Health Questions House of Commons

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Order, order. Questions to the Secretary of State for Health. Mr


Johnny Mercer. The local authority public health grant is ring fenced


and must be spent in published grand conditions set by the Government.


Local authority chief execs and directors are required to cdrtify


that Grant spenders in mind that these conditions. England ftrther


review spent information and local authorities spend against the grant


is subject to an external atdit as well. In my city of Plymouth in


2014/15, we have seen ?47 pdr head. In Portsmouth, they received ?7 and


in Kensington and Chelsea, ht is ?136. I understand this is ` legacy


issue and the Government is committed to closing it. I cannot


stress how important it is to speed this up. How do they plan to achieve


this? The current situation is grossly unfair to my constituents.


My honourable friend is a rdal champion the public of his community


and I do applaud him for th`t. We have had conversations about this


issue. There are historic differences which I am conscious of


that exist. They arise from historical PCT spending priorities.


We have made progress in addressing this but we are looking in terms of


allocations of range -- across a range of factors including


inequalities and they will be announced shortly. I have offered


the Chief Executive of publhc England who will be happy to talk


with him and that remains an offer open to him. The NHS forward view


states the future of millions of children come the sustainabhlity and


the Emmett -- of the NHS and the economic stability of Britahn need


and rely on a upgrading public health. How can he explain how the


cuts in public health help to achieve this objective? The


challenge on being serious `bout prevention is about the enthre


health care system. Public health grants have had to absorb some of


that fiscal challenge. Dealhng with the problems we inherited at the


beginning of the Coalition Government. Despite that, local


authorities will have ?16 bhllion over the spending review period in


public health grounds alone that is not the only way we invest hn


prevention. I have seen somd of the great work going on on my vhsits to


work with local authorities and I'm confident of the great things they


can do that money. Given thd report that has been out today frol the


commission into mental health provision and mental health


treatments, can the Minister provide any assurance about the equhtable


treatment of physical and mdntal health to ensure that there is equal


allocation of funds? There hs a great deal of attention in this area


and there has been more beds commission. We are looking seriously


at our Tobacco strategy. Right at the heart of that is a concdrn for


the inequity between mental health and when it comes to smoking levels.


I want to give that assurance level that we are looking at how we can do


more for those who suffer whth mental health. Access to


contraception is not only a fundamental right, but it is also a


cost-effective public health intervention. With every ?1 spent on


contraception, it saves the NHS in ?11. However, this Government is


presiding over savage cuts to public health services with ?40 million


predicted to be cut from sexual health services this financhal year


alone. Is this what the Minhster means by saying that her Government


is serious about prevention? Why doesn't she finally admit that these


cuts not only make no financial sense, but also potentially putting


the nation's health at risk also. I reject that analysis. On thd matter


of sexual health services ddcisions on public health or a matter of


priority and they are mandated by legislation to commission open


sexual health. We'll sing a great deal of innovation around the


country in terms of how people do this. There was a good example in


Leeds of people redesigning services to enable people to access sexual


health. The Shadow minister, the question goes unanswered on how much


they would have invested in the NHS. The question that was never answered


at the general election. On prevention alone, the public health


grant is not everything. In the next financial year alone, the Ddpartment


will spend ?320 million on vaccines. We have introduced to world firsts.


The child flu programme and the meningitis immunisation programme.


This Government is investing in prevention and investing in our NHS.


With permission, I would like to take questions two, nine and will


together. 11 out of 27 hosphtals have not existed special me`sures


have demonstrated sustainable improvements in quality of care


Trusts put into special measures having recruited 1089 more doctors


and 4442 more nurses with one estimate saying this has reduced


mortality rates by 450 lives a year. I thank him for that answer.


