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:00:00. > :00:00.Hello, and welcome to Wednesday's Look North.

:00:00. > :00:00.A teenager appears in court charged with the murder

:00:07. > :00:11.A trail of debris left by high winds in the North East -

:00:12. > :00:13.there's more severe weather forecast.

:00:14. > :00:16.A family's campaign after a Sunderland woman dies

:00:17. > :00:20.from cervical cancer at the age of 25.

:00:21. > :00:23.And Claudia's law - The father of the missing chef

:00:24. > :00:28.wins his battle to help relatives like him, left to cope.

:00:29. > :00:32.who'll come out on top tonight as South Shields and Morpeth Town

:00:33. > :00:34.replay their abandoned FA Vase match?

:00:35. > :00:54.And we count down to the Eagles' BBL Cup final with Fab and Co!

:00:55. > :00:58.A teenager's appeared in court charged in connection with the death

:00:59. > :01:04.Katie Rough was found with life threatening injuries on Monday

:01:05. > :01:09.A 15-year-old girl was today remanded into secure accommodation,

:01:10. > :01:12.charged with her murder and with possession

:01:13. > :01:21.The family of Katie Rough at court this morning.

:01:22. > :01:26.The first sorrowful duty of life without the seven-year-old.

:01:27. > :01:28.Katie seemingly had so much of her life still ahead

:01:29. > :01:39.She died here on Alness Drive, in the Woodthorpe area of York.

:01:40. > :01:42.The court heard today that she'd suffered significant lacerations

:01:43. > :01:46.Police investigations continued at the scene,

:01:47. > :01:50.with a metal detector used to search nearby undergrowth.

:01:51. > :01:53.Meanwhile, the pile of floral tributes grows.

:01:54. > :01:56.Four miles from the scene, the teenage girl accused of killing

:01:57. > :01:59.Katie appeared in court for the first time.

:02:00. > :02:03.The accused, who is 15 years old, nodded to show that she understood

:02:04. > :02:10.Members of Katie's family were also in court and some were visibly upset

:02:11. > :02:15.The teenager is charged with murdering Katie Rough

:02:16. > :02:17.on Alness Drive in York on Monday, and also

:02:18. > :02:20.with possession of a weapon - namely a knife.

:02:21. > :02:23.Outside Katie's School, the feeling remains one of shock.

:02:24. > :02:38.One of my good friend is really friends her mum,

:02:39. > :02:41.and she's taken it really hard, and so have her daughters,

:02:42. > :02:46.Tributes were paid here in York, and also in the House of Commons.

:02:47. > :02:49.I'm sure the whole house will join heartfelt condolences for the family

:02:50. > :02:53.and friends of the tragic death of seven-year-old Katie Rough

:02:54. > :03:03.I also join the right honourable gentleman in expressing condolences

:03:04. > :03:06.to the family and friends of little Katie, who died so tragically.

:03:07. > :03:09.A fundraising page to support Katie's family has been set

:03:10. > :03:13.up by York resident, Maggie Jackson.

:03:14. > :03:16.She didn't know the family, but says she wanted to help.

:03:17. > :03:23.It's in the heads and hearts of so many people.

:03:24. > :03:25.There's so much love for the family right now,

:03:26. > :03:28.Katie's family weren't speaking today.

:03:29. > :03:43.They already know the pain of what they've lost, but not why.

:03:44. > :03:46.An American company that manufactures valves for the oil

:03:47. > :03:49.and gas industry in Gateshead is threatening to make

:03:50. > :03:54.140 workers redundant, blaming the slump in the oil price.

:03:55. > :03:57.NOV Mission Products on the Team Valley Trading Estate

:03:58. > :04:01.made 180 redundancies in November, and has now said it will cease

:04:02. > :04:04.manufacturing altogether later this year, putting a further 140 people

:04:05. > :04:13.Northumberland County Council says it's disappointed the government has

:04:14. > :04:15.rejected plans for a school merger and a new academy in

:04:16. > :04:19.The council wanted to merge Haydon Bridge High

:04:20. > :04:22.and Hexham's Queen Elizabeth Academy into a newly built

:04:23. > :04:27.The rejection of the plan makes it more likely that academy sponsor

:04:28. > :04:29.Bright Tribe will take over Haydon Bridge High, despite

:04:30. > :04:35.the council expressing doubts about Bright Tribe's credentials.

