Browse content similar to Young Frankenstein. Check below for episodes and series from the same categories and more!
Line | From | To | |
CLOCK STRIKES MIDNIGHT | 0:03:21 | 0:03:24 | |
CRACK! | 0:04:20 | 0:04:23 | |
If we look at the base of a brain which has just been removed from a skull, | 0:04:54 | 0:04:59 | |
there's very little midbrain that we can see. | 0:04:59 | 0:05:03 | |
Yet, as I demonstrated last week, | 0:05:03 | 0:05:06 | |
if the under aspects of the temporal lobes are gently pulled apart, | 0:05:06 | 0:05:13 | |
the upper portion of the stem of the brain can be seen. | 0:05:13 | 0:05:18 | |
This so-called "brain stem" consists of the midbrain, | 0:05:18 | 0:05:23 | |
a rounded protrusion called the "pons", | 0:05:23 | 0:05:29 | |
and a stalk tapering down, called the medulla oblongata, | 0:05:29 | 0:05:33 | |
which passes out of the skull through the foramen magnum, and becomes the spinal cord. | 0:05:33 | 0:05:40 | |
Are there any questions before we proceed? | 0:05:40 | 0:05:43 | |
Yes, Dr Frankenstein. | 0:05:43 | 0:05:45 | |
That's FRONKONSTEEN. | 0:05:46 | 0:05:50 | |
I beg your pardon? | 0:05:50 | 0:05:52 | |
My name is pronounced Fron-kon-steen. | 0:05:52 | 0:05:56 | |
Aren't you the grandson of Dr Victor Frankenstein, | 0:05:56 | 0:05:59 | |
who dug up corpses and transformed dead components...? | 0:05:59 | 0:06:04 | |
YES! YES! YES! We ALL know what he did. | 0:06:04 | 0:06:09 | |
But I'd rather be remembered for my own contributions to science, | 0:06:09 | 0:06:15 | |
and not because of my accidental relationship to a famous... | 0:06:15 | 0:06:20 | |
cuckoo. | 0:06:20 | 0:06:22 | |
POLITE LAUGHTER | 0:06:22 | 0:06:25 | |
Can we get on with your question? | 0:06:25 | 0:06:28 | |
< Well, I'm not sure if I understand the difference between "reflexive" and "voluntary" nerve impulses. | 0:06:28 | 0:06:35 | |
Very good! Since our lab work today is a demonstration of that distinction, let's proceed. | 0:06:35 | 0:06:40 | |
Mr Hilltop here, with whom I have NEVER worked, or given any prior instructions to, | 0:06:49 | 0:06:56 | |
has graciously offered his services for our demonstration. | 0:06:56 | 0:07:00 | |
Mr Hilltop, would you hop up and stand beside the table? | 0:07:00 | 0:07:05 | |
Nice hopping(!) | 0:07:14 | 0:07:16 | |
Mr Hilltop, would you RAISE your LEFT knee, PLEASE! | 0:07:18 | 0:07:26 | |
You have witnessed a "voluntary" nerve impulse. | 0:07:28 | 0:07:32 | |
It begins as a stimulus from the cerebral cortex, passes through the "brain stem" to the muscles. | 0:07:32 | 0:07:38 | |
Mr Hilltop, you may lower your knee. | 0:07:38 | 0:07:41 | |
"Reflex" movements are made independently of the will, | 0:07:41 | 0:07:46 | |
but are carried along paths between the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. | 0:07:46 | 0:07:52 | |
You filthy, rotten, yellow, SON-OF-A-BITCH! | 0:07:52 | 0:07:56 | |
We are not aware of these impulses, neither do we intend that they will contract our muscles, | 0:07:56 | 0:08:02 | |
yet, they work by themselves. | 0:08:02 | 0:08:05 | |
What if we block the nerve impulses by applying local pressure, | 0:08:05 | 0:08:10 | |
which can be done with a metal clamp just at the swelling on the posterior nerve roots | 0:08:10 | 0:08:17 | |
for, oh, say five or six seconds? | 0:08:17 | 0:08:21 | |
Why, you mother-grabbing BASTARD! | 0:08:25 | 0:08:29 | |
As you can see, all communication is shut off. | 0:08:29 | 0:08:32 | |
Arrrrr.... | 0:08:32 | 0:08:35 | |
In spite of our mechanical magnificence, | 0:08:35 | 0:08:39 | |
if it were not for this continuous stream of motor impulses, | 0:08:39 | 0:08:43 | |
we would COLLAPSE... like...a...bunch...of...BROCCOLI! | 0:08:43 | 0:08:49 | |
Arrghhhhh! | 0:08:49 | 0:08:51 | |
-In conclusion, it should be noted... Give him an extra dollar. -Sir. | 0:08:54 | 0:08:59 | |
..That any more than a common injury to the nerve roots is ALWAYS serious. | 0:08:59 | 0:09:05 | |
Because once a nerve fibre is severed, | 0:09:05 | 0:09:09 | |
there is no way, in heaven or on Earth, to regenerate life back into it. | 0:09:09 | 0:09:16 | |
Any last questions? | 0:09:16 | 0:09:18 | |
Er...Dr Frank... | 0:09:18 | 0:09:20 | |
-..FRON-KON-STEEN? -Yes? | 0:09:21 | 0:09:23 | |
Didn't Darwin preserve a piece of vermicelli in a glass case, until, by extraordinary means, | 0:09:23 | 0:09:30 | |
it began to move with "voluntary motion"? | 0:09:30 | 0:09:34 | |
Do you mean the WORM or the SPAGHETTI? | 0:09:34 | 0:09:38 | |
The worm. | 0:09:38 | 0:09:40 | |
Yes, it seems to me that I did read something of that incident when I was a student. | 0:09:40 | 0:09:46 | |
But you must remember that a worm - with very few exceptions - is NOT a human being. | 0:09:46 | 0:09:52 | |
But sir, wasn't THAT the basis of your grandfather's work? The reanimation of dead tissue? | 0:09:52 | 0:09:58 | |
My grandfather was a VERY sick man. | 0:09:58 | 0:10:02 | |
But as a FRON-KON-STEEN, aren't you curious about it? | 0:10:02 | 0:10:06 | |
Does the bringing back to life of something dead interest you? | 0:10:06 | 0:10:10 | |
You are talking about the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic. | 0:10:10 | 0:10:15 | |
-DEAD IS DEAD! -Look at what's been done with organs... | 0:10:15 | 0:10:19 | |
Hearts and kidneys are tinker toys! I'm talking about the central nervous system! | 0:10:19 | 0:10:25 | |
-But, sir... -I am A SCIENTIST, not a philosopher! | 0:10:25 | 0:10:29 | |
It's easier to reanimate this scalpel than a broken nervous system! | 0:10:29 | 0:10:33 | |
-What about your grandfather...? -MY GRANDFATHER WAS "DOO-DOO"! | 0:10:33 | 0:10:38 | |
THEY GASP | 0:10:38 | 0:10:40 | |
I'm not interested in death. Only one thing concerns me - | 0:10:40 | 0:10:44 | |
the preservation of LIFE! | 0:10:44 | 0:10:47 | | | 0:10:53 | 0:10:58 | |
APPLAUSE | 0:10:58 | 0:11:00 | |
Dr Frankenstein...? | 0:11:07 | 0:11:09 | |
That's FRON-KON-STEEN. | 0:11:10 | 0:11:14 | |
I am Gerhardt Falkstein. | 0:11:16 | 0:11:19 | |
I have travelled 5,000 miles to bring you the will of your great-grandfather - | 0:11:19 | 0:11:24 | |
Baron Beaufort von Frankenstein! | 0:11:24 | 0:11:29 | |
Oh, my sweet darling! | 0:11:41 | 0:11:44 | |
Oh, my dearest love. I'll count the hours you're away. | 0:11:44 | 0:11:48 | |
-So will I... -Not on the lips! | 0:11:48 | 0:11:51 | |
-What? -I'm going to that party at Nana and Nicky's. I don't want to smear my lipstick. -Of course. | 0:11:51 | 0:11:57 | |
ALL ABOARD! | 0:11:57 | 0:11:59 | |
-Oh, dear! -Well, I guess this is it. | 0:11:59 | 0:12:03 | |
-Oh, Freddy, darling! How can I say in a few minutes what it's taken a lifetime to understand? -Try. | 0:12:03 | 0:12:10 | |
All right! You've got it, mister! | 0:12:10 | 0:12:14 | |
I'm yours - all of me - what else can I say? | 0:12:14 | 0:12:18 | |
-My sweet love... -The hair! It's just been set. -Sorry. | 0:12:18 | 0:12:23 | |
-Do you like old-fashioned weddings? -I prefer old-fashioned wedding NIGHTS. -You're incorrigible! | 0:12:23 | 0:12:30 | |
Does that mean... you love me? | 0:12:30 | 0:12:35 | |
-You bet your boots it does! -Ohhhh, my only love... | 0:12:35 | 0:12:39 | |
Taffeta, darling. | 0:12:39 | 0:12:41 | |
Taffeta, sweetheart? | 0:12:41 | 0:12:43 | |
The's taffeta. It wrinkles so easily. | 0:12:43 | 0:12:47 | |
ALL ABOARD! | 0:12:47 | 0:12:48 | |
Oh, that horrid man. Hurry up... before I make a fool of myself. | 0:12:48 | 0:12:53 | |
-Oh, the nails! -Sorry. | 0:12:53 | 0:12:57 | | -Oh!...OH! | 0:12:57 | 0:13:01 | |
-Good bye, darling. -Good bye, Freddy! | 0:13:05 | 0:13:08 | |
