04/07/2017 100 Days+


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North Korea test fires a missile it claims could have


President Trump calls on China to act and end this


The European Commission president unleashes on the European Parliament


for failing to show up, and threatens to not return.


The wall of the old city in Raqqa has been breached by allies


There are only a few members who can control the commission. You are


ridiculous. I will never again attend a meeting of this kind.


The wall of the old city in Raqqa has been breached by allies


of the US led coalition as they advance against


And to mark America's Independence Day we will take


you to meet the presidents, 43 of them, in one small


That is how long it would take for an inter-continental ballistic


missile to reach LA from North Korea.


There is no consensus on how far Pyongyang has advanced


Or whether they have the capability to arm it with a nuclear warhead.


But some experts suggests the type of missile they have just tested


might already be able to reach Alaska, and with further refinement


could put the major cities in the United States within reach.


That, says Donald Trump, will never happen.


But how will they stop Kim Jung Un, a man who is seemingly immune


Our diplomatic correspondent James Landale reports.


This is the moment that North Korea says it became a major power.


The launch of a missile that it claims


can reach across continents and deliver nuclear weapons as far away


The news was announced on state television with


We have become a nuclear power with intercontinental ballistic missile


the presenter said, showing the handwritten order given by the


He personally supervised the launch of


a missile which he believes will secure him power, protect his people


If North Korea ignores our military's warning


and continues provocations, we are clearly warning Kim Jong-un's


This is the missile that could carry the


It was launched from an airfield here in


western North Korea, and it was aimed at


a steep angle, and rose to


an altitude of about 1,700 miles it's claimed,


It then landed 37 minutes later more than 500


miles away, somewhere in


The key point is that if this missile were fired


at a more shallow angle it might have the power to reach potentially


more than 3,400 miles, the minimum defined range for an


And, if so, that could mean reaching as far


as Alaska on the mainland of


The pressure being applied internationally is


having very little effect on changing the tactics of the regime


It's also significant as well because it has


been reported that it is an intercontinental ballistic missile


which means North Korea are making tangible


steps towards being able to target the US.


Experts said it was still not clear if North Korea had


the technology needed to protect a warhead


on re-entry and guide it to


its target, but if North Korean missiles can now reach the US, it is


a significant step forward and one that President Trump said earlier


Today in a tweet he again urged China


to put pressure on North Korea, but so far China has shown no


The president of China was in Russia today,


both he and President Putin called for a freeze on North Korea's


nuclear weapons programme and suspension of exercises


The fear among diplomats is the dispute could destabilise


an already tense region, packed full of conventional weapons.


At this weekend's G20 Summit, all sides will


Some of the strongest reaction today has come


The launch, said Shinzo Abe, clearly shows that the threat has grown.


I'm joined here in the studio by Shin-ichi iida, Minister


for Public Diplomacy at the Japanese Embassy


Thank you for being with us. My pleasure. We have not yet talk about


the direction in which the missile flew. Where did it land? It landed


100 miles from the Japanese Archipelago is, very close to Japan.


It is hundreds of miles from the Japanese land Archipelago, and that


is causing massive concern amongst Japanese people, and, of course, as


you mentioned in your initial presentation, there was a good


possibility that they have launched a pretty sophisticated missile and


it is a clear indication that the North Korea threat is not only to


the region but also to the world, and I think it is critically


important to send a strong message to North Korea and closely


coordinate and strengthened the pressure through economic sanctions.


Of course we are hearing a lot of rhetoric from Washington, that


patience has run out and military action is obviously on the table,


but we don't know what that will be or what it would involve but if


there was a military strike the implications for Japan would be


severe. The Prime Minister and other high-ranking officials have


expressed again and again that Japan supports the Trump administration


position that all options are on the table. You do not rule out a


military strike? Guild our first and foremost priority is to resolve this


North Korea nuclear and missile issue through diplomatic efforts.


