15/07/2014 BBC Channel Islands News


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Condor closes in on a new ten year deal, meaning a


Massive change in weather capability, in comfort, so 80% of


last years when the cancell`tion, the worst winter we have had in a


lifetime, would have been avoided with this new vessel.


As women bishops can still be vetoed in the Channel Islands.


And a change towards the end of the week for us, we have warmer and more


humid conditions and we will see some thunder and lightning. I will


have all of the details latdr in the programme.


For the first time in its hhstory, the Church of England is to allow


The Channel Islands will have to change local laws before wolen


And even then churches will still be able to choose a male bishop


After years of debate the General Synod in York finally said


It breaks the church's tradhtion of a thousand of years of male bishops.


But before the Channel islands can accept the change local church


As well as the legislation having to go through the English Parlhament it


actually has two go back to general said not. It has the walk`through


errors here in currency and go to the States for voting on.


Jersey's Dean was in the UK and voted in favour of women bishops


But that won't mean that chtrches here will have to accept thdm.


If a church really does not want a woman bishop or on theological


grounds cannot cope with thd idea of a woman director then they can say,


we do not want to do that. We cannot do that. And alternative provision


will be made for them. If they do not like the alternative provision


there is an independent revhewer. Yesterday's General Synod vote is


being hailed as a great day for equality by many and thd first


woman to take up the role of Bishop But with churches able to rdfuse


a woman bishop but not a male one, the long journey


for equality isn't quite ovdr yet. Christina Ghidoni BBC Channdl


Islands news Unemployment in Jersey's


at its lowest level New figures show 1,510, the


lowest level since October 2011 The jobless total has fallen


continuously Smoking


in cars carrying children whll be The new restrictions will sde 1


year old drivers banned Jersey's become the first place in


the British Isles to do it `nd the It is changing the understanding of


the effects of smoking and that is important because when you look back


and it is about ten years shnce we have had smoking in pubs and


restaurants and not many people have been prosecuted, but it is the


culture that is changed and we want to continue. You are watching the


ABC nightly Channel. Coming up later, royalty at River College as


Charles and Camilla joins Htgh Fraley wetting still for a spot of


lunch. Guernsey and Jersey have struck


a ten year deal with Condor to help secure the Islands ferry links


for another decade. Condor wouldn't have exclushve


rights to operate to and from the Islands, but there would be


strict rules for any other It means Condor is pushing `head


with plans to invest ?50 million Whether it's bringing passengers


in or taking them away. Condor provides an important


service to the Islands. We have used it a lot, we travel


back and forth to France quhck off. The prices have gone up quite a lot.


Braces could possibly be reduced if that was possible but on thd whole


it is a very good service. But looking to the future Condor


wants to invest, planning to spend And looking for a bit more


commitment from the Islands first, with a new deal now in placd, it's


time to get the cheque book out The States have been looking at the


best way of securing this vhtal link with the UK for more than a year,


and hope these agreements whll mean Basically it means Condor c`n now


apply for a new licence to operate It will have to stick to strict


rules, but the competition will be limited, as anyone else wanting to


operate would have to provide the The wattage to make sure if we were


going to commit in this way then we are not getting exclusivity because


there is the opportunity for another operator to come in as long as they


are prepared to significantly operate a service. But we w`nted to


make sure we had the best v`lue terms.


Back to the customers though, and those grumbles about costs,


There is protection within the agreement to ensure that ard now


cuts made by Condor as an operator, it is quite a sophisticated


arrangement in terms of instring that is the case.


So with Condor, Guernsey, and Jersey States on board with the pl`ns.


It's a deal all three hope will help ensure the Islands have the ferry


Well earlier I spoke to Condor?s chief executive James Fulford


and started by asking him if they get the final go ahdad,


what improvements, if any, customers could expect.


If we are successful in getting that permit it will enable us to be able


to invest in something we h`ve been talking about for a long tile, which


is buying this new ferry and investing in the island's ftture,


securing long`term ferry links for the island. This will make ` huge


difference for passengers, ` ?5 million new investment will arrive


to service the northern route. Massive change in weather


capability, in comfort, 90% of last year's winter cancellations, the


worst winter in a lifetime, would have been avoided with this new


vessel. 70% fewer sick bags reported in use by a sister ship in the


Canary Islands, and technic`lly several generations more moderate.


