01/10/2011 Dateline London


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network. When Martha now -- now, it is time for Dateline London.


Welcome to Dateline London. Increasing the money to bail out


the eurozone. Will it work? Saudi Arabian votes for Women. My guests


today are Nabila Ramdani, Geoffrey H 2. Is it too late to bail out


countries in the eurozone? Will the German people support the decisions


of their superiors? What would happen if we had the Deutschmark?


These are the facts and figures. Currency would immediately


depreciate dramatically. This was problem. I do not think that has


been sufficiently told. Why should the Germans continued to fund this


enterprise? I do not think Germans want to be in the position to pull


the plug on anything like this. I think they will continue for a


while. The Germans felt very uncomfortable in their own skins


and they do not want to be seen to abandon it. They did what to


administer the coup de CRO de grace. They want some collective decision


to do it. You will not see them uniquely do it by themselves. We're


just hoping that some have Greece might reform herself in the


structural area, collecting more taxation, privatising more


businesses abroad. The austerity programme will choke off growth in


Greece. Some of the structural reforms might make headway. It is


just hoping against hope really. you think Merkel understand how


great the crisis is now? She has been dithering from the beginning.


Even now she fails to bring across the message to the German people


that it is important they keep the euro for their own economies.


may explain her Stirchley why it is strange that the popular opinion is


usually weighted against this. Every major decision that Germany


took up an World War II under the administer -- original


administration was taken against the obvious popular opinion. There


was always a discrepancy between parliamentarians and popular


opinions. We think we are in a representative democracy. It will


only be OK for the time Bill -- time being. Bills will have to be


paid. It will not be HMA who will pull the plug. We in this country


owe a huge debt to the Germans. I think we are extraordinarily


arrogant. We wave of fingers at them saying pay more without


offering a penny ourselves. Aaron fate is inextricably caught up. I


look at the way the Germans behave, had Angela Merkel's bravery. The


will to do the right thing and pay out an enormous amount of money to


a country they consider profligate. That is political bravery. What we


do that in this country? You bet we would not. Even though we need the


eurozone to survive this belief. We're hoping that it does and we


should praise the Germans instead of constantly weaving a finger and


asking for more. There are those who say that Britain should join


the eurozone and it -- but this is exposing the fundamental flaws of


the eurozone. It is a constant series of disasters. They give for


calling the Germans brave but it is only for an interim period.. --


thank you. They do not know how long they will have to sacrifice


this for. I think the end game and the fear of the unknown is gripping.


But they are propping up economies that are in real peril. If it does


will come unstuck, that money will still have been needed. It is not


just going down a black hole. might be Sarkozy performs the coup


de Grand Prix. -- coup de grave. think the French and Germans have


shown how committed they were to the eurozone. Angela Merkel's


majority after narrowly averting the collapse of their government,


only after pledging there would be no grand plan committing Germany to


fast and unlimited liabilities, this sums up the position of the


Germans in general, why should they not as an economic powerhouse have


to bail out lesser performing countries over and over. They are


becoming as Euro-sceptic as the British. I talked to a German


government minister this week to echoed some things he said. She


said that after the war, they were given a hand up by the European


Union. And that is why you can bet your bottom dollar that Germans


understand their own a huge debt of gratitude to Europe. They have


benefited from the euro also. be clear about what it is we are


losing. The whole European idea is in greater jeopardy. What was wrong


with the idea of the eurozone was that it was done too fast too soon


with countries that were to incompatible. The idea was


brilliant and if it had started with countries that have similar


economies and gradually grown as countries got richer, so there was


an ever-closer union of people who could realistically partake in this,


it has been destroyed and it will never happen again. I think the


eurozone is as much about economy as it is about politics. There were


some signs of possible reform in Saudi Arabia this week, talk of


maybe allow on women to vote. It comes as Bahrain's -- Bahrain jails


doctors and nurses for helping those injured in the Arab Spring


protests. Can we expect some kind of serious protest? It shows that


absolutely Gulf monarchies are not immune to the political turmoil


that has been going on in the region. That is why these countries,


Saudi Arabia in particular, are realising they are not immune to


that turmoil. There are implementing radical reforms. I


think this plan to allow women to run for elections would be a grand


plan for women in Saudi Arabia. It is also largely token mystic and


unconvincing in the extreme. can vote in Saudi Arabia but they


do not vote because there's not much to vote for. So it is to could


mistake for them to. You can't hold the leaders accountable. But women


can't apply to hold roles as Cabinet ministers. They can't drive


or travel abroad without permission. In that exposes the contradictions


within Saudi Arabia. Women will be allowed to stand for elections but


she will have will hava man drive her to Parliament. I saw a very --


Twitter that said Saudi women can vote on for it. We have to be


realistic about the changes that are being offered here. They can


vote and run for elections for local councils that have no power.


