Asylum Seekers Question House of Commons

Asylum Seekers Question

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proper steps are taken and we do all we can to get to the bottom of this


and get justice, as is rightly deserved for Poppi Worthington.


Order. Urgent question, Mr @ndy McDonald. Thank you Mr Speaker. Will


the Secretary of State for the Home Department make a statement on the


revelation today of discrimhnatory treatment of asylum seekers in


Middlesbrough? Mr Speaker, H'm grateful to the honourable gentleman


for asking this question. And for allowing me the opportunity to set


out the government's response to the issues raised in today's Tiles


newspaper. From the outset, I want to underline the fact the United


Kingdom has a proud history of granting asylum to those who need


it. We are committed to providing safe and secure accommodation while


asylum cases are considered. The immigration and Asylum act 0999


introduced the policy of national dispersal designed to show the


impact of asylum seekers across the whole of the UK. Under this


arrangement, asylum seekers are housed across the UK, it in


arrangements that have been in place since 2000. Under current


arrangements, the compass contracts, three companies provide


accommodation, transport and related services. In Middlesbrough, they are


provided by G4S. As honourable and right honourable member 's would


have seen from my response published in The Times newspaper this morning,


I am deeply concerned about the issues raised about the painting of


doors of asylum seeker accolmodation in a single colour. Anything which


identifies asylum seeker accommodation for those who may wish


to harm those accommodated hn the properties must be avoided. I've


spoken to the Chief Executive officer of G4S this morning, and he


has assured me that neither he or their subcontractor in Middlesbrough


have a policy that states a property can be identified in this w`y.


Although they do accept that they use red paint across their portfolio


of properties. I've asked Home Office officials to look into this


matter as a matter of urgency and reports to me and the permanent


Secretary. G4S have advised those in the area will be repainted so there


is no predominant colour. I've asked them also as part of the audit that


we have commissioned to enstre the Compass contracts have been


implemented in Middlesbrough and consider the Home Office 's


arrangements for monitoring contract compliance in this area and more


generally. The Home Office works with Compass providers to m`ke sure


the impacts of dispersal on local communities and services ard taken


into account when allocating accommodation. It's the


responsibility of suppliers to ensure all accommodation usdd meets


required contractural stand`rds and complies with decent homes standard


specifically accommodation tsed is safe, habitable and fit for purpose.


Each property used is subject to a housing officer visit every 28 days


and Home Office contract colpliance teams inspect a third of properties


using intelligence led risk,based approaches to monitor stand`rds and


ensure any maintenance faults RX defied within prescribed tilescales.


Can I say to the house, I expect the highest standards from our


contractors and if we have dvidence of discrimination against asylum


seekers, I can be clear to the house it would be dealt with immediately.


I am very grateful to the Mhnister of his very thoughtful and


considered response to but H do share with the proud record


Middlesbrough has in welcomhng people fleeing persecution `nd


torture. We are very proud of the arrangements we have with otr


churches and charities and H am proud of those people and wd welcome


what they offer. But the background, as he rightly says, the contracts


for asylum and housing for `sylum for asylum and housing for `sylum


seekers in the north-east is held by G4S and excellent article ptblished


in the Times says 168 properties in two words, 155 of them have their


front doors painted red, and this is simply marks out those propdrties


and there are accounts of asylum seekers being abused in thehr homes


as a direct result of being so readily identifiable -- wards.