Following the recent CQC report at Medway Hospital, the staff, the new


chief executives are working hard to turn around a long and deep problem


at the hospital. What furthdr support can the Government offered


to turn it around and out of special measures? I think the Secretary of


State and his department for the sport they have given so far. -


thank. This hospital has bedn through a very difficult patch. I


had a meeting about Medway Hospital yesterday. Over the last five years,


we have 106 more doctors and 26 more nurses in the trust. We havd a link


with guys and Saint Thomases and it is beginning to bear fruit. We have


to deal with this quickly and deliver safer care for his


constituents. My right honotrable friend will know of some of the


terrible problems that we h`ve experienced in Shropshire whth


regards to the CCG's and thd trust on the future fit programme over


services in Shropshire. Roy`l Shrewsbury Hospital covers ` huge


area, not just Shropshire btt the whole of mid Wales. Will he do


everything possible to support me and the residents of Shrewsbury come


to guarantee that A services remain at the Royal Shrewsbtry


Hospital? I would like to thank him for his campaigning for the Royal


Shrewsbury. Nobody can do more than he has done for it. I would


encourage him to engage with the programme carefully. In the end it


is incredibly important that we get the right hands of the patidnts and


he has been supportive of this process. Like him, I would like to


see it concluded rather sooner than later. Could the Secretary of State


set out for my constituents in Worcestershire, what the impact of


the trust being put into spdcial measures is likely to have this year


and what improvements they can expect when the trust exits special


measures? The advantage of the special measures programme hs we


tend to make much faster progress in turning round hospitals in


difficulty and did happen in previous years. He will know in his


local trust in the last fivd years, we have nearly 50 more doctors and


more than 100 more nurses. We are making progress but need to do it


much faster. That hospital will have my full support in dealing with


these problems quickly. Walsall NHS Trust has been placed into special


measures. What immediate action can the Secretary of State take to


ensure their Manor Hospital can recruit the vital staff in


paediatrics and A for the long-term in fall employed staff?


One of the things that can put hospitals into special is if the


proportion of stuff coming from agencies is too high becausd they


cannot offer the continuity of care. In terms of full-time doctors, there


is an extra 83 at Walsall c`re NHS Trust and 422 full-time nurses. An


improvement director started this week and we are looking to find a


bloody hospital. Where we h`ve turned round hospitals the fastest,


we found if they have a partner hospital, it has the biggest effect.


Despite having a football tdam that is talk, Leicester's hospit`ls are


in need of urgent assistancd. The worry for Leicester is they slip


into special measures come especially with regard to A What


steps can he take to ensure our hospitals are performing as well as


Leicester City football club? We want them to be as outstandhng as


Leicester City football club, but we do recognise there is a way to go.


There is pressure in the A departments which my honour`ble


friend has acknowledged in ` house and we are looking carefullx to do


what we can to support them. They are going to be one of the first


trusts in the country to offer full seven-day services from March 2 17.


There are some important improvements happening but we will


be doing everything we can to make sure they happen quickly.


My trust is not in special leasures, it is in trouble and we looked like


losing our A if we follow the recommendations of the CCG. Will you


agree with me that when hospitals get into trouble, trusts get into


trouble, it is usually becatse of poor? Management? There are some


things we need to do differdntly. Managers need longer in thehr post.


If the average tenure of an executive is only around ten years


then inevitably their horizons are short-term and we need to ghve them


time to turn around their organisations. The latest trust to


get an outstanding measure, the Park Hill Hospital, the chief exdcutive


has been there for 26 years and I think there is a connection. If we


make sure they have the resources, and where there are problems we


identify them quickly and ghve them support before things turn hnto a


crisis. Barking hay ring and Redbridge trust is working dxtremely


hard to improve services, and has had some considerable success but


despite there being 250 spare care home beds in the London Borough of


hay ring, there are a large number of rail and elderly patients in


hospital who are no longer clinically ill. Has any resdarch


being done into the reasons for the late discharge and how much does


patient choice play a part hn that? It can unfortunately sometiles play


apart, but the biggest way to tackle the problem is to have bettdr


coordination between what the local authorities do, this easy gdes do


and what the trusts do, and that is not only a problem in her trust but


also around the NHS. -- Havdring. The CCG found there had been


significant progress in the last inspection, more doctors and nurses


and an excellent chief execttive and I'm confident for the futurd. 1


trusts across the country are currently in special measurds. Nine


in ten hospitals are failing to achieve their own safe staffing


plans and waiting time targdts are being missed so often that failure


is now becoming the norm. Does the Health Secretary think that that


might explain why the king's fund survey yesterday found satisfaction


in the NHS increased by eight percentage points in 2015, the


largest increase since the survey began in 1980 three? I think she


might want to look more cardfully at that report before turning ht into a


political football begins on page six it says that satisfaction rates


in Wales, run by her party, are six percentage points lower than in


England. I will tell her wh`t is happening with the regime of special


measures, we being honest about the problems and sorting them ott rather


than sweeping them under thd carpet which is the problem we had with


mid-Staffordshire, Morecambd Bay and a whole range of hospitals. We are


putting more money in, treating more people in, and public confidence in


the safe the dignity of the care they get is at record levels. It is


clear the Health Secretary doesn't want to talk about his record in


England. His own backbenchers are queueing up to tell him abott


problems in their own NHS. Hn Medway, Shropshire, but he does not


understand the extent of thd problem. Let's return to thd public.


Satisfaction with the NHS h`s fallen by five percentage points, this up


by 8%, satisfaction with GP services is the lowest rate ever recorded.


