15/09/2016 Business Questions


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Her Majesty gave signature to the Royal Act. Finances Act, 2006. Aber


dasher's Act Charity Act 2006. Business question: Paul Paldstinian.


Will the leader give us the business of the House in the week following


this unnecessarily protractdd recess? Mr Speaker, the bushness for


the week commencing the 10th of October will be as follows: Monday


10th of October a motion to approve the second report, 2016 to 2017 from


the committee of privileges. Followed by the second readhng of


the neighbourhood planning bill Tuesday, 11th October, second


reading of the small charit`ble donations and childcare paylents


bill. Wednesday the 12th of October, and opposition day a debate on the


opposition motion, the subjdct to be announced. Thursday the 13th of


October, a general debate on baby loss followed by a debate on a


motion on the inquiry into hormone pregnancy tests, both of thdse


subjects have been determindd by the back bench business committde.


Friday 14th October, the Hotse is not setting. Commencing the 17th of


October, will include Mondax 17th of October, second reading of the


savings Government contributions bill.


As for business in Westminster Hall, I would like to inform the House


that the business for Thursday the 20th of October, will be a debate on


the Education Committee reports on mental health and well being of


looked after children and on social work reform, followed by a general


debate on national arthritis week 2016, recommended by the Li`ison


Committee and a back bench business committee and colleagues will wish


to know that subject as alw`ys to progress of business, the House will


rise for the February 2017 recess at the end of business on the Thursday


the 9th of February and rettrn on Monday the 20th of February.


Paul Flynn. Thank you for the business. Can we deal with the


matters involving the select committees and the date for


elections of chairs. Can he confirm that the business committee will be


renamed and continue with a Labour chairman. That the new international


trade committee will be chahred by a member of the Scottish national


party and the new Brexit colmittee chaired by a Labour MP? We wish to


join you Mr Speaker in giving best wishes to the retiring peacd


speaker's council, Michael Carpenter and in welcoming Seera Selini in


appointing his role. Today hs the international day of democr`cy.


Democracy invented in Greecd, 2 00 years and coming to the isl`nds in


instalments. We are still the only country in the world along with


Lesotho that has hereditary chief takens in our chair. The recent


decisions by David Cameron, in his final awards to described in the


Daily Mail, and the Garde, from both ends of the political spectrum as


devalued, debased, discredited, egregious, grubby, tawdry, tainted


and ashished, otherwise OK! At the heart of our democracy is this


rotten system where the spe`ker of the House of Lords said there were


200 unnecessary people prancing around in ermine down the other end


of the corridor and that thd changes introduced by the Prime Minhster


will involve a spending of ?34 million. The exchanges that have


taken place over the years. This is wanton. A waste of public money at a


time when the Prime Minister said that his justification for the


massive disruption amongst dlected members by the changes in the


boundary will save peanuts. Will the Leader of the House add lustre to


his parliamentary halo and not just be a leader who is here tod`y,


nowhere tomorrow, and take on real reforms? The other to take tp, is


this report this week by distinguished members of all


parties, for 25 years partids of all colours have failed to answdr the


appeals from the seriously hll, those who suffer agonies of pain


asking for relief from the only medicine that works for thel which


is cannabis. Because of the prejudice, the policies in both


governments, that are cowardly, prejudice-rich, knowledge-free, that


continue with a system that has criminalised seriously ill people,


now there is a clear call from the members, the distinguished lembers,


knowledgeable members here `nd in the other House to end this


barbarous practice, whereby we criminalise people for using


cannabis but allow heroine to be prescribed. Other countries


throughout the world are dohng this. There is no excuse for conthnuing


with this practice. Hinckley announced today...


I am grateful for his support. Where is Hinckly's decision today? How


does it fit into the parlialentary timetable? It has never been debated


properly. Any new proposals have never been debated. It could be the


greatest financial and technical logical catastrophe for manx years.


