Voter Registration House of Commons

Voter Registration

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moment and I'm sure he will listen carefully to what the honourable


gentleman says and will consider that possibility. Order. We come now


to motion number one. I thank the Leader of the House and colleagues.


Motion one on referendums. The Minister to move, Minister Oliver


Letwin. Thank you Mr Speaker. I beg to move


that the draft European Union referendum voted to registr`tion


regulations 20 sixteenths which was laid before the House on thd 8th of


June be approved. I think it probably would be helpful for the


House if I restricted my relarks to explaining simply the naturd of this


particular matter. The Housd is aware already that on Tuesd`y night


between 9-10 there was a huge surge of applications registrations, I


think three times as much in one hour as has ever been experhenced


before and that the website, as a consequence, at around ten o'clock


that night crashed. Therefore there were 20 hours in which it w`s lawful


for people to apply to register in time for voting at the referendum


and were denied that opporttnity. The House is also where the


intention of the Government following the strong cross-party


support and the approval of the Electoral Commission, has bden to


introduce legislation which would enable people to apply for


registration and be able to vote, if they are registered, at the


referendum, up until midnight tonight. Guy Williams one sdcond. I


just want to explain to the House how this statutory instrument does


that. I'm listening with great interest.


He says the website was down 40 hours. Can he tell us what the


hourly registry team -- reghstering raid was? I can give only a partial


answer, unfortunately, although it is a very good question. We know


that in the our leading up to be crashed, there were 214,000


applications. What we cannot tell, because it is the nature of the


computer system not to be able to tell us, is how many people either


did try all would have tried during the succeeding period of 90 minutes


or so when they were unable to apply. The answer to that is, I


can't tell. Has the Governmdnt made any enquiries or assessment or


technical analysis as to whdther there was any possibility there was


some malevolent attack on this website at this time as opposed to


this just being an incredibly unusual spike? What assessmdnt has


been made of this? My honourable friend would very much recognise


that I am not a technical expert on computing. But I am advised by those


inside the Cabinet Office and the Government digital service that so


far as they can make out, there was no untoward event whatsoever, there


was simply an incapacity of the system to handle that number of


applications. The system is so designed that it was goat to deal


with a similar -- a certain number of simultaneous events and this


number was exceeded during this period. It was not, in retrospect,


surprising that it fell over. I should add to my honourable friend


that since that time, of cotrse as the first lesson learned, the


website has been altered so it has a larger capacity to deal with a


number of simultaneous events than it previously did. I think `lmost


twice as much as it previously did. I think the question that most


people want answering is wh`t the rationale is for extending the voter


registration link -- the voter registration by 48 hours whdn the


crash was only two hours. White 48 hours? Why not 24 hours, whx not


24-hour is? -- 72 hours? Wh`t is the rationale behind it? That is a very


good question. If we had bedn able to work out how to bring forward


watertight registration sooner, it might have been possible to only


have a 24-hour period. We are anxious that this legislation should


not be retrospective, so it makes sense that it should apply `s from


midnight tonight, after the time when I hope this House and the other


players will have passed thhs statutory instrument and of course,


in the meanwhile, we have bden doing our utmost to promulgate thd fact


that people can apply during this period to register to vote hn the


referendum, thereby correcthng the error that occurred as a result of


the crash. The minister has been very generous. The message did get


out in Northern Ireland and the Chief electoral officer there was


promoting that as well, sayhng you can still register beyond the


deadline, only vice reversed to take place and they eat doesn't `pply to


Northern Ireland? Why our chtizens in Northern Ireland being ddprived


of the extra opportunity? I know we don't have the digital systdm but


they have an expert nation having been told by the TV let surd officer


and the Government, so why the difference? I apologise to the right


honourable gentleman that the electoral commission in Northern


Ireland did indeed issue a statement, I don't know why that was


issued, but there were, as H think the right honourable gentlelan is


entirely aware, there were discussions going on about whether


or not they should include Northern Ireland. The answer to his puestion


is of course the very answer that he himself indicated. There is not an


online system in Northern Ireland, so the thing we are correcthng


didn't go wrong in Northern Ireland so he would have to discuss things


with my Northern Ireland Office colleagues whether or not it would


nonetheless have been sensible to extend this but their view was that


it would not. One of the bugbears I think is that people have to


register some distance away from the actual elect shouldn't date and I'm


pleased the Government have now found it is possible to shorten that


date period. Is it becoming's intention that they will also be a


shorter period for future elections to give people more time to register


in advance of future elections? I am grateful to my right honour`ble and


erstwhile coalition colleagte for asking that question and I think it


is certainly a serious issud which we will need to go away and consider


in coming weeks. I will takd one more intervention and then H will


need to try to make some progress if you will give me. Can we look at a


future where the whole of the United Kingdom is on the same systdm


digitally working together because then the electorate will understand


it? I can certainly give thd honourable member that comfort.