Satisfaction with A at 53$. We know the Health Secretary h`s lost


the confidence with doctors, isn't this the clearest sign that he has


lost confidence in patients two What's my backbenchers are pueueing


up to say is, thank you for sorting out problems that Labour swdpt under


the carpet for years and ye`rs and years. Professor Brian Jarm`n, what


did he say about the Departlent of Health under the last Labour


government? EZ it was a denhal machine. All the problems h`ppening


in hospitals was swept under carpet and not dealt with. What is


happening in this government is to mark -- he said. 100 more pdople


treated for cancer, 2000 more people treated at A departments, 400


more operations, record doctors and nurses, save NHS than ever. We are


proud to be the party the NHS stop -- a safe NHS. The results of the


last GP patients' survey showed that 91% gets convenient appointlents.


84% who were not able to get an appointment or a convenient


appointment indicated they went to the A The same survey indicated


that one in four people are now waiting more than one week to see


their GP. There is a staggering 1 million people heading off to A E


because they cannot get an appointment with their GP. Ht is a


total meltdown. What is the Minister doing about it? 40 million lore


appointments are available for GPs than in the past. The government's


commitments to track one GB access to ?175 million is being invested to


test improved and innovativd access to GP services. 57 schemes, 250


practices, and by March, next year, 18 million patients will have


benefited from improved accdss and change at local levels. That is what


we are doing about it. The Linister will be aware that despite great


improvements in cancer care under this government and the previous


government, one in five, more than 20% of cancer patients are first


diagnosed as late as A C`n he give an assurance that the


government's brokers will bd on one-year's survival rates as a means


of driving forward survival rate will remain a key indicator for the


government? You raise a serhous issue. Assuming the earliest


diagnosis of cancer is very important to the government,


obviously important to patidnts We are publishing the statistics on


early detection through the CCG in order to improve transparency


further because this transp`rency is the government has shown actually


drives improvements in performance. Canada minister advise me on how the


government is going to tackle urgently safety of care at North


Middlesex Hospital A, following revelations that a patient died in


December 2015 after being forced to wait an unacceptable amount of time


in A? -- can the Minister. The honourable lady gives an ex`mple of


why it is so important to sdek to improve care and quality of care in


A, why it is so important to keep transparency going. It is one of the


reasons why we have a new inspection regime, designed to highlight these


things. 1250 new doctors in A over the last five years will also make a


difference to quality of care and improvement but you are right to


highlight this. The NHS does not do everything right but what is


important is we value what hs done, the bustard majority of stuff, but


when things go wrong, we sax so examine it and learn lessons. - the


vast majority. Of 25 absencds in Leicestershire before Christmas 16


were queueing outside Leicester Royal Infirmary to dischargd people.


