07/04/2012 Dateline London


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Now on BBC News, it is time for Welcome to Dateline London. The


British government considers even more domestic security measures.


Possibly even conduct more trials in secret. Will it make us say for?


It has been called the most dangers from mine in the world but are


India and Pakistan on the road to better relations?


And Mitt Romney breaks free of the others. What will the contest


looked like for America and the rest of us?


My guests today are a number of broadcasters and writers.


Politicians in opposition have a tendency to talk about civil


liberties. When they get to government, they tend to talk about


security. The British government has talked about a number of


legalised smoothing techniques and has been criticised by at the press.


How much of a surveillance society do we need and thus the government


again look out of touch with those who are instinctively conservative?


What was this about? The attacks? No, just that we need more


surveillance and be able to look through emails etc? I am bold


enough to remember when the Labour Party, used to spew out laws. --


old enough. We work very against that. Now we find that the party


that the Telegraph and the Mail nominally support is doing exactly


the same. We cannot stand it. It infuriates me because I remember at


the time of the 40 today campaign, it was a human rights thing, I


joined her campaign against it. Is it that the Tory party, at least


the David Cameron wing of it, has a short memory? If they could


remember that well over the Labour attempt, which they failed to do in


suddenly, wouldn't somebody say, this is not a good idea? Is it that


journalists tend to be instinctively against this kind of


thing and civil servants tend to be for this kind of thing? And for


whenever people get into government, they get captured by civil servants


and are told it is a good idea? is like blackmail. Exactly. But the


whole issue itself, I do not believe governments usually tell


you what they want you to do in the future. I believe many people


believe that they are doing it already. They are kind of testing


the public in a way, how they will react. It is very interesting to


notice the difference within the Coalition government about it. 17


MPs just a few days ago wrote a letter in the Independent,


threatening the Deputy Prime Minister to watch it. It is as if


it is going to be legalised and passed... It might fail because the


government might break itself. But the main point which I would like


to make, usually governments say what they are going to do. We are


familiar with previous governments to the politics of distraction. It


was said by some, perhaps you, that every time Tony Blair got into


trouble, he talked about fox- hunting. Is this a distraction


technique? The talk about the pasty is disgusting. Increasing taxes on


that. And then the great tax. That was embarrassing. -- granny


tax. At least this is meant to be a serious issue but it is nonsense. I


do not believe it is a distraction. You want to distract from the


weakest government and at this on top, it is making the situation


worse? The timing is awful. It is like playing with fire. So far,


they have held public support for the coalition. Now Cameron is


coming up with this. He has to make a public announcement. He cannot


It has been legalised and so you have to come up with, is this the


year to do so? The case is yet to be made. We need to be ahead of


terrorists and so on. There are enough. We understand that. But


until the inevitability of this measure has been proven or shown to


be necessary, it is foolish to come out of this -- at this point in


time. The BBC covered extensively this case about the man wanted in


the US who may be extradited. He has been in jail for seven years


without trial. Whatever the rights of the case, he may have run a


website, it does seem that that is kind of self defeating. We like to


think that if you have done something, you go on trial and you


go to jail. But he did not stay in jail for seven years without


somebody showing you that you have done something wrong. Clearly there


has been rising resentment in this issue. The opposite not taking


place, people going to trial. This element of weakness in British


policy has disappointed a lot of Britons. But to come back to the


point that we were making, I tend to expect toughness from the Tories


when it comes to matters of security. When it comes to law and


order. But the timing is astonishing. Incompetent.


Absolutely. We have a situation where the Conservative popularity


has plummeted after the cash for access story. You come up with


something like this which is really daft. We have local elections


coming up. A important ones. Yes. And the mayoral a relic -- the


mayoral election. According to some polls, they are 10% behind. This is


not time to introduce something like this. Another thing I find


interesting is the Left always are seeing as the people who are very...


Who believe the state is actually virtuous. They will accept an awful


lot from the state. Interfering and so on. But the ride, particularly


this government, is supposed to be big society - remember that phrase?