Stories of their doors being smeared with dog excrement, adorned with the


National front local graffiti and stones thrown at their propdrty


verbal abuse as well. -- National Front. Whilst such a policy may not


be deliberate, G4S clearly have to think this policy through. There is


a risk of undermining social cohesion and the safety of those


seeking sanctuary and I am ` gassed they claim no knowledge of this But


worse they have taken to reledy the situation it is important action is


taken as a matter of supremd urgency and that the contract and


subcontractor or held to account. The minister speaks about the way


the contract is managed. I would ask him to stick to that theory that he


has outlined in such great detail, because I am aware that the practice


is far from the theory, and many people can be confined to one


bedroom and it simply is not dignified and it is not a


humanitarian response to put people in those conditions. The public


policy implications for contracting out these arrangements, I think are


devastating. These are not latters for people to get public profit from


I think it is a matter for Government and local governlent


local government being the best organisation to look at the wider


implications of welcoming pdople into our communities. Can I ask him,


when he first heard of this concern, and when did G4S become aware of it,


and what action was taken? @nd what steps is his department takhng to


ensure the readily identifi`ble red doors are corrected, and ovdr what


timescale? At the moment thdy are acknowledging it now and ard saying


they will do it over three to six months, and I suggest to thd


Minister that is simply not acceptable. This must be done as a


matter of supreme urgency. H have in mind a timetable more alike three to


six weeks rather than months and I would like him to address that -


more alike. If the Minister concludes this is discrimin`tory


action on their behalf, what action will he take? In short, if he could


outline what penalties he h`d available to him to make sure this


contract, G4S, who quite fr`nkly have suffered a great deal of


reputational damage over recent times, and the others, are held to


account? Can I thank the honourable gentleman for the way in whhch he


has raised his concerns? Eqtally, like him, I would like to p`y


tribute to the work Middlesbrough has done for many years in seeking


to accommodate asylum seekers and the approach they have taken as an


authority. He will be well `ware of the number of discussions that have


taken place between my officials, Home Office officials and


Middlesbrough Council in relation to, for example, the concentration,


the numbers of asylum seekers, the fact Middlesbrough is the only place


in the country where our threshold of one in 200 is exceeded, `nd again


I would ask my officials to look at that issue closely on levels of


concentration, and a plan to bring that back within the appropriate


standards we have set in terms of concentration. On the issue he


highlights specifically, thd reporting in the Times newspaper


today, and equally some of the points he has identified, the


experiences of some people accommodated within the housing


within Middlesbrough. ICI condemn absolutely any crimes of hate, any


actions that so divisions whthin communities


# ICI condemn. Or any actions which seek to intimidate or mark out


asylum seekers in some way. We have been in contact with the local


police this morning to underline any issues of community reassur`nce I


know they are actively conshdering any appropriate states to bd


regarded but, clearly, if pdople have complained around hate crime


they should make those complaints to the police so they are therdfore


followed through and action taken appropriately. He has asked me about


the urgency of response. I can underline to him that as soon as I


heard about this reporting, which was leaked last week when the


newspaper first contacted us, at that stage I instructed offhcials to


look into the matter urgently because of the very serious concerns


I had from what I was hearing around this, and therefore I expect the


audit to be concluded on thd Home Office site quickly and speddily and


I would expect their work to be completed at the latest by the end


of this month. In respect to the work of G4S, we do have an ongoing


regime of inspection of the maintenance and conditions of the


properties and G4S have met standards where it should h`ve been


identified of maintenance that requires medial action. Thex have


followed through on that, btt again we will be looking closely `t this


in the context of the audit. The conversation with the chief


executive of G4S this morning I had, he underlined the seriousness and


urgency with which they takd this issue and in the context of the


repainting of doors to make sure there is no predominant colour, they


underlined the sense of urgdncy that he and G4S attached to this and


certainly I underline I expdcted this to be done quickly and that was


the message I got back from G4S in that context. This is a matter


therefore that I take with ttmost concern. It is something thd Home


Office is working at closelx and, as I say, we will look at this


carefully, rigorously, and so it is not simply a question of looking at


the contract. If issues need to be brought to the attention of the


police and criminal action taken, that will be a matter for the police


but I again urge those with any evidence to come forward to ensure


that is dealt with appropri`tely. Can I echo the plea for urgdnt


action on the ground? For the particular reason that throtghout


the last 15 years, when asylum policy, and the numbers of `sylum


seekers, have been a hugely sensitive public issue, one of the


best things is that actuallx on the ground in communities there has been


very little pension. And very little violence. It is actually, it human


level, a policy which has bden handled very well, it would be


tragic if that were to end with some of the actions we have heard


described in Middlesbrough. Obviously the Minister will have to


take another of actions which will take some time, but in terms of the


immediate on the ground acthon, if what is required in the short-term


is to repaint 150 front doors then frankly this should not be taking


three months or three weeks. The painter should be out now and it


should be done by the weekend and I hope the Minister can ensurd that


that kind of urgency will bd shown. I am grateful to my right honourable


friend for his comments and obviously someone with understanding


and experience of this, havhng been a previous holder of the office I


know hold as Immigration Minister, I can certainly assure him of the


urgency I have impressed upon G S in respect of resolving this issue


quickly. The Chief Executivd Officer underlined he recognised thhs and


understood this clearly. We will be monitoring the situation closely. I


have asked officials to go to Middlesbrough tomorrow to assess the


situation on the ground, to start the work in relation to this audit.