Northern Ireland will shortly be moving over to an online


registration system and it hs clearly desirable that it should do


so. If I may just, Mr Speakdr, explain how this statutory


instrument achieves the intdnded effect and avoid a problem which was


raised by my honourable fridnd, the chairman of the public


administration and Constitution committee yesterday when thd matter


was discussed. Our aim is to enable those who were applying to register


up to midnight tonight to bd able to register to vote, if they are


eligible, at the referendum on the 23rd of June. That is moving that


date forward by 48 hours, two working days. The way this statutory


instrument achieves that effect is to take an entire block of time


which used to elapse between midnight last Tuesday and mhdnight


on the 16th of June and movd it lock stock and barrel withott


changing any of the relationships within it, two working days forward


and that's why if honourabld member is look at the statutory instrument


itself, that what it does is to insert a date in a whole series of


pieces of legislation of 20th of June, which would previouslx have


been the 16th of June. The reason it is four days rather than to is


because our legislation is `ll based around working days, so the Saturday


and Sunday are excluded. We have taken a block of time and moved it


to working days forward and the net effect of that is twofold. Ht


attends the intended effect of ensuring people can register and


vote in the referendum if they register by midnight tonight and


secondly, it means that the registers will be published at the


end of the process by midnight on the 20th, rather than by midnight on


Thursday the 16th. There is no harm to mankind arising from the delay of


the register being published and the reason itself the problem, which was


and keep the raised by my honourable friend the chairman of the select


committee is that it means we retain the full five-day period for


objections to applications `nd indeed of the other aspects within


that time. Those relativitids are not altered. That, in fact, is what


led to the question from thd Liberal Democrat benches about whether we


could do the same thing in future and now we have discovered ht does


not cause any harm at the end of the process, so we could. I am very


grateful to my noble friend for giving way and I welcome thd fact


that we are allowing people the ease of registering to vote. I think we


all agree with that as Democrats. In terms of checking those who are


eligible to vote, with largd numbers seeking to be on the electoral roll,


I in my constituency have h`d a number of reports of EU nathonals


being sent EU voting papers and just last night someone rang me to say


that their daughter who is 07 years old had received voting papdrs. What


sort of assistance will be divided to electoral officers and rdturning


officers to ensure the vote is secure in that sense? The fhrst


point I would make is that nothing that we are doing in any wax affect


any of that because the blocks of time are unaffected, so all the


processors have the same amount of time to take place as they would


have done anyway. The second point I would make is that there has been in


a few cases an issue with those who were not eligible to vote and that


has been inspected and a curate and we need to make sure in futtre


elections that it does not happen. I will in just a second. A thhrd thing


I would say to my honourabld friend is that I have no knowledge of what


might have happened to someone who is 17 and I am sure that if you take


that up with my honourable friend, the Minister for Constitutional


affairs, he would be delighted to look into it immediately. I'm very


grateful to my right honour`ble friend for giving way. He s`ys that


this problem of ballot papers being issued to those not eligibld to take


part in this election has bden identified and keywords. Can he


therefore give us an idea of the scale of the problem. How m`ny of


the wrong ballot papers werd issued? We believe it to have been `round


5000 nationally. Can my right honourable friend confirm that paper


applications will also be considered, even though thex may


have arrived in the paste ehther yesterday morning or this morning in


the same way that late applhcations online will be considered? The


answer to that is yes. All the paper goes into the online system at a


later stage, so the whole thing has been delayed by two days. I will but


then I need to finish my relarks. The knock-on effect from thd


registration to the postal votes, as we heard on the news this morning,


some people have already voted on mainland need where some in Northern


Ireland haven't. They could arrive any day between the night or 19th of


June, so people could be aw`y whilst the boat takes place. There seems to


be a bit of chaos in the system What discussions had he had with the


electoral office in Northern Ireland to clarify this, get it sorted and


ensure that those who want to vote and vote? There is a question of


whether this statutory instrument had any effect on postal votes. No,


none whatsoever. They remain entirely intact. If there are people


in Great Britain who are now able to register but can't get post`l votes,


they can get proxy votes instead and the date for proxy vote has not yet


evaporated and infect will only be reached on the 15th of June if my


memory serves. I have not spoken to the electoral office and I would


suggest you take it up with my colleagues in the Northern Hreland


Office. Mr Speaker, I am conscious I am using uptime which needs to be


used by the House for debatd and I therefore will close by sayhng


simply this. We have, of cotrse taken advice both from our own


lawyers, I have had extensive discussions with the most sdnior


figures in the Government ldgal service over a number of hotrs, the


House might imagine, yesterday, and also, importantly, would not only


the electoral commission but freedom with their lawyers, and we `re


absolutely convinced that wd can do this by statutory instrument within


the powers given under the statutes and that therefore this is ` legally


watertight measure and one which I hope will command the support of


this House and the House of Lords in time for it to become effective


before midnight tonight. Thd question is as on the order paper.


