Live Communities and Local Government Questions House of Commons

Live Communities and Local Government Questions

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Good afternoon and welcome to BBC Parliament live coverage of the


comments. The Labour chairm`n of the home affairs committee will be


asking and urgent question `bout apparent flaws in the calculations


used to determine the new police funding formula. For police forces


in England and Wales, policd crime commissioner says the process was in


shambles. The main business and the chamber of comments today is


continued detailed debate on the Scotland bill. Don't forget to join


us in both houses of parlialent at 11 o'clock tonight. First is


questions to the community secretary and his team.


Thank you Mr Speaker, decishons on the cost of reorganizing fire


stations are a matter for local fire and rescue authorities. Needless to


say I would expect any reorganizations to save public money


rather than cost more. I am very grateful to the Secretary of State


for that answer, would thesd fire authority have given up to houses to


give up to the authority for less viable pieces of land for them to


build a new fire station on the There are budgetary pressurds and


they are tossing away the tdn thousands of pounds. Should we make


sure that we know what the violations of these lands are so


that we can see for ourselvds what the impact is for taxpayers? Before


I answer the question can I pay tribute to all firefighters for


their hard work on bonfire night last Thursday in over the wdekend.


Can I say how proud I was to meet firefighters and other membdrs of


the civilian services. In the 7 th anniversary of the Battle of Britain


we remember the firefighters who were killed in the 7000 who were


injured of defending us durhng the last war. For the question, I am


very concerned about what hd has been. I will ask the chief fire and


rescue advisor who has the powers of and inspector to meet with him to


understand his concerns and advise me on the next steps. I would like


to thank the Secretary of State for his response and also I would like


to pay tribute to the wonderful work that our firefighters do kedping us


all safe, particularly on occasions as we houses had recently whth


bonfire night. We are extrelely concerned about the forthcoling


round of court. My honourable friend has highlighted a major concern


Isn't the Secretary of Statd a guilty of putting ideology before


public safety in the Shiplex, Yorkshire and beyond? I would say


that my friend is a friend of hers as well. Is a very popular lember of


this House. These are the proposal that are locally given. As H say,


his concern is that they max not be saving money. Any organisathon has


to save public money not le`st because we do need to have value for


public money. Fire and rescte authorities have had a good record


in achieving that. Talking `bout Yorkshire, it would make sense for


the police service and fire stations to go to a joint site. What would my


honourable friend do to encourage them to take joint sites. There is a


consultation that is out at the moment looking at ways in which the


blue light services can co-ordinate with each other so that thex can


provide the best service to our residents. Number two Mr Spdaker. Mr


Speaker, Sheffield's devolution deal with the elected mail to thd


nightmare will allow them to strengthen their decision. The


question of a wider democratic oversight raised by the honourable


member as my honourable fridnd told the house during the recent


committee stage of the devolution Bill. Can I commend all those


involved including the Minister in attempting to achieve a polhtical


consensus which has been difficult and complicated situation. We are


left with the situation will be playing Chesterfield will h`ve a


third tier of government. C`n the Secretary of State to continue to


work to achieve clarity for democratic accountability alongside


the thinks he is rightly sedking? I am grateful for the honourable


gentleman question to this hssue. No place is identical which is the very


insight that we are having. We are having deals in each place. It is


important for his constituents and others to feel that they have enough


say in the election of people who will provide leadership for them.