:04:36. > :04:37.A clear up is continuing tonight after 70mph winds

:04:38. > :04:41.Thousands were left without power and buildings

:04:42. > :04:45.And it's not over yet - forecasters say more gales

:04:46. > :04:54.The winds had been enough to keep people awake,

:04:55. > :05:00.The cars parked beside the gable end were buried beneath the rubble.

:05:01. > :05:05.We've been awake nearly all night with the wind.

:05:06. > :05:13.With it being fenced, I can't get in to have a look and see

:05:14. > :05:21.This happened at Pelton in County Durham.

:05:22. > :05:26.In Newcastle city centre, there was disruption after damage

:05:27. > :05:28.to a roof had scattered debris across a Nougat Street,

:05:29. > :05:32.And at their peak, the gusts had hit 75 mph.

:05:33. > :05:35.In the control room at Northern Power Grid near Sunderland,

:05:36. > :05:38.they battled to restore electricity to homes across the North.

:05:39. > :05:41.Over the course of the day, the staff here have dealt with more

:05:42. > :05:43.than 40,000 customers who have been without power.

:05:44. > :05:46.Gradually they whittled that number down so they've now restored

:05:47. > :05:48.all but more than a couple of thousand of them

:05:49. > :05:53.Now the work goes on to make sure everybody else get

:05:54. > :06:02.We have to ramp up significantly for events like this.

:06:03. > :06:04.We're well versed and well practised in terms of the impact

:06:05. > :06:07.that the weather has on our power network across our region.

:06:08. > :06:12.But, yes, extra resources deployed across the entire organisation.

:06:13. > :06:14.And many people working outside of their private roles to support

:06:15. > :06:20.those customers getting back on supply.

:06:21. > :06:26.On the west coast near Whitehaven, huge waves could be seen

:06:27. > :06:30.And at County Durham, a sign of just how bad things have been.

:06:31. > :06:37.A turbine unable to cope with the power of the wind.

:06:38. > :06:43.A Sunderland man is calling for smear tests to be made

:06:44. > :06:45.available for the under-25s following the death of his sister.

:06:46. > :06:47.Josh Cliff says Amber asked to be screened,

:06:48. > :06:51.She was eventually diagnosed with cervical cancer

:06:52. > :07:06.You have a normal Christmas, everything was really nice. So

:07:07. > :07:17.happy, just laughing, making jokes. It was, it was amazing. Two weeks

:07:18. > :07:23.later, she had passed. And then, like I say... You've either got to

:07:24. > :07:29.do something about it, or... You've just got to sit and grieve, and she

:07:30. > :07:32.died for nothing. Amber Cliff died just a few days

:07:33. > :07:38.ago. The 25-year-old had cervical cancer, which spread to her lungs

:07:39. > :07:41.and throat. Her brother said she had had the symptoms for two years

:07:42. > :07:45.before she was diagnosed, the doctors had blamed it on other

:07:46. > :07:50.health issues. She'd also requested may test to rule out cancer, but

:07:51. > :07:56.despite repeated visits to the doctor she had been told she was too

:07:57. > :08:01.young. -- she'd also requested smear test. Eventually private tests

:08:02. > :08:05.revealed she had a tumour. Now her family are campaigning for smears to

:08:06. > :08:11.be available for anyone who asks. The problem is, there are no

:08:12. > :08:18.guidelines. Every GP is different. Unfortunately, her GP did not give

:08:19. > :08:22.her a smear test because of her symptoms. We need a law right across

:08:23. > :08:25.the board so that if somebody is coming in they can have a smear

:08:26. > :08:29.test. Public Health England said the

:08:30. > :08:32.reason why women under 25 aren't routinely screened is because

:08:33. > :08:36.changes in their bodies often give false test results, and back in the

:08:37. > :08:42.two procedures which do them more harm than good. Josh has started an

:08:43. > :08:45.online petition to get the subject debated in Parliament. But he says

:08:46. > :08:50.the publicity around his campaign has already made other women looking

:08:51. > :08:54.to get screened. The amount of people commenting on

:08:55. > :08:58.Facebook who say, you know what, I'm 30 and I've never had a smear. I'm

:08:59. > :09:02.booked in because of amber. They don't like the idea of going for

:09:03. > :09:07.one, they think it's very invasive. But that 30 seconds or however long

:09:08. > :09:11.it takes, it can save your life and stop your family going through this.