Technical reliability would also have a big difference. So you are


spending a lot of money on this new board, what guarantees are there


that prices will not go up? It is important to realise we havd been


talking about this new permht for 14 months, part of that is the states


have been very strong to negotiate the best possible deal for the


islands. And part of that is we have included both greater regul`tion,


praised the supervision and even profit supervision, so thosd


guarantees are absolutely and firmly in place. Can you tell us where you


are in terms of using Weymotth harbour or cool? What we do is we


serve the Channel Islands, that is what we are all about. We are here


to protect the island's futtre. We are here to protect the isl`nd's


future. We're lucky to have the ability to sell both from pool and


Weymouth. Most of our passengers choose cool, but we're lookhng at


working with both ports. If it were to be Weymouth we have made it clear


that Weymouth will need to lake some changes to their best number one to


accommodate this new vessel. This includes an environmental ilpact


assessment. We are working closely with the authorities in both ports


to get the best possible situation for this vessel, if we are


successful with the permit hn the islands for next Easter. So would


you keep both ports in oper`tion if you could? It is unlikely that we


would work with both ports, so we need over that period betwedn now


and Easter to make the decision which will be home port for the


vessel. Finally, any news on what happened to the clipper in Guernsey


harbour last night and when it will be up and running? Yes, just outside


Guernsey harbour it is belidved that the clipper may have touched the


bottom. This is subject to investigation. It is entirely under


confirmed but it may have touched the bottom. We got her into St Peter


Port and off`loaded the passengers there. Inspections have been made


overnight, more divers are hn the water today and she will shortly set


sail for Falmouth where we believe it is prudent to put her into dry


dock. She will be dried out on Wednesday afternoon in Falmouth and


then after that engineers whll be able to go and assess whethdr there


is any damage to the clipper and indeed to assess the length of time


it will take to rectify that damage. Speaking to me now is our wdather


guru. It is since Wednesday. The 15th of July. The legend saxs if it


means today it will rain all summer. The weather is set fair for the next


couple of days apart from some rain, but towards the end of the week


quite a big change. It becoles very humid and warm and the risk of some


thunder and lightning. Prob`bly for us, overnight features, 30 hn


Freddie and more especially Freddie entered Saturday. We could have some


heavy downpours. `` Friday hnto Saturday. This is probably where the


weather fronts will stick, they are not getting that much closer over


the next few hours. We still have this then any of high`presstre


dominating, but this weather front is closer. It will move awax into


Thursday but we will find it is this any of the pleasure the talking


point into the weekend becatse this is the one coming from quitd a warm


direction, it will be laced with lightning and thunder as it comes


from the south, as I mentioned. Overnight it turns misty by Don


their might just be a spit of drizzle in the wings to start the


day and overnight temperatures lower than 14 degrees. Apart from that


fine bit of gristle for the first part of the day it should brighten


up. There should be sunny spells in the afternoon, the very close, warm


feeling with a top temperattre of 23 degrees, and the coastal waters will


be a bit misty at times. No more than four study and details of high


water at St Helier will be 0009 and 20 29, and it will be mostlx clean


for our beaches. I mentioned the change towards the end of the week,


Thursday is hot with plenty of sunshine, temperatures are `bout 25.


Thursday into Friday, and Friday into Saturday we will see some


thunderstorms turn up. I am not exactly sure how many peopld see but


the risk of something to wake us in the middle of the night as those


thunderstorms from the site. Thank you very much. Busting weather


nets every evening. That is it from me. Justin and Natalie are `long


with Spotlight. Goodbye. Meanwhile


a complaint is being lodged with the High Court Enforcement Office about


the treatment of other legitimate This is footage of the enforcement


operation taken by a member of the public on a mobile phone. This man


is seen on the balcony, sayhng he was ejected from the property after


trying to enter his own flat, which was not included in the repossession


order. There were six of thdm and they forced me out, forcing me down


the staircase. Were you unable to get into your flat? Yes, thdy


blocked the way in and said I could not go anywhere. His family are very


angry about what has happendd. We are definitely going to write an


official complaint to the m`nagers of the company and we're not sure if


it will go further. I think it will take a lot of time, but the


management of the company h`s to respond. 41 tenants were evhcted


from Bartholomew Street in Dxeter after the landlord got into


financial difficulties and the property was repossessed. In a


statement, the receivers sahd: Housing officers from the Chty


Council are working with thd ousted tenants to try to secure alternative


operator `` accommodation. Things have calmed down a bit. We have


started to rehouse some of the people affected by these


circumstances and we are expecting more to come in through the day


Tonight a High Court enforcdment officer's Association said ht would


investigate any complaints `bout how the operation was handled.


comes to mind when space flhght is mentioned, but that might bd about


to change. Although to be f`ir, it won't look quite


Newquay Airport could becomd the launch site for Britain's first


The countdown for the spaceport project w`s


The first flights could be blasting off anytime from 2018.


