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:00:00. > :00:08.The Dean of Gloucester Cathedral has defended his decision to remove

:00:09. > :00:10.a video from social media, which showed a Muslim prayer

:00:11. > :00:14.The film, which featured a local Imam, had been posted

:00:15. > :00:17.on the Cathedral's Facebook page as part of a new exhibition

:00:18. > :00:21.celebrating the city's different faiths, but it

:00:22. > :00:31.A traditional Muslim prayer, filmed inside Gloucester Cathedral's

:00:32. > :00:37.No one complained until it was posted on Facebook.

:00:38. > :00:44.It was all about promoting tolerance as part of a faith exhibition,

:00:45. > :00:50.What followed on social media was a series of offensive comments

:00:51. > :00:53.and complaints from as far afield as the US.

:00:54. > :00:56.When you're wanting people to discover new things

:00:57. > :00:59.about themselves and about each other, that can become a bit

:01:00. > :01:02.controversial and I had to take the decision at the weekend

:01:03. > :01:05.that the post that was on our Facebook page wasn't

:01:06. > :01:08.actually helping and, sometimes in particular

:01:09. > :01:11.when you are representing a cathedral, people can make

:01:12. > :01:14.comments that really aren't appropriate for them to see

:01:15. > :01:20.Last week, St Mary's Cathedral in Glasgow was criticised

:01:21. > :01:24.after a Muslim student read passages from the Qur'an during

:01:25. > :01:30.Online abuse they received is being investigated by the police.

:01:31. > :01:33.Churches need to be thinking that actually, quite often,

:01:34. > :01:36.the digital is the front door to their organisation and thinking

:01:37. > :01:39.about what does that look like, what does that work like for people

:01:40. > :01:41.who don't know anything about the faith, people who know

:01:42. > :01:45.I think we've got to accept that there are different

:01:46. > :01:53.In a statement, Imam Hassan, who read the prayer,

:01:54. > :02:07.More than 1,000 people have attended the exhibition so far and it's set

:02:08. > :02:17.NHS prescriptions drugs are being wasted on an industrial

:02:18. > :02:21.That's the warning from health officials, as concerns grow that

:02:22. > :02:25.some repeat prescriptions are being dispensed unnecessarily.

:02:26. > :02:28.But in Walsall, the local Clinical Commissioning Group has

:02:29. > :02:32.managed to reduce drug waste significantly by introducing

:02:33. > :02:34.practice-based pharmacists into GP surgeries.

:02:35. > :02:40.Ram Raman, from Walsall, has a range of long term conditions

:02:41. > :02:44.I've called you in for your medication review.

:02:45. > :02:47.Today, he's come to his GP surgery for a chat

:02:48. > :02:53.Just looking at a couple of items you've had on your repeat list...

:02:54. > :02:56.It's a chance for her to make sure he's taking his medicines correctly

:02:57. > :03:00.and remove any items from his repeat list that he no longer needs.

:03:01. > :03:05.OK, so you don't need that one anymore.

:03:06. > :03:08.By making sure patients only get prescribed the items they need,

:03:09. > :03:11.NHS Walsall is saving money - in Mr Raman's case,

:03:12. > :03:18.Even a small amount of money individually, if put

:03:19. > :03:24.together nationwide, that's a huge saving.

:03:25. > :03:26.According to the Department of Health, wasted prescriptions cost

:03:27. > :03:39.We've extrapolated savings for every pound invested into a pharmacist

:03:40. > :03:43.being in the practice, we have shown that we have saved

:03:44. > :03:46.nearly ?2.50, so it's kind of an invest-to-save, really.

:03:47. > :03:49.Simple things like encouraging patients to check their

:03:50. > :03:52.prescriptions before leaving the pharmacy is also

:03:53. > :03:58.Once it is out of the pharmacy, the pharmacy cannot recycle it

:03:59. > :04:03.and even if you bring it back they have to dispose it of and it's

:04:04. > :04:08.So by encouraging patients to get more actively involved

:04:09. > :04:12.in their own medicines management, NHS Walsall is cutting

:04:13. > :04:14.waste and freeing up cash which can be ploughed back

:04:15. > :04:22.Police are searching for thieves who used a JCB to smash their way

:04:23. > :04:25.through the wall of a shop in Kempsey, near Worcester,

:04:26. > :04:30.Most of the side of the shop in Church Street was destroyed

:04:31. > :04:34.in the raid, which took place in the early hours of the morning.

:04:35. > :04:36.Thieves had stolen the JCB from a nearby farm.

:04:37. > :04:39.Following the raid, they abandoned it in the middle of the A38

:04:40. > :04:46.Jaguar Landrover has been fined ?900,000 after a worker lost a leg

:04:47. > :04:51.The employee was injured at the company's Lode Lane plant

:04:52. > :04:55.in Solihull after a delivery driver lost control of a Range Rover Sport

:04:56. > :04:58.being driven towards the start of the production line.

:04:59. > :05:01.He became trapped between two cars, leaving him with injuries

:05:02. > :05:04.which meant his right leg had to be amputated.

:05:05. > :05:08.JLR was found guilty of breaching Health and Safety rules.

:05:09. > :05:12.A group of MPs have been travelling around the West Midlands today,

:05:13. > :05:15.listening to people's thoughts about Brexit.

:05:16. > :05:19.The Exit the EU select committee is on a UK tour,

:05:20. > :05:22.finding out what business leaders and others feel about the process.

:05:23. > :05:25.Today, they visited two parts of the region which voted

:05:26. > :05:28.strongly to leave - Wolverhampton and Stoke.

:05:29. > :05:33.Everyone has a point of view on Brexit.

