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:00:09. > :00:12.Good evening and welcome to BBC Look North. The headlines tonight:

:00:13. > :00:14.Vulnerable children are having to travel 100 miles for mental health

:00:15. > :00:24.care. The Government's asked to intervene.

:00:25. > :00:27.We have in patient care for adults. Children, were it is more important

:00:28. > :00:30.for them to be men are family, have no such service.

:00:31. > :00:35.Claims that local people are being ignored in the debate about wind

:00:36. > :00:39.farms. My message to Eric pickles is look at the information carefully.

:00:40. > :00:41.The sea of rubbish that's been left uncollected on a Hull housing

:00:42. > :00:45.estate. The Strictly Star who's come to see

:00:46. > :00:57.where her dance partner's career began. A cool Mike on the cards, but

:00:58. > :01:04.I can't day tomorrow. I will be back with a full forecast.

:01:05. > :01:09.Some of the most vulnerable young people in Hull and East Yorkshire

:01:10. > :01:12.are being forced to travel hundreds of miles for treatment after a

:01:13. > :01:17.mental health unit stopped taking overnight patients. The West End

:01:18. > :01:20.Centre in Hessle is now only open during the week and during the day,

:01:21. > :01:23.meaning youngsters with severe problems have to be separated from

:01:24. > :01:27.their homes and families. Tonight, the Hull MP Alan Johnson will hold a

:01:28. > :01:35.debate in the House of Commons calling for a better service. Vicky

:01:36. > :01:38.Johnson reports. This 13`year`old from Hull suffers

:01:39. > :01:41.from such serious mental health problems that she's had to be

:01:42. > :01:49.treated in special units on three separate occasions. After her local

:01:50. > :01:52.inpatient unit was closed earlier this year, doctors couldn't find her

:01:53. > :01:56.a bed on any of the psychiatric wards across Yorkshire, so she was

:01:57. > :02:06.sent more than 100 miles away to Cheadle. We've replaced her voice to

:02:07. > :02:10.protect her identity. I was really homesick and I missed

:02:11. > :02:14.my mum and that was half my problems. I would have been much

:02:15. > :02:20.better if I could have been closer to home where I could see Mum.

:02:21. > :02:24.Tonight. The issue of the bed closures at the West End unit in

:02:25. > :02:27.Hessle will be raised in the House of Commons.

:02:28. > :02:30.In this city we have inpatient care of adults. Children, where it is

:02:31. > :02:33.more important to see their families, have no such service at

:02:34. > :02:47.all. Everyone I talked to in the city agrees that is wrong.

:02:48. > :02:50.But NHS England has told us in a statement: The number of young

:02:51. > :02:53.people locally who need inpatient care is very small and not enough to

:02:54. > :02:57.support high`quality inpatient care 24 hours, seven days a week.

:02:58. > :03:01.But Sane, the mental health charity, has called these closures a scandal.

:03:02. > :03:04.They are shunted out miles away and can only be visited occasionally. It

:03:05. > :03:08.will have long`term damage on the children and their families.

:03:09. > :03:11.The teenager is now back home, and, according to local health officials,

:03:12. > :03:20.the family should have access to out of hours support. But her mum claims

:03:21. > :03:24.this just isn't the case. I just hope and pray on a Friday

:03:25. > :03:27.night that she can be happy and that nothing goes wrong because there is

:03:28. > :03:36.absolutely nothing. My worst nightmare is for us to have to go

:03:37. > :03:40.through it all again. She is still very fragile, she is still

:03:41. > :03:46.recovering. Her daughter, meanwhile, dreads

:03:47. > :03:49.having to return to Cheadle Royal. It was really distressing, there

:03:50. > :03:52.were alarms going off a lot and I am very sensitive to noise. ?? new line

:03:53. > :03:55.Local health managers insist that young people with mental illness are

:03:56. > :03:58.getting the support they need but that's not how this and other

:03:59. > :04:04.families see it. Vicky's here now. What will the

:04:05. > :04:08.debate mean? Alan Johnson should be able to get

:04:09. > :04:14.ministers to sit up and take notice of what is happening locally. He

:04:15. > :04:19.said since the health reforms were introduced, trying to get

:04:20. > :04:23.information about how many children have been infected by the bed

:04:24. > :04:29.closures at this facility has been nigh on impossible. He cannot find

:04:30. > :04:36.out how many children but there are across Yorkshire. Having been on the

:04:37. > :04:41.telephone myself to various authorities, I can vouch for it. It

:04:42. > :04:45.In a moment: is a complicated picture.

