The Unexplained David Meade: Make Believe

The Unexplained

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Is there a letter R in your dad's name? Just really weird. I can't


believe he got them questions. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is


the beauty out of them all? Out of APPLAUSE Hello, everyone. Hello,


and welcome to Make Believe. Thank you so much for coming. This


evening's show is all about the paranormal and the unexplained. You


are so disinterested, it's exciting. So for that reason we filled this


evening's audience with sceptics. But, before we continue, let's take


a look at what's coming up on the show. We will be playing a mind-


boggling game with the terrifyingly lovely Paddy Doherty. You piss me


off, no bullshitting, I'll drive that head up somewhere it shouldn't


go. And I'll be trying my luck as a street palm reader. Let's look at


your lifeline here The way he knew that, I still don't understand it.


APPLAUSE. But before that, I think it's only fair that I should tell


you why I am so interested in the paranormal and the unexplained.


Years ago, I visited a psychic. Imagine you met a total stranger,


and they were able to tell you incredible facts, secrets and


details about yourself. Let's see, I'm going to choose this lady here


with the "Mother of God, don't pick me" face. What's your name? Claire.


Ladies and gentlemen, let's give Claire some encouragement as she


makes her way to the front. Claire, have you ever been to a psychic


before? Yes. How was it? So-so. Well, you are hard to impress,


Claire. Take a seat for me, Claire. I want you to take that piece of


paper for me, Claire, and thinking of your mum's name, I want you to


fill that out for me. Whenever I've turned away, and then when you're


finished, fold it up into quarters and hold the little piece of paper


on your chair. I am going to show you all exactly how the psychic


experience I told you about occurred. She got me to write down


my mother's name. I wrote it down on a little card. Right now, at


home, my mum is blowing her tiny mind that her name is on the TV.


Fold it up into quarters, and she put it inside an envelope, and she


promised me, and she told me, she said there was no way she was going


to have any access to the information. Once she was able to


tell me my mother's name, as far as I was concerned, she was the real


deal. It was terrifying. So terrifying that I ran out of the


room, clutching the envelope. And remember, I was so afraid I ran out


of the room holding the envelope. I didn't even pay her. And I opened


up the envelope and I realised that the piece of paper wasn't in there,


and then I all of a sudden started to see right through what happened,


and I realised that she somehow managed to get hold of it, and in


that moment it felt like my chest had opened. I felt terrible,


horrible, because I believed in the instant that she was in touch with


the other side. Wouldn't we all, everyone, love to know someone out


there could answer life's tough questionsfor us, just by contacting


the other side? So that's where you come in, Claire. Now, I want you to


hold that up to the light for me. Hold that up to that bright light.


Is anything coming through that at all? No. So what I also want you to


do is give this envelope a proper check for me. Hold them both up to


the light. Is anything shining through either of those two


objects? Not at all. You're not going to give those to me. I am not


going to look at them. I want you to put the paper inside the


envelope and then I want you to seal it. It's all right, I had


prelicked it earlier. At this point I need to contact my spirit guide.


Now, what I want you to do is look me straight in the eye, and I'm


going to go into a slight trance, just a very light trance, and this


will help me work out the information I need. Now you will


barely notice it, but my voice will change just ever so slightly. And


my facial features will change. Just ever so slightly. Woo! It's


very subtle. Not everyone spots the change. Do it properly this time.


Now, I want you to think of this really carefully. Think of your


mother's name for me. Does the name Mary mean anything to you? It's my


mum. Is that your mum's name? APPLAUSE. Thank you very much.


Actually, Claire, sorry, would you mind giving me one more second. Do


you mind if I try and maybe get your dad's name or brothers' names


or cousins' names or anything like that? So... No, thank Claire for me.


Actually. Does Tony mean anything? Anthony, Tony? Yes. Anthony? Tony.


