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intervention in the first instance.
Border. Business questions. Could | 0:00:00 | 0:00:03 | |
the Leader of the House give us the
forthcoming business. Thank you, Mr | 0:00:03 | 0:00:08 | |
Speaker. The business will include
Monday the 19th, the house will not | 0:00:08 | 0:00:16 | |
be sitting. Tuesday the 20th of
February, second reading of the | 0:00:16 | 0:00:22 | |
sanctions in the anti-money
laundering laws. Where's the 21st of | 0:00:22 | 0:00:26 | |
February, remaining stages of the
Finance number two bill. Thursday | 0:00:26 | 0:00:30 | |
22nd of February, debate on the role
of disabled people in economic | 0:00:30 | 0:00:35 | |
growth followed by a general debate
on cancer strategy. The subjects of | 0:00:35 | 0:00:40 | |
these debates were determined by the
back bench committee. Friday the | 0:00:40 | 0:00:45 | |
23rd of every private members bills.
We commencing the 26th of February, | 0:00:45 | 0:00:53 | |
estimates date, first allotted day.
Choose their the 27th, second | 0:00:53 | 0:00:58 | |
allotted day. The house will be
asked to agree all outstanding | 0:00:58 | 0:01:05 | |
estimates. I'm sure the whole house
will want to join me in marking | 0:01:05 | 0:01:10 | |
children's mental health week. The
earliest years of vitally important | 0:01:10 | 0:01:14 | |
for lifelong emotional health and
I'm strongly supportive of our | 0:01:14 | 0:01:17 | |
efforts in this area. Both houses
have now agreed to the same motion | 0:01:17 | 0:01:24 | |
regarding the restoration and
renewal of the Palace of Westminster | 0:01:24 | 0:01:27 | |
on my right honourable friend the
Leader of the House of Lords and I | 0:01:27 | 0:01:30 | |
will be presenting a paper on next
steps to a house commissions within | 0:01:30 | 0:01:34 | |
the next few weeks. And then, Mr
Speaker, we were all proud to take | 0:01:34 | 0:01:40 | |
part in the celebrations marking 100
years of women's votes. We have made | 0:01:40 | 0:01:45 | |
huge progress in advancing women's
rights, but there's still a long way | 0:01:45 | 0:01:49 | |
to go, especially when dealing with
the vicious personal abuse which is | 0:01:49 | 0:01:53 | |
so often directed at women.
Parliament needs to show the high | 0:01:53 | 0:01:57 | |
standards, so I'm delighted that
today a report on an independent | 0:01:57 | 0:02:04 | |
complaints and grievance policy has
been published. I hope these | 0:02:04 | 0:02:08 | |
proposals will demonstrate a renewed
commitment to treating everyone who | 0:02:08 | 0:02:11 | |
works in this place with dignity and
respect. Thank you. Can I thank the | 0:02:11 | 0:02:19 | |
Leader of the House rather
forthcoming business and ask again | 0:02:19 | 0:02:21 | |
about the date that we are going to
rise in July. People need to plan | 0:02:21 | 0:02:26 | |
their lives. I know the government
is focused on Brexit. I wonder if | 0:02:26 | 0:02:31 | |
the Leader of the House could
explain the European research group? | 0:02:31 | 0:02:35 | |
Does the leader know if they will be
publishing any sectorial analysis or | 0:02:35 | 0:02:39 | |
is this another secret society that
operates around the house that only | 0:02:39 | 0:02:44 | |
a few people can join? The
government should publish the list | 0:02:44 | 0:02:49 | |
of ministerial responsibilities.
Maybe then the government will know | 0:02:49 | 0:02:51 | |
what they are doing. Sending junior
ministers out to debates to answer | 0:02:51 | 0:02:57 | |
urgent questions instead of
ministers. This is an ideological -- | 0:02:57 | 0:03:05 | |
if this is not ideological I don't
know what is. That is close railway | 0:03:05 | 0:03:13 | |
line has 91% satisfaction rating.
Forfeiting the contract has 2.2 | 0:03:13 | 0:03:20 | |
billion. The shadow Secretary of
State for Transport said it would | 0:03:20 | 0:03:26 | |
add another £380 million to the
bailout. Quite rightly, the NAO has | 0:03:26 | 0:03:35 | |
launched an enquiry. What are the
costs so far associated with this | 0:03:35 | 0:03:40 | |
debacle and can she say whether or
not the Minister may be decision | 0:03:40 | 0:03:43 | |
against advice? Sorry, who benefited
from midnight visit the secretary of | 0:03:43 | 0:03:55 | |
state to see LG from number 11 are
in difficulties. The local MP said | 0:03:55 | 0:04:01 | |
she had worn since 2013 and 2014
that they could not cope with the | 0:04:01 | 0:04:05 | |
level of cuts. Further discussion
has been stifled. As the Minister | 0:04:05 | 0:04:14 | |
said yesterday it's not appropriate
to comment whilst the inspection is | 0:04:14 | 0:04:19 | |
going on. Camberley the right to me
and inform me how long the | 0:04:19 | 0:04:23 | |
inspection will take on what other
terms of reference. Is the Leader of | 0:04:23 | 0:04:28 | |
the House where on any statement
from the government on the misuse of | 0:04:28 | 0:04:32 | |
statistics? The head of the
statistics authority said that the | 0:04:32 | 0:04:37 | |
Prime Minister was misusing the
statistics on waiting times. In | 0:04:37 | 0:04:41 | |
England she uses time from decision
to admit from time to admission to | 0:04:41 | 0:04:45 | |
another part of the health service.
