Emmanuel Macron Speech

Emmanuel Macron Speech

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TRANSLATION: Thank you, my friends. Thank you to you for being here this


evening. We are tens of thousands and I can only see a few faces.


Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having fought with


courage, with kindness, for so many months, because it's true tonight,


you have won! France won! What we have done for so many


months, there is no comparison. Everybody was saying to us, it was


impossible. But they didn't know anything about France! Thank you for


your trust. Thank you for the time you devoted to this and your


commitment. Thank you to all of you. Thank you for the risks some of you


have taken. I know about it. And your trust is something that creates


an obligation for me, and it's something I feel you have entrusted


in me and I don't want to disappoint you. I want to be worthy of trust.


And for the five years to come, I want to carry...


And tonight, I would also like to say something about all the French


people who voted for me. You committed yourself. And I know that


it's not obvious. And I would like to say something for people who


voted merely because they wanted to protect and defend the Republic. In


the face of extremism. I know that there are disagreements and I will


respect this. And I will be faithful to that commitment taken. I will


protect the Republic. I would also like to say something


about those who voted for Marine Le Pen. You mustn't shout because they


did express today their rage. Their loss. And their conviction in some


cases. And I do respect that. And I will do my utmost for the five years


to come, to make sure that they don't have any reason to vote for an


extremist position ever again. Tonight, there is only all the


people of France gathered together. Tonight, here in the Louvre, and


amidst the fervour and enthusiasm, the energy of the population and the


people of France. And this place where we find ourselves gathered


tonight, that is what it expresses. It is the expression of our history.


Until the time of the liberation of Paris, the French Revolution, it's


the example of that pyramid, the location, the place, where all the


people of France can gather together. This place is the


embodiment of France, France that everybody is looking at because


today it is Europe, it is the whole world is looking at us. Europe and


the world expect for us to defend everywhere. The Enlightenment which


has been threatened in sunny places. They expect us defend everywhere,


freedom is to protect, people who are oppressed. They expect from us


to bring forth a new Hope, a new form of humanism came a safer world,


a world of freedom that we fought for, a world of growth, a world


where there is more justice, work equality and respect is expected,


were we can at long last be ourselves.


The task awaiting us, my fellow citizens, it is an enormous task.


And it is a task that is going to start tomorrow. Tomorrow lies public


life. To defend our Democratic vitality, to reinforce our


macroeconomy, and to build up the new protections that are necessary


for the world around us, through work, study, culture, to refund our


Europe and guarantee the security of all the people of France. That task


that awaits us, it is a colossal task. And it is a task that means we


have to carry on being daring. Yes, of course, tonight we want a right.


You have chosen audacity. That audacity will carry on. It will


carry on bringing it forward. That is what is expected of all the


people of France. It is what is expected by Europe and by the world.


That is what is expected from us. They expect. Once again, France is a


country of surprise, a country that is faithful to itself, and that is


what we will do. Our task is enormous, my friends. And it's going


to require the commitment of all of us. The commitment of our armed


forces, our police. All the public services. Your commitment, the


commitment of all of you. If you are elected, the head of charities, the


head of trade Unions, civil servants, if you tradesmen, farmers,


bosses, students, pensioners... bosses, students, pensioners...


Our task is enormous. And our task will require that we are a truthful,


that we need to have the courage of truth. The courage we put forward


throughout the campaign. And I will carry on putting it forward. Putting


it forward for you. Our task is enormous. We should build from


tomorrow onwards the real majority, a strong majority. That majority


country is dreaming of and that is country is dreaming of and that is


what the country deserves. A majority centred on change. That is


exactly what I am expecting from you in the weeks to come, because once


again, and many times, I will need you.


My fellow citizens, all of you, men, women, all of you present here by my


side, for so many days and so many nights, the people of France


gathered here. We have the strength. We have the energy. We have the


will. The will that has carried us forward. That has made us what we


are. We will lead our future. We will not be the victims of fear. We


will not step back in the face of division or lies. We will not


concede any ground to the fascination for defeat. I know that


further you carry within you. I know what I owe you. And I know tonight


what I owe to the people that supported me, my friends, my family.


And the people close to me. It is not going to be easy everyday,


I know that. The task is going to be arduous. But every time I will tell


you the truth. But your further, your energy, your courage always is


something that is going to carry me forward. I will protect you. In the


face of threats. And I will fight for you on your behalf against


inefficiency, against lies, to improve the life of all of us. And I


will respect each one of you. In what they think, in what they


believe, in what they want to defend. And I will gather together


and reconcile because I want the unity of our people and our country.


Finally, my friends, I will be at your service. With modesty,


humility, with strength. I will be at your service on behalf of our


motif, liberty, equality, fraternity. I will be in your


service and at your service. I will be faithful to the trust that you


have put in me. And I will be at your service, with Love fool you


all. Long live the Republic and long live France. -- with love for you


all. Whitehall. The heart of government.


Could you balance the needs of patients with those of doctors,


nurses and surgeons and still be responsible for one of the largest


employers in the world? So, you want to be the health secretary. You do


some things at the start he would probably not at the end. You


definitely do some things at the end you would not at the start. There


are lots of people who know about defence and foreign affairs and it


turns out in the Conservative party there are relatively


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