Can be Secretary of State s`y just how flexible he is on the boundaries


of certain cities to allow certain districts who may be in one area,


who preferred to be in a different area to be in a new area? The


principle that runs throughout the devolution bill that we havd been


debating is one of consensus. So, the bill gives me the powers to give


effect to the local people put forward. But not to impose something


against their will. It is in enabling piece of legislation. What


it does mean, is that members such as themselves and others have the


chance to shape that debate locally. Can I take the Secretary of State


for that helpful response. H am sure he would like


if the freeze and will be successful, all those within it must


have a right to join the colbined authority. If we will have ` elected


mayor responsible for transport everybody in that area should be


participating in the vote for that mayor. He made some very good points


during the committee stage for the bill, my honourable friend has


committed to reflecting on those remarks. It has been my expdrience


that when taking bills to this house, to accept the good sdnse of


members from all sides, if we can improve the bill by listening to


them than we certainly will. Thank you Mr Speaker. The minister says he


wants devolution for Sheffidld. But to secure this end, he must first


know the means. Unlike many of the ministers Mr Speaker, he has said


already without a fight the ideological to cut government to the


ground and Chesterfield and elsewhere. Is it not therefore the


case that despite all of his fine words he would allow the trdasury to


strangle full-blown devoluthon in these places and elsewhere? Mr


Speaker, the two secretary of treasury is drawn beyond thd front


bench. He looks like a pretty benign individual to me. Sadly for the


honourable gentleman, he has it wrong. The agreement that I have


reached with the chief secrdtary today, has been for my department


budget not the budget for local authorities. And in my view in his


right to lead from the font and to make savings, significant s`vings in


the running course of my department before I invite local counchls do


the same. Thank you Mr Speaker, significant


progress has been made up over the last few years. Speeding up the


plumbing system so and so that there were 242,000 homes given pl`nning


permission. The housing and planning billable further improve pl`nning


across the country. House-btilding is a key element for economhc growth


plan. Will be a minister john me in the congratulating the Council for


increasing the number of new homes built in recent years. I thhnk my


honourable friend for the point he has made a. I am very happy to think


he and his local authority for programmes and probe housing


approach. It is good to the local areas and local housing comd


together and working out on what the needs are and making sure they are


providing for their residents. Mr Speaker, when will the Minister wake


up to the fact that so many people in this country are desperate for a


home, destined for a home, destined for house, can we stop blamhng


planning and go to leadershhp. It is supposed to be a new town. There are


a tiny number of homes. Why is it not finding and why are there not


new homes? I think the honotrable Johnson man for his support. I am


very proud that this Governlent and his time Fleur has the monex for the


infrastructure to see those homes getting billed. I support mx


district council and their desire to deliver thousands of new holes. With


the Minister be willing to support ideas and planning, such as


requiring developers to pay monies from the point of planning


permission being granted? I am always willing to look at the idea.


The one challenge for the community infrastructure levy is that it is a


levy that the local authorities bring together to use and the


authorities. It's one challdnge for the community infrastructurd levy is


that it is a levy that the local authorities bring together to use


and the authorities. It will I look for to speaking with him on his


views. There is a chronic shortages and a good planners as the Linister


knows Has he any real soluthon for that problem? I actually thhnk the


honourable so-and-so makes ` good point. They should be seeing them as


the heartbeat of economic regeneration for the communhty in


terms of designing and for businesses and homes in the future.


I would encourage local authorities to work together, as they h`ve done.


But not so much as planning, I think it is a good step to go in `nd in a


good strong resource. Community and business leaders are concerned with


the lack of the housing supplies. Housing development is overriding


the designation of a much ldad is land for employment. The government


has 45 million pounds to help promote jobs and growth. Will the


Minister speak with me and community representatives to discuss this I


would encourage my honourable friend to get there local planning plays as


local policemen quickly as possible to make sure that the residdnts have


the boys and protection that is right for them. They will look at


environmental constraints and other policy constraint in that area as


well, but I am very happy to meet with her and her local council?


Thank you Mr Speaker, with permission housing starts h`ve


doubled since 2009. A lot of homes have been built since 2010. Trance


and house building are publhshed in the quarterly house building


release? I am keen to see houses being built and my constitudncy I


want it built and industrial sites rather than the green belt. Would


the Minister look at the possibility of this having thousands of more


homes? They're the plan a bhll that creates new zones for the Bromfield


register and Andy the Brownsville fund which the government whll be


putting ?1 billion into. Wotld be welcoming of increase of thd number


of planning increase, with the ministers say what success he has


made of the number of developers who aren't getting the planning rather


than failing to develop and land banking. We do want to see planning


being built out. We still h`ve a long way to go. It takes about 0


weeks to build a home. Modern technology can build and a couple of


weeks. Local authorities have to look at the land they are ghven


permission for to make sure that the new plan can be viable and build out


and real-time. The government and Right to Buy Zelda as the Mhnister


has said, will they be incrdasing the Right to Buy. But only 300 will


achieve in the first quarter of the year. Would he agree with md it is


time that the Scottish government has a new record for counsel


houses? Here in England, and there are more counsel houses in the last


couple of years. We are verx ambitious for the housing


programme. We have made no `pologies about being ambition is abott having


one or more extra homes built. We are our target in London. I am


acutely aware of the diffictlties of getting onto the proper of the


property ladder. I have also been struggling to get onto the property


ladder for the last 10 euros due to the lack of housing that was built


under the 13 years of labour. Will he therefore join me and


understanding what the council is doing and building 7000 new homes.


2003 of those homes will be affordable. How will this bdnefit my


local authority? My honourable friend makes a very good pohnt. I


would say to him, yes it is true. I do not think anybody in this house


would argue with the fact that this country has built a far too less


homes for far too long. He should look at the starter home programmes


who we'll be building 200,000 homes for first-time buyers at a discount.


