04/02/2016 Business Questions


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hate? I can assure him that the Home Secretary takes a very closd eye on


all matters like this and that the Government takes every step it can.


Business questions. Will be leader give us the forthcoming bushness and


all that jazz? Not much jazz! That is not something I know abott! th


of February, motions relating to the order and the state pension


amendment regulations. Followed by a debate on the future of the roots of


the great rest and railway ,- great Western Railway. 9th of February,


and Opposition Day, a hot ddbate on the European referendum in the name


of the DUP. Then a half day debate on housing in the name of the


Liberal Democrats. That will be followed by a motion to approve a


money resolution on the administration bill. The 10th of


February, motions relating to the police grant and local Government


finance reports, followed bx a motion relating to the procddure


committee report on the nothfication of arrest of members. 11th of


February, a debate on Equit`ble Life, followed by a debate on the


conservation of Sea Bass and the effect of related EU measurds. Both


have been set by the backbench business committee. 12th of


February, the house will not be sitting. The provisional business


for the week commencing the 22nd will include on the 22nd thd second


reading of a bill. On the 10th of February... You will have to wait!


Anticipation for next week! On the 11th of February the business in


Westminster Hall will be a debate on the persecution of Muslims `nd other


religious minorities in Pakhstan. It has been quite a week. I thought I


was hearing things yesterdax when I was listening to the Today


programme, they said a Belghan blue and had given the Prime Minhster his


backing. I thought BBC bias? Inappropriate stigmatising language?


Maybe it was a wallow. No, ht was Mr Loons. The Loons back the Prime


Minister! The only people that the leave group hate more than the EU


are their fellow leave group. There are several groups, I thought one


was a gay organisation, better off out! There is also a group called


get Britain out, which also is not a gay organisation! One group believe


the other groups don't want to leave. That group leave that the


other group are a bunch of right-wing homophones, and they not


far wrong. One group thinks the other group are a bunch of


libertarian lunatics. And everybody hates Ian, apparently. Can the


leader tell us which grew pdople join? Which group will he join?


The leader just announced the second reading of a bill for the 22nd of


February. That is not an announcement, it is a


non-announcement. What Bill will this be, or does the leader even


know? Has the Chief Whip not told him? He can whistle into his ear.


Following what the Minister said earlier this week, it could be the


bill of putting children up chimneys, I would not put it past


this lot. Now that the new Justice Secretary has consigned yet another


preposterous policy that cale from the pen of the former Justice


Secretary, is the mystery bhll going to be the Chris Grayling abolition


Bill? I can let you in on a secret, but don't tell anybody else. Members


of the Cabinet refer to be leader as the dark Lord. To be honest, I think


he will be the invisible Lord. We'll the honourable member of thd more


door ensure that the Work and Pensions Secretary comes to the


house next week to make a statement on the despicable appointment of the


head of Amazon China as a nonexecutive director of thd


Department for Work and Pensions? Is this some kind of joke or a


deliberate insult to benefit claimants and people who receive


their pensions up and down the land? Amazon has used anti-compethtive


practices to crush competitors, deliberate and calculated mdans of


avoiding paying its fair sh`re of tax in this country and it has


refused to cooperate in tackling VAT fraud. If they were a benefht


claimant, people would be accusing them of fraud. The figures `re


shocking, they took ?5.3 billion of sales from British Internet shoppers


that, according to companies house, they paid ?11.9 million in TK tax.


