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that. Also his contacts with Russian officials. Earlier today, I spoke to


a Democratic congressmen, a member of the house intelligence committee,


I asked him what he hopes to hear from Mr Sessions.


What do you want to hear from Jeff Sessions when he testifies in the


Senate? I think we're going to have a chance


to hear from Jeff Sessions. Most importantly about whether or not the


reserve third meeting with the Russian ambassador in Washington,


that is going to be very important. Also, get an update about his


working relationship with the White House. There had been some


discussion about the possibility that he offered his resignation,


which is very troubling. We don't understand why that would be,


whether it was just friction between he and the president, or some more


substantive issue that committee should know about. So there should


be very important issues today. You sit on the house intelligence


committee, and you have just been given extra funding for the Russian


investigation. What I do looking at? You're looking at the idea of


whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians,


or obstruction of justice, or are you looking at the possibility of


perjury? Certainly, the special Council is


the one we will be most concerned with any crimes that were committed,


obstruction of justice, perjury. For the intelligence committee, we want


to make sure of two things. Number one, that we take all measures to


prevent any kind of foreign interference with American elections


in the future, whether it is 2018 or the next essential election. And we


have to do that to dissuade not only the Russians but any other foreign


government or non-state actor who has the cyber capabilities to mess


with America's elections will stop we need to dissuade them from doing


that. Every American is owed the answer to this question, whether


part of what happened was an inside job, whether any American or


Americans, spires are coordinated or colluded with the Russians who


interfered with our 2016 elections. The committee will try to get to the


bottom of that. I am sure you have heard this from


Republican voters in your district, there is some sense that the


Democrats are out to make the Trump residency fail whatever it takes.


Listening to what you want to hear from Jeff Sessions, he had another


meeting, maybe with a Russian ambassador at the Mayflower hotel.


It doesn't sounds terribly nefarious. You can understand why


there are Trump supporters who are very critical of Democrats of the


moment, who think they are pushing this all Russian investigation too


far. I have heard that sentiment out


there, and I think the president has a core group of supporters, about


35% of the country, that have stuck by him through thick and thin and


will continue to do so. But these are very legitimate questions. They


need to be answered, regarding the Russian investigation, and whether


any Trump associates, spires with the Russians to fiddle with our


elections. Do you think Jeff Sessions colluded


with the Russians? The question is whether Jeff


Sessions was fully cooperative and honest with the Senate during the


confirmation process, and that is why the issue of this meeting with


the Russian ambassador is going to be discussed. Letters now get the


reaction from a Republican. You have been a long supporter of President


Trump, but the problem for him at the moment is this Russian


investigation, the Jeff Sessions healing, this is not a for the


administration, and they are not making it better for themselves, are


they? Set part of the reason why the James Comey testimony was so


significant, I just want to go back to Congressmen Joaquin Castro, the


question that should have been asked, the biggest thing that the


Democrats had going for them, this theory, this operating notion that


the presidents colluded with the Russians was completely shattered.


It was disproven under oath by the FBI director. Of course the clouds


of these investigations will hang over the administration, but as long


as people like Jeff Sessions testify under oath, but the problem that the


Democrats face is that the narrative of obstruction of justice have been


shattered. But the other side of this investigation is whether there


was obstruction of justice, and it will be the special investigator who


will ultimately take the decision whether that did indeed take place.


Confusing the whole picture now is the idea from President Trump, or


the suggestion that President Trump is considering firing the special


investigator. I do not think this is true. This rumour came from a man


who did not meet with the president, and simply said that he heard the


president might be considering firing Robert Miller. This was not


really confirmed by President Trump's attorney, who said he would


not comment on whether or not the president would do that. This is


spinning the wheels over nothing, and Sean Spicer made it very clear


that Chris Roddy, the originator of this, had nothing to do with the


White House. -- DUP. You should know that Chris Ruddy is not someone who


has just made that up, he has been on this programme before. He did not


meet with the president in the White House, and we heard this morning


that the president was not considering it, and he would not


consent to the firing of Robert Mueller. We just want to show our


audience, here are the scenes from the Senate. This is where Jeff


Sessions is going to come in. He is not there yet, the Senators will


troop into those chairs as soon as the hearing begins. I want to ask


about the firing of the FBI director, James,, because there is


something else that the senators will be asking Jeff Sessions about.


Particularly this idea that Jeff Sessions was asked by the president


to leave the room on February 14 in the Oval Office, when James, you


said President Trump asks him to let the Flynn investigation go. Would it


not have been better for the Attorney General to be in on those


meetings with the director of the FBI? Not necessarily, because the


Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, had recused himself from the


investigation into Russian collusion, so in that scenario, it


would not be. But even James, eight, although he did not cite this and


has written testimony, said that the president hoped the investigation


would end, not that he directed him, and he did say that he did not feel


directed by the White House. Jill, he has come to be grilled about how


many meetings he had with the Russian ambassador. -- Joe. He has


disclosed some of the meetings that he had had with the ambassador, in


his capacity as a campaign official. What he has not disclosed as the


meetings he had as a senator, and what I think James, was referring to


in his testimony last week, a third meeting that took place at a cell,


and that is something I think we need to hear today. It was a


reception at the Mayflower hotel attended by many other diplomats,


many other members of Congress and members of the Senate. What do the


viewers out there think that the UK ambassador is doing right now in


Washington, DC? His meeting members of Congress in both houses. This is


something that happens in the order of business for the US


representatives. I do not think there were any secret microchips


past, no secret notes passed, this is not what we are talking about.