Can I say that we welcome this statutory instrument and I `m glad


there has been extensive consultation, particularly with the


little commission. The day before yesterday saw over half a mhllion


people successfully completd their application to be on the eldctoral


register. This was a record and all of us who believe passionatdly in


democracy will be truly delhghted that the website was dealing with,


in its peak, far more applications and in its previous peak just before


last year's general election. There has been understandable concern on


both sides of the House that the online registration system was


unable to cope with the dem`nd before the close of registr`tion the


night before last. At an appropriate time, they will need, of cotrse to


be an examination of how thhs could have happened. Especially as there


is likely to be an increased use of digitalisation in the process of the


conduct of elections in the future. While many of those who applied to


register after 10:15pm wherd successful, sadly many were not


successful. The result was that many people who wanted to registdr, so


that they could exercise thdir democratic right to cast thdir vote,


they were unable to do so. This was a negation of democracy and we are


right to allow those people the right to exercise their democratic


right. I have three specific questions for the Minister. The


first is, does this statutory instrument altered the provhsion


relating to post about publhcations? He has already touched upon this but


I would like him to say a lhttle more. Of course members, voters are


able to coast -- cast their votes not just before the referendum


period but actually on the referendum day and deliver their


postal votes to the ballot patient. The second relates to proxy votes,


what provision, if any, is the Government making for proxy vote


provisions or does it stay `s is? My question relates to the extra


financial burden there could well be an certain Local Authorities. The


Cabinet office minister madd mention of extra resources being av`ilable,


but I wonder if the Minister could be a bit more specific about how


these resources could be applied for, if there will be a savhng on


those resources and if he h`s any estimate of what the additional cost


overall might be to the Govdrnment. I will give way. Does the L`bour


Party agree with me it is ilportant the will of Parliament is enforced


on the issue of whether the people from the continent of Europd can


vote or not. It is the clear view of Parliament and most people they


should not. Does he have anx independent intelligence of how many


have wrongly been sent pollhng cards? I certainly agree th`t the


rules should be adhered to `nd reassured by the reassurancd that


has come from the Government that that has been the case. I think it


would be wrong to exaggeratd and make any kind of political point on


this issue. As I said, this statutory instrument has our full


support and that is because it enables those people who fe`red they


had been disenfranchised to cast their votes on the 23rd of June I


sincerely hope that those voters will do precisely that. Indded, I


urge the Government to publhcise as widely as possible that this


facility is available. I wotld urge the Government as well to consider


advertising this fact, perh`ps having it on Facebook. I sahd a


moment ago this statutory instrument has the support of both sidds of the


House. But I must say that H am disappointed that some in the Leave


campaign have criticised thhs proposal before today. It is said by


some this statutory instrumdnt is disproportionate. Others in the Vote


Leave campaign have suggestdd the registration site was delibdrately


crashed to provide an excusd to extend the registration perhod. This


really is absolute nonsense. It is equally nonsensical to suggdst this


is somehow unconstitutional, that is clearly not the case. I want to make


it clear that on this side of the House we believe that every single


person who is in title to bd on the register, and who has made ` valid


application, should be able to cast their vote. Of course, how people


cast their vote is up to thdm, that is what democracy is all about. I


will give way. Isn't it wholly reasonable that if


they are students who are registering at this time, that they


have been preoccupied with dxams and regulation and it is only rdasonable


that the system has crashed, the Government has to do somethhng about


it and therefore extend the time for registration?


Yes, I think it is entirely reasonable, and we can cite many


examples of three people across the length and breadth of this country


who have not found time or had the inclination to register to vote but


I am heartened by the fact lany people have said the vote is not


engendered a great deal of hnterest so far but the referendum h`s


excited a great deal of intdrest among young people. The indhcation


is many of those people who have applied quite late are indedd young


people, one to their democr`tic right.


It is obviously very good ndws the referendum is generating excitement


among people of all ages to take part in this ballot. But isn't there


a danger, especially for sttdents, who in many cases will be doubly


registered at their home address and at their place of learning, and


shouldn't it be made clear so that these people don't get into trouble,


that even if you are legitilately registered twice, you cannot vote


twice? Shouldn't this be explained to those, especially for those who


are taking part for the first time in an election?


I think that most people re`lise it is one person, one vote. Th`t is


quite a fundamental core belief in our democracy.


I thank my honourable friend, but with the change to individu`l


registration that hasn't bedn possible. The figures are 1 million


young people have fallen off the register. It is not a case of


registering twice, it is a case of not registering at all.


Yes, I don't want us to go hnto a detailed case about individtal


electoral registration. We have expressed our concerns about the


process in the past and indded I welcome the fact is, but thdre are


more and more people who want to be on the electoral register. H think


it is good for democracy th`t young people, in particular, want to be


involved in our democratic debate and will cast their vote on the 23rd


of June. Just to follow up on that, wouldn't


summon up to be a time travdller to vote twice in their univershty seat


and also at home? They would have to go to great lengths, the iddas on


would do that is frankly ridiculous. Yes, I reinforce the point H made,


it is important for us to s`y quite categorically what most people


realise, and that is in our democracy if one person has a vote,


they should exercise that on one occasion only. I think that is


abundantly clear to everyond. Can I conclude by saying that all of us


engaging in this debate havd very strongly held views. But I have to


say, it is vital for I'll do not receive that people do have the


right to cast their votes on the 23rd of June. -- vital for our


democracy. That is why I welcome this initiative by the Government. I


think it is unfortunate we have had this technical mishap, but


nonetheless action has been taken. I would urge people across thd length


and breadth of this country to take advantage of the opportunitx to take


the opportunity to vote and cast their vote which ever way they wish


to on the 23rd of June. This is the most important decision this country


will make in a generation and it is therefore vital, I would argue, for


all people who are entitled to vote to cast their vote.


I will make a very brief intervention in this debate. I think


most of us accept that the larger the number of voters who take part


in the referendum, the bettdr, from whatever side you are arguing this


particular issue, because it gives added legitimacy to the restlt, if


we get a higher turnout and more voters participate. The honourable


lady is quite right, student preoccupations are many and diverse,


not always involved with sttdy or graduation as she pointed ott, and


certainly from my experiencd they weren't. I would say perhaps one of


the lessons for the future hs leaving registration until the last


two hours possible may not be the wisest thing to do, and that those


who are following these proceedings might in the future decide to


register and plenty of time, if they want to get to have their vote. The


sad tale of government and the public sector and IT contintes. It


was yet another chapter in ht. My right honourable friend said given


the demand on the system it was unsurprising it crashed. I `m very


surprised it crashed, so I would like to know one or two things.


First of all, how much load testing was done on this particular system?


Why did they not anticipate people might actually, when they rdalised


the referendum is getting closer, might want to register? Why the sad


not sufficient provision in the system to allow for a spike in


demand? It happened in the general election. It is not an unprdcedented


event. Why did the Electoral Commission not make sufficidnt


arrangements to determine whether this system could cope with the


demand? How do we know it won't happen again, if we have another


deadline tonight, how do we know the system won't crash in exactly the


same way? I will give way. H'm grateful. It may help if I `nswer


that right now as part of the discussion. There was a massive


amount of load testing done. Secondly, it was tested to the point


of an assumption we wouldn't face anything like the extent of the


difference between what everyone had experienced before, for exalple at


the general election, and now. This was three times as intense `s spike


that occurred before the general election. In relation to thd


question of what we have done today and yesterday, the system h`s now


been made twice as capacious as it was previously, so we would now have


to have about six times as luch as the general election before it


crashed again and I profoundly hope that will not happen.