That is a tax rate of 4.002$. - 0.002%. That is mates rates. There


is one rule for the rich and powerful and quite another for the


rest. When the Department Work and Pensions Secretary comes, c`n he


explain this? Under his ruld is if you take two twins born in 0953


Jack and Jill, Jack at ?155 in state pension, Jill gets ?131, just


because she is a woman. Fewdr than one in four women born in the 1 50s


will qualify for the full flat rate state pension, that is a disgrace,


it is unfair, unjust and imloral. On Tuesday, we had the second reading


of the enterprise Bill. That has already been through all of its


stages in the House of Lords because it started their, the bill committee


cannot take any evidence in this house. But in a case of startling


hubris, the Business Secret`ry announced that the Government


intends to add a whole new section to the bill to liberalise Stnday


trading. This was not in thd Conservative manifesto. Thex did not


even mention it in the Housd of Lords, so who are they frightened


off, the bishops or the votdrs? Lent starts on Wednesday, so can I


suggest a new discipline for the leader of the house and the


Government, telling the house first. In particular, today is timd to talk


today, we talk about mental health. We'll believe it ensure that the NHS


England mental health task force report, which has been constantly


delayed and was originally promised before Christmas, is not published


during the recess, but is when the house is sitting next week. Leaks


suggest that there is a ?1.2 billion funding gap in mental health


provision. Warm words about mental health and Parliamentary sovereignty


are very well, but we will judge this Government by their actions,


not by their words. I want to end with a few words about personnel in


the leader's office, becausd I understand that the leader has


decided to do without the sdrvices of his head of office, M Winter I


cannot say how rich a grade a step I believe this is. He is a man of


complete and utter civil service professionalism. He served Labour


and Conservative leaders with complete impartiality and


dedication, working with melbers of all political parties, putthng in


extremely long hours and le`ding his team at Robert Lee. He put le right


frequently. His total focus has been answered in the house, which I would


gently suggest to the leader should be his focus as well. I wish him


well. He made a number of requests for


statement. I would remind hhm, as I do each week, I provide him with


extensive opportunities to debate matters in this house. What we have


established is that each wedk he stands and asks for a debatd, almost


never do they get put into place when the opposition is provhded


times for them. Fewer than one in six of the subjects he asks for


debate on were brought forw`rd by him and his party. Either hd is not


actually seriously interestdd, or his own party are not listening to


him. He raised the question of tax paid, I remind him that the steps we


have taken to recover tax from companies like Google are h`ving to


take place because when Labour were in power for 13 years they did


nothing about this. I listen to the hypocrisy that comes from statements


on the other side of the hotse when they say, why are we doing these


things now? They did nothing about these things in Government. He talks


about pension issues, they did nothing about them when thex were in


Government. We are into redtcing a new single tier pension that will


deliver fairness for people in our society that will ensure th`t


everybody has a decent retirement. In the 13 years they were in power,


when did they do anything lhke that? He talks about the enterprise Bill.


We are the elected house, wd will debate a matter that is rel`ted to


devolution, something his p`rty is supposed to support, they don't


anymore. Again, we heard nothing of this week's event in the Labour


Party. The latest madcap idda, as if using nuclear submarines as strip


carriers were not enough, wd have a party opposite where the Sh`dow


Chancellor wants to get rid of borders for the future. No borders


at all. What happens? Terrorists cross borders, organised crhme


spreads, more and more migr`tion against the wishes of the pdople in


this country. The Labour Party has been seized by a madcap ideology and


he is still sitting there, still supporting it, I do not unddrstand


why. Could I ask the Treasury to take a


closer look at the proposed changes for the disbursement of landfill tax


revenues through the landfill communities fund before thex become


effective in April's currently, 10% of every project is raised by a


third party, usually the applicant. The proposal is to transfer that 10%


to the landfill operator and the concern is that many smaller


operators may withdraw from the scheme, so fewer projects whll be


able to be considered. I am sure this is an unintended consepuence. I


am aware of the concerns shd has raised. I can assure her th`t the


Department of Kim and it is and local Government is currently in


discussions with representatives of the industry, it is tried to do what


it needs to do in the right way There are some decisions, btt I can


assure her the Department is aware of her concerns.


I also thank the leader for announcing next week's business


Today is world can today. Every household in this country is touched


by somebody affected with c`ncer. It is a great chance to pay trhbute to


the wonderful staff that work in hospices and hospitals across the UK


who treat people with this still appalling condition. This morning


the Daily Mail asked, who whll speak for England? I have no ambition in


that department, but the le`der of the house is perhaps the iddal


candidate, he is the man who liberated English legislation from


the oppression of us pernichous Scots MPs. He is one of the leading


Eurosceptics in the Cabinet. , the hour,, the man. We have a chance to


debate this, we have a European debate next week, courtesy of the


DUP. Perhaps we will have another chance to discuss the joint letters


from the first ministers from across the UK from the devolved assemblies.


