24/10/2015 Dateline London


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Hello, and welcome to Dateline London.


How close a relationship can, and should, Britain have with China?


Israel's prime minister says the Holocaust was not Hitler's idea,


And should we put a tax on sugar as a danger to health?


My guests today are Thomas Kielinger of Die Welt, Stephanie Baker of


Bloomberg Markets, Diane Wei Liang, who is a Chinese writer, and Yasmin


Britain's relationship with China is going through a golden period,


and the welcome in Britain for the Chinese president put


But is this simply a new pragmatism, based on money and business


interests, or potentially something much more significant?


What do you think China got out of this visit? A lot. There


visit to the United States three weeks ago which did not go as well


as planned. He had to delay one day to stay in Seattle rather than going


to Washington because Pope Francis was there. Following the state


banquet and the UN meeting, President Putin who did a big


announcement in Syria, it was not as well received from his point of


view. He was coming for the state banquet, it was a great triumph for


him. He is the most important leader for a long time. He is someone who


wants to build chain into this China dream. To become actual


international player. Not only economic sense, but in a political


sense. That is very interesting. What you think Britain


is very much as short-term gain. But in the


years and how much gain would that be? That is, if I may say so, a very


Chinese way of thinking of things. The next 20 years, the next


generation. Richard politicians tend to think of the next three or four


years. Absolutely. The Chinese politicians want to engage with UK,


with financial services it is just the beginning. There is a lot that


owner can gain from engaging with the city, for example. The Uber


you'll love this? I can see the economic arguments, but not the


political arguments at all. I do not fall in line with the xenophobia or


jingoism of this country or any other. But politically, I thought it


was quite scandalous, actually, that the political leaders of this


country code code who, I agree, is an astonishing


leader but his political record in which ever way you want to judge it


for mutual respect, is not an equation I buy into. The economy


cannot bypass or override everything else. I do not think anyone assumes


that the economy will bypass the other issues, people understand that


the league, these are too different kettles of fish. When a country is


at its political best, that is not necessarily kowtowing. Our police


went and took the computer of someone who survived... You do not


have false demonstrations of loyalty on our streets. There was something


quite artificial going on all stop apart from the incident, which was


disreputable... The economy are completely go with. Ever since


Kissinger, when they started to open up, trade was at the bottom of the


future relationship which might, over time, Ely area to the behaviour


of the opposing number. In the old days in the Soviet Union that led to


change. I have seen that personally in the past 35 or 40 years, how the


China of my childhood, which was completely controlled by the state,


has turned into China today, which for the Chinese is full of freedom.


Freedom of speech. Incremental. I should say, you were also one of


those leaders of the Chairman Square demonstration. -- Tianamen Square


demonstration. I wonder whether talking then this


relationship is, in economic terms particularly, a mistake? I think


George Osborne will accept this in the terms of, if we do not do that,


someone else will. Britain has a larger trade deficit with China than


France, for example. He went to China last month, during which time


he was quoted as saying, Britain should run towards China. He is


known to be fascinated by China, he backpacked around there after


Oxford, he has surrounded himself by advisers who are up-to-date on


China. Including the former Goldman Sachs economist who talks about the


emerging markets. He says that we risk our commercial interests if we


focus too much on human rights. He clearly decided to put that on the


back owner. I was as horrified as anyone by the treatment of this


protest figure and showed a bad example to China when they were


visiting. That they clearly decided engagement with China gives them


more influence over human rights. Whether you agree with it or not. I


am not so sure boycotting China gives them any more influence. The


question is, now that Cameron has had a bear with the president, and


he has taken a red and a golden carriage with the Queen, and been to


Manchester City with Sergio Aguero... One important thing to


say, the whole human rights and international law obligations of


this country have been rewritten by this current government. The


directions they now give the ministers, this is very frightening


and dangerous. Because if we are saying because we want to do


business with China, India, any nation, the values which we have


espoused since the end of the Second World War also going to be torn up,


we should be incredibly careful of that. I do not think it has been


torn up. Think David Cameron has made great progress with President


Xi on the subject. He said there is room for improvement, he said we


want to work with countries such as the UK to improve our record on


human rights. That is something that has not been said before. That is a


big thing for Cameron. If you become friends then you can discuss these


matters. That is something I have not heard. But I wonder if that is


like President Putin, he knows that he needs to say it but the actions


do not match the words. But so far no Chinese leaders have said that


before. Let us move on.


The prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, said something


quite extraordinary this week - that Adolf Hitler did not want to


exterminate the Jewish people until meeting a Palestinian religious


leader, the Grand Mufti, who apparently sowed the idea


What do you think people in Germany are making this? This is an


aberration of judgment. It flies in the face of history and historical


record. Who knows what was said and exchanged and visit prior to Hitler


coming to power. He was bent, from the start, on exterminating the Jews


which ever way he could. I have a problem with the statement,


particularly because I think it is so much geared to the current


struggle between the Israeli 's and the Palestinians. He is trying to


get one over the Palestinians and paint them as black as can be and


exonerate Hitler, which has unintended consequences. There is no


need to have gone this far. If you think that there is guilt on the


Palestinian side presently and in history it is enough to come up with


that statement, but you do not need to leave the impression that Hitler


is not responsible. He has suspended his judgment, completely. How do


think this has gone down, particularly with the Jewish


communities in the unit states? It is a very diverse community, but do


you believe people are puzzled about this? It is about 2015 and not about


1941, 1942? Respected Holocaust scholars have criticised him and


said it is completely historically inaccurate. Even the Israeli press


has come out and criticised him. One Israeli historian of the Holocaust


said it was a political mistake for the Palestinian rural Mack that --


Palestinians, that they met with Hitler, but that this is


historically incorrect. Social media ridiculed him for this, he was


probably not expecting that. He is not a naive man, and he has said


this before in a speech, I believe. He knew the effects of his words.


You have to wonder why did he decide to trot that one out at a time when


he had several weeks of violent crashes between Israelis and


Palestinians and the prospect of revising the priest process is at an


all-time low after talks broke down last year. -- his process. It smacks


of desperation on his part that there is no way out. He is fanning


the flames in the same way that he has accused Hamas of fanning flames.


They have reached this low that you think that you can score points by


pointing at a historical meeting and painting it in this fashion. What


more can you do to completely disrupt any sort of hope for


resolution? Does it disrupt relationships between Benjamin


Netanyahu and President Obama? There is no love lost there. But this will


not repeal it? No, and John Kerry travelled to you rip to have a


four-hour meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu to try to calm down


tensions. It looks like a lost cause. President Obama has little


over a year left and is more or less resigned to passing the nuclear deal


with Iran which Benjamin NASA -- Benjamin Netanyahu has fought.


How do you see this, it is a very odd statement to make, isn't it?


Yes, I believe he made the same statement in 2012. His aide had


claimed that this was a belief that he has always held. I believe it is


written in his book of 1993. It is a statement I think he made possibly


with a purpose of looking at today's conflict between the


Palestinians and Israelis. And it is to fan further more of the conflict


the sentiment that is involved in this current violence and


deterioration. What is really sad is to look at the situation we have


today. The Oslo accord was 22 years ago. Nothing has happened. Of course


we have John Kerry travelling to the region, we have a lot of politicians


engaging with the process. We are at an all-time low. This peace process


is anybody thinking that this will be revived? There is no peace


process, really. Increasingly, public opinion has shifted hugely in


the last ten years when it comes to this conflict between Israel and


Palestine, partly because David and Goliath, whose David and Goliath now


in terms of sheer power and arms. I am not blaming Israel for all that


has happened, but Israel is the stronger player and public opinion


in this country, in my lifetime as a columnist, I can see how public


opinion has shifted. So you raise this Holocaust, you stay in the name


of the Palestinians. A lot of Palestinians, a lot of Arabs, are


indeed anti-Semitic. I know because they even tell me. But this is used


very instrumentally. Because once you raise this thing that even the


Holocaust has the stain upon the Palestinian leader, you have really


reached the depths of bad, bad moral politics. That is why it has come up


the second time instead of two years ago, it is essential. You never


entered the same river twice, as the Greeks used to say. It adds fire.


There were Nazi sympathisers in this country, a man who would have been


king. An exoneration of all of that in history. Absolutely.


Let us move on. The former mayor of


New York Michael Bloomberg tried to improve the health of New Yorkers


by banning enormous servings of Now the British government is being


urged to tackle obesity, tooth decay, diabetes,


heart disease and other conditions The prime minister David Cameron


is said to be against it. I thought that this was a


fascinating thing by Bloomberg to try to do. But it failed because the


court said that he did not have the power to do this. Yes, he said it


should be city councils. In New York, he tried to ban super-size


sugary drinks. It was not a tax per se. In his philanthropic work he has


funded work in Mexico and California to get a tax imposed. In Mexico that


worked. Mexico imposed a 10% tax on sugary drinks and 20 15 -- 2015. It


appears to be working. The sales have declined by 20%. It is a good


example of how you can shift public health through policy measures such


as this. But the city is a huge issue in Mexican politics, because


50 years ago it was not a problem and it is a really big problem now.


