Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri - Chairman, Minaj-ul-Quran International HARDtalk

Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri - Chairman, Minaj-ul-Quran International

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discovered in Lyme Bay in Dorset. Now it is time for HARDtalk.


When a radical reform must Muslim cleric, Tahir-ul-Qadri, returned it


to his native Pakistan from Canada last December, he promised a


Million man March on parliament to. The government and bring in


electoral reform, in the event, only tens of thousands of


protesters turned out, and just four days into the much, he made a


deal with the government. Tahir-ul- Qadri says he also wants to reclaim


his lamb from the terrorists and extremists. Is his voice of wires,


or is he an out of touch, Tahir-ul-Qadri, welcome to HARDtalk.


When you went back in December to Pakistan, you said you wanted to


save the state. Save it from what exactly? I mean that Pakistan is


known to be the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, it was formed for


democracy, the rule of law, for social and economic justice, for


protection of human rights, but nothing has been delivered


according to the constitution of Pakistan, and nothing has been


delivered as the fruits of democracy to the people. The


government has totally failed to establish, to stabilise the


institutions, and to establish the government in different areas of


Pakistan, and to eradicate extremism and terrorism from our


land. Pakistan has become a threat to neighbouring countries and a


threat to the whole world because of the import of terrorism and the


export of terrorism. We have become a sinking ship. How many people


agree with you? You say that you wanted to turn Islamabad into


Tahrir Square, you said you wanted a mass protest movement outside


Parliament, where is it? There is nobody there. The problem is that


when we started from Pakistan, Punjab, 25,000 buses which were


bought by the Government of Punjab to pressurise the people, and the


advance money was given back, all the bookings were cancelled. They


captured their licences and their permits. The police captured it


punctured, and all the roads were blocked. People had to walk to


Islamabad on different tracks, hiding... going to different routes,


so instead of this, people were successful in reaching there.


Hundreds of thousands. You say hundreds of thousands, the


authorities in Pakistan had a very different figure. The Pakistani


intelligence bureaux say that 40,000 people turned out. The


Islamabad police say 30,000, and other intelligence agencies say


50,000. A very big difference in the figure. I would tell you about


the Pakistani intelligence agency. When they say 10, you imagined that


it is 100. They always tell lies. When they mention 20, it is 200.


This is the practice, the norm that has given to them. They are not


allowed to mention the real figures. They will be caught by their


officers. They will say, why did you allow the people to a riot in


such a large number? -- to arrive. Why are you calling for regime


change for a democratically elected government? The party of the late


Benazir Bhutto, they won the elections fair and square in 2008.


I never wanted to topple the government. That is why we waited


for five years. So they could complete their tenure. So they may


be able to deliver whatever they can deliver. But every single day,


the dead bodies they are finding on the land, terrorist attacks are


everywhere, the bodies were there for four days, they had nobody to


bury them, there is no law and order, people are not getting food,


not getting education, there are no health facilities, investment in


the social sector, no stability and democracy. The only demand an


election... why do you say that they engineered the polls? I said


you, when they won the election in 2008, the European Union and other


international bodies said that the election was wholly free and fair.


Why are you implying that they are trying to Reed this coming


election? This is very clear. I have been part of this process. I


have contested in elections and I had seen everything with my own


eyes. The only thing that is required, money, might and


manipulation. You say money is needed, but you have been running


television advertisements trying to push forward your agenda, where are


you getting your money from? have hundreds of thousands of


members. They pay a fee to our party. In Pakistan and overseas


Pakistani. We have spent millions of rupees. We have established up


to 1,000 schools with our own resources. We have established an


orphanage for 1,000 orphan boys. We have established our own


institution, Welfare Society, we are spending billions of billions


of Reed -- rupees. But the other parties are also carrying out


similar social welfare programmes. You have your Islamic organisation,


but I want to ask you this, you say that you are doing all this in the


name of the people of Pakistan, you have formed your own political


party, and yet you do not have a single seat in the National


Assembly. What is your mandate to do all of this? The authority and


the right belongs to the people of Pakistan. A lot of parties have


popular support despite the fact they are not sitting in parliament.


