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:00:00. > :00:00.London. If you want more details, you can head to our website. Now on

:00:00. > :00:00.Welcome to South East Today, I'm BBC One we

:00:07. > :00:09.Welcome to South East Today, I'm Polly Evans.

:00:10. > :00:12.And I'm John Young. Tonight's top stories: Game over. KLM's vdrdict on

:00:13. > :00:21.Manston Airport as it confirms its last flight from Kent will take

:00:22. > :00:26.place tomorrow. That's not over yet. There `re

:00:27. > :00:31.various options and we may well rescue the place. Putting the Taser

:00:32. > :00:34.under the spotlight ` our exclusive investigation reveals their use by

:00:35. > :00:39.Sussex Police has gone up fourfold in the past year.

:00:40. > :00:42.Also in tonight's programme: A postmortem examination is sdt to be

:00:43. > :00:46.carried out at the Darent V`lley Hospital, as prayers are sahd in

:00:47. > :00:54.Kent following the death of Peaches Geldof.

:00:55. > :00:58.A Kent baby becomes the youngest in the UK to have cochlear implants to

:00:59. > :01:01.improve her hearing at just three months and three days.

:01:02. > :01:04.And the Birthplace of the British Army ` the campaigners who say

:01:05. > :01:05.Shorncliffe Barracks should be saved from redevelopment and becole a

:01:06. > :01:15.heritage site. Good evening. Fears for the future

:01:16. > :01:18.of Manston Airport in East Kent increased today as the airlhne KLM

:01:19. > :01:23.confirmed to BBC South East that it won't be returning, even if the

:01:24. > :01:26.airport is saved. The Dutch said today it was "game over" for its

:01:27. > :01:31.operations there as it prep`red for its last flight tomorrow morning.

:01:32. > :01:34.Last week, an offer to buy the airport as a going concern was

:01:35. > :01:39.withdrawn, leaving 150 jobs at risk, after the current owners announced

:01:40. > :01:43.it was no longer financiallx viable. Today, bosses say there is still no

:01:44. > :01:51.sign of a buyer. Simon Jones reports.

:01:52. > :01:57.Launched just one year ago, promising to open Manston up to the

:01:58. > :02:01.world but no KLM says the contract with the airport has been

:02:02. > :02:04.terminated. The managing director said we cannot do business hn a

:02:05. > :02:18.shaky environment. I'm afraid this is crushing news for

:02:19. > :02:24.the airport and for East Kent. For an airline to see they are terribly

:02:25. > :02:30.sorry but they airport is closing and stopping our flights to seeing

:02:31. > :02:37.we are never coming back is much worse. Things looked differdnt and

:02:38. > :02:44.year ago. We are very excited to be hdre.

:02:45. > :02:48.Campaigners fighting to savd the airport will gather tomorrow to

:02:49. > :02:56.waive the last flight off. I flew up their own Friday `nd the

:02:57. > :03:03.staff or so upbeat and cheerful and professional. You must be so

:03:04. > :03:07.confused about what is going on It is not over yet. There are

:03:08. > :03:11.various options and backgrotnd pieces of information that lay well

:03:12. > :03:17.rescue the place. We hope wd can keep trying.

:03:18. > :03:21.But KLM has already begun the process of deploying its aircraft

:03:22. > :03:25.and crew to other routes. I think that is deeply disappointing

:03:26. > :03:29.because every bit of news lhke this adds to increased pessimism about

:03:30. > :03:41.the airport. That said, in the last 24 hours, I growing pessimism has

:03:42. > :03:45.changed to optimism. For the staff, the uncertainty goes

:03:46. > :03:49.on. Simon Jones reporting and hd joins

:03:50. > :03:57.us live now from Manston Airport. Do we know if there are any serious

:03:58. > :04:01.offers on the table for the airport? There is still talk of a potential

:04:02. > :04:06.buyer coming forward but thd harsh reality is less, the owners have

:04:07. > :04:11.confirmed that there are no offers on the table. Staff have bedn told

:04:12. > :04:15.that the airport will remain operational until at least the end

:04:16. > :04:22.of the month. After that thdy will be given at least ten days notice if

:04:23. > :04:26.they airport is to close. Btt with KLM going tomorrow and another cargo

:04:27. > :04:32.carrier already pulling out the reality is it could be top to sell

:04:33. > :04:38.this airport as a going concern KLM told us it was a sad day for the

:04:39. > :04:41.people of Kent and the comp`ny but they tried to make this route is

:04:42. > :04:45.success but in the current climate they couldn't continue.

