16/02/2016 Asia Business Report


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Now on BBC News, all the latest business news live from Singapore.


The US hosts a meeting of ten south-east Asian leaders. We see


what is on the agenda. And taking to the skies. We find out what is on


offer at the Singapore airshow, where industry and major players


meet. Good morning. Welcome to Asia


Business Report. South-east Asian leaders are gathering in California


for the first ever ASEAN meeting on US soil, and trade is high on the


agenda with the US sharpening its focus on Asia. 2-way trade between


America and this region was worth more than a quarter of a Chilean


dollars last year, so how significant is this ASEAN gathering?


Earlier, I spoke to the executive director of the Asian trade centre


and asked her whether the US would push more ASEAN countries to join


the TPP. There is the grip of four countries currently members of the


TPP, and another smaller group of ASEAN countries that are likely to


join the TPP, and the US is working with them to try to get them ready


to join in the next three -5 years, and then there is a group of ASEAN


countries, especially the less developed countries like Cambodia,


that are not likely to join any time soon. But nonetheless they need


continuing capacity building and assistance. The goal is to keep them


moving in the general direction, without the intention of having them


drawing any reasonable timeframe. China is not part of the TPP or


ASEAN. How important is Southeast Asia to the US, especially when


China is trying to have more power on the world stage? I think ASEAN is


very important to the United States, especially to show USP of it to Asia


is more than just the TPP and more than just a few troops stationed in


Darwin. It shows the United States remains engaged in Asia, and the


more they can show that engagement is economic, political, security,


with lots of countries, the more helpful it is the US to show real


commitment to Asia, and ASEAN has been in the past and can use to be a


friendly place for the United States to make that commitment. In the


past, ASEAN has been accused of having all of these meetings are not


really achieving a lot. Can we expect some kind of achievement from


this summit? I think in this particular instance, the achievement


is to have helped the summit at all, and I think that is the achievement.


There will not be a lot of concrete outcomes. People will point to


programmes, but the real achievement is the fact it was held outside of


ASEAN, and that is really be achievement everyone is looking for.


Anything after that is just an additional fantastic deliverable on


top of the amazing meeting they are likely to have in Sunnylands. All


eyes are also on currencies and markets this morning after China's


Yuan hit its highest point since the beginning of the year with its


biggest one-day move since 2005. It followed the country's said about


fixing the one at a much stronger rate against US dollar, using


worries about devaluation. The markets are just opening and we will


update you surely. Earlier, I asked a strategist what is behind the


latest currency and market moves. We were expecting there would be an


appreciation in the UN after the week-long closure for the Lunar New


Year. We had seen the US dollar 's fall sharply against the yen. Over


that time, the Chinese currency was always likely to rise against the US


dollar because the authorities were trying to stabilise it. With very


weak trade numbers for January, export under pressure, there is not


a very good macro economic policy case for further ongoing gains in


the Yuan. They don't need it in terms of exports, and they don't


need a stronger currency in terms of the inflation outlook, so we do have


doubts it will be sustained. What is your view on the Japanese yen and


the Nikkei, both of which saw a rollercoaster ride last week. Will


this volatility continued in your view? Yes, quite possibly. It really


has been a lot of stress on the yen lately. The big bet in markets over


recent years under Abenomics has been something that means interest


rates may not be increased any time soon. A lot of money taken off the


table there. Volatility is likely, but as the year progresses, we think


the US economy is strong enough to warrant high interest rates, and the


yen is likely to head back to 125 later this year. In other business


news, a Japanese telecoms giant has announced its biggest ever share


buyback. It is aimed at boosting investor confidence after its stock


price fell only 30% since the beginning of this year. It will buy


up to 500 billion yen, or over 4 billion US dollars of its own


shares. And thousands of steelworkers from 15 countries have


marched in Brussels demanding more action from the European Commission


to tackle what they say is unfair competition from China. They accused


Beijing of dumping vast amounts of steel on the global market at below


the cost price. The protesters are worried that a possible change of


Beijing staters at the World Trade Organisation could tie your's ends.


Now Asia's weakest commercial aerospace and defence airshow opens


in Singapore this morning. It is a chance for the industry's major


players together in one of the word's fastest-growing regions, and


Boeing expected to sell almost 4000 planes over the next 20 years in


Southeast Asia alone. What is on offer at this year? Let's hear from


our Asia business correspondence, who is at the airshow. I am right in


the thick of it. You can probably hear the engines revving behind me.


The mood at the airshow really is one of mixed outlook. A bit of


uncertainty about what will be happening in the future over the


next 12-18 months. As we know, the global economic uncertainty is


playing into a lot of those fears. At the same time, we have also heard


passenger numbers in Southeast Asia are doing pretty well, and we are


expecting some announcements from airlines here looking to snap up the


aircraft is on offer. In 2014, is airshow saw deals with some $32


billion, any expectation and hope certainly is they can match that


amount if not exceeded. Along with aircraft makers, there are the


supporting industries around today's playmakers, and the companies that


supply parts to aircraft. Joining me to discuss the outlook for that


particular sector is the president of the aerospace aviation industry


in the Philippines. In 2015 unknown, you are on track, the Philippines


was on track, to see some $1 billion worth of exports in this particular


sector. Tell me how those figures are faring in what are your


expectations this year. While the release of most financials is able,


we do believe $1 billion has been obtained. We are looking at a goal


of about $2.5 billion, so we have created a roadmap and are trying to


address this and make sure we are on target to reach that goal. It is


pretty allowed out here. A reflection of the fact there is so


much aircraft on display. They are trying to sell and get picked up by


airlines in the region. It is a pretty competitive industry in


Southeast Asia. It is hard for an airline to make money here. Right


now, most airlines, profit wise, even our own carriers are enjoying


profits, because the increase in passenger numbers has encouraged


growth even with the Philippines. Nowadays people take airlines


instead of boats, and the cost is not that far from taking a ship.


Within that region also, the removal of the requirements for visas have


seen tremendous both and an influx from other neighbouring countries.


That is despite the global economic uncertainty this year, even though


there are concerns about what will happen in the next 12 -18 months.


Yes, even now more than ever, people are seeing lower costs in fuel


prices meaning lower costs in airfares. So people are taking


advantage, and recently, we have had a lot of days of vacation and a few


long weekends, so people are taking advantage of those. Excellent. Thank


you so much. We will have more from the Singapore airshow throughout the


day on BBC World Let's take a look at the markets.


There are reminded that Wall Street was closed, but Asian shares and now


opens. The Nikkei down slightly and the Yuan has been said slightly


weaker than yesterday. That is it for this edition of Asia Business


Report. Thank you for watching. Syria's president, Bashar Al-Assad,


has cast doubt on whether a ceasefire proposed for


later this week can be implemented. It comes as dozens of people die


in airstrikes on hospitals


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