Jacek Rostowski - Minister of Finance, Poland HARDtalk

Jacek Rostowski - Minister of Finance, Poland

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Europe's protracted debt crisis has laid bare a stark reality. Germany


is the Union's major player, and Berlin's wishes will do much to


change the future of Europe. Nowhere does that carry more


resonance than in Poland. My guest today is Jacek Rostowski, Poland's


Finance Minister. EU membership has been good for Poland, but are Poles


ready to join the euro, and sign up to fiscal rules bearing a German


Welcome to HARDtalk. Good afternoon. I want to begin by taking you back


to the words of your colleague, the Polish Foreign Minister, who at the


end of last year said that Europe's sovereign debt crisis, to him,


represented the most scary moment of his entire political career. Now


that we are in the new year, looking at the way that Europe is


dealing with this, are you still feeling scared? My colleague said


that in a speech in Berlin at the beginning of December, and I have


just read in the Financial Times that Donald Tsang, he is the chief


executive of Hong Kong, said exactly the same thing for the same


reasons a few days ago at Davos. But I have to say, that from our


point of view, we are getting a bit less scared. We think that the


situation is slowly stabilising. The actions that have been taken by


the ECB, not before time, are beginning to bear fruit. Liquidity


in the European banking system is improving. Yields on Italian and


Spanish bonds, which for us are the most important indicator of the


intensity of the crisis, are steadying and declining in a steady,


predictable and sustained way. may interrupt, Minister, you talk


about a steady decline in the sense of panic, I suppose, but it is not


really steady at all in Europe, is it? Because, as you say, a slightly


more benign attitude towards debt in Spain and Italy, but Portugal,


for example, has debt yields going through the roof. The markets have


apparently decided that Portugal will eventually default in the way


that Greece is, in essence, defaulting. So the idea of


contagion is still out there. but it is very important who is


under threat of contagion. Even though I think what is happening


with Portuguese yields is unfair, because the new Portuguese


government is very determined and very clear in its determination to


reform the Portuguese economy, nevertheless, the important


dominoes - if I can use that word, although they are not really


dominos, because we can now see they are unlikely to fall - but the


big players in this, the important players, are of course Spain and


Italy. And the very fact that Spanish and Italian bonds continue


to decline as Portuguese yields are going through the roof is, I think,


evidence that generally the situation is stabilising. And I


have to say that almost everybody now expects a mild recession in the


first half of this year. In Europe and in the eurozone. We were


concerned as late as early December, before the summit, that we might be


facing something on the scale of 2009 or even much, much worse. And


that prospect seems to be receding. Let's talk about the fiscal compact


that 25 of the 27 EU members have agreed to, although all of the


detail has not yet been worked out. In essence, this compact, if it is


ratified, represents the triumph of austerity economics made in Germany.


Would you agree with that? And if you do agree with it, why is Poland


so readily accepting it? Maybe I will start with the second question.


The compact, or the pact, will not be binding for countries that are


not in the euro, until they join the euro. So we shall not be taking


on any additional obligations as a result of signing the pact. On the


other hand, going back to your introduction, you said that the


pact embodied fiscal rules made in Germany. Although the precise


fiscal rule that countries signed up to, once they are members of the


eurozone and once this pact is accepted, is in fact a German


fiscal rule, Germany introduced its fiscal rule only in 2010. Or 2009,


I cannot remember. Poland has had extremely rigorous fiscal rules


since 1997. And we in fact, constitutionally, cannot have a


debt to GDP ratio that would exceed 60%, which is the Maastricht Treaty


limit and which is of course massively exceeded by almost all


eurozone countries, including Germany - which, if my memory


serves me correctly, has a ratio of public debt to GDP of 81 or 82%.


I may interrupt, you talk about national debt there, and I take


your point. Poland is constitutionally committed to


keeping its national debt below 60%. I understand that. But in terms of


cyclical economic policy, the Polish government has recently been


seen to be happy to live with budget deficits of 5% or 6% or 7%.