The price of a rip-off, technology doesn't work. Overpromised `nd


Finland that nuclear power from the EPR would be working from 2009, it


is not working now. The govdrnment is going to blunder ahead bdcause


they haven't got the couragd to examine the scheme again, they are


going ahead because of political inertia. The policy of my p`rty will


be spelt out by the Member for Brent North later. In the meantimd we have


to say to the Leader of the House, he must gain parliamentary `pproval.


This is going ahead without any parliamentary Emperor Matta and this


will be seen as the years and decades go by, as the futilhty of


this operation goes by. It will be seen not to be a parliament`ry


disaster or error, but a Tory error. The Leader of the House. Can I first


agree with the honourable gdntleman opposite and join with him `nd


wishing a successful retirelent to speakers Council, who served this


House, and you, Mr Speaker, with distinction over many years. I can


honourable gentleman described in honourable gentleman described in


respect of the chair as of the select committees. On his point


about the use of cannabis in medical treatment, it is of course perfectly


possible for medicines derived from cannabis that include cannabinoids


to go through the normal process of medical licensing and approval. I am


not attracted to the idea that we should simply agree to parthcular


drugs being made available without that sort of analysis and checking


and approval by NICE to makd available to patients who m`y be


suffering from sensitive conditions. On his point about Hinkley, and I


have to say I got the impression that this was for the honourable


gentleman at therapeutic experience rather than a quest for truth. He


will have the opportunity in a relatively short space of thme to


put questions on the subject directly to my right honour`ble


friend the Secretary of State for business energy and industrhal


strategies, so I would urge him to contain his impatience a little


longer. He also asks me abott the day of democracy, and I think


everyone on all parties would wish to celebrate the day of democracy.


The honourable gentleman knows that my own voting record on House of


Lords reform is recorded in Hansard, but the House of Commons had the


opportunity very recently to vote for the reform of the House of


Lords, and if elected House voted down every option that was


available. Now, they didn't Whatever views one holds about the


second chamber, I do not thhnk it is right to denigrate the very hard


work of scrutiny and review that members of the chamber in all


political parties and those from crossbenches put into play their


part in the legislative process I finally said to the honourable


gentleman, I find it a bit rum that he denounces the House of Lords


today in such florid terms when so many office former friends have been


in a rush to go and serve there And only earlier this week, a ndw life


peer sent by the right honotrable gentleman, the current Leaddr of the


Opposition, took her seat. H think he needs to have some words with his


only there about those views. Order, as colleagues know it is my practice


to call everybody in this sdt of exchanges, and I should likd to do


so again today, but I am conscious that there are two statements to


follow, then two debates taking place under the backbench btsiness


committee, of which the first is well subscribed, so there is a


premium upon brevity, which I be exemplified by Sir Edward Ldigh The


a fool the cant of Parliament. Will a fool the cant of Parliament. Will


he take his time about bringing this decision back to the House `nd


ensure there is a full constltation, given that 1 million people visit


this place every year, incltding 100,000 children, this is a very


serious issue and many of us are deeply concerned about the historic


palace being vacated for five or more years. Many of us think we


should get on with the work now abolish the September sittings and


start repairing the building in good time. This report was from the joint


committee to the House as a whole. It is on the desk of every lember of


this House because it is thhs House and the other place that will have


to take a decision about thd future of the Palace of Westminster. I hope


that every member will read it, consider it carefully and I hope to


arrange a time for a proper debate on the subject later this attumn.


Can I also paid tribute to the Speaker or's counsel who has been...


Can I also thank the Speaker for the nines -- the Leader of the House for


announcing the business. Since the EU referendum there has not been one


single debate on the conseqtences in government time. Our constituents


demand to know that governmdnt's intention, whether we will be


members of the single market, what sort of immigration system will be


in place. For goodness sake, we want to know if a visa will be rdquired


for European travel. This w`s meant to be about taking control. We seem


to have handed control to a handful of clueless Brexit toadies who are


determined to keep this in secrecy, and this House should demand better


than that. When will we hear from the Leader of the House abott having


a detailed debate about the Brexit plans? I say to the honourable


gentleman, I woke this mornhng to see all the details of the Hinkley


announcement. What happened to all the plan that the Secretary of State


is supposed to bring import`nt statements to the size and not have


discussed in the media? There should be a full debate on it, and it is


appalling that we have not had the debate on this so far. We'rd just


back from recess and we're going recess again in five hours.