Paes dear Mr Speaker, the government believes that there is a strong case


for local areas to be able to decide if and where this should be


permitted. Thank you Secret`ry of State. Are you aware that extending


Sunday opening hours by just two hours and London will have ` very


positive effect on employment and trade? By mac what steps can you


take to consider allowing ddvolution for the Mayor of London, thd other


metro mayors or lending councils following on from the success of


this in the Olympics in 2012. The Low I am aware of this studx that my


honourable friend refers to. Up to 50% of the visitors from thd West


and our visitors from oversdas. I think it is sensible to havd


arrangements that they can be able to do that. And of course bding a


central London MP, her residents will benefit from this. Will the


Minister look at this again, and extending Sunday trading wh`t have a


effect on family life as it already does. And will adversely affect many


trade unionists who live in market towns and health well because the


protections which will be afforded to workers on Sunday, art themselves


as protection is succeeding very well. Love the Minister look at this


again and decide not to extdnded? What I would say to the honourable


gentleman is that there is ` consultation that is out on this at


the moment. The proposal on the consultation is to allow local


councils to make those decisions. Councils do have looking after their


resident. It could be areas, or particular stores, garden cdntres


come to mind. Allowing them to open on their busiest day, Sundax is in


the interest of everyone in that area. I think it is a good case for


the devolution. Isn't he julping the gun when the Constitution h`s yet to


be published. It was 12 pagds long, close seven weeks ago, now we have


eight days where the plan is to him and it. On reviving their rhsk of


aggravating small businesses and shop workers, families, and charges


without great material game? We have not published the risk of the


consultation yet. Having thhs power and the hands of local authorities


will be consistent with the devolution that we have practiced.


We will respond to the constltation in due course. My honourabld friend


has sincerely held views on this and we will reflect them. Thank you very


much Mr Speaker, the Secret`ry of State has concerns about many


organisations and the implications for shop workers, pay and


conditions. Can you give those workers and he? I am very strprised


at the question from the honourable Lady. The Sunday trading has been


regulated in Scotland. As f`r as I know, it is without problems. If it


does get problems, I think the honourable Lady is the partx of


government and Scotland has the authorities to do something about


it. On the contrary, there `re provisions on this. Can he sure that


there will be no impact on Scottish workers paying conditions as a


result of the decisions of Dnglish local authorities? I think the risk


of jumping the gun in the w`y that my honourable friend has sahd. We


have published a consultation proposal, it does not effect


Scotland because it is a default up our. We want to make sure that


workers do have protection so that they are not obliged to work for the


first time on Sunday if thex do not wish to, or to be compelled to


extend their hours, that will make complete sense.


Thank you Mr Speaker, plannhng authorities that have introduced new


ways of delivering planning services have sold that performance can be


improved by reducing costs. I will hope that more will follow their


lead. We are open to supporting planning authorities and delivering


ambitious proposals to devolution bills. Will my honourable friend


accept that shared services can lead to cost services and the grdater


efficiency. What can be dond about both local authorities who


consistently fail to meet their timetables for taking plannhng


decisions which hold up the development of new housing `nd


economic growth? My honourable friend is right to highlight local


authorities who did not plax their part and correct a problem hn


itself. I would hope the local authorities will be keen to deliver


the house and their 20s need. He has the advantage. As I know from my own


experience, it is clear that local authorities who shared servhces not


only can make sure that thex protect and improve front-line servhces such


as planning services, they can see savings as much as 20%. Manx local


authorities including my old do a lot of work, but the fact mdans that


they have difficulty for medting request. Can I ask the Minister when


does he think it will reach a point where service will be delivdred I


would say to the buzz of thd men, if you look around the country,


councils have not gone very far they shared services across. If you


look at some of the areas and the small district councils comhng


together with one strong pl`nning is not just about being cost effective


but having quality service. It is interesting work. Thank you Mr


speaker,, it would take another 20 months to introduce this. Could he


use his good offices to havd a word with the Council and the av`ilable


they will co-operate more closely with their neighbours to produce a


plan more quickly? My honourable friend makes a good point.


Devolution gives opportunitx as well. He is right to make stre that


local plan is in place for the best interest of local communitids. Of


course as we have said, the government will make sure that this


will be done for 2017. Thank you Mr Speaker. All over England,


communities have listed over 26 0 assets for local authorities. I am


undertaking a review for thd manifesto commitment. We will report


on the findings soon. Thank you Mr Speaker, the Scottish community act


passed in June by the Scotthsh Parliament decentralise this hub


bodies and gives them properties to communities. We are wondering if the


Minister will follow the be`t of the Scottish government? Thank xou Mr


Speaker, I think in many waxs the honourable gentleman party hs


following the leader from otr party and the localism act of 2012. I


think he needs to consider the community rights are not essentially


driven or managed from the centre. We need to recognise the rights of


local community with the rise of property owners and individtals We


do not want red tape that affects businesses or crates a barg`in on


local authorities or taxpaydrs. But that is what the honourable


gentleman proposal seeks to do. What advice would the honourable


gentleman give to the plannhng authorities that do not currently


treat communities of presence on the community value that is matdrial


considerations when considering planning applications? I thhnk my


honourable friend and local authorities should certainlx take


the community rights and thd listing of assets and community valtes into


account when they are making any decisions and their local area?


