Francis Egan - Chief Executive, Cuadrilla Resources HARDtalk

Francis Egan - Chief Executive, Cuadrilla Resources

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Now, on BBC News, it's time for HardTalk.


Welcome to HARDtalk. I am Stephen Sackur. The oil price crash has put


four cell fuel producers under pressure. Profits are evaporating.


-- fossil fuel. And to top it all off, there is a rapid


decarbonisation of the world economy. Tough times for Frances


Egan, leader of the company leading the charge to bring fracking to be


UK. -- the. Could fracking have lost its appeal?


Frances Egan, welcome to HARDtalk. Hello. This is an incredibly


negative climate for a business such as yours, isn't it? Well... There


are good parts and that parts like any industry. -- bad. Like you said,


the oil price is at an historic low. It is certainly dropping. Of course,


we are in the unfortunate position... But it doesn't impact


our revenue. You are in a sense a speculative company that is about


exploration and strike to find new reserves, in your case, that you can


frack. -- and trying to. That is the worst place to be. We already have


investors on board and drilled wells in better times. But in drilling


them, we have proved there is an enormous quantity of gas in


Lancashire. The geological survey confirmed that it is across the


entire north of the UK. We have taken the technical risk out of it.


There is one important challenge. To demonstrate the quantity of gas in


the ground can be taken out of it. That is a technical challenge. But


also a major business model challenge, if the price goes down,


it will cross a threshold. It doesn't matter how much the race on


the ground, you will not make anything by getting it out. -- there


is. There has always been fluctuations. You know better than


me that the department of energy has slashed its projection of gas prices


going forward to 2020. This is not a one, it is a new reality. I would be


cautious about new reality. Remember the supercycle model... That was the


new reality. Now we have a new, new reality. That it will never go back


up again. What I say should be a concern for the UK is North Sea


production. Some of the highest production in the world, it is being


very badly hit. It will not come back, unfortunately. You can see how


resilient fracking and shale was in the US. Saudi Arabia undertook a


strategy of opening taps to dry the US sharemarket. That was 30, now we


are down to 20. We will undoubtedly see show production declining in the


US. It is easy for it to come back on because it is a low capital


investment. We will not see North Sea coming back up, though. I want


to talk more about the international perspective later. But for the


moment, your business model. A company committed to what I will


continue to call fracking. That it binds. The exploration of gas


reserves. -- fine. Rock that is far underground. That is what you do.