Darling! | 0:13:12 | 0:13:13 | |
SHE COUGHS | 0:13:22 | 0:13:24 | |
SHE SPLUTTERS | 0:13:24 | 0:13:26 | |
SHE RETCHES | 0:13:26 | 0:13:27 | |
-Harry, he's at it again! -What do you want me to do? | 0:13:36 | 0:13:40 | |
-EVERY DAY! -Let him, let him! | 0:13:40 | 0:13:43 | |
New York, folks! Everybody out for New York! | 0:13:43 | 0:13:47 | |
THE PREVIOUS ARGUMENT IN GERMAN | 0:13:50 | 0:13:53 | |
Aber jeden tag! | 0:13:53 | 0:13:57 | |
Transylvania nachste! | 0:13:57 | 0:13:59 | |
Alle aufsteigen fur Transylvania! | 0:13:59 | 0:14:02 | |
Transylvania nachste! Alle aufsteigen Transylvania! | 0:14:02 | 0:14:06 | |
Pardon me, boy, is this Transylvania station? | 0:14:12 | 0:14:17 | |
Ja! Ja! Track 29. | 0:14:17 | 0:14:20 | |
Oh, can I give you a shine? | 0:14:20 | 0:14:23 | | thanks. | 0:14:23 | 0:14:25 | |
TRAIN CHUGS | 0:14:27 | 0:14:31 | |
< FOOTSTEPS THUD AND SCRAPE | 0:14:42 | 0:14:46 | |
< THUD...SCRAPE | 0:14:46 | 0:14:49 | |
THUD | 0:14:49 | 0:14:50 | |
< THUD! THUD! | 0:14:50 | 0:14:51 | |
< Dr Frankenstein? | 0:14:51 | 0:14:53 | |
CLAP OF THUNDER | 0:14:53 | 0:14:55 | |
FRON-KON-STEEN. | 0:14:58 | 0:15:01 | |
You're putting me on! | 0:15:02 | 0:15:05 | |
No, it's pronounced FRON-KON-STEEN. | 0:15:05 | 0:15:08 | |
Do you also say FRO-DERICK? | 0:15:08 | 0:15:10 | |
No...Frederick. | 0:15:10 | 0:15:12 | |
-Why not FRO-DERICK FRON-KON-STEEN? -It's Frederick Fron-kon-steen. | 0:15:12 | 0:15:18 | |
I see. | 0:15:18 | 0:15:20 | |
-You must be Ee-gor. -No, it's pronounced AYE-GOR. | 0:15:20 | 0:15:24 | |
But they told me it was Ee-gor. | 0:15:24 | 0:15:27 | |
-They were wrong then, weren't they! -Er...? | 0:15:27 | 0:15:30 | |
-You WERE sent by Herr Falkstein? -Yes. MY grandfather used to work for YOUR grandfather. | 0:15:30 | 0:15:36 | | nice. | 0:15:36 | 0:15:40 | |
-Of course, the rates HAVE gone up. -Of course. | 0:15:40 | 0:15:44 | |
I'm sure we'll get along splendidly. | 0:15:44 | 0:15:45 | |
-BONG! -Oh...sorry. I... | 0:15:45 | 0:15:49 | |'t mean to embarrass you, but I'm a brilliant surgeon. Perhaps I could help with the hump? | 0:15:49 | 0:15:57 | |
What hump?! | 0:15:57 | 0:15:59 | |
Let's go! | 0:16:02 | 0:16:04 | |
Allow me...master. | 0:16:06 | 0:16:08 | |
Oh. Thank you very much. | 0:16:08 | 0:16:11 | |
Walk this way. | 0:16:14 | 0:16:16 | |
This way. | 0:16:18 | 0:16:20 | |
-You'll be more comfortable in the rear. -Oh. | 0:16:37 | 0:16:41 | |
Oh! | 0:16:45 | 0:16:46 | |
-What's that? -That's Inga. Herr Falkstein thought you'd need a laboratory assistant - temporary. | 0:16:46 | 0:16:53 | |
Oh. | 0:16:53 | 0:16:54 | |
Oh! | 0:16:56 | 0:16:58 | |
Hello! Would you like a roll in ze hay? | 0:16:58 | 0:17:01 | |
< It's fun! | 0:17:02 | 0:17:04 | |
# Roll, roll, roll, roll in ze hay! # | 0:17:04 | 0:17:07 | |
WHIP CRACKS | 0:17:09 | 0:17:11 | |
Oh! | 0:17:27 | 0:17:28 | |
Sometimes I'm afraid of ze lightning. | 0:17:28 | 0:17:32 | |
Just an atmospheric discharge. Nothing to be afraid of. | 0:17:32 | 0:17:36 | |
< HOWLING | 0:17:36 | 0:17:40 | |
Werewolf! | 0:17:40 | 0:17:43 | |
WHERE-wolf?! | 0:17:43 | 0:17:45 | |
There! | 0:17:45 | 0:17:47 | |
What? | 0:17:47 | 0:17:48 | |
There wolf. | 0:17:48 | 0:17:50 | |
There castle. | 0:17:50 | 0:17:52 | |
-Why are you talking that way? -I thought you wanted to. | 0:17:52 | 0:17:56 | |
-No, I don't want to. -Suit yourself, I'm easy. | 0:17:56 | 0:18:00 | |
LOUD CLAP OF THUNDER | 0:18:00 | 0:18:03 | |
Well...there it is. | 0:18:03 | 0:18:07 | |
Home. | 0:18:07 | 0:18:08 | |
CLANG! | 0:18:32 | 0:18:34 | |
CLA-A-A-A-ANG! | 0:18:34 | 0:18:36 | |
< CLA-A-A-A-A-A-ANG! | 0:18:37 | 0:18:39 | |
What KNOCKERS! | 0:18:39 | 0:18:42 | |
Why, thank you, Doktor. | 0:18:42 | 0:18:45 | |
Oh? That's all right. | 0:18:45 | 0:18:47 | |
There we are. | 0:18:47 | 0:18:50 | |
CR-E-EAK | 0:18:52 | 0:18:57 | |
I am Frau Blucher. | 0:19:01 | 0:19:04 | |
TERRIFIED NEIGHS | 0:19:04 | 0:19:07 | |
Steady! | 0:19:09 | 0:19:10 | |
How do you do? I am Dr Fron-kon-steen. | 0:19:11 | 0:19:15 | |
-My assistant, Inga. Inga, Frau Blucher. -< TERRIFIED NEIGHS | 0:19:15 | 0:19:21 | |
What's got into them? | 0:19:22 | 0:19:24 | |
Your rooms have been prepared, Herr Doktor. | 0:19:24 | 0:19:29 | |
-If you vill follow me... -Aye-gor? | 0:19:29 | 0:19:33 | |
-Could you bring the bags? -Yes, master. | 0:19:33 | 0:19:37 | |
-After you, Frau Blucher... -< TERRIFIED NEIGHS | 0:19:37 | 0:19:41 | |
-BLUCHER! -< TERRIFIED NEIGHS | 0:19:53 | 0:19:57 | |
Follow me, ple-ease. | 0:20:11 | 0:20:14 | |
Stay close to ze candles. Ze staircase...can be treacherous. | 0:20:34 | 0:20:40 | |
Zis is your room, it was your grandfather Victor's room. | 0:20:48 | 0:20:52 | |
I see. | 0:20:52 | 0:20:54 | |
-Well! There ARE quite a few books! -Zis was Victor's... the Baron's medical library. | 0:20:54 | 0:21:02 | |
-Where's my grandfather's PRIVATE library? -What do you mean? | 0:21:02 | 0:21:07 | |
These books are very general, any doctor might have them. | 0:21:07 | 0:21:12 | |
-Zis is ze ONLY library I know of, Dr Franken-STONE. -FRON-KON-STEEN! | 0:21:12 | 0:21:19 | |
Well...we'll see. | 0:21:19 | 0:21:21 | |
Good night! | 0:21:22 | 0:21:24 | |
Would the doktor care for brandy before retiring? | 0:21:26 | 0:21:31 | |
No...thank you. | 0:21:31 | 0:21:34 | |
Some warm milk...perhaps? | 0:21:36 | 0:21:40 | |
No...thank you very much! | 0:21:40 | 0:21:44 | |
No, thanks. | 0:21:44 | 0:21:46 | |
Ovaltine? | 0:21:46 | 0:21:47 | |
NOTHING! Thank you! | 0:21:52 | 0:21:56 | |
I'm a little tired! | 0:21:56 | 0:21:58 | |
-Then I vill say good night... -GOOD NIGHT! | 0:22:01 | 0:22:05 | |
Good night, darling! KISSING NOISE | 0:22:21 | 0:22:24 | |
-Good night, Herr Doktor. -Good night, Frau Blucher. | 0:22:28 | 0:22:31 | |
< TERRIFIED NEIGHS | 0:22:31 | 0:22:34 | |
HE MURMURS: No! No! No! No! | 0:22:48 | 0:22:52 | |
No! No! No! No-oo! | 0:22:52 | 0:22:55 | |
No! No! No! No! No! | 0:22:55 | 0:22:58 | |
I'm... I'm NOT a Frankenstein! | 0:22:59 | 0:23:04 | |
I AM NOT a Frankenstein! | 0:23:04 | 0:23:08 | |
I'm a Fron-kon-steen! | 0:23:08 | 0:23:11 | |
DON'T give me that! | 0:23:11 | 0:23:14 | |
I DON'T believe in fate! | 0:23:14 | 0:23:17 | |
I WON'T say it! | 0:23:17 | 0:23:19 | |
All right, you win, you win... again... | 0:23:19 | 0:23:23 | |
I'll say it... I'll say it...I'll say it! | 0:23:23 | 0:23:26 | |
DES-TI-NY! DES-TI-NY! No escaping, not for me! | 0:23:28 | 0:23:33 | |
DES-TI-NY! DES-TI-NY! No escaping, not for me! | 0:23:33 | 0:23:37 | |
DES-TIN....DES-TIN...Y! No escape...not...! | 0:23:37 | 0:23:42 | |
Dr Fronkonsteen, wake up! | 0:23:42 | 0:23:46 | |
-What is it? -You were having a nightmare. | 0:23:46 | 0:23:50 | |
-What's that strange music? -I have no idea. | 0:23:51 | 0:23:55 | |
But it seems to be coming... from behind ze bookcase! | 0:23:56 | 0:24:02 | |
Behind ze bookcase...? | 0:24:02 | 0:24:06 | |
Hand me that robe, would you, dear? | 0:24:07 | 0:24:09 | |
You were right, it's coming from behind this wall. | 0:24:13 | 0:24:17 | |
Where is it? WHERE is it? | 0:24:17 | 0:24:20 | |
-What? -There's always a device. If I can find the trigger... | 0:24:20 | 0:24:25 | |
Hello... | 0:24:25 | 0:24:27 | |
It's louder over here. Hand me that candle. | 0:24:37 | 0:24:41 | |
PUT...THE...CANDLE...BACK! | 0:24:45 | 0:24:49 | |
All right, I've figured it out. | 0:24:54 | 0:24:59 | |
Take out the candle, and I'll block the bookcase with my body. | 0:24:59 | 0:25:04 | |
< CRUNCH! | 0:25:09 | 0:25:10 | |
-MUFFLED VOICE: -Listen to me... very carefully... | 0:25:13 | 0:25:16 | |
DON'T put the candle back! | 0:25:16 | 0:25:19 | |