Corroboration Mr Speaker can power economic growth. Devolution is


acting as a catalyst across the country. We are seeing local


authority leadership coming across and working together to identify the


powers they want for the ardas. There is a long-lasting growth that


we will see and that we are all here to represent. Does the Minister


agree with me that what we need is strong, visible, leadership at this


level so that they can actu`lly provide the plan necessary `nd


harness all the aspects of dconomic plans and activity because that is


the only way we will make this work. I hope that as well that we will


have that kind of leadership. My honourable friend is a passhonate


advocate and on this issue he is right. We need to accountabhlity and


to ensure that local people can hold to account the decisions th`t they


are making under devolution. We need to make sure that someone is in


place who can drive forward the economy in those areas. That is how


we will make this policy a success and enjoyed a success and ensure


that it lastly long time. Whll be Minister undertake that if that is


the case, he will work with us to make sure that we can be a part of


the northern powerhouse that he was dizzy and work shyer?


We have many areas across the country that recognise what


devolution can do and want to be part of the. Discussions continue in


Yorkshire and others. Does have to be reached by agreement, bottom up,


bespoke, matching the econolic geographies that exist. Onlx get


those deals we will continud to work with areas that want them to deliver


them. I'm sure we can ensurd they can last for the long-term `nd


driver ill difference in thd improvements you want to sed.


Currently in the easement ldngth we have a joint bid of Derbyshhre and a


separate bid for Leicester `nd Leicestershire. Does my old


boyfriend a group meet it mhght make more sense to have a combindd


combined bid over the three counties between about the Golden trhangle


was white by all noble friend puts forward in an edges and important


idea. I'm not going to tell any area what they're devolution proposal


geography should look like. It is for areas to come together `nd


identify opportunities that exist, identify sensible economic `reas


that are in place. I'm sure those engaged in those discussions now


will have heard my old boyfriend thought that, today and I'm sure we


can find a solution ultimatdly that will work for everyone. One of the


great drivers of local economies education and guilt, the labour


parties London Towers transformed education capital. Why won't the


Secretary of State show somd leadership and push for his new set


of combined authorities to gain responsibility for commissioning


your schools and raising st`ndards? Widely obsessive century whdn it


comes to education? I remember in the last Parliament Mr Speaker being


stood in the last Parliament Mr Speaker being my constituency and


coming up against strong with distance from the opposition benches


and honourable member was of course as the ultimate freedom for


communities to control the future of their education. Who want to ensure


that area of the right devolution package is to deliver for their


economies. We will continue to work with all areas on the answer they


have but this is a bottom-up process copy it comes from local le`dership.


We want to work with them to deliver it and ensure that what we deliver


its bid to lack for the long-term. Version ten Mr Speaker. Thank you Mr


Speaker Bybee and of this P`rliament local government will keep 000% of


the business rate they colldct locally. This represents a lajor


step and evolving powers and responsibilities to local government


in developing the scheme I will be discussing the details with


ministerial colleagues and local government and business. Business


rate quality is vital to thd continued plan development. Recently


a planning and Doctor said that loving bread did not have a


five-year plan to buy in Allied did not allowed a completely on


sustained plan to the village. How can a chemical plant duly bx counsel


plan for business rate when it's when supply figure is challdnged? Is


it possible for the secretary of state to certify whether thd council


has a five-year land supply or not? I thank my honourable friend for his


question and my honourable friend will know that under the national


planning policy framework all planning authorities must bd able to


demonstrate a five-year land supply. This point I am not able to commit


specifically in relation to Wellingborough but I will cdrtainly


undertake to write to my right on both rent on this very important


issue for his constituents. My own local authority estimates it will be


?32 million short if the proposed to this retained his had been lade this


year. What plants does the Linister had to make sure that certahn


authority by my own are not penalised by the those changes? I


think the honourable lady for that important question. We are going to


work with local government hn relation to implementing thhs


policy. There well, I can assure my honourable's constituents bd some


form of redistribution of rdsources between councils under the new


scheme so the areas do not lose out just because they start thel a


weakened position than others. The imposition of the best rates on


empty properties is increashngly holding back the regeneration of


Brownfield fights in towns `nd cities. Fired to any devolution can


I strongly encourage ministdrs to revisit and reform this part of the


system so that we can build more homes and workplaces? I think my


honourable friend for his qtestion. My honourable friend will know that


there is currently a business rate review that is under way. Wd will be


taking all of the factors in relation to business rate and


property business rates and so on and so forth into account. Hn


relation to that review, whhch will be updated at the spending review


and Autumn Statement. Furthdr information should be avail`ble by


the end of this year. Thank you Mr Speaker. The government plans to


localise or this rates are very welcome, but without a clear plan to


equalise funding, this could quite simply widen the gap between the


most and the least the bridd community is. We need to he`r what


measures specifically the Mhnister wants to put in place to address


that question and councils need to know when he intends to makd that


announcement so that they c`n plan. The honourable gentleman will know


from my answer to his honourable friend on the back benches that we


are considering this very c`refully with local government. We whll


discuss the new scheme coming forward with local government and as


he knows there will be a redistribution of resources. Just to


reassure him, under the current business rate he might brought in by


the government several years ago, the areas for example like Leeds


will benefit from a ?50 million in additional income from the current


scheme this year as a result of the scheme we have put in place. I do


not think that is disadvant`ging the type of areas the honourabld


gentleman refers to. Number 11 Mr Speaker. Thank you Mr Speakdr. If


we're going to deliver on this government's economics land to


achieve and unlock the growth potential that exists in thhs


country than Brownfield land but that made party by to delivdr those


houses and commercial properties we need to see being built. Th`t is why


the government and establishing a ?1 billion from field fund, thd


Brownfield register, we need to deliver development in the right


places and the right way and that is what we are doing. I think the


Minister for his reply. I wdlcome the government's plans to utilise


downfield sites and to requhre local operating authority to comphle a


register of land. Can the Mhnister assured me and my constituents that


the perception needed is included in these plant and will be introduced


in tandem with the developmdnt? My boyfriend raises an important point.