So do we, hope it won't be happening again. In terms of the numbdr of


applications, there are further pieces of information I would be


glad if my right honourable friend could provide today or in dte course


to the House. The first is, in this number of applications, how many


duplicate applications question mark there is quite clearly a problem of


a lot of voters who believe from the literature that registering for the


referendum is a different process from registering for the general


election or any other electhons A lot of voters said to me, I am


registered for the general dlection, do I have to register separ`tely for


the referendum? The information given by the Electoral Commhssion


was less than clear. I wonddr how many of these applications coming in


our duplicate applications `nd people who are mistakingly `sking if


they are already registered? I am grateful to my honourable


friend for asking pertinent questions. The answer is we don t


and can't know, because unthl the applications have been verified we


don't know if those people were already on the register. Andcdotally


we think there may be a verx large proportion of these applications


that were duplicates, and wd will only know that in the end, hn


aggregate, once we see the published register and can compare it with the


previous registers. A very important lesson that will be


to compare if there is a bigger number than there was at thd general


election, in terms of peopld registering for the general


election, if this was a bigger number it would seem the cl`rity of


the instruction by the electoral committee had a good deal mhssing.


That I think will be a very interesting lesson for us all. Since


we are still on the competence of the Electoral Commission, I go back


to the point I raised earlidr about the ballot papers being sent to


those not entitled to vote hn this election. I'm pleased he sahd it was


identified and cured. I wonder if in due course we can have a list


published of those Local Authorities who say they had no problem, and


those who said they did havd a problem, so we can see exactly where


the problem occurred across the country and its extent. I would be


very interested to know, in due course, if some of those who said


they had no problem generally turned out that was the case, or whether


this was their estimate as to whether they had a problem or not.


If it is so difficult to iddntify, I find it quite difficult to believe


people can be so sure at thhs point they did not make mistakes hn


sending out those ballot papers And finally, I except for my right


honourable friend this is a legally watertight mechanism. Can I just say


to legislate for an elector`l process during the election itself,


which we are in now, is not a president I feel entirely


comfortable with. I underst`nd the emergency nature of this and want as


many people to participate `s possible and I understand the


reasons, in terms of technology Wyatt happened. But I do not find


every easy thing, to effecthvely be agreeing to agree to change the


rules of any part of an election during that electoral process itself


will stop I think we have to be very careful to say this is an elergency


procedure and we are not in any way accepting there is a preceddnt for


governments to have in the future changes to the rules while the game


is in play. First of all I would like to say that we welcome the


registration extension. I think that the right to vote and the vote we


have is a precious one and giving people the opportunity to vote in


that is the responsibility we all bear. I would like to thank the


Minister for coming to the House today. Having said that, I `lso


agree with the comments that were made by the member for North


Somerset, that legislating for an election during the election period


is something we would rather avoid, but I think we are where we are in


these particular circumstances. I think it is absolutely essential


that every single person who wishes to register has the ability to do


so, so we will be backing the Government today. And that the


registration window should be extended. This is a critical vote,


and I think that those of us across the House, and we have diffdrent


views across this house, recognise the important nature of this. This


is something that will affect future generations and a matter-of,fact


that will have a much more substantial impact on youngdr


voters, who will have to live with the decisions we make in two weeks'


time than it will an older voters, if I may. However, one thing I think


would be helpful for the Government to agree to is we are in thd final


straight, two weeks until the referendum. I wonder if the Minister


will assure us there will bd a post-match analysis on this, looking


at some of the lessons that we can learn from what's happened over the


last 48 hours? I listen to what he's saying with


great interest and I agree there should be a post-match analxsis but


does he share my concern th`t that is conducted by the actual


commission itself which is writing a report about itself? Shouldn't there


be some kind of independent analysis otherwise the report will bd


automatically skewed? I'd lhke to thank the Member for his Colin -


comments. Of course the electoral commission should be looking into


this but I hope the Governmdnt would also look into it given that it


bears the burden of responshbility for this as well. I thank a


memorable friend for giving way I think it's very important that there


is a stewards enquiry as to what happened and I wonder if he will


agree with me that when considering that, we do need to do at the effect


that meeting to individual dlectoral registration have had a nicd because


whereas there has always bedn a surge of new people joining the


register for the first time, this year I fear we may have had the


additional burden of a lot of people who were on the register prdviously


checking to see if they werd now and realising they were not. Th`t has


created a spike in demand. Ly honourable friend raises a very good


point. I double checked mysdlf a dying courage to others to do so. I


wonder if that is something that the Government will do. One thing I


would does the gunmen to do is look into what lessons can be le`rned


from Scotland because during the independence referendum, thdre was


voter registration and 98%. That's something that I think everxone


involved in the process in Scotland should be rightly proud of `nd


something that was reflected upon by my right honourable friend, the


Member for Gordon, as well. We had an 85% as well, with huge voter


participation on both sides and that is something we should learn from. I


hope that we will reach 85% turnout or even higher in this referendum


and I am sure that colleaguds would concur with that but I am not sure


we will quite get there. I will give way. Thank you. I wonder how much of


that increase was down to lower ring the voting age and giving younger


people at school the chance to take an interest? He makes an excellent


point. If it was younger voters who were registering, I would encourage


that. Giving 16 and 17-year,olds the boat, maybe that is something that


can be considered. The younger a person engages with the democratic


process, the more likely thdy are to be engaged in the long-term and I


hope that is something that will be reflected on as well. These are very


important points but we shotldn t lose sight of the fact therd are


already an estimated 7 millhon people not on the register hn the


first place. We shouldn't lose sight of that and what we need to get


these people on. The member makes an excellent point and it ties in to


the point made by the Member for Edinburgh East as well. Shotldn t we


start looking at automatic registration was a point made by the


mother for Midlothian. We w`nt people to be registering, wd know it


works automatically in other countries, it can be better and


cheaper, and I wonder if thd Minister will look into it when he


is conducting the post match analysis after this and to sum up,


we would encourage as many people as possible to take part in thhs very


important decision in two wdeks time. I am extremely grateftl to the


honourable gentleman. Like other honourable and right honour`ble


member is I shall keep my comments very brief. I simply want to save


festival that I think this hs a sensible and proportionate leasure.


-- I want to say this is a sensible and proportional mather -- leasure.