I have written to the Secretary of State about this issue, gritty


update me and the House on what measures are being taken? -, could


he. The issue with ambulancds and care is the variation in qu`lity and


it is important to ensure local leadership addresses these problems


that are handed differently in various places. It is right to raise


this and I am sure he has r`ised it with his local trust, local


Ambulance Trust, as well as the hospital, to see how there can be


better facilitation of patidnts going in and being dischargdd, so


ambulances are not needed. The health and safety care information


Centre has shown 124,000 patients waited more than 12 hours after


arrival in A in comparison to 1700 in Scotland. This number has doubled


since 2013. The Royal College of Emergency Medicine has expl`ined


these tend to be the sickest patients and this delay is


associated with increased mortality, so how does the Minister and


Secretary of State plan to hmprove this performance? I have to tell the


honourable lady that I did notice patient satisfaction with A was


lower in Scotland than Engl`nd which indicates we all have probldms to


deal with in relation to thhs area. It is correct to continue otr


progress in increasing resotrces throughout the health service and


A, and improve the transp`rency and ability of people to sed what is


happening and going on. Unacceptable weights are not part of what we want


to see from the NHS and that is why there is a determination to drive


them down and make sure pathents in England have the best quality


information about what is h`ppening in their NHS and they continue to


drive efficiency in improvelent -- waits. They have not been ptblished


since November. The doctors required to look after patients are @


specialist. There is a problem with retaining A specialist and


trainees because they worked a higher proportion of unsoci`ble


hours. These are exactly thd hours that will be less rewarded hn the


new contract. In the future, how does the secretary of state plan to


recruit and retain doctors of emergency measures to the -,


medicine? The new contract which is under negotiation at the molent the


majority of which has been `greed with junior doctors, I'd contract


designed to replace the failures in the old contract which everxbody


knew needed to be corrected, writes the basis for the profession for the


future, to deal with some of the issues the honourable lady lentions,


and it is a matter of great concern that negotiations should continue,


there should be no strike tomorrow, and this pattern gets a chance to


work. It might assist the House to mention the Independent health care


commission for North West London was made up of five Labour councils and


chaired by Michael Mansfield QC and in terms of the assessment of the


findings for the commission, I can put it no better than the ldad


medical for the Shaping Healthier Future project who said the


unanimous conclusion was th`t the report offered no substanti`l


evidence or credible altern`tive that would lead to better ottcomes


for our patients above the dxisting plans we have in place, and I concur


with that judgment. Last July the Minister held a meeting with MPs and


agreed information on review of hospital services will be shared. We


understand plan B will be considered which will move services to Charing


Cross but will retain a mothball existing buildings rather than


redevelopment. Can we see ctrrent plans? We had a constructivd


meeting, and I think it is time to move on. There is a grave d`nger of


the honourable gentleman appearing to be like one of those soldiers


discovered on a Pacific isl`nd after the Second World War, he is still


fighting the old war. If only he was! Some of the reasons for costs


escalating within projects of the NHS is because of the const`nt


challenge and delay. Shaping a Healthier Future has clinic`l


consensus across north-west London. This will save many lives e`ch year.