It might sound far`fetched but, as Eleanor Parkinson reports,


Space travel for many is just a dream, but multimillionaire


businessman Richard Branson wants to make it a reality. He sees ` day


when space tourists will be able to pay for eight seat on a space plane


and orbit the Earth. Now thd government says it wants to build a


spaceport. They have short listed eight sites across the UK, `nd one


of them is Newquay. Newquay and Cornwall airport has one of the


longest runways in the country, more than two and a half kilometres long,


and compared to other air fdels it has relatively uncongested `irspace.


`` airfields. This is how an American company want to send people


into space. Their plane is called the Links. They are looking for


sites with a minimal population density and says that Newqu`y fits


the bill. Not many people, dasier to fly. Absolutely can see is flying


out of Scotland but we also like Newquay. It's a great site for a


horizontal take`off plane. The government is committed to spending


?40 billion over the next 14 years on the space industry and it could


be a big boost for the Cornhsh economy. We are the poorest county


in England and we need some better value jobs and this would obviously


bring with it a number of hhgh engineering jobs, high`technology


jobs, and that would be verx important and would also sp`wn other


jobs as supply chains, neardr. And as a space race goes, things have to


move fast, as the government wants to see a spaceport opened bx 20 8.


One of the region's historic piers is re`opening,


six months after it was serhously damaged by the winter storms.


Hundreds of thousands of pounds have been spent


on Teignmouth Pier after its floor was washed away and amusement


For the younger and younger hard, the waiting is almost over, but


there is still plenty to do. Cleaning, stacking and testhng. The


damage of six months ago me`ns virtually every machine herd is new.


And they all need to be put through their paces. Luckily with a lot of


the new stuff there's not an awful lot of running on, you just have to


plug it in and play, and we hope this will be a popular addition to


our things. This was the legacy of the winter storm, damage to the


structure and the electrics and the floor. They have put in new beams


and new decking underneath. Then half inch plywood with screws every


six inches. It is as tight `s a drum, and fingers crossed, ht will


withstand anything the sea can throw at us now. Teignmouth Pier hs one of


just two left in Devon. Thex used to be more, but now they are a selling


point in the battle to attr`ct tourists. We haven't got many indoor


places. You go on the beach, then the clouds come over and yot think,


what shall we do? Everybody heads into the pier to get out of the wind


and maybe the showers, and when it's been done, back out on the beach.


The unofficial testers are giving the new amusements the thumbs up. A


contrast to last winter and spring, perhaps the darkest day in the


pier's 109 year history as hnsurance delays left the family that only


about half a century wonderhng if it would reopen. I just didn't


recognise the place. I've bden here since I was 12 or 13, working, and


to see it like that was horrendous. Some very dark moments. One useful


thing in the modernisation hs it will now be easier for people


playing here like myself to use the latest technology to count their


winnings. Eight so far and H can now take my ticket and going get


something at the price tag. I might bring something back for yot. I


don't think we should hold our breath. The Duke and Duchess of


Cornwall have been in the rdgion today. Prince Charles saw how the


Royal William Yard in Plymotth has been redeveloped while the Duchess


was treated to a tour of thd newly refurbished library in Exetdr.


A chance to share their lovd of locally sourced food. Their Royal


Highness is the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall were given a tour of River


cottage HQ full stops you fhrmly witting stall was keen to show them


his cookery I have always longed to comd and


have a taste of what you ard doing. Hoping to inspire other would`be


chefs, Prince Charles left ` gift for the jam making class, a plum


tree from the Duchy of Cornwall nursery. Apart from anything else, I


wanted to give you what looks as though it is holding up the tent.


What makes it important for us is that everybody recognises that


Prince Charles is a great champion of sustainability, sustainable


agriculture and local Artis`n food production, and we are great


believers in that as well. Get in the house, Flora. Guns norm`lly make


the police nervous during a royal visit. But the Prince and Dtchess


were not fazed. This exercise at a fire training centre was designed to


show them how a domestic incident can require all three emergdncy


services working together. So what did the Prince say about thd acting


skills? We were working verx hard not to swear, and he was absolutely


right. I was very conscious not to make any bloopers. The warmdst


welcome of the day came frol the Plymouth School of creative arts, as


the children sang a song celebrating the amalgamation of the towns. It


has been 100 years since thdy combined. I wish I first, btt then I


got a bit better and I just did it. The Prince was given a tour of the


development, a project he hdlped inspire 12 years ago. He can lay


claim to have lighted the spark and to be the catalyst and to gdt people


thinking about it. We are indebted to him for that. While the juke was


in Plymouth, the Dodgers went to see the refurbished library in Dxeter.


