Eric Cantor - Former House Majority Leader, US Republican Party HARDtalk

Eric Cantor - Former House Majority Leader, US Republican Party

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contracted the disease last year while treating patients in Sierra


Leone. Welcome to HARDtalk. Other


Republicans are serious about winning back the White House in


2016? Sometimes it is hard to tell, the front-runner to win the party's


presidential nomination is Donald Trump. A billionaire businessman


come celebrity who despises the Republican establishment. My guest


has long been a pillar of that establishment. Eric Cantor was the


number two Republican in the House of Representatives before he got


sensationally dumped in a primary contest. What on earth is going on


inside the Republican Party? Eric Cantor, welcome to HARDtalk.


Let us begin by going back to last summer. You were unceremoniously


dumped by voters inside Iran party in a primary. It was an historic


loss, it was brutal. Have you come to terms with it? Yes, I don't think


anyone is going to enjoy a moment like that, but there were teaching


moments. There were a lot of misconceptions about what happened


then to me and what is happening now with the Republican conference on


Capitol Hill. In my particular instance, there was a situation


where in Virginia, the state I am from, we have something called open


primary is, where the parties can mix. It doesn't happen very often,


most pundits didn't believe it would happen. I actually won the majority


of republicans, it was just 23,000 Democrats crossed over and voted in


my primary, because they didn't have one in the Democratic party. You


have a war chest of over $5 million to your campaign, you lost to a


little-known conservative professor of economics who had $300,000 to


spend. You should not have lost. No one of your seniority ought in your


position had lost before. There was also not a situation where there was


a crossover sabotage folk like that. Malfeasance on the heart of my


campaign team was that we were playing to the Republican voters,


which we won. We will talk a bit about what is going on in Capitol


Hill, and the Speaker of the house race and the tea party. There is a


lot of misconception about what is going on. You are sort of blaming


the Democrats who cheated and voted in your race, but many insiders


say, I am quoting from Ron Christie, a former adviser to Bush


and Cheney: he spends more time with their bobbies in Washington and


special interest groups rather than being on Main Street in his own


district. That is fodder for the press. It is what he said. If you


know Virginia, and you know what happened, there are a lot of


misconceptions. The forces at work and what is going on in the


Republican Party today, there is a very small and vocal minority, the


so-called tea party. If you look at how the tea party arose, it arose


because after Barack Obama was elected, and he had majorities in


the Senate, a big strong majority in their House. For two years, 09 and


ten, he was able to put through his stimulus bill, his health-care bill,


and several other pieces of legislation, and what happened was


that the country, and the tea party rose up and said enough is enough.


They don't believe that people like you, the Republican establishment in


Washington, were fighting their corner. They saw you as part of the


problem, and they saw you as part of politics as usual. Initially we were


thrust into the majority, I became the majority leader in 2010, from


with a leader, -- whip. You promised that he would take Barack Obama on,


tear down his health-care bill, you are taking on in a number of areas,


but you talked big and delivered little. Somewhere along the line the


expectation shifted from blocking Barack Obama to trying to reverse


what he had done and enact a Conservative vision, all while the


President was still in office. If you look at our Constitution, if you


don't have the White House unique two thirds of Congress to override a


White House veto, neither of which did the Republican Party have.