:04:46. > :04:48.Sussex Police are using tasdrs nearly four times as often `s they

:04:49. > :04:52.did a year ago, the biggest increase in their use by any force in the

:04:53. > :04:55.country. Figures obtained bx the BBC show there were more than 140

:04:56. > :04:59.incidents involving the stun guns in 2013. The rise coincides with a

:05:00. > :05:03.change in the rules around tasers, meaning they can be carried by

:05:04. > :05:12.trained non`firearms officers. Our Political reporter Ellie Prhce has

:05:13. > :05:16.this exclusive investigation. A man Tasered in Brighton l`st July.

:05:17. > :05:21.Sussex Police officers were cleared of any wrongdoing after the video

:05:22. > :05:33.appeared to show the man behng correct. `` kicked. Sussex Police

:05:34. > :05:37.has increased its use of Tasers more than any other force in the country.

:05:38. > :05:46.Last year, we increased the number of Taser officers to 163 front line

:05:47. > :05:53.staff and that would account for the 400 and 77% increase in use of

:05:54. > :05:57.Tasers. Our view is that we world issue it as necessary to deliver a

:05:58. > :06:12.good service. Figures show that...

:06:13. > :06:19.The idea is that the mere threat of use is enough to ensure orddrs are

:06:20. > :06:24.followed. I've never seen one being used but

:06:25. > :06:27.it is better than a gun and as long as it is used in proper

:06:28. > :06:32.circumstances. If someone has a knife, it hs a good

:06:33. > :06:36.idea but I don't want every officer to have one.

:06:37. > :06:40.I have friends who are bullhes so if you haven't got someone watching

:06:41. > :06:43.your back, at least you got an alternative.

:06:44. > :06:51.Campaigners say the dangers are underestimated.

:06:52. > :06:55.If they are using a baton, they know how much force they are using and

:06:56. > :07:01.can judge proportionality. But with Tasers they are just pushing a

:07:02. > :07:03.button and the officer is disconnected from the effects of

:07:04. > :07:08.their actions. Sussex Police are reviewing whether

:07:09. > :07:12.to have any more officers whth Tasers.

:07:13. > :07:16.In a moment, the latest on the woman from Kent who's gone to court asking

:07:17. > :07:23.the NHS to pay to freeze her eggs before chemotherapy.

:07:24. > :07:27.A postmortem examination is due to be carried out on the body of the TV

:07:28. > :07:31.presenter Peaches Geldof tolorrow in an effort to find out how she died

:07:32. > :07:35.at her Kent home. Police relain at the 25`year`old's house in Wrotham

:07:36. > :07:47.today and are treating her death as "sudden" and "unexplained" but not

:07:48. > :07:53.suspicious. Brewers are due to be held.

:07:54. > :08:00.Forensic experts remain at the home of Peaches Geldof and a postmortem

:08:01. > :08:05.examination will be carried out in the next few days. Members of the

:08:06. > :08:09.local community, including this taxi driver, remember that the young

:08:10. > :08:14.mother. Lovely girl, lovely family. We drove

:08:15. > :08:20.her around and are all devastated by her death. It's one of thosd things,

:08:21. > :08:22.isn't it? Peaches Geldof grew up in London and

:08:23. > :08:42.Faversham. Because of the sadness of someone

:08:43. > :08:46.who has died so young and even though we may not have known her she

:08:47. > :08:51.was part of our community and so we would embrace her in our pr`yers on

:08:52. > :08:57.Sunday and we will do so during the coming weeks.

:08:58. > :09:00.This appearance on Australi`n television was one of the l`st

:09:01. > :09:05.appearances she gave where she appeared to relish prospects of her

:09:06. > :09:19.new life in the country. What you could call my, dubbed by

:09:20. > :09:26.the press, whilst child perhod, definitely mother changed md. It's

:09:27. > :09:31.really fun being a mum. This was her last tweet, a picture

:09:32. > :09:34.with her mother Paula. She will be known as the girl who grew tp in

:09:35. > :09:47.Kent and returned to the cotnty to bring up own children.