In Wales she quotes the entire time | 0:04:45 | 0:04:50 | |
patients wait from arrival. When
will this be corrected. The | 0:04:50 | 0:04:55 | |
government statement said they
accept the assessment, but fair | 0:04:55 | 0:05:00 | |
assessment in this target still
stands. That is bizarre. Bumblebees | 0:05:00 | 0:05:04 | |
correction be published in response
to Sir David's comments? Let us also | 0:05:04 | 0:05:09 | |
acknowledge that from the oldest
language in Europe which was | 0:05:09 | 0:05:12 | |
celebrated this week in the Welsh
grand committee, but more delays by | 0:05:12 | 0:05:19 | |
the government. Disabilities in the
built environment, the report, there | 0:05:19 | 0:05:29 | |
has been no response. The Minister
says I refer to my answer earlier. | 0:05:29 | 0:05:41 | |
This affects blind people. When will
the government take people with | 0:05:41 | 0:05:45 | |
disabilities seriously? | 0:05:45 | 0:05:56 | |
The test of the Government is their
commitment, deeds not words. Can the | 0:05:56 | 0:06:03 | |
Government explain my former
military wives are losing out on | 0:06:03 | 0:06:06 | |
pension credits. Deeds not words on
House of Commons research which | 0:06:06 | 0:06:15 | |
found that 86% of austerity falls on
women. Cuts of £97 billion. Deeds | 0:06:15 | 0:06:24 | |
not words on equal pay for equal
work. The Leader of the Opposition | 0:06:24 | 0:06:30 | |
has done his deeds because we have a
Shadow Cabinet or 50% women, you | 0:06:30 | 0:06:35 | |
cannot say that about the Cabinet.
We couldn't take part in the photo | 0:06:35 | 0:06:40 | |
in central lobby because the Shadow
Cabinet were at the Museum with a | 0:06:40 | 0:06:50 | |
suffragette exhibition. A loaf of
bread was preserved for web the | 0:06:50 | 0:06:54 | |
suffragettes came out of prison and
they held it aloft to prove they had | 0:06:54 | 0:06:58 | |
been on hunger strike. Finally,
there deeds allows our words to | 0:06:58 | 0:07:03 | |
resound as we strive for equality. I
am grateful to the honourable lady | 0:07:03 | 0:07:14 | |
for a series of questions she has
put to me and I think what I can say | 0:07:14 | 0:07:18 | |
in response to a number of her
requests for a letter is that I will | 0:07:18 | 0:07:22 | |
write to her on a number of the
points she has raised that I don't | 0:07:22 | 0:07:30 | |
have the specific answers to, to
hand. And of course through the | 0:07:30 | 0:07:33 | |
usual channels we will as soon as
possible give date for summary sets, | 0:07:33 | 0:07:36 | |
and as she knows the publication of
ministerial responsibilities is very | 0:07:36 | 0:07:41 | |
soon. She asks when the data
protection Bill will be introduced | 0:07:41 | 0:07:44 | |
in this House, and again that will
be done as soon as Parliament to | 0:07:44 | 0:07:49 | |
time allows. She asks about county
councils and she will appreciate | 0:07:49 | 0:07:54 | |
that under this Government, since
2010, we have seen in real terms, | 0:07:54 | 0:08:02 | |
taking into account inflation, the
decrease in council taxes and indeed | 0:08:02 | 0:08:07 | |
in non-real terms, another was
headline terms, some of the lowest | 0:08:07 | 0:08:12 | |
council tax rises since council tax
was introduced. This year the cap | 0:08:12 | 0:08:16 | |
has been lifted to 3% to take into
account inflation and that is | 0:08:16 | 0:08:21 | |
important. With regards to my own
county council, she will be aware of | 0:08:21 | 0:08:29 | |
particular concerns around the way
budgets and finances have been | 0:08:29 | 0:08:32 | |
managed there and it is subject to
an investigation by the Department | 0:08:32 | 0:08:38 | |
for communities in local government
and that is now in hand. She invites | 0:08:38 | 0:08:42 | |
me to celebrate the oldest language,
the Welsh language, I am delighted | 0:08:42 | 0:08:46 | |
to do that and also proud that my
honourable friend the Member for | 0:08:46 | 0:08:51 | |
Pudsey is himself a Welsh speaker
and I'm sure it could drag him to | 0:08:51 | 0:08:56 | |
the chamber to sing to us or
something like that but possibly he | 0:08:56 | 0:09:01 | |
might be cross with me for even
suggesting it. Finally she talks | 0:09:01 | 0:09:07 | |
about deeds, not words, and I think
on issues around the gender pay gap | 0:09:07 | 0:09:11 | |
she should celebrate that the UK is
one of the first countries in the | 0:09:11 | 0:09:14 | |
world to introduce mandatory gender
pay gap reporting. McKinsey, the | 0:09:14 | 0:09:23 | |
consulting company, estimates
closing the gender gap in work would | 0:09:23 | 0:09:28 | |
add £150 billion to the economy by
2025 but I am pleased to tell | 0:09:28 | 0:09:33 | |
honourable members the full-time
gender pay gap is lowest it's ever | 0:09:33 | 0:09:36 | |
been and we are committed to
eliminating it entirely. As usual, a | 0:09:36 | 0:09:44 | |
great many members seeking to catch
my eye and I will do my best to | 0:09:44 | 0:09:49 | |
accommodate interests but there are
no fewer than three government | 0:09:49 | 0:09:52 | |
statements to follow these exchanges
and two select committee statements | 0:09:52 | 0:09:58 | |
before we even reach the debate due
to take place under the auspices of | 0:09:58 | 0:10:03 | |
the backbench business committee and
the debate that follows that so | 0:10:03 | 0:10:07 | |
there is a premium to date upon
brevity from back and front benches | 0:10:07 | 0:10:11 | |
alike. If colleagues have got
scripted screeds as prefaces to | 0:10:11 | 0:10:18 | |
questions, may I politely suggest
they abandon the scripted screed and | 0:10:18 | 0:10:23 | |
let's just have the pithy question.