They should be news it was 1911 not 2011. Even with these advances,


they still have to have a male companion to allow them to do these


things. It makes the internal contradictions more and more absurd.


Everything they give away, they feel the pressure and afraid of


what they are seen. That makes things even worse. It does not


improve the situation. I think it is high time that we and all these


other countries say that we will not have any more dealings with


these regimes. We are up to our necks in blood in Bahrain and Saudi


Arabia and we should apologise, step back, support the opposition


and have no more commitment to it. Bahrain is absolutely extraordinary.


It is very different from -- anybody in Western Europe or


America we think it is quite despicable to jail doctors and


nurses for helping people injured in the Arab Spring. Women and


children have been imprisoned or so and tortured. It shows there is no


appetite to threaten that part of the world. That is the dilemma


isn't it for Western governments. They may talk about democracy but


they want peace and quiet in the Arab region, particularly those


countries that produce oil. President Obama did not mention


Saudi Arabia once in his Middle East speech. There is no chance


that Saudi Arabia will be a force to reform much more deeper in Saudi


society by countries surrounding it. There is no chance that it will be


pressured into reforming the country by Western countries who


are in bed with Saudi Arabia. The change is bound to come from within.


And what is happening with women getting more political, it is a


sign the change will come domestically. I think the Saudi


king is coming to the realisation that he is not immune. What he has


his pots of money. He is trying to deploy that. He could offer


personally some incredible package to train delay economic anger. That


is something there is going for him. A rescue fund? And this will keep


the Arab Spring from lapping on the shores. Do you have any optimism,


we have seen what happens on the ground and heard about the distaste


in the Arab world, do you think the West has much leverage that it is


prepared to use in barring? Bahrain certainly. Whether it is


prepared to use it is another question. I suspect not. I can't


see the US pulling out of Bahrain in a hurry. Crossing Bahrain means


crossing Saudi Arabia. My Touch- tone on this is always the


Simpson's where they had an episode in which Barth said it is as


American as a 51st state Saudi is really are. We have to believe that


in our lifetimes, democracy has read -- spread across the globe and


will continue to do so. It is quite remarkable that if you look at a


map of the world when we were born in how it is now, democracy happens


Each country has its own rhythm to follow, so we should not be too


dogmatic about time lines. Although I agree that a map of the world


would look different about where democracy is a recurring, whether


they are pursuing a liberal democracy in the same way as ours...


Look at the American constitution and the appalling state it is in.


Look at the non-democratic behaviour in this country. It is


never perfect. Democracy is always a work in progress. There are those


who have suggested that things could actually go backwards and


things could become more ere


is a compact between the religious leaders and political leaders and


that no matter what the king does, the succession question, which many


people in Saudi Arabia find impossible to discuss, means that


you could have a more conservative state in five years' time. That is


one of the concerns. But I think that the fact that the ruling


family in Saudi Arabia is launching these radical reforms is a show of


weakness. It says a lot about the need for change in order not to go


back, effectively. It is so bizarre that there is Saudi Arabia, the


fight a's nest of Wahhabism that is causing the terrorism and trouble


across the world and it is in this absolutely unbreakable bond with


the country these people are destroying. Our energy dependence


on Saudi Arabia is the linchpin of all of this. That is why we need a


new deal so then Europe can head that way and become independent.


Developing new energy technology is the way to go. In the meantime, we


to go. British politics took a turn this


week as Ed Miliband had to stake out your ground in his speech. As


th thtives had to their annual conference, David Cameron is


trying to avoid a row in Europe and other causes close to his party's


right wing and whether he is doing enough to stimulate the economy.


But looking back at this week, did Ed Miliband revenge -- emerged as a


credible Prime Minister in waiting? I am still up in the air. Here, at


least, was a speech of substance. We have been used to so many VAT


and television Oriented performances. -- that it. It was


too long, he is not great on television. Most peoplMost peopl


have seen its entire content. They will have just seen a few clicks on


the use and they will they will on that. But those who will have seen


it will have realised that he is e


we have had this great crash, no- one has asked what this means for


how we go forward. Will we allow hereditary companies and banks and


financiers tnanciers tntries and democracies? Or are we going to try


to break that and say that we can have a better form of capitalism?


It is not anti-capitalist but an idea of benevolent capitalism.