With all your might, shove the other side of the bookcase. | 0:25:19 | 0:25:26 | |
Is that...perfectly clear? | 0:25:26 | 0:25:29 | |
I think so. | 0:25:29 | 0:25:32 | |
Good girl! | 0:25:40 | 0:25:42 | |
PUT...ZE...CANDLE...BACK. | 0:25:42 | 0:25:46 | |
-Look! A passage vay. -The music's coming from down there. | 0:25:53 | 0:25:59 | |
-I'd better take a look. -Let me come with you, PLEASE! | 0:25:59 | 0:26:03 | |
-I don't want to stay here alone. -Very well. Close your robe, and follow me. -Doctor! Ze candle. | 0:26:03 | 0:26:10 | |
Good thinking. Let's try this one. | 0:26:10 | 0:26:14 | |
STAND BACK! | 0:26:14 | 0:26:16 | |
Ah! | 0:26:45 | 0:26:46 | |
RAT SQUEAKS | 0:26:46 | 0:26:48 | |
Don't be frightened. It's just a rat. | 0:26:48 | 0:26:51 | |
A filthy, slimy rat! | 0:26:51 | 0:26:54 | |
CRE-E-E-E-EEEAK | 0:27:15 | 0:27:20 | |
Good Lord! | 0:27:28 | 0:27:31 | |
OH! | 0:27:31 | 0:27:32 | |
Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! | 0:27:49 | 0:27:51 | |
# I ain't got NO BO-O-DY, and NO-BO-ODY cares for me... yackety-yackety yaah! # | 0:27:51 | 0:27:57 | |
-Aye-gor! -Fro-derick! -How did YOU get here? | 0:27:57 | 0:28:01 | |
Through the dumbwaiter. I heard strange music from the kitchen and followed it down. | 0:28:02 | 0:28:09 | |
Call it...a hunch! | 0:28:09 | 0:28:12 | |
-Zere must have been someone else down here. -It looks that way. | 0:28:12 | 0:28:17 | |
There's the ONLY other door! | 0:28:17 | 0:28:20 | |
WAIT, master! It might be dangerous. | 0:28:20 | 0:28:24 | |
You go first. | 0:28:24 | 0:28:26 | |
Aren't there any lights here? | 0:28:37 | 0:28:40 | |
Two nasty-looking switches here... but I'm not going to be the first. | 0:28:40 | 0:28:45 | |
DAMN YOUR EYES! | 0:28:50 | 0:28:52 | |
Too late! | 0:28:52 | 0:28:54 | |
Oh! | 0:29:03 | 0:29:05 | |
So THIS is where it ALL happened... | 0:29:05 | 0:29:09 | |
-THE VOICE OF VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN: -"Just think, the dead wait ready to live again. | 0:29:19 | 0:29:24 | |
"Look, no blood! Just a few sutures... | 0:29:24 | 0:29:28 | |
-"Throw the main switch!" -"Yes, master." | 0:29:28 | 0:29:32 | |
CRACKLE OF ELECTRICITY | 0:29:32 | 0:29:36 | |
What a FILTHY mess! | 0:29:39 | 0:29:42 | |
I don't know...a little paint, a few flowers, some throw pillows. | 0:29:42 | 0:29:46 | |
It looks as if our mysterious violinist has dis...a...p... | 0:29:49 | 0:29:54 | |
-Disa...what? -..Peared. -Shhhhhh! | 0:29:54 | 0:29:56 | |
There's a light coming from behind that door. | 0:29:56 | 0:30:00 | |
Come on. | 0:30:02 | 0:30:04 | |
Doktor, LOOK! | 0:30:31 | 0:30:33 | |
This explains the music. | 0:30:37 | 0:30:39 | |
-It's still warm. -Mmmm. | 0:30:39 | 0:30:42 | |
-WHO vas playing it? -I don't know... | 0:30:42 | 0:30:45 | |
but whoever it was just put out his cigar. | 0:30:45 | 0:30:49 | |
Such STRANGE goings on! | 0:30:49 | 0:30:52 | |
-What is this place? -Music room? -AYE-GOR TWANGS VIOLIN STRINGS | 0:30:53 | 0:30:59 | |
Zere's nothing here, but books and paper. | 0:30:59 | 0:31:02 | |
Books...and...papers?! IT IS! | 0:31:02 | 0:31:06 | |
It's my grandfather's private library! I FEEL it! | 0:31:06 | 0:31:10 | |
LOOK! | 0:31:10 | 0:31:12 | |
LOOK at this! | 0:31:12 | 0:31:14 | |
AYE-GOR SNORES | 0:31:21 | 0:31:25 | |
"...Until from the midst of this darkness, a sudden light broke in upon me - | 0:31:25 | 0:31:32 | |
"a light so brilliant and wondrous, and yet so simple. | 0:31:32 | 0:31:37 | |
"Change the poles from plus to minus and from MINUS to PLUS! | 0:31:37 | 0:31:43 | |
I ALONE succeeded in discovering the secret of bestowing life! | 0:31:47 | 0:31:52 | |
"Nay, even more, I, MYSELF, | 0:31:52 | 0:31:55 | |
became capable of bestowing animation upon LIFELESS matter!" | 0:31:55 | 0:32:03 | |
IT...COULD...WORK! | 0:32:09 | 0:32:13 | |
TRIUMPHANT CLAP OF THUNDER | 0:32:14 | 0:32:17 | |
-Kipper? -Mmmm! Thank you, Doktor. | 0:32:29 | 0:32:33 | |
"As the minuteness of the parts were a hindrance to speed, I made the Creature of gigantic stature." | 0:32:37 | 0:32:45 | |
Of course! That would simplify everything. | 0:32:47 | 0:32:51 | |
-In other vords, his veins, his hands, his organs would be increased in size? -Exactly. | 0:32:52 | 0:33:01 | |
He would have an enormous schwanzstucker! | 0:33:01 | 0:33:04 | |
That goes without saying. | 0:33:09 | 0:33:13 | |
Oooohh! | 0:33:13 | 0:33:14 | |
He's going to be very popular. | 0:33:14 | 0:33:17 | |
So then, what we're aiming for is a being approximately 7ft high, | 0:33:18 | 0:33:23 | |
-with all features congenitally or artificially proportionate. -Would it look like... | 0:33:23 | 0:33:30 | |
this? | 0:33:30 | 0:33:32 | |
Hello... | 0:33:36 | 0:33:38 | |
You've caught something there. | 0:33:38 | 0:33:40 | |
Crude, yes. Primitive, yes. Perhaps even grotesque. | 0:33:40 | 0:33:44 | |
Yet something inexplicable tells me that this... | 0:33:44 | 0:33:49 | |
might | 0:33:49 | 0:33:52 | |
All right! That's good enough for the likes of 'im. | 0:34:07 | 0:34:11 | |
(Get down!) | 0:34:27 | 0:34:29 | |
NOW! | 0:34:38 | 0:34:39 | |
What a FILTHY job! | 0:35:08 | 0:35:10 | |
-Could be worse. -How? | 0:35:10 | 0:35:12 | |
Could be raining. | 0:35:12 | 0:35:14 | |
-< FOOTSTEPS -Quick! | 0:35:58 | 0:36:01 | |
-Need a hand? -No, thanks, I have one. Thanks all the same. | 0:36:05 | 0:36:11 | |
JUST a moment, sir! I know everyone in this neighbourhood, but I've never seen you before. | 0:36:11 | 0:36:17 | |
-Can you account for yourself? -Yes, I'm Dr Frederick Fronkonsteen, | 0:36:17 | 0:36:21 | |
-newly arrived from America. -YES! I was told you were here. | 0:36:21 | 0:36:25 | |
I'm Constable Henry, sir. Pleased to meet you. | 0:36:25 | 0:36:30 | |
-How very nice to meet you. -Why?! You're chilled to the bone! | 0:36:30 | 0:36:35 | |
-A nice warm fire is what you want. -Yes. -A nip from the old bottle wouldn't be a bad idea either. | 0:36:35 | 0:36:41 | |
-Yes! Just the ticket! -If you have everything in hand, I'll say good night. | 0:36:41 | 0:36:49 | |
-Thank you. -At your service, sir. | 0:36:49 | 0:36:51 | |
Always. | 0:36:51 | 0:36:53 | |
-Good night, Constable. -Good night, sir. | 0:36:54 | 0:36:57 | |
Oh, what an awesome sight! | 0:37:14 | 0:37:16 | |
What a profound and reverent night is this! | 0:37:16 | 0:37:22 | |
With such a specimen for a body - | 0:37:22 | 0:37:25 | |
all we need now is an equally magnificent brain. | 0:37:25 | 0:37:31 | |
-You know what to do? -I've got a pretty good idea. -Good man. | 0:37:31 | 0:37:36 | |
Didn't you...? Didn't you used to have that on the other side? | 0:37:36 | 0:37:40 | |
-What? | 0:37:40 | 0:37:43 | |
Oh, never mind. | 0:37:43 | 0:37:46 | |
-You have the name I gave you? -I have it written down. | 0:37:48 | 0:37:52 | |
Hans Delbruck. | 0:37:55 | 0:37:58 | |
OH! | 0:38:23 | 0:38:24 | |
CLUNK! | 0:38:33 | 0:38:35 | |
Argh! | 0:38:52 | 0:38:53 | |
-He's hideous! -He's beautiful! | 0:39:47 | 0:39:50 | |
And...he... | 0:39:50 | 0:39:53 | |
is...mine! | 0:39:53 | 0:39:55 | |
RUMBLING THUNDER | 0:39:55 | 0:39:57 | |
Hurry! We're fighting time and the elements. | 0:40:02 | 0:40:06 | |
-Are you ready? -Are you SURE this is how they did it? | 0:40:06 | 0:40:10 | |
Yes! YES! It's all in the notes. | 0:40:10 | 0:40:13 | |
-Now tie off the kites and hurry down! -What's the hurry? | 0:40:13 | 0:40:17 | |
There's the possibility of electrocution. Understand? | 0:40:17 | 0:40:20 | |
I understand. I understand. Why are you shouting? | 0:40:30 | 0:40:35 | | tied off the kites? | 0:40:35 | 0:40:39 | |
Of course. | 0:40:39 | 0:40:41 | |
