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:00:17. > :00:20.In tonight, buildings on fire, stones thrown at police. But this

:00:20. > :00:29.area has escaped the worst of the riots.

:00:29. > :00:35.Also tonight, back from the brink. The young horse rider back from a

:00:35. > :00:39.coma after are false. She just squeezed my hands and it

:00:39. > :00:49.was better than winning the lottery. The speeding drivers that are

:00:49. > :00:50.

:00:50. > :00:54.getting off because they live abroad.

:00:54. > :01:04.And I meet the heart-throb actor who has gone from Robin Hood to

:01:04. > :01:09.

:01:09. > :01:13.17 people have been arrested during several outbreaks of public

:01:13. > :01:19.disorder across the region. The police have been confronted by

:01:19. > :01:24.large groups of youths. Windows were smashed in but we did escape

:01:24. > :01:33.the serious riots seen elsewhere in the country. The worst trouble was

:01:33. > :01:40.in Milton Keynes, Northampton, Cambridge, and Basildon. Police

:01:40. > :01:45.have more visible patrols in place. There are groups of people hanging

:01:45. > :01:50.around in Bletchley this evening in expectation, but no sign of

:01:50. > :01:55.violence or disorder. There is an increase of police patrols on foot

:01:55. > :02:03.and in cars as they seek to reassure an understandably jumpy

:02:03. > :02:06.public. Leslie was the culmination of a rampaged which happened,

:02:06. > :02:10.beginning in the centre of Milton Keynes.

:02:10. > :02:16.This was the moment that the trouble spread to Bletchley. This

:02:16. > :02:24.trouble had the shutters down but did not have time to move their

:02:24. > :02:31.display. This is the damage they can do. The customers inside were

:02:31. > :02:40.children, panicking, calling their families. I was trying to can them

:02:40. > :02:44.down. I left a few of my staff inside. It was very panicky for the

:02:44. > :02:49.customers. This exclusive CCTV shows a riot

:02:49. > :02:55.police five minutes behind the gang. But businesses were left vulnerable

:02:55. > :02:59.in their path. About 30 to 50 youths made their

:02:59. > :03:04.way through a number of estate towards Bletchley, committing

:03:04. > :03:09.offences as they went, criminal damage, petrol bombs and missiles

:03:09. > :03:12.were thrown, and there was a robbery in a business premises in

:03:12. > :03:18.Bletchley. A member of the public was injured

:03:18. > :03:22.in that robbery. Another was injured in a fire here. Police do

:03:22. > :03:30.not know if this was part of the wider trouble. Across

:03:30. > :03:35.Northamptonshire, there were 257 linked incidents.

:03:35. > :03:40.At the end of the day, people working at this car was, just

:03:40. > :03:46.trying to make a living, to pay their bills.

:03:46. > :03:52.14 people were arrested in total, eight during the disturbances in

:03:52. > :04:02.Northampton. In a new move, police are charging

:04:02. > :04:03.

:04:03. > :04:08.those orchestrating the unrest on social networks.

:04:08. > :04:12.There are warnings about how Twitter is being used. That is

:04:12. > :04:17.where rumours are circulating. Thames Valley Police have been

:04:17. > :04:24.criticised about not keeping their Twitter paid up to date. No mention

:04:24. > :04:28.for example about petrol bombs. They say they have arrested be

:04:28. > :04:38.ringleaders but so far, rumours have outstripped the reality. A

:04:38. > :04:40.

:04:40. > :04:45.hard core that would like to ignite his contents.

:04:45. > :04:49.Between 203 hundred youths arrived in the town centre in Basildon, but

:04:49. > :04:53.when eventually it broken up by police. Our reporter was there

:04:53. > :04:58.today gauging the mood of people on the street.

:04:58. > :05:03.A police van parked in Basildon today, he warning perhaps to

:05:03. > :05:10.potential troublemakers. Rumours started on social media

:05:10. > :05:17.sites and very quickly, a crowd of hundreds had gathered.

:05:17. > :05:26.It is very scary, that social networking, which is what I believe

:05:26. > :05:30.cost last night's gathering, it is like people acting like lemmings.

:05:30. > :05:35.Many of those involved in the large-scale rioting seen in our

:05:35. > :05:40.cities are young. What do young people here think?

:05:40. > :05:47.People that have money have money, and people that do not, they have

:05:47. > :05:56.to suffer. Maybe they are so -- they are frustrated. There is no

:05:56. > :06:01.work. I think they should send them all to Afghanistan. I seriously

:06:01. > :06:06.think they should do that. I think they're getting away with murder.