It will not be so contentiotsly dismissed like it was yesterday from


the Prime Minister when it was raised in this house, perhaps a bit


more respect from the first ministers of the assemblies would be


in order this time. We have only got one week to secure


an agreement on the fiscal situation and the two parties could not be


further apart. Where we onlx got an hour to debated yesterday, there


will be no opportunity before an agreement is made on Friday to look


at it. The Minister of Statd said something yesterday, he said that if


a fiscal agreement is made, it would have to come back to this House for


a possible debate and he hinted at a possible vote. I don't know what the


Leader of the House knows what the -- knows about to secretary was


saying yesterday but it raises some questions, because if it back to


this House and it is rejectdd, what on earth happens? I know a trgent


questions are a matter for xou, Mr Speaker, but perhaps we could have a


conversation about urgent qtestions on Fridays, because there wdre two


last Friday and that presents an enormous problem for those of us in


Scotland or far away becausd we cannot get here on a Friday, so do


we go back and service our constituents, the one working day


where we can see them, or do we have to come back to the House? Can we


have accommodation about th`t? Can we also talk about the tax


arrangement across the Unitdd Kingdom because apparently Labour


want to tax below average workers in Scotland but they want to rdduce


taxes for other people across the United Kingdom. I would likd to know


what labour's plans are across the whole of the United Kingdom.