-- the right. Trusting the people and not constantly interfering with


their goings on. But the big society, I hope we never hear about


that again. This is such a left- wing act. It has been noticeable


that particularly in the last couple of weeks, the Tory press


which has never been in love with David Cameron, has really gone for


him. Yes and for good reason. We went for Labour when they started


to try to bring in similar things. But in a sense, we told ourselves,


this is what the left does. It likes to interfere to try to


control things. The Tories are supposed to say, no, leave people


alone. Trust in their common sense. But it is doing just what Labour


was trying to do. And this nanny state suspicion, that they are


rolling out this supervision. The idea that you have to put shutters


in front of supermarkets. We are not ourselves again. There was


airlifted to the Independent yesterday which talks about, I have


been at it for 40 years, I have now been cured. -- been an addict. That


is a message to take. They are saying that maybe the politicians


should publish their tax returns. Is that something that will take


on? That is an interesting one. is trying to put pressure on Labour


leaders to do the same. I can understand tactically. But since


the end of the Cold War, 23 years, the consent and demand for freedom


World Wise has increased. Britain is no different. Of late, there has


been this factor of terrorism. -- worldwide. But they have not made a


strong enough case to snoop into everybody's emails in countering


terrorism. But all of this, every bit of legislation, is always so


that the drafted. The last bout of this from the Labour Party in 2008


seemed to give rights to all sorts of jobs in various councils. It


ended up, especially against terrorism, with ordinary taxpayers,


council taxpayers, having microchips put into their dustbins.


Catch them out if they put the wrong kind of thing in there. It is


really not going to go away. It is not necessary. It is not only the


timing that is bad but the whole issue itself is wrong. Do they


think they will really fight terrorism through this kind of act?


We have seen recently the case of Mohammad Amir, the Toulouse


shooting. He was under surveillance for two years and they did nothing.


They did not really stop it. moving on. Two great nations of the


into an -- Indian sub-continent have gone to war with each other in


the past. They looked like they were going to war on several


occasions and pulled back at the last moment. They are now both


nuclear powers. Some commentators see their potential for


confrontation as one of the most dangers in the world. There are


allegations of state-sponsored terrorism among other things. How


far will the summit this weekend be a surprise and a relief? It is


supposed to be just a lunch, sort of. But we are having the President


of Pakistan on brewed elsewhere, going to India, to have lunch with


the Prime Minister of India. -- en route. It is a big day for the


President of Pakistan but what was called a visit to a famous shrine,


a very popular shrine that goes down well with the Pakistani public,


has actually turned out to be more official and more important than


what was deemed to be the case originally. This was always the


design. This lunch, which is going to be preceded by a one to one


meeting between the two leaders where they will be no Aids, no


takers, is very severe -- significant. A lot has been


happening in the background in the last 20 months between the two


countries. Already, Pakistan, after more than 15 years, has responded


to India's proposals of granting each other most favoured nation


status in terms of trade. That is something which has happened. Now,


it is the political aspect, other aspects, the many problems that


exist within the two countries which the two leaders, two


governments, are trying to tackle. Diplomacy always works best if it


is done quietly. That is what has been happening in the last 20


months. There has been a steady build up to tomorrow when the two


leaders need. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, the number two man as far


as the Pakistani hierarchy is concerned, has met the Indian Prime


Minister several times on the sidelines of international


conferences. But now, there will be this in -- imported talk. I do not


see the two countries resolving their main problem of Kashmir. But


they could follow a formula which has worked for India and China,


which is to put the matter on the back-burner, continued to discuss


it, find a solution, while you get on with other aspects of the


relationship. It has worked beautifully as far as India and


China is concerned. They now have a trade turnover of $70 billion and


that itself is historic. I suppose the important thing it is happening.


Exactly. The rest of the world is watching this worrying trend but


what -- between the two countries. Putting the Kashmir issue on the


back-burner is important. The Mumbai attacks are still vivid in a


memory. America must be watching with keen curiosity. The two


regional powers will be a pillar of security if they are able to patch


up their differences and combine in the fight against extremism. That


We have any problem, the US, India to not trust the Pakistani. The


military service intelligence and... If India is seen to be trusting


them? Up to a point. The point is, no-one trusts and the Pakistan


internationally because of the military, they're very rich, they


do not trust them. The minutes of one of them makes a mistake, even


in language, it will all go... is also true within Pakistan. You


have a civilian government constantly looking over its soldier.


-- shoulder. Absolutely. These two giant countries of the region, they


are the main source of labour so there are keener interest that


stability is to maintain in the region. The best thing they can do


is upon talking. And they put complicated acute issues in the


back burner but the question is, they need to continuously talk.


