16/08/2016 Asia Business Report


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The former Aston Villa striker Mr Atkinson has died. He suffered a


cardiac arrest as he was being taken to hospital.


Now on BBC News, all the latest business news live from Singapore.


Full-year results from mining behemoth BHP Billiton. How is it


whether in with the mining industry slowdown? And cheaper, greener cars.


How is Nissan Motors from Japan on track to meet those goals?


Good morning, Asia. Hello, world. I'm Rico Hizon. Thank you for


investing your time in us. This is Asia Business Report. It's a


Tuesday. Copper, oil, these are BHP Billiton's main stock. They are


reporting their full-year earnings and the market is reporting huge


losses, with some estimates close to 6 billion US dollars. Last month, in


the fourth quarter update, they'd miss targets for iron ore and


lowered its gas outputs. All of this comes along low demand for the


biggest commodity customer, China. Our reporter in Sydney says this


isn't the only factor behind its losses. They are likely to announce


their largest loss ever. They are coming from the Americas, in


particular, the US energy operations. They will take that down


almost $5 billion. That is the largest write-down by a mining


company ever. And they will also have the Samarco mining disaster


factored into that. $1.2 billion. That is over 6 billion already.


Given that we have an underlying profit of 600 billion, it looks like


it will be in the loss margin of 6 billion. This looks like an


extraordinary change for BHP Billiton. But it is also affecting


commodities. Demand is starting to pick up with prices. Only three


years ago the HP announced a profit of $4.4 billion for a single year,


their best ever. But sliding demand has hit their operations. They are


working hard to keep it going. There are signs in the commodity prices,


in particular iron ore and oil, they have stabilised. Demand may be


ageing back towards equilibrium again. That is good news for


long-term BHP Billiton investors are. What will this mean for job


prospects for them? Unfortunately, many of the job losses have already


occurred. They have been on this bent for the last three years. There


were significant losses, especially in northern Australia. It looks like


that have been paired back and shouldn't mean any more job losses


in the next 12 months. What are you looking for in the next 12 months in


terms of commodity prices and earnings for BHP? Therefore, major


commodities are key. A more positive outlook for iron ore and the energy


complex means two out of four working well for them. But there are


concerns about the oversupply in the market. While the commodity market


may have stabilised, at this stage there is no sign of an upturn. The


trading floor of the markets in Sydney. Chinese stock is surging to


a seven-month high. That is after speculation of more stimulus from


the Central Bank. Their index kicked off the week with more than double


the normal trading volume two post its best two-day climb since March.


Shares listed have been among the world's best stock performers in


August. Stay with us on Asia Business Report as we will be


bringing you analysts is what this means for mainland stocks. That is


coming up in the next hour when mainland markets resume trading in


Shanghai and Shenzhen. Show voters have voted to accept the buying out


of the commercial property unit in Hong Kong for $4.4 billion. Trading


in shares owned by China's richest man were suspended on Monday ahead


of an expected delisting. They are looking to refloat in China at a


later date. Thailand's economy is expanding more than ever expect it


in this quarter. That is due to increased spending on road and rail


projects. Gross Domestic Product, GDP, expanded by 3.5% in the three


months until June compared to levels a year ago. Infrastructure spending


is a sign to offset weak demand for Thai exports. The United Nations


nuclear watchdog is warning of a growing threat from terrorism


involving nuclear material. The head of the International Atomic Energy


Agency told the BBC that the agency has already seeing evidence of the


legal nuclear materials being transported across borders. Our Asia


Business Report correspondent asked him about the possibility of a


nuclear attack in Asia. Whether based you'll material or attack, the


danger exists of terrorists acquiring it. -- whether they steal


We have been maintaining the database since 1995 and have


collected a lot of information. Not all of it points towards a serious


incident, but some of it is pointing towards real danger. You have talked


about cyber security as a major issue for nuclear power plants. That


nuclear terrorists could hack into these digital systems and take the


plants over. How much of an issue is this the age? Nuclear power plants


are operating by a digital system. If the hackers entered the system,


they can alter the data or steal it or compromise the operations. This


is a real danger. Such an attack has already taken place. Two or three


years ago, that was. It was a real case. Much electricity was suspended


for a long time. After everything you have described, why is nuclear


energy still a viable option? This is a source of energy. It does not


emit climate change. This is serious. It can provide a base load,


that means a huge amount of electricity in a stable manner. And,


it will bring maintained economic prosperity and development goals.


These are some of the reasons that member states include nuclear


energy. Also, energy security is very important for some countries.


The energy chief speaking to our correspondent. Ever since cars


became the great villains of climate change there has been a scramble to


develop these kinds of vehicles, electric ones. One area that has


seen massive investment are solar-powered batteries. Most of


this relies on hydrogen cells. It is a very expensive process. Nissan


seems to have found an alternative solution. Let's take a look. FUNK


It is a fuel cell system that will transform it into hydrogen. Hydrogen


will become electricity. And you charge your battery. In Brazil, it


is available in gas stations. Our duty as carmakers is to show


what we can do and let them decide. Before we go, a quick look at the


markets. Currently flat and lower. They are negative territory despite


the stocks at record highs. Thank you so much for joining us. I am


Rico Hizon. Goodbye for now.


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