You are now saying that you are prepared to accept the compact. I


say made in Germany, you can argue about it, but it is a compact that


says you cannot run anything beyond a balanced budget. And if you go


beyond a 3% budget deficit you will be severely punished. Are the


Polish people ready for that? points. First of all, these rules


will bind us once we join the euro. And we are not joining the euro for


a while. Well, you know what I have to do now. LAUGHTER. I have to ask


you, when are going to join the euro? Not for a while yet. My


simple answer is when it has been fixed, so it is safe to join. Going


back to your earlier point, it is not quite true that you have to run


a balanced budget all the time. What you actually have to do is run


a balanced structural budget, which means you can allow automatic


fiscal stabilisers to work, and they can either be quite a strong


variation as the cycle develops, or not such a strong variation. In


Poland it is actually a strong variation, and the fines that would


be paid for exceeding 3% deficit, once we joined the eurozone,


whenever that may be, are actually no higher under the pact then they


were under the pact which we helped to negotiate. They were brought


into EU law in September of last year. So as far as we are concerned,


this pact really introduces very little that is new on the fiscal


side except the duty to introduce this rule into a country's


constitution, and that applies only to countries that are in the


eurozone, and of course we shall have to see how many countries


succeed in ratifying the treaty and the part from that which succeed in


introducing this rule into the constitution. We are very much in


favour of this pact. I appreciate the detail in your answer, but I


suspect that your own people in Poland, and people around the world,


will want some pretty simple answers to basic questions. And I


go back to Poland and the euro. me worry about what people in


Poland want. I think I can deal with that. Well, your Prime


Minister told his people, I believe five years ago, that Poland would


be joining the euro in 2012 or 2013. Am I to take it, from your cautious


answers, that you are kicking that into the long grass? We kicked that


into the long grass a while ago, because of course in September 2008,


which was when we made that declaration, we had no idea that


this was going to happen. It was before the fall of Lehman Brothers


and the world economic crisis, but more importantly, we had no idea


that the eurozone would find it so hard to function effectively to


prevent the kind of contagion that we have been seeing. That European


institutions, and in particular eurozone institutions and member


states, would find it so hard to work together to put an end to this


crisis. But do you not think there is a real problem now? The rational


response to you saying to me that you will only enter the euro when


it is safe to do so is to assume that right now you think it is not


safe to do so. That is a message that the Polish public have clearly


picked up on. A recent opinion poll said that 29% of Polish people


favoured joining the euro, while 53% opposed it. Do you have a


fundamental problem now? No, I don't think we have a fundamental


problem. I think the eurozone has a fundamental problem and we are all


aware of that, and we very much want the eurozone to solve its


problems and we very much want to help the eurozone solve its problem.


It is no good sitting on the sidelines and yelling that the


eurozone has a problem, as I am afraid some people in the UK do,


because if the eurozone were to really start falling apart, I don't


think anybody should believe - certainly nobody who lives as close


to the eurozone as both Poland and the UK do - that we could possibly


escape from such a catastrophe unscathed. But unlike the United


Kingdom, you and your government are committed to joining as soon as


it is feasible to do so. The UK is not committed to joining. So that


is why I say you have a problem. are not out of kilter with our own


people. Our own people understand that there is a major problem in


the eurozone, and we understand that there is a major problem in


the eurozone, and we have no intention of joining the eurozone


until it is safe to do so. We have no obligation to join the eurozone


as long as it is unsafe. I return to my opening proposition, that


right now it does look as though European economic structures are


being driven by a heavy influence from Berlin. And one can look


around Europe, one can look at the fact that there was a government in


place in Greece and another in Italy, which have been, in a sense,


put in place by the European Commission - by Brussels - as much


as by the electorate in those countries. I just wonder whether in


Poland there is a long-term basic fear that if you join the eurozone,


if you sign up to the pact that we have talked about, economic policy


management and policy making in your country will be driven from


I would put it differently. That is why I said that the eurozone is not


safe to join yet. The cases that you spoke about, I think you have


overstated the extent to which the policy is driven exclusively from


Brussels and Berlin. I think markets are playing an important


role as well. Nevertheless, the fact is that countries that are in


this difficult political situation are in the situation because


sometimes through no fault of their own they have got into a difficult


economic situation. The risk of getting into a difficult economic


situation without adequate mechanisms, not only of correction


and disciplined, but also support, is one of the things that concerns


us about the structure of the eurozone. That is, the


institutional structure and the political structure of the eurozone.


We don't want to find ourselves in that sort of difficult political


and economic situation which can lead to the kind of situation you


have just described. That is what I mean when I say that we will be


very happy to join the eurozone once it is safe to join. Let me ask


in a different way. I think about your relationship with the Germans.


It is fundamentally important in Europe. It has a huge history. It


matters a great deal to the future of the European economy. Do you


believe the Germans understand sufficiently the need to stimulate


growth across the eurozone? quote the Danish Prime Minister,


just the other day she said there are countries that can afford a


stimulus and they should consider doing so, clearly implying they are


not doing so at the moment. As far as growth is concerned,


Poland has no problem. We have been the fastest-growing economy in


Europe for the last four years. We have had almost 16% of cumulative


growth in that period. We have created 880,000 new jobs, the


second best level after Germany, and they have twice the population.