Somewhere along the way the expectations got to a point where it


was just unreasonable, and what is going on now... You are using words


like reasonable, pragmatic, practical. Conservatives in the tea


party and many of the activists who drive the Republican movement at the


moment have said those words have become a code for a copout. That is


just untrue, what so many in the tea party, I wouldn't even call them


conservative, they are more radical populist... The chairman of the


group called For America, the message from Eric Cantor and his


failure is that without a majority, the GOP collapses. You couldn't


carry them with you. I did, this is a misnomer and misconception. I won


the Republican majority, I would not and could not overcome the influx of


as many Democrats who came into my primary race. If you look at what is


going on Capitol Hill, the overwhelming majority of republicans


in the house would have liked to have seen John Boehner stay. The


majority would have wanted Kevin McCarthy to be Speaker. The problem


is, there are 30 to 40 members who have now decided they can block a


speaker from being elected on the floor of the house, because you have


to have 218, and the Republican margin is only 27 or 28. Would you


accept that right now the Republican Party looks dysfunctional? There is


no question, because there is a very vocal minority who is able to seize


opportunities to use procedural tools, or sometimes work with the


Democrats, to disrupt the process from working the way it usually


does. How galling is that, and you have just talked about the search


for a new Speaker, that if you hadn't frankly screwed up in the


summer of 2014, you would almost certainly be the next Speaker of the


house? We haven't... I want to know how personally galling it is. Things


happen, I am someone who looks forward, not back. I have landed in


a great place... You are making an awful lot of money as a banker, but


that is part of the problem. A lot of people see you, we talked about


the Washington insider thing, but people see US too tired street. The


American way is a way of entrepreneurialism, it is everybody,


not just those who have, to have an opportunity to move up. This is part


of what is fuelling a lot of the anger across our country today, and


I know here in the UK and elsewhere. Let us talk about how the anger is


playing out on the national stage. Let's talk about the choice facing


Republicans for the nomination for the presidency, the race for the


White House. The front-runner, four months, despite all the predictions,


is Donald Trump. He is a celebrity, a businessman, but he sure is not a


reliable Republican. Do you think that Donald Trump has turned himself


into a credible candidate for the White House? Absolutely not, and


here is where I think a lot of the anger and fury is coming from. I


said before that somewhere along the line expectations became Republicans


with a majority in the house could somehow change the law without


having the president agree to their demands. It was instead of the fact


that we had a Democratic President, and didn't have 60 votes in the


Senate, this is when the so-called radicals went out there demanding a


sharp downpour at fault in the federal debt. If Republicans are


seen and per trade to not have delivered on what they said they


would, which is again an untrue statement, then Donald Trump as an


outsider, along with Kali fearing and Ben Carson, they are outsiders.


They say, I had nothing to do with what happened, if people are worried


about stagnant wages in the direction of the country, and


America's shrinking on the international scene, someone might


Donald Trump, he will say, it wasn't me! They go in and benefit. They


love the idea of the outsider who is not sullied by everything that has


happened over the past decade and more in Washington. Matt Latimer,


former speechwriter for George W Bush, he looks at the Trump campaign


and he says, Donald Trump has shown the creativity that Republicans, to


the great dismay of the people who elected them, not only lack but are


actively avoiding. Here's an unbelievable marketer, he is a


salesman, it is what he does. But if you look at what he


will sit here and promise he will build a wall across the thousands of


miles of the southern border with Mexico. And he said he would get the


Mexican government to pay for it. You know that is hogwash, it is not


going to happen, but people like to hear it. This is what he is


selling... What does that say about the rest of the Republican Party and


those who are fighting for the nomination with him that he is still


at 37% in the polls, way ahead of anyone else. The Republican Party


has been outside the White House for almost eight years, and you have an


open seat, there is no Democrat incumbent, when you have


situation voters tend to be angry. They are super angry because of all


the things we talked about now, but history has shown that as we


actually get closer to when people go into the ballot booth, which is


not until the end of January /February, in Iowa, four months


away, if voters to take it among -- upon themselves when they go about


deciding who they want to be president. It is not an early city


-- silly season, it is quite far along. You need to calculate how


much damage Donald Trump may be doing further damage in the long


run. -- damage he may be doing to the party in the long run. You talk


about the massive wall he claims to be going to build. He also says that


Mexico rescinding its drug dealers, criminals and rapists. You know the


impact that is having on the Latino population. How much damage is he


doing to the Republican brand? I know candidates like Jeb Bush have


come out stridently opposing such ugly language. I have said it is


divisive, and I don't think it is befitting of someone with a profit


temperament to be the president of the US. But he is still the


front-runner, what does it say? It says there is a small vocal


minority. Come on! He has 27% in the polls and Jeb Bush has 6%. How come


Jeb Bush is at 6% and Donald Trump, the guy you have just said is


frankly, to use a euphemism, a clown who is divisive, he is a 27%? This


is a time where voters are angry. There is no question there is a lot


to be angry about, and things should be better. There is no solution


Donald Trump is offering, he is just running as an outsider saying, I had


nothing to do with anything going on, I will just the better. He has


no substance behind that claim. People want to believe that because


we have to do things better, but I do believe, as we get closer to the


primary season, Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina out early,


and many others in the south-east will have the super Tuesday, then we


will get to Florida. At the time we are at the end 60% of delegates...


