18/02/2014 Look East - East


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gone wrong with Wales? But now on BBC One, it's time for


Good evening. Police have described an attack on an 89`year`old woman in


Suffolk as despicable. She is now recovering after being knocked down


by three masked men at her home in Lakenheath last night. This morning,


police presence remained outside the bungalow which was the scene of this


attack. The 89`year`old was in her living room when she heard a loud


bang at the front door, got up, to see what was happening. She told


police the three men broke into the property and struck her. She said


they were wearing dark clothing and had their faces covered. She said


they went through some of her belongings during a search before


leaving the property. Police said once she had been knocked to the


floor, one of the men demanded money. The pensioner was taken to


hospital with a cut to her head and kept in overnight. The attack has


shocked people living on the estate. It is just so sad. Somebody elderly


on their own, what chance have they got against thugs? It is a sad


reflection of what is happening in a lot of communities. Police are keen


to trace three men seen in a black Vauxhall car in the back lane area


of Lakenheath last night. This is just really nasty, this lady is very


vulnerable, is needlessly attacked, probably for money. Police said


tonight the victim has now been released from hospital, has been


given all the help and support she needs, but detectives fear she may


never recover from the ordeal. Next week, this is where a delegate of ``


delegation of experts will be heading, Shanghai. They will be


headed by Norfolk MP Liz Truss, they will find out how the Chinese teach


maths. In the most recent league table, Shanghai is top. The UK is


26. The Hethel Engineering Centre hosts companies which specialise in


the motor engineering industry, they say they need more qualified school


leavers. These businesses will grow in Norfolk using local workforce. ``


they will not grow using local workforce, they will need to look


further afield and recruit from abroad if they cannot find it in the


UK. There is the warning. Dame Rachel de Souza is part of the


delegation, she joins us live. What do you hope to learn? I think there


are some really distinct teaching methods we want to look at. They


start teaching arithmetic very young, out in China. It is very


intense. The children are learning times tables, doing basic


arithmetic, doing their homework and not leaving without having learned


their maths. Some very distinct teaching. Is this not to do with


culture rather than teaching? I'm really looking forward to seeing the


Chinese parents, they really focus on mathematics, very competitive,


and they want children to do well in tests. We want to see how big an


issue that is in Shanghai. I have to say, the report compares a city,


Shanghai, with the whole of the UK, isn't that rather absurd? Shanghai


is huge, 20 million people, so it is a fair comparison. But we are going


to a deprived area, and to Beijing as well. The effect still carries.


Migrant workers and more deprived areas still have the Shanghai


effect. The results are high and we have a lot to learn. Thanks for


joining us. The increase in the number of people turning up at


accident and emergency departments is pretty stark. 18 million in 2005


rose to 21 million by last year. That is why local hospitals are


experimenting with new ways to deal with the surge. The latest to make


changes is the Queen Elizabeth in King's Lynn. What are you here for


today? A college ambulatory emergency care. This staff nurse is


attending to a man who suffered a hypoglycaemic collapse. He will be


seeing a consultant very soon. People like myself with chronic


conditions need places like this where they can drop in. The unit can


deal with 16 common emergency conditions, so where does it get its


patients? Like Anthony, they can be diverted from accident and


emergency, they can be referred from the medical assessment unit, or they


can be referred by their own GP, who has direct access. The average


turnaround is six `` nine minutes. They are getting prompt treatment


from treatment to discharge in one day. The morale is high here and the


team will be expanded. There is genuine enthusiasm over what has


been achieved, not least the saving of hundreds of overnight stays in


hospital that are no longer required. The goal is to have the


unit up and running eventually around the clock.


The amount spent on youth services in Essex is to be cut by more than


half. The county council currently spends ?5 million on services for


13`19 `year`olds, despite protests it will be cut. They are not


proposing any cuts to youth clubs but want to see them run by


volunteers. Campaigners are fighting to save a Victorian church in Essex


from demolition. St Peter's Church has fallen into disrepair. The


Church of England wants to knock it down but preservation groups say


that would be a great loss. Now the weather.


that would be a great loss. Now the Good evening. The showers from


earlier have cleared away so the rest of the night looks dry. Some


clear spells out there, the potential is there for some chilly


temperatures which might bring a touch of ground frost. We start


tomorrow quite chilly but not bad. It will soon warm up and it'll be


quite mild through the day. There will be quite a lot of crowd ``


cloud around. In the afternoon it is looking brighter with some sunshine


breaking through and temperatures climbing to 10 Celsius. Largely


drive for the afternoon. The next weather front pushing through from


the West will bring some patchy rain overnight. That means a wetter days


on the car. `` on the cards. In a moment we will have the National


forecast but I will leave you with the Outlook. The wind will pick up,


some showers or longer spells of rain. It looks for Friday but it


will certainly feel with some rain around. Nothing too


heavy. More international weather next.


Good evening. Whilst today did bring some heavy showers, they moved


through quite quickly. For much of tomorrow, it will stay dry if a bit


cloudy and relatively mild. Patchy cloud at the moment. There will be


some rain later in the day on Wednesday. Any rain through the


night Wednesday. Any rain through the


light. We will see some occasional breaks in the cloud. Foremost, it is


a touch cooler it was last night. It is a rather murky start with a lot


of cloud. Some patchy rain around first thing. Much of the cloud


should lift. A few brighter spells developing and just a few showers


around. Into the afternoon, a good deal of dry weather. Some brighter


spells across parts of the northern isles. Overall full Scotland, we are


sticking with a a lot of cloud. A grey afternoon and patchy light rain


and drizzle. A few showers across parts of northern England.


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