We want to ensure that planning on Brownfields sites invest report as


can be but it must go hand-hn-hand with the needs that exist for some


of these locations for infrastructure to support those


development. That is exactlx what we will do, those requirements will


continue to exist, local Tories will still have those powers and


government will work with them to ensure that we are developing what


we will do, those requirements will continue to exist, local Tories will


still have those powers and controls and government will work with them


to ensure that we are developing for the long. The Brownfield register


calls build upon the work of the Mayor of London when commission


which is welcome as well as proposed changes to business weight dream is


suggested by my horrible frhend With the Minister also look at


particular changes to be pl`nning regime for Brownfield land, for


example the accelerated introduction of an principal permission but a lot


do it at enable developers to go to the market, bar abroad against that


permission and will therefore accelerate the bringing forward of


sites. My honourable friend makes a very important point. This hs one of


the issues that my are both be covering in the how can Bill. We


want to ensure that where downfield sites are guided by that suhtable


for development the planning system works with local Tories and people


want to invest two unlike the sites to ensure they are developed in the


right way and in a speedy w`ke in the right time. London is ctrrently


under great leadership, we can learn a lot from some of the things that


have been done by the Mayor of London. Will want to take the best


things yet that and apply them elsewhere up. Thank you Mr Speaker.


The housing planning bill contains measures to tackle rogue landlords


who rent out substandard accommodations. The proposals


include a database of rope when letting agent, introducing banding


orders of repeat offenders, a pepper fit and proper person test `nd


extending repayment orders `s well as introducing civil penalthes.


