Live Chilcot Report Statement House of Commons

Live Chilcot Report Statement

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and it is now free of Ebola to talk I will look specifically into the


issue of the bonus. I wasn't aware of that and I will get back to her


about it. This is a difficult day for all the


families who lost loved ones. Our thoughts today must be with them. In


their grief and anger I hope they their grief and anger I hope they


can draw some solace from the depths and rigour of this report and some


comfort from knowing that we'll never forget the incredible service


and sacrifice of their sons, daughters, husbands and wives will


stop 179 British servicemen and women and 23 British civilians who


did everything for our country. We must never forget the thousands more


have suffered late changing injuries and we must pledge today to look


after them for the rest of their lives. This report would have been


produced sooner if it had begun when those on this side of the House and


others first call for it back in 2006, but I'm sure the House will


join me in thanking Sir John and his councillors including Martin Gilbert


who sadly passed away during their work on the report. This has been a


fully independent inquiry. Government ministers didn't see it


until yesterday morning. The Cabinet secretary led a process that gave


Sir John full access to Government papers, meaning an unprecedented


public declassification of papers, Cabinet minutes, records of meetings


and conversations picked Dell might between the UK Prime Minister and US


President and letters. The inquiry also took evidence from more than


150 witnesses and its report runs to 13 volumes, costing over ?10 million


want the chance to study and debate want the chance to study and debate


it in depth and I am making provision for next week. Then add a


number of key questions that are rightly asked about Iraq -- there


are. Was legal advice and considerations taken properly? Was


the operation properly planned? Were the operation properly planned? Were


we prepared for the aftermath of the initial conflict and did our forces


have adequate funding and equipment? I will try and summarise the key


findings on these questions before turning to the lessons I believe


should be learned. A number of reasons were put forward for going


to war in Iraq including the danger that Saddam Hussein posed to his


people and the need to uphold United Nations resolutions. As everyone in


the social remember, central to the Government's case, was the issue of


weapons of mass destruction. Sir John finds there was a ingrained


belief held in the UK and US Government that Saddam Hussein


possessed chemical and biological capabilities and she wanted to


develop them and was pursuing an active policy of deceit and


concealment. They were good reasons for this belief. Saddam Hussein had


built up chemical weapons in the past and had used them against


Kurdish volumes and there really -- the Iranian military. The advice


given to the Government by the intelligence and policy community


was that Saddam Hussein seeks to develop these capabilities. As we


now know, by 2003, this long-held belief or longer reflected the


reality. Sir John says at no stage was the proposition that Iraq might


no longer have chemical, biological or nuclear weapons or programmes


identified and examined by the joint intelligence committee or the policy


community and as the report notes, the late Robin Cook had shown it was


possible to come to a different conclusion from an examination of


the same intelligence. In the wake of 911, Americans were concerned


about the risk of weapons of mass destruction finding their way into


the hands of terrorists. Sir John finds that well it was reasonable to


be concerned about the fusion of planet Government proliferation and


terrorism, there was no basis to suggest that Iraq itself represented


such a threat. On the question of intelligence, Sir John finds no


evidence that intelligence was improperly included or that number


ten or probably influenced the text ten or probably influenced the text


of the September 2002 dossier. But he finds that the material from the


joint intelligence committee did not make clear enough the limit or


intelligence did not make clear, it did not see that Saddam Hussein had


continued to make biological or nuclear weapons and the joint


intelligence committee, he says, intelligence committee, he says,


should have made that clear to Mr Blair. He finds that public


statements from the Government conveyed more certainty than the


joint assessments. There was a lack joint assessments. There was a lack


of clarity between what the committee assessed and what Tony


Blair believed. In the 2002 dossier, he finds, I quote, a distinction


between Mr Blair's belief and the actual judgments. Sir John does not


question Mr Blair's belief nor his legitimate role in advocating


to the question of legality, the to the question of legality, the


inquiry has, and I quote, not expressed a view as to whether or


not the UK's participation in the not the UK's participation in the


war was legal. It does put the legal advice that the Attorney General


gave the time, that there was a legal basis for action. Sir John is


highly critical of the processes by which the legal advice was arrived


and discussed and I quote, the circumstances in which it was


ultimately decided that there was a legal basis for duty participation


were far from satisfactory. He also finds that the diplomatic options


had not at that stage been exhausted and that military action was


therefore not a last resort. Sir John says that when the second


resolution at the UN became unachievable, the UK should have


done more to exhaust all diplomatic options including allowing


inspectors longer to complete the inspectors longer to complete the


job. Turning to the decision-making, the report documents the process


followed. There was a Cabinet followed. There was a Cabinet


discussion before the decision to go to war and a number of ministers


including the foreign and defence secretaries were involved in the


decision-making. The report makes specific citizens of the process of


decision-making, in particular when akin to the options for military


action, it was clear these were never discussed properly by a


Cabinet committee or Cabinet. Arrangements were often informal and


sporadic and frequently involve small groups of ministers and


advisers, sometimes without formal record, and Sir John finds that a


crucial points Tony Blair said personal notes and commitments to Mr


Bush that had not been discussed with Cabinet colleagues. However,


well Sir John makes many criticisms of process including the way


information was handled and presented, at no stage did he


explicitly say that there was a deliberate attempt to mislead


people. Turning to operational planning, the initial invasion


proceeded rapidly and we should be proud of what our armed forces


managed to achieve quickly. This was despite the fact the military didn't


have time to plan properly for an invasion from the south because they


had been focused on the north until the late decision from the Turkish


Government to refuse permission. There were also issues of equipment.


But the bigger question was in the planning for what might happen after


the initial operation and we mention this briefly. Sir John finds that


when the invasion began, the UK Government was not any satisfactory


position to find that satisfactory plans have been drawn up -- had


been. He calls it a clear ministerial oversight of


post-conflict strategy, effective collaboration between Government


departments and fails to manage this adequately. Officials in the


military remained to fixed on assumptions that the Americans had a


plan, that the US would share it with the international community and


that the UK role would be over three to four months after the conflict.


Sir John says failure to prepare for the aftermath reduced the likelihood


of achieving the UK's strategic objectives in Iraq and Sir John


believes they did not require the benefit of hindsight. Turning to


equipment and troops, Sir John is clear that objectives were not


matched to resources. The failure to meet the needs of UK forces and


provide powerful vehicles should not have been tolerated and he says the


MOD was so slow in responding to the developing threat in Iraq from


exploding devices. The inquiry also identified a number of moments when


it would have been possible to conduct a substantial reappraisal of


our approach to the whole situation in Iraq and the level of resources


required. Despite a series of warnings from commanders in the


field, he finds that no such reappraisal took place. During the


first four years, there was no clear statement of policy setting out the


acceptable level of risk to UK forces and who was responsible for


managing that risk. Sir John also finds that the Government, in


particular the military, were too focused on withdrawing from Iraq and


planning for an Afghanistan deployment in 2006 and that's true


effort away. Each includes that although Tony Blair persuaded


America and coming back to the United Nations in 2010, he was


unsuccessful in changing decisions on other critical matters. That, and


an absence of the Security Council in support of military action, at


that point the duty was undermining the authority of the Security


Council. While it is right for a UK Prime Minister to weigh up the


damage to the special relationship that will be done by failing to


support the US, Sir John says that it is questionable whether not


participating Miller tally on this occasion would have broken the


partnership -- militarily. He says that even with more resources, the


circumstances are learning the invasion made it difficult to


deliver substantial outcomes. Whether territorial integrity of


Iraq remained, deep sectarian divisions opened and thousands of


Iraqi civilians lost their lives. Well these divisions were not


created by the International coalition, Sir John believes they


were exacerbated, including through the extent are not addressed by


re-conciliation. Sir John finds the policy of Her Majesty's Government


got short of meeting its strategic objectives and helped create a space


for Al-Qaeda. The decision to go to war came to decision in this House


and those who voted for military action will have to take our fair


share of responsibility. We cannot turn the clock back but we have to


make sure lessons are learned and worked on. I'll cover the issues


about machinery of Government, processes, culture and planning in a


moment, but let me be the first to say that getting all of these things


right doesn't guarantee the success of a military intervention. For


example, on Libya, I believe it was right to intervene to stop: Gaddafi


killing his people. We did have proper processes and comprehensive


advice on key issues and we didn't put forces on the ground. We worked


with a transitional Libyan Government but getting these things


right doesn't meet the challenges of intermittent in -- intervention any


less formidable and the changes are plain to see today. As Prime


Minister for the last six years reading this report, I believe there


are lessons we need to learn and are lessons we need to learn and


keep on learning. First, taking the country to war should always be a


last resort and should only be done if all credible alternatives have


been exhausted. Second, the machinery of Government does matter.


