22/08/2014 Asia Business Report


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say sorry on previous occasions. Now on BBC News, all the latest business


news live from Singapore. Bank of America is hit with a near


$17 billion fine by US authorities for misleading customers.


Australia's trade minister is forced to reassure the country's biggest


trading partner. Welcome to Asia Business Report. It


is the highest fine a single company has ever agreed to with regulators.


The Bank of America is paying US authorities close to $17 billion to


settle claims that it and its affiliates misled investors by


pretending risky mortgage securities were safe. The settlement will cut


its third`quarter profits by more than $5 billion. More from New York.


Bad mortgage investments devastated the US housing market and sparked a


depression the economy is only now just shaking off. Now another bank


has been punished for those investments with a huge fine. Bank


of America is paying $17 billion, substantially more than rivals JP


Morgan and Citigroup paid to settle a similar matter. In a statement,


the bank's chief executive Brian Moynihan, said the deal was in the


best interests of its shareholders. This settlement brings a measure of


closure to the bank which has been dogged by legal problems ever since


the start of financial crisis. A large portion of the penalty will go


towards modifying the mortgages of borrowers who owe more than their


homes are worth, the rest will go to the authorities. US Attorney General


Eric Holder emphasised the severity of the punishment. This constitutes


the largest civil settlement with a single entity in history, addressing


conduct uncovered in more than a dozen cases and investigations. I


want to be very clear, the size and scope of this multibillion dollar


agreement goes far beyond the cost of doing business. This outcome does


not preclude any criminal charges against the bank or its employees.


The penalty exceeds Bank of America's entire profits last year.


But many still think such fines are not enough of a punishment for the


people and companies that did such damage to the global economy.


In other news, clothing giant Gap says it plans to open 40 stores in


India next year. The announcement came after the company unveiled


second`quarter results, which showed net sales increasing by 3% to under


just $4 billion. The move into India from where it has sourced products


for many years is part of the company's strategy to expand


operations in Asia, including China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.


To go `` Toyota has cut its prices in China, reducing it in certain


models by an average of 26%. The price cuts follow a $200 million


fine issued by China against 12 Japanese companies over price


manipulation. The mainland government is in the middle of


conducting investigations in the country's automotive sector.


Australia's biggest trading partner is China.


So when a Member of Parliament goes on national television and describes


the Chinese as mongrels who shoot their own people, it has the makings


of a major trade dispute. Clive Palmer, who also happens to be on a


V`Australia's richest men, has left the Australian government trying to


limit the damage. `` one of Australia's.


It is distinctly un` `` on helpful. It was a statement yesterday


afternoon where the Chinese government officially said that they


do not think it in any way reflects the views of the government or the


community in Australia. That's a welcome sign. But, nevertheless,


comments by someone in his position to say these things, is


extraordinarily unhelpful. It can be misinterpreted and can colour the


attitude of people we are negotiating with. Within ten years,


trying to bring the negotiation to this stage. For a free`trade


agreement within two countries? Yes. Ten years, our biggest trading


partner. It would... In the end, hundreds of thousands of jobs could


be at `` created with a free trade agreement. These things are very


important and he has done potential damage to the prosperity and the


prospects of millions of Australians. Do you think Clive


Palmer's words might be able to be measured in terms of dollars lost?


I'm hopeful that we will be able to walk through this and go beyond it


and the Chinese won't hold it against us. But, you know, we


shouldn't be in this position in the first place. We shouldn't have to be


wondering whether it's going to have the material and permanent impact.


Australia is a robust democracy. We are. But he is a senior Member of


Parliament and on a V`Australia's wealthiest men. He stood for


Parliament, saying people should trust him to look after their


interests. This in no way, in my view, looks after the interests of


the Australian people. It's an attempt to look after his own


business interests. After the last transpacific partnership


negotiations in Singapore, which Australia plays a key role in, you


were confident that the talks on a TPP could be completed by the end of


this year. That's no longer possible it? I don't think so, to be honest.


I think the best opportunity will be in the first half of next year. We


are not far away, if there is the political will. I think we could hit


close to concluding by the end of this year. But the first six months


of next year provides the best political opportunity that we are


likely to see in the US, to get the support of Congress. How high do you


rate the chances of the TPP not going ahead? Think we are close to


85%`90% there. It's just the politics. I think it is on the side


of being passed next year. Greater than 50%, I think. You wouldn't go


higher than that? I do know how much greater. That's the trade minister


from Australia, speaking to the BBC. Argentina's plan to exit its debt


default has been ruled illegal. The South American nation wanted


investors holding defaulted on is to swap them for new locally issued


debt. The judge in New York said the plan was Lawless. Argentina had been


trying to get around an earlier court ruling, banning it from paying


interest to investors with accepted we structured bonds. Russia has


announced on schedule takes on McDonald's restaurants across the


country as part of an investigation into food standards. The move comes


after Russia's top watchdog temporarily shut down four of the


fast food restaurant in Moscow. This comes amid rising tensions and


sanctions between Russia and the West, over the Ukraine crisis.


As Asia becomes more urbanised, food security is a looming problem.


Agricultural land is dwindling as people move to the cities. There


will be less food for people to eat, which is why experts have gathered


in Singapore to discuss their concerns. Earlier I spoke with the


director`general of the international rice research


institute. I asked about Asia's rising urbanisation and its impact


on agriculture. There's no question that the urban sprawl is associative


with taking away the best plants for rice production in the region. ``


associated with. We will have to make up the shortfalls. Howdy do


that? What needs to be done to improve rice production? There are


areas where yields aren't where they could be. Some adjustments of


practices and, more importantly, the development of varieties that can


tolerate certain stresses like droughts and floods, can convert


these loans into highly productive areas. Is the government operating


in terms of creating policy to ensure security? That something that


is quite important. We don't have proper in investment in


infrastructure, we don't have proper investment in trained personnel,


rural infrastructure, so that the lands can produce up to their


capacity. We could face shortages. And then we could see the rising


price of rice. How concerned are you about this? I think we will see


general upward pressures on rice prices. It's up to us to make sure


that, as economies grow, and demands shifts, that we are able to meet


those demands. Vietnam and Thailand are key rice exporter is here the


region. China is huge. But they are starting to be important now. How


big of an issue is this? The question is, around food Security in


China, if China is food insecure, the world is. So the imports we are


starting to see in China is an indicated that supply chains will


have to respond, meaning other kind `` countries will have to step up


their production. We don't want the Chinese government computing with


other Asian companies for food supplies.


With that, we end this edition of Asia Business Report. Thanks for


investing your time with us. Goodbye for now.


The United States says the group calling itself the Islamic State


presents a long`term threat, greater than any other so far. He says they


must be defeated in Syria as well as


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