Apparently this is charmingly called the confidence we -- conferdnce


recess, which covers most p`rties, but not this Scottish National


Party. Our constituents are baffled that we are arising when important


work needs to be discussed, like Brexit details. Voluntary


organisations and meeting. We should start to think about abandoning this


recess and I hope the Leader of the House supports this. Hopefully it


will be a conclusion to the most vicious party civil war in history.


Its bitterness only matches its destructiveness, and maybe the


Leader of the House and I could offer to work as peacekeepers to try


to bring back the broken party once again. I fear on that last point


that matters may now be nearer beyond repair. Can I say on Hinkley


again, the Secretary of State will be at this dispatch box within an


hour and all members will h`ve the chance to put questions to him then.


On his points about the consequences of the EU referendum, the f`ct


remains, and my views were well-known, the people of the United


Kingdom voted by a relatively small but decisive majority to le`ve the


European Union. As the Primd Minister said the other day, we


cannot have a running commentary on the preparation are articul`tion of


a negotiating position. You do not, in diplomacy or business or a walk


of life, set out your negothating position in detail so that those


with him your negotiating now all those details. But the honotrable


gentleman and his colleagues will have the opportunity to put oral


questions to the Foreign Secretary on the 18th of October and to the EU


exit secretary on the 20th of October, so there will be ftrther


opportunity for debate, just as my right honourable friend has been


appearing at select committdes and in the other place to answer


questions on the policy. Thd leader said about the select committee


chairmanship but forgot to say whether the motions had been laid


before the House. I underst`nd they have not been at the moment. My main


question is to do with the boundary changes. When the boundary changes


were announced and we had the debate in this House, we did not know we


were going to leave the EU. With 75% of our laws made in the EU, and the


abolition of all those hard,working MEPs, why are we now reducing the


number of MPs? The Prime Minister should perhaps look at this again.


Could we have a statement ndxt week? That decision is one that the House


took when it passed the leghslation that set out the number of lembers


of Parliament framework within which the boundary commission would


operate. That is set in prilary legislation. On his other point we


intend to lay the relevant resolutions and changes to standing


orders as rapidly as possible. There are still a few technical


discussions. If we can label hammer those out today, but it is certainly


our intention that there should be no delay that is unavoidabld before


those motions tabled. A clinic clinical commissioning


group has granted a contract to provide muscular skeletal sdrvices.


They employ no clinicians that will deliver the service and will rely on


existing service providers to contract with them to provide NHS


services. This is complete ladness leading to chaos in the NHS, and


unnecessary tier of bureaucracy who will suck out the profits at the


expense of patients. Can we have a debate on the performance of


privatised companies in the NHS we can expose the poor perform`nce of


companies? You may well seek to secure a debate on that. Thdse


conditions the local NHS and the decision may vary from each area.


But this government recognises the NHS can sometimes use of thd private


and charitable sectors to ddliver NHS services free to their tsers.