That is why on my first day in office, I established the National


Security Council to ensure proper, coordinated decision-making across


the whole of Government including those responsible for domestic


security. This council is not just a meeting of ministers, it has the


right breadth of expertise in the room with defence staff, the heads


of military and other officials. I also pointed to the UK's first


security adviser with a team in the office to make sure our national


security apparatus is joined up. The machinery also taps the experience


and knowledge of experts from outside Government. This helps us


constantly challenge conventional wisdom within the system and avoid,


hopefully, groupthink. It is inconceivable today that we


could take a premeditated decision to commit, troops without a full


discussion in the National Security Council on the basis of fill papers,


legal advice are prepared and stress tested by all relevant departments


with decisions formerly minuted. I would argue that the culture of


established by Prime Minister is a stop -- matters, too. It is crucial


that the Prime Minister establishes a climate in which it is safe for


experts and officials to challenge policy and question the views on


ministers and the Prime Minister without fear or favour. There is no


question today that everyone sat around the NSC table is free to


speak their mind. Fourth, if we are to take the difficult decisions to


intervene in other countries, proper planning for what follows is a


vital. We know that the task of rebuilding effective governance is


enormous and that is why we created the conflict stability and


stabilisation fund and beef up the cross government stabilisation unit


so experts are able to deploy in post-conflict situations anywhere in


the world at short notice. None of this would be possible without the


historic decision we have taken to commit 0.7% of GD be on overseas


aid. -- gross national income. That's not only assists with


post-conflict planning but also in trying to prevent conflicts in the


first place. This we must ensure our Armed Forces are always properly


equipped. That is why we can be a regular strategic defence and


Security review to insure the resources we have meet the ambitions


of the National Security strategy. When meeting our mutual commitments


dispensed 2% of our GDP on defence and planning to invest at least ?170


billion on new military equipment over the next decade. We haven't


trained the Armed Forces covered in law to ensure our Armed Forces and


their families receive the treatment and respect they deserve. Sending


our brave troops onto the battlefield without the right


equipment was unacceptable and whatever else we learned from this


conflict we must all pledge this will never happen again. There will


be further lessons to learn from studying this report and the


committee today that this is exactly what we will do. This report on my


own experience, there are also some lessons here that I do not think we


should draw. First it would be wrong to conclude that we should not stand


with their American allies when our common security interests are


threatened. We must never be afraid to speak frankly and honestly as


best friends always should find where we commit our troops together


there should be a structure through which our views can be properly


conveyed as differences worked through. It remains the case that


Britain and America share the same fundamental values and Britain has


no greater friend or ally in the world than America and that our


partnership remains as important for our security and prosperity as it


has ever been. Second, it would be wrong to conclude that we cannot


rely on the judgment of our brilliant and hard-working


intelligence agencies. We know the debt we want them in helping to keep


us safe everyday of the year since November 2014 they have enabled us


to foil seven different planned terrorist attacks on the streets of


the United Kingdom. What this report shows is that there needs to be a


proper separation between the process of assessing intelligence


and the policy-making that flows from it. As a result of the reform


since the Butler report that is what they have in place. Third it would


be completely wrong to conclude that our military are not capable of


intervening successfully around the world. Many of the failures in this


report were not directly about the conduct of Armed Forces in Iraq but


rather the failures of planning before a shot was fired. There's no


question that Britain's Armed Forces remain the envy of the world and the


decisions we have taken to ensure the properly resourced will stay


that way. Finally we should not conclude that intervention is always


wrong. There are unquestionably times were it is right to intervene


as this country did successfully in Sierra Leone and Kosovo. I'm sure


that many in this house would agree that the urban times in the recent


past and we should have intervened but didn't, like in failing to


prevent the genocide in Rwanda and fragrance. Intervention is hard.


Fighting is not always the most difficult part. Often the state


building that follows is a much more complex challenge. Should not be so


naive as to think that because we have the best prepared plans in the


real world that things cannot go wrong. Equally because intervention


is difficult to does not mean that there are not times when it is right


and necessary. Britain has and will continue to learn the lessons of


this report, but as without intervention against Daesh in Iraq


and Syria, Britain must not and will not shrink from its role in the


world stage or feel to protect its people and I commend this statement


to the house. Thank you. Before addressing the


issues raised in the Iraq enquiry report I would like to remember and


or at the 179 British servicemen and women who were killed and the


thousands maimed and injured during the Iraq war and their families. As


well as the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died as a result of the


invasion and occupation launched by the US and British governments 13


years ago. Yesterday I had a private meeting with some of the families of


the British dead, as I have continued to do over the past


several years. It is always a humbling experience to witness the


resolve and resilience of those families and the unwavering


commitment to seek truth and justice, for those that are lost in


Iraq. They have waited seven years for this report. It was right that


the enquiry have evidence from such a wide range of people. And that the


origins, conduct and aftermath of the war should have been examined in


such detail. But the extraordinary length of time it has taken to see


the light of day is frankly clearly a matter for regret. I should add


that the scale of the report runs to 6275 pages, to which I was only


given access at eight o'clock this morning. It means that today's


response by all of us can only be a provisional one. The decision to


invade and occupy Iraq in March 2003 was the most significant foreign


policy decision taken by a British government in modern times. It's


divided this house and said the government of the day against the


majority of the British people. As well as against the weight of global


opinion. The war was not in any way as Sir John Chilcott says, a last


resort. Frankly it was an act of military aggression launched under


friends -- false pretext as the enquiry accepts and has long been


regarded as illegal by the overwhelming weight of international


legal opinion. It led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people


and the displacement of millions of refugees. It devastated Iraq's


infrastructure and society. The occupation fostered a lethal


sectarianism as the report indicates, that turned into a civil


War. Instead of protecting security at home or abroad the war fuelled


and spread terrorism across the region. From Sunday's suicide bomb


in Baghdad which killed 250 people, the deadliest so far was carried out


by a group whose origins lie in the aftermath of the invasion. By any


measure, the invasion and occupation of Iraq has been for many a


catastrophe. Mr Speaker, the decision to invade Iraq in 2003 on


the basis of what the Chilcot report called and I quote flight


intelligence about the weapons of mass destruction has had a


far-reaching impact on us all. It has led to a fundamental breakdown


in trust in politics, and if our institutions of government. The


tragedy is that while the governing class got it so horrifically wrong,


many of our people actually got it right. Many on February 15 2003, won


a half-million spanning the entire clinical spectrum and tens of


millions of other people across the world marched against the impending


war. The biggest ever demonstration in British history. It was not, Mr


Speaker, that those of us who opposed the war, it wasn't that


those of us who opposed the war underestimated the talented or the


crimes of Saddam Hussein's dictatorship. Indeed, many of us


campaigned against the Iraqi regime during its most bloody period. When


the British government and the US administration were actually


supporting that regime. As was confirmed by the 1986 Scott enquiry.


But we could see the state is broken by sanctions and war pose no


military threat and the WMD evidence was flimsy and convicted. Going to


war without United Nations authorisation was profoundly


dangerous. That foreign invasion and occupation would be resisted by


force and it would set off a series of uncontrollable and destructive


events. If only this house had been able to listen to the wisdom of many


of our own people when it voted on the 18th of March against waiting


for a UN authorisation for a second resolution, the course of events may


have been different. All but 16 of the members of the official


opposition at that time supported the war, while many in my party


voted against it, as did others in other opposition parties. The


members here today on all benches, including dozens of my Labour


colleagues, who voted against the war, but none of us Mr Speaker


should take any satisfaction from this report. Instead, all of us,...


We can't have a running commentary on the statements made from the


front bench. Members of this house only well enough to know that I will


allow all opinions to be expressed and if that means the premise must


be for quite a long time and he is accustomed to that. But the rate on


a gentleman is entitled to be heard with courtesy. If people want to


watch away, leave the chamber. It is boring and we don't need you. Thank


you Mr Speaker. We have to be saddened that what has been revealed


and we must now reflect on that. In addition to all of those British


servicepeople and Iraqi civilians and combatants are still lives in


the conflict there are many members who voted to stop the war but have


not lived to see themselves vindicated by this report. First and


foremost Mr Speaker it would do as well to remember Robin Cook, who


stood over the 13 years ago and said in a few hundred words, in advance


of the tragedy to come, what has been confirmed by this report in


more than 2 million words. The Chilcot report has rightly dug deep


into the litany of failures of planning for the occupation, the


calamitous decision to stand down the Iraqi army and to dissolve the


entire Iraqi state. But the reality is, it was the original decision to


follow the US president into this war in the most volatile region in


the world and impose a colonial style occupation that led to every


other disaster. The government's September 2002 dossier with its


claim that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction that could be


deployed in 45 minutes was only the most notorious of many deceptions.


As Major General Michael Boddy told the enquiry and the court, we knew


at the time that the purpose of the dossier was precisely to make the


case for war rather than setting out the available intelligence. Military


action in Iraq not only can the humanitarian crisis into a disaster,


it also convulsed the entire region. Does that intervention in Libya in


2011 as sadly left the country in the grip of warning militias and


terror groups. The Iraq war actually increased the threat of terrorism


around the country as Baroness Manningham bowler, former head of


MI5 made clear to the enquiry. There are many lessons that needs to be


drawn from the Iraq war. In the investigation carried out by Sir


John Chilcott in his enquiry, for our government, country, this


Parliament as well as my party and indeed every other party. They


include the need for a more open and independent collision ship with the


United States, and for a foreign policy based on upholding


international law and the authority of the United Nations, which always


seeks peaceful solutions to international disputes. We also need


and the premises indicated this, much stronger oversight of security


and intelligence services. Full restoration of proper Cabinet


government and give Parliament the decisive say over any future


decisions to go to war based on objective information and not just


government discretion, but three war Powers act that I hope this


Parliament will pass. And as in the wake of Iraq, our own and other


Western governments increasingly resort to hybrid warfare based on


the use of drones and special forces, our democracy, and our


democracy is crucial and important, it must ensure that their use is


subject to proper parliamentary scrutiny. There are no more


important decisions a member of Parliament ever get asked to make


the social waiting to peace and war. The very least, that track the very


least that members of parliament in this country should be able to


expect is rigorous and objective evidence on which to base their


decisions. We now know that the house was misled on to the war as


the house must now decide how it should deal with it 13 years later.