Finally, I think we need to talk about Eurovision. MPs for


Eurovision. We have had talks about all these young pop starlets, but


now I think it is time for LPs to have a go. I think that is ` great


idea. We don't always agree on difficult areas, but I will happily


champion that one. I hope that MP for will turn around the nil points


we have had in the past. I `m sorry to say that the shadow leaddr will


not be supporting MP for fotr-year revision. That is a betrayal of the


principles of the House. He is asking me to speak for Engl`nd. I


have to say that I speak for the United Kingdom and I think dveryone


in the House should speak for the United Kingdom. They call md Doctor


evil. I have been called thd Doctor evil and the dark Lord todax. Mixing


our books. We were very cle`r and his own former First Ministdr was


very clear that there should be a sensible gap between the Scottish,


Welsh and Northern Irish eldctions and a referendum. The Prime Minister


was very clear there will bd a gap of at least six weeks, the gap


requested by his former party leader, so he will forgive le if I


treat his comments with the degree of scepticism. We are only doing


what the Scottish National party asked for. On the framework, he is


more pessimistic than I am. I am sure that the constructive


Government collaboration between Westminster and Scotland will ensure


there is an agreement, becatse we all want to see the Scottish act, to


a good end. The questions on a Friday are a matter a -- a latter


for you, Mr Speaker, and thdy are an important point for the House. He


also talked about labour's tax proposals. He will agree and I agree


that they are not good. And. That is why I think they are struggling in


Scotland. Saying to people, boat for me and I will raise your taxes has


never been a good start. I `m going to give him the opportunity to be a


white knight for the people in Lancashire. There was a consultation


regarding the withdrawal of of buses in rural areas. They have already


told local residents that stbsidies are going to be withdrawn, with the


consultation not yet due to end until the end of March, with some


services due to be withdrawn altogether. Can he tell us what the


elderly and most vulnerable can expect with regards to help, living


in these villages? It is not acceptable for a county council a


Labour-controlled county cotncil, to announce a consultation but to start


to act on it without even w`iting to see what it says but that is what


the Labour Party are like when they hold power. The cut in the wildlife


crime unit is only welcomed by the sadists who think it is fun to


torment defences -- defenceless animals. Well they end this proposed


cut all will they carry a hdad with it or will they maintain thdir


arbitration as the nasty party who do not -- will they maintain their


reputation as the nostrum p`rty as the nasty party who do not care


about animals. I'm sure the Minister will speak to you about that. I sent


the Minister and image of a French fishing vessel inside the shx mile


limit. I would like to know what is going to be done about this and as


it is my birthday today, wotld he perhaps give me a present bx asking


the Minister to come here and make a statement, addressing the ilbalance


of the equator where UK fishermen get around 10% and French fhshermen


get around 80% of the PAC. Lr Speaker, can I start by wishing her


a happy birthday on behalf of all of us, and can I say that she hs and


remains a berry powerful advocacy of the fishing industry. It is very


important that we take action and rules are followed. I welcole the


announcement that Dong energy is to take forward the project ond. Can I


ask how this is going to help with the Humber and that UK steel is used


in this development? We are very, very keen that UK steel is tsed on


UK projects. It is important that we see a development of that sdctor on


Humberside. There will be qtestioned on this very subject next Thursday


and I would suggest he brings this to the Minister's attention then as


well. It is one thing to poke fun at each


other, but it is quite another to adopt this policy on the qudstion of


delaying the vote on Trident, which everybody on both sides of the


nuclear debate in Parliament, expected to be taking place in the


next few weeks. Can he look the House in the eye and tell us that


Number ten are not playing party politics with the nuclear ddterrent,


because if they are, it is beneath contempt? My honourable fridnd has


been a powerful advocate for our nuclear deterrent and it is a view I


support wholeheartedly. He hs very effective in highlighting of the


flaws in the opposition polhcies. He will know this will be debated in


the House in due course but I cannot tell him when that will be today. I


will tell my colleagues of the concerns we have raised. Mr Speaker,


last year, the Dublin speci`l criminal Court convicted Thomas


Mersey -- Thomas Murphy of tax evasion. On Tuesday evening on the


BBC, he was exposed as a former chief of staff of the IRA and the


Godfather of organised crimd. The laundering of British field was


supposed to be stopped across the United Kingdom but his crimd


syndicate continues to launder these fuels. When will the Treasury get a


grip on the issue and give HMRC more power. Can the Minister urgdd the


Treasury to get this crimin`l activity stopped? We all want to see


this criminal activity stopped because it damages legitimate


business. I will make sure this is brought to the Treasury's attention.


This is not something they would want to see continue either. Would


my right honourable friend find time for a debate on the future of


pharmacy services? Having vhsited a local pharmacist this week, I was


horrified to find that as a result of reductions of ?174 million in the


budget, there is every likelihood that the wonderful range of services


father says currently offer will be diluted. This was a concern raised


last week and the Minister responsible was on the bench at the


time and I was able to provhde an assurance to the House that he will


treat this with great care `nd will be back in the House next wdek. This


is something we have to get right because pharmacies play an hmportant


role in local communities and the Minister knows that. The Le`der of


the House may not be aware but I did have a proper job outside of


Parliament before I got into Parliament and one of those jobs...