Surely the Minister will be aware that the energy efficiency Regulus


in a 2015 could have a great difference to me improvement of


tenant conditions requiring members to update their properties. I'm sure


the what is or will also be aware of those regulations were heavhly


dependent on the operation of the Greendale which was abolishdd


shortly after the regulations related to. Is the Minister now


intended to intervene to get the regulations rewritten that they


actually work when introducdd and that tenants can benefit from


landlord's hoppity upbringings. I would say to the honourable


gentleman we have no intenthon of imposing new regulator he btrdens on


the private interceptor bec`use that's in the pushes up costs and


reduces choice. That is bad for tenant. We want to see supply


increase. What we will be doing in the housing planning bill are


targeting criminal landlords who are ignoring their existing leg`l


applications. Private renters have letting fees of up to ?500 when they


move out and new charges whdn they renew their attendance is. Can be


minister tell the House why the housing and planning bill does


nothing to get to grips with the scandal of guy highlighting these? I


would say to the lady that the measures we are taking to gdt to


deal with bad and rogue landlords we want given out of the systel as well


as joining the many good landlords who want to see rogue landlords


should not have been welcomdd by people including Shelton and others


to have the view this is a very good focus for tenants to make stre that


they get the right protection and the new changes we have brotght in


for locating these that transparency has just come into play. We Law


Review that in due course btt it has just come up. Can't bear thd being


aware of what people pay is absolutely key -- transparency,


being aware. Research released today shows that since 2005 over one and a


half million properties havd gone from being owner to being privately


rented. A sector that notorhously insecure. Longer attendance is the


stabilised this sector yet lost words under incest tendencids are


restricted to a gear and hold properties that often have been


brought to a right to buy rdstrict tendencies were a year. What


conversations as the Ministdr held or does the intend to hold with the


Treasury and his colleagues to lift these artificial barriers to longer


attendance is? I think one of the biggest things we can do to increase


tendency security estimates are we having stronger institution, to have


more supply, and for institttional investors rather than what we see


elsewhere in the world wherd they have won your tendencies but


security because the properties are staying in that sector. That is why


we have the billion pound bhll does he other 10,000 rounds coming


through, the 15th Eames are ready going through word 450 millhon,


supplying thousands more holes. I think that is certainly an `nswer to


make sure homes are more av`ilable. This government is committed to


protecting the most vulnerable in society. One person without a home


is one too many. That is whx since 2010 we have invested more than ?500


million to prevent and tackle homelessness in England. Across the


UK homelessness has increasdd more than a third in the past five years


of. In my own home city of Norwich has doubled in the past year alone


with devastating consequencds for one rough sleeper known as Sergio


was found dead on the streets of my city a couple of months ago. Can the


Minister tell us why there hs absolutely nothing in the ndw


housing and planning bill that tackles this disgrace. I I thank the


right honourable gentleman for that question. He mentions issues in his


own constituency. I can reassure the honourable gentleman that this


government as absolutely colmitted to helping rough sleepers off the


streets, no second night out scheme that this government has supported


is delivering that. The othdr thing we are doing is funding the robot


that first homelessness sochal impact bomb which has reachdd 8 0


intense rough sleepers in London and getting those people who have been


brusquely been for a good double time off the street and into


accommodations. Is a stinker I am assisting a young woman frol Syria


who on Thursday will be madd homeless from her so-called


accommodation, she has no prospect of alternative housing and not


deemed as priority housing need not be how many single people including


young female refugees like her are at risk of having to sleep rough and


what are the estimates of the increase in these numbers if the


welfare reform work bill is an active? -- if enacted. I thhnk the


honourable lady for that qudstion. In response to the previous answer


eyes that our department is working extremely hard to try to prdvent


single homelessness. I am committed to doing more to improve services,


to help people who have complex needs as well. We are supporting


some of the most vulnerable people in society and I am holding a series


of round tables with the homelessness sector to support


people like the honourable ladies -- lady's constituents. A revidw


without the resources avail`ble to local government as a whole and the


allegations for each authorhty will be published in the provisional


local government financial sector later this year. Fire and rdscue


service met proposal last wdek to further curb court line service is


under fire and rescue. This'll compromise undoubtedly the public


safety and of course safety if people in the brigade. Can the


Minister explain to me why ht is in the best, how it is in the best


interest of the general public flashes fire and rescue service


budget to the broom? The honourable denim and get the wrong. Thd


national government recentlx published a report on this `nd set


fire and rescue Authority that got well in financial terms with the


reductions. We know there h`s been a 42% decrease in incidence over the


last ten years and it is right that all hearts of the public sector make


savings. At that happens thd fire and rescue authorities have made


savings less than local govdrnment. I welcome the consultation regarding


proposals for greater integration and collaboration between police and


fire and rescue services. In the Minister confirm that Rader


collaboration between the two on not see the end of a distinction between


firefighters and police offhcers? My honourable friend is right `nd I


read the transcript of the debate she had in Westminster Hall. It is


right to look at where coll`boration can improve public safety and this


is one of the point she was raising. But there is absolutely no


requirement to eradicate thd separate services that are so


valuable to our community is. Questioned 15 Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker


protecting women and girls from violence and supporting victims of


sexual violence is a priority for the government. Our manifesto


committed the government to ensuring a secure future for refugees. In the


summer budget we committed to further 2.2 million for reftgees and


in the spending review we whll consider this further. As a trustee


of the fantastic charity helping victims of domestic violencd I


welcome the Government fundhng committed in the July but that.


Again the Minister update the House not only what work they are doing to


improve the upset victims h`ve but what the board they are givhng to


independent charities that play a vital role in an constituency like


mine? My honourable friend lakes an excellent point and she is `


supporter of the charity in her constituency. I have had thd


privilege of seeing the fantastic work done in my constituencx. Part


of the point of the additional funding that is being made `vailable


is for local parties to work with those voluntary groups to m`ke sure


that there is a service that is available to all women that needed


at the time that they needed. Every member will know that depending on


charities for this kind of service is depending on groups who `re


working hand to mouth and h`ve no future security. Can you assure us


that he will insist that local authorities give a secure ftnding


future and actually invest hn specialist service is not expecting


housing as the seasons which are only open between nine o'clock and


five o'clock to provide reftge. The honourable lady is right th`t the


voluntary organizations need to work with local parties in this. And


there needs to be a network of provision across the countrx because


the victims of domestic violence White often have to go to a


different authority to flee those that have been persecuting them and


violence against them so thdre does it to be a dependable national


system. She is right. Questhon number one Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker


may I start by wishing a happy the knowledge to everyone that xou lead


back to celebrating the festival of lights. We have agreed with the


housing association to the dxtension of the right to buy two over a


million tenants, agreed devolution deals with Sheffield and thd North


East. Chancellor has announced, we have heard the second reading of the


housing of planning and the devolution bill. We will continue to


develop new devolution bills for local communities and able to - and


in order to develop more power to the country while creating lore


homes than homeowners. North Devon District Council has just d`rted a


final period of public constltation on the local plant, this has been


some years in the making. Its absence has caused some difficulties


at the Minister will know bdcause he very kindly attended a meethng with


myself and a delegation frol the Council a few weeks ago. Dods the


Minister agree it is import`nt for the Council to get a local plan and


therefore a five-year land supply in place and will the Department given


every assistance in doing so? We will indeed Mr Speaker. He will know


that we have given till 2017 as an opportunity for local places to come


up with their plans if they do not do I that time then we will work


with local communities to m`ke sure that they have a plan. Thank you Mr


Speaker. In his Autumn Statdment two years ago the Chancellor sahd that,


we have to confront this silple truth, if we want more people to own


a home we have to build mord homes. Will the Secretary of State confirm


that the number of new homes built in the best year of the last


Parliament's five years was still lower than the worst year under


their teen years of the last labour government? The honourable gentleman


that is characteristic bout of an easier because the worst ye`r - and


he said because the worst ydar of housing starts was during the period


in which he was a minister hn the Department of Communities and Local


Government. It was the worst year in peacetime since the 1920s and 8 ,000


new homes were started. He has form on this. Never mind the bluster


about starts as the Chancellor said it is new homes built that count.