Could my right honourable friend | 0:10:23 | 0:10:28 | |
find time for debate on banning UK
tour operators for selling rides on | 0:10:28 | 0:10:35 | |
Asian elephants? These wonderful
animals, when in training, are often | 0:10:35 | 0:10:39 | |
abused and I'm sure no UK visitor
would want to condone that. As ever, | 0:10:39 | 0:10:48 | |
my honourable friend raises a
question of huge interest of UK, as | 0:10:48 | 0:10:52 | |
genuine animal lovers, and I'm proud
we have some of the highest animal | 0:10:52 | 0:10:55 | |
welfare standards in the world. We
don't believe changing the law in | 0:10:55 | 0:10:59 | |
the UK would make significant
difference, what we do agree is | 0:10:59 | 0:11:04 | |
making people aware of the situation
and allowing them to judge for | 0:11:04 | 0:11:08 | |
themselves is likely to result in UK
tourists addressing the problem with | 0:11:08 | 0:11:11 | |
their feet. Can I thank the House
financing business for the week we | 0:11:11 | 0:11:21 | |
come back. After attempts to keep
the figures of the Brexit concealed | 0:11:21 | 0:11:24 | |
from the British public, we now know
the two costs of the disastrous | 0:11:24 | 0:11:28 | |
plans for the nations and regions of
the UK, and it takes a hit on | 0:11:28 | 0:11:35 | |
economic growth of up to 9% to pay
for the chaos. Scotland didn't vote | 0:11:35 | 0:11:43 | |
for the story hard Brexit but here
we are, tethered to this | 0:11:43 | 0:11:47 | |
dysfunctional Titanic is a careers
haphazardly towards the abyss. Can | 0:11:47 | 0:11:51 | |
we have a debate on these national
and regional breakdowns on design a | 0:11:51 | 0:11:56 | |
solution that will protect Scotland
from the worst of this madness? And | 0:11:56 | 0:12:00 | |
can we have a debate about who is
and how to achieve them because over | 0:12:00 | 0:12:06 | |
the weekend we were presented with
the prospect of Boris Johnson on | 0:12:06 | 0:12:10 | |
Jacob Rees Mogg, possibly our worst
nightmare and something designed to | 0:12:10 | 0:12:19 | |
keep the kids awake at night. How
much longer do we have to ensure | 0:12:19 | 0:12:23 | |
this Tory civil war and I extend my
offer to peacekeepers designed to | 0:12:23 | 0:12:28 | |
ensure this is conducted properly.
Lastly, we will have new estimate | 0:12:28 | 0:12:34 | |
debates when we return and for the
first time in recent history will | 0:12:34 | 0:12:40 | |
will get to debate estimates. The
one part of department to spring we | 0:12:40 | 0:12:46 | |
need to address was the ban to the
DUP, because this House has never | 0:12:46 | 0:12:50 | |
debated it and had a chance to give
its verdict on it -- the bung to the | 0:12:50 | 0:12:59 | |
DUP. I thank the honourable
gentleman for his series of | 0:12:59 | 0:13:07 | |
questions. Firstly on the economic
analysis around the impact of Brexit | 0:13:07 | 0:13:12 | |
on different parts of the United
Kingdom, he will be aware that there | 0:13:12 | 0:13:18 | |
is a room in Parliament Street made
available for members wishing to go | 0:13:18 | 0:13:22 | |
and look at that. It was early
analysis and it hadn't been seen by | 0:13:22 | 0:13:26 | |
ministers, as he will be aware. He
talks about coups, for a moment I | 0:13:26 | 0:13:40 | |
thought he was talking about Cowles!
I can assure him this Government is | 0:13:40 | 0:13:44 | |
working together to make a success
of leaving the European Union, both | 0:13:44 | 0:13:47 | |
for the UK and our 27 EU friends and
neighbours. I share his delight at | 0:13:47 | 0:13:53 | |
estimates being debated and
announced in the future business, | 0:13:53 | 0:13:56 | |
and with the efforts of the liaison
committee and the procedure | 0:13:56 | 0:13:59 | |
committee to try and resolve the
timing of those with the backbench | 0:13:59 | 0:14:03 | |
business committee. Finally he asks
about additional funding for | 0:14:03 | 0:14:08 | |
Northern Ireland, and in recognition
of the unique circumstances of | 0:14:08 | 0:14:13 | |
Northern Ireland we have committed
to making available 50 million of | 0:14:13 | 0:14:15 | |
the funding set out in the agreement
in this financial year for health | 0:14:15 | 0:14:20 | |
and education, but we do continue to
want to see the financial support | 0:14:20 | 0:14:24 | |
set out in the agreement decided
upon and spent by a restored | 0:14:24 | 0:14:28 | |
executive in Northern Ireland. Does
my right honourable friend agree... | 0:14:28 | 0:14:38 | |
Does my right honourable friend
agree with me that... The most | 0:14:38 | 0:14:43 | |
illuminating private conversation
but it must not be to the detriment | 0:14:43 | 0:14:47 | |
of the pertinent inquiry from the
honourable lady. Does my right | 0:14:47 | 0:14:53 | |
honourable friend agree with me that
while income tax is devolved to the | 0:14:53 | 0:14:56 | |
Scottish Government that we should
debate the impact of the SNP tax | 0:14:56 | 0:15:00 | |
hike that will have on Armed Forces
personnel and how it will reduce the | 0:15:00 | 0:15:04 | |
demand for posting in Scotland. I'm
grateful to my honourable friend for | 0:15:04 | 0:15:10 | |
raising her question and I do
commend her for standing up for her | 0:15:10 | 0:15:14 | |
constituents and raising an
important point. Over the coming | 0:15:14 | 0:15:17 | |
months the MOD will be reviewing the
impact of this latest decision by | 0:15:17 | 0:15:21 | |
the Scottish Government but she's
right to point out that in | 0:15:21 | 0:15:24 | |
accordance with the legislation, all
those who are identified as Scottish | 0:15:24 | 0:15:29 | |
taxpayers by HMRC will continue to
be issued with the appropriate tax | 0:15:29 | 0:15:33 | |
code and so must have Scottish
income tax applied on earnings. And | 0:15:33 | 0:15:41 | |
very grateful, Mr Speaker. Can I
thank the leader for the | 0:15:41 | 0:15:44 | |
confirmation that the estimates
debates will take place on the 26th | 0:15:44 | 0:15:51 | |
and 27th, but the subject of those
debates is in the hands of members | 0:15:51 | 0:15:54 | |
of this House and applications have
to be made by next Friday, the 16th, | 0:15:54 | 0:15:58 | |
in order to determine which
departmental estimates will be made | 0:15:58 | 0:16:03 | |
so please, it is in your hands. Make
those applications. I'm also very | 0:16:03 | 0:16:09 | |
aware today we are pressed for time.