It is time to get on with this project. The report heavily features


Ealing Hospital where a radhographer blew the whistle on consult`nts


taking funds and extra paymdnts and now she is jobless. She will soon be


homeless. Will the Minister urgently look into her place because despite


a plethora of reports, this government does not seem to be doing


anything for higher? I don't think that is fair. In fact, the secretary


of state has met the commission in question and the Francis review


recommendations as we have `dopted them make it clear that thex have a


right to speak out, and we would want everybody to speak out on


behalf of patient safety. The trust reported a deficit of 6


billion for this financial xear with 75% reporting another deficht which


is why we launched the Cartdr efficiency programme, hospitals can


save ?5 billion annually by making sensible improvements. Mr Speaker


almost every acute trust will be in deficits including Saint Helens


which covers my constituencx, the fact is the Government has been slow


in dealing with a cause which is the employment of agency staff. Also it


continues to put up the tarhff which is based on efficiency savings when


hospitals like Saint Helens are struggling to make greater


efficiency, will he look at this again? I think you should ghve a


slightly more complete picttre of this hospital comparative fhve years


ago. 7000 more CT and MRI scans When it comes to deficits wd are


tackling the agency staff issue and that happen because agencies were


responding to the France of support and rightly they said they wanted to


stuff up quickly but in a sustainable basis. If we were


putting ?5 billion less into the NHS as he stood for at the last


election, the problems would be worse. Does my right honour`ble


friend not agree that the rtnning costs very from 105-195 per square


metre which was highlighted by Lord Carter is wholly unacceptable and


would he also agree the concept of a model hospital has great merit? My


honourable friend knows abott these from his own clinical background and


he is right. We are now doing the most ambitious programme anxwhere in


the world to identify the cost that hospitals are playing from @pril we


will be collecting the cost for the hundred most use products in the


NHS, that information will be shared and we are the biggest purchaser of


health care equipment in thd world and we should be paying the lowest


prices. The largest hospital trust in the UK is set to run up 035 and


in pounds in deficits, this would be the greatest ever overspend in the


NHS, when will the Minister except this austerity driven crisis facing


the NHS? -- accept it is a stretch to say this is an austerity driven


problem when next year we h`ve the six biggest increase for funding in


the NHS in its entire 70 ye`r history. There are severe problems


and we will tackle the deficit and we will make sure we includd patient


safety and patient care. Thd staff of the University Hospital of North


Midlands entrusted the care of County Hospital in Stafford and


Stowe has done a great job hn improving quality of care and


bringing down the deficit, Willie ensure a long-term approach is taken


to the finance of the trust to ensure we don't make rapid decisions


which could could deliver rdsults in difficult situations in the future


-- will he. The trick when we reduce deficit is to take a strategic


approach to deficits and cost reduction and not to make short term


sacrifices which harm patients. That is why at the weekend we announced a


?4.2 billion IT investment programme that will mean doctors and nurses


spend less time to form a more times with patients. Number six please


stop white by 2020. Everyond will be to get a GP appointment in dvenings


and weekends. By March this year a third of the country, 18 million


people will have benefited from improved services. There is


currently a concern for GPs in my constituency of Eastleigh which has


left so if it can delay is `n patient is getting nonurgent


appointments. Will the Secrdtary of State promotes more agile working


structures for GPs, especially women, this was highlighted when CCG


is fighter for retaining extra GPs? I know West Ham Shih CCG is


providing extra space and c`pacity to take on more trainees and across


the country we want five dozen more doctors by the end of this


Parliament, this is the biggest increase in GPs in the history of


the NHS. It builds on the extra 1700 GPs we have working in 2010. It does


take too long to see a GP and we are committed to sorting it out and The


Record investment will make that possible. Why can the Mac -, why can


medical centre will close in March in my constituency leaving 2000


people needing to find a new GP This means it is impossible to have


a prompt GP appointment let alone register, can the Secretary of State


ensure he will coordinate whth NHS England to manage the situation


appropriately and all they can to assist each of my constituents


affected especially the vulnerable and elderly to get access to new GP


as soon as possible. I am h`ppy to do that. She is right to make those


points and the vulnerable pdople with long-term conditions is the


area where we need to see the biggest supports to GPs bec`use it


is strengthening the abilitx to proactively keep people out of


hospitals to keep costs down. In Rochester we are facing the closure


of two single Hannah GP practices due to a retirement and a stspension


with no long-term replacement. Would my right honourable friend `t wired


what steps he has taken to laintain appropriate access to local GPs I'm


absolutely prepared to do that and I've met a number of GPs her area,


what's we are doing is reversing the historic underfunding for gdneral


practices with an increase hn more than 4% a year in funding going into


primary care and general pr`ctice. That'll give hope to the profession.


Northern Ireland, when it comes to accessing GPs you need to h`ve GPs,


25% of GPs are over 55 years of age, that is going to get worse, what


steps have been taken to tr`in more GPs to ensure they then stax within


the NHS and not going oversdas with better wages and conditions? We have


plans to have 5000 more doctors working in general practice, we need


to increase the number of GPs going into general practices by 3000 every


year, I'm very happy to liahse with the province on this. Against the


peers and against the press, Victoria Atkins. Thank you Lr


Speaker I must mention the team is led by my honourable friend from


Ealing North and Hayward and Middleton. Question seven please.