:04:46. > :04:48.Scotland's challenger to Hull in the race for City of Culture shows what

:04:49. > :04:51.it has to offer. The Government's being accused of

:04:52. > :04:59.ignoring local concerns over wind farm developments in Lincolnshire.

:05:00. > :05:01.East Lindsey district council says decisions it's made to refuse

:05:02. > :05:04.planning applications are being overturned by central government,

:05:05. > :05:08.with little regard for the local impact. Over the last three years

:05:09. > :05:17.the authority has spent almost half a million pounds fighting wind farm

:05:18. > :05:20.appeals. Here's Tim Iredale. This village is the location for

:05:21. > :05:26.Lincolnshire's latest proposed wind farm development. The application

:05:27. > :05:31.was originally rejected by East Lindsey district council, but was

:05:32. > :05:41.later approved on appeal. Much to the annoyance of some residents.

:05:42. > :05:49.They are 200 metres high. It is half the height of the Eiffel Tower. What

:05:50. > :06:01.do you say to people who say you are NIMBYs? I would say get stuck,

:06:02. > :06:06.privately. The government are talking about big society and

:06:07. > :06:11.localism. It is just not happening. When he was Energy Minister, the

:06:12. > :06:16.Lincolnshire MP said local residents should have much more power to say

:06:17. > :06:22.no to new wind farm developments. Councillors here say the government

:06:23. > :06:25.isn't living up to its pledge. We have to defend the countryside. We

:06:26. > :06:30.look to local communities to make their views known. They are keen

:06:31. > :06:34.that we protect things we value. There are a raft of reasons why

:06:35. > :06:39.local communities do not light wind turbines. The communities secretary

:06:40. > :06:47.will decide the outcome of two other wind farm applications. East Lindsey

:06:48. > :06:52.has spent almost half ?1 million fighting wind farm appeals. I think

:06:53. > :06:56.East Lindsey are highlighting the problem we have seen in other parts

:06:57. > :07:08.of the problem. I think central government are having a big think

:07:09. > :07:12.about it. The government says its decision to call in more wind farm

:07:13. > :07:15.appeals only applies to existing applications, not to decision that

:07:16. > :07:19.have already been made. Councillor Craig Leyland is the deputy leader

:07:20. > :07:22.of East Lindsey district council. He is in our Lincoln studio tonight.

:07:23. > :07:32.You've spent half a million pounds fighting wind farm appeals in the

:07:33. > :07:40.last three years. The East Lindsey refused to many applications? We

:07:41. > :07:48.look at each application. We do have a draft policy. We do have concerns

:07:49. > :07:55.when communities raise those concerned with is that we try and

:07:56. > :08:00.look act. Nearly half a million fighting appeals. It is wasted

:08:01. > :08:04.money. Is it not just time you accepted turbines are part of our

:08:05. > :08:08.countryside? I think we have to look at localism and the strategic

:08:09. > :08:21.targets the government placed nationally. I think there is an

:08:22. > :08:27.inherent conflict. July to decision that has been made by East Lindsey

:08:28. > :08:34.to stand ` ` would you like the decision that has been made to

:08:35. > :08:49.stand? When it goes through, I think the issue is that it is looked at

:08:50. > :08:55.Furley. ` ` it is looked at Furley. We hope that the Secretary of State

:08:56. > :09:01.will account these two applications and take into account the views of

:09:02. > :09:08.locals. Finally, if he was watching, what would you say to the secretary

:09:09. > :09:13.tonight? Oh, I do not think we have got long enough. I would ask him to

:09:14. > :09:19.consider those applications very carefully. We value our landscape in

:09:20. > :09:24.East Lindsey. We do not want to see an over industrialised landscape.