Can I humbly suggest we withdraw the | 0:16:09 | 0:16:14 | |
pre-recess adjournment debate and
devote the whole time to the | 0:16:14 | 0:16:18 | |
divisible motion. Thank you, Mr
Speaker, and I'm genuinely sorry | 0:16:18 | 0:16:32 | |
time has been reduced today but the
honourable gentleman will appreciate | 0:16:32 | 0:16:36 | |
it's important the House is able to
question ministers on some of the | 0:16:36 | 0:16:39 | |
important issues in today's
statements. I will always consider | 0:16:39 | 0:16:44 | |
requests for backbench business time
and I was pleased to protect time | 0:16:44 | 0:16:48 | |
for the backbench debate on Tuesday
this week. The Secretary of State | 0:16:48 | 0:16:55 | |
for deaf has said we will not have
American-style industrial factory | 0:16:55 | 0:16:58 | |
farming in this country -- Defra,
yet in my constituency there is an | 0:16:58 | 0:17:11 | |
application to have an unacceptable
amount of chickens slaughtered. | 0:17:11 | 0:17:17 | |
Would you allow me to bring in a
cage with the chickens in it to | 0:17:17 | 0:17:22 | |
demonstrate the appalling conditions
they have to live under? No chickens | 0:17:22 | 0:17:28 | |
at any rate in the chamber. I'm
grateful to my honourable friend for | 0:17:28 | 0:17:34 | |
raising this issue. As I've already
said, we have some of the highest | 0:17:34 | 0:17:38 | |
animal welfare standards in the
world, including for the weights | 0:17:38 | 0:17:42 | |
chickens are reared, but he raises
concerning point and I encourage him | 0:17:42 | 0:17:46 | |
to seek an adjournment debates so a
minister from Defra can respond. Mr | 0:17:46 | 0:17:54 | |
Vernon Coker. | 0:17:54 | 0:17:55 | |
minister from Defra can respond. Mr
Vernon Coker. | 0:17:55 | 0:17:56 | |
minister from Defra can respond. Mr
Vernon Coker. Then I apologise for | 0:17:56 | 0:18:00 | |
my earlier excitement first of all.
Can I ask the Leader of the House | 0:18:00 | 0:18:03 | |
whether we can have a debate on
crime statistics. In Nottinghamshire | 0:18:03 | 0:18:08 | |
the latest crime statistics show a
29% year on year increase. The Prime | 0:18:08 | 0:18:13 | |
Minister yesterday said this was
because of the different way it was | 0:18:13 | 0:18:17 | |
recorded. In Nottinghamshire we
believe it is due to police cuts and | 0:18:17 | 0:18:21 | |
there is an urgent need for that to
be clarified. The honourable | 0:18:21 | 0:18:26 | |
gentleman raises a very important
point about policing and crime | 0:18:26 | 0:18:30 | |
statistics. He will be aware that
overall traditional crime is | 0:18:30 | 0:18:35 | |
continuing to fall. In fact by
almost 40% since 2010. It is also | 0:18:35 | 0:18:41 | |
the case the recording of crime is
improving and more people feel able | 0:18:41 | 0:18:45 | |
to come forward with crimes such as
domestic violence and so on the | 0:18:45 | 0:18:50 | |
never before. Nevertheless he is
right to raise the issue of specific | 0:18:50 | 0:18:54 | |
matters of crime and it is important
that communities are able to do more | 0:18:54 | 0:19:00 | |
to help themselves, that's why we
have awarded £765,000 to community | 0:19:00 | 0:19:06 | |
groups and more than 280,000 to
community projects that are | 0:19:06 | 0:19:11 | |
specifically working on ending gang
violence and exploitation. There is | 0:19:11 | 0:19:14 | |
much more to do but across all areas
of rising crime, the Government is | 0:19:14 | 0:19:19 | |
taking action to try to reduce it. | 0:19:19 | 0:19:26 | |
Every two minutes a child dies of
malaria in this world. Can my right | 0:19:26 | 0:19:31 | |
honourable friend arrange for the
secretary of state to give a | 0:19:31 | 0:19:34 | |
statement or for us to have a debate
in the Chamber on what we are going | 0:19:34 | 0:19:38 | |
to do to combat malaria, this
dreadful disease, and the | 0:19:38 | 0:19:41 | |
opportunities we have at the
Commonwealth meeting in April to | 0:19:41 | 0:19:48 | |
promote the treatment of malaria
across the world? We would all share | 0:19:48 | 0:19:52 | |
a desire to see malaria stamped out
and other insidious diseases that | 0:19:52 | 0:19:58 | |
affect particularly children in
poorer regions of the world. He may | 0:19:58 | 0:20:02 | |
want to seek a backbench debate in
order to share views with other | 0:20:02 | 0:20:04 | |
colleagues across the house. Come
the Leader of the House find time | 0:20:04 | 0:20:11 | |
for a debate on old toll bridges and
the traffic chaos that they cause? | 0:20:11 | 0:20:16 | |
The Warburton toll bridge in my
constituency for the sake of a 12p | 0:20:16 | 0:20:24 | |
toll is causing traffic jams right
round all the main roads and the | 0:20:24 | 0:20:28 | |
Department for Transport seems to
hold no data on the impact of these | 0:20:28 | 0:20:32 | |
bridges. Isn't it time we debated
this and abolished these | 0:20:32 | 0:20:36 | |
19th-century tolls? Well I'm
absolutely sympathetic. I've had my | 0:20:36 | 0:20:43 | |
own experience of these roads and
the queue going down the street for | 0:20:43 | 0:20:46 | |
the sake of 5p or 10p. I share her
frustration and I encourage her to | 0:20:46 | 0:20:52 | |
raise it at departmental questions.
