25/10/2016 South East Today


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Welcome to South East Today. and on BBC One we now join


We're at Gatwick tonight, where the airport's plans to build


The team at Gatwick is disappointed with today's decision.


We feel as though we put forward a very strong case for expansion.


The decision to favour Heathrow splits campaigners,


businesses and politicians, but Gatwick says it


For the moment, we're relieved but we do not believe


We'll have reaction to todax's controversial announcement


from backers and opponents of the Gatwick campaign.


As the Calais jungle demolition gets underway,


we hear how migrant deported from Kent once, now trying


A 94-year-old World War II airman from Kent is given


the Legion D'Honneur for his role in liberating France.


And how the Born Free Found`tion will benefit from an elephant


created by Warhorse author Lichael Morpurgo.


And across Europe. Some further afield. Today, bosses at Gatwick say


they stand ready to deliver a second runway. That is despite the


controversial decision by the governments to back a new rtnway at


Heathrow instead. Gatwick s`id it could deliver a plan B if those


contentious plans for the London airport fall through at somd point


over the next few years. However, today's decision will have come as a


great relief for people across Sussex, Kent and Surrey havd been


extremely concerned about the new noise and air pollution imp`ct that


a new runway might have. It has also been bolstered by the fact that in


the expansion document publhshed today, added 30 paragraphs, just one


referred to Gatwick. In which, Lieberman said it wanted to see


Gatwick's continued success. Our Political Editor


Helen Catt reports. For years, Gatwick and try to


convince the governments th`t its plans for a second runway w`s the


best choice in the south-east. Today, as expected, the govdrnments


backed Heathrow. We believe that the expansion of Heathrow Airport and


the north-west runway schemd, in combination with a signific`nt


package supporting measures on the scale recommended by the airport


commission, offers the greatest level of benefit to passengdrs,


business and to help us delhver the broadest possible benefits to the


whole of the United Kingdom. My message to Gatwick, I know ht will


be disappointing for them btt Gatwick remained a really ilportant


part of our transport systel and will continue being so. What today


is about is doing the right thing written, for the whole country. It's


been a long time coming. Thd Davis commission was set up in 2002 and


reported back last year, backing Heathrow. The Government under David


Cameron delayed a decision tntil this summer and the his reshgnation


in June, it slipped further to echo the. As the delays mounted tp, some


felt Gatwick's bid was gainhng momentum. We felt was the ldad


before they very good case for Gatwick's expansion and that it was


the best case. One thing is for certain, we will maintain otr offer


to Government at Gatwick has a very credible scheme, at Democrat is


certainly financing lined Oliver will. If they got was in thd future,


they can do so. Many who have opposed expansion at Gatwick said it


is time for the airport to grace in -- gave in gracefully. Well, we know


they can have two options. Ht is very clear that there is certainty


and the right decision has been made. There are those believe the


case expansion anywhere in the south-east has not been madd. Is


aviation expansion at all compatible with our obligations? The rdsponse


to that is a big, fat and no. We cannot expand aviation capacity and


studied within our planning commitments. Those commitments were


only made a year ago in Parhs. Despite today's announcement,


Lieberman faces some turbuldnce in getting Heathrow to the end, with


some high-profile Conservathve opposition and doubts about the


weather ability. We also sed their lines at Heathrow saying thdy will


not fund expansion. It is already the most extensive airport hn the


world. Suggestions are that landing charges will have to double to fund


the current plans. While Gatwick is of the table for now, more


prominently assurance for those in north Kent. The Government confirmed


they will not consider an ahrport in the Thames ST again. -- Thales


Estuary. Well I'm joined by Alastair McDermid


from Gatwick Airport. Is this the end of the runw`y?


Apologies to you. Is this the end of the runw`y?


Apologies to No. We are dis`ppointed with the outcome of the dechsion. We


will take some time first of all to look in some detail at how the


gunmen came to this decision. We will reflect on that but we will be


standing by for whatever thd Government, shouted to us. That back


whenever the Government drowned Does that mean a legal challenge or


a judicial review? We don't have that in mind at the moment. We'll


take time first to review the Government's documentation. What we


have today is the headlines of the Government's decision. We rdally


want to understand why. There are plenty of other people talkhng about


legal challenges. We will t`ke time. If it did mean a legal challenge or


a more protracted solution for you, a number of MPs from Sussex, Surrey


and Kent today were calling for Gatwick to landing the spinds and


make some effort to solving the disintegrating relationship with its


neighbours here in the south-east. I don't think we got it is integrating


relationship. There are somd people are against the second runw`y, that


is true. I'm also reminded of the 15,000 companies in the are` who


support a second runway at Gatwick, and all their employees. At the same


time, Gatwick has a great ftture. We have a lot of investment coling


along, and of the ?1 billion you have already invested. Therd is a


good situation for Gatwick to being in the meantime. Heathrow h`s been


the preference for many years, since the white paper back in 2003. She'd


you take a step back? No. At every occasion, when Heathrow has been put


forward, something has stopped it. Sometimes the same Government. This


is not the end of the road xet. Thank you.


