:20. > :03:40.This lunchtime, I am at the business Nottingham. This is the sort of

:03:41. > :03:50.business that you would expect the strategy to benefit. They have been

:03:51. > :03:56.operating for the last 40 years and employ 140 people. What is your

:03:57. > :04:08.assessment of the industrial strategy? I think there has been not

:04:09. > :04:13.enough said about manufacturing, but on the whole, it was encouraging.

:04:14. > :04:23.Too much said about technology? I think so, yes. It seeks to address

:04:24. > :04:32.the skills shortage. Do you suffer from? Yes, we do. Children are not

:04:33. > :04:36.getting the emphasis on manual skills. I think having that in the

:04:37. > :04:47.education is very important for the future. We want to be positioned in

:04:48. > :04:55.a good place after Brexit. Will the strategy help do that? I think so.

:04:56. > :05:00.Given time, I do not think immediately, given time, I think we

:05:01. > :05:06.will feel the benefit. Thank you very much. The strategy has been

:05:07. > :05:12.welcomed by the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce. The belief that

:05:13. > :05:13.will provide opportunities for the EV as well as address the skills

:05:14. > :05:16.shortage. A man is recovering in hospital

:05:17. > :05:18.after he was seriously injured in a hit-and-run collision

:05:19. > :05:20.in a Leicestershire It happened on this

:05:21. > :05:23.stretch of Kirkby Road in Barwell at around 10.30pm.

:05:24. > :05:25.The silver car was later found burnt out on a farm

:05:26. > :05:28.track several miles away. Two cars were also

:05:29. > :05:30.damaged in the collision. A 22-year-old man was arrested

:05:31. > :05:32.on suspicion of GBH and drink driving and has been bailed,

:05:33. > :05:41.pending further enquiries. The Fire Service in Leicestershire

:05:42. > :05:44.says it is in a much stronger financial position, than it has been

:05:45. > :05:47.in for more than two years. Early last year, the combined fire

:05:48. > :05:49.authority for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland faced

:05:50. > :05:51.controversial cuts to the service. But after making what it

:05:52. > :05:53.says were bigger savings than anticipated, its draft budget

:05:54. > :05:56.released today proposes increasing the number of full-time firefighters

:05:57. > :06:08.and investing in equipment. The Canal and River Trust

:06:09. > :06:10.is appealing for more volunteers to become lock keepers along

:06:11. > :06:12.the region's waterways. The charity says they play a vital

:06:13. > :06:15.part in welcoming visitors and keeping the historic role

:06:16. > :06:17.of lock-keeping alive. Geeta Pendse has been

:06:18. > :06:19.to the River Trent this Yes, it is a misty morning down

:06:20. > :06:27.here at Gunthorpe Lock. In the winter months,

:06:28. > :06:30.it is very unusual to see a But in peak season, up

:06:31. > :06:34.to 60 narrowboats come Key to making sure this canal runs

:06:35. > :06:40.smoothly are the many Amongst them is Nick,

:06:41. > :06:45.who is in charge here. What made you decide to become

:06:46. > :06:48.a volunteer lock keeper? First of all, I love

:06:49. > :06:56.the outside life. It is mainly in the summer months

:06:57. > :06:58.that we are in operation. At the lock sides here, we have got

:06:59. > :07:03.the lovely open countryside. We have got the difference

:07:04. > :07:05.here at Gunthorpe. We have got a lot

:07:06. > :07:08.of pedestrians here. So, that gives you the opportunity,

:07:09. > :07:10.as well as the outdoor life, to meet people all the time.

:07:11. > :07:15.And I love talking. Nick has been here for around

:07:16. > :07:20.a year, so he has just had his first full season,

:07:21. > :07:23.which he says he has really enjoyed. But the Canal River Trust

:07:24. > :07:26.want to see many more people volunteering and with me is Steve,

:07:27. > :07:28.from the Trust. Why is it vital that

:07:29. > :07:33.more people volunteer? Volunteers play a very

:07:34. > :07:35.important role. They welcome boaters

:07:36. > :07:36.to the East Midlands, so they provide a really important

:07:37. > :07:40.first impression to people. But they also share their local

:07:41. > :07:43.knowledge to visitors, pointing out places for walks or picnics.

:07:44. > :07:46.But they also help us keep on top of any maintenance.

:07:47. > :07:50.Thank you very much. On tonight's programme at 6.30pm,

:07:51. > :07:53.we will be taking a look at exactly what Nick does and what it takes

:07:54. > :07:59.to become a lock keeper. Now we can catch up

:08:00. > :08:14.on the latest weather. The fog will clear from some areas,

:08:15. > :08:20.but it is proving rather stubborn. As we make our way through the week,

:08:21. > :08:32.it should be generally try and with spilt uprightness. This afternoon, a

:08:33. > :08:43.good deal of cloud our own. Temperature is about 4-5 C. Into the

:08:44. > :08:51.early hours from today, you can see this fog beginning to form. It will

:08:52. > :09:00.also be very cold, with temperatures dipping below zero. Tomorrow

:09:01. > :09:10.morning, a lot of cloud through the day came tomorrow. Temperatures

:09:11. > :09:18.similar to today. As for Wednesday, it will be breezy for a time and

:09:19. > :09:22.again, fuelling cold. On Thursday, just a high temperature to Celsius.

:09:23. > :09:27.Fog a bit of a problem this week. I will be back at 6:30 p.m.. Goodbye

:09:28. > :09:46.for now. a free five-a-side tournament

:09:47. > :09:59.that's for everyone. For more information,

:10:00. > :10:04.go to the Get Inspired website. If they have a fear of water,

:10:05. > :10:05.God help them.