The UN Security Council has passed a very strong resolution last month


and the US have announced a new additional economic sanctions


against North Korea. I think it is quite important to rigorously and


fairly implement the economic sanction measures that have been


agreed upon by various countries concerned so that we can get under


the International coordinated efforts to give the strongest ever


pressure against North Korea so that it will come to sensors and for that


purpose I must reiterate that China can play a critical role, because,


after all, 90% of North Korean trade on value terms is with China. We


were talking before we came negative -- about how this comes so close to


the Japanese coast and you said it was very deliberate. Does that make


a debate in Japan about a missile defence shield? There was a


discussion, and also a project going on for a missile defence mechanism,


in close cooperation with the United States, who are very important part


of it. My point is that military actions are not the primary course


of action that we should take at the moment. The most important thing at


the moment is too closely coordinate not only just amongst Japan and the


US but in a way to include China and Russia. We have had six party talks


which are very effective in relation to North Korea and they have agreed


economic sanctions but they must be implemented fairly and rigorously


and what is making it possible for the North Koreans to develop nuclear


weapons and ballistic rep missiles is the massive foreign currency


revenue and we need to hit that and that is a very important point.


Thank you very much for being with us. We had there that diplomacy is


the way that regional departments would want to go but.


Well, last week President Trump's National Security Advisor HR


McMaster spoke about the changing threat from North Korea and need


Will be seen are really two fundamental things that have


changed. The threat is now much more immediate so it clear that we cannot


repeat the same approach, failed approach, of the past. The second is


the recognition that previous approaches have not worked and so


to continue to do the same thing and to continue to do the same thing and


expecting different results. In Washington we are joined


by Kurt Volker, the former US Ambassador to NATO who now serves


as the Executive Director Hello. Hello. How part do you think


Washington will let Pyongyang go before it is going to have to change


the equation? Well, I think there is still some room to go before there


is a great confidence that North Korea has the real ability to fire a


missile and hit the US. The test that we saw is an incentive for the


US, China and others in the region to get much more serious even than


we have already been about trying to get North Korea to change course. As


your Japanese guest just said, the goal is not to use military force,


the goal is to find economic and other leaders that cause North Korea


to change behaviour and frankly most of those in the hands of China


summit will be ramped up effort and an effort to try and get North Korea


to stop where it is and reverse course. You would accept, as our


previous guest just accepted, that so far diplomacy has failed. We all


know that China quite likes having North Korea on its border, rather


that than having South Korea on its border, along with US troops. That


is right, but if the militant North Korea brings missile defences from


the US into the area and a larger military presence on the Korean


peninsular none of that is anything that China wants and it is in fact


in their interest to act before that does happen. It is obviously


unacceptable to everybody that North Korea keeps escalating the situation


as it is, but we heard there that the military option has been


reviewed. If there was a military option, what would it look like?


Well, I think it would have to be a last resort because you have in


Seoul a very large population within range of artillery fire from North


Korea and we have North Korea that possess a nuclear device that even


if it cannot be not very far can still cause a lot of damage so it


would have to be something very swift and subtle but it would really


be a last resort because we do not want to risk any of those casualties


or any loss of life that might occur. There is a very strong


likelihood that these missiles are on mobile launchers so even with a


pre-emptive strike, you would not get all the missiles. I have a lot


of confidence in US capabilities and intelligence so I think if we got


that point I have a lot of confidence in the ability to succeed


but obviously no one wants to get to that point. Very good of you to be


with us. Thank you for joining us. Katty Kay might be taking July 4th


off, but I'm very pleased to report that our resident expert


and political analyst Ron Christie is hard at work,


and he is going to be with us Hello. Good afternoon, Christian. I


can see your US flag pins your lapels you are in the 4th of July


spirit. . Write! I am in the spirit and enjoying the independence and


the celebration of the of the United States. Donald Trump is starting to


collide with the harsh reality of North Korea. There are no good


options in this, are there? There are not. Frankly, this is the first


foreign policy crisis of his administration. President Trump has


been looking to Mexico and Canada and talking about we negotiating


trade deals. The United States finds itself this morning in the position


that if, in fact, this missile that was launched by career is any


indication of their new technological prowess you have a


missile that could potentially hit Alaska or even San Francisco so the


geostrategic supporters -- importance of meeting with the G20


this weekend has taken on an even greater importance for this


president, his first foreign policy crisis. Looking back at the tweet


that we referred to in the report, it came out before the inauguration.


Donald Trump said that North Korea stated it was in the final stages of


developing nuclear weapons capable of reaching parts of the US, it


won't happen. Clearly, one he was getting his pre-presidential


briefing this was foremost in his mind. There are people around the


world who are worried about this president because he is impulsive


and he easily rattled. You know the inside track in the White House.