:06:06. > :06:11.think it's is pointless. It is just criminal and costing the taxpayer

:06:11. > :06:15.money. Most of those doing it are not even taxpayers and you can tell

:06:15. > :06:23.they do not have a job because they would not be out at that time of

:06:23. > :06:29.night. People being criminalised, and eventually, it all kicks off.

:06:29. > :06:34.That is what happens. They are just rubbing now.

:06:34. > :06:40.We are close to London here. Businesses like this courier

:06:40. > :06:45.company have been affected. Most of our drivers are contract

:06:45. > :06:53.drivers who on their own vehicles. Obviously they are worried about

:06:53. > :07:00.those. Police are hoping their presence in

:07:00. > :07:07.the town will act as a deterrent. We will speak now to the manager of

:07:07. > :07:12.a shop in -- the shopping centre in Essex. You have been putting out

:07:12. > :07:17.information to people, what have you told them?

:07:17. > :07:22.Good evening. Because of certain concerns from various retail

:07:22. > :07:27.managers, we felt it prudent that we communicate at this time of

:07:27. > :07:31.concern and we decided to issue an aide memoire to people to follow in

:07:31. > :07:37.the event of a any activity they feel might be detrimental to their

:07:37. > :07:43.business. It is a commonsense approach, based on advice from the

:07:43. > :07:49.Home Office, such as, take high- value goods out of your windows,

:07:49. > :07:57.make sure there is as little cash as possible on the premises, ensure

:07:57. > :08:07.that your alarm systems and CCTV systems are working. I worried, I

:08:07. > :08:11.

:08:11. > :08:15.am nervous are people there? -- how a nervous. Retail managers have

:08:15. > :08:18.spoken to me so we felt it prudent to allay those concerns by saying

:08:18. > :08:22.that we are in communication with Essex police who are taking a view

:08:22. > :08:29.on what is happening in the wider area and we will keep them up to

:08:29. > :08:33.speed, the main thing is not to be complacent. I see at the bottom of

:08:33. > :08:37.your tips, it says, no heroics. Do you think some shopkeepers might

:08:37. > :08:42.feel they want to get more involved?

:08:42. > :08:52.Yes, indeed. The two main point I wanted to make that I left to the

:08:52. > :08:52.

:08:52. > :08:57.end of the list, do not scaremonger and cost more panic. And finally,

:08:57. > :09:07.no heroics. It is not worth losing a life.

:09:07. > :09:11.

:09:11. > :09:16.A! -- Thank you very much... Coming up, we have the goals from

:09:16. > :09:26.the Carling Cup football. And I get to meet this actor, starring in the

:09:26. > :09:29.

:09:29. > :09:34.Thousands of foreign drivers to speed on roads in this region are

:09:34. > :09:39.getting away without punishment because of a loophole in the loss.

:09:39. > :09:43.Today, the RAC Foundation said it was a huge problem. The case of one

:09:43. > :09:50.rule for some and another rule for others.

:09:50. > :09:54.The automatic camera. In the UK, it is a key player in bringing

:09:54. > :10:01.motorists to book. Today revealed that significant numbers of drivers

:10:01. > :10:10.slip through this net. 29,000 offences were detected over 12

:10:10. > :10:15.months in Norfolk. 12,300 were fined, but more than 700 notices

:10:15. > :10:20.were cancelled because the driver or the vehicle was from overseas.

:10:20. > :10:24.The figures show that this is a real issue in the UK. It shows that

:10:24. > :10:29.foreign drivers can act with impunity in many cases knowing they

:10:29. > :10:34.can return to their own countries, and they will not be pursued for

:10:34. > :10:40.minor or relatively minor traffic offences they commit here. If a

:10:40. > :10:42.British driver is caught speeding in France, he faces fines of

:10:42. > :10:48.several hundred Pounds or the confiscation of his vehicle if he

:10:48. > :10:55.cannot pay the fines. The DVLA confirmed its database

:10:55. > :11:00.does not include vehicles registered outside the UK. Man's

:11:00. > :11:10.patrols can stop overseas motorists or arrest them for more serious

:11:10. > :11:12.

:11:12. > :11:16.offences. -- manned patrols. British drivers abroad are likely

:11:17. > :11:22.to pay millions of pounds in speeding fines of up the summer.