Because of the corrupt electoral system, we did not get any seats.


Because when I was a Member of Parliament, I have resigned after


two years. How many seats did you Party have at the time? Just a


couple? I won my seat. But since I am telling that the whole process,


the law says that you cannot spend more than one million rupees on a


seat, and more than 1.5 million rupees for a National Assembly seat,


but the actual money spent is about 100 million rupees, against the law.


It violates the constitution. So the common man is unable to fight


the election. We have contested four people, not the winning horses,


that is the problem. You say that you command widespread appeal, but


I tell you what the Conservative MP says, who for many years was an


aide to Benazir Bhutto. He says I challenge his appeal to the people


of Pakistan and his credibility. He has no nationwide support across


the four provinces of Pakistan, and he goes further, he says that you


have no commitment to democracy. What do you say to that? He is the


conservative British Pakistani, Conservative MP, who for many years


was a aide to the late Benazir Bhutto. I would not comment on


anybody's statement, but I will say that people have seen the gathering


of 23rd December, hundreds of thousands of people were there, and


for the last 65 years, this was the biggest people's gathering in the


history of Pakistan. You can beat the newspapers. Any English


newspaper has not claimed that any other gathering, except this one...


I have to challenge that. When Benazir Bhutto went back in October


2007, just before she was assassinated, 3 million turned out


to meet her. When her son spoke recently, again, hundreds of


thousands turned out. You had tens of thousands.


One can say 3 million, one can say 4 million, but if you go through


all newspapers published, on 24th December...


We are not going to fight. They say it is the biggest gathering. If we


do not have a populist base, where do these people come from?


figures are disputed. There can be a dispute on the figures. What


about the fact that you are not seen with somebody -- as somebody


with proper democratic credentials? Did you yourself are not say it in


December, there are only two institutions in Pakistan that are


functioning, one is the judiciary and one is the armed forces, and


that has made people worried, that in some way you are trying to


invite the military to come back into Pakistani politics. He is not


an authority on the politics. not just him. He has a right to say.


What ever he wants. Address the substance of the criticism.


substance is that when... I never invited the military or the


judiciary to get involved in politics, or to get involved in the


next coming government. My only concern was that these institutions


should ensure for the stability of Pakistan, the stability of


democracy, they are the people who are coming to take over the next


government. They are not parties and people, they should be totally


honest and impartial, so they ensured the transparency, fairness,


This has never happened. The same words have been declared by the


Supreme Court of Pakistan. This was a judgment in June 2012. This type


of standard has never taken place. Can I just carry on? I am sure


everybody would say that they want free and fair elections in Pakistan.


With the military, can I ask you, can I put to you what they say?


There are reports and informed speculation that the most


widespread theory behind your return to Pakistan was that it was


prompted by the military and that they are turning to you to


destabilise the be political scene and potentially create a situation


in which they elections are delayed. Are you being used as a tool by the


military? I totally get this accusation. The same type of


accusation has been launched at the British establishment behind me.


The same false allegation has been launched at the American


establishment was behind the doctor. This is totally wrong. There was a


categorical statement that they were not behind him. They had been


making false accusations. They have never been able to establish


anything. And they had been making these claims for four or five years.


People are not getting food, treatment, justice, rule of law.


They're not getting protection of their life, their wealth, their


business. People are not protecting their lives Foster and these are


the reasons -- but it in their lives. You keep seeing that people


are behind you. We have to deal with the fact that the two main


parties have the most seats in the National Assembly. You made a deal.


Usage you would have a one million person March. -- you said. After


four is, you made a declaration that the Government. People were


scratching their heads. They wondered what you had achieved. We


knew that elections had to be held in Pakistan by June. Traditionally,


according to the constitution, elections are called, there has to


be an interim administration. What have you cheat? This is a relevant


question. -- what have you cheat? There were two options. Either


martial law would have common, of which I have never preferred. I am


absolutely against it. I am against military intervention. I am pro-


democracy, pro-German rights, pro political process. If we have taken


any action, and the military would have taken over the country. We did


not want this. We were not there for this purpose. Then there was


the peacefu the peacefu dispute. Peaceful and democratic


settlement is only possible through negotiation. We entered into that.


