11/03/2016 World Business Report


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Now for the latest financial news with Sally


Five years after the Fukushima disaster, is the world becoming more


And how India is looking to private investment for more innovation


Welcome to World Business Report. I'm Sally Bundock.


Also in the programme: The boss of Samsung is warning this will be


Our team in Asia will have the details.


As you've been hearing, Japan is marking the fifth


anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that left


The enormous quake struck offshore, creating a vast water surge that


It also triggered the world's worst nuclear disaster


since Chernobyl, in 1986, after the tsunami knocked out power to


the Fukushima nuclear plant, taking cooling systems offline, which set


Japan is struggling to restart its nuclear industry


and is continuing to rely on costly fossil fuel imports.


The Fukushima plant was designed to withstand an earthquake and it did.


The reactors shut down safely. But the 14 metre tsunami that followed


wasn't planned for. It knocked out cooling systems, allowing the


reactors to overheat, leading to a series of explosions. Before the


disaster Japan had 54 reactors available, producing one third of


the country's electricity. In the aftermath all of them were shut


down, and only a handful have since been restarted. There are currently


just two in operation. Other countries are facing out nuclear


power, many of them in Europe. Germany had 17 reactors by this


ago, it is now down to eight and they are due to close by 2022. China


is still keen on nuclear power and plans to build at least six reactors


a year until 2020 and wants to become a major exporter of nuclear


technology. Russia, India and South Korea all want to build new plants


as well. So the industry's bruised but for the moment it has a future.


Joining me now is Steve Thomas, Emeritus Professor of Energy Policy


Thanks for being on the programme. For obvious reasons what happened


five years ago completely put on hold, if not backwards, the nuclear


policy in Japan. But other countries in the world completely changed


their thinking about their nuclear policy. I think you can divide the


country is up into three sets. There were the countries like Switzerland,


Germany and Italy that really turned their back on nuclear power and I


don't think there's any going back for those countries. Other


countries, like perhaps France and China, did take a big pause for


thought, while countries like the United States and the UK didn't have


much -- feel much impact. So there were different reactions. In terms


of Japan, if we could focus on it to start with, it has tried to get more


nuclear reactors back online, it's not been an easy path for obvious


reasons. But actually for the Japanese economy it is so important


that it looks at where its energy is coming from, given the fact that he


doesn't have resources of its own? It seems to be in a bit of a


no-man's-land at the moment. It's not being successful at bringing


back its nuclear power plants, but isn't pursuing alternatives. If we


look at Germany, it has set itself against nuclear and is vigorously


pursuing renewables. Then they are doing much better. I think Japan


needs to make a decision. It either needs to give up on nuclear, or it


needs to really go back and force those plants open. But I'm not sure


that's politically acceptable. In the meantime we've got countries


like China that is ploughing ahead. Also, China is exporting its nuclear


technology, investing in the UK as well. Some countries are really


ploughing ahead. There is a lot of talk about exports and nuclear power


plants around the world. Mostly supplied by Russia, with China


trying to get in on the market. But that's always been the case. There's


always been countries talking about nuclear powered -- power, not for


developing countries nine out of ten of those come to nothing, mainly


because of finance. Nuclear power seems to be getting more expensive


so finance will get more difficult. In terms of China, it's talking


about getting into markets, but it really only has three or four and


all of them look quite distant prospects. The prospect of selling


the Briton is quite some way away. They are something like seven or


eight in mining terms of building in Britain. They are just investors.


Thank you very much for joining us. There's so more on our website about


what's happening in Japan and the indications for the nuclear


industry. Moving on. It's a big day for the Korean


smartphone maker Samsung. It's got its AGM


and the boss is warning this is Leisha Chi is in Singapore


for us. This is an important board meeting


when the company is selling its latest smartphone. What are the


challenges it is facing? It looks like Samsung's CEO is trying to


manage shareholder expectations ahead of that annual meeting today.


It was in a letter to them that he said it was going to be a tough year


and their core product is of smart phones, TVs and memory chips will


face oversupply issues and intensified price competition. We


are already seeing that happen to Samsung and other big smartphone


makers. Earlier this year Samsung's caught early -- quarter profits


fell. They have some new models coming out today and this is their


biggest moneymaker, the Galaxy line of smartphones, but they have been


losing the market to Apple and Huawei. It's not as if people will


go out and spend $1000 on a new phone model each time one comes out.


Aside from that, another big development we can expect from


today's meeting is a change to its corporate governance. Samsung is a


huge company and so they are expected to allow non- CEOs to take


out the chairman role in eight of companies within the conglomerate.


Interesting. Lots of change going on. Thank you.


The amount India spends on health-care compared to


the size of its economy is among the lowest in the world,


and so private firms are stepping in to treat those who can afford it.


This has inspired a host of companies, both big and small,


to work on new, often innovative services.


But how much of a difference can they make?


Shilpa Kannan went to Bangalore to find out.


It may look like a pizza delivery service but what is actually being


brought to people's doorsteps is a sophisticated device for testing


eyesight. Just one idea to tackle a common problem that hospital visits


can be daunting and expensive. Getting ill and pay medical bills


are thought to drive more than 60 million Indians into poverty every


year, is a good private businesses be part of the answer, bringing down


costs and getting more efficient healthcare services to more people?


And businesses are getting the inventions into hospitals as well.


Like this monitor, used during pregnancy. Smaller and less


expensive than the conventional machines. Once the belt is strapped


on, a mobile phone app can monitor the heart rate of the fetus. This is


our first product which we have resigned to be used by health


workers, which will be cost-effective and it works in the


Indian healthcare scenario. Today India imports nearly 75% of the


major medical equipment. And it isn't just start ups. Global giants


like IBM are also ringing the latest technology here. Within India you


really get an amplification of the broader problem within healthcare,


which is clinicians have very little time to meet with patience. Within


the US is the ratio of patients to oncologist is 100: one. In India it


is 1600:1, so the time pressure is even greater. Nearly 1 million


Indians die every year because of inadequate healthcare facilities.


About 700 million people have no access to specialist care. And as


the country grapples with growing health-care costs, and a shortage of


doctors, technology driven innovation change is the only hope


many Indians have for better medical treatment.


many Indians have for better medical treatment.


Let's have a look at the markets. As you can see, slightly higher across


the board, which is a better view. Last time I looked they were all


negative. Concern of course about the global economy. We will talk


about that in a bit more detail in a few minutes and we look at the




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