:11:22. > :11:26.Foreign drivers here are much Lesley -- much less likely to be

:11:26. > :11:31.hit in the pocket. Work has begun to turn off the

:11:31. > :11:35.street lights in Suffolk to save money. The Council hopes to save

:11:35. > :11:44.millions of pounds per year. Some light will be done it and others

:11:44. > :11:49.will be left on for safety reasons. -- dimmed.

:11:49. > :11:58.Boy George has become the newest patron of the Focus 12 dog

:11:58. > :12:05.rehabilitation charity. He joins Davina McCall and Russell Brand. --

:12:05. > :12:10.drug rehab. In Colchester today, a whole

:12:10. > :12:20.generation of mothers have been picking up tips about using smart

:12:20. > :12:24.

:12:24. > :12:31.In the kitchen we find labour- saving the things like a higher

:12:31. > :12:39.level of them. A as patronising as that sounds, technology is changing

:12:39. > :12:48.the way we live. A with household appliances already common, and now

:12:48. > :12:51.we're making another domestic leap. I love it. It is good. You can log

:12:51. > :12:57.on to a pretty quickly. You could just switch your phone on and go

:12:57. > :13:02.straight to the network. It is a lot easier. In court jester, these

:13:02. > :13:10.mothers are learning how smart phones can save them time and money.

:13:10. > :13:17.I have to do a lot of my a online shopping on my phone. I use my

:13:17. > :13:22.phone and my train journey, I can catch up on my e-mails. Cynics

:13:22. > :13:25.argue we already spent too much time on technology like this. We

:13:25. > :13:32.are always good to our telephones when we could be spending quality

:13:32. > :13:37.time with family and friends. think people are addicted to

:13:37. > :13:41.Facebook and the mobile phones, but it is about finding a balance.

:13:41. > :13:47.There is no convincing these women that when it comes to technology

:13:47. > :13:51.that there is anything good about the old days.

:13:51. > :13:54.There's been a big increase in the number of homeless cats in the

:13:54. > :13:59.region. Many owners say they can no longer afford to look after them

:13:59. > :14:02.properly. Cat costs can reach up to �800 a year. An increasing number

:14:02. > :14:12.of owners are also failing to have them neutered. Some charities have

:14:12. > :14:17.warned they could be forced to put down healthy cats. If you are

:14:17. > :14:20.looking to home a cat or a Kitson, then come to her rescue centre. But

:14:20. > :14:30.the people adopting animals we can create the space to bring in more

:14:30. > :14:31.

:14:31. > :14:33.cats. Football now and in last night's

:14:33. > :14:37.Carling Cup, Ipswich and Northampton came face-to-face with

:14:37. > :14:39.each other for the second season in a row. There were also two penalty

:14:39. > :14:41.shoot-outs involving Colchester and Southend.This shelter near

:14:41. > :14:51.Felixstowe has taken in 165 unwanted cats so far this year.

:14:51. > :14:52.

:14:52. > :14:59.Northampton fancy their chances of Northampton played with real

:14:59. > :15:04.commitment and were level half-an- hour after the letting in the first

:15:04. > :15:14.goal. The cobblers had the lead and the eventual winner in the second

:15:14. > :15:16.

:15:16. > :15:22.We just weren't good enough on the night. Northampton played well.. We

:15:22. > :15:28.made a lot of changes from Saturday and there were a couple of young

:15:28. > :15:33.players. Not to many of them came up trumps. Called Chester showed

:15:33. > :15:38.real tenacity at Wycombe Wanderers. With neither side breaking the

:15:38. > :15:44.deadlock, the game entered extra- time. Called Chester took the lead,

:15:44. > :15:48.but back came Wycombe Wanderers. Into the shoot-out and it was the

:15:48. > :15:51.Wycombe's keeper who had the last laugh. Ben Harding sealed the

:15:51. > :16:01.cruellest of defeats for a court jester. It was a similar to offer

:16:01. > :16:09.as it tends against - - it was a similar story for side fence. The

:16:09. > :16:19.game came down to penalties. Leyton Orient the's goalkeeper proved the

:16:19. > :16:23.

:16:23. > :16:26.This week we have been looking at how the windfarm industry is

:16:26. > :16:29.starting to dominate the East Anglian coastline. And it is set to

:16:29. > :16:33.get even bigger. The development at Greater Gabbard off the coast of

:16:33. > :16:36.Essex is the biggest in the world, but it will be dwarfed by a new

:16:36. > :16:41.site covering an area of the North Sea the size of Norfolk. What's

:16:42. > :16:46.more, thousands of new jobs will be created.