People are suffering from the smoke from the fire at a mill which has


been burning for over a week and a half. Can we have a debate hn


government about the illegal dumping of waste, enforcement action and the


penalties applied on situathons such as this? I was concerned to hear


about the plight of my honotrable friend's constituents. I wotld urge


her to liaise with the Environment Agency, who I believe have `n


important role in trying to sort this out. I will draw her comments


to the attention of the reldvant minister at Defra so that there can


be a response to her concerns. Can I find the Leader of the Housd for the


business announcement for the beginning October ten, and the two


debates on Thursday the 30th of October, one baby loss, abott infant


mortality and stillbirth, and of course the debate on the current


enquiry into home in pregnancy tests and the use of drugs which has led


to much damage for many in our population. During this morning the


Leader of the House will be suggesting to members to air their


issues, but we do have a significant queue built up already of


outstanding, and her debates. Can I ask the Leader of the House,


following the recess: alloc`ting time to the backbench committee We


will try to be as generous `s possible the honourable gentleman,


within the limits that laid down in terms of the allocation of days I'm


afraid just as I and my fellow business managers have sometimes to


say no to ministers who want to bring in legislation, so thdre is


questioned our priorities to those people. In my consistency, ht has


had a place close. People are working hard to try and savd the pub


for the village. Can we havd a debate and how we can support this


committee and other villages around the country to save their local


pubs? This sounds to me a pdrfect subject for an adjournment debate,


and I can point to my own constituency to cases where the


local community has rallied and saves the local pub as a colmunity


asset in the way changes thhs government brought in to thd law


have made possible. Can we have a debate on the NHS? My local


community has had to find s`vings. They need the extra money r`ther


than have to make cuts, can we have that debate? The government has


delivered in full and prevent the additional money that the chief


executive of the NHS said hd needed in order to deliver the NHS's plan.


What is also the case is th`t the NHS plan involves looking at how


services come in different parts of the country, need to change and


evolve in order to meet the sort of hell servers we are going to need in


the future. And these are ddcisions for the local NHS because the needs


of urban and rural areas max differ very significantly. To government


consultations have both recommended increasing the rates of intdrest is


paid on late payment of compensation to people who are subject to


compulsory orders. The Chief Secretary to the Treasury h`s


indicated these measures ard unlikely to be introduced until


after the construction of HS2 is due to start. Following years of


mismanagement and further, H have little faith HS2 will pay


compensation on time and fahrly But I understand these matters can be


introduced via a statutory instrument. Could the Leader of the


House arrange for an instrulent to be brought before the cells as soon


as is of a uncertainly well in advance of the construction of HS2?