Just as all those who take the decisions we are in the Chilcot


report must face up to the consequences of their actions,


whatever they may be. Later today, I will be meeting a group of families


and military service men and women who lost loved ones. Iraq war


veterans and Iraqi citizens who have lost family members as a result of


the war. I will be discussing with them, our


public and the Iraqi people, the decisions taken by our Government


that led to war with terrible consequences. There are huge lessons


for every single one of us here today. We make decisions that have


consequences that don't just go on for the immediate years, they go on


for decades and decades afterwards. We need to reflect very seriously


for we take any decisions again to take military action without


realising the consequences of those will live with all of us for many


decades to come and have often palpable consequences. Let me


briefly respond. I want to leave us much time for colleagues to make


their points. I think the honourable gentleman is right to praise their


families. I understand that a great over the time taken. The only point


it would make is that when you have an independent report, you have to


allow it to be independent and allow the chairman to make his or her own


well it has been frustrating, I well it has been frustrating, I


think frustration is better than intervention. In terms of the time


he was given to read the port, I didn't want politicians including


the former Prime Minister to be given more time than the families


themselves and that's why they eat o'clock deadline was set. -- eight


o'clock. He is right to say, on the deadline, that the intervention


cheated space for Al-Qaeda. It is important to remember that violent


Islamist extremism started long before the Iraq war and long before


911 itself, which was several years before the Iraq invasion. It is


important to remember that. In terms of the litany of failures, I have


been able to be the executive summary and I'm sure colleagues


will, he is right, there are number of failures, the way the Kurdish


provisional authority works, the failure to plan for the aftermath


and I think the powerful points made by Sir John Chilcot. I think many of


the points you made we have already put in place, proper Cabinet


discussions, national security discussions, parliamentary votes,


intelligence agencies. I would urge him to come up with even more ways


to oversee all intelligence agencies. I encourage colleagues


from all around the House to look at from all around the House to look at


the way the intelligence committee works and the other things we have


done, not least in legislation going through both houses. We do need


leave our intelligence services with leave our intelligence services with


a clear set of instructions and oversight arrangements, rather than


change it every five minutes. War Powers act, I think that is


something that will be discussed in the debate. It is something I have


looked at carefully and I have come to the conclusion it is not the


right thing to do was. I think we will get themselves into legal mess


but I think house should debate it, as it will when it considers the


report. On the issue of the United States, he calls for an opening


partnership but I don't believe the United States is always right about


everything, but I do believe our partnership with the United States


is vital for our national security and I rather fear as opposed to the


United States is always wrong. I don't think they're always right but


I think the other best partner and we should work with them but I them


and others to take the time to read the report, not in its entirety, I


don't think anybody will have ten for 3.8 million words! But it's very


carefully judged and thought through and it should be read in conjunction


with the statement that Sir John has given today, which is an articulate


distillation of what he says in his 200 page summary and I think that is


what we should be guided by. We will all need time to study the many


damning conclusions in this report about how this catastrophic decision


was reached in 2003. The Prime Minister says we should read it with


an eye to future lessons for the machinery of Government. There's my


honourable friend agree that my only experience was a valuable


innovation, that his successor should be recommended to look at


whether or not we should not return to the pre-Tony Blair era of full


collective Cabinet responsibility with proper time for meetings,


proper information and studied conclusions and whether we should


not also look at whether parliamentary accountability for


these things should be reconsidered so that there are fool and properly


informed debates here, held in good time, before the military are


deployed and everything is set in hand and the position is


irreversible? We need to go back to a much more collective and


terms of Cabinet responsibility, terms of Cabinet responsibility,


before decisions like this are made you have to have a Cabinet


discussion but it would not try to substitute that for the work they


NSC does now. Having the head of NSC does now. Having the head of


MI5, MI6 and the head of the defence task sitting with you, they are able


to speak up and tell you what they think. I think that debate is


frankly more valuable than simply listening to other secretaries of


state who are also there. I still think that is the best place to do


that. In terms of parliamentary debates, we should have them, and it


is good to have them in reasonable time. One of the issues with the


Iraq debate was that it was so close to the point of decision that I


think many colleagues felt that a vote in a different way was to let


down our troops on the eve of a vitally important decision. Every


Prime Minister for looking at a view Prime Minister for looking at a view


of the millions of words of the report this morning. -- a few.


Today, we remember the hundreds of people who died in Iraq, Iraqi


civilians and witty service personnel -- British. Our hearts go


out to them. The report we are considering now will be pored over


in the weeks and months ahead and it should be the first step in learning


lessons from the UK's most shameful foreign policy action in decades. On


page 416, the Chilcott report confirms that on the 20th of July,


2002, Tony Blair voted George Bush saying, and I quote, I will be with


you, whatever. Frankly, it is remarkable, remarkable, that the


Prime Minister didn't think that Prime Minister didn't think that


that was even noteworthy to mention that was even noteworthy to mention


in his statement to the House. My first question to the Prime Minister


is why? Given much of the debate rests about the rationale of the


Prime Minister at the time signing up to whatever course of action the


native states was prepared to pursue. On intelligence, the report


concludes in paragraph 807 that the assessed intelligence had not


established beyond doubt either that Saddam Hussein had continued to


produce chemical and biological weapons or that efforts to develop


nuclear weapons continued. I completely understand, Mr Speaker,


by the families of dead and injured UK service personnel and hundreds of


thousands of Iraqis will feel that the were deceived about the reasons


for going to war in Iraq. I can truly understand why they also feel


let down when it came to the post-conflict situation and the


Chilcot Report highlights in graphic detail the failure in planning for


post-conflict Iraq. Add paragraph 630 of the executive summary, when


Mr Blair set out the future for Iraq in the House of Commons in March


2003, no assessment had been made of whether that vision was achievable,


no agreement had been reached with the United States only workable


post-conflict plan. Union authorisation had not yet been


secured -- UN, and there had been a secured -- UN, and there had been a


decision on the UN rule and post-conflict Iraq. In paragraph


418, it says Tony Blair who recognise the significance of the


post-conflict phase did not press President Bush or definite


assurances about US plans. He did not consider a seek advice on


whether a satisfactory plan called for a reassessment of the UK's


engagement and did not make a plan for condition of UK participation in


military action. In fact, the Chilcot Report concludes that, I


quote, from paragraph 857, the UK did not achieve its objectives. The


lack of planning has also been evident since, in allusion to


Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and most recently, with absolutely no plan


whatsoever in regards to Brexit. So when will UK Government of either


Tory or Labour hue actually start learning from the past so we're not


going to repeat mistakes? I hope those who were responsible and


associated with taking the UK to war in Iraq, that has only cause


hundreds of thousands of deaths, not just that, it has undermined


people's face in Parliament on Government in the UK and left an


indelible stain on Britain's standing in the world. I thank the


honourable gentleman for his remarks. It is a sombre day and he


is correct. He highlighted a number is correct. He highlighted a number


of the very serious mistakes that were made, not least on planning for


the aftermath. He asks a specific question about why I didn't mention


the specific Tony Blair note. I was trying to be careful in my statement


to accurately summarise what Sir John Chilcot has said and I did have


a whole section in my statement saying about the President. I said


Sir John says, a crucial point, Tony Blair made commitments to George


Bush that had not been agreed with Cabinet colleagues and I think it is


worth reading Sir John Chilcot's statement about that. On high gas


6030, it is a powerful paragraph -- all in paragraph four --...


I think it is one of the most powerful passages and I think he is


right to draw attention to it. I don't accept that all the same


failures and a padded in some way when it comes to planning in


Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, there was a very clear connection between


a Taliban regime that was playing host to Al-Qaeda and the goal of


Government policy, which I supported at the time and put into place when


I became Prime Minister, was to make sure that company can become a safe


haven for Al-Qaeda -- could become. There was a huge amount of planning


in the post-conflict situation in Afghanistan and we are still engaged


in that. There is a plan, there is a UK run Officer training Cabinet to


strengthen their army. You can have all the plans in the world that


these are still extreme the difficult things to get right. If


you somehow saying there is no point in ever taking part in intervention,


that is a different position. You should be honest and say that. But I


and Brexit, we have set out the and Brexit, we have set out the


alternatives but it does not mean they are easy. The foreign affairs


committee has stated its inquiry into the intervention in Libya in


order to take into conclusion the Iraq inquiry. Given that the central


not least stabilisation being not least stabilisation being


described by my honourable friend at the time of fanciful rot, and to us


in evidence as an unrealistic desktop exercise, would you


reconsider his understandable decision not to give us information


during the referendum campaign so that the reaching of the analysis of


machinery of Government changes he outlined earlier to the honourable


member can be properly assessed by the committee?


I am very grateful for his remarks. I think the Foreign Secretary will


be giving evidence. Obviously the Prime Minister is always asked to


give evidence to every select committee of the house and I try to


stick to answering questions here at the ways of committee and also the


national Security committee, to bring together a number of different


committees. I do not think it will be possible but I will consider


every request. Can I first full heartedly endorsed the remarks the


Prime Minister made about those who lost their lives? Could I also ask


him, does he agree that each of us in Cabinet or in this house who are


responsible, we should take responsibility for our own


individual decisions, I'll be taken in good faith and basis of evidence


before us? But equally does he agree that the amount of hatred and death


in Al-Qaeda and Daesh should take responsibility for their actions and


for the blood and horror that they inflict on others? The Honourable


lady is right. I speak as someone who is a relatively new backbencher,


sitting at the listing to the arguments coming to my own


conclusions and I think anyone who voted for the conflict must take


their share of responsible to. I don't choose to go back and say well


if I knew now what I know then that I knew then what I knew now, I just


think you make the decision, you decided at the time and you must


live with the consequences in the year share of responsibility and


that is the stand side take. She does make a very good point about


the evil of these violent extremists, whether in Al-Qaeda or


Daesh or elsewhere, this problem in our world existed before the Iraq


war, it exists and is worse today. We are doing all sorts of things and


all sorts of ways to try and combat it. While this debate about what


happened in Iraq and the decisions we are taking is vital we must not


let its sap our energy for dealing with this cancer in a world which is


killing of their own country. The Prime Minister I think referred to


the cause or the aim of this war as weapons of mass destruction but if I


can rise attention again back to the document from Tony Blair to the


American president, goes on later after it says I will be with you


whatever, it goes on to say the reason for this is getting rid of


Saddam Hussein is the right thing to do. Regime change. Not WMD. This


factor in the fact that as Sir John Chilcott said, Blairs commitment


needed very difficult for the UK to withdraw support from military


action later on, this actually amounts to a deceit and the


misleading of this House of Commons. It is not the only one, and Sir John


has been very careful about avoiding accusing the previous Prime Minister


of lying to the house but a lot of the evidence here suggest he did.


What action can this house take in dealing with that? I think my right


honourable friend makes an important point. I have had longer than anyone


else to read this report but it is still trying to get to the bottom of


this particular issue, I accept, is difficult. What Sir John Chilcott


seems to be saying is that the British government had a policy of


coercive diplomacy, wanting to use the pressure of the threat of


military action in order to get Saddam Hussein to come principally


disarm. Everyone is going to have to read the report and come to their


own conclusions. From my reading of it, Sir John Chilcott is not


accusing anyone of delivered it explicit deceit. But people must


read the report and come to their own conclusions. Today we stand


alongside the families of 179 service men and women and 24 British


civilians who died in the Iraq war, we also stand beside those many more


they continue to live with injuries inflicted while serving their


country in Iraq. We are proud of them are the order them. Mr Speaker,


the Chilcot report makes clear the absolute determination of the former


Prime Minister Mr Tony Blair to pursue war in Iraq no matter the


evidence. There is a stark contrast between that single-minded


determination to go to war and the reckless and complete absence of any


plan for what would come next. What came next is 179 British servicemen


and women killed. What came next is 100,000 or more Iraqi civilians


killed. And what came next was refuelling of what is now Isis


Daesh, which threatens not only Iraq and the Middle East and indeed the


safety of all others. The much missed Charles Kennedy said in this


house in 2003 and the court, the big fear that many of us have is that


this is simply going to breed further generations of suicide


bombers. So will the Prime Minister now take the opportunity on the half


of his party this house to acknowledge that Charles Kennedy was


right all along in leading the opposition across this country


against the counter-productive war, and should not those who accused


Charles Kennedy of appeasement, some of whom are still on these benches


today, apologised to him, to his family, to our service men and


women, to our country and to the people of Iraq? My recollection of


the debate was that there were honest disagreements between


colleagues who were listening to the arguments in making their decisions.