What sort of advice will he be getting? He will be getting the best


and brightest advice. I will guarantee you this morning there


will have been in the situation room, in a secure facility in the


basement of the West Wing of the White House, you have military


intelligence officers who man these positions 24-hour the day and you


have a specific North Korean desk and what they did was prepare a


matrix for him, giving him a sense of exactly what happened and what


time it happened and the potential threat to


the United States and our allies. Having been in a situation with


President Bush, I can tell you that these are very dedicated and great


individuals who are in the best spot to give President Trump the most


current and important strategic advice for him to make decisions. In


the end it comes down to him. In the end it does come down to him and it


comes down to the National Security Advisor and the focus of his inner


circle and the question I am thinking about right now is what is


the presidential take on this? Does he view this, as I do, as a very


significant threat and an escalation of threat from North Korea or do you


look at the Tweety sent out this morning and he was referring to the


North Korean dictator saying, does this guy have anything better to do


this time? So I hope that his mindset is in the right place as we


look at this very important juncture with relations with North Korea and


the rest of the world. We will have more from you in a moment.


The European Parliament has 751 elected representatives and once


a month the parliament moves from Brussels to Strasbourg, its


Today the invited guest was the Prime Minister of Malta,


his country is one of the smallest members of the union, it has spent


the last six months running the EU's rotating presidency.


But the parliamentary chamber was empty.


Barely 30 elected officials turned out to hear the speech.


Well, it drew this response from the European Commission President,


There are only a few members in here to control the commission. You are




I will never again attend a meeting of this kind. The commission is


under the control of the parliament that the parliament house to respect


even the presidents of smaller countries and what the parliament is


not doing. That was a rather feisty exchange with the president of the


parliament. A little earlier I spoke


with Chris Morris, a long time More than once or twice you made


this visit from Brussels to Strasbourg and it is costly for the


parliament to move. Given some of the criticism the Parliament


receives it could well do without criticism from one of their own.


They could, but I can see his point. He has come all the way down from


Brussels to Strasbourg which is a difficult journey. The Prime


Minister of Malta has flown up from Malta and be with him and only 30


MEPs turnout. There are supposed to be 751 MEPs. They will not always


all be there but you would hope that if the President of the commission


and the Prime Minister who has been running EU business for the last six


months turn up then more than 30 should be bothered to come and


listen to them talk. He was a bit undiplomatic but he sometimes is and


he sometimes says what he thinks. I can understand where he is coming


from. Jean-Claude Juncker is the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg,


does he have a point that very often the smaller states have to jockey


for position? He does. One of the commission 's jobs is to look after


the interests of all member states, big and small. He went out of the


way to say that if it was Angela Merkel they would queue at the back


door to get in. Just because it is a small country you need to show a bit


more respect. It was a little bit of handbags and the president of the


parliament snapped back and said you don't control us, we control years.


Explain the parameters, he said it wouldn't come again and through his


toys out of the pram but where was the distinction on whether the power


lines like? The president of the parliament was referring to that


Parliament has the ability to sack commissioners. It can get rid of


commissioners in extremis, and it has to approve the commission so in


a sense parliament is the oversight over the commission rather than vice


versa. Said this was how dare you? A little bit. But I can see his point.


It brings us back to the point we have discussed many times, why is


there a second parliament anyway? Maybe he would not have been so


grumpy if he had only just gone down the road in Brussels but this costs


?150 million a year to have this second parliament in Strasbourg and


most MEPs would like to get rid of it but they cannot do anything about


it and it is up to the leaders of the member states and France are


opposed to losing this so it is pork barrel politics and it would be very


difficult to get rid of that second chamber but most people think it is


a waste of time. The point we have two include is that they are all


there in Strasberg and they didn't turn up late. This was the photo


that our correspondence sent three hours later and you can see that it


is full, so I do not know what that means. Tory own conclusions from


that. Do the Maltese Prime Minister not pulling in a very big crowd.


As a candidate, Donald Trump vowed to crackdown on illegal immigration


while building that wall along the border with Mexico.


In the first five months of his Presidency the number


of arrests by immigration officials has increased, but so far there have


But one particular group that is in focus,


is the undocumented minors, known in America as the DREAMers.


In 2012, President Obama issued an executive order to give


Now that policy is under legal challenge.


Will Grant has been to Mexico city to meet the DREAMers who have


already given in to the pressure and gone home.


These were some of the United States best and brightest. Now they are


Mexico's again. Young and dedicated and bilingual. In the US they were


known as DREAMers. Now thousands have returned to Mexico, he devoted


totally or under due west. -- either voluntarily or under duress. This


was a video chat with many of them. Many share similar stories of deer,


separation, deportation and stigma. Despite the proposed protection of


the Obama administration is deferred action policy, many of the DREAMers


at this event return to Mexico when their parents were deported to avoid


breaking up their families. Now they find themselves in a country that


they barely know and with which they have few connections. But these days


they are not looking backwards, but ahead, for opportunities in Mexico.