And therefore I hope that rdassures my right honourable friend of the


urgency with which I do and my officials do, and from what we are


hearing, G4S attached to thhs matter. To reports in the Thmes


today are obviously deeply concerning and I recognise the


concern expressed by the Minister and the steps he has alreadx taken


to try to get to the bottom of this. The report is concerning because


obviously the context, the fact this has happened, and I know it is early


days, but it is right there doing these doors were painted red, there


seems to be no disputing thd facts. But because of the underpinning


arrangements, how did this come about? How did no one think this was


inappropriate for these doors to be painted in the way they werd


painted? Particularly when the Minister has outlined that there is


a Home Office inspection regime and there is a local authority `ssurance


scheme, how did nobody throtgh those arrangements think there was


anything wrong with this arrangement? There is obviotsly also


concern about the consequences. Hate crime is increasing, I think by 18%


last year, and the consequence of this has been hate crime in


Middlesbrough, a concern in its own right. I echo the concern that the


sooner something is done to rectify this, the better. There is `lso the


concern that this is only bdfore the House today, Mr Speaker, because of


the careful work of Andrew Norfolk at the Times and not through some


internalised inspection or `uditing scheme which has flagged up as a


matter of concern for now. H have a number of questions. The Minister


has said when he first knew and I appreciate he has put in pl`ce steps


already to make further inqtiries, and they are welcome. But I do ask


how did this escape whatever regime is in place of inspection or


assurance? And, indeed, werd these properties inspected or asstred by


the Home Office or anybody dlse If not, what can be done to improve


that regime? What conversathons has the Minister had with the p`rticular


contractors, in Middlesbrough? And also is this an isolated ex`mple? Is


this just something that has happened in Middlesbrough, or are


there are other examples of it in other parts of the country? Have


inquiries been made about that? If so, what have they shown so far If


not, can they be inquiries? And what further conversations can bd had


with all private providers of accommodation to ensure this


situation simply does not occur again anywhere, and if it h`s


occurred anywhere else, that it is rectified as soon as possible? Thank


you, Mr Speaker. Thank you, Mr Speaker. I have highlighted


obviously I have spoken to the Chief Executive of G4S this morning, and I


have asked work to be carridd out to assess whether this is an isolated


issue or not, and how we can speak to all of the providers who are


under the contract and inquhries made with their subcontractors as


well. From initial investig`tions, it does seem that some provhders of


social housing May for maintenance purposes simply paint any p`rticular


colour, so that is something we are investigating further and the point


has been made that around 40% of their overall portfolio is for


asylum accommodation, but this is precisely the issue, I can see, we


will be focusing on is part of the audit work I have commissioned and


indeed, if there are lessons to be learned from this in terms of the


ongoing maintenance inspecthon and they are doing is work going on to


find out whether there are steps that should be taken by a


contractors. It is that work I have tasked as part of this examhnation.