So we have no problem with growth. If you look at the countries that


came second in that European growth league, Slovakia had half the


growth we have had in the last four years. So growth is not something


we are bad about. We have done that without the German stimulating


their economy. But our problem is less about stimulation and more


about stabilisation. We think there is a problem in the eurozone that


there are no mechanisms to ensure contagion and spill-over effects do


not spread from one country to another. You made that point


earlier and you were entirely right. We have argued for a long time that


the ECB should be mandated to intervene on government bond


markets if there are disturbances which are the result of spill-over


effects. They could lead to a threat to the unity of the eurozone.


This is a fundamental thing which is missing in the architecture of


the eurozone. This brings us back to Nicolas Sarkozy. He mentioned


Germany has a burden of responsibility. You say that too


and the Germans are still not listening. It is a fundamental


problem. Germany is an independent country and does not have to listen


to what we say. They take their decisions, we take our decisions.


We have made clear what we think is important for Europe to remain


stable. We certainly, all the points we make, we make in the


context of committed Europeans and as people who believe in fiscal


prudence in the medium term. Surely what we have learnt from the


economic crisis in Europe is one simple thing. If you look at Greece


or Portugal, you see countries that fail to take on difficult


structural reform. Dodging that reform has caught up with them. I


wonder whether you can truly say, hand on heart, that Poland has


taken on the difficult structural reforms which mean in the long-term


they can look forward to being a fully functioning member of the


eurozone. First of all, as far as reforms are concerned, nobody has


ever doubted that we have taken on the reforms, the kind of reforms


which are contrary to use ago. They have not been taken on by any


European country except those in the Soviet bloc. So I would like to


see any country in Western Europe try to introduce those kind of


reforms and politically get away with it. I will not be lectured


about reforms by anybody in Western Europe. I do not want to lecture


you, but members of your own political class, indeed, a former


deputy finance minister, who say that Poland needs to do much more


to reform an overgrown and malfunctioning state. He believes


there is much more to do. He always believes there is more to do. Some


people believe the end is nigh and have been saying it for the last 40


years. He is like the people on Speaker's Corner. Of course, we


actually happen to have the sixth lowest ratio of civil servants per


10,000 inhabitants in the whole of the European Union. We also have


one of the lowest ratios of tax to GDP. So I - fair enough - there is


a strong lobby of people in Poland, and I am glad there is such a lobby


of people, who think we should always be doing more and faster.


The result is that we have done a great deal. 20 years ago our Prime


Minister introduced those reforms we were talking about. Nevertheless,


compared to the countries of western Europe, I think we have


done far more than any Western European country could talk about.


A couple of specifics, if I may? I may. Excuse me. If I may. Then


the second point is that we are not actually joining the union. We are


going around in circles in this conversation. You keep talking


about how difficult it will be for us to cope in the eurozone as if we


are about to join. We are not about to join, partly because the


eurozone is not ready. And secondly, we have undertaken a lot of reforms


over the last 20 years and the last four years and we have a very full


reform programme for the next four years. But do carry on with your


specifics. The specifics - why, if Poland has committed itself to


privatisation, why are so many of the larger businesses privatised in


a way that has left a dominant stake-holding in the state sector?


That is privatisation-lite. privatisation we have undertaken


over the last four years has been the fastest since the turn of the


millennium. Much faster than there was, than had taken place earlier.


We are certainly committed to continue that. But what we


definitely want to do is have some Polish companies. We do not want


this to be state companies. But that does mean that most of the


privatisation has been on the local stock exchange, which, by the way,


has the third highest level of IPOs in the world. Also thanks to that


privatisation. That means that for a while the controlling amount of


shares remain in government hands until the companies will be fully


privatised. A final thought, Minister. If you are right and the


country is on such a path to dynamic, efficient growth, why is


it that so many Poles, about 2 million, have left your country to


seek work elsewhere in the European Union? The most dynamic, young,


brightest people you have. There are two answers. Most of that


immigration took place before the crisis, before we came to power, in


the first part of our membership in the European Union. When the German


and Austrian frontiers were opened last year, there was hardly any net


immigration into Germany. The second point is that we are fast


growing, but from low levels. So people still earn a lot more and


have a higher standard of living in western Europe. So that is


understandable. But that gap is closing fairly fast. 20% of the gap


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