:09:25. > :09:28.Thank you very much. We want to hear your views on this

:09:29. > :09:29.story ` should central government over rule the council's decision on

:09:30. > :09:57.wind farms? A 30`year`old man from Lincolnshire

:09:58. > :10:05.has been jailed for at least 15 years for the murder of his

:10:06. > :10:08.partner's baby daughter. 14`month`old Amelia Bowmar died in

:10:09. > :10:16.hospital of brain injuries in July 2012. Nottingham Crown Court heard

:10:17. > :10:18.Darryl Elliot lost his temper and shook the girl at her home in

:10:19. > :10:21.Sutton`on`Sea. More than 100 protesters gathered

:10:22. > :10:24.outside Ferrybridge power station. They claim a new multi`fuel power

:10:25. > :10:27.project at the site will employ large numbers of foreign workers,

:10:28. > :10:30.rather than local people. The members of the GMB and Unison unions

:10:31. > :10:47.are calling on the contractors to support the local economy. New line

:10:48. > :10:51.Hull is just weeks away from finding out whether it will be named City of

:10:52. > :10:54.Culture for 2017. Months of hard work will culminate in one final

:10:55. > :11:10.presentation before the judging panel makes their decision. Hull is

:11:11. > :11:13.one of four cities short listed, but what do we know about the other

:11:14. > :11:16.three places? Dundee, Swansea Bay and Leicester are all bidding

:11:17. > :11:20.alongside Hull to secure the title. Over the next three days, Look North

:11:21. > :11:23.will be visiting our rival cities to find out more about the culture on

:11:24. > :11:33.offer and their bids. Tonight, Caroline Bilton reports from Dundee

:11:34. > :11:36.in Scotland. I will be going on a journey to see what the other cities

:11:37. > :11:43.have to offer. I will be starting here. At least it gives me time to

:11:44. > :11:49.read up what is on offer and take a look at what Dundee plans to do,

:11:50. > :11:53.should it win the City of Culture. This is where I am heading,

:11:54. > :12:01.Scotland's fourth largest city on the banks of the River Tay. Said to

:12:02. > :12:10.be built on it ` ` said to be built on jam and journalism. It was home

:12:11. > :12:16.to among others, the the Beano. We can now see what Hull is against. I

:12:17. > :12:20.am eating Kate Pickering, jewellery designer in this converted

:12:21. > :12:23.warehouse. This entire mill is home to artists and designers. What would

:12:24. > :12:31.winning the City of Culture mean for them, we create beautiful pieces of

:12:32. > :12:39.jewellery here. The community is so strong. We want to widen it and

:12:40. > :12:42.attract more attention. They may be miles apart but Dundee and Hull and

:12:43. > :12:52.not too dissimilar. Both have their areas of deprivation. Dundee also

:12:53. > :12:57.has its waterfront cut off from city centre by this main road. They are

:12:58. > :13:03.spending ?1 billion connecting the two, and in a couple of years time,

:13:04. > :13:08.the Victoria and Albert Museum will be opened here, which will be the

:13:09. > :13:11.centrepiece of Dundee's cultural Revolution. This is all coming here

:13:12. > :13:16.regardless of winning the bid, and it is not the only investment they

:13:17. > :13:20.have made in the arts. This contemporary gallery shows work from

:13:21. > :13:26.internationally renowned artists. Millions has been spent refurbishing

:13:27. > :13:32.this art gallery and museum, which is where I have come to meet the man

:13:33. > :13:38.behind them aid, Stuart Murdoch. We could've gone for City of Culture

:13:39. > :13:42.this year, and the decision in 2009 was to wait and try to do more. The

:13:43. > :13:49.waterfront will have been sorted by 2017. This place will bestow a

:13:50. > :13:53.phenomenal social history Museum. We think we will have lined up as many

:13:54. > :14:00.of the ducks as we can to be City of Culture. The question has to be

:14:01. > :14:05.asked, can Dundee be a UK City of Culture if Scotland was to vote yes

:14:06. > :14:14.in the referendum? It has no bearing on what we would do with this city.