:16:46. > :16:51.This week we have been looking at Greater Gabbard. When it is

:16:51. > :16:56.finished it will be the world's biggest offshore windfarm, with its

:16:56. > :17:00.140 Winter bounce it is quite a sight. Nothing stands still in

:17:00. > :17:05.renewable energy. Records are being broken all the time. In a few years

:17:05. > :17:09.a windfarm will be built that will make even greater - - Greater

:17:09. > :17:14.Gabbard seemed small. It is called the East Anglia windfarm and it all

:17:14. > :17:21.for my huge block of North of and Suffolk covering 6000 square

:17:21. > :17:26.kilometres. I am on my way to win farm off the coast of Kent. It is

:17:26. > :17:32.currently the world's biggest. It was built by the company which will

:17:32. > :17:37.develop the giant East Anglia windfarm. We expected to be more

:17:38. > :17:42.than 1000 by the end. There will be 7200 megawatts, enough electricity

:17:42. > :17:46.for up to 5 million homes. company says that that annual

:17:46. > :17:53.figure even takes account of period when the wind is not blowing hard

:17:53. > :17:59.all winter vines are out for maintenance - - war went to her

:17:59. > :18:06.vines are out for maintenance. Deter banks will be even higher

:18:06. > :18:10.than this, and there will be 1200 of them. This project will be on an

:18:10. > :18:15.industrial scale. Businesses will set up in the area and there will

:18:15. > :18:20.be local Labour needed to work on the project. The port is already

:18:20. > :18:23.working as a supply base for smaller windfarms. It is perfectly

:18:23. > :18:30.positioned for the East Anglia field. We have got a very good

:18:30. > :18:37.location, but we do have competing boards to the north and south. I

:18:37. > :18:42.think we could get a 1000 at least sure side jobs. Critics said that

:18:42. > :18:46.offshore wind is expensive and unreliable, but at work starts on

:18:46. > :18:51.bis windfarm in 2050 may well take the industry on to a whole new

:18:51. > :18:54.level with this region at its heart. A week ago 14-year-old Olivia

:18:54. > :18:57.Rogers from Norfolk had a horse riding accident. She suffered a

:18:57. > :19:00.serious head injury and, for a time, her family feared the worst. She

:19:00. > :19:03.was taken by air ambulance to Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.

:19:03. > :19:13.She was in a coma for several hours, but, amazingly, tonight she is home.

:19:13. > :19:18.

:19:18. > :19:22.Mike Liggins has been to meet her. Thinking of you. Get well. Olivia

:19:22. > :19:28.Rogers with her sister and mum looking at get-well messages on

:19:28. > :19:31.Facebook. A Liffe is a keen rider and was taking part in showjumping

:19:31. > :19:38.trials when a horse she had borrowed from a friend collapsed

:19:38. > :19:48.and died. A Livia hit her head and sustained a serious injury. How are

:19:48. > :19:48.

:19:48. > :19:53.you? I'm all right. Sleepy? Yeah. And what can you remember off a

:19:53. > :19:57.week ago? Now think, really. emergency services almost certainly

:19:57. > :20:02.saved her life. The air ambulance was on the scene in eight minutes

:20:02. > :20:07.and they called in the flying doctor who picked a Lydiate in a

:20:07. > :20:13.controlled Comber. They said to me if you could just keep saying to

:20:13. > :20:21.her you are here, and if she can hear you to squeeze your hand. She

:20:21. > :20:26.just didn't squeeze my hand. Seven hours passed and eventually, maybe

:20:26. > :20:35.nine RS past, and I said to her if you could squeeze my hand, and she

:20:35. > :20:45.squeezed my hand. It was better than winning the lottery. I knew

:20:45. > :20:45.

:20:45. > :20:50.that she could hear me. Olivia had severe swelling. Back on today the

:20:50. > :20:54.card say get well soon, and she is getting well, but the family know

:20:54. > :21:00.they have been lucky. The air ambulance was there within eight

:21:00. > :21:05.minutes. All these people, if it wasn't for them, I don't think I

:21:05. > :21:09.would have my Olivia home today. A big thank-you to all those people.

:21:09. > :21:19.When are you hoping to get back on a horse? It is meant to be three

:21:19. > :21:21.

:21:21. > :21:27.months. It will be three months! Olivia has two horses of Tyrone and

:21:27. > :21:31.G had been asking to see them since she will Cup. This is her favourite.

:21:31. > :21:40.This afternoon, the two were reunited. They were worried about

:21:40. > :21:43.each other, and now that worry is over.

