01/03/2014 Dateline London


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Hello. Welcome to Dateline London. Is Russia provoking the unrest in


Ukraine and can Britten and Germany be best friends in Europe. By guests


are Dmitri Shishkin, Nazenin Ansari, Thomas Kielinger and Alex Deane.


On Europe's border ares Ukraine remains in turmoil. After rather


mysterious Russian troop movements owe Bam's warned rushy against


invasion. Talk us how you think this is scene in Moscow? What Putin's


thinking about this? I should start with a bigger picture. Putin always


said, it is a well known quote, he sees the disintegration of Soviet


Union as the biggest catastrophe of the 21st Century. Definitely he


still sees Ukraine as a very much integral part of the Russian sphere


of influence. Crimea has been Russian since mid`18th Century. He


probably laments the fact it is passed over from Soviet Russia to


Soviet Ukraine in 1954. His judgment was impaired they say? Yes, as of


now Putin's remained silent. Even yesterday when Yanukovych did his


speech he was a mess yesterday. In that sense. He still said, I would


see Putin when Putin finds time effectively which is interesting in


itself. They haven't met yet. Putin hassant' said anything. He thinks


the Foreign Ministry is the rightful way of commenting on the situation


and continues to be the case. Met yes hasn't said much. Prime


Minister, we haven't heard him, Putin. Sorry to interrupt. Putin is


not a particular fan of Yanukovych? No, not at all. I think Putin sees


Yanukovych as a weak leader. He blames him for not being able to


curtail the Orange Revolution of 2004. You can see the Orange


Revolution 2. 0 in 2014, he cannot believe that Ukraine is again in


that situation in turmoil. That's why he wants, given the


sensitivities of the situation, given the fact there are so many


Russian`leaning people in the Ukraine, Ukrainian leaning in


Russia, he will remain silent until sometimes, potentially, well, the


key thing here will be the election in May. But also the referendum in


Crimea in March. How do you see it? If I were Mr Putin, I would be very


disappointed at the moment. Because of his image. It has been shaltered.


This is the worst thing that could have happened to Mr Putin since the


fall of the Berlin Wall. When he sees what's happen happening now.


There's a Georgian delegation, a Moldovan Prime Minister visiting


Washington. His image of this man, this Superman is being tarnished.


But, at the same time, I think Ukraine or Crimea is very different


that Georgia. Ukraine is ten times the size of Georgia. Certainly, I


agree with you, there will not be any invasion or anything. It would


be more like the Soviet reaction to Poland in 1991. Basically, I think


what he would do, perhaps, is sit down, take a backseat, take a deep


breath and see what the other side has to do. How the West will


reracket. It is worth pointing out some of those involved in running


the Ukraine now in Kiev are not exactly angels and the more we find


out about these far right groups, the less attractive they seem. Is


that fair? Certainly, in international pop ticks the winner


is not always the man on the top. Once you win, you have all these


expectations that will emerge. Financial once? Bankruptcy?


Certainly for Ukraine. They have a lot of problems. I don't think the


people who will win the elections will be the ones that will... For


obvious reasons Germany's sensitive to this? The Foreign Minister of the


there a week ago signing agreement with the ex`Prime Minister,


president, rather. Found that was useless as it were. Before the ink


was dry on the paper, developments had moved on. This is the prop, it


is a very fluid situation. Everyone's shooting at a moving


target from moving platforms. Everyone is trying to assert their


interest without being able to enforce it. Russia and America


cannot do anything. America warns. The EU keeps warning. It is up to


decisions. The referendum in March and the more important election in


May. You do need legitimacy in the Ukraine. At the moment, there is a


vacuum. No legitimacy anywhere. The old forces have broken up. The new


forces have yet to assert themselves. We need elections, the


people to speak. Until such a time, everyone has to be sweary. The


situation is hugely flammable. Not sure about seeing so much Russian


military personnel on the ground, whether they are not running ahead


of what people will eventually decide. It is a moving platform.


Very hard to pin it down to a fixed state. Meshing Elland other European


leaders will be wary. William Hague is going to Kiev to meet leaders.