No, not in the 18th century One of my employers was ICI and is he aware


that that company is one of the largest -- three -- one of the three


largest chemical companies hn the world and is looking to be taken


over by a Chinese company? That would eradicate the UK from that


market and that those jobs hn danger. Can we have an urgent debate


to discuss this because it hs that the heart of our economy, lhke


steel? The honourable gentldman as ever, makes a powerful case. I am


sure his comments are being listened to by the Business Secretarx but can


I also to deft helix to bring forward an adjournment debate so he


can raise that case? At the moment, local councils are only askdd to


keep a register of people who are blind only, not a register of those


who are blind and deaf. Can I suggest such a register would enable


us to coordinate care for those who are both blind and deaf? I would


like to congratulate my colleague on the support he offers to people with


both those disabilities. My colleague will be in the ch`mber


next week and he will have ` point to make then but I will also ensure


that is passed on before thdn. The Leader of the House may be `ware


that the House of Represent`tives in Australia has agreed that b`bes in


arms can be brought into parliament to be fed by their parents. Would he


support such a change? Therd are a few people who think such a change


is necessary but it would bd a matter for us all to discuss. We


have do make sure we have a family friendly Palace of Westminster, a


family friendly house, but we are also careful to maintain tr`ditions


of the House as well. Could we have a debate to cdlebrate


the work that the arts Council does and people like the Royal B`llet in


this country that bring in so much tourism as well as the wonddrful


organisations in Mid Derbyshire that add to the different tourisl offer


that we have in the area and the fact that the Chancellor had


recognised this in the Autuln Statement? She makes an important


point, I am glad the Chancellor recognised it in the Autumn


Statement, it is important we maintain strong arts bodies, they


make a valuable contribution to our culture and attract business from


overseas, so she makes an ilportant point. I wish to wish her a happy


birthday as well. Last Saturday the extremist group Britain first came


to Dewsbury town centre, thdy carried crucifixes and proclaimed


the Prophet Muhammad to be ` paedophile. There is concern with


many businesses closing due to fear of violence and a huge police


operation which cost a lot of money. I would like to pay tribute to the


wonderful people of my constituency and the police who carried


themselves in an exemplary lanner. Does the leader agreed that we


should now have an urgent ddbate about where the balance lies between


freedom of expression and the incitement of racial hatred? I start


by agreeing with her, we benefit from being a multicultural,


multiethnic society. The different communities bring rich drinks. Those


who would seek to divide us should be unreservedly condemned. H pay


tribute to her constituents, I pay tribute to the police officdrs, who


often put themselves at risk in dealing with incidents of this kind.


There can never be an excusd for incitement of racial hatred. It is


for the police and prosecuthng authorities to decide when `nd how


to use them, but she would find universal support for watchds says,


racial hatred is to be abhorred and prevented at all costs. The


Government is rightly taking steps to counter the threat of violent


extremism and promote commuter cohesion, something we all support.


The leader will be aware of the recent Westminster Hall deb`te on


registration of out-of-school settings which highlighted


considerable concern on that issue. Does the leader agree it is


essential that there is widdspread consultation on the other proposals


in the Government's counter extremism agenda before a bhll is


brought before this has? I `ccept the point she is making, it is very


much the intention of those in the Department working on this to listen


to representations from honourable members, to try to get this right.


We share a common objective, we do not want to see inappropriate,


unnecessary regulation placdd on small groups that do small `mount of


work to the benefit of local communities. Further to the


question, I have learned thhs week that snaring of wild animals is


still not illegal. It is crtel and sadistic. Does the Government have


any plans to bring forward legislation to ban it and protect


our wild animals? I am award this is a matter that is subject to


campaigning at the moment. Ht is something that the Secretarx of


State will give consideration to. I am not aware of current plans, but


given the concerns, it is something we need to consider. Can we have a


debate on unitary authoritids and the potential efficiencies they can


create? Many of those in thhs country believe that these


authorities are a better wax of running local Government, btt there


are part of the country where the two tiers work extremely well. What


we are seeking to do is to give greater freedom to local authorities


to decide what is right for their area and to give them the


opportunity to put forward reforms that will involve change and greater


devolution. If he feels that is right for his area, I encourage him


to discuss it with the Department. Can we have a statement frol the


Government on when they are going to review the 1955 treaty that operates


between the UK and Malawi in terms of tax treatment? It operatds to the


considerable disadvantage of one of the poorest countries in thd world.


I will make sure the Foreign Office are aware of the concerns, H am not


aware of the detail. I will ask them to make sure he gets a propdr


response. Employment levels in my constituency are at a record high,


with the jobless claimant count 1.5%. There is always more that can


be done. In a month I am holding an apprenticeship there in Crawley


Civic Hall. Can we have consideration of a debate on the


importance of further encouraging apprenticeships to help prolote


further economic growth? I congratulate him on the work he is


doing locally. One of the most important parts of us achieving our


collective goal of 3 million apprenticeships in this parliament


will be the work done by individual members to encourage local


communities to provide a prhnter ships. I encourage this work.


Apprenticeships are an essential part of our economic future success.


Yesterday we heard from the Prime Minister that in work benefhts for


EU migrants are a pull factor, but we can't judge that, becausd the


information has been withheld. Given the leader of the house is such a


fan of Freedom of Information, with the request ministers put this


information before the housd, alongside a statement? As wd debate


the question of the renegothation, the package we have been offered, we


will hold a debate in this house, we will have statement by the Prime


Minister, once the renegoti`tion is complete. I have no doubt all


information required for those debates will be there and whll take


place. Carlisle and Cumbria are starting to experience recrtitment


issues and there could be a skills shortage. This is partly an


indication of success, but this will be further exacerbated ID potential


large investment into Cumbrha. It raises issues about attracthng the


right people into the countx. What can such a Government do to


assist Cumbria to benefit from these opportunities? This is a sylbol of


the success of this Governmdnt in generating real economic improvement


in parts of the country which have all too often been left behhnd. I am


pleased to hear about the pressures he describes, but we have to react


and help with this is securd the skills they need, that is why


apprenticeships are so important. And why other measures that we will


take also essential. He is right to raise the issue.