I don't think anyone should be accused of appeasement for voting


against this war, should people who voted in favour of it in good faith


on the evidence they were being given be subject to answer criticism


either. People who voted for the world like we had to take their


share of responsibility. That is important. But it is not right to


accuse people who voted against the appeasement. I was shadow


international developer secretary at the time and asked 91 written


questions of the government, accommodating in an opposition Day


debate on the 30th of January 2003 because they had not received


answers or any satisfactory answers. With the Prime Minister for the sake


of the many many victims please assure the house that we have truly


learn a lesson of failure to plan for contingency? I remember very


well how effective my honourable friend was in holding those debates.


People say we did not debate post-war reconstruction in Iraq, we


did, endlessly, in this house. A lot of debate had. It is quite clear


from this report that there was a total planning failure. An


assumption that the Americans had a plan when they didn't, an assumption


that the UN would moving copperhead is ugly when he didn't, an


assumption that British troops would be adding three to four months. I


think it is one of the greatest areas of criticism, it is the any of


failure that I think should be accepted most clearly and it is the


one for any future conflict we plan for most carefully. I thank the


Prime Minister for summing up the main findings of the Chilcot report,


although unlike him I have not had the opportunities to even read the


summary. Would he agree that in 2003, when I voted for the war, when


he voted for the one and many other colleagues voted for the war, we did


it on the basis of the knowledge that we had. Iraq was in breach of


17 UN resolutions in 2003. Saddam Hussein had already killed half a


million of his own people. He went on to kill more and more. The Shia


in the south, the Kurds in the north, and if you stood by the mass


graves where 10,000 Iraqi bodies lie, still many of them


undiscovered, those of us who had campaigned for human rights over


many years in Iraq and I over 30 years, were very well aware of the


torture and the horrors that were happening in that country. And I


wish people would ask Iraqis what they think of the invasion. Because


many Iraqis are grateful, Mr Speaker, that we took the action


that we did at that time. I hope we are greater opportunity to discuss


these matters because there was some planning, not enough, I agree, but


there was some planning, part of which I was involved with. But the


horrors of Saddam Hussein, what he did to his own people, were clearly


documented. And I think we were right to take part in that invasion.


I will remember the speeches of the right Honourable Lady when I was


sitting there are, she made very powerful speeches about the


appalling thing Saddam Hussein did to his own people and the practices


in that country. That is a fair point. I also think that when the


case was made, people were acting on the knowledge of fraud of the money


was not just weapons of mass destruction, it was the sense that


we were trying to uphold the position of the United Nations and


the massive danger he posed to the region and his own people. We must


be frank. The consequences of what followed have been truly very poor.


That is what Sir John Fiennes. I think that section of his report


when he talks about the objectives of the government not being met and


that far from dealing with the problem with potentially resumes


linking up with terrorists, which Tony Blair talked about in his


dispatch box, this did end up with creating a space for Al-Qaeda so we


must learn all the lessons, including the ones we are paying


for. With my right honourable friend agree with me that there are lessons


for having them of this house and every member of the media as to how


we assess evidence? We can no longer take refuge in the peat heads that


we did not know the evidence about the non-existence of weapons of mass


destruction. The report says the assessed intelligence had not


established beyond doubt that Saddam Hussein had continued to produce


chemical and biological weapons or that efforts to develop nuclear


weapons continued. That evidence was set out in the dossier, and as I


showed in evidence to the Chilcot report, if you read the dossier,


line by line, he could not fail to reach the same conclusion as Robin


Cook that there were no weapons of mass destruction. The fact that we


didn't, or very largely be did not reach that conclusion, is because we


had ceased to look at evidence and we rely on briefings and spin


doctors from our front benches. If this house is to get a grip of


issues in the future, it must go back to looking at evidence itself


is allowed journalists. What I would say to my right honourable friend is


that a lot of things have changed since that evidence was produced in


the way that it was, and one of the most important is the renewed


independence and practices of the joint intelligence committee, so


that ministers of course do still see individual pieces of


intelligence, and of course one wants to have a regular update, but


the process of producing JIC reports and JIC assessment is incredibly


rigorous, so I do not think that what happened could happen again in


the same way because the report she would get from the joint


intelligence committee, I think, are now much cleaner about what they do


now and what they think and what the conjecture rather than anything


else. I think we can avoid that situation. That doesn't solve the


problem in the House of Commons because it is impossible to assure


all of that intelligence information with every member of Parliament. I


join with others in paying tribute to the ex-service men and women who


died in the conflict in Iraq and also the hundreds and thousands of


civilians. One of the greatest scandals out of this whole episode


is of course the lack of resources for our troops sent into battle


without the equipment that they needed and this must never be


allowed to happen again. And the Prime Minister set out for the house


when he believes that the national security machinery that he has


established would have forestalled the evident mistakes made in


Whitehall in the run-up to the commitment in Iraq? I'm grateful to


the right honourable gentleman. On the issue of equipment, of course


money for our armed services is not infinite but I think what we have


done is get rid of the black hole in the defence budget, so resources and


commitment are more in balance, and by having a security and defence


review every five years, we have had to since I have been Prime Minister,


means that you imagine what you're spending to the things that your


security forces require. That is a big improvement. It's depends on


having the bee sources. I have tried to explain why the national Security


Council architecture helps solve some of these problems but I'm not


standing here saying you can completely reduce any risk of


mistake or planning or of the rest of it because these things are by


their nature very contributed. Human institutions are never going to be


perfect, nor are they perfectible. But it must be said that the


conclusions of the Chilcot enquiry as to the way in which legal advice


was processed, intelligence was processed, and intelligence was used


to inform policy, are pretty damning. Mr Speaker, my right


honourable friend has rightly highlighted that much has changed


since then. Certainly I can vouch for the fact that the processors,


which I hope have been continued by legal advice is contained, a rather


different from those that Sir John identifies. But when it comes to the


collation of intelligence, which is an extremely difficult skill, is my


right now friends satisfied that this is subject to enough scrutiny


and review subsequent to ensure that lessons can be learned when mistakes


in intelligence assessment are made? Because this does seem to me to be


one of the key areas in which free a -- future decision-making is capable


of continuing improvement. First of all I think my right honourable


friend is right that the way legal advice is produced and considered is


very different today to them because we have a National Security Council,


we have the Attorney General sitting on it, and before decisions like


these are made a well thought through piece of written legal


advice is produced. The Attorney General is not suddenly called on to


do this, the Attorney General is in the room white -- while these


meetings are taking place, which he did believe they are the successors


doing brilliantly. His point of the collation of intelligence and are we


doing it right is more difficult to answer. There's no doubt that post


but that the joint intelligence committee isn't helped -- incredibly


rigorous about reaching judgments, testing them around the experts in


Whitehall, confirming them with the Americans and others. And not


pretending to know things that it doesn't know. How well we test that,


I suppose there is a role for the ISC in that and thinking have we got


these judgments right after they have been made, but that is


something worth thinking can be done about. All of the intelligence


briefing and information in the world, at the end you still must


make a decision and you never have perfect information on which you


make that decision. We up the balance of risks and that is often


the case whether you're taking action against terrorists are trying


to help secure the national interest. In the end you must decide


and then defend the decision he made. The epitaph on Robin Cook's


headstone in the great cemetery rue -- reads as follows: I may not have


succeeded in stopping the war that I did secure the right of Parliament


to decide. Parliament is right to say that in the circumstances that


Parliament cannot be involved in the decision and then duck


responsibility for the ramifications of that decision. Does the Prime


Minister agree with me that the main element in that debate is the debate


in which Parliament decided in 2003 was not the 45 minute claim that was


not mentioned anywhere in those hours of debate, it was the fact


that Saddam Hussein and his murderous sons had spent 13 years


running rings around the United Nations, ignoring 17 UN resolutions,


including resolutions calling for all necessary means to stop him.


Wasn't that the main issue in that debate? And has the Prime Minister


found any evidence whatsoever of any lies told to Parliament on that day?


My memory of the debate is that it was about the balance of risks


between action and inaction, and the case made by the then Prime Minister


was that there was a real risk of inaction because you have someone


who had been defying the UN, have done terrible things to his people,


and centres neighbours, and the danger of that coming together with


a potential programme of weapons of mass destruction and the other


instabilities in the world post-911, you must remember it was post-911,


that was what I think, I felt as a relatively young backbencher, I felt


that is what we were voting on. Weapons of mass destruction was part


of the picture, not the whole picture. His question about


deliberate deceit, I think you must read the report carefully. I can see


and hear an accusation of deliberate deceit, but there is certainly


information that was not properly presented.


-- I cannot say. -- I cannot see. I don't think the Prime Minister or


the right honourable lady who voted for this war should feel ashamed or


apologetic and as usual the Prime Minister has acted with honour and


dignity. The fact is that we believe what we were told about weapons of


mass destruction. Some of us walked into the no lobby but it was a


narrow decision. I don't think there is any point in having


recriminations because everybody in this House acted in good faith. For


the future, surely we must distinguish between authoritarian


regimes like Assad and Sadam who we must deter and oppose and


totalitarian regimes like Isis who we must seek to destroy. We are not


argument but on this I think he is argument but on this I think he is


absolutely right. There is the difference between the Terence and


containment and pre-emptive action when there is direct threat to the


country. -- deterrence. I would also add there is a third, which is when


you think you need to act in order to prevent a humanitarian


catastrophe, which was the reason I stood at this dispatch box and said


we would take action in respect to Libya. -- said we should. All of us


who voted for the Iraq war must and will take our share of


responsibility but there are many of us who do not regret the fact that


Sadam Hussein is no longer in power for the reasons so powerfully set


out a moment ago by my right honourable friend. Does the Prime


Minister recognise that one of the wider lessons from Iraq is that we


need a United Nations that is capable of giving effect to the


responsibility to protect so that brutal dictators who murder and


terrorise their own population can and will be held to account? As so


often I think the right honourable gentleman speaks with clarity on


these matters. Of course we need a United Nations who can do this and


this is why sometimes we end up in the situation of being certain that


it is right to take a particular action but because of a toe on the


security council it somehow becomes legally wrong. There is a question


about how something can be morally right but legally wrong. -- because


of a veto on the security council. I think we need to continue reforming


the United Nations. In the hope that we all accept that war should be the


measure of last resort once all other options have been exhausted,


given the publication of the Chilcott report, will the Prime


Minister now do something that no government has done since 2003 and


that is finally and unequivocally admit that this intervention was


both wrong and a mistake? I think people should read the report and


come to their own conclusions. Clearly the aftermath of this


conflict was profoundly disastrous in so many ways and I don't move


away from that at all. I take the view that if you voted in a


particular way you can't turn the clock back, you have to take your


responsibility but you learn the lessons of what went wrong. May I


think the Prime Minister. The enquiry's view at point 20 is that


in March 2003 that the options of diplomacy had not been exhausted so


military action was not a last resort. Despite the lack of evidence


of weapons of mass destruction, despite problems with the advice, in


.22 it says led by Tony Blair the UK Government supports military action.