Who is that? My dad. Your dad. I appreciate that, thank you very


much. The funny thing is about psychics and palm readers and that


sort of thing, they have an awful lot to go on, they are not just


looking at your palm, they are looking at your entire body. If


they were really good palm readers, wouldn't they be able to do it with


just looking at your palm? Wouldn't it be fascinating to think that


someone could tell us something about ourselves just by looking at


our palms? For this game to be properly interesting I've


constructed a beautiful big wall in the street and anyone, anyone in


the world can place their hand through it. I won't have any clues


as to who they are, only their hands. Let's see how accurate I can


be. Would you put your hand in this hole? These people would. And


straight away, I can make a couple of educated guesses, even on the


other side of this board. OK, folks, for those of you on the other side


of the board I'm going to make some guesses about you. If I guess right,


I need you to give me a thumbs up. Practise? If I get something wrong,


thumbs down. Practise? OK, so we are going to start with you. OK,


this is your life line here, so this suggests it is pretty


disjointed in places, I would say you are probably, I don't think you


have a job at the moment. Is that right? OK. Brilliant. It is a


surreal feeling that he was able to tell that by not seeing me, just by


looking at my hand. I am looking at you, if you know it is you, put


your thumbs up. Brilliant. Hands out flat. I am going to look at


your lifeline. You are obviously the type of person who is, people


would say, is a really good friend but sometimes has a temper,


sometimes has a, you know, is the type of person who would snap


quickly without thinking about it. Oh, brilliant. OK. Everything he


said was correct. I'm quite a loyal friend but I snap. That is the


thing in my life that causes the most arguments. Now you know and I


know that palm reading is probably nonsense, but if I can get someone


to believe in it for a tiny while it can have an impact on the way


they perceive their world. This time I am going to step it up and


use the black art of mentalism to tell these people things that


aren't just hunches. I'd say, are you a Cancerian? You're not a


Cancer, no? No, you are a cancer? Right. It is you we are talking


about. So... Really weird. I can't believe he got them questions. Just


weird. Onto the last one, you are the type of person who doesn't


really like bright colours. Only joking, I have seen your finger


nails. Psychics are always seeing relatives' names in people's palms


so I am going have a go as well. The left hand is usually associated


with parentage, with dads. There is a strong letter F in your palm. Is


the letter F in your dad's name. It is? All right. So, I think I could


be wrong, is there a letter R? Is there an R in your dad's name? I


could be wrong about this, but... Come around. This name means


something. My dad's name. What is it? Crawford. I knew there was an R


in there. He has been called Clifford before. Has he? Good job,


everybody. Really appreciate it. Thanks for that. Thanks a lot.


APPLAUSE. Well, that was really fun experience for me, and this evening


we are joined by Claire and Nicky from palm reading. Hello, Claire


and Nicky, so let's see. I want to show you something really quickly.


I am going to pass this round to a few of you. Grab one or two of


these each please. All I want you to do is follow my instructions.