You say that investors are already in for the long-term and you know


the gases under the rock and you can bring it out to be but a comeback to


the political climate. -- gas is. -- But I come back. Most evil in


Britain, certainly where you want to frack, don't want you there. That


would be a problem if it were true. I spent a lot of time in Lancashire


and will not deny there are people opposed to it, but there are many


who are for it, including business people and unemployed people in


Blackpool. If you look at the actual data, you will find that there is a


small group of the separately opposed people, 20%. --


vociferously. An equal amount in favour. At the vast majority had yet


to make up their mind. -- But. But the polls I looked at show a shift


against fracking. 42% say it should not happen in the UK, shale gas


fracking. 2019 said were in favour. A big shift against. -- 29. I have


not seen those. The majority had yet to make up their minds. Well, let's


talk reality, then. You see your focus is the Northwest of England,


Lancashire, a significant gas field in the rock. By the democratically


elected local council have considered everything you want to do


and have refused to give you the planning commissions you need. --


But. That is democracy in action. They are elected by the people and


they are telling you you cannot operate. The planning process is,


rightly, a democratic process of. We tick every box on all the


environmental issues, but it is safe they turned it down. They turned it


down for what I would call traditional issues of traffic and


noise. We did not get approval. But the planning process takes note of


local needs, but we are looking at international needs. It is this


point about uncertainty. We talked about the prices. We will talk in a


minute that environmental concerns. But in terms of all the pics and


planning. I had an interview with you 1.5 years ago. You said you were


sure you would be fracking in Lancashire by the end of 2015. 2016,


there is still no sign of the getting the green light popular I am


amazed I said I am sure. I have been in this business long enough to


know... (LAUGHING). -- light. You know, the


argument that there is political and economic uncertainty... That is the


world we live in. Nowhere in the world can you exit for and produce


gas where there is no political uncertainty. Some of the places you


have to go, if you cannot develop your own indigenous resource, like


Russia, the Middle East, they have a lot more uncertainty. I would say,


do we want to be wholly reliant for energy sources on them? It is fine


while it is cheap and plentiful at the moment. That will not with the


DK. You talk about the US. -- the UK. The US have too much. They are


prepared to sell a lot of it into Europe and the UK. That changes the


calculation. Do we really, in a densely populated land, unlike Texas


and North Dakota with vast tracts of empty land for fracking, we don't


have that. Do we need it when we can get it from the US? That is the new


reality. Let me say two things about that. The first, the urban myth that


this is happening in the US in some kind of populated frack park when


nobody lives. Look at the Environmental Protection Agency


study. The statistics are that in 2013 there were 9 million people in


the US nearby to a fracking plant. Seven or 8000 resources were in


favour of it. The US is not just a lack I will tell you what is


interesting, in one of those areas with dense population in a frack


field, in the eastern part of the New York state... They have decided


to ban it because they believe that the health... The public health


issues are so uncertain. So many, to quote them, red flags, they have put


a ban on it. That is quite correct. It gets a lot of the city. But


nobody talks about the 23 states in the US where it has been going on


for the last 20 years with no environmental or health


repercussions. Lots of allegations. But not a single case in the US, let


me finish this point, where the water supply or anything like that


has been interfered by fracking. In this country, our water is... 99%


comes from public water supplies to be in ten years, no impact. --


supplies. I think you have brought us into the various environmental


arguments about the wisdom of fracking. Let's go into some of


them. You talk about water. Let me quote you the journal of


epidemiology. This is based on research in New York. They raise


substantial questions about the harm to help. People living in drilling


sites are presenting with symptoms like skin rashes, nausea, add a


model plane, respiratory problems, I could go on, there are many more. --


stomach pains. These demand further investigation. That is entirely


typical of claims against fracking. Not one single fact links any of


that to fracking. I think if you read the paper they would be


likewise. I have seen dozens of those. It is very easy, almost too


easy, in fact, to make assertions of negative health outcomes. If you


want to claim a positive one for a product you need enormous hoops to


jump through. If you say you are going to cure cancer you have to


jump through so many. But to say fracking killed my cat... There is


increasing evidence... There is no data... But this is a respected


journal. I am not a reader but it is highly respected in the United


States. So is the Environment Protection Agency. They looked at


Wyoming, not a place I know myself, but they have investigated


allegations it has affected the drinking water there and they seem


more investigation is needed. If you look to the conclusions, the


Environmental Protection Agency studied 38,000 or so wells for a few


years and discovered no evidence to systemic fracking pollution in water


supplies. Not a single case of it being affected in the US. I will


gladly be corrected if someone can point to one case... The New York


public commissioner basically said I would not want my children to be


brought up next to a fracking site. Isn't that part of the problem? You


by the Chief Executive, it is so easy to tell people it is safe in


the opposition. -- are. But when I tell you of serious doubt by people


who live there, you dismiss their fears. I am not doing that. They are


obviously genuine. I am not surprised with the degree of


scaremongering around fracking. But if you look at the data as opposed


to assertions, it is not supported. Here in the UK we would they inject


water, sand, and stuff like that miles away from public water sources


into a small hole. -- be injecting. You cannot contaminate groundwater


with methane, it already has it. There is a perception in the UK that


the aquifer is some sort of... You drill into it and it goes into your


tap. Water comes out of ground, it goes into a treatment plants that


extracts many things, and then goes into the public water supply. There


is little to know risk. What we are it boring... In the end it comes


down to how much independent research there is about this. --


ignoring. When you were trying to back in Sussex or drill their at


least they will launched a public petition saying they did not want


any of this going ahead until there was rigourous investigation. --


frack. -- launched. They say that never happened. Forgive me if I say


that the energy of the UK should not be driven by Paul McCartney.


(LAUGHING). The question is whether you're


prepared to accept a thu-going, rig nous, independent investigation


prepared to accept a thu-going, rig nous, independent investigation of


this area of uncertainty. Let me answer that and talk a little bit


because we rarely get the chance, of the benefits of fracking. There


already has been. The Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering


have done that. Public Health England have done. The Environment


Agency looked at the permits for which we applied for activity in


Lancashire for 12-plus months and determined there was no risk to


health and gave us the permits we needed. The council turned us down


on the grounds of noise, not on any health or safety issues. They're


important but not what we've been talking about. Set against that, the


country is running out of gas. We're literally talking about running out


of gas. We've talked to the degree to which Britain could import gas


from all over the world. Where is the gas shortage? It is in the UK.


But you're reliant on where it's coming from... Well, it is all over


the world... It is not all over the world. To take gas, transform it


into a liquid, put it on a ship, ship it across the halfway again,


transform it into the gas and then put into your or my house. It is not


straightforward. And, lastly, it is hugely environmentally unfriendly


compared to producing it in ex-to the source of demand. The


environmental requirements for LNG have been shown in terms of CO2


emissions to be two to three times what domestically produced gas. I


guess we should come to the other huge issue facing you is the climate


change agenda and the idea is it makes sense to contemplate another


attempt to tap into the reserveses of fossil fuel under the ground when


political leaders across the world have committed, for the first time


really, to a serious and wholesale decarbon nisation of the world


economy. Can I come back a little to why you'd be wanting to do that.