-- in point 22. It was necessary to deferred to his close ally is on


Iraq. Given the undermining of the UN and the horrible consequences is


it not conceivable that Mr Blair should not be held to account for


his actions? I think the honourable gentleman reads out some important


parts of the report and I think it is significant that Sir John Chilcot


finds that this undermines the United Nations because some of us


fought at the time that the UN was being undermined by the actions of


Saddam Hussein and the fact that he was not complying with so many


resolutions. We need to study that and take that into account. As for


how people should account for themselves, it is for them to read


the report and think about why they did what they did. I want to setup


the lessons I think we should learn, I am far more adjusted in the future


and how we learn what is in here rather than rerun the Iraq debate.


It may be unusual for anybody in this place to change the way they


will vote following a speech made here and I can't prove that that is


what I did but that is what I did the night of the debate because what


was said about weapons of mass destruction. I now have to listen


and wrestle with my own conscience, the then Prime Minister must wrestle


with his. We'll my right honourable friend agree that the then Prime


Minister must take full responsibility for encouraging this


House to take the decision that it did, with disastrous consequences in


the stabilising the world? -- will my. Of course it is right that the


people who took the decisions have to take the responsibility. I voted


for the action in 2003. It was a difficult decision but I don't


apologise and I believe that we were right to remove the fascist regime


of Saddam Hussein. The Prime Minister referred in his remarks to


what has happened in Libya and in Syria. Can he speculate about what


might have happened in Iraq if Saddam or Uday Hussein had been in


power in 2011? Isn't it likely that the Baathist fascists in Iraq would


have killed more than the number of Syrians killed and created nurdle


than the number of refugees displaced from their homes. --


created more than. It is impossible to answer that but just as there are


consequences of intervention there are consequences of nonintervention,


which is proved by Syria, where we have appalling numbers of deaths and


displacement of people and a booming in the -- industry of terrorism. Can


I thank my right honourable friend for pledging on behalf of this House


that our soldiers who suffered life changing injuries in the Iraq war


should be looked after for the rest of their lives? But may I also


remind the House that we have an equal duty for our soldiers who


suffered life changing injuries in previous conflicts, such as some of


my 35 men so badly wounded on the 6th of December 1982 at Ballykelly


as well as other regular army, Territorial Army, Ulster Defence


Regiment and Royal Ulster Constabulary members who suffered so


grievously in previous conflicts. My honourable friend with his previous


military background is absolutely right to make this point. What I was


trying to say was that Iraq and Afghanistan have been an enormous


change in tempo for the British Army and you have seen not only the large


number of people who lost their lives but also a very large number


of life changing injuries, people who lost limbs who want to have full


and active lives. The country came together to make sure that happens


so it is important that the charities are still funded and that


will help other people who suffered life changing injuries in other


conflicts. Chilcot has concluded that this country went to war not as


a last resort, that the authority of the UN was undermined, and the chaos


and carnage which has Institute, partly explained by the complete


lack of planning for the aftermath. I don't understand, given that we


now know from Chilcot, the memo written by the then promised on the


28th delight to George W Bush saying, I will be with you what


ever, is in any way compatible to what was said to Parliament and


people at the time. -- the 28th of July. Amid all this stuff about


improving processes, which is fantastically important, is it not


at the end of the day the people who made the decisions, and in our


search for responsibility wouldn't have helped if individuals


responsible were held responsible? My right honourable friend is right


to highlight these aspects of the report, we were not at the last


resort stage, the UN was undermined and there was this fundamental lack


of planning that led to so many problems, and he is right that the


people who took the decisions should be held accountable in this House,


in the court of public opinion. They are also accountable in terms of


people who might want to take action, as they have through the


courts in respect of equipment failures and so on in Iraq and


Afghanistan, but clearly the people of the day and the Prime Minister


have to account for themselves, and I understand Mr Blair is doing that


now. In regards to the structure of government, does he agree that


perhaps the national security adviser, rather than being a civil


servant, should be a Cabinet Minister, so it would bring all of


the strands of government together, more accountability and transparency


and perhaps more focus and decision-making and as we discuss


and vote on militarily tree action, surely any Prime Minister needs to


take ultimate authority because we don't know what the future holds and


there might be circumstances where it isn't practical or we don't have


the time? I think he is absolutely right on the second point, which is


that prime ministers do need to be ready to deploy without


parliamentary sanction if it is urgent and then to report to


Parliament straight afterwards. It is when there was a premeditated


decision to take action. I think in terms of the National Security


advisor I think it is right that we have an expert who is not currently


-- doesn't have to be a current civil service, and it is inexpert


who is garnering together the military, civilian, intelligence,


all of the different parts of Whitehall and it needs to be


somebody full-time rather than running a department rather than


being a politician. Would he put on record that he believes all of those


who voted for the action against Saddam Hussein did so in good faith


and on the very important lessons to be learned does he acknowledge that


just as there are consequences, sometimes terrible, of military


intervention, so there are consequences of nonintervention, as


we are seeing at huge cost today in Syria? I am very happy to make both


those points. I am sure that everybody who came here, like me,


wrestled with the arguments and made the difficult decision and I am sure


we can deal with this consequently. In terms of the consequences of


nonintervention, it is absolutely the case, we can see that in Syria.


The point I made to the Member for Telford South. -- Ilford. It is also


worth mentioning humanitarian issues like Rwanda, as I did in my


statement. Our troops shouldered the burden of Mr Blair's disastrous Iraq


war and paid the price in blood. On a gentler note, and as an Iraq


veteran, can I commend the Prime Minister for the work he has done


for our troops, veterans and their families, in improving their lot,


and can I ask whether he shares my hope and expectation that his


successor will do the same? Can I thank my honourable friend for his


kind remarks and also the good work he has done, not least in


commemorating the battles of the First World War 100 years ago. I


think we have now set up with the military covenant written into war


and the covenant support group a mechanism in what also that every


year we are trying to go further in supporting our Armed Forces, our


veterans and forces, and there is a mechanism for ideas to come forward,


whether helping with council tax or the pupil premium or free bus passes


or help with medical expenses, there is a forum for those ideas that


there wasn't in the past. We have heard a lot of justified


criticism of Tony Blair but can I as the Prime Minister to think of his


own role and of the others who voted for this? They heard Robin Cook's


powerful speech criticising the Government's case. They argued that


the invasion would be a catastrophe. The evidence was there if people


chose to look for it. Would it not be a step towards restoring public


trust in this House to offer some form of apology for the decision to


support the war? The Honourable lady wants to replace all the arguments


of the day. I don't really see a lot of point in that. Members of


parliament came to this House, made decisions, made them in good faith,


they can now reflect on whether those decisions were right or wrong.


I think what we should do instead is tried, as Sir John Chilcot does,


learn the lessons of what happens, and make sure mistakes cannot be


made in the future. The decision not to give Hans Blix more time to


conclude his UN weapon inspections is surely one of the principal midst


judgment of the prewar period. Does my right honourable friend feel that


in reference to the changes that have happened since then, the


skipper of ignoring the UN in this way has been reduced? I think he is


right that it is one of the most powerful points in the report that


Blix should have been given more time and that was an argument made


at the time that has even more force with the way it is written by Sir


John. I don't think I can stand here and honestly say that all the


changes we have put in place make mistakes like that impossible to


prevent because at the end of the day, governments and cabinets had to


make judgments on the basis of evidence in front of them. It makes


them more difficult because you are going to have, with the National


Security Council and the way it is setup, a better forum for making


decisions, listening to arguments and hearing expert advice and I that


does make it more difficult to press our heads if you cannot take expert


opinion with you although, of course, in the end Cabinet ministers


can decide. However wrong it was to take military action on false


intelligence, and I accept my responsibility in the way in which I


voted for military action, was its not the case that many of us were


influenced very much so buys Saddam Hussein's notorious record, the


aggression against the Iranians date, a war that lasted eight years


and took the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people on both


sides and is not satisfied with that, two years later, the


aggression against Kuwait which resulted in the first Gulf War?


Would it not be totally wrong to come to the conclusion that had its


not been for this invasion, which I say should not have taken place


because it was based on false intelligence, everything would have


been fine in the middle east and look at what is happening in stereo,


where we did not intervene, I believe rightly so, and again, I was


influenced by what happens over what we are disgusting now. -- stereo. He


put it very well. Each year is a situation where there was this


appalling record. Saddam Hussein had gassed the Kurds and murdered his


own people, invaded his neighbour, used weapons of mass action in the


past and we were told he was developing them again in the future


and on the basis of that, we were told we could not risk leaving him


in place and leaving those programmes in place. Even the


heightened risk post and 911. Those were very strong arguments and I


think it is worth recording that. It is worth taking into account the


point but who knows what would have happened if Saddam had still been in


place at the time of the Arab Spring, but it is possible to


believe that his reactions to his own people would be rather like the


reactions of President Assad to his own people which I would argue has


done more to ferment terrorism and cause extremism perhaps anything


else in the last decade. Today is a dark day for the UK Government. It


is a tragic day for Iraq and it is a desperately for the families of our


service men and women who I know are watching today. War is not a sport


and now should be a time of deep inflection and humility across


Government and across the operations of the military who advise the


Government. I want to pay tribute to those who fought and their families.


They are the best of us, the true patriots and they pay is the


greatest sacrifice for the liberties that we enjoy in this House. With me


that we need to make sure that how we look after these people, how we


say we want to do it and how we actually do it are the same thing?