November 2014 is the latest month for which we have accident `nd


emergency figures -- 2015. World free had 1592 patients not seen in


four hours, North Middlesex 330 patients. Both these hospit`ls are


supposed to serve the peopld of Enfield North since the Govdrnment


closed the accident and emergency elsewhere. We have an early debate


on the Government's mismanagement of the NHS to the degree that people of


Enfield and across the country are being badly let down when they


arrive in need of treatment? She will have the chance on Tuesday when


the secretary of State is hdre to raise her concerns with him. Under


this Government the NHS is receiving more money than ever before and is


treating more patients than ever before. As he knows, I have been


campaigning to save the hedgehog. On Monday, we had the hedgehog summit


with the Secretary of State at DEFRA. Next week, I plan to launch a


petition to make it a protected species. Can he confirm, whhch I


hope that everybody will participate in, that if we get over 100,000


signatures, we can be considered for having a further debate on this very


important issue? I have to congratulate him on his dilhgence,


the hedgehog has a much better chance of survival with him around


than would otherwise have bden the case. If he secures the signatures


of his position, I am almost certain the committee will feel oblhged to


bring forward a debate, givdn how strongly he has pushed this issue, I


am sure his request will have universal support. My consthtuent


David chamber has raised with me his Rotherham that he is a gradtate who


cannot find graduate work. The Prime Minister has said that he does not


want foreign graduates doing what he describes as menial Labour, so can


we have an urgent debate on what help we can give our UK graduates to


get graduate jobs and which the student loan repayment systdm


depends on? When I was employment Minister in 2010 we inheritdd on


implement levels that were `lmost twice as high as they are now,


conversations with young people entering the job market werd


challenging. Today, that is different. On implement has come


down by almost half, job opportunities are better th`n they


have been for a long time. Tnder Labour, things went badly wrong


This Government has sorted them out. My constituent was left with a


nearly ?3000 legal bill aftdr being threatened with libel action by a


developer who is planning application she commented on to her


local council. Can we debatd our libel laws? I would not endorse


every comment, but this reaction from a developer could deter many


other people from commenting on planning applications they have an


interest in. I cannot comment on the specific detail of this casd, but it


is right and proper for those putting in planning applications to


treat local communities with respect. If people feel thex have


been let down by local authority processes, they go to the olbudsman.


It sounds like he is doing ` fine job of representing his constituent


anyway. There is legitimate concern from civil society organisations


about restrictions on their ability to challenge school admission


arrangements for stock could we have a statement about the proposed ban


on objections from these organisations so we can better


understand who will be affected and who won't's --? These things are


predominately for local authorities to decide, but he is free to bring


this forward as an adjournmdnt debate and bring the ministdr before


the house to raise this concern depending on whether he chooses to


do so. People in the villagds of Lincolnshire are desperate to get to


Cleethorpes, where they will find excellent shopping and the finest


fish and chips in the land. Unfortunately, due to cuts hn bus


services, the economy of Cldethorpes could have a setback. Could we


debate the funding of rural bus services, which need a rethhnk? I


understand his point. It is a matter for communities and local and, who


will be here on Monday, I encourage him to bring that point to the


attention of ministers who have the most direct responsibility.


Yesterday, the Bank of Scotland announced it will close the mad


Florida branch in my constituency, which serves thousands in that


community. They have announced they are doing so without any colmunity


consultation, which will catse quite a lot of older people to have to


travel right far to get to their local branch. Can we have a debate


on how it is that big banks can do this without proper consult`tion


with the community and to the detriment of local people? This is


an issue that has been raisdd by a number of members in the last few


weeks. If the chair of the backbench committee was here, I would say


there is a demand across thd house for a debate. I would encourage him


to put forward that request. The Post Office now offers many


alternative banking services, and I hope communities will take `dvantage


of the Post Office to make sure they can offer those services in those


communities. The chairman of the backbench committee has been called


away on urgent business, so he has asked me to make the point that the


committee has scheduled every debate when a request has been put in, so


we are open for business for debate after the recess. The reality is


that debating time in this chamber and Westminster Hall is extremely


precious. I would encourage members to put applications in. The security


trust this week has reported that the number of anti-Semitic hncidents


has fallen by a Wellcome 21$. But before we get complacent, that is


the third highest on record, and follows the highest level ever


recorded. Could we have a statement from the Home Secretary responding


to that report, making clear what action the Government will take to


make sure that anti-Semitic incidents are treated not only


seriously but combated across this country? I echo that point, I


commend the work he just dods. This is every bit as much of an hssue as


was the issue raised earlier about events in Dewsbury last week.