Both you and I will have bedn following her question closdly. I


will talk to the Chief Secrdtary to the Treasury to understand better


the current position and I'l sure he will want to write to my right


honourable friend in order to set his views out. A statement from


Defra, detailing sanctions ht has two ensure developers complx with


the national policy statement on ports in respect of electricity


connection, particularly in areas identified as having bad air


quality, such as London. I `m sorry if he is unable to put that question


to transport ministers in the question time we have had. H think I


would advise him to either write to transport ministers or to sdek an


adjournment when he can get more detail. Given we may be going down


by 50 MPs, the problem we whll face is this House will need to do all it


does with an inadequate budget. Can he talk about the staffing budget


for the MPs who have to do ht all with 50 less people? That is a


matter for the independent authority, but I hope he will come


and other colleagues who ard concerned, will make represdntations


to IPSA, and when I meet thd chairman of IPSA in a few wdeks


time, I shall make sure I'vd got his concerns on my agenda. Two weeks


ago, a 20-year-old student died of meningitis within 48 hours of


contact and flu. She had no obvious symptoms. Their parents describes


that they knew little about how the disease could strike, althotgh any


strand is potential, not level of knowledge is reflected by everyone


they've met and people who H know. They are calling for much more to be


done to prevent more falling victim to this disease. Rates of mdningitis


cases are on the rise and Ptblic Health England has called for more


young people to take a back vaccine. Could we have a debate on the rate


of take-up of meningitis vaccines, how to increase awareness and how we


can join messages and understand and undertake more research so we see an


end to this horrific diseasd? May I first, Mr Speaker, express ly


sincere sympathy to the famhly and friends of her constituent? That


must be an unbearable experhence of any family to have to endurd. And I


think many of us will have had a comfortable examples in the areas we


represent. So I agree with her about the importance of highlighthng this


matter and I am sure that mdmbers in all parts of the House will support


her endeavours, it strikes le this is the sort of thing a debate in


Westminster Hall might be the best way to highlight the matter. Since


the Second World War, the BBC monetary service has perforled,


providing intelligence and the Secretary of State for defence


confirmed it is a vital intdrest to his departments. Today we h`ve an


important letter on the samd subject coming to the same conclusion from


Lord Campbell, the former ldader of the Liberal Democrats. May we have


therefore a statement or debate as soon as polymer into returns on the


proposed cuts the BBC is gohng to make in this service, and when he


grew with me it would be disgraceful if every steps were taken bdfore the


House returns, given the BBC have been informed that at least one and


probably to select committeds will be wanting to hold an inquiry into


this matter urgently? I appreciate his concerns, he's taken an interest


in these issues the years. H note there will be a statement from the


Secretary of State for culttre and media and sport about the BBC later


today. And that maybe my right honourable friend is able to


contrive a question that is in order for him to put to the Secretary of


State. Whether it would meet the case, it is up to him to judge.


I declare an interest in thhs. We had a debate on Hinkley point. Days


before the announcement tod`y because of Downing Street briefings.


Why was the Leader of the House allowed that to happen, and why


doesn't he allow the votes so as those who vote this monstrots


financial folly can be named and shamed to the constituents for


generations to come? This is not a new policy. I don't want to pre empt


the statement we will have, but we had a decision the previous


government tour, which my rhght honourable friend, the Primd


Minister, put on hold, so she could re-examine the evidence in detail


before deciding whether to commit the United Kingdom to a verx major


project of this kind. The Sdcretary of State will set out the


government's decision and the reasoning behind it. The right


honourable member will have ample opportunity to put his case to the


secretary of the state. One of my constituents has been battlhng for


many months for the return of money he invested in markets. I w`nt to


stress the name of the comp`ny, who refused to engage with my


constituent or myself and the money is not being returned. Mr Speaker,


binary options trading is rdmains unregulated and a cowboy market and


the Treasury remains impotent. Could the leader arrange a debate to this


market could be regulated? The legal positions... I can't comment on


detail on the predictor constituent case, but binary option that hold


gambling equipment in the UK regulated by the gambling


commission. These are peopld who must hold a licence to sell binary


options lawfully to consumers. And to do so without a licence hs an


offence. The gambling commission can come and it does, take action


against unlicensed operators and my advice would be to take the case he


has to the gambling commisshon and also if his constituent belheves


fraudulent activity has happened here, to take the case to action


fraud. Last week children across the country returned to school. Research


from the trade union suggests 2 % of those children return potentially


malnourished. Because they went available to have school me`ls in


the holidays. This is a heartbreaking issue but we still


don't in the scale of the issue because there's not been proper


research done. Can we have ` debate in government time to establish what


can be done on this issue of poverty? The honourable ladx is


right to draw this matter to the attention of the House. And I will


make sure her concerns are passed on to the relevant minister for the


Department for Education, and maybe this is a matter for the backbench


committee or in Westminster, so it can be explored thoroughly. My right


honourable friend will be aware of the situation in East Asia with


North Korean nuclear tests rising tensions in South China Sea. Does he


agree that at this time of Brexit, our allies across the region and in


particular Japan will be looked into this House and this governmdnt to


see whether we remain engagdd with the region, and will he find time


this House to debate the issue? My honourable friend is absolutely


right to highlight the gravd significance of the recent North


Korean nuclear test. Certainly this government will remain very active


in world affairs. My right honourable friend, the Primd


Minister, and the Foreign Sdcretary, when they go to the UN asselbly will


have the opportunity to talk to other leaders from around the world


about the risks of nuclear proliferation. The government


remains utterly opposed to the North Korean nuclear programme, wd have


sanctions in place. A lot hhnges upon the Chinese government's


approach, as they the power with the most direct influence. Questions on


Tuesday the 18th of October, so he'll have a further opporttnity


then. I have found this week the suicide rate is rising fastdr in


Cumbria than in any other p`rt of the country. Mental health nurse has


told me about her concerns of the stresses on the services, btt she's


concerned about the extra pressure being put on it the devastating


floods we had last year. Can we have a debate to look at what nedds to be


done, not only to improve stpport of mental health services, but what


extra support needs to be ptt in place when constituents suffering


crisis? I hope she knows thd Health Secretary has made it clear his


policy is to ensure mental health is not treated as a Cinderella service


but is treated on a par with physical health in planning the


future of the national health service. I take note she mentions


the problems that have affected Cumbria. It seems to me in the first


place it is local NHS working with the many charitable organis`tions


that can often provide prevdntative support and help for people who are


badly affected by floods or other disasters, for them then, if they


feel they needed, to seek hdlp from the NHS nationally.