As ever, he speaks with great clarity on these things. He is right


that it is a moment for deep reflection. He is also right that as


we think of our arms forces serving out, we should proud of what they


did. We should be proud of the bravery and courage. They were all


being the command of this House -- all being the command of this House


and performing in the way you would expect. He is right think of it like


that. He is also right to say that the promises of the armed services


cover and are kept in reality as well as on paper. Can I say that we


should remember that the real responsibility for the murder and


killing of so many Iraqi civilians lies with Saddam Hussein, Al-Qaeda,


and of course Isis as well. Can I say this, the three main complaints


made about Tony Blair and the Government's position at the time,


one that he misled Parliament or a lighter parliaments, the Prime


Minister has said that has not been found in the Chilcot report. The


other that intelligence was doctored. As I understand it from my


quick reading, that has not been found either. The other that it was


not in a regal warts but we know that Chilcot makes it very clear


that it relied on intelligence that it was illegal to go to war at that


point. I'm afraid he will have to read the report and to those


questions but first of all, on the dossier that was produced, the


report is clear that number ten and the Prime Minister did not wrongly


alter that. There are some comments in there about how the report did


not necessarily report all of the things that were in other papers


which is a different point. On the issue of whether the war was Iraq or


illegal, Chilcot does not take a stand and perhaps I've already out


exactly what he says. He says that there was legal advice and that


advice had a legal case for war and that is how the Government preceded


by Chilcot is not saying he is seeking a position. On the issue of


misleading Parliament is, there is nothing in the report that I can see


pointing to deliberate deceit but clearly there are occasions when


more information or better information could have been put


forward so I think one has to be careful in reading the report, but


also be my shorthand answers to his questions. Can I ask my friends for


his statement today. I understand from listening to the debate so far


that there will be noble tickle recriminations for reasons I


understand. Can I seek his assurance that as there will be no


recriminations against those who sent our Armed Forces to war, there


will be no recrimination against our Armed Forces being chased by


ruthless for doing our bidding and looking after our nation? I very


much agree with the statement he put forward. We are doing everything we


can to get through and knock down these holy and justified enquiries


that have been put in place because -- wholly unjustified. On this day


when we rightly reflects on our own intervention and our own


responsibilities, it is important to remember that violence did not begin


in Iraq in 2003. Against the Kurds in the north and the Shia in the


south, the regime of Saddam Hussein killed hundreds of thousands of


people. An adverse lessons learned from the intervention, which I fully


set out in the report and the lessons and the Leicester should be


learned. It has also been rightly commented that we should learn the


lessons from not intervening in Syria weather has been a


humanitarian catastrophe. Can I asked the Prime Minister, of all the


lessons learned, does he agree that the gay inclusion should not be


never to intervene because if that was the conclusion, the result would


be to a band and oppressed people around the world and to give a blank


cheque to dictators and terrorist groups. -- the key inclusion. What I


said in my statement was that I thought there were lessons to learn


but also lessons not alone and the lesson not to learn is that


intervention is always wrong. Sometimes it is and our interest of


national security or to prevent humanitarian catastrophes were it is


right to intervene and we should be very clear what that there are cases


where we have not intervened and has been almost the same amount of chaos


and of the bodies. I welcome my right honourable friend's statement


today. Would he join me in expressing some slight concern not


only at the shape of the centre of Government that was around at the


time of the Blair Government but also the departments that supported


its because of course, the top of the pyramids can only work if the


supporting pillars are in place and I have only read the executive


summary so I cannot comment in detail but it seems to me quite


clear that part of the military of defence, including chiefs of staff,


were not delivering the advice of the Government is needed and


elements of the Foreign Office had succumbed to read form of groupthink


that leaves me deeply concerned as to the structure and advice


governance can get. I'm going to have it date before answering. There


is not a huge amount of that in the executive summary of the Iraq


inquiry. I think we will have to dive into the volumes to see exactly


what Sir John has to say about advice from the MOD, from the


Foreign Office, how much groupthink they're genuinely was and all the


rest of it. I would hesitate with that. I think we will have to study


the report and discuss this next week. Those of us who come to the


report scandalised anew by the duplicity of pleasant Asian and the


property of preparation on such grave matters nevertheless have to


remember that those who are acutely burden today by the cruel sense of


futility of sacrifice in terms of lives lost, lives devastated and


lives changed. The Prime Minister rightly emphasises lessens the need


to be learnt but we must take care not to turn this report into a grey


wash by converting it into a syllabus about foresight in


Government and oversight in Parliament. This is not a day for


sound bites, but does the Prime Minister not agree that the hand of


history should be feeling somebody's collar?


I don't they did is a grey wash or a whitewash or on anything else wash.


From what I've seen so far, this is a thorough effort at trying to


understand the narrative of the offence the decisions that were


taken and the mistakes that were made I think there's a huge amount


to learn and I think everyone who has played a part in it has to take


their responsibility for it. It's been so bring this afternoon to


hear the reflections of those who took the decision here in 2003. I


went to Iraq in 2007 to deliver on that decision. It was a difficult


and dangerous time. During that summer, many of my friends and


colleagues were sent home dead and injured. The Prime Minister have


spoken about the processes which addressed the Armed Forces's


equipment. Can the Prime Minister reassure the House at the urgent


operating requirement process is not quick enough so that we will never


again when troops into battle in vehicles not fit for purpose?


First, can I thank my honourable friend for his service and thank all


of those who serve in operation after 2003 all the way through to


when we withdrew. I'll never forget going to Iraq myself and meeting


some of the soldiers, some of whom who were there on the second or


third tour. And their sense that the situation was extremely difficult.


One of the positive things that has come out of this and Afghanistan is


the urgent operational requirements system which means we have


commissioned some fantastic equipment more quickly, and


responded to their needs. By the time our troops were coming out of


Afghanistan I'd been there 13 times over a period of six or seven years.


By the end, they were saving the equipment was better than the


Americans and they have things more quickly. New bits of kit could be


produced. There are positive lessons to be learned from all of this, as


well as all the negative ones. Could I ask the House to pause for a


minute to remember Robin Cook, who had the courage to speak up against


the orthodoxy of the day and the courage to eat out as a voice for 30


in 2003. Note the sequence of events which led to the UK's participation


in the invasion of Iraq show that where the unshakeable in the of a


political leader's self belief traps him or her in its own logic that


they cannot see beyond it, the consequences can be catastrophic. As


the man who voted against the war in 2003, I know that the Iraq war did


not create from scratch the multiple problems that we see today in the


Middle East. But it does make them so much more intractable. We'll be


PM agree with me that at root, the peoples of the Middle East, what


they want is not so different from what people over here want? They


want security, they want respect, and they want to know that they're


not treated with double standards by the international community.


I very much agree that we should recognise what people in the middle


east want is what we want in terms of respect, the right to a decent


government, the rule of law and decent standards. It is worth


reading parts of the report about weapons of mass destruction. It says


in paragraph 496 the ingrained belief that Adam Hussein's retained


warfare capabilities was determined to do enhances capabilities


including at some point in the future nucleic and was underpinning


responsibility since the Gulf conflict ended. It was wrong but he


had weapons of mass destruction, we now live he didn't. But it is worth


recalling the sense that everyone in this house have that it was very


deeply ingrained in policy makers and policy thinkers that he did.


It's right that Chilcott comes to the agreement that Robin Cook was


right to say that you could look at the evidence and come to a different


conclusion. But it is quite important to remember just how many


people and how many organisations were convinced that this was the


basis of politics. My right honourable friend attends


the Nato Warsaw summit this weekend. He will be acutely aware of the


pressure that Nato feels right now. And Nato member states, from Russia.


Is it not the case but President Putin will be examined very closely


the action at this Parliament takes moving forward. As Parliament knows,


Nato can only act when the Security Council of it meets to act. Chapter


five says an invasion on one country is an invasion on all. Can I ask


that this house does not move to the position where it has to prove that


before we take that action, because otherwise we could find that the


Iraq lessons and Iraq as a whole is just used as a mother shield to


never take any military action. -- as another shield.


We should not use this sobering moment of reflection where we look


at the mistakes made and lessons to be learned. We should not use this


moment to think that somehow it's right for Britain to shrink away


from international responsibility and engagement. That would be the


wrong lesson to learn from this. Like the Prime Minister, I remember


the debates of February and March 2000 and three. We were both elected


for the first time in 2001. What I remember is many of the members Ben


who ask questions and demanded evidence were heckled and shouted


down. One have debated on this report, it is white but as well as


scrutinising the conduct others should have some of scrutiny on


themselves. We now know that of what was reported to be evidence in 2003


was obtained by people who had been tortured having been illegally


rendered. Will the Prime Minister give me an assurance that this


country will never again basic foreign policy judgments on evidence


or information obtained in that way? I can certainly give him that


assurance. That is something physically addressed during the


Kurdish government -- Coalition Government that we should not use in


any way evidence delivered by means of torture.


Can I thank my right honourable friend for giving such an excellent


statement on this war. As my right honourable friend knows, my


constituency includes three command Brigade whose wives and families


will have played a significant part in this whole conflict. You sure


that MPs from similar garrison cities are also given names and


details of those families so that we can communicate with them in order


to make sure that we can talk to them about the impact this conflict


will have had upon their lives? I'm happy to give that assurance, I


think that work is in hand. Can I make comments about the loss


of life in Iraq, specifically to take this opportunity to commemorate


the service and sacrifice of our Armed Forces. They served in good


faith and we should be proud of them today, as we are everyday. It's


critical that the public can have trust in the decisions we take in


this place. And at no time is that truer than on a vote to take our


country to war. Whatever we think about the judgment that was made, we


should acknowledge that the bond of trust between the Government, this


house and the public has been damaged by the decision that was


taken in 2003. We in this place today now have an absolute need to


put that right for the future. Can I ask the Prime Minister if he will


consider reviewing how intelligence is shared with members of this house


before voting on military action? In addition to considering what steps


could be taken to improve MPs, Armed Forces and our intelligence that


this is the ability to work together to take these difficult decisions?


First, let me join the honourable gentleman who served himself in our


Armed Forces in paying tribute to what our Armed Forces did in Iraq.


