Dean Baquet, executive editor New York Times HARDtalk

Dean Baquet, executive editor New York Times

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as a purveyor of lies. Well, my guest today is the executive editor


of the Times, Dean Baquet. Is what is printed in here fake news off


there? -- or fair. Dean Baquet, welcome to HARDtalk.


Thank you. I think we have to start


with the relationship between President Trump


and the established, This is something you said,


even before he was elected, the month before he won the White


House. You said, "Trump says things that


are demonstrably false, I think he is challenging our language -


he will have changed How do you feel after more than 100


days of the Trump Presidency? And I think what I said


then still holds. We're used to politicians


obfuscating, exaggerating, etc. But this President sometimes says


things on Monday that goes against what his advisers said


on Sunday and then he But that's not the most


profound way he has changed. He does things, he makes


decisions that defy the logic of American politics,


firing James Comey, If you had asked me why


the President fired the FBI director who was investigating him,


I would say that it is He did it and, so far,


no major political repercussions. I mean, a lot of stories,


a lot of questions. I think he just sort of challenges


the way we look at the world, Not only because of the way


he stretches the truth but because he does things other


American politicians just One of the challenges he presents


is a very direct challenge to you because he calls


you and your newspaper liars. He says that you are


fundamentally bad people. He has called the press


and particularly the New York Times Which is an even more


profound statement to make. So what I am getting


at is it seems to me, There is a sense of metaphorical


warfare between you and him. I think he may have dug a trench


but I'm not going to dig one. My job is to take the things


that he says like that, make them part of the coverage,


but my job is not to I actually think it is his tactic


to try to coax us into war, I think it is a tactic


of his to try to discredit us. The biggest mistake I can make


and we can make is to fall for it. Well, you tell me, then,


about something that your media commentator and columnist


Jim Rutenburg said not so long ago. "If you view a Trump Presidency


as something that is potentially dangerous, then your reporting


is bound to reflect that." "You would move closer than you ever


have before to being - and this is an important


word - oppositional." And I would put it to


you that the New York Times has But you said, with all respect,


you said that after Rutenberg's column, you were quoted as saying,


"he has nailed it". Yeah, but I don't think he nailed


the fact that we have become oppositional,


that column was written I don't think, and I'm working


really hard not to do this, I don't Here is the problem


with being the opposition party to Donald Trump,


in the end. It's not just about


covering Donald Trump. If you are the opposition party


to Donald Trump, what happens? Whether it is three or four years


from now, or eight years from now, Maybe a President who you


were not in opposition to. And then you are just nothing


but a lapdog for the next person. So we can be tough but we don't


want to be oppositional. I do not want to be seen


as the leader of the opposition But do you, as Jim Rutenberg


obviously does, see I will let Jim have his


opinion about that one. He has expressed his opinion,


that is what he is paid to do. You are the editor of the New York


Times and I want to pursue this idea that the paper appears


to have a world view which says The world view I have


is that we are tough on Presidents. We are especially tough


on Presidents who sometimes say one thing Monday and do something else


Tuesday. He is also the subject,


or his campaign is the subject, He is also the wealthiest man ever


to be in the White House, We don't know enough


about his income. If you add up all of my coverage


of all of those things, I can see that where he sits,


that looks like we're I see it as covering all those


things aggressively. But you are sounding so Zen-like


in your approach to Donald Trump. I am mindful of very specific things


which have happened in the last few months which seem to me


to be quite important. For example, I think back


in February there was an important White House briefing


where your reporter was disinvited, effectively barred,


from being present. We have also had other


straws in the wind. Donald Trump at one point musing


aloud, I think on Twitter, that he might do away


with White House briefings altogether because he could not see