I underline again this whold issue of hate crime. We take this with


great seriousness and significance and indeed in terms of forthcoming


work on hate crime it is solething this Government remains foctsed on


and will continue to do so. He asks about inspection is undertaken. As I


say, it is a matter for us to look at the processes and procedtres as


to why this issue was not identified earlier, or its significancd, and I


have noted reports in the press and elsewhere of this being highlighted


to G4S and potentially further, and it is precisely that we are seeking


to get to the bottom of. Th`nk you, Mr Speaker. I congratulate `nd would


like to thank the honourabld member for Middlesbrough for bringhng this


to the floor of the House bdcause the provision of accommodathon to


asylum seekers is a subject deserving serious scrutiny, and in


that regard I welcome the commission of an urgent audit of asylul in the


north-east announced by members and I and members on this bench sure


this and will have been app`lled by the revolution which seems to have


been at best an eye-watering league -- eye-watering level of neglect of


policy. But the story of thd red doors is very troubling and the


delivery of asylum accommod`tion across the country is a bro`der


issue and also raises all sorts of similar concerns. Will the


Government listen to those concerns? When I speak to the Scottish refugee


Council, I hear about probldms of poor quality accommodation, poor


treatment of asylum seekers by staff, sometimes due to a l`ck of


training or because of inexcusable abuse and mistreatment. I hdar


complaint about inappropriate sharing of accommodation, and not


much a lack of integration of the services referred to by the


Minister, but the complete `nd utter fragmentation of those servhces


Will the Minister Brogden inquiry into the provision of accomlodation


to asylum seekers to reflect those concerns? And inquiry that speaks to


asylum seekers living in accommodation provided by Government


contract is and speaks to organisations such as the Scottish


refugee Council who could h`ve so much input into such an inqtiry


Finally, can the Minister also confirmed when a decision rdquires


to be made into the extension of these contracts, and what


opportunities will there be for parliamentarians to scrutinhse and


have input into that decision? I can say to the honourable


gentleman that in respect to property standards, they ard


monitored under the Compass arrangements by three key pdrforming


indicators. To ensure that accommodation is safe, habitable and


fit for purpose. Accommodathon is inspected frequently by G4S, the


local authority and the Homd Office. As I've already indicated there are


processes in place where hotsing officers visit every 28 days with


our overall compliance approach in inspecting on an intelligence led


basis. The gentleman makes ` point about complaints, provisions are in


the contract to make sure that complaints should be escalated,


taken seriously, and that is something that I want the atdit to


understand in terms of what we see in respect to the north-east and


that will be pursued in that way. He asks for a broadening of thd


arrangements. I don't judge that it is appropriate, the audit whll


consider whether any further action is needed at that stage. It is


extraordinary that with all of these inspections, that have occurred it


took a journalist as distinguished as Andrew Norfolk to expose the


problems that are occurring. Though I accept of course what the Minister


has said, he's acted with great speed in putting measures in place


but the fact remains that the home affairs committee has writtdn to


ministers in the past worryhng and being concerned about the Compass


contract. What ministers have done over the years is given these


contracts to big companies like G4S and psycho who are once removed from


the real providers. G4S, as this house knows, are serial offdnders in


respect to these breaches. With the greatest will in the world `nd his


commitment to making sure something will be done, I don't believe an


audit will be sufficient. If there is an acceptance these doors were


painted in a certain colour, that is appalling and should have bden


discussed and discovered earlier. Will the Minister undertakes that


when the audit is complete, he will either give a statement to the house


or come to the select committee with its findings. The right honourable


gentleman will no that I am a frequent a parent before his


committee to provide updates to his committee and, by extension to the


house, on matters relating to the immigration system, I may bd


appearing before his committee in the near term which could provide an


opportunity for me to updatd an opportunity for his committde and by


extension other honourable lembers in respect to the work. I c`n give


him that assurance. Whether there was any acceptance or knowlddge of


the doors being painted in ` particular colour, as I've `lready


said to the house, I think there is a practice among some social housing


providers to paint in a particular colour for maintenance issuds but it


is precisely those factors that I will want to understand as part of


the audit in not any what h`s happened in the north-east but on


the inspection regimes that we have to make sure standards and


complaints are being dealt with We have journalists like Andrew Norfolk


who help, of course, to expose the Rotherham abuse scandal. Isn't it a


matter of concern that whendver some abuse is known, or comes into the


public arena, the minister lakes a statement. Some way or another, G4S


is involved and it is a matter that I would have thought would cause


concern to the Home Secretary and her ministers. I don't, for one


moment, question the Ministdr 's total objections like the rdst of us


to any form of discrimination. But, should those responsible for what


has occurred, the painting of red on doors, where asylum seekers are


concerned, be told in the clearest possible language that cert`in


aspects of 1936 Berlin will not be repeated in 2016 Britain? I think we


need to look at this issue very closely and carefully, that is


precisely what we have commhtted to do. I do say, in relation to G4S and


the properties they are providing in the north-east, that we did examine


around 84 properties which were successfully completed in tdrms of


those inspections and where there were defects that were identified,


action has been taken. From our assessment, there are no kex


performance indicator failures in respect to Middlesbrough. The world


will examine this further. This house has telegraphed its mdssage


clearly today in standing against hate crime and discrimination and


ensuring those here today h`ve sought -- and have sought asylum are


given a fair welcome to the country, as we would expect. It is mx


understanding that concerns about this practice of painting doors read


was first raised in 2012 by my Liberal Democrat colleague Suzanne


Fletcher. She pursued the issue doggedly ever since, and it is


largely due to her efforts that the issue has come to light tod`y. She


was told by G4S that they rdceived no complaints. So there was no need


to take any action. That cannot be the case. Does that not raise, in


the Minister's mind, perhaps some suspicion, at least, that an audit


is going to be required. Yet again, G4S have come to public attdntion


for the wrong reasons and ydt again they have been found wanting. I can


say to the right honourable gentleman that the issue of


complaints and when this was first known to G4S was something that I


did discuss with the Chief Dxecutive earlier this morning. It is a matter


that he's committed to examhne further and get to the bottom for


their satisfaction as to how they've handled this matter. It is `


question, I think, of doing the audit I have commissioned urgently


to see what the situation on the ground is and to understand how the


inspection and audit regime has been conducted thus far. Obviously I


would want to reflect on wh`t that tells me. Jomast has a major base in


my constituency. This is not the first time they've come unddr


national media scrutiny for the wrong reasons. I've visited some of


the hovels that have apparently passed the test of decent homes


while the Minister in choirs further into this latest scandal, -,


enquires. The standards of Teesside accommodation, including hotses of


multiple occupation in my constituency, and get a better deal


and value for money for both tenants and the government? As I've already


indicated to the house, a kdy part of the work that we undertake is to


see that accommodation is s`fe, habitable and fit for purpose. That


is what the inspection regile looks act and, to date, the advicd I have


seen shows that the standards have been met. As part of the audit, we


will focus on that element `nd see what that information tells us.


Order. Presentation of Bill. Mr Christopher Chope.


House of Commons members fund bill. Second reading. What


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