They should be proud of the work they did. They were acting on behalf


of this House of Commons and the gunmen to took that decision. They


behaved bravely and courageously and we should remember that and those


who gave their lives and what we did. On his question about how we


share intelligence information with this house, two reflections. One is


that we have tried. We did in the case of Libya and Syria to try and


publish assessments cleared for the House of Commons and cleared, I


might add, by officials rather than by ministers. That is the first


point. The second point is getting the chairman to read the statement


or speech made by the Prime Minister to make sure it accurately reflects


the intelligent information. I think those are two things we should try


to do. Sometimes time is short, the picture is changing, the


intelligence is changing. Those are good things to try and do, but I


would say there is no perfection in all of this. In the end, you can


receive and share as much intelligence as you like, but you


must make a decision, make an argument and then defend it whether


it is right or wrong. Given that the Chilcot Report found


that the UK Government undermined Security Council authority and the


result of the EU referendum, what plans do the Government had to


reinforce the Foreign Office and restore our international


arbitration? I think the Foreign Office has been


restored in many ways. -- international reputation. William


Hague restore the language school and opened a number of embassies


around the world. I think the Foreign Office has seen once again


is a great place to go and is and work. -- to go and work. We have to


go on recognising that the combination of our 2% spending on


the militarily, I 0.7% spending on aid and our proper funding at the


Foreign Office, those three things going together do enhance our soft


and hard power in the world. I'm always proud when we hear that


we're not shrinking from our place on the board's stage. But the brunt


of that always falls on the servicemen and we have had many


peoples you today on how we should be looking after our servicemen,


giving them the right kit and the right mental health. We must also


look after their families. When we review every five years what we're


doing, can we guarantee we've got enough resources?


I agree, I did mention service families because I think it is


important that we look after them and the covenant is partly about


them. We heard the talk today about what a


dreadful dictator Saddam was and how he's been ignoring UN rules. The


question in 2003 was "Why now?". That is why the intelligence around


weapons of mass destruction was so crucial. Would-be Prime Minister


agree with me that the key parts of the special relationship is that it


should be like any other relationship. The reason we are so


close to some people is that they will tell us what we need to hear,


not what want to hear. There is a very good section of the


report entitled Why Now. It is important to read the part of the


report about what would have happened if Britain had not have


stood alongside the United States. In the review, that would not have


terminally damaged the special relationship and I think that is the


correct. As my right honourable friend said


earlier, today, Sir John Chilcot has confirmed the existence of a dirty


deal between Tony Blair and President Bush. Given that, will be


Prime Minister join me in demanding that Tony Blair apologises


unreservedly to the families of the 179 UK service personnel killed, and


to be hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians who also died. When he or


so join me in asking Mr Blair to apologised for the British public,


whose faith in me democratic process has been faithfully undermined by


this whole sorry affair? We should wait to see what Mr


Blatter... He's eating probably while we are here. -- Mr Blair. --


he's. -- he's speaking. The barbarity of


Saddam Hussein is beyond doubt and my thoughts are with the thousands


of Kurds murdered by Mikel weapons in 1988. Despite that, -- by


chemical weapons. Despite that, I did not support the 2003 war and


Cammy clarify that military action was being taken against Saddam


Hussein before then because Will the Prime Minister at knowledge that


operation Warden and operation provide comfort, the no-fly zones in


Iraq, meant that Saddam Hussein was a caged animal?


I think my honourable friend who served in at least one of those


missions have made this point before. It's set out here as well.


Which is that there was a policy of deterrence and containment. I think


Sir John Chilcot argues quite persuasively that that's situation


should have continued for longer with more UN action before the last


resort of military action. He makes that point very clearly.


There are some practical constitutional lessons to be learnt


here, specifically for Parliament, given Parliament's role. For


example, wouldn't it be better if we had specific opportunity to


scrutinise the Attorney General before decisions are made? Shouldn't


we have better parliamentary scrutiny of the security services?


On those occasions where we do have to come to a decision about military


integration, because sometimes that is necessary, shouldn't there be a


better equipped to national security council which has that thread of


accountability, somehow, back to Parliament?


These are all interesting ideas and I'm prepared to consider them. The


Attorney General does answer questions in Parliament and is


accountable to Parliament. The National Security Council members


are accountable to Parliament and there is this committee, both Lords


and Commons, which scrutinises the National Security strategy which I


have appeared in front of. Our intelligence services are far more


accountable than they've ever been, including giving speeches openly


about what they're doing and answering questions at meetings in


considerable detail. I'm always happy to consider other things, but


I think in terms of accountability we have a huge way.


I would also paid tribute to troops and also to ask that those who have


ended up with broken lives because of it shouldn't just be looked after


through the covenant while serving but long-term. We know of cases of


troops and their families who are continuing to suffer. Two things


coming out of this are that in essence what was being carried out


was regime change, which would not normally be considered a legal basis


for war, and that there was inadequate planning for the peace


afterwards. Does this not apply to Libya? In that predominantly what we


got caught into their was getting rid of Colonel Gaddafi and we have


invested a fraction in the nation-building in Libya than we did


in the border. The other thing mentioned was that Saddam Hussein


was known to have attacked his own people, yet we still sold him


weapons after that, still sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, we are


getting involved in Yemen and no decision!


I think she is right to say that the bit of the report dealing with the


issue about whether the government was involved in quirks of diplomacy


to try and make Iraq go down a different path, or whether this was


regime change, makes interesting reading. I would disagree about


Libya, it was a humanitarian intervention to stop slaughter of


innocent people. We then assisted as forces in Libya strove to get rid of


a brutal dictator, who had delivered Semtex the IRA. That is Robert Lee


still available to some people in Northern Ireland today. -- that is


probably still available. You can have procedures in place and money


put into Libya and can still be glib -- still be difficult to get a


different outcome. Many of us who voted against the war, particularly


on the government side, remember it vividly, the arm-twisting, letters


coming in being called to see the Prime Minister for foreign sale --


Foreign Secretary, and one lesson for this parliament for members from


all sides is that sometimes your country becomes before your party.


I think your country should always come before your party. I am not a


huge believer in arm-twisting, but sometimes there are times when you


believe a course of action to be profoundly right and want to


persuade your colleagues. I persist in the view that it would have been


better with the United States to take action against Assad after his


use of chemical weapons and I tried to persuade colleagues. I don't


think I physically twisted anyone's home. I was not successful but it


does not mean it was not worth trying. Hundreds of thousands of


dead, a region destabilised, generation radicalised, Heist


received with a fabricated case for war, all of this is indelibly linked


with one man, who should have Iraq tattooed on his forehead. Surely it


is not conceivable that someone must be held to account for what has


happened over the course of these past years? Everyone has to account


for their actions, people voting for this, people who proposed it,


failures to planned. Our whole set of arguments in this document to


consider and to see how best to hold people to account. It is clear from


these exchanges that the report will not settle questions about whether


the war was right or wrong. But shouldn't it once and for all lead


to arrest allegations of bad faith, lights or deceit? The report finds


clearly that there was no falsification or improper use of


intelligence, no deception of the Cabinet, no secret commitment to


war. I think everyone will have to study the report carefully. Earlier,


I tried to give shorthand answers to the question of deceit and legality.


But I feel the honourable gentleman that many of these argument should


go on. Somebody has complained about not getting calls. I try to call


everybody. Although what everyone has to see is enormously important


to them, it is not necessarily more important than what anyone else has


to say. I don't need any help with my duties, I will call colleagues,


but colleagues need to be patient, and I am sure they will not for one


moment any of them be self-important. That is not


imaginable! LAUGHTER Thank you, Mr Speaker. From my early


and hurried reading of the report I can see no evidence anyone acted in


bad faith in relation to what was said in the report. But I am aware


from reading at the report refers to a war that was 13 years ago. There


have been conflicts since, in Libya, with the force but not ground


troops. In Syria, where we did not act for several years. Is there


anything in subsequent conflicts we are the Prime Minister disagrees


with some of the conclusions from this report, to have an updated


view, not just basing actions going forward on a report from a war 13


years ago? I need to wait for the debate, because they need longer


answers. The point I would make is that in the case of Libya obviously


we took the decision not to put in ground troops, which had advantages


in making sure there were not UK military casualties. But of course


it has the disadvantage that you are not more able to directly put in


place they plan on the ground. My point I am trying to me, maybe not


as clearly as I shoot, is these things are difficult by their very


nature. You can have the best military and post conflict plan, and


even though you definitely need to half, there is no certainty you will


be successful. We should not pretend there are some perfection. We can do


better than the past but we will never be perfect. I commend Charles


Kennedy for his leadership provided to me and others on this issue. For


members today who perhaps were not there in 2003 they may not be aware


quite how difficult this decision was, and how much criticism Charles


and my colleagues received at the time. Does the Prime Minister


believe that there are any pointers in the Chilcot Report, or anything


from personal experience, that could perhaps help opposition parties if


they are faced with a similar decision in the future and be better


placed to scrutinise decisions the government might be about to take?


Very good question. The advances that have been made in terms of


Select Committee access to government papers, critters -- the


scrutiny of intelligence and security services, the process of


producing written summaries of legal advice, all these things help, but


in the end, you can't substitute judgment as well. In March 2003,


Hans Blix believed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. But


he wanted more time. I've voted on that day to give him that no time.


But the official opposition didn't. And in my view failed in its duty to


scrutinise properly. Doesn't the primers to agree that a lesson for


today is for a government to work effectively it has to have a


competent and effective opposition? -- doesn't the primers that agree?


The job of an opposition, I take both bits of it seriously, loyal


opposition, and if you think the government is making an interest in


-- is making a decision in the interest of the country, you should


support it. It is not to oppose it come what may. Thank you for your


statement, in particular lessons learned from the Chilcot Report. You


referred to systems for veterans. 179 personnel gave their lives


bravely. But only two welfare officers were left in headquarters.


