02/08/2016 World Business Report


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South Korea orders Volkswagen to sling its hook as Asia's fourth


largest economy tells the German carmaker it can no longer


And throwing another kitchen sink at Japan's economic problems.


Yes, this man, Prime Minister Abe, gets set to splash the cash


trying again to kick start the world's number three economy.


Coming up - the Japanese government has unveiled another stimulus


package - but are investors underwhelmed?


South Korea - has suspended the sales of 80 VW models,


this is across the VW group and includes Audi's and Bentleys


and fined the German car maker some $16 million.


The South Korean govt is accusing VW of forging documents on emissions


The move by Asia's fourth biggest economy builds pressure


on Volkswagen as it struggles to repair its reputation after it


admitted in September to using illegal software to hide


toxic emissions on about 11 mln vehicles worldwide.


Our correspondent Stephen Evans is in Seoul.


Why now? Why now? That is the way the law moves. It moves at this


pace. The authorities in South Korea are determined to be tough on this.


You have a ban on sales of new models, 32 new models altogether.


Models of new cars, rather. Audi, VW and Bentley, the brands in this


economy. You also have, and it is rare across the world, they are


going after executives. The forgery allegation is basically the


allegation that to get the licence to sell in this country, documents


had to be forged and executives, they are implying all prosecutors


are implying, they knew about these tests when they sought the import


licences. There is a fine, there is a ban on sales, plus some pretty


robust language from the prosecutors who say executives in this country


must have known. Now, if you look at the VW's figures recently, the first


six months of the year, it remains the world 's biggest carmaker. Still


beating Toyota. Stay at -- sales down 7% in the US, up 7% in China.


It has set aside a bunch of money to sort this legal thing out. But, all


the signs are that the upward growth of the VW economy has not hit any


kind of permanent bump. Very briefly, I'm curious, the suspension


of sales, how permanent is it? Temporary. We don't know. It is


suspended until the authorities of the environmental Ministry here is


satisfied that the paperwork it gets reflects the reality. It doesn't


effect, for example, the sale of cars, the second-hand sale of cars.


It is the environment Ministry saying we are very very angry. We


feel we have been deceived and until you can insure us that that's not


the way you run your company, then that ban remains. Thank you for


that. We appreciate it, as always. Stephen Evans joining us from Seoul.


Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is - yet again -


throwing the kitchen sink at the country's economic problems...


Yes, he is set to splash the cash to the tune of some $270bn -


trying once more to kick start the world's number three economy.


This will rank as the largest spending package since the global


But will it be enough to jump start the Japanese economy and get it


Mark Oswald, foreign exchange strategist. Always good to have you


in the studio. Thank you for coming in at this horrible owl. Talk about


horrible, is this another horrible plan by the Japanese government? --


horrible hour. In GDP terms, the Japanese economy, in terms of


government debt. Japan has plenty of it. People are always worried about


Japan borrowing a lot because it already has debt. The bank of Japan


has run out of road so that they are trying to find something to give the


economy a bit of a kickstart. But we have been here before, plenty of


times over the past 25 years. What we really need in Japan, obviously,


is a question of when are they going to reform their economy? It clear. I


always joke. -- exactly. You can't always throw good money after bad.


Why are they so reluctant, 25 years, why are they so reluctant to


implement some economic reforms? Some of them are sociocultural


problems. Above all, changing the amount of immigration in Japan.


Foreign workers only constitute about a small percentage of the


workforce. They are against it. It doesn't work politically. With


Japan's demographics going sharply against them, they have an ageing


population, they have no young taxpayers, no young workers coming


through, to be able to pay for that. In the lung -- in the long run, they


need to find that. They need to earn money from abroad because the


domestic profile is so weak. They need to fundamentally change that.


Another issue problem for Japan and, perhaps out of its control, if


currency. Investors around the world, when we have Hick ups,


investors panic and take their money out of the stock markets and they


put it in Japan. The more they get the yen, the yen goes up and that is


not good for the Japanese companies and they sell their stuff abroad. Is


not good for Japan trying to fight this deflation. On the other hand,


not surprising, giving thereafter refuse safe havens in the world in


the dollar is obviously very much subject to when the Feds are going


to move on interest rates. That's for another interview! We appreciate


it. Short and sweet but enqueue. -- but thank you. Further south,


towards my home country. Well, it is my home country.


The central bank of Australia has just announced its interest rate


Hello, mate! Was this expected. I think it was. I was reading in the


first part of this year, we had better growth than many were


expecting but things like housebuilding and exports were doing


OK at the beginning of the year but have they called a little bit? The


big reason for this, I think, is inflation. Inflation in Australia is


quite a bit below what the reserve bank wants. The reserve wants


between two and 3%. That is one reason the reserve bank is taking


interest rates into new territory. A few moments ago the rate was lowered


to a historic low of 1.5%. If you have a mortgage, it's pretty good


news. If you are a saver, not so good. It is likely to have an impact


on quite a high Australian dollar which the Reserve Bank has also had


its eye on in recent months. Don't tell me about the dollar. And become


I come home, it kills me. In all seriousness, since China has come


off the boil, meaning the Australians were digging up less and


selling yesterday Chinese, but that has really is hit the Australian


economy, many said Australia had all its eggs in one basket and needed to


diversify the economy. Has it been doing that? Has it been on the right


path of diversifying the Australian economy? It hath too. The long


mining boom that lasted for the best part of a decade is failing.


Australia is not the powerhouse it once was in terms of exporting,


mostly iron or, to places like China and also coal. The Prime Minister


Malcolm Turnbull wants Australia to become an innovation nation. Also


boosting manufacturing, agriculture, housebuilding and tourism. All


sectors will be important in Australia's near future. Plotting a


path to Verity at the end of a very long and prosperous mining boom. --


path to prosperity. Did you see that backdrop? Not bad. Can we look at


the markets? You can see the Nikkei. Holding their breath waiting to see


what the Japanese Promina start reveals in this new wave of economic


stimulus. -- Japanese Prime Minister. There seems to be a bit of


a central banks seem. We have seen what the bank of Japan did on


Friday, that disappointed the markets, it didn't do enough in


terms of its programme. Enough in certainly in terms of investors and


the markets are round the world were hoping for. All eyes are now on the


Japanese Prime Minister. The United States reserve, of course, will


they? Won't they? People are now saying that they won't raise the


interest rates this year given, of course, the disappointing economic


numbers that we saw on Friday. Really shocked the markets and the


world's largest economy slowed down. There you go. Follow me on Twitter.


You can get me at BBC Arryn. -- Aaron. I will be back to look at the


newspapers. The High Court will decide whether


England has the power to get a


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