And they have used the funding for that to fund anti-obesity problems.


Norrie and Denmark have similar taxes. I am frankly baffled by the


reaction of the government to this issue. Jeremy Hunt tried to suppress


this report, David Cameron has no interest in imposing a tax. But the


public health research indicates that it would have an effect. ?5


billion per year is spent on the NHS on obesity related issues. As well


as the fundraising. For countries that have a National Health Service


that is a drain on national budgets, it seems incomprehensible to me that


he would not be imposing measures that might reduce the demand on the


NHS as well as provide funding. The counterargument is that the


government should not be telling us what we should be eating. This up to


you and me to decide. In that case we should not have a government, we


should be free and be anarchists and do what we want. This government in


particular, and some previous governments, the only thing


matters is money. The nation's matters is money. The nation's


health comes second. The same thing happened with the drink industry.


All this evidence, doctors, all of the professionals in the health


service, or calling for action from the government on the problem with


alcohol intake. The pricing particularly. Nothing was done. It


used in most everything sector and used in most everything sector and


they are not going to discipline us. Discipline the big businesses that


are part of... It is labelled, if you buy pasta sauce, it will tell


you how much sugar is in it. I harassed mother in a supermarket


trying to get food is not going to stand in a supermarket trying to get


food is not going to stand and look at available. Price change equals


perspective. You can only change so much. I am not convinced that the


tax on sugary substance is the best way. Taxing certain product or


ingredients is a very blunt instrument. It may have an effect,


it may not. If you look at the UK, the sort of dieting habits, I


suspect that attacks on sugar will actually affect the poor even more


so. It might not deter them from purchasing these goods. In fact, I


believe in this country there is already VAT on soft drinks, sweets,


chocolates. So that already has additional tax. I do not think it


has had an effect. I would say that to look at this issue, you need to


look more carefully, rather than to believe that the sweeping tax on


ingredients... One of the reasons why the government is hesitant is


twofold, they do not want to be more nannying, they do not want to


increase the perception of being the nanny state, and there are also


using the argument that it might hurt the poor risk the worst. There


are also out of instruments available, before you get the tax


issue. You can fit a curb on advertisements and come down heavily


on banning advertisements. Before you come to the tax issue, although


I must say from the Mexican instant experience, it did not seem to have


hurt the poor predictive. On the contrary, it helped reduce... It


hurts the poor in terms of their health. If they do not do it? Yes,


if they continue to consume lots of sugar. I am trying to understand why


the government is so resistant to following Public Health England's


George Osborne is trying to push George Osborne is trying to push


through this working tax credits cut, so they do not want another


issue compounding working families... The nanny state issue,


was people in this country who never had nannies would quite have liked


the nanny! That is a different matter. Will it happen? It will not


happen. It will not happen, because the business rules. I think the


public health argument is so overwhelming that in ten years... It


may take a while. I think in ten years... Argument has been made for


a tenuous. The Scandinavian countries have done it, we have


never done it. I am sorry, I really am very cynical. In Mexico, where we


talk about the poor, the poor feeding Coca-Cola to their babies in


feeding bottles. If the poor are not doing that then it is only good for


them in the end. I do think that we have to look at influence. At the


Conservative Party Conference it did feel like the biggest business in


the world. Honestly. It has taken 50 years to get where we are with


cigarettes. Absolutely. They are acceptable but you have to smoke


them outside, it sector. These public health campaigns take a very


long time. Yes, and what really worked in the smoking campaign is


not putting on more tax, it is banning smoking in public places...


Advocates also say that Andy all -- anti-alcohol campaigns, changing the


price, it does affect behaviour, so they say. We have tax on petrol,


cigarettes... How many more taxes can you introduce and do you want to


combat this epidemic with other programmes as well? Obesity has a


lot to do with exercise. It is not just sugar intake. I do not think


Public Health England's recommendations are exclusively tax.


They have a proposals, including advertising aimed at children.


Counselling the Great British the cough! -- Bake Off! They are so


scared of this report coming out because the argument is so strong.


It will remain on the public agenda as long as baby city crisis keeps up


-- obesity crisis. We are back next week at the same


time. Thanks for watching.


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