One of my constituents is sdverely disabled, and her full-time carer


and partner received a lettdr headed, your Disability Livhng


Allowance is ending, giving less than one month notice to apply for


PIP, followed by a text. Can we have a debate in the way that severely


disabled people are communicated with on the transfer to PIP? If you


would like to write to me whth the details, I will ensure that is


passed on to the relevant Mhnister. One of my constituents who has


cleaned HMRC offices for many years was expecting a modest pay rise when


the national living wage cale in. Instead government contractors ISS


cut her hours you're laterally and as a consequence she lost t`x


credits and was 50p per week worse off. Can we have a debate in


government time to discuss how the government is making sure its


contractors comply not only with the law but with the spirit of the law?


In the particular case she mentioned, there are questions on


the 25th of October, but I will have a look into the question th`t she


raises more generally. Last Friday I was honoured to speak at thd 80th


anniversary celebrations in my constitudncy Can


we ensure that when it comes to procurement of this place that


companies like Ventaxia will be proposed suppliers, and perhaps in


the proposed EU world as well. - the 80th anniversary of Ventaxia. It


is the case that if Parliamdnt approves the renewal progralme,


there will be a need for skhlls expertise, construction, renovation


of all kinds, and indeed thd joint committee report says in terms that


we need to make sure there would be opportunities for a specialhst firms


for businesses in this country to get a share of the work. In the past


week there have been two reports on the tragic problem of drug-related


deaths, as well as a report on the medical use of cannabis, whhch my


honourable friend the shadow Leader of the House has referred to


earlier. Given the absence of the government's long-awaited drug


strategy, could we have a ftll debate of developing a relevant and


realistic drugs policy? With the new team of ministers, it is re`sonable


for those ministers to conshder what drug strategy they want to publish.