-Oh...all right... -BONG! | 0:40:41 | 0:40:43 | |
-Check the generator. -Yes, master. | 0:40:45 | 0:40:47 | |
-Aye-gor, release the safety valve on the main wheel. -Yes, master. | 0:40:55 | 0:41:00 | |
Can you imagine the brain of Hans Delbruck in this body? | 0:41:06 | 0:41:10 | |
Ah! Frederick! | 0:41:10 | 0:41:12 | |
THIS is the moment! | 0:41:12 | 0:41:15 | |
Well, dear... | 0:41:15 | 0:41:17 | |
-..are you ready? -Yes, Doktor. | 0:41:18 | 0:41:21 | |
ELEVATE me! | 0:41:23 | 0:41:25 | |
Now?! Right here? | 0:41:26 | 0:41:28 | |
-Yes, yes. Raise the platform. -Oh, ze platform. Zat, ya! | 0:41:29 | 0:41:36 | |
From that fateful day when stinking bits of slime first crawled from the sea | 0:41:54 | 0:42:01 | |
and shouted to the stars, | 0:42:01 | 0:42:03 | |
"I...AM...MAN," | 0:42:03 | 0:42:07 | |
our greatest dread has been the knowledge of our mortality. | 0:42:07 | 0:42:12 | |
But tonight, | 0:42:12 | 0:42:14 | |
we shall HURL the gauntlet of science into the frightful face of death! | 0:42:14 | 0:42:20 | |
TONIGHT we shall ascend into the heavens... | 0:42:23 | 0:42:28 | |
-A CLAP OF THUNDER -..We shall mock the earthquake... | 0:42:28 | 0:42:33 | |
we SHALL COMMAND the THUNDERS, | 0:42:33 | 0:42:36 | |
and PENETRATE into the very womb of impervious Nature... | 0:42:36 | 0:42:43 | |
HERSELF! | 0:42:43 | 0:42:45 | |
A CRESCENDO OF THUNDER | 0:42:45 | 0:42:48 | |
When I give the word, throw the first switch! | 0:42:53 | 0:42:56 | |
You've got it, master. | 0:42:56 | 0:43:00 | |
-WIND HOWLS LOUDLY -Get ready... | 0:43:00 | 0:43:05 | |
Get set... | 0:43:08 | 0:43:10 | |
GO! | 0:43:10 | 0:43:11 | |
CRACKLE OF ELECTRICITY | 0:43:11 | 0:43:17 | |
Throw the second switch! | 0:43:17 | 0:43:19 | |
CRACKLE OF ELECTRICITY | 0:43:19 | 0:43:24 | |
-Throw the third switch! -Not...the third switch! | 0:43:24 | 0:43:29 | |
THROW IT, I SAY! THROW IT! | 0:43:29 | 0:43:31 | |
LIFE! | 0:43:43 | 0:43:45 | |
LIFE! Do you hear me?! | 0:43:45 | 0:43:48 | |
Give my creation LI-I-I-I-I-F-F-F-F-E-E-E-E! | 0:43:48 | 0:43:53 | |
Turn everything off, and bring me down. | 0:44:14 | 0:44:18 | |
Nothing. | 0:45:24 | 0:45:25 | |
-Oh, Doktor, I'm sorry... -No, no, be of good cheer. | 0:45:25 | 0:45:31 | |
If science teaches us anything, | 0:45:31 | 0:45:35 | |
it teaches us to accept our failures as well as our successes, | 0:45:35 | 0:45:40 | |
with...quiet...dignity... | 0:45:40 | 0:45:46 | |
and grace. | 0:45:46 | 0:45:48 | |
SON-OF-A-BITCH! BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?! | 0:45:58 | 0:46:03 | |
-WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?! -STOP IT! You'll kill him! | 0:46:03 | 0:46:08 | |
I DON'T WANT TO LIVE! | 0:46:09 | 0:46:12 | |
I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE! | 0:46:12 | 0:46:15 | |
Quiet dignity and grace(!) | 0:46:16 | 0:46:19 | |
Oh, Mama! | 0:46:19 | 0:46:22 | |
Oh, tosh! | 0:46:24 | 0:46:26 | |
This man is different, I tell you. You can see that by talking to him for five minutes. | 0:46:26 | 0:46:32 | |
Yes? | 0:46:33 | 0:46:35 | |
He's a FRANKENSTEIN! | 0:46:36 | 0:46:38 | |
They're ALL alike! | 0:46:38 | 0:46:40 | |
It's in their blood. They can't help it. | 0:46:40 | 0:46:45 | |
All these scientists - they're ALL alike. | 0:46:45 | 0:46:48 | |
They say they're working for us, but what they really want is to rule the world! | 0:46:48 | 0:46:54 | |
YES! RIGHT! | 0:46:54 | 0:46:56 | |
That's enough! I do not want the meeting to become a free-for-all. | 0:47:00 | 0:47:05 | |
These are very serious charges! | 0:47:05 | 0:47:08 | |
All the more painful to us, your elders, because we still have nightmares from five times before! | 0:47:08 | 0:47:16 | |
Now, we haven't heard from the one man best qualified to judge the situation fairly. | 0:47:16 | 0:47:22 | |
MUTTERING | 0:47:22 | 0:47:23 | |
Inspector Kemp! Will you talk to us, please? | 0:47:23 | 0:47:29 | |
A riot is an UGLY zink. | 0:47:55 | 0:47:59 | |
Und once you get von started... | 0:47:59 | 0:48:03 | |
there is LITTLE chance of stopping it... | 0:48:03 | 0:48:07 | |
short of bloodshed! | 0:48:07 | 0:48:10 | |
I zink zat before we go around killing people, | 0:48:10 | 0:48:15 | |
we had better make DAMN SURE of our evidence! | 0:48:15 | 0:48:21 | |
Und... | 0:48:22 | 0:48:24 | | had better confirm ze fact zat Dr Frankenstein is indeed | 0:48:28 | 0:48:35 | |
following in his grandfather's FOOT-STOPS! | 0:48:35 | 0:48:39 | |
ALL: WHAT?! | 0:48:39 | 0:48:40 | |
Following in his grandfather's footSTOPS...footSTOPS! | 0:48:40 | 0:48:45 | |
FOOTSTEPS! SILENCE! | 0:48:45 | 0:48:47 | |
Vhat is in order... | 0:48:47 | 0:48:50 | | for ME to pay a little visit on ze good doktor... | 0:48:51 | 0:48:56 | |
und to have a nice quiet chat-t! | 0:48:56 | 0:49:02 | |
Reputation! | 0:49:06 | 0:49:09 | |
REPUTATION! | 0:49:09 | 0:49:11 | |
Oh, Doktor, you mustn't do zis to yourself. | 0:49:11 | 0:49:16 | |
You must stop thinking about it. | 0:49:16 | 0:49:18 | |
Look! You haven't touched your food. | 0:49:18 | 0:49:22 | |
There! | 0:49:23 | 0:49:24 | |
Now I've touched it! Happy?! | 0:49:26 | 0:49:30 | |
You know, I'll never forget my old dad when these things would happen to him. | 0:49:30 | 0:49:36 | |
The things he'd say to me! | 0:49:36 | 0:49:39 | |
What did he say? | 0:49:39 | 0:49:41 | |
What the hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night? GET OUT! Give someone else a chance! | 0:49:41 | 0:49:48 | |
Oh, maybe it's better this way. | 0:49:54 | 0:49:57 | |
The poor lifeless hulk... maybe he's better off dead. | 0:49:57 | 0:50:02 | |
Mmmmm... | 0:50:16 | 0:50:18 | |
-What is this? -Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte. | 0:50:22 | 0:50:25 | |
Mmmm...mmmmmm! | 0:50:25 | 0:50:28 | |
Do you like it? I'm not partial to desserts myself. | 0:50:28 | 0:50:32 | |
Who are you talking to? | 0:50:32 | 0:50:34 | |
To you. You made yummy sounds. I thought you liked the dessert. | 0:50:36 | 0:50:39 | |
-I didn't make yummy sounds. I asked you what it is. -I heard you. | 0:50:39 | 0:50:45 | |
-It wasn't me. -It wasn't me. | 0:50:45 | 0:50:48 | |
Look here, if it wasn't you, and it wasn't you... | 0:50:48 | 0:50:52 | |
Mmmmmm! | 0:50:53 | 0:50:56 | |
Mmmm. Mmmm. | 0:51:09 | 0:51:12 | |
Alive! It's ALIVE! | 0:51:12 | 0:51:17 | |
It's Al-I-I-I-V-V-E-E-E! | 0:51:17 | 0:51:20 | |
Stand back. | 0:51:22 | 0:51:24 | |
Hello, there. | 0:51:31 | 0:51:34 | |
-I'm going to set you free. -Mmmm... | 0:51:34 | 0:51:38 | |
-(Is the sedative ready?) -Yes. | 0:51:39 | 0:51:42 | |
Mmmmm! | 0:51:48 | 0:51:51 | | to...sit...up. | 0:51:56 | 0:52:01 | |
Mmmm! | 0:52:04 | 0:52:05 | |
Stand...on...your...feet. | 0:52:15 | 0:52:19 | |
Mmm...! | 0:52:19 | 0:52:21 | |
MMMMmmm...MMMMmmmm! | 0:52:21 | 0:52:23 | |
You can do it! | 0:52:23 | 0:52:25 | |
MMMmmm! | 0:52:27 | 0:52:28 | |
Mmmm... | 0:52:29 | 0:52:32 | |
Now...walk! | 0:52:34 | 0:52:37 | |
-Oh, Doktor, I'm frightened! -Don't worry. | 0:52:44 | 0:52:47 | |
Mmmm. | 0:52:47 | 0:52:50 | |
Good. | 0:52:51 | 0:52:53 | |
Mmmm! | 0:52:54 | 0:52:57 | |
Mmmmm! Mmm! Mmmm! | 0:52:57 | 0:53:00 | |
What's the matter? Give him the... | 0:53:00 | 0:53:03 | |
-QUICK, give him the... -Give him the what? | 0:53:03 | 0:53:07 | |
Three syllables. First syllable. | 0:53:07 | 0:53:10 | |
-Sounds like.... -Head... Sounds like head! | 0:53:10 | 0:53:14 | | -Said...? | 0:53:14 | 0:53:16 | |
Second syllable. Little word. Zis...zat...ze...? | 0:53:16 | 0:53:24 | |
-Said - a....? -Said - a....? | 0:53:24 | 0:53:29 | |
Said a dirty word? | 0:53:29 | 0:53:32 | |
Sounds like...give. | 0:53:32 | 0:53:36 | |