In Mexico there are also trains and the thing is you cannot put American


dream in your dream. It is your dream. If you put American comedy


you are already putting up the border wall that Trump wants to


build. Despite the President Trump tough rhetoric towards Mexico


deportations went down by 12% over his first 100 days and he recently


said that DREAMers should rest easy. Still activists say that more needs


to be done to inform immigrants in the US of their rights. They think


that as long as they are undocumented people they do not have


rights, and they do. We have to make them aware of that. Now a little


problem, or a little mistake, can have very big consequences. Someone


who knows just how big those consequences can be is Francisco. He


was arrested for trespassing and he said he was just crossing a car


park. He was deported after living in Kentucky for 14 years. After


battling the tangled bureaucracy in Mexico he finally has an ID card. I


am 46 years old but in the united states you get a job at that age


without any problem but here it is very difficult. Another thing is


that some people in Mexico say they are not racist but people with my


skin colour and it is actually a truth that we have less


opportunities. Connecting people at Francisco would deport the support


groups might take time. Most simply do not know that help exists.


Deportations may have slowed slightly but few expect the Trump


administration to let up, meaning more young people may soon have to


build their dreams in Mexico instead. This is a divisive issue.


Where do you stand on the type of support that the DREAMers should


get? I think they should get the support. It is a very difficult


environment for children who did nothing wrong on their own and their


parents may have brought them to the United States. They have a right to


bigger and we need to find a way to get them the to stay here. Let us


talk to another story. It is my favourite


story of the week. We showed you pictures yesterday


of the New Jersey governor Chris Christie enjoying a deserted


beach, having closed them to the public on Saturday over


a budget dispute with the Democrats. Bad enough, but in a press


conference a little later, the governor denied he had been


enjoying the sun that day. His spokesman defending him,


said strictly speaking that was true because he was sheltering under


a baseball cap. I think it is just so ironic,


Christian, that Chris Christie, and no relation, even though I was born


in New Jersey! He claims he is a fiscal conservative and one that is


really leading jersey forward but it almost looks as though he is Nero


while the rest of New Jersey is burning. It has been terrible and it


was terrible for him to deny his constituency opportunity to enjoy


the beach while he is there at a taxpayer funded Governor 's Mansion,


doing something that they couldn't so the optics of that were just


awful. You can imagine that Twitter has


been having some fun with this. There he is in his beach chair on


the George Washington Bridge. And so on and so forth. This is a man whose


approval rating has plummeted. He was a presidential candidate and he


opened the Republican convention back in 2012. It is amazing, isn't


it, how quickly the arc of Chris Christie 's political career as


cratered, frankly. He is a person who, not unlike Donald Trump, was


very forceful and aggressive and very abrasive and he tried to


present himself as something of a moderate to the American people and


it never really caught on. After you look at the presidential election


and the loss and the way that President Trump humiliated the


governor and brought him into run his transition team but then


immediately fired him shortly thereafter, it makes you wonder if


he has a future in politics in the United States. At this juncture I


just do not see it. His approval rating of 15%. He was asked about in


the press conference just after that but he said he did not care about


his poll ratings. John McCain used to have a joke, when you are down to


that level you are down to staffers and close family. 15%! You are


watching 100 Days Plus from BBC News.


Still to come: With North Korea saying they have a missile that can


reach the United States, we'll examine how their


And we'll visit some very presidential figures


That's still to come on 100 Days Plus, from BBC News.


Hello. It is a fine evening out there for many of us but it has been


one of those days in the Lake District, it has looked like this


pretty much throughout the day. There is a weather system sitting


across Northern Ireland, southern Scotland and northern England so if


you have been under it you know it is quite cloudy and wet and cool.