I've been talking about the security supply, which is not a trivial


issue. I know you can in theory rely on your energy supply on imports but


it is not a position that many countries feel comfortable about


doing, and the US certainly didn't. Everybody your former Chairman Lord


Brown said if we do or do not develop the natural fracking gases


in the UK, it will no difference to the price of gas in the UK. The gas


will be available at the same price whether we frack in the UK or not. I


admire your faith in Lord Brown's broadcasting ability... Well, you


admired him, he was your chairman. Well, I think he himself would admit


that forecasting the price is a mug's game. He wasn't talking about


a specific price, it was a concept. You said you can tap into the huge,


we say world... We're not talking world. We're talking global gas


prices? No we're talking about a market for the UKmarket. I know


you're testing the three you can create an LNG plant and pop it onto


a ship and flick it over to us. You can't. Gas is not as transportable


as you might think it is. It requires a huge amount of capital


investment to do that. You have seen it in the US. Why is the price of


gas $2 in the US and $10 in Japan if it's so easy to transport gas from


one country to another. It is not. In my mind, it would be


irresponsible for us not to even look or explore our own resources. I


understand that. It has taken us back to an issue of markets an


prices, but let's get back to climate change. I'm sure you watched


events in Paris... Yes. You must have got the message, it is time to


accept that a lot of the fossil fuel on this planet needs to be left in


the ground. Let's talk about that. You would be well aware that at the


moment in the UK, about 85% of our energy comes from fossil fuels. By


energy, it is not just electricity - it is transport and heating as well.


That's about the same globally, if you look at the global supply and


demand of energy. 85% comes from fossil fuels, the rest is from


nuclear and renewables. Absolutely, there is a desire and intent - I


understand why - to move from 85% to 0%. But you can't do that in a flick


of a switch. All fossil fuels are all equal. We should not say the


perfect situation is we have all renewables. Gas is good. Up to a


point. Gas is good. There are people like Friends of the Earth,


Greenpeace, the solar guy, they all say there's significant evidence


that the methane leakage that comes with what you do is potentially so


se -- severe that fracking could be as damaging as coal-fired plants.


There is one study in the US, and that has been studied at length by a


chief scientist and he has concluded that gas produced from natural


fracking is as the same as natural gas... You can quote your studies,


itch mine. There is -- I have mine. There is a degree of uncertainty...


No, I would take issue with you there. There is one study and


numerabble other studies contradicting that. I think that


argument has been completely debunked. Your argument to me -


well, to the world is - that you accept that we need to be moving to


a decarbon nised economy, we need to be moving to a fully renewable,


sustainable economy, but in the meantime give us permission to bring


out the ground vast amounts of fossil fuel. Does that make sense?


My argument to you and to anybody else, frankly, is we need natural


gas in this country. In are people around this country watching this


now who have their central heater billers turned on. 85% use it for


heating, 60-odd percent use it for cooking. There will be natural gas


used in the country - no question. The only question is where are we


going to get it from. I repeat, I think it would be irresponsible not


to even look - bear in mind we're at the exploration phase - can we


produce that gas under the profound. We're talking about a handful of


wells to assess that? We're not even going to look at that and we're


going to import it from Russia and Nigeria? So what then do you need to


happen? I come back to the ambitions you have and the way they've been


thwarted. You hoped to be operating now in Lancashire. You're not


because you're not allowed to. In your view is it a political failure


to get this happening and what needs to happen? Like anything new in a


way, particularly anything new going through planning, and fracking is


not unique in this way. We've seen it with Heathrow and HS2 - you see


it with any infrastructure development. Is, it's a slow process


to get started. And until you get started, you're open to all these as


sergss that it'll -- assertions that it'll do this or that. It is very


hard to disprove an asshergs when you can't point -- assertion when


you can't point to anything happen. In the end, Prime Minister Mr Calm


calm says he wants to -- Mr Cameron says he wants to go for it when it


comes to fracking. In the end, is the your view - it is too important


to allowed to be blocked by local democracy? I think we don't have


what I describe as a pick and mix democracy. You don't take the bits


you like and discard the rest. We've been through the local planning


policy and ticked a lot of boxes. It is an issue of national importance,


which is way the Secretary of State has called it in. We're not the only


ones to get called in. They call in about 100 of these through the whole


spectrum of industries. But clearly it is an issue of national


importance. I say it again - it would be irrational of us not to


even explore our own resources. How long will you give this until you


give up? I won't be giving up any time. You quoted us that I'd be sure


that we'd be fracking at the end of 2015 but I intend to see this


through. We need to drill to see whether this can be technically


produced. We've always been upfront about that. We'll come back and


discuss this more but for now, Francis Egan, thank you very much


for talking to us on HARDtalk. Thank you very much.


The new working week certainly dawns on a mild note,


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