Well, let's cross live to our political editor, Helen Catt,


Helen, we've heard that Gatwick bosses are keen to expand anyway,


that's going to meet resist`nce from a number of our MPs, isn't it?


Yes, not good news for some of our MPs. They have been very vocal


around the expansion. Some will be quite pleased. Caroline Ansdll, the


MP for each word, city will keep campaigning for Gatwick. Others have


been quite vocal critics. Whth the Henry Smith, the MP for Crawley


This is in your constituencx, Gatwick, will you block any attempt


to a second runway? I think the garment has been quite clear today


in confirming what the independent airport commission said in July last


year, that runway expansion at Heathrow is the best option for both


UK and international connectivity. Therefore, I do think the rhght


decision has been made. Gatwick still has a very bright futtre. It


is expanding, in terms of routes that the airlines are adding all the


time. I got commitments frol the Transport Secretary in the House of


Commons today that the rail line needs to be upgraded. Not whth a


second runway. They say if that is to be put in, it has to be dxpanded


in the future. You would not support that? No. I would not. We shmply


don't have the introduction there. For example, the M23 finishds, the


M25 does not go into central London. We don't have the capacity or the


room for the additional housing that would be needed, the additional


health care on school places and they travel to work area because


unemployment is so lewd. -- solo. There are still some doubt there.


There has been quite a lot of controversy surrounding this, but we


do think it will certainly be pushed through. Thank you.


It's a decision that's been in a holding pattern for four decades -


agreement on where airport dxpansion should take place has been dlusive.


Many businesses in Sussex m`intain a new runway at Gatwick would be


a huge boost to the local economy - but people under the flight path say


the noise and pollution would have a huge impact


Charlie Rose has been spendhng the day in the village of Ifield.


The campaign to stop a new runway being built at Gatwick has been


going on for several years now. Where I'm standing now is a


conservation area, and Danidl Lane behind you is a historic chtrch If


you heat meters that way is the area where the campaigners say a new


runway would be built. It is fair to say that tonight, the campahgners


are pleased but cautious. Gathered round for


the big announcement. We believe that the expansion


of Heathrow Airport and But when the Transport


Secretary finally made his statement in the Commons,


there was no celebration from these The campaign has been long


and hard, and we have been fighting a very, very big


corporation who have been spending No cheering, because you


wouldn't wish this on Aircraft noise is hell,


to be under it. But what about the jobs that


would have come with a Gatwick has offered


jobs out to people They can apply for those


jobs, if need be, and Gatwick still find


it necessary to bring


in people from Essex because there aren't enough


of their house was in line for


compulsory purchasing if We feel happy but we're not sure


that Gatwick won't come They said, at lunchtime,


if all fails at Heathrow and they can't get it


through because of the legalities, But over in the industrial dstate,


opinions weren't so one-siddd. This business distributes p`rts


for coffee machines and relhes on I'm a little bit


disappointed, to be honest. I was quite excited


about a second runway at Gatwick. I thought it would bring quhte a bit


of extra trade, more opporttnities. We actually relocated


to Crawley because of the I thought that could have brought


something a bit better for ts. Today, Chris Grayling descrhbed


the decision as truly momentous Gatwick Airport said it was not


the right answer for Britain. Well, today's decision by the


Government will be voted on by MPs in around about a year's tile. Over


the next 12 months, these campaigners here won't be rdsting on


their laurels. Thank you. Well, I'm joined by Jeff Aldxander


of Gatwick Diamond Initiative which backs Gatwick for exp`nsion


and Laurie Price, a Director of Aviation Strategy,


who's advised Government ministers Given the way the experts h`ve ruled


on this, it was always going to be Heathrow, wasn't it? It handles a


huge amount of freight and the infrastructure is better. Yds, that


we will continue to maintain that Gatwick was the deliverable option.


Gatwick can be considered as the holiday charter traffic. It does 51


hole roots. It's in the Prelier League of European airports. It has


a huge impact on the economx. - haul.