Can I join you in offering congratulations for her success


Tackling the integration is crucial to avoiding unnecessary hospital


admissions, providing better for the elderly and easing the pressure for


an ageing population. That hs why we have setup the better care fund


have set a ?5.3 billion increase, this is why my friend the h`s


announced a social capri set which will raise two billion and we have a


five-year forward view with integrated care plans and ndw.. I


hope notwithstanding his excitement he didn't mention that this was


grouped with question 16 and she didn't the deed is done. In areas


with a high proportion of rdsidence, home aids and adaptations c`n help


people live longer in their homes which benefit them and can help to


ease pressure on the NHS and social care services, what steps of the


Government taking to boost this kind of support? My honourable friend


makes an excellent point. The disabled facilities Grant is a


primary mechanism for helping the disabled. Currently I am honoured to


announce it has been increased which will fund 85,000 adaptations. In a


recent study carried out by the sea QC, a survey found that there was no


notable improvement on ment`l health services outside of hospitals. Can I


asked the minister what steps are being taken to rectify this? It is


writes the crisis resolution home treatment teams were critichsed in


the recent reports. That is why the Prime Minister announced in January


we are providing an extra ?400 million funding for those tdens and


it is why in the mandate NHS England have to improve crisis treatment in


all areas. The decision to slash funding to local authorities was


disastrous for adult social care as they were warned at the timd, will


the Minister accept that thd social care precept which the Government


are allowing councillors to raise will raise the most money in those


councils which have the highest council tax base, not necessarily in


those which are the greatest need? I would be concerned if it is true. We


are facing an exploding dem`nd and at the risk of sounding likd a Monty


Python sketch, what has the Government done apart from fully


funding the NHS five year vhew with 3.5 billion and driving health


devolution and 4 billion he`lth technology, we are funding the


integration in a way the last Labour government did not do. Mr Speaker


that is really not true. Government ministers residing over the


hollowing out of social card because they are funding far short of what


is needed. ?4.6 billion has really been cut and the gap is growing at


?700 million a year. The prdset you have been talking about will raise


?400 million a year, the better care fund doesn't start until next year


when it starts at 105 million. Simon Stephens has called this unresolved


business, when will the Minhster when will all the ministers face up


to the fact this does not add up? The question would be more capable


of being capable of taken sdrious if the party opposite had ideas. Over


the next ten years a 22% increase in over 65 is, a number of people over


75 the rise 90%, we are fachng extraordinary challenges whhch is


why we have announced the bdtter care fund. And why we are driving


devolution which allows loc`l health leaders to integrate. If it was as


easy as members opposite sahd then they would have done in the of


office. The NHS choice survdy which has been carried out in its current


form for the past two years shows the proportion of patients who said


they recalled being offered a choice of hospital or clinic is at 40% in


2015 up from 30% in 2014. The figure at the minister left out was that it


was 50% when Labour left power in 2010. How does you explain this very


worrying fall in the proportion of patients being given a choice? Will


he reaffirm that choice is ` legal right under the NHS Constitttion and


fully acknowledge that the introduction of choice was `nd has


been a major driver in improving NHS performance across? The fact the


right now wouldn't and missdd out was that was a different survey and


the figures are not, double. I agree that choice was important and we


should do more and I would like to take this opportunity if I lay


congratulate the team at his hospital which has been awarded


good, the first in the south-west to be rated as such. Patients needing


mental health services don't get to choose where they receive their care


as highlighted in the commission on acute adult psychiatric ports which


was published today. It says the whole system has suffered from an


attrition in funding in recdnt years, it highlights poor qtality of


care, inadequate staffing and low morale, it describes the situation


as potentially dangerous. Whll the Minister now accept his govdrnment


has let vulnerable people down and Willie implement the recommdndations


in full to put the serious situation right? We have just received a


report and it is a good report, NHS England are working on the


recommendations and I would remind her it is this government which has


put mental health on an equ`l esteem within the NHS within the


constitution for the first time The position front and say it is


meaningless but if it were, why did they not do it when they were in


office? We have done it for the first time and are acting on it not


just in terms of the constitution but the funding which is gohng up in


real terms. The CCG expects to publish hts


internal review by the end of February. The independent rdview is


expected to be completed by the middle of the month. The monitor is


assessing the project from the providers' perspective and will


reveal findings soon. The United clear contract in temperature was an


attempt to join up disintegrated services. Now we seem to have a


series of disintegrated revhews What is needed is a overarching


review that looks at the role of NHS England and the role of an Lonitor,


the strategic project team `nd the ministers. When will we get that


review? As I have indicated, there are reviews going on which concern


the responsibilities of each individual part but there is no


doubt that this was a seriots matter and a serious failure, which raises


serious concerns. We want to know what went on as much as the


honourable member. Once the reviews have been completed, I will be happy


to talk to the honourable gdntleman about the consequences of those


reviews. I call the victorious team leader, Mr Stephen Pound. Qtestion


11, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker ht is my considerable honour to respond to


the honourable gentleman in his victorious mode. Community pharmacy


is a vital part of the NHS. We want to see a high-quality community


pharmacy service properly integrated into primary care and public health


and the proposed changes will help us in conjunction with the pharmacy


profession to do just that. I am grateful to the Minister for that


question. The result was a place for him in our team next year although


we are actually taking trials over the next few weeks. -- therd is


always a place. Will he accdpt that community pharmacists are of great


and growing importance to otr constituents, providing an


increasing range of health care and advice in accessible High Street


locations. What message does the Minister have for these dedhcated


professionals who are now fdaring for their future due to the


uncertainty arising from thd announcement of a 6% cut in funding


for the NHS pharmacy servicd? I am grateful to the honourable


gentleman. The message is that community pharmacy does and is doing


an extraordinary and import`nt job but it will change. In 2013, the


Royal pharmaceutical servicd, any publication said that the


traditional model of communhty pharmacy needs to change because of


economic austerity, increashng use of automated technology to tndertake


expensing, and the use of online prescribing. It pointed to the


massive potential of communhty pharmacists to do more and sees


pharmacy as ideally placed to play a crucial role in the new moddls of


care. With the consultation going on, there was a great futurd for


pharmacies, but like so much else, it will be different. Number 13 Mr


Speaker. The UK continues to play a global leadership role on -, roll on


antimicrobial resistance. Wd created the Fleming fund to help poorer


countries tackle drug resistance and we are promoting action. Our review


is helping to galvanise global awareness. I welcome that answer.


Antibiotic resistance is ond of the biggest challenges for glob`l


health, making routine oper`tions impossible with in ten or 14 years.


I welcome the government's `ction on this. Antibiotic research UK is the


world's first organisation set up to tackle this. Thank you. I wdlcome


the fact that my my honourable friend is becoming a champion for


this important international agenda. I am aware of the work of the


charity he mentions. I belidve they have had some contact with the


Department already and I am happy to look at the issue he mentions. I


don't make decisions on the sort of issues but I'm happy to it `nd meet


with him. UK health and medhcal research projects benefit htgely


from EU funding with the UK at the top of the table for approvdd


grants. This funding is vit`l if we are to tackle global health


challenges. Does the Ministdr accented that pulling Britahn out of


the EU may have a detriment`l impact on the UK's role as a world leader


in health and development? H can give the House the reassurance that


the funds she mentions are protected by the Spending Review. Mr Simon


Burns. Number 14. NHS England advises that in Chelmsford, there


are 1927 patients, slightly lower than the mid Essex clinical


commissioning area. Eight of the practices have been inspectdd and


seven were rated good with one outstanding. Does the Minister think


it is possible that the NHS review of the PMS scheme to ensure that


good and innovative work is promoted by PMS as example five by Sttherland


Lodge surgery can be sustained? I hope so. And I appreciate the


honourable gentleman's visit to my office yesterday with members of


that surgery and also present lives of the NHS. The ?1.4 million release


from PMS in Essex will be rdinvested within the area but it is ilportant


that there is an opportunitx for all practices to bid for that money so


that some of the work already done under PMS, if it is still ndeded,


gets the chance to continue and certainly with services ratdd


outstanding. If the Secretary of State... Number one. Number one


Significant progress has bedn made in our negotiations on a new


contract with junior doctors but the agreement has not been reached on


the issue of Saturday play despite assurances from the BMA.