:09:12. > :09:14.And they didn't have that choice. That's what I'm trying to get

:09:15. > :09:16.across, if you have a choice, take it.

:09:17. > :09:19.And there's much more on this story on BBC Newcastle tomorrow morning

:09:20. > :09:27.Elsewhere, plans for a new ?10 million cancer centre

:09:28. > :09:29.in North Yorkshire have gone on display.

:09:30. > :09:32.It would mean that more people could be treated

:09:33. > :09:33.at Northallerton's Friarage Hospital, avoiding the journey

:09:34. > :09:35.to Middlesbrough's James Cook for appointments.

:09:36. > :09:37.The building would be named after Sir Robert Ogden,

:09:38. > :09:39.the North Yorkshire philanthropist, who's jointly funding the project

:09:40. > :09:52.This is what the new ?10 million cancer centre would look like.

:09:53. > :09:54.It would treat up to 35 patients a day, offering

:09:55. > :09:58.John Wynne's been diagnosed with cancer twice.

:09:59. > :10:04.He's helped design the new centre, and says the look of the building

:10:05. > :10:10.When you think of what you're going through, and the psychological

:10:11. > :10:13.effects of all the things you've been in, dull rooms, waiting

:10:14. > :10:17.for scans and things like that, to try and get a facility that's got

:10:18. > :10:19.as much going as this has, to make you feel better...

:10:20. > :10:23.It's not going to change what's happening, but it can make you feel

:10:24. > :10:28.Currently the cancer treatment at the Friarage is split

:10:29. > :10:35.The wards can be cramped, old and outdated.

:10:36. > :10:38.The new centre, which will be built at the front of the hospital

:10:39. > :10:41.where the car park is now, will put everything under one roof.

:10:42. > :10:43.They come to have their treatment, and they're anxious,

:10:44. > :10:45.and they're stressed and they're perhaps upset.

:10:46. > :10:49.Having a cancer diagnosis is devastating.

:10:50. > :10:54.So actually if you're asking patients to periodically move

:10:55. > :10:56.to a new department, that heightens their anxiety.

:10:57. > :10:59.Having them in one department allows for continuity which we know

:11:00. > :11:04.The money for the ?10 million centre is coming

:11:05. > :11:06.from the philanthropist Sir Robert Ogden, and

:11:07. > :11:11.It's fair to say that the facilities are currently

:11:12. > :11:16.So this new centre provides a real opportunity to provide high-quality

:11:17. > :11:18.excellent cancer services for patients, but also

:11:19. > :11:24.If the plans are approved, building work could start

:11:25. > :11:34.this summer and the centre could open by the summer of 2018.

:11:35. > :11:38.The father of Claudia Lawrence has won his battle to allow families

:11:39. > :11:41.of people who've gone missing, to deal with their financial affairs

:11:42. > :11:45.Claudia, who was 35 and was from York, vanished in March 2009.

:11:46. > :11:50.Today, a bill championed by Peter Lawrence,

:11:51. > :11:52.was given the go-ahead in Parliament without opposition.

:11:53. > :12:01.For nearly eight years, Peter Lawrence has suffered the pain

:12:02. > :12:04.of not knowing what became of his vanished daughter, Claudia.

:12:05. > :12:09.The pain compounded by laws which have prevented him

:12:10. > :12:13.from dealing with the crucial problem of her outstanding

:12:14. > :12:19.But today in the Commons, Kevin Hollinrake, on behalf

:12:20. > :12:22.on the North Yorkshire MPs, won the first critical stage

:12:23. > :12:26.The creation of a new status of guardian of the property

:12:27. > :12:29.and affairs of a missing person will fill this void.

:12:30. > :12:31.And provide a sensible, helpful solution to the practical

:12:32. > :12:33.and financial difficulties faced by families and others

:12:34. > :12:41.Claudia Lawrence vanished without trace from her home

:12:42. > :12:46.in Heworth Road in York early on the morning of March the 18th

:12:47. > :12:52.Two major police investigations have failed to solve the mystery.

:12:53. > :12:55.Peter Lawrence quickly discovered he could do nothing

:12:56. > :12:59.But now a change he's championed in the law should give families

:13:00. > :13:02.legal status of guardian of the property and

:13:03. > :13:08.It would mean that everybody can deal with their missing

:13:09. > :13:10.loved one's mortgage, their direct debits,

:13:11. > :13:12.their investments, their insurances, just like we all day-to-day

:13:13. > :13:25.Kevin Hollinrake's bill now goes to its next hearing in February.