We're approaching the annivdrsary of the Iran nuclear deal. In the


meantime religious minoritids are persecuted, the uranium reghme has


enhanced its ballistic misshle capability and there is serhous


doubt that Iran is keeping to the nuclear deal. Can we have a


statement on government timd of what steps the UK Government is going to


take to ensure that this regime is halted? My honourable friend is


right to point to the frankly appalling human rights record of the


uranium government. I also take the view that generally it is sdnsible


even where you have a most profound disagreement with the government of


another country to have diplomatic channel so that there is a leans by


which to communicate with that government. The Foreign Comlonwealth


Office two to eight is determined to ensure that human rights relain a


key element in the United Khngdom's foreign policy and there will be an


opportunity to ask about a run on the 18th of October. Today postal


workers across the UK are t`king industrial action to protect their


jobs, pensions and post offhces The post offices received ?2 billion of


public money over the past seven years. Can we have a debate about


why this has not been spent on new services, securing the future of


post offices and protecting decent jobs? I regret the fact that there


is industrial action becausd all that will do is to inconvenhence


customers and make it more likely that those customers will look


elsewhere for the delivery of parcels and communicating mdssages,


rather than using Post Office services. The Post Office h`s been


given taxpayers money to en`ble it to make the difficult transformation


to a world which relies increasingly upon electronic and digital


communications, and where they are other competitors for things like


parcel delivery. So this has to be generally a matter of commercial


judgment for the Post Officd management. What a summer of sport


we have had. Andy Murray winning at Wimbledon, scores of Olympic gold


medals, Paralympic success `t the moment, but perhaps most


significantly Northants winning the Twenty20 last. . -- Blast. Can we


have a debate about the sumler of sporting success? I cannot promise a


debate. I know that everyond in the House were wanted and gradu`lly the


Olympians and Paralympians, but also Northamptonshire on the Twenty2


triumph, and I am sure my honourable friend would be doing his bdst to


arrange the ticker tape read. Can we ensure councils like Greenwhch Park


who want to rehouse vulnerable Syrian refugees are getting support


from government, particularly to cover costs of higher accomlodation


in the capital? There are ongoing discussions between the govdrnment


and local authorities. A nulber of local authorities would in principle


be willing to take refugees but to judge at the moment that it is too


much pressure on the housing market in the only area. Ministers want to


see those discussions brought to a conclusion as well. I hope we can


take this forward to a satisfactory agreement.


Have a statement on what thd government is doing to stop


prisoners abs squandering from prison? Another murderer has


disappeared and the Ministrx of Justice figures show that prisoners


convicted of murder have bedn absconding at the rate of one a


month years, putting the public at risk. It is time we got a grip. As


my honourable friend knows, the Justice Secretary is preparhng


legislation and present reform and I'm sure she will want to t`ke


account of his concerns as she developed her policy further. In


light of the Brexit abodes, can we please have government time on


whether the decision of the previous parliament to reduce the nulber of


Parliamentary constituencies down by 50 is still one that commands the


support of the House of Comlons And also whether government will be


reducing the number of ministers if there is a reduction in members of


Parliament. I have to say to the honourable lady, there are puite a


number of members of this House who for some years have been


representing significantly larger numbers of constituents than art in


the quota proposed now by the Parliamentary boundary commhssion.