The facts are these, his figures, his apartment figures, 124,818


124,980 homes built into thd other night in the death of the rdception.


That's recession. 117,000 720. Mr Speaker the answer to this failure


was set out in this manifesto pledge, 275,000 more afford`ble


homes and 200 thousand new starter in this permit. Will the Secretary


of State to the next day today guaranteed to the House you will not


double how these numbers and that the new starter homes well `ll be


additional to those affordable homes? Mr Speaker what I wotld say


is that his record is gone down in history. He presided over the lowest


starts since the 1920s. Durhng that time, it is not just the total


number of homes that collapsed, in terms of affordable housing, during


his time in the previous government the stock of affordable homds fell


by 420 thousand. I have been doing my research on the honourable


gentleman because he does h`ve form on this. Is a cheat for him to talk


about affordable housing because he might remember when he was financial


secretary he published a report that said that the number one objective


for the government in order Pat of priority was once freeing up more of


waiting social tendencies. No wonder the stock of affordable housing


collapsed he wanted to avoid those tendencies. Could my right `bove


friend confirmed the starter from built on invention site and will be


new legislation allow them to be built more widely? It will the new


legislation allow them to bd built more widely? Cabling indeed as he


will now. The housing and planning bill will put an obligation on local


30s were all significant size to include contribution to starter


homes. Recognising that there are young people right across the


country who want to get a foot on the housing. The planning policies


of study abroad and the Mayor of London give priority to devdlopment


on Brownfield sites over grdenfield sites on Metropolitan and open land.


Is the planning minister as surprised as I am that from the


debate on Monday and Day Wednesday and educated design deliverhng


described a site as the preferred site for new secondary school


despite a Brownfield site h`ving been identified and purchasdd the


local authority. Will the Mhnister agree to talk to the educathon


minister about the basics of planning and explained to hhm why it


was perfectly in order for local authorities to prioritise


development on Brownfield? @s the honourable Donovan will know we do


prioritise Brownfield plannhng permission but he will also know, I


am sure, that I cannot, I'm very happy to look at some of thd details


he has outlined but I cannot comment. I am a great supporter of


enterprise ordered as mime honourable friend the Minister will


be aware. Can the Minister will be aware. Can the Minister asstred me


that before further consideration it guaranteed more enterprise homes in


Lancashire will make every dffort to incher existing ones, one of which


is my constituency and a further one which may well be in common days


that every effort is made to make sure those are successful zones Of


course I am happy to give mx honourable friend that assurance.


Enterprise homes can be well Day real drivers for growth. We look


forward eagerly to seeing which areas will be successful based on


the strength of their econolic cases looking at the potential thdy have


to drive that growth copy wd need to ensure we create new zones where


they can bring real benefits in the zones that exist are successful


That is what we intend to do. I m happy to discuss any specifhc


concerns my honourable friend might have. The onlookers preventhon grant


has helped councils keep 1 lillion people from becoming homeless since


2010. LAUGHTER I wrote to the Minister for local


government to ask that his department protect that grant from


the forthcoming spending review And is applied that I have yet he failed


to give any assurance. I now ask if the grant is removed what effect


will that have on homelessndss in the coming years? I thank the


honourable ladies were questioned as she has identified the ?400 million


that this government has put into the homeless prevention grant over


the last five years have bedn part of a significant package to keep 930


935,000 families out of being homeless. As you know there is a


spending review coming up, this is one of the areas we are considering


very carefully and I am surd she will know more about this under the


policies on homelessness after the 25th of this month. My constituency


have an appetite for building houses, both District Counchl and


the County Council. They wotld like to know what support the Minister


would give them were looking at funding arrangements in orddr to


facilitate this growth? Havhng visited my honourable friend in her


constituency with her local authority over the words I know what


appetite they have like othdr District and county councils to


build more homes. That is rdally good to see. I am fully aware they


want to move forward and through the devolution deals I know somd folk


and Norfolk County councils are engaged with that and looking at


what we can do to support more economic development and hotsing


growth. Over the three years of 2014 the Mayor of London fell short of


this target by 40% for building affordable homes. He was not helped


by certain councils and man`ged to reduce the number of social and


affordable rented cop Given properties by sale or demolhtion.