Give him a sed-a-give? | 0:53:36 | 0:53:38 | |
-OH, YES! Here it is! The sedative! -On the nose! | 0:53:38 | 0:53:41 | |
Mmmmm! | 0:53:45 | 0:53:48 | |
Mmmmm...Mmmmm...Mmmm... | 0:53:48 | 0:53:51 | |
Sed-a-give?! | 0:54:02 | 0:54:04 | |
-Oh, Frederick, are you all right? -Yes. | 0:54:11 | 0:54:15 | |
-Would you excuse us one minute, dear? -Of course. | 0:54:16 | 0:54:21 | |
Aye-gor? | 0:54:21 | 0:54:22 | |
-May I speak to you for a moment? -Of course. | 0:54:23 | 0:54:27 | |
-Sit down, won't you? -Thank you. | 0:54:27 | 0:54:30 | |
-No, up HERE! -Thank you. | 0:54:32 | 0:54:36 | |
Now...that brain you gave me... | 0:54:40 | 0:54:44 | |
was it Hans Delbruck's? | 0:54:44 | 0:54:47 | |
-...No. -Ah! | 0:54:47 | 0:54:50 | |
Good! | 0:54:50 | 0:54:52 | |
Er...would you mind telling me... | 0:54:52 | 0:54:55 | |
whose brain... | 0:54:55 | 0:54:59 | |
I DID put in? | 0:54:59 | 0:55:01 | |
-And you won't be angry? | 0:55:01 | 0:55:05 | |
Abby...someone. | 0:55:05 | 0:55:07 | |
Abby...someone? | 0:55:09 | 0:55:11 | |
Abby...WHO? | 0:55:11 | 0:55:12 | |
Abby...NORMAL. | 0:55:12 | 0:55:15 | |
ABBY NORMAL?! | 0:55:15 | 0:55:18 | |
I'm sure that was the name. | 0:55:18 | 0:55:21 | |
ARE you saying...that I put... an ABNORMAL brain... | 0:55:25 | 0:55:30 | |
into a 7-and-a-half foot long... | 0:55:30 | 0:55:35 | |
54-inch wide... | 0:55:35 | 0:55:39 | |
GORILLA?! | 0:55:39 | 0:55:42 | |
Is that what you're telling me?! | 0:55:42 | 0:55:45 | |
-Quick, give him the... -What? | 0:55:45 | 0:55:49 | |
Three syllables, yes. | 0:55:49 | 0:55:51 | |
-LOUD CLANGING > -I wonder who that could be? | 0:55:51 | 0:55:56 | |
CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! | 0:55:56 | 0:55:59 | |
Inga, quick, see who that is. | 0:56:00 | 0:56:03 | |
YOU! Put that...THING back on the operating table. | 0:56:03 | 0:56:09 | |
And strap him down tightly! | 0:56:09 | 0:56:13 | |
-Where are you going? -To wash up, to look normal, we've all got to behave normally. | 0:56:14 | 0:56:19 | |
HA! MONSTERS?! | 0:56:21 | 0:56:24 | |
Excellent zhot-t! | 0:56:29 | 0:56:31 | |
This is the 20th century. Monsters are passe like ghosts and goblins. | 0:56:31 | 0:56:35 | |
NOT to ze people of zis village, Herr Doktor. | 0:56:35 | 0:56:40 | |
To zem it is a very real zing! | 0:56:41 | 0:56:45 | |
ESPECIALLY when zere is a Frankenstein residing in zis house. | 0:56:45 | 0:56:52 | |
Nice grouping. | 0:57:06 | 0:57:08 | |
Zank you. | 0:57:08 | 0:57:10 | |
I wouldn't think an intelligent person like you'd fall for that superstitious ROT! | 0:57:12 | 0:57:19 | |
It's not superstition zat worries me, Herr Doktor, it's genes and CHROMOSOMES. | 0:57:19 | 0:57:25 | |
Rubbish! | 0:57:26 | 0:57:27 | |
So you might say, but zis is TRANSYLVANIA... | 0:57:27 | 0:57:31 | |
..Und you are...A FRANKENSTEIN! | 0:57:34 | 0:57:37 | |
-You seem upset by zis discussion? -Not in the least... | 0:57:40 | 0:57:46 | |
MIA-OOOOW! > | 0:57:46 | 0:57:48 | |
I find it extremely amusing... that's all. | 0:57:48 | 0:57:51 | |
CRASHING > | 0:57:51 | 0:57:52 | |
Well, this was fun, and now, if you don't mind, I'm a little tired. | 0:57:52 | 0:57:57 | |
Hah! | 0:57:57 | 0:57:59 | |
May I give ze villagers your complete assurance, | 0:57:59 | 0:58:02 | |
zat you have NO interest WHATSOEVER in carrying on your grandfather's vork? | 0:58:02 | 0:58:08 | |
Mmmmmm! | 0:58:08 | 0:58:10 | |
-May I take zat for a yes? -Mmmmmm. | 0:58:10 | 0:58:14 | |
Very well. | 0:58:14 | 0:58:16 | |
-You can find your way out? -Of course. | 0:58:16 | 0:58:20 | |
Until ve meet again... | 0:58:20 | 0:58:23 | |
Herr Baron. | 0:58:23 | 0:58:25 | |
Drop by any time, we're always open. | 0:58:25 | 0:58:29 | |
Oh, Victor! | 0:59:08 | 0:59:10 | |
Victor, ve have done it! | 0:59:10 | 0:59:15 | |
I'm going to set you free. | 0:59:18 | 0:59:21 | |
Would you like zat, my susser kopt? | 0:59:21 | 0:59:24 | |
Mmmm! | 0:59:24 | 0:59:26 | |
They wanted to hurt you, but I'm going to help you. | 0:59:33 | 0:59:39 | |
Thank heavens that's over. | 0:59:41 | 0:59:43 | |
-Frau Blucher! -< TERRIFIED NEIGHS | 0:59:43 | 0:59:47 | |
STOP! > | 0:59:47 | 0:59:48 | |
-Come NO closer! -What are you doing? -Setting him FREE! | 0:59:48 | 0:59:52 | |
NO! No, you mustn't! | 0:59:52 | 0:59:56 | |
Are you insane? | 0:59:56 | 0:59:58 | |
-He'll kill you! -No, he won't, he is as gentle as a lamb. | 0:59:58 | 1:00:04 | |
-Mmmm-MMMMMMM! -Argh! -Stand back! | 1:00:04 | 1:00:08 | |
Stand back! He has a rotten brain! | 1:00:08 | 1:00:10 | |
-It's NOT rotten, it's a GOOD brain! -It's rotten! Rotten! | 1:00:10 | 1:00:14 | |
Mmmmm! | 1:00:14 | 1:00:16 | |
IXNAY on the OTTEN-RAY! | 1:00:16 | 1:00:18 | |
I'm NOT afraid. I KNOW what he likes! | 1:00:20 | 1:00:23 | |
-Mmmmmmmm.... -SHE PLAYS WISTFUL MELODY | 1:00:23 | 1:00:28 | |
That music...? | 1:00:38 | 1:00:40 | |
YES! It's in your blood - in the blood of ALL Frankensteins! > | 1:00:40 | 1:00:46 | |
It reaches ze soul, when words are useless. | 1:00:46 | 1:00:50 | |
Your grandfather played it to his creature. | 1:00:50 | 1:00:53 | |
-Then it was YOU all the time? -YES! | 1:00:53 | 1:00:56 | |
-YOU played in the night! -YES! | 1:00:56 | 1:00:59 | |
-To get us into the lab. -YE-ES! | 1:00:59 | 1:01:02 | |
-It was YOUR cigar? -YE-E-SSS! | 1:01:02 | 1:01:05 | |
-And YOU left my grandfather's book open for me to find! -YE-E-E-SSSS! | 1:01:05 | 1:01:10 | |
-So I would... -YES! | 1:01:10 | 1:01:12 | |
-Then you and Victor were....? -YE-E-E-E-SSSSSS! | 1:01:12 | 1:01:15 | |
YE-E-E-E-E-ESSSSSSS! SAY IT! | 1:01:15 | 1:01:18 | |
HE VAS MY BOYFRIEND! | 1:01:18 | 1:01:21 | |
CREATURE SCREAMS | 1:01:21 | 1:01:24 | |
Mmm! Mmm! Mmmmm! | 1:01:24 | 1:01:27 | |
Mmmmm! Mmmmm! | 1:01:27 | 1:01:30 | |
You'll never catch him now! | 1:01:32 | 1:01:34 | |
He's FRE-E-E-E! | 1:01:34 | 1:01:36 | |
DO-OOO YOU-OOO HEAR? FRE-E-E-EE! | 1:01:36 | 1:01:39 | |
CREATURE ROARS | 1:01:39 | 1:01:42 | |
GONE! GONE! We've got to find him! Do you understand?! | 1:01:53 | 1:01:58 | |
We've got to find him before he kills someone! | 1:01:58 | 1:02:02 | |
What have I done?! | 1:02:02 | 1:02:04 | |
Oh, God in heaven! | 1:02:04 | 1:02:07 | |
WHAT HAVE I DONE?! | 1:02:07 | 1:02:10 | |
# Oh, I love my pretty little flowers | 1:02:16 | 1:02:19 | |
# Oh, I love my pretty little flowers | 1:02:19 | 1:02:23 | |
-# Oh, I love my flowers... # -Mmmmm! | 1:02:23 | 1:02:27 | |
Mmmmm? | 1:02:27 | 1:02:29 | |
Ze monster is loose! | 1:02:31 | 1:02:34 | |
Ze boards must be tight. | 1:02:34 | 1:02:37 | |
Thank God you put Helga to bed. With monster rumours I don't take chances. I remember ze last time. | 1:02:43 | 1:02:49 | |
I told you I was turning ze roastbraten. Don't you remember? | 1:02:49 | 1:02:54 | |
I asked YOU to put Helga to be..! | 1:02:54 | 1:02:56 | |
Now blow a kiss and say bye-bye. | 1:03:02 | 1:03:05 | |
Mmmmm. | 1:03:05 | 1:03:07 | |
Mmmm-Mmmm. | 1:03:08 | 1:03:10 | |
Oh, dear, nothing left. | 1:03:12 | 1:03:15 | |
What shall we throw in now? | 1:03:15 | 1:03:18 | |
Maybe she was in ze bathroom? | 1:03:22 | 1:03:24 | |
I didn't look upstairs, I thought you did! | 1:03:24 | 1:03:28 | |
You didn't look upstairs?! | 1:03:28 | 1:03:32 | |
Sit down. | 1:03:33 | 1:03:36 | |
Sit down! | 1:03:36 | 1:03:38 | |
Ahh! | 1:03:46 | 1:03:48 | |
A visitor is all I ask. | 1:04:23 | 1:04:26 | |
A temporary companion to help me pass a few hours of my lonely life. | 1:04:26 | 1:04:31 | |
Mmmmm! | 1:04:32 | 1:04:33 | |
Thank you, Lord. | 1:04:34 | 1:04:36 | |
Thank you! | 1:04:36 | 1:04:38 | |
-Mmmmmm? -Don't speak. Don't say a word. | 1:04:46 | 1:04:50 | |