Regrettably, 2884 operations have been cancelled ahead of tomorrow's


industrial action which will affect all nonemergency services. H urge


the BMA to put the interests of patients first and reconsiddr their


refusal to negotiate. At PMPs in February of 2014, I raised with the


Prime Minister might serious concerns about the bullying culture


at Liverpool community trust. I understand that the enquiry into


parts of this is complete so I will ask the Secretary of State, in the


spirit of honouring his stated commitment to openness and


transparency, to ensure that report is available from the 23rd of


February. I will happily look into that matter and I know my honourable


friend has had a roundtable on bullying and harassment and can I


thank her for raising it because over the last decade, none of us


should be proud of this, but the number of NHS staff suffering from


bullying and harassment has gone up from 14% to 22%. We need to make it


easier for doctors and nursds to speak out without worrying `bout


being bullied and harassed. Demand always exceeds supply here. We need


short questions and short answers. I'm sure the Minister will dnjoy me


in congratulating the surgery in Bath for being ranked among the top


ten GP practices in the country Does the Minister agree with me that


patient satisfaction will increase if patients have a choice of where


they are treated? Yes, it whll, and that is another reason why we are


hoping to have 5000 more doctors working in general practice and 5000


more health professionals expanding the primary care service by 202 . It


has been reported that a potential deal on the junior doctor contract


was put to the government which would resolve concerns without


costing any more money and `voiding the industrial action tomorrow. A


source close to the negotiation told the newspaper that one person who


would not agree was the Health Secretary. Even though the NHS


employers and health teams thought this was a solution, he said no Let


me ask the Health Secretary a direct question, as the government at any


point rejected a cost neutr`l proposal from the BMA on thd junior


doctor contract, yes or no? The only reason that we do not have `


solution on the junior doctors is because in December on the one


outstanding issue, about Saturday play, the BMA said they would


negotiate but last month sahd they would refuse to negotiate. Hf they


are prepared to negotiate and be flexible, so are we. What is


noticeable is that despite 3000 cancelled operations, no-ond in the


Labour Party is condemning these strikes. Can my honourable friend


update us on the progress of decriminalisation of dispensaries


for pharmacists. I'm aware of my honourable friend's keen interest in


the rebalancing programme and dispensing errors. We are committed


to making this change. Therd are a number of measures related to this


in a section 60 order and ghven that timetable, it is likely the order


will be laid in the Westminster and Scottish parliaments in the autumn.


The Secretary of State will be aware that there is currently a


recruitment for junior doctors for the DWP. They are offering ?72, 00 a


year, up to twice the salarx they would get in the health service Is


he concerned this will result in inexperienced medical staff making


judgments that will relate to people's livelihoods and also is he


not concerned that this will result in a drain in staff resourcds out of


the NHS and out of general health care for the public? What I would


say to the honourable gentldman is that as a result of the changes this


government has made on welf`re reform, we have 2 million more


people in work. We have half a million fewer households whdre


nobody works, and part of that is making important reforms, including


making assessments of peopld in the benefits system. Everyone should


welcome that. Comparative rdsearch has shown that proton therapy is as


effective as radiotherapy for certain cancers but with less side


effects. Does the government accept the use of comparative eviddnce in


deciding the availability of emerging treatments on the NHS such


as proton therapy? I will rdflect on the wider point that my honourable


friend makes but the House will be keen to know that we are investing


in building two proton beam therapy facilities in Manchester and London.


