23/06/2014 World Business Report


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used rocks and said police cars on fire. Those are the latest headline.


Now for the latest financial news with Sally.


Real power, Alstom agreed on an energy deal. And agrees on a fine


for breaking US sanctions. Hello, and a very warm welcome to the World


Business Report. Also in the programme, we will hear why the


World Cup may be bad for is that what good for Brazil's economy.


First, after weeks of diplomacy, the air miles have paid for the GE boss.


General Electric will take control of Alstom business, but it does come


with strings attached. Estate will also retain control over strategic


energy assets such as the nuclear power plans. It was said that the


deal prevented France from becoming a giant shopping centre. Our


reporter has more. Alstom has flown the flag for French industry for


many years. It builds and maintains some of the


world 's fastest and most heavily used railway trains. Yet, even after


a 3 billion euros state bailout 11 years ago, it can't live with its


mountain of debt. It has to sell more assets. Steaming to the rescue


with a $17 billion is America's GE. It is offering enough cash to wipe


out the French company's or rings with plenty of cash to spare. Bite,


there is a stack. The sale is political dynamite. Demanded


alternatives and last week, he got one. It all hangs, says this merger


specialist, on whether the government deemed any of the bids to


protect enough of its key industries. The GE offer is the


splitting of the company, breaking it up into the energy business and


the train 's business. The French government was a particular keen on


that and has asked both sides to come back with better offers.


Whether they will, we will have to see. A flurry of talks in Paris


ended with the GE offering more job promises and potential energy


alliances with Alstom. While the transaction was seemingly dead in


the water, President lines was backing the offer `` Hollande.


Francois Hollande was not so happy with this next five. According to


reports in the Wall Street Journal, the French bank is also expected to


plead guilty to at least one criminal charge and may be banned


from trading in the United dates `` in US dollars for a period of time.


The US Department looks set to announce these details very soon. To


talk through some of this, I am joined by the director. A big blow


for one of its biggest lenders, . Yes, this is a big fines. I don't


think it is catastrophic, I am short BNP Paribas shares will be


absolutely clobbered when markets open today. The broader question,


talked about the financial stability. I do think it shows that


the dangers within the eurozone banking system have not gone away.


Markets have been behaving as though they have, as though the problems


have gone and it just shows that these things can sometimes come out


of left field. It is actually nothing to do with the eurozone, it


is a problem elsewhere. As you say, it is a big number, it eclipses that


paid by others. It shows that US regulators are really going after


these situations but what about this decision to ban them from trading in


US dollars for a matter of months? That Premat locks BNP Paribas out of


business for a while, doesn't it? Yes, you would think that is the


most serious part of the issue. To be cut out of US dollars trading is


effectively to be cut out of global markets and how long that goes on


for will determine how big the hit is. Thank you for your thoughts on


this. Tom will return and talk through the papers. As soon as we


get any confirmation on those details, we will let you know. Let's


look at some other stories. Bulgaria's government says it is


ready to put money into the country 's four figures bank to head off a


crisis in Bulgaria's financial sector. On Friday, they were forced


to take control of a commercial bank after customers queued up to take


their money out. The bank has debts of more than three and a half


billion dollars. Google has much most of the outside


world with Street view, now it aims to open our homes. The Startup


technology allows you to monitor your home remotely from your home or


computer. It means customers will be able to control everything, from the


temperature too many cans `` nanny`cams.


Retailers and businesses are closing early to watch the Brazil game is,


cities are coming to a standstill, so what effect is this having on the


economy that is already slowing down? Our reporter has more from Sao


Paulo. When the Brazilian team is playing,


traffic ahead of the game is not pretty. Everyone wants to get home


to watch the match. For those who can't make it, businesses are still


making time for football. This past a shop closes for each game,


employee is getting to watch each game. With banks and other


businesses, it is like a public holiday. A close and don't reopen


after the match because you have to be careful, the bank isn't open,


neither is the post office. If you leave it too late to pay a bill, you


will struggle. Brazilians have priority. Sao Paulo is Brazil's


financial capital and its biggest city. I am on a commercial Street


that is normally packed, and it is rush`hour. As you can see, all the


stores are closed. Business is taking time off. While the


Brazilians are taking time to enjoy the tournament, the economy grew by


just not .3% in this half of the year, people were very negative


about the prospects in the run`up to the World Cup. I think that the


confidence of the country is gradually improving as the


tournament is evolving. I think that it could help little bit. For Bruno


and his past a company, his workers are happy, even if their team


doesn't always score. It has been a bumpy day. Markets.


Our reporter has more. Nice to see you. As you say, shares are


plunging. That is after Bumi failed to get Bond shares. Shares of Bumi


resources plunged, the company was part of a failed venture between


Nathaniel Rothschild. The head of the family has actually abandoned


his presidential bid in Indonesia. He had been one of the contenders


standing for election there. Is the bondholders met on Friday to discuss


the changes to the terms but the resolution required support, but


that meeting didn't achieve the number of voters that it needed.


Thank you very much at. It is slightly higher in Asia. I will see


you soon when we look through the papers.


Nearly 23,000 children have been taken into care in England in the


last urban years. That is


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