:09:48. > :09:49.Solicitors representing the families of cancer patients, who died after

:09:50. > :09:52.potentially avoidable surgical complications, have criticised a

:09:53. > :09:55.hospital in Kent for refusing to publish a report into the c`ses A

:09:56. > :09:58.total of five patients all died within a year following uppdr

:09:59. > :10:01.gastrointestinal surgery at the Maidstone Hospital, run by Laidstone

:10:02. > :10:04.and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. Part of the M25 in Kent will be

:10:05. > :10:08.closed overnight for the next month because of resurfacing works. From

:10:09. > :10:11.Wednesday, the motorway will be shut clockwise between junction four at

:10:12. > :10:13.Orpington and junction five in Sevenoaks.

:10:14. > :10:17.A woman from Kent with a debilitating disease will h`ve to

:10:18. > :10:20.wait for up to a week to find out whether she's persuaded a Hhgh Court

:10:21. > :10:23.Judge that the NHS should p`y for her eggs to be frozen ahead of

:10:24. > :10:34.chemotherapy for a debilitating disease. Lizzie Rose took hdr case

:10:35. > :10:39.to the High Court this mornhng. You don't know how you will feel in

:10:40. > :10:42.ten years' time but it is some hope that if it was important to you in

:10:43. > :10:48.the future then you hit that safeguard. That is important to have

:10:49. > :10:51.been given that choice, to `t least be able to choose from yourself

:10:52. > :10:54.Well, let's cross live to London and speak to our Home Affairs rdporter

:10:55. > :11:01.Rebecca Williams. Rebecca, the judge says he'll deliver his judglent

:11:02. > :11:08.within the next seven days. That's right. We heard how this case

:11:09. > :11:14.is urgent. Elizabeth found out aged 14 and that she had Crohn's disease

:11:15. > :11:20.and she is due to have an ilminent bone marrow transplant and

:11:21. > :11:29.chemotherapy. She says that treatment will leave her infertile

:11:30. > :11:39.and once her eggs stored. She has been turned down three times and has

:11:40. > :11:44.decided to take legal action. She says she has nothing against the NHS

:11:45. > :11:49.but feels she has been a victim of a postcode lottery.

:11:50. > :11:54.When can we expect a judgemdnt? By next Wednesday. The judgd

:11:55. > :12:01.describes this as a truly unique case.

:12:02. > :12:06.She says she needs ?4000 in order not to go into an early menopause.

:12:07. > :12:12.It is a difficult decision for the judge but he has to face legal

:12:13. > :12:20.intervals and whether the polity acted lawfully and rationally.

:12:21. > :12:24.Today the clinical commissioning group say they have limited funds

:12:25. > :12:28.and would need to to decide how best to treat and service the population

:12:29. > :12:31.as a whole. Strike action is still on the cards

:12:32. > :12:34.in Brighton and Hove, according to the GMB union, following today's

:12:35. > :12:37.meeting between the city's refuse collectors and council bossds Last

:12:38. > :12:41.summer, the workforce went on strike for a week in a dispute over pay.

:12:42. > :12:46.Now unions claim that changds to collections are causing chaos. Well,

:12:47. > :12:49.let's cross to Brighton and speak to our reporter Mark Sanders. Lark we

:12:50. > :12:52.understand there could be a last ditch meeting between counchl

:12:53. > :13:01.officials and the union latdr this week.

:13:02. > :13:05.The GMB union and council t`lks broke up this afternoon that some or

:13:06. > :13:12.negotiations are ahead this week. All to prevent another bin strike.

:13:13. > :13:19.Last year in June they made part of the city look like a rubbish tip.

:13:20. > :13:25.There is a risk that this could happen again. Rubbish piling high in

:13:26. > :13:28.the streets across the city. The council and the GMB union h`ve been

:13:29. > :13:35.having talks about refuse collection and if those negotiations f`il, GMB

:13:36. > :13:44.says it will ballot for indtstrial action.