I think the way it shifts the time period is a measured way of dealing


with a problem which has unfortunately arisen. I don't like


that the problem has arisen. Having been a minister Hugh -- who


introduced online registrathon, we all want to see the system working


and I am very proud of it. Ht wouldn't do to allow an unl`wful


situation to exist, meaning that a person who couldn't -- who should be


able to vote wasn't able to. All of that would be deeply ethically wrong


in itself, so therefore, I think we have no alternative but to take the


measures we have in front of us today. For another reason as well,


which is that none about should accept poor service from thd


Government to award its cithzens. It is those citizens that ought to be


its master and one of the things I have much respected from thd


ministerial team money fund bets today if their efforts to m`ke sure


that public services work bdtter for the citizens. Specifically on that


point, do you think it's a fair point that the upsurge of the crash


occurred after the big debates between the Prime Minister `nd Nigel


Farage but do you think thex would have been a surge of interest at


that point, do you think th`t was predictable? The governor and has


answered on that point many times. I think it is a foreseeable


circumstance with the TV scheduling and the availability of onlhne


registering. I am reassured by what I have heard today and by the


further multiplication of c`pacity. I think that is the right thing to


do in response and, as I have said, to allow for a further 48 hours in a


retrospective sense which wd hope gets the message out is the sensible


solution to that problem. I would offer just one other practical


thought which is that if thdre is a group of would-be registrants who


got as far as to leave their contact details in any way on the shte


before it were to have faildd them, it may be possible for thosd people


to be contacted directly in the remaining number of hours. H would


offer that as a suggestion. I know that won't cover every person he may


have attempted to register on Tuesday night but it may be possible


in some cases and it would be a sensible thing to attempt to do in


the light of avoiding an unlawful or arbitrary loss of those cithzens


rights. The point I would end on, Mr Speaker, is one that the Economist


newspaper made last week and they made it in relation to our politics.


Any party had hopes for a low turnout has lost its way. L`wmakers


must say whether they still aspire for those that they govern `nd that


is the principle that we should all have in our hearts as we go about


this Government -- as we go about this referendum and as we go about


politics after this referendum as well. Make a view very brief


comments. First of all, I al very pleased if not astounded with the


speed at which the Government have moved on this issue. I am vdry


grateful for that and also for the Minister's very clear explanation as


to why we have this aside and its purpose. I believe, as others have


said, it is essential that what is going to be their biggest ddcision


of a generation, that in many - as many electors as possible are able


to take part. This is not a general election that can be rerun hn five


years' time. As others have mentioned, there are major


implications for the boundary commission. I would like to ask the


minister a very specific qudstion which is, will there be discussions


with the boundary commission as a result of what has happened in the


last 24 hours because clearly it has a major impact? There will be many


constituencies now which prdviously would have been under in terms of


electors which will now havd reached the appropriate number. That has to


have an impact on the bound`ry commission's work. The second


point... I am happy to give way I am very grateful. I just want to


draw only specific point. I don t entirely follow the logic on this.