Work has already started. That is a ?250 million project on the first


facility will become operathonal in 2018. Could the secretary of state


provide an update on efforts and contingencies to combat these Zika


virus. Effort is being coordinated with all the administrations,


including Scotland. Yes, thhs is something that the government is


taking seriously and we havd got under active review. Up-to-date


medical guidance has been c`scaded to the NHS in England and the UK is


at the forefront of some of the world's response. We are a lajor


fund of the WHO and we are investing, we have people on the


ground in Brazil in particular. I can assure him that we are


maintaining close links with the devolved administrations at the


official level and I am verx happy to speak to colleagues. We take it


seriously, keeping those links alive. As the Minister seen the


comments of Angus Dalglish, reported in the papers today, which suggested


that EU rules are forcing us to spend billions of pounds trdating


health tourists and preventhng us from undertaking important clinical


trials? Has he made any assdssment of the comments made by Professor


Dalglish? This government h`s made huge assessment of the cost of


overseas people using the NHS, and we think there is ?500 millhon of


recoverable costs that we do not currently recover. When it comes to


the EU, the biggest problem we have is that we are able to recl`im the


costs of people visiting thd UK but we do not do it as much as we should


because the systems are not as efficient as they need to bd. And we


are sorting that out. Despite the prevalence of pancakes in P`rliament


today, I am pleased to be asking a food related question. It is


concerning a recent opinion poll by Diabetes UK which showed th`t 7 % of


British adults think that food and drink manufacturers should reduce


the amount of fat and sugar in their products. Does the Minister support


introducing mandatory targets for industry to reform the food, and


help people drink more -- e`t more healthily and will that forl part of


their strategy going forward? We have made considerable progress on


this area in the last Parli`ment, under the responsibility de`l. We


have always said there is more to do and the challenge to industry


remains. We will be saying lore about that when we published the


childhood obesity strategy hn due course.


The midwife led unit in my constituency of world and is key to


the high quality of passion in maternity care. Last year this get


100% -- scored 100% satisfaction, can the Government outlines plan


critically given this weeks launch of the safe of the campaign. These


have increased in number whhch is a greater advantage to more choice, I


hope the next review will m`p out the future of maternity services and


show what midwife led units would do within the NHS and I'm excited and I


know she be too. Ministers will be aware by a call for concertdd action


to promote and protect breast-feeding, will he meet with me


and these organisations to discuss with these proposals further? I m


aware of the Lancet review `nd it makes important points. It hs of


note that in Scotland and W`les and Northern Ireland progress h`s been


made where we should get a copy in England. We have made progrdss but


there is a considerable difference between rich and poor we nedd to


fix. I'm pleased to support the NSPCC it is time campaign to ensure


children who have been victhms of abuse receive ongoing support.


Cannot seek assurances from the Government that this initiative will


be actively helped? Thank you Mr Speaker, yes indeed we support the


initiative and our work looking after those children who nedd extra


care, especially in relation to health and emotional needs hs being


helped by local authorities and vulnerabilities are certainly a


matter of great concern. Ovdr 1 million elderly people can laintain


independence, what discussions are being made to ensure the allowance


will be left at the same level? This consultation is ongoing. Thdre is


now a committee to look at ` range of issues, the actual details has


not been finalised but it is a matter of concern and discussion


between departments. In askhng about mental health can I remind the House


that I am married to an NHS forensic scientists, can I ask whethdr the


Government has looked careftlly at the report today from the


independent commission in ilproving mental health services, and in


particular they are finding nationally there is an inaddquate


level of provision for the lost severe ill patients and can the


Government sets out what me`sures they will take to make sure we


really do see progress and hmprove access? Can I thank my honotrable


friend for this and thank the Royal College of psychiatry for the work


on the commission of launch Nigel crisp which we have supporthve. The


report and the recommendation has only just comfort it goes in the


direction the Government is still going, we want to reduce out of area


placements and the NHS is working on this team moved to a definitive


target to reduce that and hopefully eventually scrap it. I was hn Hull


looking at problems and the recommendations on waiting times are


important. This area has bedn undervalued and is under grdater


scrutiny now and there is more investment going into the


Government. The reports will help this in relation today. I whll call


the honourable gentleman if his question consist of one sentence. A


Leeds we have pressure on acute services, will the secretarx of


state... Bell was, Mr Speakdr,. . While the CCG provides the loney? I


am happy to look at that. Wd will come to points of order but not yet.


By refusing to condemn the junior doctors strike, the lady opposite


has shown she shows little regard for patient safety, that shd


repeated condemnation for the strike which will endanger patient safety


and can he Kante... Guarantde a contract for better patient care? I


think that was a reaction. The party opposite are saying if a negotiated


settlement can not be reachdd then we should not impose a new contract,


in other words we should give up on a seven day care for the most


honourable patients, there was a time when the Labour Party tsed to


speak up for vulnerable pathents but now it is clear that unions matter


more than patient. Demand is so high, last but not least. The


pharmacy budget comes in in October in the next financial year can the


Minister say what the fall cuts will be in a full financial year?


Negotiations are ongoing with the pharmaceutical services, thd amounts


that have been set up cover this financial year and settlements are


moved from year to year so that discussion is ongoing, the future


for pharmacy is very good and will be different, there is a grdat


future bright for high-stredt shops, shops and areas where we nedd the


bottle so an improvement in services and health care, improper c`re, in


primary homes around the


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