I'm sure ministers, if she persists, | 0:20:52 | 0:20:57 | |
will look into it for her. Mr
Speaker, unlike the SNP spokesman my | 0:20:57 | 0:21:03 | |
constituents are actually optimistic
about post-Brexit Britain. Could I | 0:21:03 | 0:21:09 | |
suggest to be Leader of the House
that she provided government time | 0:21:09 | 0:21:13 | |
for a debate when a minister from
every department, including the | 0:21:13 | 0:21:17 | |
Treasury, could come to the house
and outlined the advantages to | 0:21:17 | 0:21:21 | |
Britain of leaving the EU? We would
need at least a full day for it. | 0:21:21 | 0:21:29 | |
What is my honourable friend would
expect I will be delighted to | 0:21:29 | 0:21:32 | |
deliver that to him. I share his
enthusiast and for the prospects of | 0:21:32 | 0:21:37 | |
the United Kingdom outside of the
European Union. You might want to | 0:21:37 | 0:21:40 | |
put that to every department in
questions. As the Leader of the | 0:21:40 | 0:21:47 | |
House may be aware there are
widespread concerns over the | 0:21:47 | 0:21:52 | |
outsourcing of the patient services,
the Pence many of him facing | 0:21:52 | 0:21:59 | |
financial difficulties. In my
constituency of violent offender was | 0:21:59 | 0:22:02 | |
released without a risk assessment
by the CRC. Coming have a debate | 0:22:02 | 0:22:08 | |
statement on the future of
outsourcing operations services? | 0:22:08 | 0:22:14 | |
This is a very important every. The
honourable lady will be pleased to | 0:22:14 | 0:22:18 | |
know that our reforms to probation
means we are monitoring 40,000 | 0:22:18 | 0:22:21 | |
offenders who have previously been
released with no supervision at all. | 0:22:21 | 0:22:27 | |
It's a positive change the public
safety. Overall I can tell her the | 0:22:27 | 0:22:36 | |
community rehabilitation companies
have reduced the number of people | 0:22:36 | 0:22:38 | |
offending. If she has a specific
concern, she might want to raise it | 0:22:38 | 0:22:43 | |
with the Department. Can I support
my honourable friend for Harrow | 0:22:43 | 0:22:53 | |
regarding tackling malaria. Can I
ask if we can have a debate on the | 0:22:53 | 0:22:59 | |
status of recommendations made by
trusts special administrators, in my | 0:22:59 | 0:23:03 | |
case the mid Staffordshire trust.
This report that the cost of £20 | 0:23:03 | 0:23:09 | |
million was accepted by the
Secretary of State for help with a | 0:23:09 | 0:23:12 | |
lot of recommendations that are
really important for my | 0:23:12 | 0:23:15 | |
constituents, but we are seeing some
erosion of them, despite the best | 0:23:15 | 0:23:19 | |
efforts of the trust that took mid
Staffordshire over to implement | 0:23:19 | 0:23:23 | |
them. Can we have a debate on them
because it's vital that my | 0:23:23 | 0:23:28 | |
constituents know that those
recommendations are firm and will | 0:23:28 | 0:23:30 | |
continue. My honourable friend has
always championed his constituency | 0:23:30 | 0:23:36 | |
and in particular he has been a
strong advocate for improvement to | 0:23:36 | 0:23:40 | |
his hospital and I do to seek an
adjournment debate so he can hear | 0:23:40 | 0:23:46 | |
directly from the Department of
Health. Through a written statement | 0:23:46 | 0:23:51 | |
Department the business energy
strategy announced the creation of | 0:23:51 | 0:23:57 | |
an office or product safety. Can we
have a debate so we can better | 0:23:57 | 0:24:01 | |
understand the Department's
responsibilities, especially around | 0:24:01 | 0:24:06 | |
counterfeit electrical goods sold
online and electric white goods. The | 0:24:06 | 0:24:11 | |
honourable lady raises an important
issue and we have heard a number of | 0:24:11 | 0:24:15 | |
times of problems with counterfeit
goods. I'm certainly very happy | 0:24:15 | 0:24:19 | |
either issue was the right to me to
raise it directly with the | 0:24:19 | 0:24:23 | |
Department or I suggest she sings an
adjournment debate so she can raise | 0:24:23 | 0:24:27 | |
it directly herself. One of the
important pieces of legislation for | 0:24:27 | 0:24:33 | |
the post-Brexit world is the
immigration bill and reason | 0:24:33 | 0:24:37 | |
statements from the Home Secretary
would suggest that there has been | 0:24:37 | 0:24:41 | |
some backsliding on the potential
timescale for this important piece | 0:24:41 | 0:24:46 | |
of legislation. Can the Leader of
the House tell us when can we expect | 0:24:46 | 0:24:49 | |
to see the immigration bill before
the House? Well, my honourable | 0:24:49 | 0:24:55 | |
friend should absolutely rest
assured that we are determined to | 0:24:55 | 0:24:59 | |
make a success of leaving the
European Union and all legislation | 0:24:59 | 0:25:02 | |
that is necessary to ensure that
that is the case will be brought | 0:25:02 | 0:25:05 | |
forward as soon as we need to do
that. . A constituent of mine's | 0:25:05 | 0:25:15 | |
husband was murdered in 2002. The
killer was released after ten years. | 0:25:15 | 0:25:22 | |
Four years on, his supervision may
stop. She is petitioning for killers | 0:25:22 | 0:25:27 | |
to be kept in prison for life. I am
truly sorry to hear about that. It's | 0:25:27 | 0:25:40 | |
a difficult situation for his
constituents. The Secretary of State | 0:25:40 | 0:25:45 | |
