11/09/2014 ABC World News with Diane Sawyer


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at the top of the hour. Time now for a look at the news as seen across


the United States a couple of hours ago, in ABC World News with David


Muir. Welcome to World News tonight, and the breaking news, on the eve of


September 11, President Obama's message to America tonight. What we


have learnt already about the planned to take down ISIS, are


Americans ready for this? Schools closing early, and you will hear


from the couple in that minivan swallowed either floods. And over


the edge, the moments of a camper sleepwalking over a cliff. And the


test tonight, are you sleepwalking without even knowing it? Good


evening, and it is great to have you with us on this is the Wednesday


night. We began with the breaking news that President Obama and his


message to America, just a short time from now, laying down his plan


to take down ISIS, the brutal killers who executed those two


American journalists. Tonight, three weeks weeks after the first of those


videos surfaced, the killers are still on the loose. Tonight, what is


that Obama will say to the American people. Just 14 days ago he said he


didn't have a strategy yet. Tonight, many are asking whether he has one


now, and what it will mean for US troops and our safety home. Our


panel join us. We begin without chief White House correspondent.


Good evening. Good evening. After weeks of muddled and contradictory


statement, the President will say tonight he has a clear and


comprehensive strategy to degrade and destroy ISIS. Under intense


pressure to prove he has a plan, the President will say tonight, I can


announce that America will lead a broad coalition to roll back this


terrorist threat. What does that mean? First, in Iraq, where ISIS


controls the third of the country, US airstrikes will be expanded. Also


more military support for Iraqi and Kurdish fighters battling ISIS on


the ground. And today, Secretary of State John Kerry met with the new


Iraqi government. The US is counting on them to take the lead in


confronting ISIS. Two this is a broad based, copperhead is a


strategy that is being laid out. It will not just be reserved for bombs


and direct military assistance `` comprehensive strategy. Then in


Syria, where ISIS has a stronghold. The President asks Congress to give


him the authority to train moderate rebels, and the President will make


it clear that he is prepared to order air strikes on ISIS targets in


Syria as well as Iraq, as one senior official told me today, the


President is prepared to go wherever necessary to defeat them. That is


prepared, he has not made that order yet and I am told it is not likely


to happen right away. 71% of Americans support air strikes


against ISIS in Iraq Tom extant in a few weeks. We had the our


correspondent. What does the President need to do? This is a


high`stakes speech. The dilemma is, the majority agree with him. He has


authorised air strikes. The majority agree on not sending ground troops.


The majority also think he has been too cautious. For the first time,


the majority disapprove of his foreign policy. He has got to


convince the country he is doing what it takes to defeat ISIS without


sucking us back into a walk, without making this America's war. `` walk,


war. The stakes could not be higher. This speech and issue will define


the final years of this presidency. Huge balancing act. All of this on


the eve of 9/11. A new alert, the head of Homeland Security and the


New York City the Leigh Skinner no warns the threat of a terrorist


attack `` police Commissioner. The threat of ISIS and recent fighting


raises concern. Our correspondent is tracking this.


Sources tell me on the eve of 9/11, we are in a high tempo moment. The


police Mission said the terror threat is more dangerous than


recently `` commissioner. He is very concerned about ISIS. The events in


Syria, with ISIS Thomas creates a new area of threat for us and not


one that is more impactful than Al Qaeda `` ISIS. J Johnson said that


ISIS have the most sophisticated social media system ever designed by


a terrorist organisation. It can reach people in the US directly and


encourage them to attack. A dangerous moment. One more note.


Last night we told you about the Americans recruited by ISIS, some


young women hoping to marry a terrorist. One of them at a


19`year`old from Colorado, pleading guilty to conspiracy. A nurse aide


hoping to use her skills to help terrorists to wage war on America


arrested in April trying to bought a 1`way flight to Syria.


