12/03/2014 The Papers


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in the Queen Mother Champion Chase. And another British Paralympic medal


at the Winter Olympics in Sochi as well.


Hello. Welcome to our lookahead at what the papers will be bringing us


tomorrow. With me Jenny Wilson, columnist for the Times, and Neil


Midgley, media writer the Daily Telegraph. We are going to start


with the main picture story in the Independent. It is of the news


conference today for the missing flight, MH370. The main story is


that tens of thousands of people are being unlawfully detained in care


homes according to a House of Lords inquiry. That's also the main story


on the front of the Daily Mail. One in ten adults will pay two thirds of


all income tax according to analysis done by the FT. It says there is a


growing debate about whether next week's budget should do more to help


top rate taxpayers. The Telegraph's leaders that statins have no side


effects according to research done by Imperial College. Billions of


funding will be needed for NHS reforms according to the outgoing


boss of the service with an interview with the Guardian. The


Express says there are ten days of sun on the way. We like that


FrontPage! We hope it's true. A lot of express stories about the weather


turn out to be mistaken. Was there supposed to be a big freeze this


winter? At least three times a week! That plane crash, MH370, still


missing, five days after it disappeared. Nobody seems to have a


clue what happened to it. A huge press conference, where it is clear


it is not just potential debris that's at sea, it is the search for


this plane at sea as well? The word farcical is in inverted commas in


the headline, that is exactly how it teams to be going. It seems there


were images taken by the Chinese satellite on Sunday showing daydream


in the sea, almost precisely on the flight path. -- debris. Since then,


they have been searching hundreds of miles to the west of air. The real


tragedy is that there were hundreds of families waiting in Beijing, who


know nothing about the fate of their loved ones. They are now being fed


all of this inconsistent information. It must be not only


heartbreaking for them, but really trying as well. Very frustrating.


There is probably a lot of politics involved as well. The satellite


image was apparently taken on Sunday. It was only released today.


The Chinese, it is daily Chinese nationals on the plane, the Chinese


authorities need to be seen to be doing something? If the Chinese knew


they had pictures of debris on Sunday, why have they spent so long


not telling anybody about us? It's a mystery to all of us to realise that


aeroplanes don't automatically send out signals telling everybody where


they are. We can get tracks every 100 metres by mobile phone signals.


It wasn't until this crash happened that I discovered that the


transponder sends out those signals. But if it is turned off or


if the aeroplane crashes, or if somebody, a hijacker, decides that


it should not operate any longer, there is no automatic signal being


sent by the plane. Apparently it is perfectly technically possible that


you could make an aeroplane turned out a signal every few milliseconds


on a low band of the radio, but it has never been a matter of course. I


would have thought that now everybody would want that to happen.


It seems impossible you could lose something so large in a contemporary


age. The last-minute occasion suggested everything was fine. All


of a sudden's flat. Does make you wonder, after 9/11, you would have


thought all of these things, God forbid there was a hijacking in this


case, you would have thought that all of the aviation authorities all


around the world would have got together and thought, what can we


do? That was another fascinating theory that I've read. We don't have


any idea what happened to this plane, but I read a book by a pilot


that said, what happens if you turn off the transponder is that the


plane then becomes invisible to the civil aviation authorities because


it is no longer sending a signal. It is only military radar which is


picking up objects which are reflecting back to them, which can


then read what a plane is doing. One of the series is if a hijacker had


come into the cockpit and turned the transponder off, only the military


would be able to detect it. Post 9/11, why would we expect that to be


an acceptable fate for any aeroplane? If they were able to


detect it, the military, why aren't they telling us? I know this is


incredibly serious, but there are many journalists that are absolutely


rubbing their hands with glee about the fact, as the story continues, it


is riveting all of us, it is on the front pages and nobody can make any


sense of it. It's like an episode of Lost. Nobody can make sense of it,


and because there is a shortage of concrete information, that vacuum is


filled with all kinds of theories. Let's move on to The Financial


Times. Boom in higher rate tax fuels relief calls. The suggestion may be


that there may be pressure on Mr Osborne to cut the top rate of tax?


I'm sure that the boom will lead to calls from readers of The Financial


Times, just as many readers of the Times, which also run this story


this morning, will have a vested interest. But I don't know that the


majority of the population is going to be joining this call. I think


what it indicators there is a lot of political pressure on George Osborne


from the Conservative Party, saying, let's make sure our people are being


rewarded here. At a time of austerity, it doesn't make sense to


be saying to the people that are only one in ten voters, earning


enough to pay higher rate tax, it does not make sense to be saying,


these people above all must be getting relief, it really doesn't.