:13:45. > :13:52.It is the last thing we want is to do, causing loss of pay to our

:13:53. > :13:57.members and bother to the ptblic. Last year, industrial relathons

:13:58. > :14:02.broke down between refuge collectors and Brighton City Council. There was

:14:03. > :14:09.unofficial action in May although by a week`long strike. That was

:14:10. > :14:15.eventually resolved. The cotncil says it is working hard to find a

:14:16. > :14:18.way forward. We will respond as positively as we

:14:19. > :14:22.can to the issues that have been raised with us but I don't want to

:14:23. > :14:28.underplay the seriousness of the issue.

:14:29. > :14:34.The GMB and the City Council are due to have further talks to resolve the

:14:35. > :14:39.row later this week. If there is no deal, the union says it will ballot

:14:40. > :14:46.its members over whether to take industrial action.

:14:47. > :14:50.All this is very potentiallx tricky for the administration which is run

:14:51. > :14:56.by the Green party. Last ye`r, Caroline Lucas, the Green MP,

:14:57. > :15:01.actually backed the striking workers, so this is potenti`lly very

:15:02. > :15:07.sensitive for the Greens. And there are local elections next ye`r.

:15:08. > :15:11.This is our top story tonight: There's been a fresh blow to the

:15:12. > :15:15.economy of East Kent today with the news that the airline KLM is pulling

:15:16. > :15:18.out of Manston Airport, whether or not the airport is saved. The Dutch

:15:19. > :15:21.company has said it's "game over" for its operations there. Its last

:15:22. > :15:29.flight will be tomorrow morning Also in tonight's programme: the

:15:30. > :15:32.Kent barracks dubbed the birthplace of the British Army and the

:15:33. > :15:40.campaigners who say it should be protected from redevelopment.

:15:41. > :15:45.The lighthouse that stood gtard over the white cliffs for more than two

:15:46. > :15:56.centuries gets a much`needed make over.

:15:57. > :15:59.A baby from Kent has become the youngest in the UK to have `

:16:00. > :16:03.controversial treatment for deafness at the age of just three months and

:16:04. > :16:06.three days. Evie Smith had the first device implanted in her right ear,

:16:07. > :16:09.and then the second seven wdeks later. She'd become profoundly deaf

:16:10. > :16:16.after contracting pneumococcal meningitis when she was just three

:16:17. > :16:19.days old. The meningitis led to bony growth, or ossification, in her

:16:20. > :16:23.inner ear. She is now among around 5,000 children in the UK who have

:16:24. > :16:29.cochlear implants. Jane Dre`per has tonight's Special Report.

:16:30. > :16:41.This is a big day for a DEV and her parents `` baby Evie. The ilplants

:16:42. > :16:47.when then within two months and are now being switched on. Evie has

:16:48. > :16:52.spent most of her short lifd profoundly deaf so this reaction to

:16:53. > :17:02.the banging of a drum means the world to her mum. Cochlear hmplants

:17:03. > :17:13.at a cure for deafness but they will help her process sound. It hs

:17:14. > :17:15.processing the sound and today the hearing specialists have bedn

:17:16. > :17:23.programming the devices and seeing how Evie response. Evie has faced

:17:24. > :17:29.huge challenges. She lost hdr hearing after getting meningitis

:17:30. > :17:36.after just three days old. She was given cochlear implants bec`use the

:17:37. > :17:41.damage to her ears were is getting worse.

:17:42. > :17:49.With meningitis, you can get bony growth in the years. At that happens

:17:50. > :17:53.you cannot get the implants in. The parents had to make a quick decision

:17:54. > :18:01.and we had to implant Evie when she was just two months old.

:18:02. > :18:06.This has been a milestone for her parents.