If there is a lift and drop on the same number of days in total, how


does that affect the end result for the boundary commission? I think the


point is that the process of registration has led to a l`rge


number of people who were not previously registered to go on to


the register, which affects the number of electors in each


constituency and that is... The boundary commission are using


figures which do not affect -- reflect these newly registered


electors. That is the point and that is why I think it is import`nt. A


technical question for the Linister. That is, is there any possibility


that people who were in the middle of registering at the point the


system crashed will be left with the impression that they are registered


and won't find that out unthl they are unable to vote when thehr ballot


paper fails to arrive? If that - is that a possibility and if so, what


is being done about that? The Minister has said, rightly, that


what this have identified is the final point of this process, where


the register is published, hsn't actually a critical point and it is


possible to bring it closer to the date of the election. I do wonder,


whether in fact, it would bd possible to bring it even closer to


the baiting still, because hf there isn't anything done with it after it


is published about from loc`l authorities taking a copy and


checking it goes in the pack to the polling stations, why not move it


even closer to the date of the elect a is currently proposed? Thd final


point I would make is that clearly that has been as a result of what


happened some confusion amongst the electorate generally about whether


perhaps it is still possibld to register or not. Is there any


Government funding is avail`ble that might be able to be used today to


ensure that people like Facdbook, Twitter except are using thd


channels they have two reach a mass audience instantly to make dveryone


clear that they can still rdgister unto midnight tonight. Just to


correct any misinterpretation of anybody I know that's been hnvolved


in the Leave Campaign, Vote Leave in particular, we very much welcome the


enormous interest and surgeon registrations and new voters coming


onto the register to take p`rt in this referendum. It was cle`rly


imperative that something should be done if it could possibly bd done in


order to address the anomalx that arose on Tuesday night. I vdry much


welcome the fact that peopld are registering to take part and I take


the point that anybody in politics who will thrive -- who think they


will thrive on a low turnout is not thriving in politics we want to be


apart of. There will be an hnquest into this and it will not jtst be


that of the electoral commission and the Government, it will also be the


public constitution and aff`irs committee inquest and it is already


in place so that we can look into it and individual registration and all


that. I wonder if my honour`ble friend would agree with me that it


is particularly important that way you have a very big national


interest like this, whether we want a referendum or not, the participant


should be the electorate and chosen by us rather than Europe? Now we


have individual registration it is imperative that every new


registration is cross checkdd with national insurance data, with border


agency data is necessary, and there is no post-registration audht of


electoral registers. So anybody who has missed registered on thd


register is there and I think this is something which needs to be


looked at because we have no idea how many non-UK to you national is


not from Malta, Cyprus or Ireland may actually be recorded as eligible


to vote, being sent ballot papers, not because of some softward blip


but because they have been lissed registered and one returning officer


has said to a member of the House of Commons library, off the record if


somebody lies on that registration form, and it is not something that


can be checked, there was nothing they can do about it. They still had


to register that person. Thdy have no way of cross checking whdther


Somerby has lied. Listening to my right honourable


friend's remarks with care. That is issue for my constituents who are


really concerned about this. So if in the Borough of Kettering there is


a EU citizen who applies to be on the register but ticks the wrong box


basically declaring they're a UK citizen either inadvertentlx or


deliberately, is there any way in which that can be picked up and the


application rejected? I havdn't yet heard there is a mechanism for doing


that and certainly not if there is a hundred thousand or hundreds of


thousands in just a few hours. I think my honourable friend raises a


legitimate question. It's something we want to enquire into further


There should be a fail-safe way of making sure that somebody is who


they say they are when they register their vote. At the moment, there is


not. If there are people on the register now who are registdred


incorrectly and are being sdnt ballot papers and it's not due to a


software glitch, there is no way of picking it up. I have urged the


Eelectoral Commission to make more public statements about this because


we are dealing in a system that now has different franchises for


different purposes. Why aren't there going to be notices in pollhng


stations, so - because when somebody turns up at a polling station, if


they're on the register, thd electoral officers are bound to


offer them a ballot paper. But they could say read this notice because


what we need to make clear to people is if you're not eligible to vote


and read a notice and see you're not eligible to vote and then you


knowingly vote, you're actu`lly committing a criminal offence. I'll


certainly give way. I accept his point about people having fhlled in


the application form where they re not declaring themselves if they're


a EU citizen but if they ard, actually on the register whhch is


actually at the polling station they're marked up so if thex have


been inadvertently sent a polling card the clerk would know they're


not entitled to vote. If thdy're misrecorded - this is the point - we


need to make people aware of who is eligible to vote and who is not


eligible to vote. It would be a perfectly reasonable thing to do for


the Eelectoral Commission or the Government to make more vishble


public statements to make it clear that even if someone is offdring you


a ballot paper and you're not eligible to vote and you know you're


not, you're committing an offence. It's as simple as that. I al not


asking polling officers to discriminate at the point of the


vote. I am simply asking people to make it clear, so there is lore


public awareness of who is dligible to vote and who is not. The point -


this is not a new issue bec`use there is a different - a different


register in effect for the Scottish Parliament elections and thd local


Government elections than for the UK general election. In Scotland we had


an election in the Scottish Parliament recently a year `fter -


at Westminster. This was not an issue. It wasn't an issue where


there was a great deal of confusion, and I think perhaps that thd member


is making a mountain out of a mole hill over this. If the wrong people


are votingior, think I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. And I'm


sure he wouldn't want the wrong people to vote, so I am surprised he


doesn't want the public to have the information that they should have.


But to return to the - the latter that's actually before us, the we


need to be - you know, this is necessary. It has to be dond, but we


need to be absolutely clear - this should not have happened, and this


does reflect a lack of adaptation to individual registration, because


individual registration has enormously increased the prdssure on


systems to cope with this, `nd the Government was warned about the


consequences of rushing forward individual registration, however


desirable it was by the Eeldctoral Commission, by my predecessor


committee, and lack of foresight because the Government did `gree to


spend millions of pounds on promoting registration in the run-up


to this poll. Maybe they should have anticipated, but they certahnly


should have perhaps used cldarer publicity to make it clear that you


didn't have to reregister. Hf you're already on the register, yot don't


have to re-register. My honourable friend is absolutely right, the


honourable member from Whittering, as the Minister confirmed, ` very


great number of people have been registering to volt in this


referendum, when they're already on the register, perhaps as many as 75%


of those applying. I mean, this is one of the reasons why the system's


got clogged up because it h`sn't been clear to people that if they're


already on the register, thdy don't need to re-register. I think we need


to learn something from that. Let's be clear what the consequences of


this are. A requirement to change the law during a conduct of a poll


when the poll has effectively already opened for postal voters is


highly irregular. If we saw this happening in some fledgling


democracy in the former Sovhet Union or Africa, what would we as


observers say about the conduct of this poll? That is really unpleasant


precedent to be setting in our system which should be one of the


finest democracies in the world and the very fact that Ministers have


spent so much time talking to lawyers underlines the point that I


made yesterday that this is on the cusp of legality. We are on the edge


of what is acceptable. I don't for a moment believe that there whll be a


legitimate challenge against this, but the fact that we have to consult


lawyers in such detail and so carefully to get this right


underlines the pickle that we're in as a result of this lack of


foresight and lack of care. Finally, let me just say that this ptts more


pressure on electoral registration - electoral returning officers,


electoral Ministers, again, anecdotally - I have had it from one


authority - we are near bre`king point. This is - we've got record


numbers of postal votes and registrations and proxies in massive


national poll on which therd is so much hanging. The pressure hs on


them, and this adds to the pressure on them, and so perhaps we should


just be mindful of that, th`nk them for their incredible commitlent


which makes our democracy rtn so smoothly most of the time, wish them


well in their tasks and wish - and may I also give my best wishes to


the Eelectoral Commission, which I have criticised and other pdople


have criticised, but nevertheless, they are doing their best under very


difficult circumstances and there may be lessons to learn abott the


future of the Eelectoral Colmission and the future of the role of the


Cabinet Office and all of this when we do our inquest into this


referendum. Thank you, Mr Speaker. Now, I thought it was a unifying


point in this debate. We wanted to get the maximum number of pdople to


vote that were registered in this campaign but I think what I have


just heard from the honourable member from Herridge and North Essex


is the muddying of the waters we have had from the Leave campaign in


terms of some of the actual facts we're dealing with here. He throws


the figure out, which I accdpt there will be people who will havd


restredgeer theed again, who need to. He throws the fact of 74% out


with no evidence of where that comes from. You know, we need to deal with


facts in these cases. We now get to the situation whereby - we have seen


it in the press that we havd huge numbers of people not entitled to


volt who are EU citizens getting voting cards. If they're getting


voting cards, they're on those registrations - it will be `n


indication that thoir actually a EU citizen. When you go to the polling


station, on the electoral rdgister which they'll tick off against will


be an indication they're a DU citizen, therefore they won't be


able to vote. This is nonsense in terms of trying to muddy thd waters.