Anti-semitic, racist incitelent it is unacceptable. As is incitement of


race hatred against any grotp. We should stand against it when we


discover it and see it. It hs unacceptable and should nevdr be


tolerated. Does the Leader of the Housd detect


any difference between his view and the treaty right of the current Lord


Chancellor who this week sahd the Government was not planning to


derivate at all from any of the Human Rights Act? I hate to


disappoint the honourable gdntleman but we on the side of the House


believe the Human Rights Act should be replaced. Labour don't stpport us


will stop they are wrong, wd are right. Hundreds, probably thousands


of British nationals have t`ken the brave decision to go and fight


against Dyer should in the ,- in Syria. It is now Home Officd policy


to arrest these individuals when they return to the UK even hf, as is


most likely, they are not charged, that will remain on their rdcords


and constituents like mine who have taken an extremely brave decision to


fight with our allies -- allies will not be able to enter the Unhted


States for the rest of their lives. What can my honourable friend do to


raise this with the Home Secretary to adopt an appropriate polhcy


towards these brave citizens? This issue must be treated with great


care and I will ensure this is raised with the Home Secret`ry.


Could I ask the right honourable gentleman tonight his colle`gues in


the Department for Transport? The very expensive enquiry into the top


-- into the trolley bus in Leeds concluded six months ago, and has


been covering dust, so can we please have a statement on this so that we


can progress with a genuinely modern scheme? The honourable gentleman


makes an important point. I will ask the Department to write to xou. I


recently met with people at a local college to discuss the antiracism


and anti-discrimination campaign. Can we have a debate on this very


important issue? The honour`ble gentleman makes a very good point


about the need to avoid dissemination and racism in our


society. The whole house wotld agree with that. -- to avoid


discrimination. Can we pay tribute to all those involved in thd youth


Parliament to make an important contribution to discussions between


young people and parliament`rians around the country. On Mond`y, I


attended a debate in Westminster Hall and it was such a big hssue


that I had to sit on seats normally occupied by Tory MPs but thd novelty


of that quickly wore off as I had to listen to people finger point. On a


serious point, can we have ` real debate about alternate meastres that


we can put into end this injustice of the inequality of the st`te


tension increase? Bearing in mind that this Government recently found


an extra ?6 billion for Trident with an extra ?10 billion


contingency, that is ?16 billion that could be felt -- found. I


always like the moments where we can sit alongside the SNP. When we talk


about the deficit, it is trte. We have made good process -- progress,


but the pension issue is about ensuring that the state rethrement


age reflects the good news that we are all living longer and is equal.


Can we have a debate on the impact of relaxing planning rules? In such


a debate, I could raise the plight of Haughton Green in my constituency


where residents have seen the loss of their heritage with the


bulldozing of the old Rectory, being deprived a say over the futtre use


of the Methodist church and where there is likely to be expensive


infill development, even though it will require the use of alrdady


congested medieval road infrastructure. The honourable


gentleman will be able to r`ise these on Monday. There is a balance


to be found between protecthng local areas but also providing hotsing for


the next generation. Mr Spe`ker you probably know that children living


in low emission zones have ` 10 lower lung capacity than those


living outside of them, partly because of diesel emissions. Will he


look towards having a debatd about improving the cleanliness of our air


in city centres, including the possible restriction of diesel


vehicles, given that 52,000 people die a year from diesel pollttant? It


is a matter that is attracthng widespread concern. It is ilportant


we have clean our quality and it is a matter ministers are taking very


seriously and are investigating at the moment. I just want to go back


to this issue of the second reading on the 22nd of February of ` bill as


yet unannounced because there is no bill sitting waiting to be finished


off in the House


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