This evening into tonight the rain is easing away from Northern Ireland


but in parts of southern Scotland and northern England it stays quite


dampened drizzly overnight. There may be the odd shower in south-west


England but elsewhere it looks dry. Variable cloud and clear spells and


for many a warm night to come but for many of us it will dip down into


single figures. A bright start to the day tomorrow. In northern


Scotland it continues with those sunny spells and it feels pleasant


in the afternoon, maybe 20 degrees. In the central belt and southern


Scotland and Northern Ireland and for much of northern England, cloudy


start to the day. It looks drier than today but still light rain and


drizzle around, particularly across parts of south-east Scotland and


northern England. For the rest of England and down into Wales for many


of us it will be a blue sky start to the day, particularly south Wales


and southern England. More sunshine compared to today and


it will feel warm as a result. Sunshine in northern Scotland and


for some of us in Northern Ireland, south-west Scotland and North West


England it will brighten up in the afternoon. North-east England and


Southee Scotland stays cloudy but showers elsewhere in the North.


Maybe the odd one in Wales and the south-west but many of us will stay


dry. Quite a range of temperatures and in Newcastle it could reach 30


with the hottest sunshine in southern England. We are turning on


the humidity in Wimbledon the next few days with Thursday looking


interesting with a chance of downpours and possible


interruptions. That is after a warm and muggy night on Wednesday night.


We bring the weather disturbance forwards on Thursday. The warmth


will not extend further north but the rain will clear away in Scotland


and in eastern Wales and England they are most at risk of the


thundery downpours. Hit and miss and not everyone will but if you do that


brain could be torrential. The heat and humidity is there and it extends


further north across more of Scotland and Northern Ireland on


Thursday. By Friday there is still some heat to be had by the weather


system approaching the North West will sleep south-east as we go


through the weekend and turn a bit cooler and fresher.


Welcome back to One Hundred Days Plus,


North Korea test fires a missile and claims it could reach America -


the country's dictator wants to put a nuclear warhead on it.


In the battle for Raqqa, US-backed Syrian forces have


breached the wall surrounding the old city - closing


North Korea's missile program is advancing at some pace.


Since February they have fired 17 missiles further improving


But this latest test might be the most significant yet.


If it is proven to be an intercontinental missile.


The previous missiles that have been launched had ranges of 3 and half


thousand kilometres at most - which puts neighbours


South Korea, Japan, China and Russia within reach.


With Hwasong-14, the name given to this missile,


you can see Alaska and some areas of the West Coast


North Korea says it is a ICBM the US and Russia are not convinced.


Moscow believes it is another of the intermediate range.


Neil Ashdown is the Deputy Editor of Janes Intelligence Review.