I don't give it any credit trying to rubbish this referendum even before


it starts and using the highly emotive language that's just been


used in terms of referring to this process that would be questhonable


in some type of undeveloped state I don't think is helpful at all. Can I


welcome what the Government has done because there's clearly been a


problem here in terms of thd upsurge of the referendum. We should


celebrate that that people `re wanting to make sure they h`ve their


vote in this very important, you know, this very important election,


which is not just going to , like a general election, build to be


changed in five years' time. This will guide the future of our nation


for many decades to come. Now, I do agree just in passing with the


member - first-time I think I have ever agreed with a Liberal Democrat,


the member for Carshalton, when he said we do actually have thd inquiry


afterwards. Part of the inqtiry we have to look at is whether the


increase in registration dods be able to reflect in the Boundary


Commission. I would like to also knock on the head the nonsense we


have heard about 17-year-olds voting. I have been election agent


and a candidate many elections, and I have never known an electhon yet


where there is not somebody on the register who shouldn't be. Ht


happens. It's human nature ht happens but if somebody is 07 and


give and poll card and turns up at the polling station they won't be


able to vote because their date of birth is next to their name. Let's


clear away this fog that has been created that somehow this process is


illegitimate. I don't want people getting ready for their exctses why


- the result post the 23rd of June. There are mechanisms in place that


have been long standing, Mr Speaker. Can I ask one specific question to


the administrator about postal applications. Quite clearly he said


in his opening statement thdy'll be extended until midnight. Will there


be any capacity for the loc`l council's return officer to try to


get those postal applications from the post office prior to midnight?


Because clearly, the last post to most will be during the day. What we


don't want to see is large numbers of postal applications sat there in


postal sorting office have they can actually be delivered to thd local


return officer, so all I'm suggesting - is there a mechanism


whereby council or the returning officer gets an agreement whth the


post office to actually get them later in the day, even if it was


5.00pm later on, at least they can bet the registrants - can I say


yes, this is an unfortunate situation in terms of what's


happened, but I think credit to the Government they have come forward


with a solution which will come back to that main point, Mr Speaker. What


I want to do is make sure the maximum are registered to vote, but


we have the highest turnout possible on June the 23rd. Mr Speaker, I


think it is worth pointing out in this debate that the reason we're


having this referendum at all is that the Conservatives won the


general election. And all the members opposite who are celebrating


this massive increase in registration - none of this would


have happened had they formdd the Government at the last election and


it just shows that it is actually the Conservative Party - well, the


honourable member for North Durham asked why. Because the Labotr Party


wouldn't have agreed to a rdferendum on our membership of the European


Union, and therefore we wouldn't have had two million plus extra


people registering on the rdgister, so we're now a healthier delocracy


because of the result of thd Conservative election victory than


ever if they had won the eldction. I have seen - seen some tenuots links,


Mr Speaker, in my time, but that's got to take the biscuit. Thd


honourable gentleman, the mdmber of Kettering, is a most aciduots member


of this House and also extrdmely particular about adherence to


conventions and scope. Therdfore I don't not encourage him to dilate


further upon the point he's just made. I know he's made it, but I


know he will now wish to focus upon the instrument and not beyond it. Mr


Philip Holobone. Thank you, Mr Speaker, for your wise counsel. I


would like to make the point that this instrument is amending the


Referendum Bill, which had `t the time what we all assumed was the


last possible date for registration, and so one of the concerning aspects


about this revised instrument is we're now being told that actually


it wasn't the last possible date for registration. Is it actuallx


possible to register two daxs after the Government had told us would be


the last possible date, and I am concerned that the Government


inadvertently misled the Hotse because, surely, to - surelx to


encourage more people to register, you would want to make it the last


possible date which is what we have actually now arrived at through this


instrument. I would encourage the Government when it comes to future


elections to make this last possible registration date what it rdally


means. Now, Mr Speaker, there is a concern here about postal votes


because as I understand it, the postal vote application deadline has


- is not being changed by this instrument, so we will have


instances where people have applied for a postal vote not actually being


on the register when they applied for that postal vote. These people


will then assume they're gohng to get a postal volt because they're


now registering today to be on the electoral register, and my


understanding is they won't qualify for a postal volt because you can't


apply for a postal vote unldss you are registered. Minister? I'm


terribly sorry - hopeful to intervene at this stage. Actually,


that's not accurate. I asked this question myself. I'm sorry. It's a


fine point. My honourable friend is asking a very serious questhon.


Actually, you don't have to be registered in order to make a postal


vote application, though obviously in order to get the postal volt and


exercise the postal vote, you do need to be registered, so those who


applied for a postal vote in time for the postal volt deadlind but who


now are able to register in time for the new registration deadline will


qualify for postal votes. Most grateful for that clarity, `nd that


we end up with the right result even if the wrong way around. I `m


concerned about student vothng. Now, and I hope the Minister can tell me


that I've got this wrong, and it's great that lots of young people are


signing up to take part in this referendum, and of course, lany


partis pants in this ballot are going to be very enthusiasthc on


both sides, and especially for first-time voters, they may not


appreciate this quite simpld point that many people understand, but


which in the enthusiasm of the election some people may get wrong,


that even if you're registered twice, you can't vote twice, and the


- serious point to make abott this is that if you vote twice, ly


understanding is, that's a criminal offence, and it's the policd who


then investigate. And I think it would be a great shame if in the


enthusiasm of this referendtm we end up afterwards with students being


investigated by the police because in their enthusiasm and in their


naivety, they have ended up voting twice.


It is trying to confuse the situation, saying somehow this will


create a problem. How could someone who is registered in Durham Road in


two places on the day? They cannot. The other thing -- vote in two


places. Also, when you walk into a ballot box, there is a long list of


roles including voting twicd. No one reads that, because the typd is so


small, and the letters is so big. And it looks like, which is what it


is, a lot of legalese about procedures. The right honourable


gentleman is an experienced politician, he knows about


democratic procedures. The serious point I am making, not from a leave


or remain standpoint, is th`t in this referendum we are doing to have


hundreds and thousands of fhrst time voters who have never voted before.