:14:15. > :14:17.While there was a debate going on, I think politics have been taken out

:14:18. > :14:22.of this. Surprisingly, there is nothing here promoting the fact that

:14:23. > :14:28.they are bidding to be City of Culture, so are people behind it,

:14:29. > :14:30.like they are in Hull? I think it would be a recognition of the

:14:31. > :14:38.amazing stuff that is happening here. Not everybody knows about it.

:14:39. > :14:42.It would be amazing. It is a can of injection of enthusiasm, and the

:14:43. > :14:48.jobs it is going to create. I am getting the feeling you are thinking

:14:49. > :14:52.you have won a. I wouldn't go that far. We are all crossing our

:14:53. > :14:56.fingers. Where better to end my journey than here, the top of Dundee

:14:57. > :15:01.lock. Looking out over a city that is hoping that the City of Culture

:15:02. > :15:06.status will raise it profile nationally and globally. There does

:15:07. > :15:09.seem to be a well`established cultural scene already, but it is

:15:10. > :15:15.just that they want more people to know about it. If they are competing

:15:16. > :15:20.against Hull, they are going to have to shout louder.

:15:21. > :15:23.Tomorrow night, we will be looking at another of our competitors,

:15:24. > :15:27.Swansea. New line Still ahead tonight: new line A hero's

:15:28. > :15:39.homecoming ` the British Superbike Champion returns to Lincolnshire. We

:15:40. > :15:42.will see the sights. I expect some fish will be involved, and chips at

:15:43. > :15:45.some stage. The Strictly Star who's come to

:15:46. > :15:51.sample the delights of her dance partner's home town.

:15:52. > :16:02.Alan Ward sent this in. Autumn at Haverholme Bridge near Sleaford.

:16:03. > :16:12.Another photograph tomorrow. Keeley Donovan, good evening. Here is an

:16:13. > :16:16.extra picture. Martin took a photograph of his daughter, Florence

:16:17. > :16:23.Poppy Samuels. There she is enjoying last night's programme. As our

:16:24. > :16:29.producer said wittily, I am trying to find the remote.

:16:30. > :16:42.The washing machine sends me to sleep, but if that works!

:16:43. > :16:49.Tomorrow is set to be largely fine and dry. There have been a few

:16:50. > :16:56.showers today and it has been breezy. Tomorrow, ridge of high

:16:57. > :17:03.pressure will bring more settled weather. There will be rain on the

:17:04. > :17:09.cards on Friday. One or two showers creeping through, but a good deal of

:17:10. > :17:14.sunshine. It is set to stay settled. The breeze is starting to

:17:15. > :17:22.ease. With clear skies, it will allow a little mist and fog.

:17:23. > :17:39.Temperatures dropping back well into single figures. Tomorrow, there will

:17:40. > :17:46.be missed and fog in places, but that will readily left. There will

:17:47. > :18:02.be hardly any cloud for the book of the day. I think by this time

:18:03. > :18:10.tomorrow there will be more cloud around the breeze will start to pick

:18:11. > :18:16.up again late in the day. It will brighten up and it will be a breezy

:18:17. > :18:29.day on Friday. Saturday, rain spreading in from the west.

:18:30. > :18:34.If anyone wants to read today's e`mail saying how wonderful you are,

:18:35. > :18:38.they are in the been under my desk. New line People living on the

:18:39. > :18:41.Bransholme estate in Hull say tonnes of rubbish which the council asked

:18:42. > :18:44.to be left out hasn't been collected. The council say they have

:18:45. > :18:47.received an unprecedented response as they tried to stop illegal

:18:48. > :18:49.bonfires being lit in the run up to November fifth. Sarah Corker

:18:50. > :18:54.reports. Unwanted furniture, toys and dirty

:18:55. > :19:01.mattresses. All piled high on the pavement of this estate in Hull. The

:19:02. > :19:05.council offered a collection service but they did not expect this much.