The FT has a fascinating statistic. It says that, had the threshold kept


pace with wage growth over the last few years, somebody earning ?75,000


would only be paying 20p basic rate tax at this point. So it should have


gone up? That is assuming we still have money to spare. We know that we


haven't got money to spare. Over a couple of decades, it shows you the


change in the political landscape. There was a time, dim and distant,


we can all remember, when tax cuts won elections. John Major got


re-elected in 1992 because of his tax policy, more than anything. The


Tories in this government seemed to be fighting shy of saying, not just


that we need an enterprise economy, but that includes a lower tax base


and giving people's money back to them, as Margaret Thatcher did in


the 80s. It would be very difficult to sell at a time of austerity. It


would not be difficult to sell a cut in the basic rate, it might for the


top rate. To be fair, they are trying to raise the lower rate of


income tax. But that is really a Lib Dem initiative? Speak to Tories and


they'll tell you furiously at not, it's just the Lib Dems trying to


take credit for it. Tories being on the side of lower taxes used to be a


motive. When you have to cut the deficit, I can see why there are


internal oddments going on. But we are in strange Financial Times? Ed


Miliband has done a fantastic job about making it about what he calls


the cost of living crisis. That is the political dialectic at the


moment. The Tories, if they had any sense, in my opinion, would try to


move away from twiddling with electricity bills and talk about


bringing prosperity to the masses. That is how Margaret Thatcher won


elections. I think we might take it from all of the lobbying going on to


these papers and behind-the-scenes that there may be some change next


week, that actually the threshold may go up a little bit. With some


any people briefing that senior nurses, and we all love nurses, are


being caught in this tax regime. It indicates Osborne is being pushed


and perhaps he's going to jump a little. Prisoners of care homes,


front page of the Daily Mail? Interesting story. A devastating


report, revealing tens of thousands of elderly and vulnerable people are


being locked up against their will? There is something called the mental


capacity act, enacted by the Labour government in 2005, which the Daily


Mail politely says was botched. Apparently, according to this House


of Lords report coming out tomorrow, tens of thousands of


people are being held against their will. Tens of thousands is an awful


lot. The prison population is, what? Around 100,000? Something like that.


70,000, just under. If there are tens of thousands of people in care


homes, being held against their will... The idea is that this law


was passed so that people could be protected, people that were not


capable of managing their own affairs could be detained against


their will if they were demented or otherwise incapacitated. According


to the report, it's been used too much. It might be against their


will, but it could be good for them? Of their will is not rational, it


could be. It's getting the balance right between those that you have to


keep in homes and those you allow out into communities? That's the


problem with the issue of mental health. How much autonomy do you


give people that may not be capable of making decisions in their


interests. I think it is a reflection of the mess that mental


health policy has been in for 25 years, since it was decided to close


so many homes that looked after the mentally ill and put them back into


the committee. Lots of people I know that have friends or relations, or


who themselves have been mentally ill, as soon as you enter the system


you find that care is very short, in very short supply. You find yourself


being committed, when you know, and you feel, you should not be there.


Or you are pleading desperately for some kind of respite care,


short-term assistance, and it's not available. Basically, we just don't


know what to do with people that temporarily conduct after


themselves. -- temporarily conduct after themselves. Difficult area,


another difficult area. Statins apparently have no side effects


according to Imperial College, despite many, many years of being


told that they do. All sorts of side effects, muscle problems, renal


disorder. But apparently, Imperial College have surveyed 29 pieces of


academic research and they say there's no greater risk of


side-effects from statins than if you a placebo, which seems hard to


credit but is obviously, if it's true, or if it is held to be true by


the health service, then that will have important consequences because


statins are set to be prescribed much more widely to people over the


age of 50, almost as a matter of routine. New NHS guidelines, which


were out just when I was last on this programme, are going to


recommend that the majority of men over 50 and women over 60 should


take statins in the future. From your experience and members of your


own family, is that there are side effects? Absolutely appalling


side-effects. The second half of this piece has all the evidence that


says actually, statins do have severe side effects. There are


doctors saying that the trouble is in clinical trials lots of people


and a report side-effects. It says here, last week a survey revealed


that the majority of GPs would not take statins themselves or recommend


them to a relative. The argument is they are the people who are seeing


the patients coming in day by day, saying, I am feeling terrible on


these. They find that symptoms disappear when they come off them. I


know many people who were put onto statins and found that things like


muscle fatigue and weakness was so severe that they could hardly walk


or get out of their chairs. We will have to end it there. You are back


in an hours time. Stay with us on BBC News because at 11pm we will


have the latest that missing Malaysia Airlines plane, as the


Chinese government releases satellite images of floating objects


in the South China Sea. Are these clues to what happened? Time for


Sportsday. Hello, I'm Olly Foster. Here's


what's coming up on Sportsday. Messi puts City to the sword as another


English side are knocked out of the Champions League. At Cheltenham, the


favourite, Sire de Grugy, wins


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