Who doesn't have one? There you go. I want you to lay your spoons flat


on your hands. Now, before we do this, it is probably good if we get


a quick reference as to what a straight spoon looks like. This is


a bit what a straight spoon looks like, so at the thinest point in


the spoon I want you to take the tip of your index finger and just


tip of your index finger and just rub. It is 49 minutes of this. And


if you just give it the gentlest rub. Should be able to just see it


beginning to lift, and lift, and lift. Now, let's just check this


against one of yours. If I can check this against that one, we can


see quite a difference there. APPLAUSE. So, everyone, I want do


you take your scissor fingers and clip the spoon at the thinnest part


between your scissor fingers, and I want do you very gently, very


gently rub. So watch the thinnest point, that's where it is going to


bend. APPLAUSE. Now, again, please check for me. Nicky and Claire,


check and make sure there is no chemicals or anything on that,


there is nothing sticky. It is not even hot, is it? No. Give your


spoons a knock so you are happy they are solid. Just against


people's heads is fine. Remember, I want to try and do it without


actually touching the bending part. APPLAUSE. Now, solid. Folks, folks,


there are a couple of different ways we can do this. Give it a


gentle rub, all I want you to do is hold it and give it a gentle rub at


the thinnest part. At the thinnest part. If you would see, see, if you


were to do a shake like that, makes it look rubbery, if you continue to


rub... Madame, could you come here a second for me? Just now it is


quite liquid, so just be careful. Now, touch that, is that cold? It


is cold, it is not hot? APPLAUSE. And this one as well. And what is


your name by the way? Pamela. Pamela, that is for you. Thanks.


Give Pamela a round of applause. APPLAUSE One of the most


astonishing things I have seen a psychic do is a technique called


remote viewing. Think about it, remote viewing. It's the ability to


see through someone else's eyes, it's an astonishing feat when done


properly, so I thought, "I don't want to cheat, I want someone who


will give me a run for my money." The eyes I have chosen to look


through are those of a fighter from the old school. Paddy Doherty. Not


surprisingly, Paddy isn't scared of much, except of course when it


comes to the supernatural. You know night-time, if strange things move,


(BLEEP) vibrate, I'm just no good. Let's hope playing paranormal games


with Paddy doesn't become a sore subject for me. Paddy, how are you,


good to see you. Thanks for coming. Excuse me... What happened? I was


driving my horse and I broke it in three places. What do you think


about the paranormal? It fascinates me. Do you think there is a


possibility there is something else out there, something unexplained?


Oh, yeah, one million percent. want to try a simple paranormal


experiment. Now you might recognise these, these are what universities


across the world use to test for psychic ability. Basically, they


are five simple images, you've got a circle, a cross, wavy lines, a


square and a star. What's going to happen is I am going to you think


of one of these, and my job is to work out which one you are thinking


of. OK. So, Paddy, whenever you are ready I want you to look at all


five of those cards. Whenever you are ready, place your good hand


over the top of one of them and say yes when you've done it. I've done


it. OK. Now, Paddy, I would say, if I had to guess, you're thinking of


the star? Yes. You are thinking of the star. You did. All right.


respect. Big respect. You are going to get a punch in the mouth. I will


be honest with you, that is how they originally did it back in the


day, and that was seen as proof of psychic ability. This time let us


turn them all face down. All face down. This time, I want to do it


differently. But just to make sure there is no way I can see, I will


place my fingertips on my eyeballs. Now, Paddy, are you happy there's


no way I can see? No. It is like you have given me two black eyes.


Don't worry, I will be giving you them before the night's out. Pick


one up, make sure the camera doesn't see. I just want you to see.


Don't tell me. Look at a different one. OK, you done it? I would say -


did you look for the circle first then the star? Is that what it was?


Do you know what I just done to you there? There is one more thing that


could be happening here. Maybe the cards are marked, so we will do it


differently again. We will put them inside envelopes, that way we don't


see the back or the front. One inside each envelope. Even if they


were marked, I have no idea what is in which. This is the most random


way of doing it. You don't know what is in each envelope. I don't


have a clue. All I want you to do is pick one up and I don't want you


to take the card out. I want you to look inside and remember the shape


you see inside. Pick up one of them, take a look inside. And remember


the shape. Let me know when you are done. I am done. The amazing thing


about the paranormal is sometimes incredible amazing things happen,


and I think that has happened now. Did you go for the star again?


swear on my life, yes. Did you? swear on my baby's life I didn't


plan for that. Brilliant. Do you know what, I want to try one more


thing, I want to push remote viewing as far as we can. I want to


see, Paddy, if I can see through your eyes. I want you to wander


round your home and select an item you can hold in your hands, in such


a way I won't be able to see through your hands. You want me to


go round my home, pick an item that's going to stand in the palm


of my two hands? That is it, and my job is to try and guess what that


object is. In fact, your brother is here. Do you want to come in? Do me


a favour, stand behind me. I wanted you to reach your hands around and

:16:27.:16:35. have done this before. Cover up - don't cover up my ears,


it makes me seasick. Paddy, are you happy there's no way I can see?