When you stop talking, you just play the game according to Jerome


interest, exclusively. They must be more. India is interest it in their


neighbour. They must bring in their interest to bed, to acknowledge --


admonished Pakistan. Perhaps encourage more than acknowledge. It


is in India's interest to have a stable Pakistan. The key to


tomorrow's meeting, if there is going to be any success, is the


army in Pakistan. To what extent are they willing to less than their


hardline stance towards India. There is an indication that because


of Pakistan's internal problems, the problem that they have on the


Western Front with Afghanistan, the army is willing to quieten the


Eastern Front with Indian. There has never really been a threat from


India. The best interests of India is a prosperous, stable Pakistan.


India wants to get on with their economic development. It has


realised that we are in a situation, on a fast track, emerging as a


nation Das -- we need stability. is serious winning comes to the


conflict. -- when it comes to conflict. There are those who say


that the fact there are nuclear countries is actually stopping


conflict. Obviously, Pakistan is where I was born. A was a bit


nervous because of the nuclear, there are a lot of nutters in


Pakistan. Everywhere,. They are obsessed with Kashmir. They have


had three wars on it, for all together but three they were solely


about Kashmir. I think the thing about having both powers with a


nuclear capability, they can look over the edge of the abyss and say,


look, we do not want the nutters in India or in our country to heighten


the temperatures so much that some awful thing happen. Mitt Romney has


yet to secured the nomination. But it seems to be coming to an end. Or


we have no Americans on the panels but all of us have a stake in the


contest. What do you make of it? covered the US for eight years.


Those unending primaries, exciting to begin West but you cannot


predict the end. Now, we have the presumed candidate on the


Republican side. It has been over covered, he has not been really


divine. Nobody knows what he has been up to her. A pencil sketch is


what he was called by one of his own. If they're happy with a system


that produces this sort of calibre, let them. It is not for me to


condescend and tell them there is a better pool of talent available.


But varies. America has not done too badly out of their President. A


few weaklings. I think the Republicans have got the most... I


had been covering on the ground at every election since Jimmy Carter,


even before that is, anyway, at least you used to fill, a sense of


hopeless but there are always at least four or five possibles. You


had the tea-party people, you had these mad women, Sarah Palin and


Michelle Buckman he really did not know there's something from their


elbows and they drop down. Newt Gingrich who are covered a great


deal, he brought America to a standstill because he wanted to


shut down government. He has this wild ego. He obviously cannot run


America. Mitt Romney, who does not excite anybody except possibly Mrs


Rumney, they have five children... You cannot be sure. At American


lady stop me and said that it has to be Mitt Romney because he has


the best hair. It may be an analysis of sorts. His hair is


rather splendid. What you think people will think of these compers


- Barack Obama and Mick Romney, particularly in the Arab world?


Appearance since be important in this Hollywood-style kind of


campaign. As far as the Middle East is concerned, listening to the


Republicans, all of them got Mick Romney said the first thing he will


do is travel to Israel. Gingrich said there are no Palestinian


people. They are invented people. I mean, that is pretty grim. At least


Barack Obama is quite clear on that. It is quite understandable in the


Middle East how he is under extreme pressure not being able to move


ahead or at least to do what he promised that he was going to do.


In that sense, I think people in the Middle East, especially in the


Arab world, would be greatly relieved if she wins. I think all


of us should be. The upcoming trial of my Harmon, and the other


perpetrators in Guantanamo. It will be a major Storrar between now and


election time. That will be at ute story. You have covered the US for


many years. I have never seen so little interest in an American


presidential election across Europe. There is interest in France, and


Europe is obsessed with its our own problems. The primaries are just


too long. At the end of it, we still do not have a resolved or a


result which is a bit of rain on a result. Obviously, it seems that


Mitt Romney is virtually in but at the same time, the longer it takes


for the Republicans to officially confirm this, the more Barack Obama


will be laughing. Considering how Barack Obama is best corrected all


around the country, -- is seen across the country, once the


Republican nutcases enter the race, his personal rating rose. That is


because, you know, oh my goodness, at least we know who he is. Also


the economy has been steadily improving. I think what ever we see


around, the economy is going to decide. It always does. As long as


unemployment is going down and employment going up. Europe losing


interest is very important. We have future agendas to ten to, to solve


problems, the future of the euro. That reduces the relevance of the


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