:19:06. > :19:11.Peter Coates says it is becoming a health risk. There is just rubbish

:19:12. > :19:15.everywhere. Kids get matches, there is that temptation to start a fire.

:19:16. > :19:20.What happens then? Especially if it is never shared. People living here

:19:21. > :19:26.receive a letter on Monday, informing them about a bring our job

:19:27. > :19:31.rubbish day. It is part of the campaign to stop illegal bonfires at

:19:32. > :19:34.this time of year. The council says it is a day behind a day behind on

:19:35. > :19:37.its pick`ups due to the unprecedented amounts of rubbish

:19:38. > :19:42.left on the streets. It has reassured the public collections are

:19:43. > :19:47.being made. The aim of this campaign is to avoid scenes like this from

:19:48. > :19:52.last year. Scorched land, the remains from illegal fires. In

:19:53. > :19:58.reducing the amount of waste available to be set on fire, we will

:19:59. > :20:12.be reducing the number and size of the fires. In 2012, we had far too

:20:13. > :20:15.many bonfires in Hull. The residents had welcomed the free collections,

:20:16. > :20:21.but says the council should have been better organised. They handed

:20:22. > :20:26.out leaflets but they had not played it on time. They could have put

:20:27. > :20:29.skips out. Most of this will be recycled instead of ending up on a

:20:30. > :20:32.bonfire. New line Sarah is live in Bransholme tonight. Sarah, what

:20:33. > :20:36.assurances are the council giving people about the rubbish that's left

:20:37. > :20:46.over? Extra crews have been brought in.

:20:47. > :20:50.Very windy tonight. We are sorry about that. We have lost our link.

:20:51. > :20:53.New line You might also have a view on this story ` were the council

:20:54. > :21:02.right to run this free collection in the run up to Bonfire night? New

:21:03. > :21:04.line The new British Superbike Champion has returned home to

:21:05. > :21:13.Lincolnshire after clinching the title at the weekend. 23`year`old

:21:14. > :21:16.Alex Lowes from Lincoln became the youngest ever champion at Brands

:21:17. > :21:19.Hatch, just days after his twin brother Sam took the world title in

:21:20. > :21:35.another motorcycle competition. Phillip Norton has been to meet him

:21:36. > :21:38.at his team base in Louth. A welcome home fit for a champion. Alex Lowes

:21:39. > :21:42.returns to his Samsung Honda team in Louth after being crowned with the

:21:43. > :21:49.British Superbike title. I feel fantastic. It is great to work so

:21:50. > :21:52.hard for something and then to win. Everyone is happy with what we did.

:21:53. > :21:58.My family and friends have been great. They know what has gone into

:21:59. > :22:03.it. It has been awesome. I am definitely going to enjoy this time

:22:04. > :22:06.in the next few weeks. Alex's title clincher at Brands Hatch on Sunday

:22:07. > :22:09.came as twin brother Sam also claimed the world Supersport

:22:10. > :22:18.Championship in France earlier this month. This week, we can chill out

:22:19. > :22:24.together and enjoy what we have both achieved. IOL to him. It's a dream

:22:25. > :22:27.come true for the Lincoln twins ` without embarassing them, this is

:22:28. > :22:34.when they first featured on BBC Look North in 2006. I want to be world

:22:35. > :22:41.champion. That would be a dream come true for may. I want to be world

:22:42. > :22:48.champion. I love racing and that is all I want to do in my life. It is

:22:49. > :22:53.nice what he said, he wants to be champion and he has gone and do

:22:54. > :22:57.that. It is nice to look back and see where we have come from. With a

:22:58. > :23:01.clutch of trophys and between them, it's hoped there's plenty more to

:23:02. > :23:05.come. New line Scunthorpe United have moved to within a point of the

:23:06. > :23:14.play off zone in League Two following a win last night. Sam

:23:15. > :23:17.Winnall scored the only goal in the second half of their game at