you can't. By the way, fingertips, not fingernails. How do you spell


gouge? Whenever you are ready, have a wander, enjoy yourself. Paddy can


go absolutely anywhere in his home to choose this item. In fact to


test my powers of remote viewing, OK. Lovely. Lovely. Clasped in your


hands? Yes. If I was were to turn around, is there any way I could


see what this is? No. Now, Paddy, imagine what it would be like if I


could see through your eyes and know what you were seeing at any


point in the future. Imagine how terrifying that would be. Yes. It


would be a nightmare for me. I am going to turn away. Whenever you're


ready, take a tiny peek inside, can you see it right now? Yes. Close


your hands again. All right. Think of the colour of the item. I am


seeing something that is a little bit shiny, is it silver? Is it


silver? I'm going to give you a punch on the back of the head.


Are you sure you doesn't have mirrors on those glasses? No, take


them, go for it. They will look good on you. Make sure you're only


one in the world who can see what's inside those hands. There are


multiple parts to it, this is metal, this is a silver metal, you know it


is not an expensive metal, you know it is quite cheap. It wouldn't


annoy you if you lost it or it got damaged or broken. I could be wrong


on this. I hope you are. I have drawn a picture of it. It's a rat


or a mouse, it is on a silver key ring, it's got a chain to it. You


look amazing by the way. I can't really see you. Mirror, mirror, on


the wall, who is the beauty of them all? What did you end up up with?


That is the dog's bollocks. Let me see. No way. Did you almost go for


something else? I thought you were going to go with a flower. I swear


on my life. I was 50-50. I was going to go for a flower. No-one


knew that. Honest to God, that is amazing what you have just done.


Hello, hello. Good man, Paddy. Thank you so much. You are a


gentleman, Paddy. Let's hear it for Paddy. I pick up the flower, the


yellow flower. I thought no, go for the key ring, it's smaller, I can


put this in the plaster of Paris. You see, the badness is in me. Put


that in there so he can't see, no matter how good his glasses. I had


them well pressed, right against. I thought there is no way in a


million years you can see, because I had them proper pressed in. Paddy,


it was all the same if I'd stuck the fingers to the back of his eyes,


he was still getting it. You should Remote viewing is one of those


things that just chills you when you think that someone might be


able to see through your eyes. But, it is nowhere near the most


incredible thing I have seen. One man was the most incredible psychic


that I never got to see. He would have himself blindfolded with


surgical bandages, they were wrapped round his head again and


again, and he would sense things round him using his hand and finger


tips. Just by touching a page he would know what was written there.


Decades ago, as you can see, he performed astonishing feats on the


BBC, and it is my honour to try and One of his most amazing skills was


just by touching a person he could tell if they were a male or female.


I'm going to try that right now. LAUGHTER. So, what we are going to


do? I need a few volunteers for this. This lady here. Sorry, Madame,


what is your name? Leanne. I need one more person. I will make it


this gentleman here in the glasses. What is your name? Jack. Please


give Leanne and Jack a round of applause as they make their way to


the front. APPLAUSE. Now, you both have incredibly important roles


tonight. Leanne's jobs is going to be to blindfold me. Now, he used


medical bandages, the types of thing you use to dress a wound. I'm


going to try and raise the bar a bit. Your job is to be my glamorous


assistant. Very good. You are going to go into the audience and take a


personal effect from someone. A small trinket, something you might


have in your pocket. Something that is personal to you. I'm glad you


didn't get overdressed tonight. Are they flip-flops or sandals? Mandals.


They are mandals. You have given them your own name? Of course.