There are two arguments, the nuclear warhead and then the delivery


mechanism. So the delivery mechanism first, TUC big strides that they


have made. While North Korea since Kim Jong Un came to power, there


have been working on a series of missiles designed to fulfil


different purposes. The missile would just seen tested today is


their version of a ICBM. The longest range missile. From what I can tell


it also has the longest rage that has been demonstrated. So different


tools to fulfil different jobs and this is the missile designed


potentially to threaten the United States. And based on some figures


made public it is credible that it could potentially reach places like


Alaska. Well we saw that the trajectory is a bit of a loop, goes


up and come down quite sharply. Ordinarily it would not be fired in


that way? So this is a test and they deliberately fired it in a lofted


trajectory because given the range they're trying to get, if they fired


with the traditional ballistic trajectory it would have reached


Japan and they obviously would have tried to fire it down. So they


deliberately tested it at this angle and so quite a few sums will be


doing -- will be being done in Washington and other parts of the


world to try to work out how far it can get. It was still go out of the


atmosphere if fired on that trajectory which brings us to the


warhead. How advanced we need to be to be able to come back through the


atmosphere and do they have that technology? There are two processes,


won the delivery and covered course of this year we've seen a series of


significant steps forward in the missile. In 2016 North Korea


released images that led us to believe they had designed a credible


re-entry system for warhead. Not to say that it is built or tested but


something they have been thinking about. We have not seen so much


progress on the delivery system this year but it does not mean they're


not working on it. Just looking at these pictures, a lot of technology


is involved for a country supposedly under sanctions, and supposedly


China putting pressure on, where is coming from? Much of it will be


developed domestically by North Korea and some of the tests seem to


mark a transition towards more domestic rebuild technology rather


than relying on old Soviet style systems that they inherited. But


there will be bits of technology needed to make these missiles that


North Korea may struggle to make domestically because of the high


tolerance required for the materials. And in some cases it is


likely North Korea is sourcing materials through front companies


and third countries to deliberately evade the sanctions that are in


place to allow it to advance its missile programme. Thank you for


coming in. The US backed coalition in Syria


says they have breached the historic More than two thousand


jihadi fighters, and up to a hundred thousand civilians,


are still thought to be inside the capital of


so called Islamic State. Meanwhile Iraqi forces say


they are also close to taking the last few remaining streets


controlled by IS in Mosul, as our correspondent


Richard Galpin reports. On the front lines


of Raqqa, the capital It's looking


increasingly vulnerable. These are troops of the Syrian


Democratic Forces, or SDF, Over the past few weeks


they have advanced rapidly through the outskirts


towards the city centre. This Kurdish commander said


the Islamic State militants are only firing mortar shells and rockets,


and claims their spirits are low. And now, after the arrival


of reinforcement last weekend, SDF troops are reported to have


taken another major step forward, breaking through the walls


guarding the old city. The US military says its warplanes


based in the region fired missiles to punch two holes in these medieval


walls surrounding the old city. SDF troops were then able to take


the fight inside the heavily fortified area, where it's estimated


at least 2000 Islamic State fighters Amongst those involved in this key


battle is a British man who calls They are making excellent inroads


into the city, which means that the confidence amongst the SDF


fighters on the ground is incredibly high, and we're looking forward


to seeing Raqqa completely done, finished, which is the heartland


of the so-called Islamic State. And, meanwhile, across the border


to the East, Iraqi troops are now very close to pushing Islamic State


completely out of its other major stronghold,


the strategic city of Mosul. It has taken the soldiers


here almost eight months to reach this point,


with just a handful of militants fighting on in a tiny


corner of the city. The caliphate proclaimed


by Islamist State across a large area of Syria and Iraq three years


ago is almost at an end, but with pockets of territory


elsewhere, the militants Italy has summoned the Austrian


Ambassador over reports that border controls should be imposed soon to


stop migrants crossing from Italy to Austria. There were reports that


Austria had moved armoured vehicles to the alpine Brenner pass. Narendra


Modi has become the first visit to Israel by an Indian Prime Minister.


He talked of the two countries working closely together to build


prosperity and cooperating in the fight against terrorism. They're


expected to announce partnerships in areas such as agriculture, defence


and space technology. Today is 4th July,


it is Independence Day in the United States and we thought


we would celebrate by dropping In fact we have been


out to meet 43 of them, It's a passion of mine and I feel


strongly about saving them. I guess it is my job


now to be the keeper of We have got 43 presidents


here ranging from our first President, George Washington,


to our 43rd, George Bush. They're probably 16


foot, to 18 feet. They weigh anywhere


from 14 to 20,000 There was a park built


about 12 years ago where the I was asked to crush


the statues or get rid of And I actually hauled them


off at my own expense. We had to lay them over tyres


to cushion their heads. And unfortunately we


dropped them and Lincoln took a good smack in


back of the head which history tells you something about that story.


Their moods seem to change, over the four years they've been


sitting here, the weather, a little mould gets on


them and everybody goes back to George,


They are strong, they fight the weather.


We need to go back to the beginning before there was a


president, what this country fought for,


to have freedom, to say what


That is my cause, I'm going to spread it.


After we move, and we are considering bronzing them, which


will make them last about 400 years without repair.


In their state of being concrete, they probably need


touch-up and attention on a yearly basis.


What a great film. Apparently he's trying to crowdfunding some of the


repairs to those statues. One of them I think Ronald Reagan was hit


by lightning and so they need yearly care. Let me tell you, as we


celebrate our independence on the 4th of July here is one of the


things we have in the bill of rights is freedom of speech and freedom of


expression and this gentleman certainly is taking the time to


speak his mind and its presence felt in a way to preserve the statues. So


God bless them, not necessarily my cup of tea. So where will you be


watching the 4th of July fireworks? I'm excited this evening, I will be


on a rooftop overlooking the White House, overlooking the South lawn


with my wife and a dear friend of mine who just became a United States


citizen. So this would be the first opportunity for my wife and I to sit


and be with someone who can celebrate their first 4th of July as


an American citizen. It is a deeply partisan time in Washington right


now, is this the kind of time when the village that is Washington comes


together? I think so, driving in to the BBC today you see so many


American flags waving, so many people in a good mood, sitting


together, visiting comic eating, and looking forward to these fireworks


tonight to say that we stand shoulder to shoulder as Americans


and we revel in our country and its history and look forward to history


yet to be made. While we wish you a happy 4th of July. Thank you very


much for coming in and sharing some of that with us. Kathie Kay will be


back tomorrow. She is taking a well earned break but we'll be back in


this seed tomorrow. Join us for that and thank you for watching.


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