:18:07. > :18:11.We were devastated when we found out she was deaf but what affected me

:18:12. > :18:18.most was the thought of her speech being impaired. With these hmplants,

:18:19. > :18:25.hopefully her speech could be good with input from the speech `nd

:18:26. > :18:31.language therapists. So that was what we are looking forward to,

:18:32. > :18:35.hearing her say mummy and d`ddy Evie is one of several children now

:18:36. > :18:51.in the UK with these implants. It's been described as the

:18:52. > :18:53.birthplace of the British army ` Shorncliffe, near Folkestond, was

:18:54. > :18:57.established as an army camp more than 200 years ago. During the First

:18:58. > :19:00.World War, thousands of troops trained there on their way to the

:19:01. > :19:03.trenches. Now the Ministry of Defence plans to sell off p`rt of

:19:04. > :19:06.the barracks for housing. Btt campaigners say they're concerned

:19:07. > :19:09.that would threaten historical sites and buildings which should hnstead

:19:10. > :19:12.be part of a heritage centrd. Sara Smith's paid the site a visht.

:19:13. > :19:16.Another trainload of young len on their way to the Front. For too

:19:17. > :19:20.many, Folkestone would be their last sight of home.

:19:21. > :19:24.It was the gateway to the trenches of the First World War. Thotsands

:19:25. > :19:27.and thousands of men got off at the station at Shorncliffe, walked to

:19:28. > :19:31.the barracks, put on the unhform, walked down Sandy Lane to go and

:19:32. > :19:37.train to dig trenches and practice gas warfare.

:19:38. > :19:40.The remains of those trenchds were used by British and Canadian

:19:41. > :19:44.soldiers stationed here makd up just part of the rich heritage of this

:19:45. > :19:50.site. During the Napoleonic Wars, a fort was built, now covered with

:19:51. > :19:52.bushes and trees. And Gener`l Sir John Moore trained light infantry, a

:19:53. > :19:59.method that would revolutionise battle.

:20:00. > :20:03.The history that is just ovdr that hill is incredible. Hundreds of

:20:04. > :20:08.years. In fact, you could c`ll it the birthplace of the British Army.

:20:09. > :20:12.A former Army medic, Rory M`ckenzie, lost his leg in Iraq. Along with

:20:13. > :20:15.Chris Shaw, he is concerned about plans to build houses here,

:20:16. > :20:18.determined that the link with history's soldiers should not be

:20:19. > :20:24.broken. We marched the same march as them.

:20:25. > :20:29.We are the same people. Soldiers are soldiers. We are a certain

:20:30. > :20:36.personality. Of course therd's a connection, absolutely.

:20:37. > :20:39.The role which these barracks have played over the years hasn't been

:20:40. > :20:42.forgotten, says the MoD, and it is working with developers and English

:20:43. > :20:46.Heritage to ensure the important sites here will be protected.

:20:47. > :20:50.I don't think development hdre is a threat to heritage at all. That will

:20:51. > :20:54.bring investment into the shte and makes it possible to do othdr things

:20:55. > :20:57.to create the sort of visitor information point we would want to

:20:58. > :21:02.see to make this work as an education centre and Heritage site.

:21:03. > :21:06.Much of the land there is no longer used by the MoD and money whll

:21:07. > :21:10.improve the barracks for today's soldiers. And there is a nedd for

:21:11. > :21:13.housing. The challenge will be getting the balance between homes

:21:14. > :21:23.and the area's military herhtage right.

:21:24. > :21:28.There's more on the centenary of World War One and the endurhng

:21:29. > :21:39.impact of the conflict to this day on our website.

:21:40. > :21:44.And if you have a special photo that tells your family's story of the

:21:45. > :21:58.First World War, we'd love to include it in our My Photo series.

:21:59. > :22:02.Football and Brighton continue their push for a play`off place against

:22:03. > :22:05.newly`promoted Leicester City this evening. The Midlands side `re

:22:06. > :22:08.unbeaten in their last 21 ldague games, but their last defeat was at

:22:09. > :22:11.Brighton in December. Elsewhere in the Championship, Charlton play

:22:12. > :22:13.bottom`of`the`table Yeovil, and in League One Gillingham travel to

:22:14. > :22:16.Peterborough while Crawley will look to end a five`match losing streak

:22:17. > :22:18.when they face second`place Brentford.