Folks, this is industrial strength high tensity duct tape. This is the


type of thing plumbers use to seal leaks. It is extremely dangerous to


get it on your skin for a long period of time, and the longer that


it is there, the tighter that it binds to the skin. Now, Leanne,


your job is to blindfold me. Now, I can assure you when I take these


off, it renders me virtually blind. Folks, has anyone any cash? I need


a couple of 50 pence pieces. Will you get a couple off anyone you


like in the audience. Thank you. want you to take this tape. Hold


that, please be careful against your fingers, and you are going to


press that coin against my eye ball so that seals my eye ball closed.


Make sure it goes over my eyelid and press the tape against my face.


Press the tape against my forehead, against my cheeks. Are you happy


that is stuck on? Yes. Seriously, you are happy, Leanne? Take the


next one, the 50 pence piece, and do it on the opposite side. Press


it against my forehead, cheeks. Folks, the reason the 50 pence


pieces are there, and you can start your work for me, the minute that


anything, even the lightest pressure, is on your eyelid it is


impossible to open it. That is why the coins are there, to press into


the eye socket. Take up another piece of tape and I wanted you to


put it across this area here, across any gap. Now, there should


be a night mask down there, a night mask. I am going to put this over


the top, over the top, so this is for the sceptics among you. I know!


So, OK. Now, there is a gentleman in the audience that has a trinket,


is that right? Yes. Whenever you are ready make your way towards the


stage and stand beside me with the item concealed between both hands,


please. APPLAUSE. As you might imagine I have no idea when you are


here. I am here. You are here, right. I can hear the mandals.


want you to stand behind me and take this object and hold it above


my head. As you do this, I want you to look in both my ears. I want you


to make sure no-one is communicating with me. Check there


is nothing in my ears. We are good. We're good? Can't help but think


you are overstating our relationship, Jack. OK, so I want


you to think what this is for me. I want you to think what this is.


This is interesting, what is coming through, I am seeing lots of


colours, am I seeing squares? APPLAUSE. Green, yellow, red, white,


blue. Is this...? Sorry, sorry, sorry, I felt like it was lots of


squares, but it isn't, it is one. Is it squares in squares? Is this


something that goes like this? APPLAUSE. Whoa, whoa, is this a


Rubik's Cube? APPALUSE. That's what it is? Is it like a key ring or


something as well? Is that what it is? Excellent. Jack. What I want


you to do is pick one more person from the audience. That person is


going to walk over to the chalk board. Ladies and gentlemen, let's


give Jack a round of applause as he makes his way back. Leanne, what I


want you to do, there should be a balloon round there somewhere.


There should be a balloon. You are going to pass this balloon out to


anyone that you like in the audience, Leanne, whenever there is


someone, whenever there is someone at the blackboard, could that


person please give me a nice loud yell. Yes. All right, what is your


name? Liam. All right. Liam, I want you to write in huge large letters


any four or five letter word from the English language. Don't you


make it a mucky one. Can you come to my left and take my left arm and


could you guide me over there please. OK. So let me know whenever


we are coming. Take a step down. There is cables in front of you.


You are very rough, Leanne. You are very slow. Right. OK. I need chalk.


I need chalk. Where is this person, the person that has written it?


That's me. Can you place your hand on my shoulder? All right. So.


APPLAUSE. Is that it? Yes. You can take that. Is Leanne still here?


Yes. OK, guide me back over. Was that a child, was that a child?


Oh, no! Could I have the box please? Oh. Lovely. Leanne, my last


job is to find the balloon. I know you are thinking that this is going


to be some sort of trick knife or something. Please don't tell me I


hit Leanne's feet. That is why I sent mandal man back. Now just take


Apology for the loss of subtitles for 42 seconds


me off, take me off the stand APPLAUSE. Folks, folks, please


folks, this is going to be the slowest part of the night. All


right. So...can someone take the 50 pences? Folks, thank you so much


for watching, thank you to my audience. Thank you to everyone who


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