Whatever Britain says and whatever we think, it is very difficult


really to see how to push things forward. It is up to the Ukraine


yaps themselves? There are two different discussions, the


geopolitical and the second, the economic one we've hinted at. It is


easier for us to support an economic sphere than the geopolitical. On the


economics, they are facing a massive current account deficit. They sealed


the deal with Russia to get a 15 billion loan. They need about 25


little US. They will be junk if they fail to make those repayments. They


will be desperate to try to run to keep pace with the status quo and


Government spending. They will be looking for a deal. Whether that


comes from the IMF or EU or they can anotheriate Somerset of parcelled


negotiations. A bit from Russia, a bit from the West, a bit from


private funds. Whatever they do, they have to get their hands on


money. In order to do that, they need to damp down the geopolitical


situation. On that geopolitical situation, we haven't really said it


in blunt terms, the Crimea is an identifiable quite obvious separate


piece of the country. It is almost an island, a peninsula connecting it


to the rest of the country. Courtesy of some brutal politician ``


policies, it has been occupied by people who identify more with Russia


an the Ukraine. An easy solution may be for some deal for Crimea to


become wholly or Parliamentary more Russian in formal terms. Allowing a


more cohesive Ukraine to have a more western lifestyle. Whether that be


formal members with the EU, who knows. They need more money and be a


more cohesive political outlet. ? Ukrainian terms it would be very


hard to explain to people, especially if the new Government is


going to be pro`Western, which it is likely to be. I've been talking to


people who are from the eastern part of the Ukraine. We should not be


saying if they are from the east part of the Ukraine they are


naturally Russian`leaning. They are against corruption and the freed


former Prime Minister. She was implicated in lots of unsafery


dealings. When she went to Medan people are not particularly


supportive of her. As far as Russia's concerned, the Kremlin,


they want Ukraine to continue being as weak as possible. In monetary


terms. Just because it is easier to flex your muscles around it. The


comparison to Georgia is very weak. We are say saying crime ease ya is


2. 3 million people. But the point is you don't need to invade. Russia


has already 25,000 troops already stationed there as part of the


agreement. They had already 400 vessels and sea ships. It is an


autonomous Republic? They had the palace there. Spent their summers


there. Culturally it is a very Russian place. Tatars would disa


agree, the nation deported from Crimea for alleged collaboration


with the Nazis. Internally the situation is to be monitored very


closely. We also have to take into account, consideration the Ukrainian


Parliament has invoked the Budapest member random. A security guarantee


Russia, Britain add the US have given to it. We hear whether this


Budapest memorandum is legally binding or not. But they have


invoked it. Mr Hague visiting Ukraine tomorrow, this would be the


one of the topics high on the agenda. 230 Parliamentarians have


voted for it. The wider concern, like the comparison with Georgia,


the concern about setting a precedent for other bits of the


former US SSR and Putin nibbling away with land grabs either creating


a conflict or saying there's a place that's more Russian than not.


Anything reason Putin stepped back a bit and let more national us


particular sentiment come from the state Duma. It yesterday started


legislation to help other regions which would like to become a part of


Russia much faster which is a little bit political of them. When did we


see last Russia actively defending Russian native population in former


Soviet republics. We see Baltic states in the anyonities. Unpleasant


situations happening in other parts of the Soviet Union. I can't


remember when Russia was actively defending rights. It was only when


the situation developed they could be using the same pretext. Several


years ago when Kosovo became independent, Russia was defending


Serbian territorial authorities. Let's move on. If you take the long


historical view, the last century of hostility between Germany and


Britain is an on ration. A British monarchy is descended from the house


of Hanover. Everything from our music supports close ties. Could a


rekindled British/German friendship change Europe? You are not thinking


about power politics of the 19th Century? I am and earlier. What's


going on in this relationship between meshing Elland Cameron? What


does meshing he will want? She wants to have her cake and eat it. Be true


to her European vocation and responsibilities as the the power of


the most powerful nation in the world. She's not ohm nip tent. Her


most revealing line in her deliver was to be between a rock and a hard


place. She's not trying to represent that section of public opinion in


Germany which says to Britain, to hell with you. Do what you like, we


don't care. She would rather like to come to the aid of wellington though


that's easier said than done. We shouldant' forget the battle of


Waterloo was won by the British and Prussians. There we are, we're back


in the 19th Century. We are but this is not the same situation. She can't


deliver on the promise to help him until she knows more about what he


wants to put on the table in terms of repatriation to Britain. She can


offer sympathies but she's good to emphasise Cameron has a friend in


high places. Meshing he will is on his side but apart from that, as far


as delivery in practical terms, we have very little. It is important to


have this friendship. It can be overdone. The Queen has been thrown


in for good measure. Meshing he will is in herself a Queen. Stands above


politics. Prevaricates herself. She came, she saw, she equiff Kated se.


It's worked successfully over the years. She's been known to not get


too much involved. We have an election in Britain next year. We


don't know whether Mr Cameron will be returned. Will she impose herself


or introduce herself into the Civil War in Britain about Europe? At the


core of it is what does Cameron want? What is going to try to


deliver on Europe? That seems vague. The current aspiration is to build a


coalition of the willing, on the front cover of the Spectator, team


biking, Cameron and Merkel done up rather unconvincingly. He is no


Wotan! Quite, that idea that there might be a low tax or free market


grouped within the EU that might seek to reform it such that Cameron


can keep people happy, and you are right, there is much in common


between us and Germany in traditional and historic terms. But


that sense of alliance Flanders on a fundamental conception on what the


EU was four. `` flounders. My firm belief is that the Germans, broadly


speaking, think of it as a union and the British people, at least the


Conservatives among us, think of it as a route to free`market. Germany


has become so Europeanised, she has almost given up on the idea, in fact


a country almost does, but she likes to couch it in European terms, and


that is the true belief of Germans, that they are more European than


German. She said that in his speech, it made the European


correspondence drop their dense. But for the German press, that is


normal. It was Catherine the great who gave Crimea, the grand dame, but


now it is the great Angela of Europe. Mr Cameron needs her more


than at any time in his political career. In fact, I think the visit


here by the German Chancellor was even more important than the visits


by any US president. So certainly, I think that Britain, let's talk about


Maastricht. At that time there were 12 members, now there are 28. So the


way for Britain to exit the EU or not, it is much more difficult.