for Justice is reviewing the
processes of the parole board and | 0:25:45 | 0:25:47 | |
I'm sure there will be further
updates to the House in due course. | 0:25:47 | 0:25:53 | |
Members will know next year -- or
the Leader of the House allow time | 0:25:53 | 0:26:08 | |
for debate on empty. I am running
the London Marathon to help | 0:26:08 | 0:26:24 | |
sufferers of this debilitating
condition. I wish my honourable | 0:26:24 | 0:26:36 | |
friend and others mad enough to take
part in the London Marathon. MND is | 0:26:36 | 0:26:51 | |
a terrible disease. | 0:26:51 | 0:27:01 | |
I'm working with the Royal Society
of Public health to look at child | 0:27:03 | 0:27:08 | |
mental health link to social media.
Could I ask her to make time for a | 0:27:08 | 0:27:16 | |
debate that focuses specifically on
child mental health and the impact | 0:27:16 | 0:27:20 | |
social media has on that? I
genuinely commend him for sorting | 0:27:20 | 0:27:27 | |
that out. We are seeing such a spike
in young people having problems | 0:27:27 | 0:27:33 | |
which are attributed to use social
media. What I can tell him is we are | 0:27:33 | 0:27:39 | |
putting a record £1.4 billion into
children and young people's mental | 0:27:39 | 0:27:43 | |
health and there are now record
numbers of children mental health | 0:27:43 | 0:27:47 | |
beds available at one 1140. We are
training staff in schools regarding | 0:27:47 | 0:27:59 | |
mental health. There is still a lot
more to do. A lot of local | 0:27:59 | 0:28:07 | |
government problems have been laid
bare this week. I have warned about | 0:28:07 | 0:28:12 | |
this time and time again. Could we
have time to have a debate in this | 0:28:12 | 0:28:17 | |
Chamber regarding problems in local
government. There was a debate | 0:28:17 | 0:28:27 | |
yesterday afternoon on the subject
of local government funding. There | 0:28:27 | 0:28:31 | |
are regular opportunities to raise
that in the house and if he feels is | 0:28:31 | 0:28:37 | |
its -- it is important to have a
further debate I would encouraging | 0:28:37 | 0:28:43 | |
to have a backbench debate. The drug
re-purpose in report produced by the | 0:28:43 | 0:28:57 | |
said group is now on the desk of
Lord O'Shaughnessy. When can we have | 0:28:57 | 0:29:01 | |
a statement from the government on
its recommendations? If the | 0:29:01 | 0:29:06 | |
honourable gentleman wants to write
to me on that point I can find out | 0:29:06 | 0:29:09 | |
from the department and get back to
him. Following the debate in this | 0:29:09 | 0:29:14 | |
Chamber last week on HS2, would my
right honourable friend consider a | 0:29:14 | 0:29:19 | |
further debate on statutory
compensation, not just HS2, but | 0:29:19 | 0:29:23 | |
other major infrastructure projects
of national importance. I'm sure | 0:29:23 | 0:29:33 | |
both you and I will support a
further debate and the honourable | 0:29:33 | 0:29:35 | |
lady may want to seek an adjournment
debate so she can raise her | 0:29:35 | 0:29:42 | |
concerns. Can we have a debate on
the failure to report on the Royal | 0:29:42 | 0:29:54 | |
Bank of Scotland's treatment. The
issue has been raised in this place | 0:29:54 | 0:30:10 | |
and if he would like further action
I suggest he seeks an adjournment | 0:30:10 | 0:30:14 | |
debate so that ministers can respond
directly. I would like to ask my | 0:30:14 | 0:30:20 | |
right honourable friend if we can
have a debate on encouraging more | 0:30:20 | 0:30:27 | |
women in public office. It's
pertinent as we celebrate women | 0:30:27 | 0:30:32 | |
getting the vote 100 years ago. 100
years after the first women got them | 0:30:32 | 0:30:39 | |
right to vote we have made
advancements, but there is a long | 0:30:39 | 0:30:42 | |
way to go and fish personal online
abuse has no place in our public | 0:30:42 | 0:30:46 | |
life. Some of the things I can do
in, we are introducing an Internet | 0:30:46 | 0:30:54 | |
safety transparency report. The
Prime Minister has said that the law | 0:30:54 | 0:31:00 | |
society will also investigate and
social media code of practice will | 0:31:00 | 0:31:03 | |
be published later this year setting
out clearly then a minimum -- been | 0:31:03 | 0:31:10 | |
minimum standards expected of social
media platforms. It's a delight that | 0:31:10 | 0:31:18 | |
thanks to the introduction of major
trauma centres around the country | 0:31:18 | 0:31:22 | |
500 more people are kept alive every
year, but unfortunately more a | 0:31:22 | 0:31:26 | |
quarter of those major trauma
centres have no rehabilitation | 0:31:26 | 0:31:30 | |
consultant and they are not able to
get the really important support | 0:31:30 | 0:31:33 | |
they need to get them back on their
feet, able to look after themselves. | 0:31:33 | 0:31:38 | |
We can make a real difference to
people's lives if we try harder. I'm | 0:31:38 | 0:31:45 | |
sympathetic to his question and I
myself recently met a constituent | 0:31:45 | 0:31:48 | |
whose husband had been brain injured
by thugs and was herself in that | 0:31:48 | 0:31:56 | |
situation. It is terrible when it
happens, both the and their | 0:31:56 | 0:31:59 | |
families. I'm sympathetic and he may
wish to raise that directly with | 0:31:59 | 0:32:06 | |
ministers at departmental questions.