You are an incredible optimist. There may be some being a bit more


realistic inside your party. Collison Pete King from New York who


has worried aloud that your party is no longer serious about governance.


He says the kind of people coming to the top in the party are those who


talk about shutting down the government, defaulting the


government budget. This is not a serious proposition for governance.


I couldn't agree more, and a lot of my battles when I was in Congress


was to fight against the nonsense, to say somehow that the US


government should default on its debt or that we should go into


shutdown. Maybe it need to look different


party. There is a difference between the Democratic Party and the


Republican Party and I wouldn't say Donald Trump is reflective of the


party. He is not conservative. A lot of the Tea Party issues out there


and the agenda they are pursuing, they are populist radicals more than


conservatives. Real conservatives are conservatives who believe in


progress through incremental progress and a temperament that is


befitting of a conservative, not a revolutionary. That is the


foundation upon which the US was built and the Constitution we have,


and again, I think a lot of this provides for tremendous amounts of


fodder. But I do think as we get closer you will see a lot of


seriousness from voters. We will get to the issues in a moment but one


more thought about your guide Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush is seen as a moderate


inside the Republican Party. He is not seen as one who will be tough on


government spending. He seems a guy who will reach out to the Democrats


and work on them with healthcare and immigration reform, meet in the


middle ground, and that I would put it to you is a message the activist


in your party absolutely don't want to hear. He has eight years of


record as governor for Florida where the state ranked out of seven of


eight of those years as number one in terms of job creation. He has a


record of slashing spending and reducing the size of government,


reforming schools in a state that was near the bottom. Now that state


I know is now that top of the south-east and I don't know the


exact percentile nationally but he has done a tremendous amount to help


those who need their help most. If Jeb Bush came to you and said I know


you are supporting me and you will raise some money but my god I need


your help, I am 6% in the polls, how can I change the dynamic in the


race, what would you say? There has to be a commitment. He and the


campaign are committed to, a strategy to go out and make sure


that the folks who are in place on the ground in the early states and


who would recruit the other leaders to understand the challenges in the


states are facing, that is what he is doing. If you look at where the


endorsement are coming from in the early states and then some, Jeb Bush


has a disproportionate number. Again, we've got to get out from


under their sort of silly season we are in and begin to get more


serious. Let's get serious, you and me, let's talk about a couple of


difficult issues, which you frankly have hedged around yourself. One is


immigration. There is a fundamental split here between the Democrats and


Republicans. The Obama democratic plan is to find a pathway to


residency, long-term citizenship, for a substantial number of the many


millions of illegal immigrants in the US today. The Republican message


seems to be those people ultimately have to go. Now what is your


position? Should those people who have lived long-term in the US but


are still illegal immigrants, should they be given a pathway to


citizenship? I think I am going to disagree with your assumption. The


real problem is we are a country of laws in the US and we are also


country of immigrants. You think our unique it is the US began by people


going there -- howl. Other than if you are an American Indian you came


here from another place. Some in a dark part of history were forced to


come here. We didn't always get it right. We are a country of


immigrants and laws and some of the reasons why we continue to have so


many people who want to come, it is because we do have a legal system


that affords, hopefully, people to have more opportunity if they come


to the US. The problem has been there is a continuous amount of


illegal immigration. First and foremost that has to be addressed.


That is the easy bit. Any Cabinet and win applause by saying we will


be Feby border defences -- candidate. That is a given. I want


to know. Obama has a plan to give a pathway to citizenship for millions


of illegals. The Republican Party on the whole thing is it is outrageous.


