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:00:00. > :01:21.Now on BBC One, it's time for the news where you are.

:01:22. > :01:26.People have brought their families up here, people have got memories

:01:27. > :01:30.for stop it is not just a house, it is a home, it is where you have got

:01:31. > :01:34.memories. You have got old people who want to actually come you know,

:01:35. > :01:41.die where they feel safe. You have got young people who feel safe here.

:01:42. > :01:44.But that is not the concern of the council, it is just pure profit.

:01:45. > :01:48.Residents are concerned that the changes that will be made will mean

:01:49. > :01:51.that property prices go up for people who have lived there for 30

:01:52. > :01:54.odd years will now on the vehicle to afford to live there. Can you give

:01:55. > :01:59.them any guarantees that is not the case? We have been very clear with

:02:00. > :02:03.residents that affordable housing would be re-provided. People would

:02:04. > :02:06.be given a new home in the same area or be given a new home at the same

:02:07. > :02:11.rent. The government says they welcome this type of approach, with

:02:12. > :02:15.a slight reservation. It makes great sense to try and bring in private

:02:16. > :02:18.money, you get more done. The problem here, it seems to me, is

:02:19. > :02:22.making sure that you take the local residents that live there with you.

:02:23. > :02:30.I have no idea what's going to happen. Where I might have to go. If

:02:31. > :02:32.I'll be able to afford it. I am very, very scared, very scared.

:02:33. > :02:37.Sam Leggatt speaking to Dan Freedman.

:02:38. > :02:39.Southern Rail says it hopes to run more than 70%

:02:40. > :02:41.of services tomorrow, despite a strike by conductors

:02:42. > :02:44.The 24-hour stoppage is about whether conductors

:02:45. > :02:49.Three further strikes by the Aslef Union this week,

:02:50. > :02:59.A charity, based in east London, believe health officials aren't

:03:00. > :03:01.doing enough to encourage women to have smear tests.

:03:02. > :03:04.'Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust' says over the past five years -

:03:05. > :03:06.there's been a small but significant drop in the number of

:03:07. > :03:19.A smear of lipstick to encourage women to get their smear test. These

:03:20. > :03:23.selfies are part of the campaign highlighting the importance of

:03:24. > :03:27.cervical screening in preventing screening. The tests are offered to

:03:28. > :03:32.women aged 25 to 64, but the numbers attending have been falling. There

:03:33. > :03:36.are a lot of people that perhaps don't know my history... Roars from

:03:37. > :03:41.Guildford knows more than most how important early detection can be. I

:03:42. > :03:45.had been going for my smears as I should have been, and luckily for me

:03:46. > :03:48.an abnormality was picked up, and that turned out to be cervical

:03:49. > :03:52.cancer. So I think it is so important for other women to go when

:03:53. > :03:55.they are called up, or just to keep an eye on when your smear test is

:03:56. > :03:59.June and to make an apartment and go. I was very lucky. If that had

:04:00. > :04:05.not been picked up than I might not be here today. Results from the

:04:06. > :04:09.latest survey by the charity Jo's cervical cancer charity trust,

:04:10. > :04:12.suggests half of women aged 25 to 39 have put off getting a smear test.

:04:13. > :04:15.More than a quarter said they were too embarrassed, a similar number

:04:16. > :04:21.said they were worried about pain, and almost one in ten said they had

:04:22. > :04:24.never had a test. At the moment in England for example, the numbers of

:04:25. > :04:28.women attending is that a 19 year low. It is dropping across the UK,

:04:29. > :04:32.that is hugely concerning because if it carries on with the more women

:04:33. > :04:37.diagnosed, sadly see more women passing away and we just want that

:04:38. > :04:39.to happen. NHS England says it is particularly worried about the foil

:04:40. > :04:44.in young women getting smears in the last few years because that has been

:04:45. > :04:49.linked with a rise in the number of women under 35 getting cervical

:04:50. > :04:53.cancer. It says it's working on projects to encourage more women to

:04:54. > :05:00.take the test, that could prove to be life-saving. After a cold but

:05:01. > :05:05.sunny day, let's get the forecast now from Elizabeth. Some of our rule

:05:06. > :05:10.spots early on this morning got down to a very chilly -7, minus eight

:05:11. > :05:13.Celsius. Overnight tonight there will be another widespread sharp

:05:14. > :05:17.frost forming, along with some fog. A Met Office with a warning out for

:05:18. > :05:23.this fog tomorrow, it could be very slow to lift and quite dense and

:05:24. > :05:25.widespread too, maybe leading to some travel problems on the road. If

:05:26. > :05:28.you're flying someone tomorrow morning you might want to check

:05:29. > :05:32.before you travel too. You can do all of that by joining in to BBC

:05:33. > :05:36.London tomorrow morning. It will slowly lift and clear, things should

:05:37. > :05:39.brighten up, and in the top the bridges between three and five

:05:40. > :05:42.Celsius. There might be more fog problems around on Tuesday morning

:05:43. > :05:47.but it should stay dry for the rest of the week. It will still feel

:05:48. > :05:50.rather cold. That is it for now, more on the website but I will be

:05:51. > :05:52.back with the next news at 10:20pm on BBC One. Whatever you are doing,

:05:53. > :06:23.have a very good evening. of freezing fog. Already warnings in

:06:24. > :06:32.place from the Met office. I will concentrate on the fog as we go

:06:33. > :06:35.through the night. It will become quite dense late on in the night.

:06:36. > :06:39.When you have cloud cover you so much fog and that emojis .4 solo but

:06:40. > :06:41.as you saw last night potentially we could see values are a lot lower

:06:42. > :06:46.than this where the skies remain clear. Tomorrow morning could be a

:06:47. > :06:48.bit of a pea soup. Including the London