Coming have a debate on family | 0:32:06 | 0:32:11 | |
dynasty days. Earlier this week we
celebrated Scottish family business | 0:32:11 | 0:32:15 | |
days. Of the top five family
businesses, two up in my | 0:32:15 | 0:32:24 | |
constituency. All my right
honourable friend join me in | 0:32:24 | 0:32:28 | |
congratulating these two firms for
their contribution to the local | 0:32:28 | 0:32:31 | |
economy and for what they do to the
local area? My honourable friend is | 0:32:31 | 0:32:36 | |
was a great champion for his
constituency and I'm proud to tell | 0:32:36 | 0:32:41 | |
him I own a Johnston was much. The
British business bank is supporting | 0:32:41 | 0:32:51 | |
£276 million. In addition the
start-up loans has delivered over | 0:32:51 | 0:32:55 | |
3000 loans were over £20 million in
Scotland. Much more to do, but he is | 0:32:55 | 0:33:00 | |
a great champion for all of those
small businesses. A recently held my | 0:33:00 | 0:33:07 | |
first jobs and apprenticeships fair,
but too often young people in towns | 0:33:07 | 0:33:13 | |
like mine field there are a lack of
opportunities and the only | 0:33:13 | 0:33:17 | |
alternative is to move to the big
city. Come we have a debate on how | 0:33:17 | 0:33:20 | |
we can nurture talent in Britain's
small and very proud towns? I'm | 0:33:20 | 0:33:28 | |
delighted she is supporting
apprenticeships, as many of us do. | 0:33:28 | 0:33:32 | |
Every time I get the chance I do
commend to colleagues to get an | 0:33:32 | 0:33:36 | |
apprentice in your own Parliamentary
office. I have had one for each of | 0:33:36 | 0:33:39 | |
the last seven years. It has been
brilliant for me and them. Across | 0:33:39 | 0:33:47 | |
all about towns I'm delighted that
we are now and with more than 3 | 0:33:47 | 0:33:51 | |
million apprenticeships since 2010,
we are making progress but there is | 0:33:51 | 0:33:56 | |
much more to do. We need to combine
forces to improve life opportunities | 0:33:56 | 0:34:03 | |
for these youngsters. Come we have a
report on the progress on | 0:34:03 | 0:34:07 | |
house-building and the further
action needed to build the number of | 0:34:07 | 0:34:11 | |
homes set urgently needed in this
country. My honourable friend raises | 0:34:11 | 0:34:16 | |
an important point. This week the
Prime Minister chaired the inaugural | 0:34:16 | 0:34:20 | |
meeting of the housing
implementation task force to talk | 0:34:20 | 0:34:22 | |
about the progress we are making an
Watmore actions are needed. Over | 0:34:22 | 0:34:27 | |
217,000 homes were delivered last
year. Is the highest level we have | 0:34:27 | 0:34:34 | |
seen in all but one of the last 30
years. It takes us to 1.1 million | 0:34:34 | 0:34:41 | |
extra homes since 2010. More to do,
but good progress. | 0:34:41 | 0:34:47 | |
Activists in Honduras have been
targeted with a wave of | 0:34:47 | 0:34:51 | |
surveillance, intimidation and
violence. Last year we found out | 0:34:51 | 0:34:54 | |
last week the UK for the first time
ever has approved the sales of | 0:34:54 | 0:34:59 | |
inception equipment to the Honduras
government. Wilma Leader of the | 0:34:59 | 0:35:04 | |
House make time for a statement for
the Secretary of State to come to | 0:35:04 | 0:35:08 | |
this House and talk about how the
consolidated... 100 lawyers have | 0:35:08 | 0:35:20 | |
been killed and 50 opposition
members have been killed just in the | 0:35:20 | 0:35:23 | |
last year by their sister party. The
honourable gentleman raises a point | 0:35:23 | 0:35:30 | |
that will be of concern to many
members in this House and his right | 0:35:30 | 0:35:33 | |
to do so. He might want to seek an
adjournment debate but we do operate | 0:35:33 | 0:35:40 | |
one of the most robust arms export
control regimes in the world and a | 0:35:40 | 0:35:45 | |
license will not be issued where
there's a clear risk items to be | 0:35:45 | 0:35:48 | |
licensed might be used in the
commission of a serious violation of | 0:35:48 | 0:35:54 | |
humanitarian law. Can we have a
statement or debate on the benefits | 0:35:54 | 0:36:00 | |
of switching energy suppliers, and
how we should encourage even more | 0:36:00 | 0:36:05 | |
consumers to switch. My honourable
friend raises an important question | 0:36:05 | 0:36:11 | |
for so many people in this country.