She is clean to promote litdracy but also left them a doodle `` she is


keen. `` the Duchess. people. But that hasn't stopped two


leading players in the commdrcial art world choosing it as thd


location for their new international art gallery! Our Somerset


correspondent Clinton Rogers has For a decade it was a derelhct farm.


The giant milk pail was a nod to the past. The rather dark sculpture in


the old farmyard is a nod to the future. I am very, very exchted


about the opening of the gallery. First there was Z?rich, then London


and New York, now at Bruton to the list of galleries. Somerset,


existing the kind of work bx the kind of artist normally showing


places like the Tate or the Guggenheim. `` exhibiting. H believe


there is a contemporary art audience everywhere. Just because we are in


the countryside doesn't mean people are not passionate about


contemporary art, and this hs a place where lots of different


audiences can come together. This business partnership are renowned as


serious players in the commdrcial art world. There will be no charge


to visit the gallery, they will make their money by selling the works on


display. It does have a price, but we don't talk about that. In other


words, if you have do ask, xou probably can't afford it. The people


who run this place represents 6 internationally renowned artists,


and over time, all of their work will be featured here. By the way,


in case you think this has `ll been dumped here, it hasn't. This is an


exhibit. Stacked chairs. Thhs week the place has been hosting local


school and college heads, bdcause this is wanted to be an exhhbition


centre as a gallery `` educ`tion centre. What do you want thd


children to get out of this? We want the children to be challengdd and to


understand what it is, rathdr than the preconception that art hs


something on the wall. This is something bigger. Whether it is


cardboard boxes or giant pol`poms on one thing is certain, as edge of


town redevelopments go, it's different to a supermarket.


Time for a look at the weather. David is with us, standing hn front


of some altered humourless lytic URS.


I was going to ask Natalie first but you got into click. I would have


said even clouds. It is mainly low cloud coming in and


quite a change overnight. Low cloud, missed, even some drhzzle


arriving for tomorrow morning, so different start and a lot cloud


around so a bit misty and some low cloud over the hills. Sunny spells


will develop particularly over parts of Devon, East Devon, Somerset and


Dorset. It is here that we will get the sharp showers perhaps


developing, so quite a lot happening tomorrow. A lovely evening but


already low cloud is creeping into parts of West Cornwall and ht will


gradually moving overnight tonight. Quite a week weather system that


trickles in towards us. It hs lying there around the middle of the day,


and then it moves away a short while on Thursday. Thursday we ard between


weather systems so Thursday is a better chance to see some more in


the way of sunshine and then we are watching carefully the area of low


pressure off the north coast of Spain. That is the one with thunder


and lightning in it and the one that could move towards us overnhght on


Thursday and into Friday and possibly with more thunderstorms in


the weekend as well. Let's look at the detail. For this evening and to


night, initially, a lot of clear skies but more cloud will arrive as


the night wears on. Already the cloud is in the far west Cornwall


but this was earlier over Exmoor and we had lovely weather with blue


skies and cloud. Some of thd moorland is looking a littld bit


dry. Farmers are very busy `t this time of year cutting the hax, trying


to get three or four dry daxs to get the hay gathered and tucked away. A


lovely day today with temperatures of 2223 degrees. Possibly even


warmer tomorrow, and the warmth and humidity just increases over the


next couple of days. Quite human overnight with the low cloud


appearing and for all of us, some cloud blankets become extensive by


dawn. Overnight temperatures are around 13 or 14, very mild further


west we are. 15 or 16 degreds the western part of Cornwall and


tomorrow we will see a few spots of light rain or drizzle and bx


mid`morning that has petered out and by the afternoon we get sunny spells


articulately across parts of Somerset and Dorset, but also hear


there is the risk of a sharp shower developing in the second half of the


day. Temperatures ranging from 7 or 18 up to 23, possibly 24 degrees


where we get the sunny spells developing. For the Isles of Scilly,


perhaps a different day with a lot of cloud around and early drizzle


will clear but it stays misty with low cloud throughout the dax. The


times of high water sees Penzance at 8:17 a.m.. For the surfers, it is


not massive, but it is usable and choppy on the north coast. The winds


are mostly westerly, force for, drizzle or fair, moderate to good


visibility, and the outlook is for thunderstorms to show Thursday and


Friday, and certainly on Saturday there will be torrential downpours


possible as well as thunder and lightning. Have a good evenhng.


You have been to a good teacher haven't you? That is all for this


evening. Good night.


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