That really does not call to mind the kind of secret meetings that I


think the media is trying to portray. There, Joe, thank you.


Thank you for joining us,. It is interesting, we've just heard from a


Republican and from a Democrat, and the audience will have to make up


their mind. And the prosecutors will have to get more of the details. But


there is such a sub opinion on this one here in the United States, with


Democrats thinking that something is going on, there was collusion or


obstruction of justice, there was perjury, and Republicans equally


convinced that the Democrats are just tried to make political hay out


of this. Does it mean that every argument in Washington, every point


put forward at the moment, is fiercely partisan? Yes, which is why


Robert Mueller is so critical of this. He will sort through all of


the evidence and come up with something more concrete, the special


crosses -- prosecutor. What is so important about these sessions?


Because of the questions that we discuss. Jeff Sessions has been


close to Donald Trump throughout the campaign, taking a key spot in the


Trump Administration as Attorney General. He oversees enforcement of


laws, and including the FBI. It is up to Jeff Sessions how forthcoming


he wants to be, he could claim that some of the stuff is covered by


executive privilege and he will not reveal details of conversations with


the president. But what I will really be looking for is during his


testimony last week, James Comey said that he was in the Oval Office


on February 14 with the president, and the president told everyone in


the room to leave and James Comey to stay there. And one of the people


who hung around in that room in the Chile was Jeff Sessions, and


according to James Comey, the president told Jeff Sessions he had


to go. He shrugged and left the, and NetMeeting when it was just James


Comey and President Trump, that is when he said that President Trump


told him to back off the investigation into Michael Flynn,


the formal national security adviser. I want to here what Jeff


Sessions said happened before and after that meeting, and if he


corroborates James, a's account, that will give a little indication


that maybe Donald Trump knew what he was doing was not such a good idea.


But a loss of this will come down to interpretation. You can see a


scenario where he would say, he came up to me and said don't leave me


alone with the president again. And James Comey said there was this


pause, and James Comey looked at him blankly. He might not think that he


reacted that way that there was a problem, and it comes down to he he


said. Absolutely, nobody knows what happened in that room between James


Comey and Donald Trump, and it will be interesting to see what Jeff


Sessions says today, but what he does not say will also be


interesting. The Justice Department said that they did provide a memo to


James Comey about how to interact with the president, the separation


of the FBI and the White House. But we may not know exactly, Jeff


Sessions may put this in a more friendly narrative for the president


today. I have one theory about this, which is that the President, you


will remember, has said that James Comey is a liar, effectively. If


during the course of these hearings, we hear Jeff Sessions corroborate


what James Comey has said, that would tend to give more credence and


credibility to the fired FBI director, and I wonder if you think


that the default is true and then puts Mr Trump in a slightly tricky


position. He would have to say that James Comey was lying about these


encounters when we hear Jeff Sessions saying that what he


reported was true. We have to remember that Jeff Sessions will be


under oath, so if he corroborates what James Comey has said, even the


details of the meeting of the circumstances... Here is Jeff


Sessions. I am just going to interrupt you because he has just


walked into the room, the man of the moment. Jeff Sessions, a long-time


associate of President Trump, formerly a US senator, and he got


close to President Trump during the campaign. I remember talking to Jeff


Sessions at one of the debates as he was trying to guide the presidential


campaign. Here is Richard Burr, the senior Republican on the Senate


intelligence committee. And here is Mark Warner, the Democrat with him.


Donald Trump will be watching this quite closely because there has been


speculation over the last few days that he is not particularly pleased


with what Jeff Sessions has said. Anyway, Jeff Sessions is under a lot


of pressure because he will know that the boss is tuning in. And if


he is nervous about his job prospects, he will try to sue the


right things during the course of this hearing. But as Anthony said,


he is under oath, and after the James Comey hearing I asked both


Republican and Democratic senators on Friday if they believed James,


you're the president, they said that only one person was under oath,


James Comey, and when you are under oath, you tend to tell the truth.


The president will be expecting Jeff Sessions to stand up for him, I


imagine, and to stand up for his version of events, and perhaps to


make it clear that he does not believe James Comey's version of


events. That is certainly what the president would like to hear. The


senators are getting ready, there is Richard Burr, the chairman of the


committee. We know that they are not particularly short winded. Let's


listen. Attorney General Sessions, we


appreciate your willingness to appear before the committee today.


We thank you for your years of dedicated service as a member of




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