The central principle behind the new law and behind is the recent reports


is that the electrodes in e`ch constituency should be the same so


that everybody's vote counts equally, that seems to me a


principle that is democratically just. The Wales Bill which concluded


in Monday had a demolition of income tax, it must be supported bx a fair,


fiscal framework. Can we have a statement on this issue before the


bill reaches a national leghslation process? I can't promise hil a


statement but there will be Treasury questions on October 23 when he can


make that point directly to the ministers. This week the Victorian


Society released its list of top ten endangered buildings in the country


and there were non-in London or the south-east, tellingly. The grade two


listed building of Great Grhmsby's Victorian mill, pictures show it


covered in scaffolding paid for by the local council as a result of


years of neglect by the private owners. Can we have a debatd in


government time on the responsibilities of private


companies to preserve herit`ge assets around the country for the


benefit of local communities? As the young lady hinted, if the btilding


is listed in any way, there are already legal obligations upon


owners to keep those and a proper state of repair and our sanctions


available against those who choose not to. There should be a rdmedy for


her local authority but I think there's often, the communitx


rallying around can help to restore a historic building and converted to


new use. Can we have a debate about delays in approval of the joint


select committee report on supply of weapons to Saudi Arabia as that is


compelling evidence UK arms are being used to kill women and


children in Yemen? Can the leader advise us of the government whips


had any role whatsoever in lembers break and a quorum of two


committees, leaving the quote an approved? What goes on in committees


is not a matter for me. On the broader point, there was a statement


on this related matter quitd recently by my honourable friend,


the Parliamentary Secretary, for Bournemouth West. I think the best


thing I could do is pointed towards the questions the week after we get


back. If he won't listen to the will of this current house, which is


against the reduction from 650 two 600, can make a suggestion for a


debate we could have on redtcing the numbers in Lord? Can we takd a


lesson from sport and introduce a squad system where each party could


nominate actively, thereby reducing the numbers who are down thd voting


and getting rid of the ridiculous situation where there are more peers


than elected MPs? My regret is that when this House had the opportunity


to vote for House of Lords reform, this House chose not to. Can the


Leader of the House confirm that shortly the government will be


issuing a statement on the hmpact of employment tribunal fees? Is the


leader agree that given the claims of sex discrimination are down, that


these discriminate against women workers? I shall draw his concerns


to develop and administer, H don't know exactly when the report is


likely to be published but H will find out make he's informed, as far


as we are able to do so in `dvance. Can we have a debate on sochal works


report on adult mental health in England, and especially section two


and meeting the needs of diverse and marginalised groups? Includhng


ex-military personnel with diagnosis of mental health, substance misuse


and complex needs? Veterans are a unique group whose lives have been


shattered by serving their country and to many are ending up in prison


because of mental health problems. She makes a very powerful point


many others will have experhence of individual cases of the kind she


describes. It sounds to me the right kind of subject for Westminster Hall


debate. But also I think in my experience it is often the lilitary


charities working with the NHS services that are best able to reach


out to and communicate with the ex-service people concerned. The


Charlie Taylor report into the youth justice system will be wide,ranging


and important. It is critic`l we improve the life chances of young


people in danger of a life of crime. Can we please have a statemdnt and


publication of the report as soon as we return here after the party


conference season? I will draw that request to the attention of the


Ministerministers concerned. Last month I wrote to the Excheqter


seeking clarification of future funding for those funded by the EU.


The response I got was that this information will be publishdd before


the Autumn Statement. This hmplies they will have an answer, and when


will we debated? He said he would guarantee the funding currently


supplied by the EU up until 202 and projected levels and that hd is also


agreed to guarantee to fund various regional projects, which will have


been signed and sealed by the time of the Autumn Statement, evdn if the


lifetime of those deals goes beyond the likely date of exit. I hope that


will have given the honourable gentleman the reassurance hd wants.


If it doesn't come if he wotld like to write to me, I will take that to


Treasury ministers. Please could we have a statement on the progress of


the government's Help to Bux I say? Constituents have been in touch


concerned about reports thex can't use this now for the import`nt or


the exchange deposit. Can wd have clarification because the pdople


need information? If I can refer back to the business statemdnt, we


will be dealing with the savings government contributions Bill on the


17th of October, and I think she'll be able to explore those matters


then. The plight of displacdd Syrians has moved us all. I had one


come to my surgery last week rebuilding her life as a thhrd-year


Ph.D. Student. Unexpectedly she has been stuck with a bill of ?30,0 0


for fees due to a bar and ftnds coming in and out of Syria. Can we


have a statement to clarify the status of Syrian students bdcause


her counterparts at Edinburgh and Newcastle have had their feds are


waived, she faces an uncert`in future through no fault of her own?


There is a disparity between the practice in different cases. If she


would like to write to me about her case come I will take this tp with


the relevant department. Following the welcome news HMRC will not be


renewing its contract work concentrates, can we have a debate


on the payment by results model in our system? There was a good


opportunity to question the financial secretary when shd made a


statement about the company this week. I know my right honourable


friends at the and DWP will be doing all they can to ensure appropriate


lessons are learned is and that we get the sort of decent standard from


contractors that constituents are entitled to expect. In Decelber


2016, a human lawyer from Vhetnam and his colleague were arrested by


police for providing training to religious communities in Vidtnam,


charged with conducting propaganda and could face 20 years. With the


Minister make a statement on the release of these prisoners `nd all


prisoners of conscience and encourage Vietnam to repeal laws? I


would agree with the honour`ble gentleman that it should be regarded


as a fundamental human right to express and to talk about the


religion they adhere to. I was dismayed to hear about that case.


Questions on October 18 may provide the opportunity he is seeking.


Personal statement, Mr Justhn Tomlinson. With your permission I


would like to make a person`l statement. In response to the report


published by the privilege committee today and the report published by


the Parliamentary Commissioner for standards, I wanted to dig the


opportunity to make a full `nd unreserved apology to you and the


House. In 2013, I breached the rules of conduct by sharing a draft report


by the committee of Public `ccounts regarding the regulation of consumer


credit and investigation by the Parliamentary commission of


standards was initiated in 2015 following a complaint made by


wonder. I accept the findings of the published today and the reports


submitted by the commission of standards. I accept that my actions


in sharing the report consthtute an interference in the work and


committee, and for this I al truly sorry. This was never my


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