I've now that has been changed, steps taken to make sure veterans


are not forgotten. The government sent brave people to war and should


be willing to deliver for them. What will be done as a result of the


Chilcot Inquiry to address family support criteria and high suicide


rates that there are amongst veterans? You ask an important


question. The report itself says huge improvements have been


undertaken in terms of family support and liaison since then but


there is more the need to do in the area of mental health and that is


why we have given this area such a board. You're one of the most humane


and rightly well liked members of this House, the honourable member


for Strangford, almost laughed and part of the size. My long-term


ambition is to persuade him not to use the word you. We will leave it


there for today. Mr Alan Brown. In terms of lessons learnt, can act


as the Prime Minister to reflect on Syria, and the original support for


your strikes against a sad that became a vote for the sheiks against


Daesh, -- for the error strikes against Daesh, and in terms of


post-conflict planning, can we make the Prime Minister that there is a


properly costed plan in place for course conflicts earlier that all


foreign powers have signed up to and request the rate financial support


for that plan? We have made commitments to support a plan


post-reconstruction of Syria but I don't agree about the votes we had


in the size, I wish we had won one of them, and wished we had taken


action against Assad for his use of chemical weapons. That would have


encouraged legitimate opposition and could have helped bring that


conflict to rapid closure. The second vote, which we did win, that


was right and we made progress in Syria, Britain playing a growing


part of that, in making sure the people who directly threaten us in


this country are properly combated. In March 2003, there were no moral


certainty is available on that evening, and as one of the Labour


MPs who voted against the war on that night, I can say I did then,


and have always respected those who took a different decision based on


what they had heard. But what does the Prime Minister think is the


lesson from Chilcott about a relationship with the United Nations


and the way we acted on that occasion in relation to the United


Nations security council? He asks an interesting question, because before


now, I always felt that one of the reasons for going to war was that we


were trying to uphold the authority of the United Nations, given that


Saddam Hussein was in breach of so many of its resolutions. But Sir


John Chilcot says clearly that he thinks it undermined the United


Nations and I want to read that bit of the report carefully. I should be


clear and interest, my eldest brother served in both Iraq wars and


still serves in our Armed Forces today. Above all else, we should


take today to pay tribute to all those who serve under families,


whether they came home or sadly did not. I wish to draw attention to


pages 121-122, regarding the lead to military preparation, a politically


expedient decision of the then Prime Minister, and earlier than


anticipated deployment of forces and resulting lack of equipment. Does he


agree those decisions are necessarily cost the lives of some


of my brothers colleagues as there was insufficient time to overcome


the shortfall in necessary equipment? First of all, can I thank


through him his family for their service in the past and service


currently? I can't give him I think an answer. I have read those pages


one 121 and 122, but want to read carefully to see if it says that the


delay had the effect that he says that it does, but perhaps I could


write to him about that. I join all of those in this House paying


tribute to Armed Forces, we owe them a huge debt of gratitude. But can I


quote from the resignation speech of Robin Cook? He said, our interests


are best protected not by unilateral action but by multilateral agreement


and world order governed by rules. Does the Prime Minister agree that


his statement then is as true today as it was at the time? And therefore


one response to this report must be deep commitment to the United


Nations, to Nato and somehow rebuild a relationship with European


friends? We should all want to be committed


to a wall of worlds and strong institutions, but there should be --


a world of rules and strong institutions. Because a veto by one


Security Council member, if you say we can then only act when the UN


sanctions it you're stuck with rules that lead you to take a potentially


immoral decision not to act to stop a humanitarian catastrophe or such.


We have to be careful that yes, we want institutions or walls, that we


have two reserve the ability to act where we think it is in either an


national interest or a humanitarian interest to do so.


I must first declare an interest in that my husband has served in our


Armed Forces. It is crucial for Armed Forces families to have the


utmost faith in governmental procedures and in Parliamentary


scrutiny before they send their loved ones to war. Does the Prime


Minister agree the decisions made in Iraq have undermined their faith?


Will he apologised to them for the failings highlighted in the report


in an effort to reach out and rebuild the trust?


I think the best thing that we can do is to make sure that when


mistakes are made, and when bad consequences follow as were the case


with Iraq and the failure to plan, is that reports like this are


commissioned and properly discussed and debated and lessons learned.


This is the most important thing that we can do and that is something


which this government and the previous one that commissioned the


report are committed to doing. As a newly elected councillor, my


very first motion before my counsel was to oppose this unjust war and I


want to reaffirm that position strongly here today. A war that we


found today to be based on a legality that was far from


satisfactory and flawed intelligence. A war that resulted in


the deaths of 179 British service personnel. A war that resulted in


the deaths of over 100,000 innocent men and women and children. A war


that resulted in the displacement of over 1 million people and a war that


resulted in greater instability in that region. We cannot have a


situation where we ever go into -- blindly go into war that results in


the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children. I would


like to ask the Prime Minister what measures he will be immediately


putting into place, given the lessons that we have learnt from


Chilcot. We will study the report very


carefully to see what more lessons can be learned. Some of the early


lessons are about processes, procedures, legal advice, National


Security Council 's, use of intelligence information. There are


still more things to be learnt and I commit to learning those lessons.


At 24 years old I am the second gentlest member of this house. Many


of the 179 service personnel who were killed in Iraq were under the


age of 24, including 14 service men and women who were 19 and under. I


commend their bravery and sacrifice. What specific assurances can the


Prime Minister give to these families of the brave men and women


that the disastrous decisions that led to their deaths will not be


repeated, and those that led to this decision be held to account?


First, I can say to those families thank you for the service and


sacrifice of their children. We should genuinely praised the work


that everyone in our Armed Forces did. We have two separate the


decision-making and the lessons learned and the problems, separate


fact from the military action. These people were serving their country.


They were serving their country in a cause that had been sanctioned by


the House of Commons. We should in any way denigrate their memory


because they were doing what they believe in which was serving their


country. The most important thing we can do for all the memories is to


digest this report, learn the lessons and put in place better


decision-making for the future. It has been 30 years since Robin


Cook returned to the backbenches. The worst possible tribute that this


house could pay to him or, more importantly, to the many service men


and women and Iraqis killed and injured in this conflict would be to


draw the wrong conclusions or, worse, to learn no lessons at


school. As the Prime Minister prepares his own departure to the


backbenches, can he tell us what advice he will give to his successor


to ensure that we restore to Britain a foreign policy with an ethical


dimension? I think our foreign policy should


always have an ethical dimension and always have. The advice I give to my


successor is to build on the processes and procedures that we've


put in place so we better handle intelligence information and legal


advice, we better discuss and debate the things in the National Security


Council. We listen to expert opinion in the proper way. The worst lesson


to learn would be that somehow, because the things difficult, but we


should withdraw from the world, failed to intervene when it's in our


interest do so. We should somehow retreat in the way that I've set up.


That would be the wrong thing to do and I don't think that's what Robin


Cook would want. My constituent Ben Shaw with a


veteran from Iraq where he was blinded and will never be able to


see his own family again. Then has been eagerly awaiting the


publication of the Chilcot Report and has some real concerns that


lessons may not be followed and it may be brushed under the carpet. Can


I ask the premise to give some assurances to Ben as to what action


will be taken to ensure the fullest possible access to veterans such as


Bennett to get access to the full report whenever they can?


Through the honourable gentleman, can I thank them for his service to


our country and everything that he did. We must continue to help him


throughout his life. The MOD ministers have offered meetings with


veterans and their going ahead. The assurance I can give is that we


already learnt a lot of important lessons. Whitehall is a very


different place. The way decisions are taking is different, the use of


legal advice is different. I don't underestimate the extent to which


Whitehall has taken on board already so many lessons and change its


practices and its culture. Clearly, they'll be more to do and that is


why we should have this day debate. -- clearly there will be more to do.


I pay tribute to the 179 brave servicemen and women who lost their


life, including Corporal Matthew Cornish from Otley whose loss is


still felt today. We've heard the Prime Minister make some powerful


statements including about Hillsborough and bloody Sunday. But


I have to say to him in his last major statement in the role that


today we heard equivocation, and we have and have the acceptance that


this country needs. There will be dismay at some of the contributions


seeking, even now, to suggest that this was not a terrible mistake.


Surely the first rule in politics is to accept when you done something


wrong. The Prime Minister should be prepared to accept a mistake. A


government should be prepared to accept a mistake. Parliament should


be prepared to accept a mistake. If this house does not accept that Iraq


was a disastrous mistake, then we have learnt nothing whatsoever from


this. I've tried to be careful today to


recognise that this was the act of a previous government. It was them,


principally, to explain why they to be decisions that they did. And also


I've tried to be careful today that this is not my report. This is Sir


John Chilcot's report and the first thing we have to do is to read it


carefully and take into account what it finds. I've tried very faithfully


to reflect what he says and the way he says it with all the nuances that


there, rather than simply to out some punchy bits that either down


the Government or praise the Government that then was because I


don't think that's my responsibility. My responsibility is


to handle the publication of this, to draw out the lessons and to let


others who were responsible at the time account for themselves.


On a practical level, the report sets out but it's a difficult for


intelligence to be assessed by members of Parliament. Currently,


intelligence have only shared with the ISC after the event. It is an


shed during current operations. Two years ago, the opposition put


forward an amendment to allow in exceptional circumstances


intelligence to be shared with the ISC for current engagements and


situations. I wonder whether the Prime Minister, in light of the


report today, thinks it would be worth revisiting that point and


giving the eye these that opportunity in exceptional


circumstances such as this country being on the brink of war to have


access to intelligence? -- giving the ISC.


What the lady is asking for is quite a difficult process. Ministers take


action on the advice of officials and intelligence that of Catholic


controlled by the joint intelligence committee. The me have two account


-- that it carefully gathered by the joint intelligence committee. It is


then to the Government or intelligence committee to put some


of that intelligence in front of Parliament, as we did in the case of


Libya and Syria. By its very nature, the idea of sharing intelligence on


a much more wide basis I think is going to be very difficult and I


don't want to do that. The ISC is there to scrutinise decisions that


have been taken, rather than to pre-emptively review a decision that


is about to be taken. We do need to get our ducks in a row. If we try to


model but, I think we will get ourselves into a modem.


My thoughts today -- into a muddle. My thoughts with a constituent son


was killed in Iraq aged 18 years old and has waited a long time for the


enquiry. The Prime Minister's statement on page 11 and the bottom


says sending our brave troops onto the battlefield without the right


equipment was unacceptable. Can I ask the Prime Minister to reflect,


does the Prime Minister not appreciate that the state should


apologise to the military families for their sons and daughters being


sent into a war without the correct equipment? Will he take this


opportunity to apologise to those families?


First of all, he's absolutely right. Providing the correct military


equipment is an obligation on government and I think huge steps


forward have been taken in the last few years to make that happen. In


terms of the responsibility for government apologies and the rest of


it, the Government that took these decisions, the people responsible,


are still alive and able to answer the criticisms in the report. I


think this is slightly different to the situation over, for instance,


Bloody Sunday or Hillsborough. This report is about a government


decision and set of decisions that were taken. The people responsible


are still around. It's easy for a Prime Minister to stand up and make


an apology. I don't think this is appropriate for me today because I


think the people who made these decisions are still around. That's


what I chosen to speak in the way that I have.


Thank you to the Prime Minister and to all colleagues to take part in


these exchanges. Statement, the Secretary of State for Health.


Secretary Jeremy Hunt.


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