:23:18. > :23:20.Fleetwood. Manager Brian Laws says the win, which leaves the Iron 12th

:23:21. > :23:24.in the table, is their biggest victory of the season so far. New

:23:25. > :23:27.line Grimsby dancer Kevin Clifton is putting his home town firmly on the

:23:28. > :23:40.map after bringing his Strictly Come Dancing partner Susanna Reid to meet

:23:41. > :23:43.his mum and dad. The pair took time out of rehearsing the American

:23:44. > :23:46.Smooth and arrived at Grimsby Town station at lunchtime, Amanda White

:23:47. > :23:53.was there to meet them. New line Let's

:23:54. > :24:01.Sassy and rebellious in the tango, Susanna Reid only ever used to be a

:24:02. > :24:04.straight news presenter. Today was another new experience ` her dance

:24:05. > :24:12.partner Kevin Clifton brought her to Grimsby. I don't know if you know,

:24:13. > :24:17.but Kevin is from Grimsby. In fact, he doesn't have a surname any more.

:24:18. > :24:20.He is just Kevin from Grimsby. He has very kindly invited me to his

:24:21. > :24:28.hometown. We're going to do some filming and some dancing. For me, it

:24:29. > :24:35.is well exciting. I am hoping to inspire Suzanna as much as Grimsby

:24:36. > :24:38.inspired me. Practice makes perfect. Does it? You are so right.

:24:39. > :24:40.This is where Kevin developed his passion for dance, under the

:24:41. > :24:48.guidance of his parents, themselves world Latin champions. It is

:24:49. > :24:52.terrific. Kevin started here, just the same as these kids. It just goes

:24:53. > :24:59.to show what can be achieved if you put your mind to it. We have enjoyed

:25:00. > :25:04.coming. I have loved it. It's lovely to meet them. We have just been

:25:05. > :25:10.asked to leave, but there is a very good reason. The children are

:25:11. > :25:14.getting a treat. They're getting a sneak preview of Saturday's dance. I

:25:15. > :25:19.can't quite resist having a look myself. But it was over all too

:25:20. > :25:24.quickly. It has been fantastic and really inspiring. Suzanna does

:25:25. > :25:29.really well every week. I am hoping it will be the same. Hopefully,

:25:30. > :25:40.Grimsby has inspired us. You can see the fruits of their labours on

:25:41. > :25:45.Saturday night. Kevin from Lusby. ` ` Kevin from Grimsby. I expect they

:25:46. > :25:49.might mention Grimsby again on Saturday night. Now the headlines.

:25:50. > :25:51.800 jobs are to go and more are under threat after Scotland's

:25:52. > :25:56.biggest industrial site closes following a dispute over pay and

:25:57. > :25:59.pensions. The Government is asked to intervene

:26:00. > :26:00.to stop youngsters from Hull with mental health problems having to

:26:01. > :26:29.travel 100 miles for care. Thank you for the e`mails and

:26:30. > :26:35.messages. We were talking about wind farm applications. A big response on

:26:36. > :26:38.this. Simon in Grimsby said, what is the point of having local planning

:26:39. > :26:45.applications if every time the company is turned down, they just

:26:46. > :26:50.appeal to the government to when? What a waste of time. We were

:26:51. > :26:56.talking about how nearly half ?1 million has been spent fighting.

:26:57. > :27:06.Somebody else says, it is the most inefficient form of generating

:27:07. > :27:10.electricity. Trevor says, if we all protest, no more will be built.

:27:11. > :27:17.Another person says, wind farms are graceful and essential. When will

:27:18. > :27:21.the NIMBYs shut up? Dave said, when other government going to accept

:27:22. > :27:28.that the majority of sensible people do not want any of these silly

:27:29. > :27:34.costly and inefficient eyesores? A very big response on this subject.

:27:35. > :27:39.By the way, we will be discussing nuclear power versus wind power and

:27:40. > :27:43.renewable power tomorrow on the radio. Join me if you can. Have a

:27:44. > :27:46.nice evening. See you tomorrow.