No they don't. Practical politicians know that you can't import millions


and millions of people so what would you do? No they don't. Republicans


overwhelmingly as a party across the country support immigration reform


to try to resolve the issue. Now my position has always been, I did not


like what Barack Obama came up with, but instead I believed let's work


towards resolving the situation by starting with the easy win. Let's


start with the kids and so-called dreamers. And I tried to push on


that measure. And your party didn't like it because they thought you


were being too cosy. I believe that no one and certainly in the US we


have no history whatsoever of holding kids liable for their


parents' Mr Heath or illegal acts. So if a child was brought there is a


minor and knows no other place as home, of course we should welcome


them in and give them citizenship -- misdeeds. But again when I said it


the President said no we won't do it because we've got to do it all. Well


I told the President, I said look we have to start where we can agree and


I believe we can start with the kids. Another place we can start his


high skilled workers. You know there was a bipartisan agreement on that.


I want to move on but all I would say is your language isn't the


language of many in your party right now in immigration but let us go to


guns because it is important and we don't have much time. Do you support


tougher gun laws at the federal level? Tougher background checks and


rules to ensure that mentally ill people have no access to guns, yes


or no? Let me give you a personal experience I have had with a gun


issue and Lenny premise it by saying that look I know that the rest of


the world, the UK and elsewhere, really cannot identify with the cold


for Mormons we have in the US and a number of handguns that exist. We


come from a different standpoint. You won't change. We have a second


amendment to the Constitution that is well reported on, well researched


and actually well considered by our US... Written in the late 18th


century and you are in an era of assault rifles and automatic


weapons. You are happy for that constitutional right established in


the 18th century to be the way in which America does its business.


Lesson. It is what it is. The Supreme Court said it is in


individual right on firearms -- listen. That stipulate that and


let's stipulate that it is different from elsewhere in the world. But if


we are really concerned about reducing lives, I was going to tell


you my personal experience is there was a terrible mass shooting at


Virginia Tech. Obviously I am from Virginia. When I served in Congress


I had constituents children when they were killed in


this mass shooting. And while Virginia did in response was it


toughened up its laws requiring those in the mental health area to


report incidents is that good cause some concern into the database, the


federal database and what had happened was the information,


good as the information you put into it, so in Virginia


taken steps to make this states have not done that. The bottom line is


you post you get an a rating from politician in the US might be proud


to say I don't get an a rating from the


different culture, we have a constitution, second Amendment,


speaking to the issue in a different way than other places, I would then


asked the question if it is smart that there are rights to gun


ownership, is it smart to just allow the illegals to get the guns and not


allow those law-abiding citizens to have the right to those guns? That


is the issue and that is the context within which US policymakers are


working. It is different. I will hand it to you. Different than


anywhere else in the world. Most places in the world. But it is what


America is about. A final thought. I happen to be in that event the other


day where Donald Trump addressed us and he talked about respect. Respect


for the United States. He said Vladimir Putin right now looks at


the United States and has zero respect for Arrow leadership. Do you


looking at the party people in your party that leaders


like Vladimir Putin will respect if they win the White House? -- our.


Yes I do. And as you rightly said am behind Jeb Bush who would be a


tremendous world leader. Here that 6% and Donald Trump is that over 20.


Are you worried, what I am getting out, are you worried you don't


command the respect of the outside world? I am worried that Barack


Obama through his policies have promoted have put America in a


position that we have withdrawn from the international stage, that we


don't have the kind of respect from our allies nor do we instil the fear


that we should in our enemies. I am looking forward to the fact that in


a year from now we will have an election, a Republican, Jeb Bush,


will be elected as president and we will want once again go and say that


allies can trust us and believe our word, which hasn't been the case in


the red line in Syria incident which has brought on so much of what


Vladimir Putin has been about over the last two years. We will have a


president who can finally instil the fear in our foes. We will have to


revisit this conversation when the election is done because we are out


of time but Eric Cantor, thank you for being on HARDtalk. My pleasure.


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