Haven't we seen that debate already? It is not such a novel


idea to me but as the language that he has used, calling these


institutions predators and so on. Other companies as well, not just


banks. Private-equity as well. the discussion that we cannot go on


as we used to instead of business as usual, the phrases that he used,


I have a feeling we have heard that before since 2008. Five don't


remember that phrase in particular but you are right. Having a stand


out against banks is nothing new. Politicians around the world are


doing that but whether they are actually in that the policies that


would force behind their words is another story. Ed Miliband is


always a to be held back by performance. Because we live in a


time where in Britain you will have debates in television, this is


going to be a hindrance for him. Unless he can improve his


performance in a way that can appeal to the electorate on a basic


level, it is going to be difficult for him. He is good in debates and


speeches are very old-fashioned nonsense. In hand-to-hand combat,


so to speak, he will be very good. I think he should abolish speeches.


If I was a leader, I would always abolish a speech. It is agony to


write, weeks of time wasted, much better to just get out there and


answer questions. Being yourself - a bit dangerous! What do you think?


I think that party conferences are always well scripted and that it is


what we will see at the Conservative Party Conference as


well. I still do not know what the Conservatives are all about - who


they are and what they represent - and there will be a chance for them


to explain that. If they want to betray themselves as a more


traditional party or if they will portray themselves as having a


modernist agenda, the agenda that got them elected in the first place.


Returning to that point about performances, it is about what


people think of as character. Even if you do not meet Ed Miliband,


Nick Clegg or David Cameron, when you see these people on television,


David Cameron is light as a person and that is important. But how much


longer it will go on being important for... We started off


with people saying that the deficit was the most important thing.


People supported that. But now the budget cuts are starting to hit and


people are thinking that it is going too far and too fast. They


are seeing their jobs go and they are seeing the effects of the


budget cuts and next year it is going to be worse. Apart from the


top ten %, most households will come in at least 7% of their income.


That is enormous, not seen since the 1920s. In the end, bread and


butter that is so much more than the charge of the leader. -- charm


of the leader. His is difficult as an opposition leader to provide


yourself as a future contender for the highest office if you have four


more years until the next election. Labour is still ahead on the pulse,


surprisingly. Perhaps leadership is not everything. The gimmicky


concepts like the Big Society will not cut it. Effectively, what that


is about his doing it yourself, asking charities to take over the


role of the state when charity funding is being cut as well. And


also, I always like to remind people of this quote: Charity is no


substitute for social justice. And that is what people want. It looks


like we will have a change of policy in putting some money into


helping people get their rubbish bins collected once per week. It


sounds trivial but I cannot tell you how irritated some people get


about things like that and that sort of thing works in politics.


And when money suddenly becomes available for these things, it


suddenly becomes available. They can play it cleverly that way but


in terms of actually trying to change the direction in which they


are going, so many opinions are coming up - from the IMF of all


sources - saying that you have got to concentrate on job-creation and


economic growth and that austerity cuts are not enough. And from the


Conservative Party as well. that is not just in Britain but all


across Europe. We are seeing that with discussion over Greece's debt.


Austerity cannot solve everything, it has got to be about growth.


Britain has voluntarily chosen the most austere measures of all


countries. We have volunteer to have the most austere measures, the


toughest budget cuts - 22,000 people thrown out of the Armed


Forces, that kind of thing, 20% cut in the police force at a time when


crime is likely to be rising - these are ferocious and it is only


beginning to happen. I do not believe that this does not impact


on the government of the day and I am not surprised that they are


behind in the opinion polls. That is no reason why bin collection if


it increases is going to refloat the economy. (LAUGHS). Britain is


in a rather unique position. It can spend on capital, could go for


large projects, something has got to refloat the economy. It costs


less to borrow and we could lend again at a profit! The argument is


that it only cost us less tomorrow because we are being so Ostia.


then we have the industrialists, who are very right wing, telling us


to build houses, infrastructure, railways, energy, power stations


and so on and get the economy going. Even they are saying this. The


deficit is beginning to fade as being the main focus. If people are


talking about opening the floodgates. Why? People are talking


about stalling. And don't call it stimulus, because that is a


discredited word. Call it investment for the sake of the


economy. To return to where we began, is they going to be an


argument on Europe at the party conference this week? Some in the


Tory party are saying that now is the time to reshape UK's role in


the EU. It is an outrageous idea but Europe is very unpopular in


this country. Any Rover -- any referendum with the word Europe in


it would all to let leak yield the answer No. -- all to let me. But To


try to work advantage for ourselves when Germany is shouldering such a


huge share of the burden is outrageous. I hope that we have


politicians being slightly Matt Ballin us and say that this is no


time to see some advantage around the side -- Magna mess. They could


possibly think wider and hold back a little bit. One thing that would


be popular is the idea that the banks could contribute a little of


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