Laurie, Gatwick would be chdaper, completed more quickly and have less


environmental impact, on paper it's a good


Heathrow is the only viable global hub and it's the one of iconic


image. Rose Brexit, we have to connect with all regions of the


world. Not just in terms of frequency but in terms of


destinations. Heathrow has two runways, now three and that is the


only viable option to delivdr that economic imperative. That


post-Brexit. In a post-Brexht world, it is a game changer. We have to get


on with Heathrow now, don't we? Well, we need expansion and we


needed any south-east. Businesses were crying out for it. The danger


is that having gone to the Heathrow option, which many believe hs


undeliverable, it will just provide further delays. Gatwick stands ready


and ready to go and deliver by 025. This is the thing, it is legally


contention. Heathrow may never happen. Anything in planning is


contentious. If we don't, wd will be the laughing stock of the world We


have the show that, any new world that has been created by thd current


Government, due to the referendum result and everything else, we will


ache investment. We have done it with high-speed and now we have to


get on and it was runways. First with Heathrow, then eventually


Gatwick. Thank you. Now, back to the GPL. We will have more on this story


later and what the future m`y hold. Demolition work on the Calahs Jungle


camp has begun today - more than 3000 migrants


have been processed, and taken to other sites around


France. with 85 buses booked to disperse


people today and tomorrow. But there is criticism


of the organisation. Thousands of migrants


remain in the area - and its not clear how


many of them are under 18. say it currently has almost 750


unaccompanied asylum seeking children on their books -


more than any other local atthority Our reporter, Peter


Whittlesea, is in Calis for us now, Peter -


you've been speaking to one migrant who was actually


deported from Kent - Specifically, I met one person who,


from the age of 12, lived in jogging. He was given leave to


remain. They did not have a British passport. When he became an adult,


he went to see his mother in Afghanistan because she was ill


When he tried to get back in the UK, he was not allowed. Now he hs in the


cab and he wants to try and get to Britain on a worry. I met other


migrants who lived in Britahn as children but, as innovator `nd 8,


they were deported. It was said that they could return, and should return


to their countries. Charlie Elphick said the UK cannot have an open door


immigration policy and the patrols in place at the moment are correct.


Well, it does seem to be quhte unacceptable that the person who was


supported to return to Afgh`nistan has now returned, wants to come back


I think we need to make it very clear that we need


robust border security and Britain is not a country that peopld


That's not the way the system works or that it


Well a lot of children have now been processed and are living in


containers. The French authorities will negotiate with the British


governed as to how many othdrs children the British Governlent will


accept. The British Governmdnt has already accepted 200. The qtestion


will be how many of those m`y come to Kent? Thank you.


More than 5000 "999" calls to the Ambulance Service ard to be


investigated to see if any patients were harmed by problems


The South East Coast Ambulance Service, which is currently


in special measures, has begun the review after problems


with its call handling systdm, which is supposed to accurately


locate the nearest defibrillator when a patient may be


The review is expected to bd completed by Christmas.


Extra security measures and travel restrictions have been annotnced


for Lewes on Bonfire Night in eleven days' time.


This year, the event falls on a Saturday night


and coincides with a rail strike by the RMT Union on Southern Rail.


No trains will stop at Lewes from midday and there'll be several


A 94-year-old World War II RAF veteran from Folkestone has been


presented with one of Francd's top honours for his part


Stuart King was just 22 when he was ordered to take part


which is now the world's largest humanitarian airline.


Stuart King still remembers landing on Juno Beach 72 years ago.


He had been in the RAF for just three years.


When we got there, it was ftll of naval ships, firing shells.


A barrage of balloons of smoke and it was pretty


Thousands died during D-Day in the invasion of Normandy,


which eventually led to the allied forces winning the Second World War.


For Stuart, he was just serving his country in the best way he could.


I only learned afterwards how monumental it


was and how many other people were involved,


Now, he has been awarded the Legion D'Honneur


In 2014, the French governmdnt decided to award every


veteran involved in the libdration of France the honour.


We're just very grateful for what him and all his colrades


It wasn't just certain people, it was everybody that


It's truly amazing that, after all these


years, there is this amazing recognition and such a high honour.


A proud day for Stuart and his family, for a moment


in history that will never be forgotten.


It's 11 minutes to seven, this is our top story tonight.


Gatwick Airport has missed out on the cancer expansion. The Government


announced the preferred chohce as a third runway at Heathrow. G`twick


bosses are pledging to keep pressuring for the third -- the


runway plans to go forward. -- the channels of.


And how the Born Free Found`tion will benefit from an elephant


created by Warhorse author Lichael Morpurgo.


And I'll have all of the we`ther later in the programme.


We return to our top story and despite the announcement that


Gatwick hasn't been chosen for expansion the Government says


that the Sussex airport is ` key part of the national transport


Well, let's cross back to Polly live at Gatwick.


As they stand under the shiny addition to the north terminal, a


very modern edition, let's take a trip back down memory lane. Gatwick


was created as something th`t was just for a flying club. It was


expanded in the 1950s. -- Gatwick Airport began life


in 1930 as the Surrey enthusiasts before expanding


to become an airport in the 195 s. Now it's used by 42 million


passengers every year. The original architects of Gatwick


built an airport capable Today it's owners say their plans


for a second runway could bd delivered at no cost


to the public purse. But as Ian Palmer reports plans


for expansion in Sussex havd once again been overshadowed


by its larger neighbour Heathrow. -- # How do you do


what you do to me? Today's news has been no new event.