:13:26. > :13:27.Without any Parliamentary opposition, it should

:13:28. > :13:34.We've just about got to the stage that we've won.

:13:35. > :13:36.You got to remember, it's 22 months ago that the government

:13:37. > :13:43.And it's taken a private member, Kevin Hollinrake, one of our local

:13:44. > :13:46.MPs for Thirsk and Malton, to bring it forward himself.

:13:47. > :13:48.At least we know it's got government support now.

:13:49. > :13:51.For Peter Lawrence, at least, a legal triumph in the midst

:13:52. > :13:53.of the continuing anguish of the family of missing

:13:54. > :14:11.Coming up next on tonight's programme...

:14:12. > :14:16.The noisy generator causing a headache. Northumberland residents.

:14:17. > :14:19.Picture perfect, a photo exhibition with a difference in West Cumbria.

:14:20. > :14:21.The next few days and see further gales, sleet, snow,

:14:22. > :14:31.Join me shortly for the full midweek forecast.

:14:32. > :14:33.They say they've had weeks of sleepless nights.

:14:34. > :14:36.Residents in one part of Morpeth claim they're being plagued by noise

:14:37. > :14:40.People living in homes on the estate at Stobhill get their electricity

:14:41. > :14:43.from a generator because the mains supply isn't connected yet.

:14:44. > :14:45.But their neighbours say they've had enough.

:14:46. > :14:50.Here's our News Correspondent, Mark Denten.

:14:51. > :14:54.This is Pauline, and for the last six weeks she's been

:14:55. > :14:57.fixated with one thing - the impact of power.

:14:58. > :15:02.Now, don't worry, Pauline isn't planning anything

:15:03. > :15:09.That power is the thing that she's focusing on, morning,

:15:10. > :15:18.Power coming from a generator which is opposite her home.

:15:19. > :15:21.A generator that generates more than electricity.

:15:22. > :15:35.The generator's providing power for a new housing estate opposite

:15:36. > :15:40.Pauline's home after a delay in connecting to the National Grid.

:15:41. > :15:43.But the noise from it has been so loud in her bedroom but Pauline's

:15:44. > :15:47.I thought maybe is it a bomb going to explode?

:15:48. > :15:54.Once the noise starts, you just can't get it out of your head.

:15:55. > :15:57.I mean, there was one night that I even went out and sat

:15:58. > :16:00.in the outhouse to get away from the noise.

:16:01. > :16:01.After the intervention of the Northumberland Council's

:16:02. > :16:04.Environmental Health Team, Barratt Developments put a fence

:16:05. > :16:06.around the development, but the noise has continued.

:16:07. > :16:32.And Northern Power grid say the generator is provided by...

:16:33. > :16:36.I believe the delay now is down to the electricity companies,

:16:37. > :16:39.so we're really hoping that they can get this sorted out as soon

:16:40. > :16:42.as possible and put an end to this situation.

:16:43. > :16:48.I gather there's some good news tonight.

:16:49. > :16:55.Some good news for Pauline and the other residents will stop shigella

:16:56. > :17:01.we have news this afternoon that the mains power has been connected, that

:17:02. > :17:04.means the humming generator has been switched off and taken away by

:17:05. > :17:09.contractors. What we should say is that it's very much a work in

:17:10. > :17:12.progress. Not everybody has moved into the estate. But also adds

:17:13. > :17:15.context a lot of local people were opposed to development in the first

:17:16. > :17:21.place, so it is a double whammy for them. They didn't want the houses,

:17:22. > :17:27.but now they also have the home for six weeks. Let's hope that after all

:17:28. > :17:28.that time pulling and get off her couch and have a nice rest.