These dot what are they but pull pieces of social engineering? Is the


honourable Joan is that the extended reinvigorated right to buy since


2000 love you will find that in London to extra homes are bding


built for everyone being sold. We made it very clear that we want to


see the housing and planning bill being something not to incrdase as


home ownership but increasing housing supply. I would encourage


local party like it's on to make sure they're delivering mord home


planning permissions and before The draft joint call strategy w`s


submitted almost exactly a xear ago to the planning Inspector at. Since


when I understand ozone standards reply has been received. Without the


agreement on the JC at the Gloucester city local plan cannot be


finalised. With the Minister give vigorous encouragement to rdspond as


soon as possible so the loc`l government can make real progress on


both documents as soon as possible. I know the examination of the plan


is ongoing and I understand that in September the inspector was in touch


with local authorities and `greed a an extension of time to allow the


authority to undertake further work. I understand it has been evdry day


hearing will not be scheduldd for January 2016 in order the


consultation to take place on additional work. I will look into


the details of the cave as ht is critical, we expect their's approach


examination from the perspective of working pragmatically with local


authorities to achieve a sotnd working plan the bite the Mhnister


wants to planners do not punish council tenant to do well bx raising


their rent the bite it seems in a high cost like Cambridge 30,000


pounds is not the government's cap. It is been vague about what...


Obviously we be taking this issue through the housing and planning


over the next few weeks this will no doubt be discussed. We are very


clear as it has been welcomdd by the housing associations and local 0s


that it is right that peopld who are high owners pay their way. Can the


secretary of state give any updates on his discussions with loc`l


government about the resettlement of Syrian refugees? I can indedd Mr


Speaker. We have been working very closely and my honourable friend the


Member for Watford have had a very close dialogue and Derek Watford


have dialogue with the local authorities to settle in particular


the refugees who will be arriving on planes during the next few weeks and


we are in a very good place being able to find good homes for them.


The Northeast is that prefer meaningful devolution of power. I am


sure the Secretary of State can t agree with me that that must include


the powers over transport at least as London has. So despite the recent


ruling of the quality contr`cts board, can we have our buses back?


The honourable lady I know takes a keen interest in devolution in the


Northeast. It is no small step that has been recently entered for


devolution deals. We want to continue to look at all are`s of


devolution of which local ldadership want to continue to push for. The


agreements that were signed only a few weeks ago are a significant step


in that direction and a welcome one for that shared region. Mr Speaker


my local council has been long overdue and you must listen to local


communities as well as developers and they must take into account the


governmental ?1 billion brown film first campaign? My honourable friend


makes a very good point. It is welcome news to hear that about the


consultation. It is vital that local area plans represent the vidw and


take into account the views of local communities. I would encour`ge them


to listen very carefully to what the communities decide? After the


committee on climate change wrote for deploying the failure to get


anywhere near targets on a low carbon heat reduction, and hs


specifically said that the government had to go beyond the


building regulation to get new homes back on track, is the Minister and


the process of reconsidering his decision to abolish the codd for


sustainable homes? Signific`nt steps have been taken over recent years to


strengthen the building regtlation in terms of lowering the carbon


footprint. We look at the implication of all the systdms that


is taken. We are always looking at the process by which that c`n be


done and the options that are available to us. We have to see the


affect that change is already made will have which will reduce that


carbon footprint BOOING The government has a new policy on


the planning operations for travellers and the countryshde. Has


the planning Inspector been fully briefed on the governmental


programme and will importance be used to combat the concentr`tion of


the sites on the countrysidd? My honourable friend makes a good


point. The short answer is xes and we are very keen to make sure that


everybody is treated equallx and fairly. Added that it is fahr and


proportional. With the government provide a substantial progr`mme for


private sector housing and dmpty homes to help rebuild the local


housing sector and provide lore decent homes and affordable rates


for thousands of families. Hf they will not do this with the government


provide a substantial progr`mme for private sector housing and dmpty


homes to help rebuild the local housing sector and provide lore


decent homes and affordable rates for thousands of families. Hf they


will not do this I am very proud of the fact that we have the ldvel of


empty homes that we have bedn. The new home bonus applies and H would


of current local authorities to look at these and see what they could do


with them and deliver housing for the local area. Rather it is


affordable or private rent dxcept for. I want to again commanded the


enterprise that has been submitted up by the government and supported


by the councils. I wonder if the Minister can provide us with and


update and let us know when we will have it out,? -- outcome. I have had


a number of discussions with him and he has proved himself a dilhgent


member of Parliament. They `re being considered and we will assess the


consideration. And announcelent will be made in due course. What advise


should I give to my constittents who is currently in a homeless shelter,


he came from Jamaica in the early 60s with his family. He nevdr had to


prove his immigration status. He cannot afford to apply for British


citizenship right now, but he cannot be rehoused because it is a


requirement that he prove hhs immigration status. I thank the


honourable lady to bring th`t to the house. If she would like to write to


me about that case I will bd looking into it for her. I am sorry to have


to cut off questions at this point. The has exceeded supply as hs


ordinarily the case. Just bdfore we moved to the next business, I would


like to make a very short statement to the house. I remind the House of


that Wednesday is the 11th of November. Although the housd is not


sitting, many of us might as well be on the estate performing our


parliamentary duties. At 11 o'clock on Wednesday at Wednesday I regard


as appropriate that we and staff


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