the use for them and he might just pronounce now and again


himself to reporters. There are all sorts of different


ways in which he is challenging the way that the mainstream media


has in the past had a relationship with power, particularly


with White House power. This is a President who does not


like the press he gets, no President ever likes


the press he gets. This is a man who made his name


in the real estate industry He manipulated them


about his love life. He manipulated them


about the size of his buildings. He manipulated them


about his success and his wealth and his values


and their importance to society. He becomes President and I think


he was expecting the same thing. What lessons do you take


from the campaign itself? From the whole Trump phenomenon,


going back to the early days when few people took him seriously,


all the way through the campaign, the convention and actually


winning the White House. I think it is fair to say,


for a long time, as a paper, you did not appear to take


Trump that seriously. I don't think it is that we did


not take him seriously because we covered the heck


out of him. I think we did not quite


have our minds wrapped around the anger in America that


led to him. I guess the way I would flip it,


it wasn't that we didn't take him seriously, we didn't take


the Trump phenomenon seriously. I don't think that's the wrong


phrase, I will accept that. By the way, I'm not


sure anybody did. I think there was an anger


in the country, not unlike the anger There was anger in the country


and anger at elites. I don't think we had our finger


on the pulse of that anger. We wrote about the anger


in the country but I don't think we quite understood the scope of it


and how much people wanted change. You are talking past tense but I'm


talking present tense. I was listening yesterday


to one of this country's well-known media commentators,


Howard Kurtz. "Millions are still disgusted with


an out of touch press", he said. There are all sorts


of polls I could quote you. I would say Howie is a very


nice guy but he writes But he has worked for


the Washington Post. Howie is a very nice guy,


but that is a completely unscientific estimate that


millions of people... Well, here's something that at least


has stats behind it. PBS, I'm sure you couldn't argue


was in any way having an agenda which was against the mainstream


media, but their poll suggested 32% of Americans


have trust in the media, First, there is less


trust in the media. But I also think the definition


of what is the media is different. When I grew up, when I started,


the media was your local paper, the New York Times,


the Washington Post, the Journal and three


television stations. Do I think I would like for people


to have more trust in the New York Times and do I think


that is an issue for me? I am just not completely convinced


that the numbers reflect just the New York Times or the Washington


Post. I think they reflect a wide


definition of media. A Gallup poll in April that showed


that two thirds of those Americans who believe there is media bias


think it is a liberal media bias I do think and I have said


that the big media institutions in America happen to be


in liberal cities. Washington, mainly Washington,


New York and Los Angeles. I do think that skews


our view of the world. I think it is something


that we need to work on. It is unfortunate that that the most


powerful media organisations left You are saying to me that you don't


believe your newspaper right now I am going to make it a little more


complicated than that. And not because I am


obfuscating on the issue. I think there are some things


about Middle America that we don't My parents went to church


every Sunday, I went I am not particularly


religious any more. I think that in New York


and Washington and Los Angeles, I don't think we understood


in New York and Washington or Los Angeles just how much


the trade imbalance was affecting the lives


of people in Middle America. I do think that we could


do a much better job. You talked about the importance


of trust and you suggested that the New York Times still has


to do work to make sure that that bond of trust between newspaper


and reader is strong. So let's talk a little bit


about the mechanics of reporting, particularly in the era of the Trump


Presidency. You, and I have been looking closely


at the way you have reported, particularly the unfolding story


of the allegations of connections, both pre-election and post-election,


between the Trump team and Russia. Your reporting has been out


front in many locations but it is heavily reliant


on anonymous, unnamed sources. Do you worry about that?