Gatwick has also played second fiddle to Heathrow. I want to


explain one of two reasons why, first of all, convenience of


passengers... We have diverted the London to Brighton Road... The story


of Gatwick begins in the 1880s. The airport used to be a racecotrse


During the First World War, it was the venue for the Grand Nathonal.


Jumping fences down to flying any 1930s. The beehive building was a


developed by Boris Jacqueline and was the first circular termhnal in


the world. Gatwick was developed as an alternative London airport.


Today, we know that at Heathrow Then Gatwick was opened by the Queen


in 1938. It was introduced `s the railway, bass and airport sxstem at


once. A second runway was shelved shortly after because incomd fell


after the oil crisis. Simon Calder was born just two miles awax from


Gatwick Airport and played there as a At the time, you could actually


cycle across the runway with the occasional hold up because ` plane


would drift across it. That has rather changed. Changed, it has Not


so much that Gatwick has a second runway.


on a hot day in July 2015 when the Davies Commission


into airport expansion annotnced Heathrow's third runway


Gatwick vowed to fight on then and they're vowing


The truth is, there has been some turbulence, pardon the pun, today


for Gatwick's plans. There will be a lot of legal challenges ahe`d and a


lengthy planning process. If you want more information


about the airport decision you can go to our Live


pages at bbc.co.uk/sussex For now, though, I'll


hand you back to Rob. We may be back here sometimd soon.


I'm sure we will. Thank you. The Born Free Foundation grdw


out of an iconic film, which created a legacy of protecting


animals around the world. The film tells the


story of a lion cub called Elsa, and was


released 50 years ago. The actors involved,


Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna, set up the Born Free


Foundation in 1984 which now raises almost ?4 lillion


a year to rescue Now, as the new children's play


Running Wild, prepares to t`ke to the stage in Canterbury,


our reporter Jane Witherspoon has been finding out how


the charity will benefit. You'd be forgiven for thinkhng


it's the real thing. Luna the elephant is one


of the extraordinary puppets brought to life


in the stage show Running Whld. It's based on a true story


about an elephant who saved a little girl's life


during the Tsunami that hit I read that and thought


it was wonderful. I thought about what the chhld


would do jungle, what sort of


jungle would it be? Maybe there is a story


you could write which could be set differently and will become


something relevant to today. The production, which arrivds


at the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury next May,


has been described as Over 20 animals,


including my friend here, 50 years after the film


Born Free hit the screens, the star, Virginia McKenna,


is still raising awareness The show will support


the Born Free Foundation's global They deserve to live the life


that nature intended. We can't just take over


all their homes and go trophy hunting


every five minutes. Just respect them, love


them and admire them. Theatre fans will no


doubt of this emotional story of loyalty, loss


and Now, time for the weather


with Rachel Mackley. It's not looking too bad, is it


Know. We'll be staying dry with exudate. A lot of cloud and for the


start button brightness arotnd, too. Introduced today at around 05-1 dC.


The start of the week, they were at 11-12dC. The reason for the rise,


the wind is heading back anx westerly direction. We will stay


largely dry with light winds and clearer skies for the rest of the


week. We will see other patches of fog and mist first thing in the


morning but, by the happening, some decent double sunshine and feeling


milder. Through tonight, for the most part, we should stay dry. Some


cloud cover around and, where we see the clearer skies, we will see some


wind. We studied a with somd mist and 40. Overnight, the bridge of


staying in double figures for most part. An area of high presstre thing


that is for the next few daxs. As you can see, light winds, b`ck any


south-westerly direction. Fhrst thing for Wednesday, we will cease


in low cloud and some mist `nd fog. That is quite slow to Claird and, by


the afternoon, we'll stay dry. Also seeing some brightness. Highs again


a 15-15dC. A very pleasant afternoon. Going from Wednesday into


Thursday, a similar picture. Overnight lows of 8-9dC. A listy,


foggy start to the day. Decdnt double sunshine and five around 15-


signalling Celsius. Dry, pldasant, autumnal weather. Thank you. That's


it for me. I'll be back at 8pm and at 10:25pm. Hope they can join us


then. Goodbye. The tusks of 8,000 African elephants


going up in flames, and it's not completely clear


whether this will change anything. I don't want to have been here


and seen this Hel... Hel... Dave, we have to hurry


up. We are on air in five minutes. Fearne, it is Matt Baker. How are


you doing? Are you busy tonight Don't worry, I will find someone




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