That is the only democratic way to settle the dispute. What is the


dispute you are trying to settle? What did you achieve? It does not


seem like you achieve much. The elections had to be held. You had


to have an interim government anyway. We received the maximum


which was achievable within the limits of being peaceful and within


the limits of a democratic settlement. Whatever was possible,


we achieved. The constitution, article 52, it mentioned the


legibility of the candidates. This was never enforced in the history


of Pakistan. It was agreed upon that in coming elections, all


candidates would be scrutinised. They would get clearance for 30


days. They would be judged and scrutinised in the light of article


62 and 63. Then they would be allowed to enter a campaign.


what else did you achieve? Did you not call for the Army to be


consulted on the interim administration? You called for that


and it was rejected. I did. I said it initially. Insisting on this


aspect would have invited the intervention of the military and


would have derailed democracy. that case, but you have just said


you were not in favour of the military being involved yet, in


those discussions you said you wanted them. I do not want military


intervention. You talk about the judiciary. A senior lawyer at the


Supreme Court said that the deal in practice would have no effect


because it did not change much. He said it was a face-saving exercise


to allow Tahir ul-Qadri to leave Islam. You have no mandate to make


these demands, he says. Every citizen has a mandate. Every


citizen. The constitution does not give sovereignty to the Government.


Sovereignty in Pakistan does not rest in Parliament. Sovereignty


originally rests with the people of Pakistan. And they will get the


chance to vote? And they will get the chance to vote? The people in


Pakistan have this right. He can ask for democracy. He can claim


that he can peacefully protest for rule of law. He controlled his


fortune and rights. He can stand up against corruption. He can stand up


for the stabilising of the process of democracy. And the voters will


decide when those elections take place and we will see what happens.


You have mentioned terrorism, of which, of c which, of c a plague for


Pakistan, sadly. On a regular basis, we hear about people being killed


in terrorist acts. You say you want to reclaim Islam from the


extremists. Do you believe it is in the hands of militants? The vast


majority of Muslims are peace- loving people. This is a tiny


minority, even in Pakistan. have seen. You were there for four


based. There was a large crowd of ladies and boys. There was no kind


of violence. It did not take place. There was no violence between the


nation of Pakistan. I am asking a different matter. In March 2010,


you should have fat while saying violence is violence. You said


there was no justification. I want to ask you now, as a Muslim cleric,


do you believe that Islam is in the hands of extremists and militants?


I put it to you that that is a minority bring you look at the


world would community of Muslims. Unfortunately, Islam has been


hijacked. This ideology. The concept of she had. The concept of


Sharia law has been highlights -- hijacked. Peaceful Muslims, P


peaceful people everywhere. This is not according to democracy, Sharia


law. Unfortunately, I have stood up against the present system for the


last five years. The parliament has been there but they have never been


able to pass a national policy against terrorism. They have no end


wishing to get rid of terrorism. The Government has consistently


said that it is opposed to the acts of terrorism. It does condemn every


act of violence that kills innocent civilians. They say that on a


regular basis. I am not condoning violence but what do you say to


somebody who says that suicide is outlawed in Islam through clear


injunctions in the Koran, fighting and dying in self-defence is not so,


he says that if it means attacking you see pilot scheme power but it


is for that reason. The question is this, is a violence always animated


by a Islam or is it some times for what people might on nationalist


reasons? Let me explain the first part. They condemn terrorism but it


is not for condemnation. It is to practise. It is to enforce. They


are unable to pass this off. If you could address this briefly.


Violence is the second part. And nobody is allowed to act or commit


any act of violence on any person. You are only allowed to fight


against the come battens on the battlefield. You can fight for your


defence only on the battlefield with the combatants. You can't


commit any act of violence against any non-Muslim, whether he belongs


to a country that has started War One and Muslim country. The


peaceful people always get the peace and security. You are never


allowed to perform any act of violence. I reject that. A final


brief question. Seven years you have lived in Canada. You have come


back to Pakistan. Will you stay or go but cannot do? I am now here


until I complete the whole mission to put democracy on the right track.


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