They do not understand registration, they realise they can register at


the last minute and have done so, and I want to avoid police


investigations afterwards, because students have made a silly listake.


He's obviously trying to get the headlines in tomorrow's Daily Mail.


But if anyone was unclear about the rules, they can always ask the


polling clerks, who are abld to explain to people the process of


voting. I am sure there will be no students in Durham will be `ffected


by potential anomaly. I'm not sure what he is saying about the quality


of the universities he knows, or how fast their battle buses are to get


them from one place to another, but will the member at least sax we


should be encouraging young people to get involved as a point of


principle? I am happy to sax that, I think it is great we are getting


loads of people signing up to be on the electoral register, espdcially


young people. Speaker-macro, in the instrument, it makes it cle`r there


will be a post-match analyshs. - Mr Speaker. And that the Electoral


Commission will have to do ` report on the conduct of the electhon. The


Electoral Commission will bd writing a report about what the Electoral


Commission has done in the dlection. That's fine, that is one pidce of


evidence, but there is nowhdre in the statute provision for another


investigation to be made. This is where we come to our right


honourable friend the Member for Harwich and North Essex, and I think


it would be very important for his committee, whatever the restlt in


the river -- referendum, to start an investigation into this matter and


the way in which this systel has been conducted. I understand there


are issues with the whole of the electoral arrangements, not just the


registration but the way thd election is being handled, because


of the scale of the challenge facing registration officers and those who


conduct these elections. So I would encourage my right honourable friend


and his committee to start that work as soon as possible after the


election. The Minister helpfully said there are 214,000 applhcations


to register in the hour before the crash. -- bowwow. I think I am right


in saying that the downtime for the crash was one and a quarter hours.


One and three quarters hours. So none of snow, but it would be


reasonable to assume somethhng like 400,000 possible registrants were


not able to register. -- none of us know. To make up for this, this


downtime, we are effectivelx extending the registration period


for two days. And I think it is important Her Majesty's Govdrnment


publishes the number of reghstrants in that two day period. So they are


stopping the registration clock as of midnight two days ago, and Babel


publish the numbers of applhcants for the two days preceding. -- -


they will publish. My latest information is that yesterd`y, the


first of the two days to whhch he is referring, there were 242,000


applications, so rather over half the number he is talking about


across the two days. It is great to have the latest information. I


close, Mr Speaker, on this point, but as usual the Government doesn't


seem to listen. Why don't wd have a simple system whereby every time a


member of the public is in contact with a Government agency of some


sort, whether it be a local authority or the benefits ddpartment


or whatever it is, they are asked the question by the Governmdnt - a


Government official, are yot on your local electoral register? This is


how you apply, we would encourage you to do so. I don't see why that


should be difficult for Govdrnment to organise that across Govdrnment


departments, and that would help minimise the scale of this sort of


problem in future. It seems that whatever you think of the problems


this country has with its relationship with Europe, wd


certainly have problems with disenfranchisement, with


disengagement, with disbelidf in the values of what we do in this place


and with politics in general. So I welcome the fact we have sedn huge


numbers of people registering in this process, and I welcome the fact


we have extended that process for two days. As the Member for


Carshalton and Warrington s`ys, it also demonstrates we could dxtend


the period for voter registration closer to the date of an eldction or


referendum, and that seems to be a very good president. For my money I


would also look seriously at 16 and 17-year-old voters, and indded


compulsory voters, but the serious point I would make on this one, you


are welcome to intervene... It is that actually if some of us who


favour in principle the ide` of online voting, this exercisd has


demonstrated quite how perilous that exercise -- that transition could


be. I thank him for giving way and agree with him on these isstes. I


would also agree on the point he is making which I think it is time for


the Government to initiate trials in relation to online voting. He read


my mind, Mr Speaker. And so while there are I think many of us across


this House who think that online voting is an inevitability, it is


absolutely crucial that in ` world where we cannot even get in some


parts of the country voting in person right in the 21st century, we


should be able to conduct sdnsible, small-scale trials of onlind voting


that bear in mind... We've done this already. In 2004 I think it was the


Labour Government did a tri`l on this, it was commended by the


Electoral Commission, it was his party and others that argued that


fraud could be endemic. That is the reason why it did not take `ny


further. I agree with the mdmber Makro, previous trials have taken


place, they are a good thing, but they did also demonstrates that the


system is imperfect. I don't think anyone looked at those trials 1


years ago and said that thex should be rolled out across the whole


country as they were, because I don't think they were as robust as


perhaps we would have liked them to be. But nonetheless, it rem`ins the


case that I think online voting is an inevitable part of the dhrection


in which we are all going, we should look carefully at what that means,


but we should bear in mind, from the experience of the last 24, 48 hours,


that if we get that wrong, we risk not only further undermining


people's faith in democracy itself, but we also risk putting ourselves


in the position where even fewer people can vote than they c`n at the


moment, which would be bad for all of us. So while I welcome m`ny of


the things we have seen over the last 48 hours, I would urge the


Government to seize the opportunity that it provides, both to extend the


registration deadline closer to the period of an election or a


referendum, and also to use it to demonstrate the real appetite for


people using the web to get involved in democracy, and to begin those


trials into online voting, so that we can, over however many ydars it


takes, get to a point where people can use the web to cast thehr vote


and increase turnout overall. The question is the motion on


referendums. As on the order paper. Vote-macro -- As many as ard of the


opinion, say "aye". To the contrary, "no". I think the ayes have it.


Point of order, Mr Alistair Carmichael. Can I ask if yot have


had any request or indication from a Government minister or law officer


as to the intention to come to the House today or at any time to make a


statement regarding the announcement by the Crown Prosecution Service


today that having considered the case of UK service -- Securhty


service personnel and possible involvement in the extraordhnary


rendition of two families to


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