Oh, my joy, and my prize from Heaven! | 1:04:50 | 1:04:54 | |
You must have been the tallest in your class. | 1:04:54 | 1:04:58 | |
My name is Harold. I live alone. | 1:04:58 | 1:05:01 | |
-What is your name? -Mmmmm! -I didn't get that. -Mmmmmmmm! | 1:05:01 | 1:05:06 | |
Ohhhhh! Forgive me, | 1:05:06 | 1:05:08 | |
I didn't realise you're a mute. | 1:05:08 | 1:05:12 | |
You see how Heaven plans! Me, a poor blind man. And you, you a mute. | 1:05:13 | 1:05:19 | |
An incredibly big mute. | 1:05:20 | 1:05:23 | |
Your hand's frozen. | 1:05:23 | 1:05:25 | |
-How does a nice bowl of soup sound to you? -Mmmmmmm! | 1:05:25 | 1:05:29 | |
I...I know what it means to be cold and hungry and how much it means to receive kindness from a stranger. | 1:05:39 | 1:05:46 | |
-Are you ready for your soup? -MMMMMMM! | 1:05:46 | 1:05:50 | |
Hold out your bowl, then. | 1:05:50 | 1:05:53 | |
-Come, my friend... -Mmm. -You don't know what this means to me... -Mmmmm! | 1:05:54 | 1:05:59 | |
How long I've waited for the pleasure of another human being. | 1:05:59 | 1:06:03 | |
-Sometimes... -MMMM! | 1:06:03 | 1:06:06 | |
Mmmmm! Mmm...Mmmm! | 1:06:06 | 1:06:08 | |
We forget the simple pleasures... | 1:06:08 | 1:06:11 | |
MMMMM! | 1:06:11 | 1:06:13 | |
...That are the basis for happiness. Yes! Yes! Yes! | 1:06:13 | 1:06:17 | |
A little wine with your soup, huh? | 1:06:17 | 1:06:20 | |
Mmmmmmmmmmm! | 1:06:20 | 1:06:22 | |
Mmmmmmmmmmmm! | 1:06:23 | 1:06:25 | |
Mmmmmmmmm! | 1:06:25 | 1:06:28 | |
-Mmmm! Mummm! Mummmmmm! -Enough, yes? | 1:06:31 | 1:06:35 | |
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! | 1:06:35 | 1:06:37 | |
Wait! | 1:06:39 | 1:06:40 | |
A toast....a toast... | 1:06:41 | 1:06:44 | |
to long friendship! | 1:06:44 | 1:06:47 | |
-How hungry you must have been! -Mmmmm... | 1:06:53 | 1:06:56 | |
Now I have a little surprise. I've saved it for a special occasion. | 1:06:56 | 1:07:01 | |
Cigars! | 1:07:05 | 1:07:07 | |
MMMM! | 1:07:13 | 1:07:15 | |
MMMMMMM! Mmm! | 1:07:15 | 1:07:17 | |
Fire is good. Yes, fire is good. | 1:07:17 | 1:07:21 | |
Fire is our friend. Yes, fire is good. | 1:07:21 | 1:07:26 | |
You see, you see? | 1:07:34 | 1:07:36 | |
Do you have your cigar? | 1:07:36 | 1:07:38 | |
Let me see...let me see. | 1:07:38 | 1:07:41 | |
Now... Now... Hold it right there. | 1:07:43 | 1:07:46 | |
Now, don't inhale until the tip glows. | 1:07:46 | 1:07:50 | |
WAAA! | 1:07:56 | 1:07:58 | |
CREATURE ROARS | 1:07:58 | 1:08:01 | |
Wait! | 1:08:08 | 1:08:09 | |
Wait! | 1:08:12 | 1:08:13 | |
Where are you going? | 1:08:13 | 1:08:16 | |
I was going to make espresso. | 1:08:16 | 1:08:19 | |
Mmmm! | 1:08:24 | 1:08:27 | |
WISTFUL VIOLIN MUSIC PLAYS | 1:08:30 | 1:08:32 | |
NOW! | 1:09:01 | 1:09:02 | |
Mmmmm! Mmmm! | 1:09:04 | 1:09:06 | |
The sedative! The sedative! | 1:09:06 | 1:09:09 | |
CREATURE GURGLES | 1:09:20 | 1:09:23 | |
He's out! | 1:09:25 | 1:09:27 | |
I...know. | 1:09:28 | 1:09:31 | |
I'm going in. | 1:09:38 | 1:09:40 | |
Bring me that candle! | 1:09:41 | 1:09:43 | |
-No... -YES-S! | 1:09:43 | 1:09:45 | |
Love is the only thing that can save this poor creature. | 1:09:49 | 1:09:55 | |
And I am going to CONVINCE him that he is loved | 1:09:55 | 1:09:59 | |
even at the cost of my own life! | 1:09:59 | 1:10:04 | |
No matter what you hear in there, no matter how cruelly I beg you... | 1:10:04 | 1:10:09 | |
no matter how terribly I may scream, | 1:10:09 | 1:10:12 | |
DO...NOT...OPEN...THIS...DOOR, or you'll undo all I've worked for. | 1:10:12 | 1:10:17 | |
Do you understand? DO...NOT...OPEN...THIS...DOOR! | 1:10:17 | 1:10:22 | |
Yes, Doktor. | 1:10:22 | 1:10:24 | |
Nice working with you. | 1:10:25 | 1:10:28 | |
Mmmm. | 1:10:51 | 1:10:53 | |
MMMM! | 1:10:54 | 1:10:56 | |
Mmmmmmm! | 1:10:56 | 1:10:58 | |
Let me out! Let me OUT! Get me the hell out of here! | 1:10:58 | 1:11:01 | |
WHAT'S the matter with you? I was JOKING! | 1:11:01 | 1:11:06 | |
Don't you know a joke when you hear one?! | 1:11:06 | 1:11:08 | |
Jesus Christ, get me out of here! | 1:11:10 | 1:11:13 | |
Open the door, or I'll kick your rotten heads in! | 1:11:16 | 1:11:20 | |
-MUMMY! -NEIN! | 1:11:20 | 1:11:23 | |
MMMMMMM! | 1:11:23 | 1:11:25 | |
Hello, handsome! | 1:11:35 | 1:11:36 | |
You're a good-looking fellow! | 1:11:40 | 1:11:42 | |
People laugh at you, people hate you, but why? | 1:11:42 | 1:11:48 | |
BECAUSE...THEY...ARE...JEALOUS! | 1:11:48 | 1:11:51 | |
MMMMmmmm?! | 1:11:51 | 1:11:53 | |
Look at that boyish face... | 1:11:53 | 1:11:56 | |
Look at that sweet smile. | 1:11:57 | 1:11:59 | |
Do you want to talk about physical strength? | 1:12:01 | 1:12:04 | |
Do you want to talk about sheer muscle? | 1:12:04 | 1:12:08 | |
DO YOU want to talk about the Olympian ideal? | 1:12:08 | 1:12:11 | |
YOU...ARE...A...GOD! | 1:12:11 | 1:12:14 | |
And listen to me... | 1:12:14 | 1:12:17 | |
you are NOT evil. | 1:12:17 | 1:12:21 | |
You...are...good! | 1:12:21 | 1:12:26 | |
HE WHIMPERS | 1:12:27 | 1:12:30 | |
-CREATURE SOBS -Oh... oh... This is a nice boy. | 1:12:31 | 1:12:36 | |
This is a good boy - | 1:12:36 | 1:12:39 | |
this is a mother's angel. | 1:12:39 | 1:12:43 | |
And I want the world to know... | 1:12:43 | 1:12:46 | |
once and for all, and without any shame, | 1:12:46 | 1:12:50 | |
that we LOVE HIM! | 1:12:50 | 1:12:55 | |
CREATURE WHIMPERS | 1:12:55 | 1:12:57 | |
I'm going to show you how to walk, how to speak, how to move, how to think! | 1:12:58 | 1:13:05 | | and I... | 1:13:05 | 1:13:08 | |
are going... to make...the greatest contribution to science... | 1:13:08 | 1:13:16 | |
since the creation of FIRE! | 1:13:16 | 1:13:20 | |
Dr FRONKONSTEEN, are you all right? | 1:13:20 | 1:13:23 | |
MY NAME IS... | 1:13:23 | 1:13:27 | |
FRANK-EN-STEIN! | 1:13:27 | 1:13:29 | |
Distinguished colleagues, ladies and gentlemen! | 1:14:20 | 1:14:24 | |
It is my great privilege to introduce to you, a man whose family name | 1:14:24 | 1:14:30 | |
was once both FAMOUS... | 1:14:30 | 1:14:32 | |
and INFAMOUS! | 1:14:32 | 1:14:35 | |
And now, may I present to you, Doktor Baron Friedrich Von Frankenstein! | 1:14:35 | 1:14:41 | |
ONLY THE PRESENTER APPLAUDS | 1:14:41 | 1:14:45 | |
-My fellow scientists... -AUDIENCE HISS | 1:14:49 | 1:14:53 | |
..And neurosurgeons, ladies and gentlemen. | 1:14:53 | 1:14:59 | |
A few weeks ago, coming from a background as conservative and traditionally scientific as you, | 1:14:59 | 1:15:06 | |
I began an experiment in - | 1:15:06 | 1:15:09 | |
incredulous as it may sound - | 1:15:09 | 1:15:12 | |
the reanimation of dead tissue. | 1:15:12 | 1:15:15 | |
What I have to offer you might possibly be... | 1:15:18 | 1:15:21 | |
the gateway to immortality. | 1:15:21 | 1:15:25 | |
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present for your intellectual and philosophical pleasure, | 1:15:30 | 1:15:37 | |
the Creature. | 1:15:37 | 1:15:39 | |
SCREAMS | 1:15:41 | 1:15:43 | |
Remain in your seats, I beg you. We are scientists, not children. | 1:15:44 | 1:15:51 | |
There is nothing to fear. | 1:15:51 | 1:15:54 | |
First, may I offer a neurological demonstration of the primary cerebellar functions - | 1:15:58 | 1:16:05 | |
balance and co-ordination. | 1:16:05 | 1:16:10 | |
Walk heel to toe. | 1:16:11 | 1:16:15 | |
Backwards! | 1:16:28 | 1:16:29 | |
Up until now you've seen the creature perform the simple mechanics of motor activity. | 1:16:44 | 1:16:50 | |
But for what you are about to see now we must enter, quietly, into the realm of genius. | 1:16:50 | 1:16:56 | |
Ladies and gentlemen, mesdames and messieurs, | 1:17:00 | 1:17:04 | |