No. I worry in principle


about newspapers relying on too many anonymous sources


for unimportant stories. I think we are in an era


when anonymous sources are important We would not know about the American


drone campaign in Yemen, Pakistan, we would know nothing


about the surveillance programme. I think anonymous sources


are important and I don't think we would have got the stories


about them and I think So let's just dig into


one particular story. Can you explain to me


what the readership On May 17th there was


a New York Times story. "Trump appealed to Comey to halt


the inquiry of Flynn". Well, good, because you were


the boss that put it in the paper. Now, in your paper,


the documentation of Mr Trump's request is the clearest evidence,


it was said, that the President has tried to directly influence


the Justice Department and the FBI investigation into links between


Mr Trump's associates in Russia. This is the clearest


evidence, you say. Had your reporter on that


story seen the memo that was the foundation


of the story? As the story describes,


he had it read to him But did he know 100% that


what he was quoted over the phone Certainly enough of the memo


for us to be confident So he didn't know that


what he was receiving on the phone At a certain point you have


to rely on your sources, if they're sources you have done


business with before. And the readership could have no


idea who that source was? Having a story from anonymous


sources or not knowing that the President of


the United States did something that everybody thinks


is worth investigating? You're going to pick having


the story because you want to believe that you can


persuade your readers that you are 100% sure


of your unnamed mystery source. I'm going to pick having the story


because if I don't have the story, But what seems to be important to me


is that the same reporter who wrote that story,


based on the unnamed source about Michael Flynn and the Trump


administration's connections to Russia, he is the same


reporter who, back in 2015, broke a story for you in your paper


about the aftermath He had an unnamed source


telling him important things about the background of the two


perpetrators, which turned I guess what I would say


is the story that we were talking about before the Trump story,


I know the sources, I know I know the name, I know


everything about the story. And I am absolutely certain it


will be borne out to be true. Let's talk about a slightly


different ethical challenge which has faced you in the last


couple of days and I have brought with me a copy of


the New York Times from yesterday. It is entirely relevant


because here, inside this edition, you divulged confidential secret


information which the British police had sent to US intelligence


agencies about the terrible It included confidential photographs


which gave a real idea of the making of the suicide bomb device,


it gave the most graphic account Actually, it was not


at the highest level of secrecy. It was at a level of secrecy that


made it much more widely dispersed It was not a top


confidential secret. As far as the British


police concerned, it was But there are literal


classifications of confidentiality The reason it is important,


at the very top means This was much more


widely distributed. The reason I am saying


that is not unimportant, we're not talking about something


known to two or three people. It infuriated the British


authorities, starting This is what the UK


National Police Chiefs Council said. Let's start with the police,


it is kind of important. 48 hours after 22 young people,


including children, had been murdered, you chose to put


on your front page pictures which the British police regarded


as highly sensitive operational And right after that,


the BBC and the Guardian put it I'm not saying it is,


I am just pointing it out. This is what the UK


National Police Chiefs Council said. The revelations, they said,


undermined our investigation. And not only that, they also


undermined the confidence of victims, witnesses


and their families. They have given no evidence that


illustrates how this This is a kind of standard


information that has been made public after terror attacks


since September the 11th. If you go back and look


at everything from the Boston bombing to the September


the 11th attacks. Nobody has ever offered any evidence


that that got in the way But it was actually a picture


of a timing device that They do not want the terrorists,


the enemies, to know what they know about a very active ongoing


operation because the terrorist not knowing is a very important part


of destabilising them and allowing Boy, we live in


different press worlds. When our police say that,


we say "prove it". I don't buy that this


hurt their investigation. We very thoughtfully and carefully


published information that we publish after every terror


attack in the world. While the operation is still


ongoing, after 48 hours? The Boston bombing, we put


stuff up within hours. Some people watching this will think


that is deeply arrogant. You say, I don't buy it,


as though the police and the anti-terror,


counter-terror personnel When they say this could


damage the operation, The British press and the American


press have different attitudes here. You guys tend to believe


what the authorities say right away. And in this case, I erred


on the side of publishing. It is just as important for people


in the world to know about the mundane details


of terrorist attacks, it is really important


and that is what this is. I have seen no evidence, none,


except for the broad statements of police,


that it affected And that is probably not quite


enough for the American press. And what about the argument made


by the Prime Minister, made by the Mayor of Manchester


and made by the police also that not only did it


undermine the investigation, it also fundamentally disrespected


the people at the heart of this, the families of the victims,


who did not want all of this information coming out just 48 hours


after their own relatives That is a much more sympathetic


argument and it is one I would ask you to look


at the totality of our coverage. We wrote about the victims,


we wrote about their lives, I don't think any news


organisation that is respectful, that is respectable and that


understands its worth in society will hold back all information


for fear of upsetting the family. Would you have done the same thing


if these victims had been in New York City and not


in Manchester, England? We did it after September the 11th,


we did it after the Boston bombings. You mean you published


stories which you knew could upset the victims right


after the attack itself? I think that is a very skewed


way of looking at it. We have never heard an outcry


from victims over publishing I came in this morning


and I have been answering Before we end, let's just


talk about the future Your business model has been


under enormous pressure. Not least because your paper


sales are in decline, your ad revenues from the newspaper


sales are in decline and, of course, you have upped your online


subscriptions and your But overall, you're


in a very difficult place. Look, all news organisations


are in a difficult place somewhat. Because our financial models have


just been completely blown up I think the best news organisations


have something that can be And I think it is already proven,


we have gained over half a million That is astonishing, we could never


have done that in print. But do I think I can see around


the corner a bright future? A very different future


but I would argue a bright future. Dean Baquet, we have to end


there but thanks very much Thank you so much, it has been


a pleasure, it really has been.


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