Another headline. Severe weather, tornado worries this evening and 12


days before the official start of full, look at this already. Drivers


in Canada buried in snow `` Fall. More wicked weather on the way with


23 million in the storm zone. The story behind this video with a


minivan swept away. We talk to the terrified family. How did they


survive? Our meteorologist now. Angry skies and tornado warnings


over Ohio. Students at this university hunkering down. Three


states under a tornado watch. Severe weather with baseball buys, excised


hail `` baseball sized hail. This tornado caught on camera. Out west,


details, harrowing stories of survival after days of monsoon rain.


Watch as the water on this highway swallows up a minivan. That guy is


swept up. Look again as the van Goghs over the edge, into the


underpass. `` van goes. All of a sudden, this water pushed us down


like a waterfall. It is a miracle. They survived, but there are car is


on driveable. Up north, a strong storm whipping up ten foot waves has


near record`breaking snow moving into the north country. These


residents aren't happy about the early winter. It is too early to see


the snow. Rob is tracking severe weather tonight.


The tornado we recorded earlier, with several states under threat. A


tornado watch is in effect for Indian Ohio, southern parts of


Michigan. We saw the cold air on the move.


It is part of the system from Canada.


It will head south across the border. Look at the temperatures.


High in Chicago, barely reaching the 60s. There will be snow. We have


seen snow in Montana. The earliest they have seen in 20 years. This is


unusual. Eight inches of snow. Our friends in the black ills, they will


see some white `` hills. This is four to six weeks earlier than


usual. We have breaking news to tell you that the security breach is


larger than we thought at Home Depot. 60 million customers have had


their credit cards hacked. 40 million customers had their credit


cards hacked before with Target. Our sources believe that 10` 15% of


the stolen credit cards will be used for fraudulent charges, with 2


million fraudulent charges likely. They say they are continuing their


investigation and that customers won't be responsible for the


charges. For anyone who shopped at Home Depot in the last five months


in one of their stores, they should be on alert. Now is the time to call


up your bank, your credit card company, tell them you have been


shopping at Home Depot and you need a new card.


Thank you. Now the Apple. Our exclusive behind`the`scenes with Tim


Cook, CEO, the Apple watch. It was everywhere on the front pages of


newspapers around the world. People asking if Apple's gamble will pay


off. Will people go for it? The workers hoping so are taking a


gamble. 24 hours after the moment behind`the`scenes with Tim Cook,


having revealed the new iPhone's Apple watch, factories across


America in overdrive. Racing to make cases to hold the iPhone. Listening


closely to the dimensions. Even before the phone comes out. We are


from Colorado and we have cases available for the iPhone six.


Getting their first cases and after that year, back to work. For these


cases, we travel to misery. Made in America. Determined to make their


cases here, designing new ones tonight. San Francisco, the


factory... Sowings are leather cases for your iPhone. The leather,


American too. We are busy. Even these wooden cases in Oregon


tonight. All of them hoping for a shot at your business. The new


iPhone that can take 21 selfies in two seconds. Or this one effect. How


many in that job? Lots of eyes around the world and questions


tonight about the Apple boss and what many call his oldest that yet,


high expectations and the big question now, will it pay off? How


do you convince America and the world to wear a computer on their


wrist? You can't approach technology this way. This had to be something


people were proud to wear. Last night we stepped onto the


treadmill, the watch measuring everything. Something else we won't


forget. After they let me try one on they wanted to show me something. I


can feel your heartbeat. Yes. Through your watch. I put my fingers


here and I am sending that to my friend who is wearing a watch and


you can feel it as well. That is your true heartbeat? Yes. We are not


making you nervous. Per heartbeat was perfectly normal. I could feel


it. Nice to get to know you. Nice to get to know you too. We are like


this. Much more ahead. The dramatic rescue. The American campus leap


walk in the cliff in the heartland. How they saved him. They test for


all of us. The easy way to know if you are sleeping Government


sleepwalking at night without knowing about it. `` if you are


sleepwalking tonight without knowing about it.


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