damen und herren! | 1:17:04 | 1:17:06 | |
From what was once an inarticulate mass of lifeless tissue, | 1:17:06 | 1:17:10 | |
may I now present a cultured, sophisticated, man-about-town! | 1:17:10 | 1:17:17 | |
Hit it! | 1:17:21 | 1:17:23 | |
-MUSIC: "Puttin' On The Ritz" -# If you're blue and you don't know where to go to, | 1:17:25 | 1:17:29 | |
# Why don't you go where fashion sits? | 1:17:29 | 1:17:32 | |
# Puttin' on the RITZZZZZZZ! | 1:17:32 | 1:17:36 | |
# Different types who wear a day-coat, pants with stripes or cut-a-way coat, | 1:17:36 | 1:17:41 | |
# Perfect fits... | 1:17:41 | 1:17:43 | |
# PuttiNNNNNNNNNG On the RITZZZZ! | 1:17:43 | 1:17:46 | |
# Dressed up like a million-dollar trouper! | 1:17:46 | 1:17:50 | |
# Tryin' mighty hard to look like Gary Cooper... | 1:17:50 | 1:17:54 | |
# SUPER-RRRRRRR DUPER-RRRRR! | 1:17:54 | 1:17:57 | |
# Come let's mix where Rockefellers walk with sticks or umbrellas in their midst | 1:17:57 | 1:18:03 | |
# PuttING-G ON THE RITZZZZZ! # | 1:18:03 | 1:18:05 | |
CREATURE SCREAMS | 1:18:56 | 1:18:58 | |
It's nothing...NOTHING, I tell you. | 1:19:01 | 1:19:05 | |
5...6...7...8! | 1:19:05 | 1:19:07 | |
Come on! Do you want me to look a fool? | 1:19:10 | 1:19:14 | |
AUDIENCE BOO AND HISS | 1:19:14 | 1:19:16 | |
I beg you, don't humiliate him! | 1:19:20 | 1:19:23 | |
CREATURE ROARS | 1:19:25 | 1:19:27 | |
I will not let you destroy my work! I command you to come back! | 1:19:27 | 1:19:32 | |
MMMMMM! | 1:19:32 | 1:19:35 | |
THEY JEER | 1:20:08 | 1:20:10 | |
Chained... | 1:20:23 | 1:20:26 | |
Chained like a beast in a cage. | 1:20:26 | 1:20:28 | |
Oh, Doktor, I feel so terrible. | 1:20:28 | 1:20:31 | |
There's only one answer. If I could equalise the imbalance in his cerebro-spinal fluid, | 1:20:31 | 1:20:38 | |
he'd be as right as rain! | 1:20:38 | 1:20:42 | |
But how? HOW? | 1:20:42 | 1:20:44 | |
Before it's too late. | 1:20:44 | 1:20:46 | |
Oh, Frederick! | 1:20:46 | 1:20:48 | |
If ONLY I could relieve this torture you're going through. | 1:20:48 | 1:20:54 | |
-If there was a way... -Arrrr...Arr. -I could help you. -Arrr Arrrr! | 1:20:54 | 1:20:58 | |
-If there was some way... -Arrr...arr. -I could relieve the tension... -Arr, Arrrrr. -If I could give you peace! | 1:20:58 | 1:21:05 | |
Doktor, I have... | 1:21:12 | 1:21:15 | |
Doktor? | 1:21:15 | 1:21:16 | |
What is it? | 1:21:17 | 1:21:20 | |
Doktor, where are you? | 1:21:22 | 1:21:25 | |
A cable came while you were gone. | 1:21:38 | 1:21:42 | |
I thought I told you never to interrupt me while I'm WORKING! | 1:21:42 | 1:21:48 | |
I thought this vas an emergency. | 1:21:48 | 1:21:52 | |
-Your fiancee will be arriving ANY second! -WHAT?! | 1:21:52 | 1:21:57 | |
Elizabeth here?! Tonight?! | 1:21:57 | 1:21:59 | |
I go to prepare her room - at once. | 1:21:59 | 1:22:03 | |
I suggest you put on a tie! | 1:22:03 | 1:22:07 | |
Darling! | 1:22:24 | 1:22:26 | |
Darling! | 1:22:26 | 1:22:29 | |
-Surprised? -Surprised. -Love me? -Love you. | 1:22:29 | 1:22:33 | |
Well... | 1:22:33 | 1:22:34 | |
-Let's turn in. -DARLING?! | 1:22:36 | 1:22:39 | |
I'm sure you're feeling tired. I'll pay the driver. | 1:22:39 | 1:22:43 | |
Darling! | 1:22:43 | 1:22:44 | |
What?! | 1:22:44 | 1:22:46 | |
-Surprised? -Why...yes. | 1:22:47 | 1:22:50 | |
-Love me? | 1:22:50 | 1:22:52 | |
-Well... Let's turn in. -Oh! -Darling? | 1:22:52 | 1:22:56 | |
-Say nothing. Act casual. -Ready? | 1:22:56 | 1:22:59 | |
I...I...I think...yes. | 1:22:59 | 1:23:02 | |
I AM a bit tired, after all! | 1:23:02 | 1:23:05 | |
My assistants, Inga and Aye-gor. | 1:23:06 | 1:23:09 | |
How do you do? | 1:23:09 | 1:23:12 | |
How do YOU do? | 1:23:12 | 1:23:14 | |
-My financier, Elizabeth. -I'm so happy to meet you. | 1:23:14 | 1:23:18 | |
-My fiancee. -Darling, what is it EXACTLY that you DO do? | 1:23:18 | 1:23:24 | |
Well, assist Dr Fronkonsteen in the lab. | 1:23:26 | 1:23:30 | |
-We have intellectual discussions. We were just having one... -May I? | 1:23:30 | 1:23:37 | |
Wait a minute, wait a minute. | 1:23:37 | 1:23:39 | |
-Aye-gor, would you give me a hand with the bags? -You take the blonde, I'll take the one in the turban. | 1:23:39 | 1:23:45 | |
-Oh... -GRRRRRRRR! | 1:23:45 | 1:23:47 | |
Grrrrrrrl! Grrrrrrrrrrr! | 1:23:47 | 1:23:49 | |
-Woof! Woof! -Stop that. I meant the luggage. -Yes, master. | 1:23:49 | 1:23:54 | |
Ladies, this way. | 1:23:54 | 1:23:58 | |
-It'll be a long night. If you need help with the girls... -GET IN! | 1:23:58 | 1:24:03 | |
-MmMMMMMMmm! -< Ha-ha-ha-haaaa! | 1:24:06 | 1:24:08 | |
< Settle down now. | 1:24:08 | 1:24:11 | |
We're gonna be PALS! | 1:24:11 | 1:24:15 | |
-RIGHT? -Mmmmmmm! | 1:24:16 | 1:24:20 | |
Nice and cosy. | 1:24:20 | 1:24:22 | |
Just like old friends. | 1:24:22 | 1:24:26 | |
-MMMMMM! -What's the matter? | 1:24:33 | 1:24:35 | |
-MMMMM! -Are you afraid of fire? | 1:24:35 | 1:24:38 | |
-It can't hurt you. SEE? -MMMMMM! -Ha-ha! | 1:24:38 | 1:24:42 | |
Some monster you are. My mother vas right. | 1:24:42 | 1:24:47 | |
Little boys aren't supposed to play with fire. | 1:24:47 | 1:24:50 | |
-MMMMMMMM! -Should they? -MMMMMM! -Cos they might get hurt! | 1:24:50 | 1:24:54 | |
HALT! | 1:25:19 | 1:25:21 | |
(Up!) | 1:25:21 | 1:25:23 | |
A riot is-s an ugly zing! | 1:25:23 | 1:25:27 | |
But I zink it is time zat ve had one! | 1:25:27 | 1:25:32 | |
KILL THE MONSTER! | 1:25:34 | 1:25:36 | |
As heaven is my witness... (UP...) | 1:25:36 | 1:25:39 | |
He vill curse ze day he vas born | 1:25:39 | 1:25:44 | |
A FRANKENSTEIN! | 1:25:44 | 1:25:46 | |
ALL: WHAT? | 1:25:46 | 1:25:48 | |
I said he vill curse ze day he vas born a Frankenstein. | 1:25:48 | 1:25:53 | |
ALL: YAY! | 1:25:53 | 1:25:56 | |
BURN HIM! BURN HIM! BURN HIM! | 1:25:56 | 1:25:59 | |
Loose...he's broken LOOSE. | 1:26:09 | 1:26:13 | |
-You know what that means? -Darling, you mustn't worry. | 1:26:13 | 1:26:19 | |
-I suppose you're right. -Of course I am. | 1:26:20 | 1:26:24 | |
-Come along like a good boy. -What would I do without you? | 1:26:24 | 1:26:29 | |
Is your room just down the hall in case I get the frights tonight? | 1:26:29 | 1:26:34 | |
Yes...but tonight... under the circumstances... | 1:26:34 | 1:26:38 | |
I might...stay here with you. | 1:26:38 | 1:26:40 | |
Would YOU want me LIKE THIS...NOW? | 1:26:40 | 1:26:43 | |
So soon before our wedding? So near that we can almost touch it? | 1:26:43 | 1:26:48 | |
YES! I DO! | 1:26:50 | 1:26:53 | |
Or... | 1:26:53 | 1:26:55 | |
Just wait a little while longer when I can give myself to you without hesitation. | 1:26:55 | 1:27:00 | |
When I can be totally, unashamedly, and legally yours. | 1:27:00 | 1:27:05 | |
-It's a tough choice. -You're a tough guy. | 1:27:08 | 1:27:13 | |
-I suppose you're right. -Of course I am. I always am! | 1:27:15 | 1:27:20 | |
Now give me a kiss and say good night. | 1:27:20 | 1:27:23 | |
No tongues! | 1:27:26 | 1:27:28 | |
-Good night, darling. -Hmmm. | 1:27:34 | 1:27:37 | |
-Good night, sweetheart. -Hmmm. | 1:27:37 | 1:27:40 | |
-I love you. -I love you, too. | 1:27:40 | 1:27:43 | |
-You love me? -Hummmm hmmm! -I love you, honey. | 1:27:43 | 1:27:46 | |
-Sweet dreams, darling. -Hummm hmmm! -Don't let the bugs bite. | 1:27:46 | 1:27:51 | |
Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm! | 1:27:54 | 1:27:56 | |
Mmmm! | 1:27:56 | 1:27:58 | |
# He loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword | 1:27:58 | 1:28:03 | |
# His truth is marching on! Daaa daaa-la-da-da! | 1:28:03 | 1:28:09 | |
# Glo-ry, glo-ry, hall-e-lujah | 1:28:09 | 1:28:13 | |
# Glo-ry, glo-ry, hall-e-lujah. # | 1:28:13 | 1:28:19 | |
SHE SCREAMS | 1:28:19 | 1:28:21 | |
