Andrei Konchalovsky - Russian Film Director HARDtalk

Andrei Konchalovsky - Russian Film Director

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Ukrainian servicemen were forced to cross the border following fierce


fighting with Russian separatists. Now it is time for HARDtalk.


Welcome to a special edition of HARDtalk. August 19 14, 100 years


ago, the five great powers of Europe declared war on each other. The


significance of the First World War is regularly debated and


commemorated but what of that great power, Russia? It also fought


against Germany but the desire had been murdered and the Bolshevik


revolution brought Lennon to power. How far does what went on in Russia


then explains what is going on now? My guess is the renowned theatre and


film director, Andrei Konchalovsky. Andrei Konchalovsky, welcome to


HARDtalk. Russia went into World War I to defend Serbia against Germany.


It lost around 1.7 million and maybe 5 million were injured. Really


terrible loss for it. How far has what happens then helped shape


Russia Today? It was one of the crucial moments, perhaps one of the


most important for the 20th century for Russia. The First World War


brought the Bolsheviks to power. That means revolution is the effect


and the cause was the war. The Bolsheviks, Trotskyites, or


revolutionary parties were in favour of the war because they were hoping


that Russia would fail. The Imperial War will ruin Russia, they said, and


they were right. I will give you a quote from a representative from the


Institute of Slavic studies in Russia. It says that Russia rarely


talks about World War I. It was overshadowed. It was quite murky


water. The Bolsheviks used, used the world for in order to destroy the


fabric of the state. It was important for Bolsheviks to use the


world War to promote defeat. Defeat of a dynasty? Defeat of the state.


They were sure that the government will fail and that the state will


disintegrate during this war and they were right. It was such a


significant event, sweeping away centuries of czarist rule. I don't


think, in that sense, the First World War and revolution just


happened. It was just a trigger. The revolution was, Russia was pregnant


revolution since the end of the 19th century. Dostoevsky's novel, the


Devils, it is all about revolution. And Russian society at the time, as


now, consists from two different nations. There is, what I would call


white Russia, a tiny fraction of the Russian nation that basically was


born after Peter the Great. European Russians. Intelligentsia. Like you?


I am Russian European. They were all ancestors, children of Peter the


Great. In the civil war we had the White Army that you refer to, at the


White Russians fighting against the red Army of the Bolsheviks, Lenin


and his colleagues. They wanted Russia to become European. 95, 90 7%


now are not Europeans. `` 95`97% are not Europeans. They are orthodox.


Moscow as a symbol of a very conservative, extremely self


protective, I would say dogmatic. They are two nations and Russia, we


don't understand is two nations. I will ask you about the two nations


you talk about but finishing up on what happened after the First World


War, the aftermath we saw the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the


Austro`Hungarian Empire. Although France and Britain were victors and


they did carve up the remnants of the Ottoman Empire, there are on the


colonies was quite weak. It is ironic, as Professor Simon Franklin


says, there was a peculiar paradox, he says World War I and the


revolution in eight Strangeways retarded Russia. The other empires


began collapsing however the Soviet Union was really a continuation of


the Russian empire in new clothes. Exactly. You kept this Empire made


up of different peoples. They are not different, they are two


mentalities. When I save Russia was pregnant with revolution, I want to


say Europeans, Russian Europeans wanted to have a change. `` when I


say. Most of the Tsar family wanted to quit in 1905. They despised the


system themselves. That is very important to understand. Russian


peasants didn't want a revolution. They were monarch as is. This idea


of Russia being east and west, the combination of east and west, let me


put to use something which a very prominent Russian has said, an old


friend of President Putin, now head of Russia's railways. He says Russia


is not between Europe and Asia. Europe and Asia are to the left and


right. We are a separate civilisation space. Does Russia have


a third way? It is a very popular idea today. Russia is still trying,


for some reason, to find self identification. One of the theories


today is to have a third way. We are not the west, we are not the east,


and I don't think it is correct. We are part of Judaeo`Christian


culture. You have got so many Muslims in the Russian Federation.


Chechens, the Tatar is. Judaeo`Christian means Russian


culture itself. It dominates the Judaeo`Christian is, those not of


its background? Russia had to expand far, far east. For 300, 400


centuries. Didn't have to, wanted to because it was an imperial power.


No, if under terrible was the first Tsar. He wanted more land. `` Ivan


the terrible was the first star, he wanted more land. The author Martin


Sexsmith says Russia looks both ways, to the democratic, law


governed traditions of the west and at the same time to the Asiatic form


of government she imbibed in the early years of her government. The


iron fist of central power. What is the question? Russia defines itself


as not being part of the west, even though as you say the dominant class


is European. Dominant class does not determine the mentality of nation.


There was a wonderful American, who said the central point is that... I


am Conservative. I was liberal for the time being but Conservative then


because I realised that only Russian culture will determine Russian


politics. Russian tradition, unfortunately, we didn't have Magna


Carta. We didn't have any kind of government except Russian nation


always delegates power to one person. And then does not want to


be, doesn't want to have any responsibility for what is going to


happen. Whoever comes to the Kremlin, without even realising what


he is going to face. He is going to face, everyone will deliver power to


him and he has to be responsible for everything. So when people refer to


Vladimir Putin today as having ambitions like a Tsar, the Tsar


Russians always seek because this has been a common feature running


through Russian history, you think that is a valid point? Every Russian


ruler was a Tsar, every, including Lenin and then Stalin and then


Christophe and even Gorbachev. Power was delegated to him, not by


nations... You get the personality cult and so on. I think Putin


underwent extraordinary... Change of psyche because I don't think he


understood what was going to happen to him in big, whatever, 12, 14


years, when he came to power. When he came to power he had to face the


Chechen war, he had to finish that, he had to reunite somehow a state


that was falling apart and he was quite European and Western. If you


remember, 2003 he said he can even envisage that Russia will join Nato.