:17:29. > :17:32.Absolutely. Mark, thank you. A Cumbrian gallery is inviting

:17:33. > :17:34.visitors to stimulate their eyes Sound and Vision pairs pictures

:17:35. > :17:38.taken in West Cumbria with music It's the work of a group which helps

:17:39. > :17:43.disabled adults enjoy new hobbies. Megan Paterson has been to meet

:17:44. > :18:02.the some of the photographers. I just love taking

:18:03. > :18:05.photos, absolutely. Because it's one of the things

:18:06. > :18:09.I can manage to do. A lot of things aren't accessible

:18:10. > :18:11.for disabled people, but this is something that we can do

:18:12. > :18:17.and get a lot of enjoyment out of. These pictures, accompanied by music

:18:18. > :18:19.chosen by the photographers, give a different perspective

:18:20. > :18:21.on Cumbrian life. The group behind the exhibit

:18:22. > :18:27.is proud of the results. It's the best exhibition

:18:28. > :18:33.that we've got so far. The photography project is run

:18:34. > :18:38.by Copeland Occupational and Social Centre, it focuses

:18:39. > :18:41.on teaching new skills and building It doesn't matter

:18:42. > :18:55.what problems you have. Vision and Sound is the result

:18:56. > :18:58.of months of work pulled together I looked at them, and then

:18:59. > :19:06.they're my inspiration, if you like, And they'll want to go further

:19:07. > :19:09.and pushed themselves. Whatever barriers there are,

:19:10. > :19:15.they overcome them. And it's hoped that work's

:19:16. > :19:17.appreciated by the Beacons visitors. This is a vibrant exhibition that

:19:18. > :19:20.would be worth seeing in any It's pictures themselves

:19:21. > :19:27.that are visually really interesting, of the local area

:19:28. > :19:29.and telling a story. So, yeah, I've been

:19:30. > :19:33.really impressed by it. The exhibition will run

:19:34. > :19:55.from tomorrow until the Terrific. Now we have sport, and win

:19:56. > :19:58.a starting with football, are we? Know, for a change. Although

:19:59. > :19:59.hopefully there will be good memories made.

:20:00. > :20:02.We start with basketball and the countdown to another big cup

:20:03. > :20:09.On Sunday - the Eagles take on Glasgow Rocks at Birmingham Arena

:20:10. > :20:13.in their sixth straight BBL Cup final.

:20:14. > :20:16.But as Fab and co know only too well, they havent

:20:17. > :20:21.As cup final press conferences go, this had to rank as one

:20:22. > :20:26.The Eagles choosing to share their imminent BBL showdown

:20:27. > :20:32.with over 500 schoolchildren in the Sports Central Arena.

:20:33. > :20:35.All the children were taking part in the club's highly successful

:20:36. > :20:37.Hoops For Health Challenge - where the Eagles players and coaches

:20:38. > :20:42.go into local schools to offer not just basketball coaching,

:20:43. > :20:46.but encouragement and support with all kinds of healthy living.

:20:47. > :20:49.And you're teaching kids about a healthy lifestyle,

:20:50. > :20:52.and to communicate with one another and get along with each other,

:20:53. > :21:07.Come Sunday, though, and it'll be back to the deadly

:21:08. > :21:09.Fletch, the Eagles' popular Point Guard,

:21:10. > :21:18.On Sunday he could become the first player to win

:21:19. > :21:20.the Most Valuable Player Award in three consecutive finals.

:21:21. > :21:25.I didn't think about the last two, it just sort of happened.

:21:26. > :21:27.I woke up with the gold ball in my hand.

:21:28. > :21:30.I mean, if we get a trophy, we get it.

:21:31. > :21:32.I just want to play the best we possibly can.

:21:33. > :21:34.Having beaten the Rocks earlier in the season

:21:35. > :21:36.in the Championship, the Eagles tip off

:21:37. > :21:43.I don't care what our chances are, whether favourable or unfavourable.

:21:44. > :21:49.We're going to show up and if we're good enough,

:21:50. > :21:53.And if we're not, then we know what we have two aim

:21:54. > :21:57.You get a real feeling that the clock is ticking

:21:58. > :22:00.as the excitement mounts, as the Eagles head for that

:22:01. > :22:03.date with destiny in Birmingham on Sunday.

:22:04. > :22:06.And only then will we find out if Fab can pick up

:22:07. > :22:16.this famous trophy again for the third consecutive time.

:22:17. > :22:18.And that game will be live on the BBC Sport

:22:19. > :22:22.Emergency repair work has been completed at South Shields' ground

:22:23. > :22:25.Mariners Park in time for tonight's FA Vase rematch with Morpeth Town.