:05:34. > :05:37.I don't think Theresa May's handling it very well at all.

:05:38. > :05:42.Just don't take notice of what the public is saying, are they?

:05:43. > :05:46.Yes, I do think it's going along well.

:05:47. > :05:49.But not everyone gets to tell the politicians what they think.

:05:50. > :05:52.That was the chance these students got today

:05:53. > :05:55.as the rather grandly titled Selected Committee For

:05:56. > :05:57.Leaving The European Union came to Wolverhampton.

:05:58. > :06:01.Half-an-hour behind closed doors with the politicians responsible

:06:02. > :06:04.for analysing the Government's plan on Brexit.

:06:05. > :06:08.I think it will lose an element of what this university

:06:09. > :06:11.is about because of Brexit because we won't get that

:06:12. > :06:18.Sadly, the Leave campaigners weren't coming in today,

:06:19. > :06:22.such as Michael Gove, but it was a very Remain heavy panel

:06:23. > :06:26.that we were talking to and that came across evidently.

:06:27. > :06:29.Here in Wolverhampton, more than 60% of people

:06:30. > :06:34.The Brexit committee's been in the building behind me,

:06:35. > :06:36.meeting business leaders and students among others,

:06:37. > :06:39.to find out what they're excited about and what concerns

:06:40. > :06:44.Whether people were Leavers or Remainers is not the point anymore.

:06:45. > :06:47.We're leaving the European Union and our job collectively is to make

:06:48. > :06:51.sure we get the best possible deal for Wolverhampton, because we're

:06:52. > :06:54.here today, but also for the whole of the country.

:06:55. > :06:56.After Wolverhampton, it was north to a tile

:06:57. > :07:00.factory in Stoke-on-Trent, where confidence is high.

:07:01. > :07:03.I think the fact that the MPs have come out of London to come

:07:04. > :07:06.and have a look around the region to see what is being

:07:07. > :07:12.I think on a level playing field scenario, as long

:07:13. > :07:15.as there are no major disruptions, we're very confident we can continue

:07:16. > :07:17.to grow the business as we have done in the past.

:07:18. > :07:21.These MPs say people can influence what Brexit will look like.

:07:22. > :07:28.If you are striving to eat your five-a-day,

:07:29. > :07:31.you may have noticed a shortage of some green vegetables and salads,

:07:32. > :07:36.That is because snow and freezing weather in Spain and Italy,

:07:37. > :07:39.where many of those items come from at this time of year,

:07:40. > :07:43.At Birmingham Wholesale Market, traders have seen prices of items

:07:44. > :07:46.such as courgettes quadruple and shoppers too are

:07:47. > :07:54.Have you noticed a shortage of some of your favourite vegetables

:07:55. > :08:02.Everything from courgettes to spinach has been in short supply

:08:03. > :08:05.and shoppers in Birmingham have had plenty to say about it.

:08:06. > :08:08.Every single thing has gone up in the shops now and people

:08:09. > :08:14.Everything's just going up and you're just trying to make

:08:15. > :08:17.the most of what you've got and still eat healthy as well

:08:18. > :08:21.It's a daily thing that you are actually going to need,

:08:22. > :08:24.fruits, vegetables, all those kind of things.

:08:25. > :08:26.Most of the stall holders here get their produce

:08:27. > :08:28.from the wholesale market and the traders there have noticed

:08:29. > :08:34.Peter Marshall has been a vegetable wholesaler

:08:35. > :08:41.Never has he paid more for crops from Spain.

:08:42. > :08:44.I think we have to start leaving armed guards here at night now,

:08:45. > :08:49.And here's a flavour of just how much prices have risen.

:08:50. > :08:53.Few examples - aubergines, five kilo box, was ?7

:08:54. > :09:03.24 pieces of brocolli, generally 7.20, now 15.50.

:09:04. > :09:13.I gather this is going to be next, coriander, going to go

:09:14. > :09:20.This mobile phone footage of snow-covered coriander crops

:09:21. > :09:24.was sent to Peter by his supplier in Murcia in Spain yesterday.

:09:25. > :09:32.At this rate, coriander won't be on offer on the market for long.

:09:33. > :09:39.I'll leave you now with the forecast from Rebecca Wood.

:09:40. > :09:53.We have colder air, but nothing like we have seen covering the coriander.

:09:54. > :09:58.There is a split across the region as we have three tonight. Today, for

:09:59. > :10:02.some of us, it has been a grey and murky day, but further south the

:10:03. > :10:07.cloud has started to Finland break. In Gloucestershire we had lots of

:10:08. > :10:10.sunshine today. We did see breaks on the cloud. Those breaks mean that

:10:11. > :10:14.the temperatures are already plummeting. In the sight of a region

:10:15. > :10:19.we are likely to see the damage is getting below freezing, they did get

:10:20. > :10:22.down to minus two. In the North Midlands where we keep the cloud

:10:23. > :10:27.they should hold up at about 4 degrees. This weather system is

:10:28. > :10:32.draped across the north of the country. Prasad means keep cloud in

:10:33. > :10:35.the North Midlands, in the site tomorrow things will brighten up.

:10:36. > :10:40.Weather is that dividing line between the cloud and clear skies we

:10:41. > :10:43.can get fog through the day. It will be at dry and bright afternoon just

:10:44. > :10:48.about everywhere with temperatures ranging between four and 5 degrees.

:10:49. > :10:52.The easterly breeze will make you feel chilly. Into the weekend, more

:10:53. > :10:57.brightness on the way. Overnight frost will become an issue. The

:10:58. > :11:03.National forecast is next. I will leave you with the Outlook.

:11:04. > :11:04.looks as though we can, a bit more cloud on Sunday. Now the national