But the west stumped him. I am sure. And I think the west did not want to


level with Putin. They've rejected, is what you are saying. And then it


becomes, the trajectory becomes further and further. One of his


slogans is Russia returns to itself and a biographer of Putin says he is


preparing Russians for something else. Whatever this means is very


difficult to say. You have met him a few times. Would you say there is


such a thing as Putinism? He does not prepare Russians for anything,


Russians prepare him for something. What is that? I have no idea. It is


a mystery because in the 21st century, we deal with an enormous


country with nuclear power that is, in many senses, has a mediaeval


mentality. It has been one of the great


superpowers of the world. The first man in space. The idea that if you


kill the tyrant and make a democratic election, everything is


going to be fine. We see this going on in Iraq. What does it prove? The


idea that freedom to pursue prosperity is an absolute mistake.


`` freedom to pursue prosperity. It is a mistake to watch how other


centres of culture, great civilisations like India, Hinduism,


China, is lamp, they have completely different understanding and values.


These values cannot be changed by politics. `` Islam. It is very


difficult to change. It is the same with Russia. It is very difficult.


So you think Russia is backward? Why are you giving that word pejorative


meaning? It is arrogant to say that. I am not saying backward.


Stalin said that Russia is 50 `100 years behind advanced countries and


the distance must be made up in ten years. Is there a sense that Russia


is inferior? He failed. He believed that politics could change of


mentality. It is a big mistake for Europe to think that what you put


in, or whoever else, can change Russian mentality. `` Putin. Some


hardline people hanker for the days when Russia had control of Ukraine.


That this part of the narrative that they want to be a part of. Putin


went into Crimea and he has taken Crimea, hasn't he? He is part of


that nationalist pitcher for Russians. I am not sure it is


nationalism. What is it? I think he is reading the Russian psyche very


well. Which is nationalistic? You can call it nationalistic.


Nationalism is not necessarily evil. Your father, Sergei Mikhalkov, wrote


the lyrics to the Soviet national anthem and put them again in 1977.


Three times. Yes, 1977. And, again, when President Putin revise it, he


did it again. He first wrote it when Stalin was around. In 2000, a letter


from Russian artists and musicians, open letter to Putin, pretty wanted


to revise it, it said that it risked lives wrecked in phantoms of an era


when millions of innocent Russians were imprisoned and killed. It is


estimated around 20 million Soviets died under Stalin. Rudy you stand on


this? Did you want to see your Father's lyrics restored? Yes. We


should not forget that a lot of people still live from the Soviet


period and live under the Soviet illusion. This generation of Soviet


people, they welcomed this anthem, strangely enough. My father used to


say it was not anything more than a political document in rhymes. He was


trying to make it as simple as possible, the idea of the Russian


state. Then he changes the name, to bring fresh now but have been in


power. Yes. We had to have Stalin's name. He changed the whole idea. He


was asked to take out references to communism. You are a renowned


director. One of your films is based around the main character and shows


a village that is pining for the order of the old Soviet Union to


encapsulated in a sentence. Do you think that with the revival of the


old anthem, there is a hankering for that certainty? It is about a


gesture. It is not what determines the politics of the state. I spent


three months last year shooting a film about peasants. With real


persons, and the north of Russia. There are adorable people. They are


extraordinary. They have no idea what is going on in the world.


People think they can save Russia from imperialism or the West. My


British friends who saw the film said it was extraordinary. He said


it was a film about happy people living in a post` apocalyptic


period. You have brought us back full circle. Throughout history,


people like Tolstoy have always celebrated the Russian peasant as


being someone of great value. There was a novel where the peasants


servant was seen as a better human being than the petty Brewer schwa


family. `` Brewer schwa. That kind of extolling the virtues


of the Russian peasant is something that we have seen many decades ago.


Even now. There is a continuity. Whether you are talking about the


opening of the First World War or the revolution. Absolutely. Stalin


had some profound thoughts. He said that Lenin misunderstood the Russian


peasant. He said that Lennon was thinking that the Russian peasant


would go to democracy and production of culture. It did not happen. That


is important. Russian peasantry was completely suppressed by Walsh River


Exe. `` the Bolsheviks. We have topped about how `` toxid about how


Russia was involved in the First World War and did the most to defeat


the Nazis but it is however seen as more of a fall than a friend. Is it


more friends than fall into reality? I think enemy is the word. It


started in the 13th century. The start of this competition for the


land started when the first Russian occupants took over. The fight


between West and East started when the Latin Church was trying to take


over. The Russian church was trying to withstand it. The Ukraine is one


of the places throughout these forces clash. I made a film about


it. East Rocher always considered the West as invaders because of the


Latin religion. That comes very deep. I hope there will not be an


end. You will inevitably join Russia. Russia will not join Europe.


Europe will need Russia more than Russia will needs Europe. I am sorry


for my bad English. Thank you for being on HARDtalk.


Goodbye. Hi there. On Monday, temperatures in


a few spots across eastern England reached 25 Celsius. We are looking


at similar highs as we head to


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