:22:26. > :22:31.The original tie was abandoned, eight minutes from time,

:22:32. > :22:35.Morpeth were 4-2 ahead against their Northern League rivals -

:22:36. > :22:39.Shields say the fault was beyond their control,

:22:40. > :22:42.and that they've been subject to "scurrilous attacks

:22:43. > :22:54.A new generator's been connected - kick off is at 7:30.

:22:55. > :23:03.Made the best team win. Now it's time for the weather. It's quite

:23:04. > :23:05.lively at the moment. Some proper winter weather. The

:23:06. > :23:11.winds have made all the headlines over the last 24 hours or so.

:23:12. > :23:14.Through the early hours of this morning, that is when the winds seem

:23:15. > :23:25.to be. Many places experiencing gusts in excess of 60 mph. The winds

:23:26. > :23:30.are only part of the story because snow and ice also feature over the

:23:31. > :23:34.next few days. We keep this cold weather as we head towards the

:23:35. > :23:40.weekend at least. There are several Met Office be aware of warnings for

:23:41. > :23:43.snow over the next few days. First of all, for Cumbria. Then for the

:23:44. > :23:48.north-east as we head into the weekend. As we head with this

:23:49. > :23:52.evening and overnight, close bars scattered blustery showers. Some

:23:53. > :23:56.have sleet and snow in amongst them. They will give a fair covering as we

:23:57. > :23:59.head with the night. They won't affect everywhere, they're very hit

:24:00. > :24:04.and miss with clear spells in between. Temperatures will dip down

:24:05. > :24:09.to about freezing in between shower clouds. As well as a covering of

:24:10. > :24:13.snow, we will see IC structures forming in others. It stays fairly

:24:14. > :24:17.windy. Not as windy as it has been through the day, but fully gusty

:24:18. > :24:24.westerly wind. Gale force at first this evening, slightly by tomorrow

:24:25. > :24:28.morning. -- but still a gusty westerly wind. Fairly frequent sleet

:24:29. > :24:31.and snow showers, especially in western and northern areas through

:24:32. > :24:36.the morning. The afternoon sees the Shah was all but died away. Most

:24:37. > :24:45.places Brighton and dry up the afternoon. -- most places brighten

:24:46. > :24:47.up. Still a brisk west to north-westerly winds are nothing

:24:48. > :24:52.near strong as they have been recently. We are keeping an eye on

:24:53. > :24:55.the change in wind direction because tomorrow night we start to pick up a

:24:56. > :24:59.northerly wind and that will spread the risk of sleet and snow showers

:25:00. > :25:04.down to eastern areas as we head into Friday. That continues into

:25:05. > :25:07.Saturday before high-pressure tries to build. A frontal system comes in

:25:08. > :25:13.over the top on Sunday and messes things up again weather-wise with a

:25:14. > :25:17.mixed picture for the weekend itself. As we had towards the

:25:18. > :25:22.weekend, Friday we will see some sleet and snow showers in eastern

:25:23. > :25:28.areas. A cold north - north-westerly wind. Temperatures at best 3-

:25:29. > :25:32.Celsius. A similar picture for Saturday. That cold north to

:25:33. > :25:37.north-westerly wind. Showers few and far between and with many places dry

:25:38. > :25:44.and bright. Dane Coles - you'll be lucky if you see five Celsius. --

:25:45. > :25:50.staying cold, you'll be lucky if you see five Celsius. More cloud on

:25:51. > :25:53.Sunday with the risk of rain and elsewhere amongst it. Temperatures

:25:54. > :25:58.slowly start to recover as we head recently. You can keep up to date

:25:59. > :26:02.with the latest forecast using the website and the BBC weather app.

:26:03. > :26:08.I know you are saying I should be paying attention, but Friday is

:26:09. > :26:11.worse than... It depends where you are and how exposed you are. Thanks,

:26:12. > :26:14.I'll watch tomorrow. Don't forget our late bulletin is at

:26:15. > :26:34.10:30. Bye-bye. I think my political beliefs are

:26:35. > :26:38.really quite straightforward. I believe that our country needs to

:26:39. > :26:40.work for everyone. Not just for the rich,

:26:41. > :26:43.not just for the privileged, not just for those who know

:26:44. > :26:45.the right people or who've got the loudest voices, but a country

:26:46. > :26:49.that really works for everyone, has the opportunity to be

:26:50. > :26:54.who they want to be. In order to make sure that the

:26:55. > :26:58.country works for everyone,