DOG BARKS | 1:28:28 | 1:28:31 | |
Mmmmmmmmmm! | 1:28:36 | 1:28:38 | |
Where am I? | 1:29:05 | 1:29:07 | |
W...W...Who are you? | 1:29:09 | 1:29:12 | |
What d-d-do you want? | 1:29:12 | 1:29:14 | |
MMMMmmmmmmmmm(!) | 1:29:14 | 1:29:15 | |
Calm down! | 1:29:15 | 1:29:17 | |
I'm not afraid of you. | 1:29:17 | 1:29:20 | |
Let me go. My father is very rich. You can have the world. | 1:29:20 | 1:29:24 | |
Listen! I HAVE to be back by 11.30. I'm expecting an important call. | 1:29:24 | 1:29:30 | |
-Mmmmmmm! -SPEAK! Why don't you SPEAK? | 1:29:30 | 1:29:33 | |
Oh...oh! | 1:29:33 | 1:29:36 | |
You CAN'T be serious? | 1:29:36 | 1:29:38 | |
Mmmmmmm! | 1:29:38 | 1:29:40 | |
I'm a...I'm... | 1:29:40 | 1:29:42 | |
OH, MY GOD! | 1:29:42 | 1:29:44 | |
WOOF! | 1:29:44 | 1:29:46 | |
Mmmmmmm! | 1:29:46 | 1:29:48 | |
I...I...I'm engaged, but I...I didn't. It was never..! | 1:29:49 | 1:29:53 | |
OH! | 1:29:53 | 1:29:54 | |
ARRR! | 1:29:54 | 1:29:55 | |
OOOOOH! OOOOHHHHHH! ARRRRRR! | 1:29:55 | 1:29:58 | |
# Oooohhh sw-e-e-e-t mystery of life At last I've fou-n-n-nd you-oooo | 1:29:58 | 1:30:05 | |
# Oooooooh at la-s-st I know the secret of it all! # | 1:30:05 | 1:30:12 | |
Shh! | 1:30:18 | 1:30:20 | |
-A penny for your thoughts. -Mmmmmmmmmm! | 1:30:41 | 1:30:45 | |
You're incorrigible, aren't you? | 1:30:45 | 1:30:48 | |
Mmmm, you little zipper-neck! | 1:30:48 | 1:30:51 | |
MMmmmm! | 1:30:51 | 1:30:53 | |
All right... | 1:30:53 | 1:30:56 | |
Seven has always been my...lucky number. | 1:30:56 | 1:30:59 | |
-Come over here, you HOT monster! -Mmmmmmmmm! | 1:30:59 | 1:31:04 | |
WISTFUL MELODY PLAYS > | 1:31:04 | 1:31:06 | |
-What is it? -Mmmmm. -What's wrong? | 1:31:06 | 1:31:09 | |
-Mmmmmm. -Is it that music? -Mmmmmm! | 1:31:09 | 1:31:11 | |
Probably from a nearby cottage, nothing to worry about. | 1:31:11 | 1:31:16 | |
Where are you going? | 1:31:16 | 1:31:18 | |
You men are all alike! Seven or eight quick ones and you're off with the boys to BOAST and BRAG! | 1:31:18 | 1:31:24 | |
You'd better keep your mouth shut! | 1:31:24 | 1:31:27 | |
Oh, I think I love him. | 1:31:27 | 1:31:30 | |
WISTFUL VIOLIN MUSIC PLAYS | 1:31:35 | 1:31:38 | |
FOOTSTEPS > Oh, look, he's coming back! | 1:32:12 | 1:32:18 | |
Keep playing! It's the music that's bringing him back! | 1:32:18 | 1:32:23 | |
Mmmmmm...Mmmmmmm.... | 1:32:23 | 1:32:26 | |
COME ON! Come on! You can do it! | 1:32:41 | 1:32:45 | |
COME ON! YOU CAN DO IT! | 1:32:51 | 1:32:53 | |
Mmmmmmm...? | 1:32:55 | 1:32:56 | |
Mmmmm.... MMMMMmmm! | 1:32:56 | 1:32:59 | |
Don't touch him! | 1:32:59 | 1:33:01 | |
-He wants to do it by himself. -Arrh....mmmm...arh! | 1:33:01 | 1:33:04 | |
YOU...CAN...DO...IT! | 1:33:04 | 1:33:07 | | creation. | 1:33:07 | 1:33:10 | |
Quick, catch him! | 1:33:19 | 1:33:22 | |
Have the preparations been made for the transference? | 1:33:25 | 1:33:29 | |
-Yes, Doktor. -Are you sure you want to do it? | 1:33:29 | 1:33:33 | |
It's the only thing that can save him. | 1:33:33 | 1:33:36 | |
You realise you're risking BOTH your lives? | 1:33:36 | 1:33:40 | |
Ye-es. | 1:33:41 | 1:33:43 | |
SWITCH IT ON! | 1:33:55 | 1:33:57 | |
-How do we know when they're done? -The doctor said 15 minutes. | 1:34:17 | 1:34:21 | |
NOT ONE second MORE or LESS! | 1:34:21 | 1:34:25 | |
ALL: KILL HIM! | 1:34:28 | 1:34:30 | |
-How long now? -Two more minutes. | 1:34:34 | 1:34:38 | |
EINS...ZWEI... | 1:34:38 | 1:34:41 | |
DREI... CHARGE! | 1:34:41 | 1:34:43 | |
EINS...ZWEI...DREI... CHARGE! | 1:34:43 | 1:34:47 | |
EINS....ZWEI...DREI... CHARGE! | 1:34:47 | 1:34:50 | |
-What's that noise? -I don't know. -What time is it? | 1:34:58 | 1:35:01 | |
Almost time! | 1:35:01 | 1:35:03 | |
The villagers! | 1:35:07 | 1:35:09 | |
No! NO! Just another seven seconds! | 1:35:13 | 1:35:17 | |
NO! NO!! NOOOOOOOO! | 1:35:23 | 1:35:25 | |
Put that man down! | 1:35:25 | 1:35:28 | |
The monster? It is! | 1:35:28 | 1:35:30 | |
I said, put that man down! | 1:35:30 | 1:35:33 | |
Who do you zink you are, zat you order zese people about? | 1:35:42 | 1:35:47 | |
I am THE MONSTER! | 1:35:47 | 1:35:50 | |
I...I...I see you are ze Monster. | 1:35:51 | 1:35:54 | |
As long as I can remember, people have hated me. | 1:35:54 | 1:35:58 | |
They look at my face and my body, and they run away in horror. | 1:35:59 | 1:36:05 | |
In my loneliness, I decided that if I could not inspire love, which was my deepest hope, | 1:36:05 | 1:36:11 | |
I would instead cause FEAR! | 1:36:11 | 1:36:13 | |
ALL GASP | 1:36:13 | 1:36:15 | |
I live... | 1:36:15 | 1:36:17 | |
because this poor, half-crazed genius has given me life. | 1:36:17 | 1:36:24 | |
He alone held an image of me as something beautiful. | 1:36:24 | 1:36:29 | |
And then, when it would have been easy enough to stay out of danger, | 1:36:29 | 1:36:35 | |
he used his body as a guinea-pig... | 1:36:35 | 1:36:38 | |
to give me a calmer brain... | 1:36:38 | 1:36:41 | |
and a...more...sophisticated way of expressing myself. | 1:36:41 | 1:36:48 | |
Zis is, of course, a different situation. | 1:36:49 | 1:36:53 | |
As ze leader of zis community, may I be ze first to offer you my hand in friendship? | 1:36:53 | 1:37:01 | |
-Thank you. -You are entirely welcome. | 1:37:07 | 1:37:10 | |
And now let us go to my house for a little sponge cake and wine. | 1:37:10 | 1:37:16 | |
Oh, shit! | 1:37:16 | 1:37:18 | |
To the lumber-yard! | 1:37:20 | 1:37:23 | |
FREDDY HUMS THE WEDDING MARCH | 1:37:38 | 1:37:40 | |
# De dum dum | 1:37:40 | 1:37:42 | |
# De dal da dum dum. # | 1:37:42 | 1:37:45 | |
Hello...Mrs Frankenstein. | 1:37:45 | 1:37:48 | |
MRS FRANKENSTEIN! What a beautiful name! | 1:37:48 | 1:37:52 | |
-Oh, darling! -Hold on to your hat! | 1:37:52 | 1:37:56 | |
What? | 1:37:56 | 1:37:57 | |
I'll be right back! | 1:37:57 | 1:38:01 | |
Wow, wow, wow... | 1:38:04 | 1:38:05 | |
wow, wow, wow, wow, WOW! | 1:38:05 | 1:38:07 | |
# De dum de dum | 1:38:09 | 1:38:11 | |
# De dum de... | 1:38:11 | 1:38:13 | |
I'm holding onto it, darling. | 1:38:14 | 1:38:18 | |
< Just a few more seconds! | 1:38:18 | 1:38:21 | |
SHE HUMS THE WISTFUL MELODY # La lee la la la | 1:38:29 | 1:38:33 | |
# La de daa laa! | 1:38:33 | 1:38:35 | |
# La laaa dee laa! | 1:38:35 | 1:38:40 | |
# Las de da da dee | 1:38:40 | 1:38:46 | |
# La dee laa dee... # | 1:38:46 | 1:38:52 | |
ELIZABETH HUMS | 1:38:52 | 1:38:54 | |
# Laaaa laaa daaa dum... # Honey! | 1:38:57 | 1:39:00 | |
I hope you didn't find Daddy's party TOO boring. He did it JUST for you. | 1:39:00 | 1:39:05 | |
-Tell me you liked it. -Mmm-mmm. | 1:39:05 | 1:39:07 | |
Honey, did you see? I put a hamper in the bathroom for shirts, | 1:39:07 | 1:39:12 | |
and one for socks and poo-poo undies. | 1:39:12 | 1:39:16 | |
Here I come! | 1:39:16 | 1:39:18 | |
# Doo doo doo-oop dooo do! | 1:39:27 | 1:39:30 | |
# Der dooo doo der doooo! | 1:39:30 | 1:39:32 | |
# Tcha! | 1:39:32 | 1:39:35 | |
Mmmm...! | 1:39:35 | 1:39:37 | |
Mmmmmmmmm...! | 1:39:37 | 1:39:41 | |
Mmmmmmmmmm! | 1:39:41 | 1:39:45 | |
Mmmmmmm! Ze feeling is mutual. | 1:39:45 | 1:39:47 | |
You know, it's a puzzle. There's something I've always wanted to ask you about that operation. | 1:39:49 | 1:39:56 | |
In ze transference part, ze monster got part of your wonderful brain, | 1:39:56 | 1:40:02 | |
but what did you get from him? | 1:40:02 | 1:40:04 | |
Mmmmmmmmmm...! | 1:40:07 | 1:40:13 | |
Oh, NO! OH! I DON'T believe it...OH! | 1:40:13 | 1:40:16 | |
Ahh! OH! OH! OOH! | 1:40:16 | 1:40:18 | |
# Oh, swee-e-e-t mystery of life At las-s-st I've fo-o-und you-oo! # | 1:40:18 | 1:40:25 |