I'm glad to tell him there has been | 0:36:11 | 0:36:16 | |
good news, since 2010 the number of
energy suppliers has gone from 13th | 0:36:16 | 0:36:19 | |
to over 60 and 7.8 million energy
switches took place in 2016, an | 0:36:19 | 0:36:27 | |
increase of nearly 1.7 million on
2015 meaning customers are saving on | 0:36:27 | 0:36:34 | |
average £308 by switching from a
standard variable tariff offered by | 0:36:34 | 0:36:36 | |
the big six and he will be aware of
our commitment to bringing forward | 0:36:36 | 0:36:44 | |
and NG -- and energy price cap bill.
Confirmation has received from the | 0:36:44 | 0:36:52 | |
DWP that... Can only have a debate
about the impact of this policy and | 0:36:52 | 0:37:04 | |
the utter madness of people being
forced to sell their homes on | 0:37:04 | 0:37:07 | |
claiming more money in housing
benefit than mortgage interest | 0:37:07 | 0:37:13 | |
relief would cost the Government. I
understand the point the honourable | 0:37:13 | 0:37:18 | |
gentleman is making but as he will
appreciate the reality is for many | 0:37:18 | 0:37:25 | |
very significant value in their
property on the importance in this | 0:37:25 | 0:37:28 | |
is to be fair to taxpayers as well
as those who need support in meeting | 0:37:28 | 0:37:31 | |
their mortgage costs. In her role as
Leader of the House, can she say | 0:37:31 | 0:37:38 | |
what she's done to satisfy herself
on the accuracy of reports into the | 0:37:38 | 0:37:41 | |
economic impact of Brexit produced
by civil servants and will she make | 0:37:41 | 0:37:48 | |
a statement on what she's doing to
prevent ministers attacking the | 0:37:48 | 0:37:53 | |
motives of those who produce the
reports? I simply don't accept that | 0:37:53 | 0:38:01 | |
people are attacking the credibility
of those reports. What honourable | 0:38:01 | 0:38:06 | |
members on the side and across the
House say, which is quite right, is | 0:38:06 | 0:38:11 | |
economic forecasts are often subject
to independent but nevertheless the | 0:38:11 | 0:38:16 | |
views and import to the economic
models used and therefore they are | 0:38:16 | 0:38:22 | |
not an exact science and therefore
they are often wrong and you only | 0:38:22 | 0:38:26 | |
have to look at economic forecasts
in the past and see the outturn to | 0:38:26 | 0:38:29 | |
see they are not always accurate. In
direct response to his question | 0:38:29 | 0:38:34 | |
however, he will be aware there is a
room it's been made available for | 0:38:34 | 0:38:40 | |
people in Parliament Street for
people to see the economic forecasts | 0:38:40 | 0:38:46 | |
for themselves. Could we have a
debate on decision-making | 0:38:46 | 0:38:59 | |
protests... Many people in Malawi...
Can the Minister look into that case | 0:38:59 | 0:39:10 | |
and can have a debate on the
failures of UKVI. The honourable | 0:39:10 | 0:39:19 | |
gentleman raises an important point
in his constituency, the Government | 0:39:19 | 0:39:23 | |
department will look into it for him
if he raises it with them. The | 0:39:23 | 0:39:28 | |
remains of Royal Navy sailors who
died serving our country on board | 0:39:28 | 0:39:33 | |
HMS Exeter, HMS Electra, are being
buried in shallow mass graves in | 0:39:33 | 0:39:37 | |
Indonesia. The Dutch government is
acting in support of the Dutch | 0:39:37 | 0:39:42 | |
sailors from lost warships but the
UK Government is not. Can we have an | 0:39:42 | 0:39:46 | |
urgent debate to make sure we are
taking every step to at least rebury | 0:39:46 | 0:39:50 | |
our fallen sailors with the dignity
they deserve? I am very sympathetic | 0:39:50 | 0:39:58 | |
to what the honourable gentleman is
saying. He might be aware we have | 0:39:58 | 0:40:02 | |
Foreign Office questions on the
first day of the House return in | 0:40:02 | 0:40:07 | |
February and he might wish to raise
a guy -- raise directly with | 0:40:07 | 0:40:13 | |
ministers. | 0:40:13 | 0:40:18 | |
This sentence represents a clear
violation of his right to freedom of | 0:40:25 | 0:40:32 | |
religion and a worrying trend in
Yemen so would the Leader of the | 0:40:32 | 0:40:37 | |
House agreed to statement on this
issue. The honourable gentleman | 0:40:37 | 0:40:42 | |
raises a very concerning issue of
freedom of religion and he will be | 0:40:42 | 0:40:46 | |
aware that this House fully supports
freedom of religion and is totally | 0:40:46 | 0:40:52 | |
against any form of depriving people
of their human rights. I encourage | 0:40:52 | 0:40:56 | |
him to seek an adjournment debate so
he can take this up directly with | 0:40:56 | 0:41:00 | |
ministers. We have made timely
progress. My honourable friend from | 0:41:00 | 0:41:08 | |
Glasgow zero has raised a case in a
previous question so thanks for the | 0:41:08 | 0:41:14 | |
opportunity but I would add to the
Leader of the House this is an | 0:41:14 | 0:41:17 | |
urgent case and it is next week,
this exchange visit is due to take | 0:41:17 | 0:41:21 | |
place, so if she could look into it
urgently I would appreciate it. The | 0:41:21 | 0:41:26 | |
honourable gentleman has made his
point and I hope he is content. | 0:41:26 | 0:41:34 | |
Good, | 0:41:34 | 0:41:34 |