Angela the Great has to decide it. America is out of the loop, this is


a European issue, where there is no need to ask... But from your time in


the United States, both parties, if they ever think about Britain and


its future, they both want Britain to play an active role in the


European Union. They give their blessing to that. If Scotland


becomes independent, we will all find an accommodation, and in the


same way, were we to leave the European Union, in whatever form,


they would come an accommodation and the Americans would react to it.


They may not encourage it, because most states, they like stability and


they like their allies to be predictable, weather that is


internally desirable or not. It is very telling that when people are


talking about such complexes used in public, internally they have


different views on a particular subject. Angela Merkel wants


something from Cameron which he does not want to be involved with, and


vice versa. They can help each other still, even though their aims are


different. What I think is that it's just continues to show the


dysfunctionality of the European Union in its current form, 28 member


states, starting from the very economic facing union, going towards


wider political union. If you wanted to change something, Cameron keeps


saying, we want to change the fundamental principles, and that


would require a referendum in some member states. Everyone understands


Cameron's frustration with the lack of growth in Europe, and we promised


each other 40 years ago that, within a decade, Europe would be the most


growth orientated area in the world. But we are mired in bureaucracy,


overregulation, and Cameron wants to rattle the doors of this almost


decrepit system. Angela Merkel is of the same mind. In terms of the


bureaucracy, the lack of growth, but in terms of structure. Only to an


extent is she's sympathetic. Talking about a rock and a hard place, for


Cameron, pushed too hard for form, lose Merkel. Do not push hard


enough, lose your own party. One specific issue was immigration,


where there is some fellow feeling with Germany because richer


countries from the north of Europe tend to attract workers from Kura


countries, accession countries. How difficult is that for Cameron now?


It is more difficult because there is a party to the right of him with


a populist message that will beat him in the European elections, and


the rise of UKIP, of course, they draw votes from across the political


spectrum, as they always want to emphasise, but there main effect is


to deny the consider the party resource on the right. That is


derailing Cameron's messages, which is more free market and free


movement, actually. Any hint away from free movement, however


sympathetic Germans as a whole might be, the elite is against it. It is a


core principle of the EU. Cameron's message will be drawn away by that,


but there is now a ballot of the well`developed political movement in


this country saying populist things about immigration to the right of


him, which will deny him a majority, at least, at the next election.


There is a delusion underlying this issue, people talk about wanting to


stop economic migration, but the problem is that Britain is a hugely


popular and attractive country, the way of life, the English language,


the labour market is so attractive that you will be drowned for


evermore in immigration from Europe and Laura Nations. They do not


necessarily come for benefits. `` poorer nations. Germany or any other


country, from the point of view of language, is not nearly as


attractive. Should we celebrate this or say it is a problem? You are a


victim of your popularity. Even yesterday, my friend, a designer, he


does posh flats for Russians in London, he was showing as one of his


works in progress, and who was building the flats? Polish workers,


the best builders, she said to me, discounting Ukrainians, who are not


yet here! No, but I mean, right of movement, travel, is part of the


Helsinki accords, human rights, but we have come to a juncture in


history where you have to really take a realistic perspective. Of


course, Britain is a popular place to come thanks to the language, the


beautiful... The weather that we have! But at the same time it is a


question of finances, and Germany itself is also feeling the pinch,


and the more you open up Europe, the more you enlarge membership, that is


something that not only Germany and France, but the French will also


start. There is only a finite number of countries still to be given


access to Europe, we are only talking about the Balkans? Ukraine!


Turkey! Iran! You cannot keep talking about the original four


freedoms, because at the time, 30 years ago, history has changed


enormously. You have to keep going back to the issue to define them. Do


we go deeper or wider? That is not resolved. There has to be a


resolution of these principles, ideals, with what is happening on


the ground. Do you see any kind of coalition of the willing, to go back


to the phrase she used, of countries which recognise that there really is


a problem in the EU and intent to do something about it? Like Britain and


Germany, the contributors. Icy the possibility of them coming together


on these issues and others. `` I see. She indicated her pent`up


desire to be closer to Cameron, and with the other nations she has to


clear this with the rest of Europe. She cannot appeared to be speaking


unilaterally, as it were. She is only one amongst 28 nations, albeit


the most powerful one. There is room for movement. You are right, we have


a migration debate wrapped up in a benefits debate. There is more to it


than that. On the specific point about coming here to claim benefits,


which Britain is having a debate in the European Court, there was


support from Germany and also from the Scandinavians, who experienced


that kind of movement. In broader terms, it is doomed to fail, a


coalition like that, because in the end the project will prevail.


Because of the prospect of referendums. You can make coalitions


for individual topics. That is it for Dateline, we are back next week


at the same time. You can comment on the programme on Twitter. Thanks for


watching and goodbye. Hello, the 1st of March. A chilly


start to the month, frost, fog and ice to contend with, the best of


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