:21:43. > :21:47.The Theatre Royal in Norwich are expecting a full house this week

:21:47. > :21:50.with the stage production of the Sound of Music rolling into town.

:21:50. > :21:56.Captain von Trapp is played by Michael Praed, who made thousands

:21:56. > :22:00.of hearts flutter as Robin of Sherwood in the 1980s. Earlier

:22:00. > :22:10.today, I caught up with the actor and asked him what it is about

:22:10. > :22:12.

:22:12. > :22:19.Sound of Music which continues to It has got a fabulous score. It has

:22:19. > :22:24.got a story that will appeal to everyone. It is a love story. It is

:22:24. > :22:29.a lovely poignant musical drama. guess many people coming through

:22:29. > :22:36.the doors as you tour the country will have firmly in their minds the

:22:36. > :22:43.way that Christopher Plummer play Captain von Trapp. The try to do it

:22:43. > :22:49.differently? One of the great secrets of acting his thefts. If

:22:49. > :22:59.you look at someone and think, God, that is good come out you take

:22:59. > :23:01.

:23:01. > :23:08.that! Mike Captain von Trapp his mind. I have not seen the movies

:23:08. > :23:15.since it came out. It must have had such an impact because I remember

:23:15. > :23:22.it really well. I remember being quite frightened of the captain. I

:23:22. > :23:29.remembered the songs. What about the singing in this production? Be

:23:29. > :23:35.enjoyed the singing? Well, I do enjoy its. When we started the

:23:35. > :23:42.production, the director asked me if I played the guitar. I said yes.

:23:42. > :23:52.I had not played for 20 years! Edelweiss is quite as simple song.

:23:52. > :24:11.

:24:11. > :24:19.Getting my digits to work, so I Do you get the audience joining in?

:24:19. > :24:27.A I am told they do. Mercifully, we can hear it! Many people sitting in

:24:27. > :24:34.the audience will know you and remember you as Robin of Sherwood

:24:35. > :24:41.back in the 1980s. The 1840 I think it was. Do you look back on that

:24:41. > :24:49.series fondly? There are actors who refused to discuss the thing that

:24:49. > :24:54.brought them to attention, which I have always found slightly odd. No

:24:55. > :25:02.one really can ever say to any great degree of certainty why

:25:02. > :25:08.something becomes very successful. In Robin of Sherwood we had great

:25:08. > :25:14.stories. The music was sublime and it was caste really well. You are

:25:14. > :25:21.in Norwich for two weeks. I know it is a packed schedule with matinee

:25:21. > :25:25.performances. When you get any chance to explore the county?

:25:25. > :25:30.love coming here. I have done a couple of plays in this glorious

:25:30. > :25:35.theatre. I found a mini-series around you once. Hopefully there

:25:35. > :25:43.will be some opportunity to see this wonderful place. I look

:25:43. > :25:53.forward to it. Well, thank you very much indeed. Thank you very much.

:25:53. > :25:55.

:25:55. > :25:58.We are keeping our theme of changeable weather this week. Most

:25:58. > :26:05.of that showers activity has been to the north of us. We have had one

:26:05. > :26:11.or two showers in north Norfolk. There are still quite a breeze

:26:11. > :26:16.going. Do is the chance of one are to light showers to the north.

:26:16. > :26:20.Temperatures will fall down to 13 Celsius and there will be a

:26:20. > :26:24.moderate south-westerly breeze. For tomorrow here is a weather front.

:26:24. > :26:29.We have got a cold front scraped right across us through tomorrow.

:26:29. > :26:33.What that means is that it will be a damp start. If you're heading to

:26:33. > :26:40.the Air Festival, you can expect some rain to start with, but it

:26:40. > :26:43.should clear up. That will be the team for much of the region. You

:26:43. > :26:47.will see this rain heading three and one or two heavier bursts of

:26:47. > :26:54.rain and monks that. It does become drier and brighter towards the end

:26:55. > :27:00.of the afternoon. Temperatures in the sunny spells will get up to 23.

:27:00. > :27:04.The winds will still be a moderate south-westerly, though not as

:27:04. > :27:11.breezy as today. Through the afternoon still the risk of a

:27:11. > :27:15.couple of showers. For the rest of the weakening to the weekend, it

:27:15. > :27:20.will stay changeable because we have another area of low pressure

:27:21. > :27:28.with some more weather systems through the weekend. It will be

:27:28. > :27:34.unsettled for the next four days. Pan-fried the it looks like