:22:19. > :22:21.For more than two centuries South Foreland Lighthouse has stood guard

:22:22. > :22:24.above the white cliffs of Dover keeping ships safe from the

:22:25. > :22:27.treacherous Goodwin Sands. But it seems time has taken its toll. After

:22:28. > :22:31.decades being battered by whnds and storms the lighthouse is behng given

:22:32. > :22:36.a much needed make over. Thd preservation project is the biggest

:22:37. > :22:39.in the lighthouse's history. And Piers Hopkirk has been given a

:22:40. > :22:43.glimpse of the work in action. Blasting away years of decax. A

:22:44. > :22:48.face`lift for this iconic sdntinel of the south coast.

:22:49. > :22:51.This is actually one of the highest lighthouses in England and Wales so

:22:52. > :22:55.it gets really battered by weather and storms. In some areas, we are

:22:56. > :22:59.talking paint that has been on since 1843 so it is about a centiletre

:23:00. > :23:02.thick. It is hoped that painting whth the

:23:03. > :23:08.new mineral paint will stop erosion outside and in.

:23:09. > :23:12.It's normally repainted every three years but we still have a problem

:23:13. > :23:21.with moisture saturation. If we take this we can use this meter `nd it

:23:22. > :23:25.will record moisture levels inside. So that will mean that we won't see

:23:26. > :23:30.internal erosion. That's right and the moisture will

:23:31. > :23:35.go down. The work aims to preserve the

:23:36. > :23:37.lighthouse and its place in history. The Victorians develop this

:23:38. > :23:40.revolving system of lenses `nd screens.

:23:41. > :23:43.Originally built in 1793, it was the first in the world to use an

:23:44. > :23:49.electrical light while Marconi carried out the first radio

:23:50. > :23:53.transmissions from here. The lens itself or optic wehghs

:23:54. > :24:01.about three tonnes. As you can see, because it is floating on Mdrcury,

:24:02. > :24:05.we can move it just with a finger. The lighthouse keeper would take

:24:06. > :24:09.this handle and put it on to here and he would wind this up. @s soon

:24:10. > :24:19.as you start winding, this optical lens will start to spin round.

:24:20. > :24:21.The work to protect all this requires scaffolding and thd

:24:22. > :24:28.unexpected bonus is a viewing platform. We are around 300 feet

:24:29. > :24:33.above sea level. You can not only see France but on a clear d`y you

:24:34. > :24:42.can make out Calais Town Hall. And that is Dungeness Power Station The

:24:43. > :24:53.work is expected to be finished by June. It will be as eye`catching as

:24:54. > :24:56.ever. The weather was kind to us today.

:24:57. > :25:11.Just how we like it, uneventful It is turning out sunny and warm. We

:25:12. > :25:16.have got settled weather ovdr the next couple of days. Largelx, it

:25:17. > :25:24.will stay dry and we will sde some sunshine tomorrow and it will feel

:25:25. > :25:39.fairly mild. We started the day with a bit of cloud cover but th`t breaks

:25:40. > :25:42.up. Temperatures have been `round 13 or 14 degrees and the reason for

:25:43. > :25:53.that has been these westerlx winds. They have really taken the ddge of

:25:54. > :25:59.those temperatures. We will start to see some mist and fog forming

:26:00. > :26:08.tonight and it will still bd quite breezy this evening. It will

:26:09. > :26:15.actually be quite a chilly night as well and in towns and cities we have

:26:16. > :26:22.got loads of four or five. We will see plenty of sunshine during the

:26:23. > :26:30.morning. High pressure is fhrmly in control so it should be a sdttled

:26:31. > :26:43.and fine day. You might see some light patchily and but for the most

:26:44. > :26:49.part we will stay dry. Tomorrow night, it will stay settled with

:26:50. > :26:58.clearer skies around and temperatures not as chilly `s

:26:59. > :27:05.tonight. There will be a little bit more cloud cover around. We will see

:27:06. > :27:15.that as we go into Friday btt will be staying dry. Friday, we will have

:27:16. > :27:22.a dry start to the day with maybe light and patchy rain for a time.

:27:23. > :27:25.The good news is, at the wedkend the high pressure builds backend so we

:27:26. > :27:33.will see some sunshine and warm temperatures. Saturday and Sunday

:27:34. > :27:40.are looking lovely. That said from us. I will bd back at

:27:41. > :27:40.APM and 10:30pm. And I will see you tomorrow evening.

:27:41. > :27:45.Goodbye.